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Biology H

Animal Diversity Take-Home Test

Review Questions

For each of the next 3 questions (1 to 3), select the one organism that is least closely related to the other

1. A. seal B. bear C. penguin D. beaver

2. A. frog B. snake C. lizard D. alligator

3. A. robin B. bat C. sparrow D. chickadee

For each of the next three questions (4 to 6), choose which term includes the other three:

4. A. fish B. vertebrates C. amphibians D. animals

5. A. arthropods B. insects C. crustaceans D. millipedes

6. A. genus B. order C. phylum D. species

7. Which of the flowing groups of organisms are most closely related?

A. Lobster – grasshopper C. shrimp – tuna
B. Clam – crayfish D. tuna – squid

8. Which of the following groups of organisms are most closely related?

A. Snake – lizard C. lizard – salamander
B. Frog – snake D. fish – salamander

9. Which of the following groups of organisms are most closely related?

A. sponge – coral C. jellyfish – squid
B. coral – jellyfish D. clam – sponge

10. You find an animal that has the following characteristics: a backbone, scaly legs and claws, warm-
blooded, and lays eggs. How would you classify this animal?
A. Reptile B. amphibian C. fish D. mammal E. bird

11. You find an animal that has the following characteristics: has no real form, lots of pores, nonmotile,
and a tough outer covering. How would you classify this animal?
A. Echinoderm B. coelenterate C. sponge D. coral E. mollusk

12. You find an animal that has the following characteristics: soft – bodied, hard outer covering, aquatic,
contains all body systems. How would you classify this animal?
A. Echinoderm B. coelenterate C. sponge D. coral E. mollusk

13. Which of the following is a true statement?

A. All chordates are vertebrates C. all vertebrates are chordates
B. All vertebrates are mammals D. all animals are vertebrates

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test
14. You find an animal that has the following characteristics: jointed appendages, segmented, and an
exoskeleton. How would you classify this animal?
A. Annelida B. coelenterate C. mollusk D. arthropod E. echinoderm

15. You find an animal that has the following characteristics: soft – bodied, motile and nonmotile at
different times of its life cycle, and contains stinging cells. How would you classify this animal?
A. Annelida B. coelenterate C. mollusk D. arthropod E. echinoderm

16. Which of the following 3 phyla contains types of worms? (mark 3 letters on Scantron)
A. Nematoda B. Annelida C. Mollusca D. Arthropoda E. Platyhelminthes

17. You find an animal that has the following characteristics: it has gills at some stage of its life,
undergoes metamorphosis, is cold-blooded, and lives in moist habitats. How would you classify this
A. Amphibian B. annelid C. fish D. reptile E. coelenterate

Refer to the following table to answer questions 18-20:

Animal I Animal II Animal II Animal IV Animal V_____

Hair feathers smooth skin scaly skin scaly skin

Backbone shelled egg backbone shelled egg gills
Placenta claws nonshelled eggs claws aquatic

18. Animals I-IV all belong to the phylum of animals called

A. Reptiles B. birds C. chordates D. mammals

19. To which class does the animal in IV belong?

A. Mammals B. birds C. amphibians D. reptiles

20. To what phylum does animal V belong?

A. Molluska B. Annelida C. Echinodermata D. Chordata

True or False (A = true, B = false)

21. Most animals are mammals.

22. All animals are multicellular.

23. All animals contain organ systems.

24. All animals can move from one place to another.

25. Some animals can undergo sexual and asexual reproduction.

26. Some animals are parasitic.

27. All animals contain nerve cells.

28. Spiders and ticks are in the class Insecta.

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test
29. Not including the invertebrate chordates, the echinoderms are the closest invertebrate relatives of

30. Annelids and arthropods are both segmented.

31. Which of one of the following is not a characteristic of the coelenterates (cnidarians)?
A. Flame-cell excretory system C. digestive tract with one opening
B. Nerve net D. nematocysts
E. tissue level of development

32. Which one of the following has a planula larva?

A. Echinoderms B. mollusca C. arthropods D. cnidarians

33. Which of the following arthropod characteristics was probably the most important adaptation for the
land environment?
A. Circulatory system C. complete digestive tract
B. Segmentation D. exoskeleton

34. Sponges differ from the rest of the Animalia because

A. They are completely sessile
B. They have radial symmetry and are filter feeders
C. Their simple body structure has no tissues or organs
D. They contain a primitive nerve net

Matching: Which of the classifications listed below apply to each of the following (some answers may be
used more than once)?

35. Scallop A. Porifera

36. Earthworm B. Bivalve
37. Jellyfish C. Echinoderm
38. Sponge D. Cnidarian
39. Snail E. Flatworm
40. Hydra A.B. Annelid
41. Octopus A.C. Gastropod
42. Starfish A.D. Cephalopod
43. Planarian
44. Coral

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test
Matching: Which of the groups listed below possess the following characteristics?
(only numbers 50 and 53 have more than one answer – fill in all answers for these 2 questions)

45. Malphigian tubules A. Annelids

46. Flame cells B. Cnidarians
47. Radula C. Echinoderms (adult form)
48. Tracheal system D. Mollusks
49. Osculum E. Flatworms
50. Nephridia A.B. Sponges
51. Proglottids A.C. Roundworms
52. Nematocysts A.D. Arthropods
53. Radial Symmetry
54. Spicules
55. Mantle
56. Polyps and medusa
57. Water vascular system

58. Most animals are

A. Invertebrates B. cnidarians C. vertebrates D. mollusks

59. In cnidarians, usually

A. The polyp is free-swimming C. the medusa is free-swimming
B. The medusa is sessile D. both polyp and medusa are sessile

60. Which of the following does not have bilateral symmetry?

A. Snail B. planaria C. coral D. nematode

61. The front region of a bilaterally symmetrical animal (ex. Belly of a cat) is called
A. Dorsal B. anterior C. ventral D. posterior

62. Hermaphrodites produce

A. Either sperm or eggs C. both sperm and eggs
B. Only sperm D. only eggs

63. Mollusks are most closely related to

A. Roundworms B. coelenterates C. annelids D. flatworms

64. Which of the following is not a mollusk?

A. Slug B. crab C. squid D. oyster

65. Segmentation first appeared in

A. Flatworms B. mollusks C. roundworms D. annelids

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test
True or False (A= true, B=False)

66. In vertebrates, the notochord is replaced by the spinal cord (nerve cord).
67. Reptiles exchange gases at the lungs and through the skin.
68. Arthropods are more closely related to annelids than to echinoderms.
69. Water enters sponges though the osculum.
70. Cnidarians have a nerve network but no brain.
71. Flatworms have a complete (one-way) digestive system.
72. Compared to planarians, nematodes are more complex animals.
73. The radula is a characteristic of many bivalves.
74. Annelids have specialized excretory structures.

75. Mineral plates embedded in skin are a characteristic of

A. Chordates B. arthropods C. vertebrates D. echinoderms

76. Birds
A. Are endotherms C. have heavy, solid bones
B. Have some traits of reptiles D. both A and B are correct

77. Mammals that complete development in a pouch on the mother’s abdomen are called
A. Monotremes B. placentals C. marsupials D. none of these

78. An insect’s wings and legs arise from its

A. Head B. cephalothorax C. abdomen D. thorax

79. In which of the following animals is the embryo not protected by amniotic fluid?
A. Robin B. alligator C. bullfrog D. human being E. lion

80. Which one of the following is not typical of insects?

A. Body divided into a head, thorax, and abdomen
B. Compound eyes
C. One pair of antennae
D. four pairs of legs

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test
Match each item with the one best answer. Each answer may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
(Questions 81-86)

A. Agnatha A.C. Tunicata

B. Amphibia A.D. Mammalia
C. Aves A.E. Osteichthyes
D. Chondrichthyes B.C. Reptilia
E. Echinodermata
81. Feathers a characteristic.
82. Jawless fish with cartilaginous skeletons and scaleless skin.
83. Saclike marine forms whose larval stage has well-developed notochord and pharyngeal slits.
84. Characterized by body hair.
85. Possesses many tube feet.
86. Marine animals with jaws and cartilaginous skeleton; believed to have evolved from ancient jawed
87. At some stage of development, all animals in the phylum Chordata
A. Have a notochord C. have pharyngeal slits
B. Have a backbone D. all of the above
E. A and C

88. Amphibians are not completely free to live on dry land because
A. Their ancestors were apparently fishes
B. Their food organisms live in the water
C. Their reproduction depends on water
D. They escape from predators by leaping into the water
E. The adult forms obtain oxygen from water through gills

89. A structure found only in mammals is the

A. Amnion C. four-chambered heart
B. Bony skeleton D. mammary gland
E. tooth

90. The type of mammal that lays shelled eggs is a

A. Placental mammal B. monotreme C. marsupial

91. In most modern mammals, the young go through a period of development connected with the mother
through the
A. Cloaca B. egg C. mammary glands D. marsupium E. placenta

92. The amniote egg first evolved in which of the following groups?
A. Fish C. reptiles
B. Birds D. amphibians
E. egg-laying mammals (monotremes)

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test
Animal Diversity and Classification

Short Answers

1. List 2 phyla of animals that undergo molting:

____________________________________ _____________________________________

2. List 2 adaptations that make reptiles well adapted for life on land:

3. List 2 classes of vertebrates that lay non-shelled eggs:

___________________________________ _______________________________________

4. What 3 characteristics do all chordates have in common?

(1) ___________________________________________________________________________

5. List a reason why most amphibians are “chained” to the water:


6. Classification of organisms is intended to reflect their evolution as well as their relatedness. One
theory of evolutionary development of the vertebrates can be shown as:

Fish Amphibians Reptiles

What were the adaptations that improved the ability of each of the following groups to survive on
(a) Amphibians_________________________________________________________________
(b) Reptiles____________________________________________________________________
(c) Birds______________________________________________________________________
(d) Mammals___________________________________________________________________

Animal Diversity Take- Home Test

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