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The covid 19 started at 2019 and the world was economicaly shut down because

of the pandemic.Many countries of the world were inposing lock downs and this

was the reason why people were struggling.Lockdowns made people experiencing

poverty because of lockdowns many people lost their job and can't move to one

place to another.It was the reason why students have to go to modular learning

and the absence if face to face class,parents are oblidge to teach their

children.But unfortunately some parents have anly limited idea about the topic

discuss in the module.

The good effects of modular learning is all of the students don't need to spend

money by going to school everyday.Students don't need to buy gasoline for their

motorcycle or car and parents will stop giving allowance for their

children.Students have a lot of time on family bonding and it will reduce the

stress and problems we face because It give us a lot of happiness staying wirh our

family. Students are physically and emotionally relax like we dont need to think

problems in school like assignment,

projects,andbullying in school.While were in home we can earn money by doing

part time job and most of all parents dont need to buy clothes,pants,shoes,and

school supplies for their students.

The modular learning promotes students to encourage conducting their own

research and self study.It helps students ro practice on their own way so they can

be ready when Its face to face class.It also help teacher's to reduce the problems

in school because there's no kids in school.The modular learning really helps a lot

of poor kids because It will less the expenses of the students.Students are safer

when they are in home and parents are comfortable when they can monitor there


The modular learning is really usefull specially at the time of covid 19 because

students are not allowed to face to face class bacause of the pandemic covid 19.It
also helps student to work while schooling so they will have money for daily


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