UK Lingua 2022 Loiana Leal Proposal

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UK Lingua 2022

Adapting to change
* Required (please answer NA if not applicable)

1. Your, title, name and preferred pronouns*

Loiana Leal, Lecturer in Portuguese (she, her)

2. Your email address*

3. Your institution or educational establishment*

Newcastle University

4. Bio blurb (300 words max)*

Loiana Leal is Lecturer in Portuguese at Newcastle University. Loiana has been teaching Portuguese at
NU for 10 years, and throughout her career in the UK she has been investing in developing a blended
approach to her practice by uniting TEL and the communicative approach underpinned by a
constructivist pedagogy to foster a vibrant and flexible learning environment together with her

5. Title of your paper (10 words max)*

Designing a Flexible Learning Tools Kit

6. Abstract for your session (300 words max)*

In this presentation, Loiana Leal, module leader for POR2010 - Portuguese Level B General Language
at Newcastle University intends to present a general overview of some of the pedagogies,
methodologies and strategies from which she tapped into to enable the design and redesign of her
module in face of the uncertainties brought to Higher Education by the Covid Crisis, which forced
all teaching at NU to de delivered fully online at the same time of the implementation of a brand new
VLE - Canvas. The Flexible Learning approach implemented by Newcastle University guided the
restructure of the module to a complete digital learning environment. From the lessons learned during
2020-21, in face of the possibility to return to campus, in 2021-22 the module required a new
restructure and gained a hybrid profile, by combining online and in person sessions all scaffolded by
TEL tools. A hybrid learning environment demands for hybrid curriculum, hybrid activities and a hybrid
classroom! The ride certainly hasn’t been completely smooth all the way here! So, what has worked
and what hasn’t? By reflecting on the difficulties faced by teacher and students the presentation
intends to discuss some of the learning tools used, trying to devise a set of adaptable tasks that can be
shift from online into in person (vice versa) to facilitate the composition of hybrid tool kit of activities
for language teachers.

7. Please select the wider topic(s) that your paper will address:
Blended learning and teaching

8. State any dietary requirements you may have*


9. Do you have any questions* No

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