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Since the emergence of territorially based states as the political organizing principal in Europe after
1468, the concept of the security for the past 400 years predominantly meant protection from organize
violence “ According to McNamara (1968), security includes the promotion of economic, political, and
social development in “poor nations” as:

A. A mean of preventing conflicts; and

B. Preserving a minimal measure of “global order “and stability.

Based on the 1992 UNDP Human which Development Report by Dr. Mahbub ul Haq, the new
approaches to security emphasize the critical interrelationship among the most daunting threats
to human survival. Security of all the people everywhere in their homes, in their jobs, in the
street, in their communities, and in the environment. Security is a national concern that every
Filipino must consider to ensure peaceful existence of the state. It shall be the states primordial
concern as well as to secure its constituent.
In view of the above information, it is of prime essence that in transforming the you into
responsible citizens that orientation on concepts and mechanism of national security be done to
effectively carry out the task of community development. Hence this module was formulated to
achieve the said purpose.

As stated, the goal of the national security strategy is to ensure the protection of our
nation's fundamental and enduring needs:
For the Philippines and the Filipino people, national security is defined as "a state or
condition wherein the people's welfare, well-being, ways of life; government and its
institutions; territorial integrity; sovereignty; and core values are enhanced and protected.

National security is anchored on three major pillars. The first pillar is safeguarding the Philippines
national unity, its democracy and its social institutions. The most foundation of national unity is that all
citizens share one national identity that is being Filipino regardless of their ethnic, religious, cultural and
ideological orientations.

The second pillar of national security is ensuring the security of the state and preserving and protecting
its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and institutions. This is clearly provided in the constitutions, to wit.

o Definition of national territory consistent with new international covenants. (Art. I)

o Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy. (Art. II sec. 2)
o Civilian supremacy over military. (Art. II sec. 3)
o Role of the armed forces as protector of the people and the state. (Art. II Sec. 3)
o Maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty and property, and the promotion
of the general welfare. (Art. II sec. 5)
o Pursuit of an independent foreign policy based on national sovereignty and national interest
(Art. II sec. 7)
o Right to self-determination. (Art. II sec. 7)
o Freedom from nuclear weapons. (Art. II sec. 8)
o Suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. (Art. III sec. 15)
o Concept of a citizen army. (Art. XVI sec. 4)

The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020

Provides for the State's policy to protection "life, liberty, and property from acts of
terrorism". The State is to uphold the basic rights and fundamental liberties of the people as
found in the Constitution.

The third pillar is the protection of properties, infrastructures and keeping the people safe from all
forms of threats, both here and to the extent possible, creating jobs in order to bring back home
overseas Filipino workers where their physical safety can be fully guaranteed by our government.

Public safety, law and order justice

Ensure public safety, maintain law and order, and defense social justice within the scope of the
constitutionally enshrined principles of democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights.

 Law enforcement -DOJ National Prosecution Service, Philippine National Police,

National Bureau of Investigation, Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Dangerous
Drugs Board, Bureau of Immigration.
 Court -a place where trials and other legal cases happen, or the people present in such a
place, especially the officials and those deciding if someone is guilty
 Prosecutor - is the principal representative of the state in all matters related to the
adjudication of criminal offenses he has a hand in virtually every decision made in the
legal course of every case that comes before the criminal courts.
 Penology- the study of the punishment of crime and of prison management.
 Community -


Definition of terms

1. Subversion- it is a group of conspiracy seeking to alter an existing system or government

through deceit and other unlawful means, or it is an act of individual or group who seek to alter
an existing system through deceitful means.
2. Communism- it is a theory which advocates elimination of private ownership. It tends to make
the society stateless and classless.
3. Agitation- It is subversive technique to arouse the hatred and anger among people.
4. Propaganda- It is a line of persuasion to influence the belief, emotion, behavior, attitude and
opinion of the target audience.
5. Infiltration- deception use of legal activities. This is used to exert influence and if possible, seize
control of the target groups.
6. Politics- It is an art or science concerning the winning and control over a government.


Aspect of human security

1. Safety from such chronic threat as hunger, disease and repression.

2. It means protection from sudden and hurtful disruptions in pattern in the patterns of daily
life- whether in homes, in jobs, or in communities. Such threats can exist at all of national
income and development.

Main categories of threats to human security

1. Economic security -Economic security or financial security is the condition of
having stable income or other resources to support a standard of living now and
in the foreseeable future.
2. Food security -is defined as meaning that all people, at all times, have physical,
social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their
food preferences and dietary needs for an active and healthy life.
3. Health security - health security is defined as the activities required, both
proactive and reactive, to minimize the danger and impact of acute public health.
4. Environmental security- examines threats posed by environmental events and
trends to individuals, communities or nations. It may focus on the impact of
human conflict and international relations on the environment, or on how
environmental problems cross state borders.
5. Personal security - means freedom from violence, the threat of violence,
harassment, hazing,abuse of supervisor's authority, verbal abuse and
6. Community security- is a process focused on promoting a community driven approach
to understanding and providing security. It has a clear focus on improving the
relationships between and behaviours of communities, authorities and institutions.
7. Political security -It was defined as the prevention of government repression,
systematic violation of human rights and threats from militarization. This
established an agenda that would protect people against states that continued to
practice political repression, systematic torture, ill treatment and disappearance.

Human Security and Human development

Human security, in broadest sense, embraces far more than the absence of violent
conflict. It encompasses human rights, good governance, access to education and
health care and ensuring that each individual has opportunities and choices to fulfill
his or her potential.

National Security and Human Security

Every step in this direction in also a step towards reducing poverty, achieving
economic growth and preventing conflict. Freedom from want, freedom from fear
and the freedom of future generations to inherit a healthy natural environment
these are the interrelated building blocks of human and therefore national security.

Human and ecological security

Human and ecological security is a change in paradigm and value. A change in the
concept of security from the military phenomena to poverty, ecological degradation
and rapid demographic change.


Our national security is in a state or situation in which our most valued principles
and ideals, our democratic way of life, our government structures and our
stability ,health and well-being as a country and as a people are consistently secured
and strengthened.

Manmade - disasters have an element of human intent, negligence, or error

involving a failure of a man-made system, as opposed to natural disasters resulting
from natural hazards. Such man-made disasters are crime, arson, civil disorder,
terrorism, war, biological/chemical threat , cyber-attacks, etc.

Natural Threats - These can best be thought of as threats caused by Mother Nature
—floods, quakes, tornadoes, temperature extremes, hurricanes, and storms are all
examples. Intentional Threats: Computer crimes are the best examples of
intentional threats, or when someone purposely damages property or information.

Fundamental Elements
There are seven fundamental elements that lie at the core of it, and therefore
further amplify our definition of national security. At the same time, they constitute
the most important challenges we face as a nation and people.

 Social- political stability – We must attain peace and harmony among all
Filipino, regardless of religion, ethnicity or social position. Under the rule of
law, parliamentary democracy and complete regard of human rights,
government and the people must participate in Nation- building.
 Territorial integrity- We must ensure the absolute inviolability and efficient
governance of our national territory by the government and the state. This
includes preserving the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of our country, and
protecting it from illegal incursions and the exploitation of resources.

 Economic solidarity and strength- We have to develop a free market

economy diligently through responsible entrepreneurship focused on social
conscience, respect for labor integrity and consideration for the public
interest. We have established an economic system where people take
control of their own lives, livelihood and economic destiny.

 Ecological balance- Dealing with industrial and agricultural development and population
growth, national stability depends on the effective protection of our natural
environment. Sustainable development needs to be supported alongside social justice.
Cultural cohesiveness- A shared set of values and beliefs established on strong moral
and ethical principles, drawn from our heritage and embodying a Filipino tradition,
drawn from our heritage and embodying a Filipino Identity that transcends religious,
ethnic and linguistic difference must define our lives as a nation.

 Moral- spiritual consensus- We must be driven by a national vision inspired and

manifested by patriotism, national pride, and the advancement of national goals in our
words and deeds.

 External peace- We must seek positive and cordial connections with all the nations and
people, even as our nation itself must set an independent path, free of external
influence and intervention or threat of aggression.


Our national security environment is infused with two important dimensions. Internal threats to our
National security make up the first dimension.

 The main internal threat comes from the Communist Party of the Philippines/ New People’s
Army / National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF) which continues to pose a serious threat to
national security, although presently weakened in comparison with their peak strength in the
1985-87 periods. However, despite the success of the AFP in most part of the country, these
terrorists have shown resiliency over the years and continued to launch inhumane acts in Bicol
Region and southern Mindanao Regions where they have established advanced and developed
fronts. There has been an incipient rise in terrorist operations in urban areas over the past two
years, and a minor upward rise in discrete acts of violence in the countryside. The Communist
rebellion in the country is spearheaded by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) which
functions as the “brains” that provides direction and leadership to movement; The New People’s
Army (NPA) which functions as the “sword” that provides the military force to protect the party
and defeat. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP); AND, the National Democratic Front
(NDF) that acts a “shield” to Parry the blows from the Government and protect the armed
struggle thru legal and parliamentary.

 The threat from the ABU SAYYAF GROUP (ASG), Which is having aliases of “Al- Hakarat “,”Al-
Islamiyyah”, Bearer of the Sword “,” Father of the swordsman “.

They Are formed in 1991 during the peace process between the Philippine Government and the
Nationalist/ Separatist Group, the Moro National liberation front (MNLF). Angered by the
movement towards a peaceful resolution, certain MNLF members formed Abu sayyaf. They are
a small band of highly of highly mobile militants with alleged links to foreign networks such as
Islamic state of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other foreign terrorist.

 Organized crime- is a national security concern. In particular, the issue of illegal drugs has
become a major threat to the National community over the nationwide with 42,979 barangays;
approximately 12 percent are affected in varying degrees.

 Grave incidence of poverty- is also a serious threat to national security, especially to the extent
that it breeds and abets rebellion, crime and dissidence. Around one third of Filipino families
Nationwide are affected by the incidence of poverty. Consequently, income distribution in favor
of a privileged minority has been distorted.

 Economic sabotage- undermines the market economy, the financial system and the nation’s
resources. Within this group, illegal activities such as counterfeiting, money laundering, large-
scale smuggling, ocean fishing, and commercial dumping are include. This is accomplished with
vigilant economic intelligence and strict enforcement of maritime and commercial laws.

 Graft and corruption- has become another threat to our national security by virtue of the huge
scale by which it saps public resources, undermines the moral of the civil service and affects the
delivery of quality basic services. Investment has also become a disincentive. In line with the
dictum that ant peso looted from public funds is a peso withheld from the1 uplifting of the

 Severe calamities – cause serious food shortages, abet hoarding profiteering and cause hunger,
disease and deprivation. The disaster toll has stood at more than 13,000 lives lost over the past
ten years and properties worth P179 billion damaged. The National disaster coordinating center
(NDCC) ensures that government and private manpower and resources are centered, organized
and consistently applied to disaster prevention and community recovery and restoration
 Persistent environment degradation- poses a long- term security threat. The degradation of
forests and watersheds, air-land-water contamination and the accumulation of hazardous
pollutants are causing disease, mortality and declining national prosperity and well- being.
Environmental conservation has taken on high importance in areas of security and law
enforcement, and is an organization area of concern in the education system.

The growing uncertainties that lie in the regional and global milieu make up the second
dimension of our national security environment, even as threat of external aggression against
our country remains in the remote horizon.

 The Multilateral dispute over the Spratly Islands is a source of frequent tensions, owing
to the development of systems that some claimant countries in the region consider to
be military- oriented. It is a direct violation of the Philippine EEZ that is being addressed
through a comprehensive package of diplomatic measures.

 The smuggling of forearms and contraband, illegal migration and the occasional
movement of foreign terrorist through the porous borders of our southwestern
frontier have elicited transnational concern. Philippine law enforcement agencies are
collaborating closely, bilateral and multilaterally, with foreign police organizations to
track these activities.

 The lingering effects of the currency crisis affecting countries within the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) are a cause of regional anxieties, which tend to
intensify political instabilities and socio- economic dislocations involving the poorest

 The serious economic disparity between rich and poor nations In many cases keeps the
world in a State of crisis and literally on the verge of war. Tensions are already causing
local or regional shortages of fresh water, arable land, food, fisheries and electricity.

 Conflicts of Ethnic, Religious and cultural origin pervade many regions and nations,
including ours. Extreme poverty, inadequate access to education, denial of human
rights, a lack of national integration and foreign problems are continuously exacerbating

 The proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) is a threat to global

security .nowadays, nuclear materials and technologies are more obtainable than at any
time in history. The relative ease of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons
development has made them desirable to terrorists.

 Transnational organized crime – has proliferated in the era of globalization. The

international monetary fund reports that two percent of the world economy now
accounts for global drug trafficking, excluding illicit capital flight and money laundering
activity. There are connections between drug trafficking, terrorism, illegal alien
smuggling, significant financial and bank fraud, arms smuggling and political corruption.

 Natural disaster and environmental issues will continue to pervade the global security
agenda, global human activities – especially population growth ,resource usage,
pollution, urbanization, industrialization, desertification, and deforestation will
increasingly change climate and weather patterns, strain fragile, ecosystems, and bring
more pressure on health and social assistance systems.

 Cybernetic crime - is an expanding worldwide threat, as demonstrated with computer

viruses such as Melissa and Chernobyl, which have threatened isolated or networked
information systems over the internet or through software carriers and apps. Many of
our Governments crucial decision making processes are now electronically based and
therefore vulnerable to this danger.

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