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Plurals, Nouns and subject Worksheet

1. The plural form of fish is_________________
2. The plural form of book is _________________
3. The plural form of half is _______________
4. The plural of knife is _______________
5. The plural form of chair is______________
6. The plural form of couch is _____________
7. The plural form of kiss is ______________
8. The plural form of man is _______________
9. The plural form of city is________________
2) Write the singular of the following. 
1. Trees___________
2. Flies ___________
3. Deer ___________
4. Ways ___________
5. Bodies __________
6. Stories __________
7. Gentlemen _________
8. Chimneys __________
9. Boys ___________
10.Mice __________

Underline the subject in the following sentences:
Circle the nouns
 The dog is honest
 An elephant has a trunk.

 Sophie is my favorite cow.

 The parrot is green.

 Cat drinks milk.

 Have you seen Gumercindo today?

 I visited New York this summer. It was amazing!

 Firulais is a great dog.

 The kids ate all the Oreos.

 Let’s get cupcakes for Maribel’s birthday party.

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