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A.A. Berces St., Baranghawon, Tabaco City

Albay Philippines 4511
Tel. No. (052) 487 – 4455

Mid-Term Examination in MC 18
(Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan)

Name: __________________________________________________ Date: ______________________Score: _________

I. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False is the statement is incorrect.
__________1. There is such thing as 100% guarantee of success in business.
__________2. Most of the established business entities out there have only one thing in common and that is the human
__________3. One must also remember that being in the business does not involve a lot of risks.
__________4. The availability of resources in a particular area can also suggest business opportunities.
__________5. You should not stop making improvements and should be innovative to produce diverse kinds of products
with the use of these raw materials.
II. Matching Type. Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.

_____11. Selling a. establishing goodwill with the costumers
_____ 12. Good relations b. Web address of your business
_____ 13. Name tags c. an innovative way of selling
_____ 14. Price tag d. identifies the product
_____ 15. Package e. tells costumer
_____ 16. Inventory of Products f. encloses the product
_____ 17. Online g. tells costumer how much the product costs
_____ 18. domain name h. encloses the product to protect it
_____ 19. Sales i. amount earned from selling products/services
_____ 20. profit j. amount earned after deducting expenses

21-25) Why is selling online a good marketing strategy?


26-30) Differentiate products from services

II. LET’S REFLECT (10 points)

As a teacher, how can you help your pupils in creating their own products and services?


How can you teach your pupils in marketing the products?


Prepared by:

Jimmy Taller Jr. LPT

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