2010 - 2011 Compliance Checklist Questions

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2010-2011 Compliance Checklist Questions

New to Checklist for FY 2011 CL01 CL02 Are time and effort reports for staff who are split-funded with Title I ARRA TA or Title I Stimulus funds properly certified in Galaxy? (Conceptual Consolidated Schools are exempt) Are collaborative team teaching positions funded with IDEA ARRA CTT, TL 09 C4E CTT and TL 09 C4E CTT HS correctly labeled in Galaxy as CTT-Special Ed. Teacher or CTT-General Ed. Teacher? Did your school set aside and properly label in the pre-selected program field the NCLB funds for parent involvement one CL03 percent (1%)(required for SWP, TA, and ARRA funding), tuition reimbursement/highly qualified five percent (5%) and professional development ten percent (10%) (required for SWP and TA funding), as required? New New New New CL04 CL05 CL06 CL07 CL08 CL09 New New CL10 CL11 CL12 CL13 Did your school certify and electronically sign the free and reduced lunch eligible count in ATS by January 14, 2011? (Scanning, USM and District 75 Schools are exempt) Did you and your assistant principal(s) receive the mandatory 2010-2011 online discrimination training from the Office of Equal Opportunity by July 15, 2011? Did your school enter tenure recommendations into the Tenure Notification System (TNS) for all required teachers in accordance with the TNS Deadline Schedule? Did your school distribute and collect the Medicaid reimbursement parental consent form for all required students? Did your school certify monthly Procurement Card (P-Card) expensesin FAMIS Portal, within two weeks of receipt of the PCard bank statement? Were all out of town travel requests from school staff entered for approval into TRAC at least one business day prior to the "out of town" travel date? Did your school enter the May and/or June reconciled balance into the on-line banking survey by June 30, 2011? Did your school match and combine all sections of only CTT/SE students with their General Education matched section into STARS (Elementary Schools are exempt)? Did your school complete the online 2010-2011 Annual Arts Education Survey? Was the required educational time and art discipline for students in the arts, including: dance, music, theater and visual arts allocated for students? (For high schools and middle school grades 7 and 8 , the arts courses taken by students must be properly coded into STARS (formally HSST). CL14 CL15 CL16 CL17 CL18 CL19 CL20 CL21 CL22 Did your school enter a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of its students N.Y.C. FITNESSGRAM scores into the N.Y.C. FITNESSGRAM database by April 8, 2011? Did your school enter the Extended Day Indicators for all yellow bus students into ATS by October 1, 2010? Did your school submit its session times on the online School Session Time Application by May 27, 2011? Did your school remove all summer school "P" (Promotion in Doubt) indicators from students' ATS records for school bus routing purposes by June 15, 2011? Did your school complete special education reconciliation for all special education students routed for door-to-door transportation by June 28, 2011? Were DOE custodian ratings submitted during the period of June 15 June 30, 2011? Did you submit a Recycling Plan in accordance with Chancellors Regulation A-850 and Local Law 19 to the Division of School Facilities (DSF) by November 12, 2010? Did your school enter the corresponding meal code (free, reduced price, or paid) into ATS? (Scanning, USM and District 75 Schools are exempt) Does your school collect the total amount due for all reduced and full price lunches served and submit these monies weekly to the Office of School Food? Did your school conduct monthly safety committee meetings, at least one of which was open to the public, and enter all pertinent information into the Office of School and Youth Development (OSYD) Portal for every meeting? Did your school conduct and enter into the OSYD portal the required 12 fire drills (8 of which had to be held by 11/30/10) by June 30, 2011? Did your school complete all attendance investigations within ten (10) days of the issuance of Form 407 (Attendance FollowUp and Outreach Referral) for students in grades K through 8 and enter that information into ATS? School Wellness Pupil Transportation Pupil Transportation Pupil Transportation Pupil Transportation School Facilities School Facilities School Food School Food Arts Education Budget Equal Opportunity Human Resources Capital Budget and Financial Planning Finance Finance Finance Finance and Technology Arts Education Budget Budget Budget QID 2010-2011 Checklist Questions Area


School Safety


School Safety


Student Attendance

CL - Checklist * - Date subject to change

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2010-2011 Compliance Checklist Questions

New to Checklist for FY 2011 New CL26 CL27 New CL28 CL29 CL30 New CL31 Did your school verify all Code Eleven (11) discharges out of New York City with the appropriate documentation within twenty (20) days of entering the discharges into ATS? Did your school sign-off on the electronic Period Attendance Report (PAR) for the previous month by the 15th of the following month? In the event your school required change(s) to the School Year Calendar did you submit a request and receive prior approval for the change(s)? Did your school complete and enter into the Online Occurrence Reporting System (OORS) reports of suspected child abuse within twenty-four (24) hours following notification to the State Central Register (SCR)? Did your school enter all school-related crimes or incidents into OORS within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence of the incident? Did your school enter all required data for each Principals Suspension into the Suspensions and Office of Hearing Online (SOHO)? Did your school conduct a Manifestation Determination Review (MDR) for every student with a disability who, due to a New CL32 Teachers Removal or Principals Suspension, was removed from his/her program for more than ten (10) days within a forty (40) day period? Did your school enter the appropriate housing code for all students into ATS (including newly enrolled students, students CL33 who change addresses during the school year and continuing students) and have you reviewed and signed off on the Housing Status Review Screen in ATS by June 20, 2011? CL34 CL35 CL36 CL37 CL38 CL39 CL40 Did your school enter into ATS the required immunization data to attain the mandated rate of ninety-eight and one half percent (98.5%) by June 30, 2011? Did your school enter Tuberculin (TB) screening data into ATS for all first time, newly admitted DOE students? (Applies only to secondary schools, grades 7-12) Did your school conduct and enter into ATS the vision screening results for all required students? Did your school complete the 2010-2011 "School Health Survey" for each required grade by December 23, 2010? Does your school have on staff a minimum of one (1) trained responder with a valid AED/CPR certification? Did your school submit your finalized 2010-2011 Comprehensive Educational Plan (CEP), including your Language Allocation Policy and Title I Parent Involvement Policy (if applicable) by February 4, 2011? Did your school complete the Bilingual Education Student Information Survey (BESIS) by June 21, 2011? Did all ELL students at your school receive mandated services (required minutes of instruction in Transitional Bilingual CL41 Education/Dual Language/English as a Second Language) pursuant to Commissioner's Regulations, Part 154 and the Language Allocation Policy (LAP)? Did all ELL instruction in your school meet the following requirements: (a) students received their mandated units of English New CL42 as a Second Language (ESL) instruction from certified ESL teachers, and (b) where the students are in a bilingual or dual language program, did they also receive instruction from certified bilingual teachers? New CL43 CL44 CL45 CL46 CL47 CL48 CL49 CL50 Did your ESL providers record service start dates for students with disabilities who are attending CTT or Special Education classes and are recommended for ESL or Alternate Placement? Did your school administer the Language Assessment Battery-Revised (LAB-R) to all first time, newly admitted DOE students whose home language is not English within ten (10) days from the first day of attendance? Did your school administer the NYSESLAT to all students classified as English Language Learners (ELL)? Did your Individualized Education Program (IEP) teams make recommendations, to the extent appropriate, for services in the least restrictive environment, including maintaining the student in his or her current school? Did your school conduct initial evaluations within sixty (60) calendar days of the receipt of parental consent? Did your school conduct re-evaluations within sixty (60) calendar days of the receipt of referral? Did your school conduct timely annual reviews of special education students? Did your school provide IEP mandated related and support services and/or SETSS and record service start dates for Related/Support services and first-attend dates for SETSS in a timely manner using the computerized tracking system? ELL ELL ELL Special Education Special Education Special Education Special Education Special Education ELL ELL Students in Temporary Housing Health Health Health Health Health Portfolio Planning ELL Student Discipline Student Attendance Student Attendance Student Attendance Student Safety Student Safety Student Discipline QID 2010-2011 Checklist Questions Area

CL - Checklist * - Date subject to change

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