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Singapore Economy 2030:

Seizing Opportunities,
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The Singapore Economy 2030 vision Charting the path towards
signals our ambition to develop new
engines of growth across various
economic sectors in the next decade.
A vibrant
The strategies will guide us in charting
the path towards a vibrant economy
‘‘ future economy
with exciting opportunities and good The Singapore Economy 2030 vision will guide us in charting
jobs for our enterprises and people. our next lap of economic growth. The four key pillars to fuel our
growth are Services, Manufacturing, Trade and Enterprises.
— Minister for Trade and Industry, Mr Gan Kim Yong

Charting the path towards
Page 3

Services & Manufacturing
Pages 4 & 5


ECONOMY 2030 MTI will empower Manufacturing MTI will embark Enterprise 2030
Trade & Enterprises our enterprises 2030 (M2030) on a Trade 2030 embodies our
Pages 6 & 7 to seize the aims to increase strategy to grow strategy to build
opportunities manufacturing our trading volume, and sustain a
in the Services value-add by 50% widen the types of vibrant ecosystem
sector, especially by 2030, and trading activities of Singapore
SUPPORT FOR BUSINESSES in the areas of for Singapore to in Singapore, and enterprises that
sustainability and become a global expand trade with are future-ready
Pages 8 & 9
digitalisation, business, innovation, more economies and possess deep
where the growth and talent hub around the world. capabilities to
potential is for Advanced By anchoring compete globally.
immense. Manufacturing. leading Global We will harness
INVEST IN OUR PEOPLE To grow the Traders in resources to nurture
Page 10 & 11 sector, MTI will Singapore, we a new generation
enhance efforts to can build a strong of Singapore
grow a vibrant core ecosystem of Global Enterprises,
of Singapore Global trading companies which are locally
ADVANCE OUR GREEN TRANSITION Manufacturers by to accelerate the grown and globally
Pages 12 & 13 deepening their growth of a strong competitive.
capabilities and core of locally- We will also step
expanding their grown Singapore up efforts to help
global reach. Global Traders. local SMEs capture
To help companies We aim to grow new opportunities,
A FAIRER AND MORE RESILIENT TAX attract talent, MTI our export value in four key
SYSTEM will launch the from S$805 billion in areas: capability
Pages 14 & 15 M2030 Careers 2020 to at least S$1 development,
Initiative to trillion by 2030, and internationalisation,
further drive the double our offshore digitalisation, and
development of trade value from innovation.
CENTRES OF ASSISTANCE & exciting career US$1 trillion to US$2
trillion in the same
Page 16
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Singapore Economy 2030:

Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises MANUFACTURING
Why is it important? Services sector 2030 STRATEGY
represents more than 70% of our
economy, and comprises sectors such What is it? Our vision for Singapore to
as finance & insurance, information and become a global business innovation and
communications, professional services,
and logistics.
talent hub for advanced manufacturing. M2030 CAREERS
DIGITAL We launched our Manufacturing 2030 INITIATIVE
Looking ahead, there are two major (M2030) vision in 2021, with the aim of
waves of opportunities – digitalisation and
sustainability – which can help to propel
ECONOMY increasing manufacturing value-add by Who is it for? Manufacturing companies
who are interested to attract, hire and
50% in 10 years. Last year, the sector grew
our next lap of growth. The Government Digitalisation has shaped the way very significantly by 13.2%, and received retain locals.
will support our enterprises to seize these we live, work and play, as well as the $8.5 billion in total Fixed Asset Investment,
opportunities. behaviours of consumers. We will creating over 6,000 jobs when these projects How does it help? The series of new
support our enterprises to digitalise are completed. measures under the M2030 Careers
and strengthen capabilities to capture Initiative supports companies to develop
new opportunities in the digital As part of efforts to grow the sector, MTI will attractive career options in manufacturing
economy through schemes such as: launch the M2030 Careers Initiative to further and make them more accessible for locals.
support companies to develop attractive This will strengthen the local manpower
4Digital Leaders Programme career options, especially for locals. pipeline and enhance resiliency in the
4Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service

As the world transits to a low-carbon (CTO-as-a-Service) The new measures are:

future, there are many exciting new 4Grow Digital l Manufacturing Employers’ Handbook:
opportunities in the green economy. For 4Productivity Solutions The handbook covers a range of best
instance, the increasing demand for green Grant (PSG) HR practices and resources to support
financing and carbon services will create companies in developing structured career
good jobs and new opportunities for progression pathways for their employees;
our enterprises. Enterprises which meet
consumers’ demand for more sustainable l Additional Quality Internships: Work
products and services will also capture with relevant Trade Associations and
market share early. We will support local Chambers to secure quality internship
enterprises through initiatives such as: opportunities for students from the
Institute of Technical Education; and
4Enterprise Sustainability Programme
(ESP) - To build capabilities and l Accelerated Pathways for
capture new opportunities Technicians & Assistant Engineers
in sustainability (Manufacturing) Grant: The
initiative supports selected
manufacturing companies
with progressive HR practices
to hire, train and offer
progression to ITE graduates
for technician and assistant
engineer roles.
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Singapore Economy 2030:

Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises

CONOMY 2030 We will achieve it by:

Accelerating the
growth of Singapore

TRADE ENTERPRISES Global Enterprises

We will invest more resources to
identify enterprises with strong growth
TRADE 2030 potential and global ambitions, and
STRATEGY nurture a new generation of Singapore
Global Enterprises, which are locally

What is it? Our strategy is to grow ENTERPRISE grown and globally competitive.

Singapore’s trading volume, widen

the types of trading activities
2030 STRATEGY We will do so through:
l Bespoke and enterprise-centric
that take place in Singapore, and assistance, tailored to enterprises’
expand trade with other parts of Enterprise 2030 embodies our
strategy to build and sustain a specific needs and individual growth
the world. ambitions
vibrant ecosystem of Singapore
enterprises that are future-ready l Harnessing resources across Whole-
We aim to grow our export value of-Government and our partners
from S$805 billion in 2020 to and possess deep capabilities to
compete globally. l Support in areas such as: developing
at least S$1 trillion by 2030, and global-ready talent, creating new
double our offshore trade value corporate ventures, facilitating
from US$1 trillion to US$2 trillion in mergers & acquisitions, and
the same period. enhancing access to financing

The strategy will enable Singapore

to capture more re-exports and We will achieve it by: Strengthening core
transhipment flows, to plug
Singapore more deeply into global l Growing a Strong Core of Singapore capabilities of local
supply chains and enhance our
status as a global trade hub.
Global Traders: Accelerate efforts to
grow locally-grown Singapore Global
Traders that command global scale and
We will also step up efforts to
are highly innovative
help local SMEs capture new
opportunities in four key areas:
l Attracting Leading Global Traders:
l Strengthening capability
Anchor more upstream, downstream
and innovation activities of Global
l Internationalisation
Traders to increase value capture for
l Digitalisation
Singapore. These Global Traders will
l Innovation
also serve as platforms to help other
Singapore companies to break into
overseas markets

l Building a Skillful and Knowledgeable

Workforce: Upgrade the workforce to
meet the needs of the Trade sector,
through initiatives such as the Jobs
Transformation Map and a Career
Conversion Programme for Wholesale
Trade Professionals
8 9

Singapore Economy 2030:

Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises STRENGTHEN

SUPPORT FOR l $600 million to scale up Productivity

BUSINESSES Solutions Grant (PSG) to support more than
100,000 PSG projects over next 4 years
l $500 million Jobs and Business Support Package
w New Small Business Recovery Grant l New Singapore Global Enterprises initiative
to provide bespoke assistance for local
4$1,000 payout per local employee (up to $10,000 enterprises with strong growth potential and
per firm) for small businesses in sectors most global ambitions
affected by COVID-19 restrictions
l New Singapore Global Executive
4$1,000 payout to local sole proprietors and Programme to attract more local young talent
partnerships in eligible sectors, and SFA-licensed to join Singapore global enterprises
hawkers, market, and coffeeshop stallholders, who l Aviation
do not hire local employees Support Package
to preserve core ENTERPRISE

w Extend Jobs Growth Incentive to Sep 2022 to

encourage hiring of workers who face greater
capabilities and
enhance status as FINANCING
difficulties in finding jobs an international
aviation hub
l Extend Temporary Bridging Loan Programme and l Enhance EFS – Merger & Acquisitions
Enterprise Financing Scheme (EFS) – Trade Loan to (M&A) to include domestic M&A activities
30 Sep 2022, with revised parameters from 1 Apr 2022 to 31 Mar 2026
l Extend enhanced EFS – Project Loan to l Maintain 70% risk-share under enhanced
31 Mar 2023 to support domestic construction projects EFS – Trade Loan beyond 30 Sep 2022 for
enterprises trading in nascent markets

l Additional $200 million for building digital capabilities

w Advanced Digital Solutions scheme expanded to

include solutions that leverage artificial intelligence
and cloud technologies starting 1 April 2022, to l Increase capacity
help enterprises improve operational efficiency and of centres that
business decisions engage in technology,
innovation, and
w Grow Digital scheme expanded to include more pre- enterprise activities
approved digital platforms starting 1 April 2022, so in Polytechnics
that more SMEs can build capabilities to reach new and ITEs over
markets more effectively, e.g. through AI-powered next 5 years
business matching, cross-border e-payment facilities

‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ ‘‘
KPMG in Singapore partner and head of infrastructure, government and President of The Federation of Merchants’ SAP Singapore managing director Eileen Chua:
healthcare Satya Ramamurthy: Associations Yeo Hiang Meng: Government support and Budget policies
Singapore is at the tail-end period of extended support measures and Budget 2022 is pragmatic and forward-looking, geared towards capability building,
the new support package is fundamentally about dealing with the last providing enhanced support for capability digitalisation, workforce upskilling and
period of soft demand. building, investment in human capital and experience management are crucial to enable
If you look at what the Budget is signaling overall, it is that growth building a Singapore talent core. businesses to build a competitive advantage
is returning, the economy is recovering, and we’re beginning to live But there will be significant impact on and pursue sustainable long-term growth.
with the pandemic – it’s no longer something holding us back. heartland businesses that are smaller.
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Singapore Economy 2030:
Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises
l Extend Progressive Wage Model
to retail, food services, and waste
management sectors; and to other
DEVELOP occupations, e.g. in-house cleaners,
NEW SKILLS administrators, and drivers

l SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit l Companies employing foreign

(SFEC) covers up to 90% of workers required to pay local
qualifying expenses, e.g. job employees at least the Local Qualifying
Salary, currently $1,400 per month

redesign, training courses

l Expand SFEC to additional l Co-fund wage increases of lower-

40,000 SMEs by waiving the Skills wage workers between 2022 to 2026
Development Levy contribution under the Progressive Wage Credit
requirement for the qualifying Scheme
period from 1 Jan to 31 Dec 2021
2022 - 2023
Wage Increase
SKILLS 2024 - 2025 30%
MATCHING 2026 15%
l $100 million to support
NTUC to scale up Company
Training Committees
and introduce new grant
to support companies’

transformation plans ADJUSTMENTS

WORKERS l Changes to Employment Pass
w Raise minimum qualifying salaries to $5,000;
l SGUnited Mid-Career $5,500 for financial services for new
Pathways Programme – applications from Sep 2022, and renewal
Company Attachment made applications from Sep 2023
permanent with full-time w Introduce Complementarity Assessment
attachments and training (COMPASS) framework for new applications
allowances from Sep 2023, and renewal applications from
Sep 2024
l New SkillsFuture Career
Transition Programme l Changes to S Pass
to provide high-quality, w Raise minimum qualifying salaries to $3,000;
industry-oriented training $3,500 for financial services
courses for jobseekers w For new applications from Sep 2022,
and renewal applications from Sep 2023
w Tier 1 levy progressively raised to $650 by 2025

‘‘ ‘‘
l Introduce Manpower for Strategic Economic
National University of Singapore business professor Lawrence Loh: NTUC secretary-general Ng Chee Meng: Priorities (M-SEP) scheme
Increasing the salary thresholds is good for ensuring the quality All of us in NTUC Singapore are encouraged by
of foreign talent but the added cost may also incentivise the support and commit to step up our efforts to l Changes to Work Permit policies for
companies to first look at locals to fill the gaps in its workforce. transform the workforce and chart the way forward construction and process sectors
This ensures that locals, such as fresh graduates, will also have a with companies. Helping our workers stay relevant w Lower Dependency Ratio Ceiling from
fair bite of the employment cherry. will go a long way in protecting their livelihoods 1:7 to 1:5 from 1 Jan 2024
and allow them to better cope with cost of living. w New levy framework from 1 Jan 2024
12 13
Chairman of
Singapore Economy 2030:
Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises SGTech, the trade
association for
Singapore’s tech
industry, Wong Wai

While we are
happy that the
Government has
considered the
immediate impact
NET ZERO of the carbon tax
on businesses
AMBITION and households,
for a complex
l Raise Singapore’s problem such as
ambition to achieve net this, we hope that
zero emissions by or the Government
around mid-century will engage
the industry in
regular dialogue
and reviews
so that we can
collectively tackle
any unintended
consequences that
might surface,
such as an indirect
impact on the rate
of digitalisation.
l Green growth opportunities
and jobs, e.g. green finance, carbon

l Increase public sector green bonds

CARBON TAX l Allow carbon tax-liable
issuance to $35 billion by 2030; publish l Carbon tax rate adjustments: businesses to use carbon
Singapore Green credits to offset up to 5% of
Bond Framework by 2022 taxable emissions from 2024
Year Rate (per tonne)
l Accelerate adoption of Electric Current $5 l Transition framework to
Vehicles by having more charging points help emissions-intensive,
near homes 2024 - 2025 $25 trade-exposed sectors
manage near-term impact on
2026 - 2027 $45 business competitiveness
By 2030 $50 to $80

‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘
Singapore Business Federation chief executive Lam Yi Young: Oliver Wyman head of consumer and industrials, OCBC Bank economist Howie Lee:
The carbon tax in a way helps to price in the cost of carbon emission South-east Asia, and energy, Asia-Pacific Abhi Bhuchar: This is a strong message of intent and
so that companies can make the decision with it properly priced in. The progressive increase in carbon tax will increase commitment towards our net-zero
Depending on what form the transition package comes in, the next Singapore’s attractiveness as an investment hub. goals. We now have a clearer net-zero
few years really are an opportunity for companies to review their The government has given certainty in an uncertain path and one of the highest carbon
operations to become more sustainable, and this will put them in a path to decarbonization, which will certainly attract taxes in Asia. Companies will do well
stronger stead for the future. capital. In addition, this will spur carbon market to heed to this change.
development and all the investments that go with it.
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Singapore Economy 2030:

Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises


l Explore a top-up tax called
the Minimum Effective Tax Rate
(METR) regime, in line with the

global minimum effective tax rate

under the Base Erosion and Profit
Shifting (BEPS) 2.0 Pillar 2

l IRAS will consult the industry on

the design of the METR

l Increase in top marginal tax rate
from Year of Assessment 2024:
l GST increase will be delayed to 2023
Portion of Tax Rate and staggered over two steps:
Income Time Period GST Rate
In excess of 23% From 1 Jan 2023 8%
$500,000 up to (up from 22%) From 1 Jan 2024 9%
$1 million
In excess of 24% l To cushion the impact of the GST
$1 million (up from 22%) increase:
Productivity Solutions Grant for
businesses to apply for subsidised
accounting and point of sale solutions

‘‘ ‘‘
Chairman of the Singapore Indian Chamber of Commerce Vice-president of the Association of Small and Medium
and Industry (SICCI) Dr T. Chandroo: Enterprises Ang Yuit:
Now, with the announcement of the GST increase pushed Generally, the SMEs were very relieved that the (GST)
to 2023, something SICCI has been asking for and increase would not be this year because it gives us
proposed in our wish list to the Finance Minister, SMEs can some time to deal with the current cost increases. It
concentrate on their road to recovery and play their part would have been an additional burden, an additional
in the nation’s economic development. worry, and it would be frustrating for businesses.

Singapore Economy 2030:

Seizing Opportunities, Energising Enterprises

Scan the QR code for more

information, or contact MTI at

Visit the GoBusiness portal
for more information
on available support for
enterprises. Apply for
grants or use the e-Adviser
to discover your eligibility
for Government schemes
by answering a few simple
questions. Chief Technology
Answer a few questions to conduct a
self-assessment of your company’s digital
readiness, identify digitalisation gaps,
and find digital solutions tailored to your
business needs. Eligible companies can
also seek digital advisory services and

SME Centres project management support from a

shared pool of digital consultants.

Our experienced Business

Advisors are here to support
you in growing your business,
through areas such as
overseas expansion, financing,
productivity, and HR. Book
a complimentary 1-on-1
consultation at an SME Centre
of your choice.
Centres of
The Centres of Innovation were set
up in partnership with Institutes
of Higher Learning and research
institutes to enhance SMEs’
technology innovation. The centres
provide facilities, consultancy,
training, and technical services for
SMEs to develop and test technology
projects in specific sectors.

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