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ETHICS for Tourism

‘‘UNWTO is guided by the belief that tourism can
make a meaningful contribution to people’s lives and
our planet. This conviction is at the very heart of the
Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. A roadmap to
tourism development. I call on all to read, circulate
and adopt the Code for the benefit of tourists, tour
operators, host communities and their environments
Taleb Rifai, UNWTO Secretary
‘‘The members of the World Tourism Ogranization belive
that the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is needed to help
minimize the negative impacts of tourism on the
environment and on cultural heritage while maximizing the
benefits for residents of tourism destinations. The Global
Code of Ethics for Tourism is intended to be a living
document. Read it. Circulate it widely. Participate in its
implemantation. Only with your cooperation can we
safeguard the future of the tourism industry and expand
sector’s contribution to economic prosperity, peace and
understanding among all the nations of the World. ‘‘
Francesco Frangialli, former UNWTO
Secretary General
• Adopted in 1999 by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization
and acknowlegded by the United Nations in 2001.

• It is not legally binding.

• The Code features a voluntary implementation mechanism through its

recognition of the role of the World Committee on Tourism Ethics
(WCTE), to which stakeholders may refer matters concerning the application
and interpretation of the document.

A fundamental frame of reference for

responsible and sustainable tourism,
the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism is
a comprehensive set of principles
designed to guide key-players in
tourism development.
Key players

National, regional and local administrations

Business associations
Workers in the sector
Non-governmental oranizations
Host communities
The media
Its aim:

• The aim of the Code of Ethics is to guide tourism

development and to serve as a frame of reference for the
different stakeholders in the tourism sector, with the
objective of minimizing the negative impacts of tourism
on the natural environment, cultural heritage and local
communities while maximizing the benefits of tourism in
promoting sustainable development, including by
alleviating poverty.
Its Objectives are:
To develop tourism with a view to contributing to:

Environmental protection
Economic develpoment
International understanding
Universal respect for, and observance of human rights and
fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex,
language and religion
The protection of cultural heritage and societies.
10 Principles of the Code

• The
Code comprises of the principles (9 Articles) and a
mechanism for their implementation (Article 10).

• The nine principles set forth in the Code provide clear

guidelines and recommendations that are both policy-
driven and action-oriented for all tourism stakeholders,
while the tenth article is monitored and administered by
the World Committee on Tourism Ethics.
Article 1

• Mutual understanding, tolerance and respect between host and

guest, as well as safety of the tourist and the host.

• Guests should respect local laws and practices and customs.

• Hosts should respect tourists and find out about their lifestyles,
tastes, expectations and provide protection for their safety.
Article 2

• Respect for all and promotion of human rights of the most

valnerable groups (such as children, elderly, disabled,
ethnic minorities and indigenous people).
Article 3

• Safeguarding of the natural environment (water, energy,

endangered species and avoiding waste products) and
natural heritage.
Article 4

• Respect and protection of the cultural heritage (museums,

archaeological and historical sites etc.) and traditional
cultural products, crafts etc.
Article 5

• The local population should be involved in tourism

activities and share equitably in the economic, social and
cultural benefits they generate (such as jobs, increased
standards of living)
• They should be informed about foreseeable repercussions.
• Focus on sustainability and the needs of the host.
Article 6

• Tourism providers are obligated to provide tourists with

objective and honest information about destinations,
hospitality etc.
• Tourism providers are obligated to provide tourists with
safety, security and health protection.
• Tourists and the media have an obligation not to report
things in an unjustified and exaggerated manner.
Article 7

• The universal right to tourism should be equally open to all

the world’s inhabitants.
• Tourismfor families, youth and students, seniour tourism
and disabled tourism should be encouraged and facilitated.
Article 8

• Right to movement without excessive formalities and

• Access of tourist to all forms of communication, access to
local administrative, legal and health services.
Article 9

• Deals with the rights of the workers and entrepreneurs:

• Rightto training, social protection, job security and rights for

seasonal workers.
• Easy access to the tourism industry for entrepreneurs and investors.
• Facilitation of movement for exchange of experiences offered to
executives and workers from different countries.
• Multinational enterprises should not exploit their dominant positions.
Instead, they should get involved in local development and share
their profits.
• Partnerships between enterprises and receiving countries should
result in sustainable development of tourism and an equitable
distribution of benefits.
Article 10
• Public and private stakeholders should co-operate in the
implementation of these principles and monitor their
effective applications.

• Stakeholders reconignize the role of international

institutions such as WTO and non-governmental

• Any disputes concerning the application or interpretation of

the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism should be referred to
theWorld Committee on Tourism Ethics.

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