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Introduction to Cytogenetics

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What is Genetics ? What is Genetics ?

- Examples of genetic variation (within

Genetics is the study of heredity and variation
1. Domesticated species
Heredity – study of transmission of traits and
2. Human genetics
biological information between generations
3. Natural Populations
Variation - are simply differences in genetic
sequence - Genetic variation →Phenotypic variation

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Cultivated varieties Animal Breeds

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Human Genetic Variation


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What is Genetics ? Areas of Genetics

• Classical Genetics
Three (3) primary sources of genetic variation: – (based on Mendel's 1st and 2nd laws)

• Mutations
• Gene flow
• Sex

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Areas of Genetics Areas of Genetics

• Evolutionary Genetics
• Molecular Genetics – (based on the theory of Natural Selection
– (based on the Central Dogma of Molecular proposed by Darwin)

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A million million spermatozoa,

All of them alive:
Out of their cataclysm but one poor
Dare hope to survive.
And among that billion minus one
Might have chanced to be Shakespeare,
another Newton, a new Donne—
But the One was Me.

Aldous (Leonard) Huxley

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History of
Why Study History?
of “Those who cannot
remember the past
Genetics are condemned to repeat it”

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History of Genetics

• People have known about inheritance for a

long time.

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History of Genetics
• People have known about inheritance for a
long time.
--children resemble their parents
--domestication of animals and plants,
selective breeding for good characteristics
--Sumerian horse breeding records
--Egyptian data palm breeding
--Bible and hemophilia

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Old Ideas Older Ideas

Despite knowing about inheritance in general, a 3. Organisms develop by expressing information
number of incorrect ideas had to be generated and carried in their hereditary material. As opposed to
overcome before modern genetics could arise. “preformation”, the idea that in each sperm (or
egg) is a tiny, fully-formed human that merely
1. All life comes from other life. Living organisms grows in size.
are not spontaneously generated from non-
living material.
4. The environment can’t alter the hereditary
material in a directed fashion. There is no
2. Species concept: offspring arise only when two
members of the same species mate. Monstrous “inheritance of acquired characteristics”.
hybrids don’t exist. Mutations are random events.

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Older Ideas
Mid 1800’s Discoveries
5. Male and female parents contribute
equally to the offspring.
– ancient Greek idea: male plants a “seed” in
the female “garden”. Major events in the mid-1800’s led directly to the
development of modern genetics.

– alleged New Guinea belief: sex is not

related to reproduction.

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Mid 1800’s Discoveries Mid 1800’s Discoveries

❖1859: Charles Darwin ❖1866: Gregor Mendel

– published The Origin of Species, which – published Experiments

describes the theory of evolution by natural in Plant Hybridization,
selection. which lays out the basic
theory of genetics.
• This theory requires heredity to work.
• It is widely ignored until

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Mid 1800’s Discoveries Mid 1800’s Discoveries

❖1869: Friedrich Miescher ❖1871: The experiments of Ernst Haeckel proved
that the genetic material is indeed located in the
– isolated “nucleic acid” from pus cells. nucleus.

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Major Events in the 20th Century Major Events in the 20th Century
• 1900: rediscovery of Mendel’s work by Carl Correns, • Wilhelm Johannsen- coined “gene”
Hugo de Vries, and Erich von Tschermak.
• 1904: William Bateson discovered linkage between
• 1902: Archibald Garrod discovered that alkaptonuria, genes. Also coins the word “genetics”.
a human disease, has a genetic basis.

• 1903: Walter Sutton hypothesized that the behavior of

chromosomes during meiosis, thus leading to the
discovery that genes are located on chromosomes

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Major Events in the 20th Century Major Events in the 20th Century
• 1910: A year after, together with Reginald • 1910: Thomas Hunt Morgan
Punnett, Bateson discovered the science of proved that genes are located
genetic linkage. on the chromosomes
– They also coined the term “epistasis” to (using Drosophila).
describe the interaction between two different
• 1918: R. A. Fisher began the study of quantitative
genetics by partitioning phenotypic variance into a
genetic and an environmental component.

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More 20th Century Events More 20th Century Events

• 1926: Hermann J. Muller shows that X-rays • 1944: Oswald Avery, Colin MacLeod and
induce mutations. Maclyn McCarty showed that DNA can
transform bacteria, demonstrating that DNA is
the hereditary material.

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More 20th Century Events More 20th Century Events

• 1953: James Watson and Francis Crick
determine the structure of the DNA molecule,
which leads directly to knowledge of how it

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More 20th Century Events More 20th Century Events

• 1966: Marshall Nirenberg solves the genetic • 1970: Reverse transcriptase
code, showing that 3 DNA bases code for one – an enzyme found in retroviruses, was
amino acid. discovered and was used in cloning genes.

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More 20th Century Events More 20th Century Events

• 1972: Paul Berg =1st to created a recombinant

DNA molecule
• 1972: Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer
combine DNA from two different species in vitro,
then transform it into bacterial cells: first DNA

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More 20th Century Events More 20th Century Events

• 1977: Scientist Frederick Sanger • 1983: Kary Mullis
– introduced the process of sequencing the – invented the process called Polymerase
genome (set of genes of an organism) of a Chain Reaction (PCR).
bacteriophage. • In this technique, a segment of the DNA is
– Later, scientists have amplified until millions of copies are
done it in other organisms produced in just a short period of time
as well.
• 1990: The Human Genome Project was
– GOAL: To sequence and map the genome
(collections of all the genes) of man.

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More 20th Century Events More 20th Century Events

• 1996: Ian Wilmut and Keith Campbell
• 2003: Sequence of the entire human genome is
– They have successfully cloned Dolly the announced.
– Dolly was the first mammal to be cloned from
an adult cell.

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Timeline, People and Their

• Gregor Mendel (heredity)
• Thomas Hunt Morgan (flies, linkage) END OF LECTURE
• Frederick Griffith (1928: transformation and mice)
• Oswald Theodore Avery, Colin MacLeod and Maclyn
McCarty (1944: DNA as the transforming agent)
Thank you for listening!
• Erwin Chargaff (late 40’s-early 50’s: base pairing=AT CG)
• Alfred Hershey-Martha Chase (1952: DNA is not a protein) Next Lesson:
• Watson and Crick (1953: chemical structure of DNA) Nucleic Acids
• Meselson-Stahl (mid 1950’s: DNA Replication details)

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