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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
ACCESS, EJC Montilla, Tacurong City



(Facilitating Learner-Centered

Prepared by:

BSED English-3A
Lesson 1:


A literary element is an inherent constituent of all works of
narrative fiction—a necessary feature of verbal storytelling that could be
found in any written or spoken narrative. This distinguishes them from
literary techniques, or non-universal features of literature that
accompany the construction of a particular work rather the necessary
characteristics of all narrative. For example, plot, theme, and tone are
literary elements, whereas figurative language, irony, or foreshadowing
would be considered literary techniques. Literary elements aid in the
discussion and understanding of a work of literature as basic categories
of critical analysis; literary elements could be said to be produced by the
readers of a work just as much as they are produced by its author. For
the most part, they are popular concepts that are not limited to any
particular branch of literary criticism, although they are most closely
associated with the formalist method of professional literary criticism.
In addition, a literary element, or narrative element, or element of
literature is a constituent of all works of narrative fiction—a necessary
feature of verbal storytelling that can be found in any written or spoken
narrative. This distinguishes them from literary techniques, or non-
universal features of literature that accompany the construction of a
particular work rather than forming the essential characteristics of all
narrative. For example, plot, theme, character and tone are literary
elements, whereas figurative language, irony, or foreshadowing would
be considered literary techniques.
The Most Essential Learning Competency covered in this Learner-
Centered Lesson Exemplar (LCLE) is literary element: plot setting, and
Learning Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students would be able to:

a. Identify the literary elements.
b. Explain the rules of plot, setting, and narrative; and
c. Appraise the importance of the three literary elements in the story.

Concept Literary elements

Preliminary Activities:

Activity 1:
Direction: Mix and match game
Mechanics: We’ll be showing different cover pages of the book
and the students must identify the different elements of the story that is
What do I presented in the cover page of the book.
Question # 1: What is the plot of the stories?

Question # 2: What is the setting of the story?

Activity 2:

Direction: Read the summary of thank you ma’am by

Langston Hughes. And answer the given question.

Thank You Ma’am by Langston Hughes.

Narrated in the third person by an

unnamed limited-omniscient
narrator, "Thank You Ma'am" begins
with Mrs. Jones walking home at
eleven p.m. when Roger, the story's
protagonist, tries to steal her purse.
The heavy purse throws Roger off
balance and he falls down. Mrs.
Jones—a large and imposing woman—
kicks his bottom and lifts him by his
shirt. She asks if he isn't ashamed of
himself. He says he is ashamed.
Deducing that he has no one at home,
Mrs. Jones decides to take him to her
home and make him wash his face.
She puts him in a half-nelson neck
hold and drags him up the street as
he struggles to get away, uncertain
what she is doing. At her home, which
is a large single room in a rooming
house full of other poor people, Mrs.
Jones instructs Roger to wash his
face using warm water and a towel.
She lets go of him and he considers
running out the open door. Instead,
he does as he is told.
He considers running again after he
finishes drying his face. But
something about Mrs. Jones's trust
disarms him, and he doesn't try to
flee. She asks if he was hungry,
answering herself that he must have
been, since he tried to snatch her

But he admits he wanted to buy

some blue suede shoes. To this, she
surprises him by saying that he could
have asked her for the money. She
tells him she was also young once
and wanted things she could not
She has done things she
would rather not tell him—or God—
about. Roger stands dumbfounded
with his mouth open. She knows he
expected her to say "but". but she
doesn't: she is simply honest about
having been in the same situation as
him. Mrs. Jones instructs him to sit down
while she heats some lima beans and
ham, and makes cocoa. He knows he
could leave through the door, and
that she can't see him behind the
screen that separates off the
kitchen. He also sees that she has
left her purse on the daybed. But he
sits somewhere she will see him in
her periphery. He doesn't want her
to mistrust him.

During dinner, she doesn't ask the

boy anything about where he lives,
or his parents, or anything else that
would embarrass him. Instead, she
tells him about her job in a hotel
beauty shop.

After dinner, she gives him ten

dollars to buy the shoes he wants,
and asks him to behave from then
on, and to not snatch anybody's
purses. As he goes out the door, the
boy tries to say something more
than just "thank you ma'am," but he
hardly manages to say "thank you"
before she closes the door. The story
ends with the narrator commenting
that the boy never sees her again.


1.Who are the character of the story?

2. What is the plot of the story?

3. What is the setting of the story?

4. Identify the theme of the story?

5. what conflict they face?


The following are literary elements and other terms that

you will be held accountable for throughout our short story
LESSON unit and each novel/play unit we complete this year. Know
PROPER them backwards and forwards.

– This is a person, animal, or an object in fiction or drama.
Characters are described based upon their personalities, actions,
appearance, and thoughts. There is a main character who is the
most important character in a story and sets the plot in motion
[protagonist], and there are minor characters who are not as
important to the plot as the main character. The character who
blocks the protagonist or (main character) is called the antagonist.
Sometimes the antagonist is a villain who is a person, but an
antagonist can also be a force opposing the main character.
Character traits are described in the following terms: Characters
that change are dynamic or round, while characters that do not
change are referred to as static or flat.

- Characterization is how writers reveal character. A quality that

a character exhibits is called a character trait. This trait can be
indicated by the character's statements, actions, or thoughts.

For instance, an author may create a fictitious character by simply

describing the character:
Karen was small for her age and inclined to plumpness. Her blue
eyes viewed the people and events around her with a mixture of
curiosity and amusement. She was not a woman, but she was
past being a child; too sophisticated for toys, she might still, on
impulse, turn a somersault on the living rug.

An author may also reveal a character through his speech or actions.

"But why can't I go?" Karen wailed. "Everyone else is going. You never let me
go anywhere!" You just don't want me to grow up and have fun!" Karen
wheeled around and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind her.
An author may give the reactions and opinions of other characters.
"I've known Karen for a long time, ever since first grade. We've been best
friends since last year. I like her because...well, I guess it's because she is
always so happy and sure of herself and she's good at things like baseball, and
swimming and painting and stuff." Joanie paused, then added, "Everybody at
school likes her."

An author may show the character's inner thoughts and feelings.

The sunlight trickled between the slates of the bamboo blinds. Karen stretched
luxuriously, pleasantly aware of the tingling sensation in her muscles. She
really ought to get up, she thought. Sally was coming over at eleven. Maybe
she should make some sandwiches so they could eat out in the backyard. Mrs.
Henley was taking them to the beach in the afternoon. She should finish that
letter to Peggy…maybe she would tonight…if she remembered…and if she had

– Plot is the series of events that make up the story or drama/play. The
parts of plot are Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action and
Exposition – The part of a work of fiction where readers learn about the
characters and the conflicts they experience. It is sometimes referred to as
the basic situation; provides needed background information.
- Rising Action -the suspense builds because complications arise that make
the conflict more difficult for the main characters to resolve.
- Climax – or the turning point of the action, this is when the reader's
interest reaches its highest point
- Falling Action - This is the part of the plot that occurs after the climax
has been reached and the resolution of the conflict has occurred.
- Resolution – Solution to the conflict. This is often called denouement;
loose ends are tied up; end of the story/conflict.

Plot Diagram:
– is a central problem around which a story revolves.
There are 2 types of conflict that can occur:
(1) Internal conflict occurs within a person or character
(2) External conflict occurs between a person & another person, a
machine, nature, or society.

Conflict is necessary to every story. In short stories, there is

usually one major conflict. In longer stories, there could be several
conflicts. Conflict adds excitement and suspense to a story. The
conflict usually becomes clear to the beginning of a story. As the plot
unfolds, the reader starts to wonder what will happen next and how
the characters will handle the situation. Many readers enjoy trying to
predict the outcome.

As you read a story:

1. identify the main characters.
2. decide what conflict they face.
3. look for steps they take to settle that conflict.
4. see if the steps cause other conflict.
5. watch for clues and try to predict what the characters will do.
6. enjoy the buildup of suspense
7. put yourself in the story.
8. decide if you would have solved the conflict in the same

– The time and place in which a story takes place. Details of a
setting include:

 Time/Historical Period – the general period of the plot

and the main location of the story (ex – the story took
place during the 1960's at Woodstock).
 Physical Features – what the place/location of the
setting looks like physically (ex –mountains, streams
and fields of grass).
 Geographic Location – the actual location of the place
(ex – the story took place in China Town of NYC).
– This device uses clues that hint as to things that will happen later in
the plot.
– The voice telling the story is the narrator. Point of view refers to the
voice in which the story is told. It is the set of eyes the author uses to let
the reader see the action unfold. The three points of view or voices
follow; however, of the three, first and third persons are the most used
in writing stories:
 First Person – One can spot first person point of view by the
pronouns “I, we, & us” used by the narrator. With the use of
first person, the narrator is an actual character in the story. His
or her knowledge is, therefore, limited to that one person’s

 Third Person – When writing in third person, the narrator uses

names of characters & pronouns like “he, him, she, her, they, &
them.” If the narrator relates thoughts of only one character in
the story, it is third person limited, as in limited to the
knowledge of the thought process for that one character. In
third person omniscient point of view, the narrator knows and
relates not only action of all characters in the story, but of each
character’s thoughts as well, thus the term omniscient or all

 Second Person – A narrator using second person is rather rare.

The pronoun “you” is used in this type of writing. An example
follows: “You feel the salt air on your skin. You feel alone and
isolated on the beach; yet you feel deep inside of yourself that
you are not alone.”

– is the underlying focus of a story. Subjects or main ideas of works can
often be expressed in one word, e.g., love. But a theme is underlying; a
theme is something the writer wants the reader to discover. Some
universal literary themes are:

- Heroes must undergo trials and endure losses before they can claim
their rightful kingdom.
- Arrogance and pride can bring destruction
- When the rule of law is broken, chaos and anarchy will result.
- Love will endure and triumph over evil.

There may be more than one theme in a literary work.

8. MOOD – Mood happens when authors use
descriptive words/adjectives to create a certain feeling
or mood in the reader of the story. Examples of mood
might be: ominous, happy, sad, etc. Setting often helps
create mood in the reader.
9. TONE – Tone is the attitude that the author conveys
about his/her subject through his/her
choice of words. Examples of tone follow serious /
light-hearted / bitter / angry / ironic / sarcastic
10. PARABLE – This is a story with a moral or lesson
about life.
11. IRONY – This is the difference or gap between
what is said and what is meant in a text. The 3 forms of
irony are:

 Verbal irony – This is when a character or

narrator says something but means exactly the
opposite. An example might be, "Boy, she is
really pretty" said about a muddy puppy with
burs in her fur.
 Situational irony – This is the difference
between what appears to be and what, is true. It
is often demonstrated by an actual result being
different than what is expected. For example, a
story's main character could find the bad guy &
bring him to justice but walk out of the police
station and be killed by a train.

 Dramatic irony – This occurs when the

reader/observer knows something that the
character in a film or written text does not
know. For instance, a woman might think that
her husband has forgotten her birthday, but the
reader/audience knows that he has really
bought her a diamond ring that is hidden in her
dessert at dinner.

– The ordinary form of spoken or written language is
prose. It does not contain a
metrical structure like poetry or verse.
- This occurs when something specific is used to represent something
Example: Moaning wind representing loneliness.

– A set of mental pictures or images. The use of vivid or figurative
language to represent objects, actions, or ideas. To make an imaginary
world seem real, an author often makes use of words and phrases that
appeal to the senses. These words and phrases, called images, help a
reader mentally experience what the characters in the literary selection
are experiencing. A well-written description should arouse a particular
response or emotion in the reader's imagination. Sensory imagery is
developed using the five senses: sight, sounds, taste, touch, and smell.

For example:
The hot July sun beat relentlessly down, casting an orange glare
over the farm buildings, the fields, the pond. Even the usually cool green
willows bordering the pond hung wilted and dry. Our sunbaked backs
ached for relief. We quickly pulled off our sweaty clothes and plunged
into the pond, but the tepid water only stifled us, and we soon climbed
onto the brown, dusty bank. Our parched throats longed for something
cool a strawberry ice, a tall, frosted glass of lemonade.


Figurative language occurs when writers use language so that words do
not mean exactly what they say. The words have more meaning than
what might be found in a dictionary if you looked up the word. There is
an easy way and a hard way to look at figurative language:

• Easier
- Figurative language or speech contains images. The writer or
speaker describes something through the use of unusual
comparisons, for effect, interest, and to make things clearer. The
result of using this technique is the creation of interesting
• Harder
- Figurative language is not intended to be interpreted in a literal
sense. Appealing to the imagination, figurative language
provides new ways of looking at the world. It always makes use
of a comparison between different things. Figurative language
compares two things that are different in enough ways so that
their similarities, when pointed out, are interesting, unique
and/or surprising.
1. ALLITERATION – This occurs when words are close together that
begin with the same consonant sounds.

An example is “slippery sullen shadows."

2. ONOMATOPOEIA – This occurs when a word sounds like its


Examples are buzz, tick, splash, meow.

3. METAPHOR - A comparison of two things that are not usually

compared to suggest the likeness between them.

Example is "That girl is a brick house!" or “Her hair was silk.”

4. SIMILE – This is a comparison of two things using the words “like”

or “as.”

An example is "Mrs. B’s heart is like a cold, black lump of coal when
students talk while she is teaching."

5. PERSONIFICATION – The writer gives objects or natural forces

human feelings & characteristics.

For example, “The stuffed bear smiled as the boy held hugged him

6. HYPERBOLE – This is an exaggeration. It puts a picture into the

"reader" mind. Hyperbole is frequently used in humorous writing.
Hyperbole is often used in descriptions. It emphasizes some qualities
of a person or thing by exaggerating them, as in this selection:

The skin on her face was as thin and drawn as tight as the skin of onion
and her eyes were gray and sharp like the points of two picks —Flannery
O’Connor, "Parker’s Back”. Hyperbole can also be used to describe a
person’s emotions. In the following selection, a boy is pulling a man up
from a deep hole. See how hyperbole is used to describe the boy’s thoughts
as he struggles: It was not a mere man he was holding, but a giant; or a
block of granite. The pull was unendurable. The pain unendurable. James
Ramsey Ullman, "A Boy and a Man" Hyperbole is used for emphasis or
humorous effect. With hyperbole, an author makes a point by overstating

– or idiomatic expression refers to an expression in one language
that cannot be matched or directly translated word-for-word in
another language. For instance, the English expression, "She has a
bee in her bonnet," meaning "she is obsessed," cannot be literally
translated into another language word for word. It's a non-literal
idiomatic expression, akin to "She is green with envy."
Another example: A piece of cake is an expression that doesn't
really have anything to do with eating, but rather refers to how easy
some task might be.
Activity 6:
Direction: Study the map below which portrays the position of literary
elements of the stories. And give some idea of each picture.



Picture # 1: plot
Picture # 2: characters
Picture # 3: setting
Picture # 4: Conflict

Direction: Write the correct answer of the literary elements in the



space provided.
_______1. there lived an ant and a grasshopper in a grassy
meadow by the river.
_______2. A Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two pigs'
houses, made of straw and sticks.
_______3. Langston Hughes’s “Thank You, M’am” tells the
story of a trust and dignity.
_______4. The short story Thank You M'am by Langston
Hughes is told from an omniscient third person perspective.
______5. . A teenage boy tries to steal the purse of a black
woman at night, on the street.
Langston H. (1958). Thank You

Francisco G. (2021). Literary elements.

Klaiman, M. H., literary element (Cambridge Studies in
Linguistics), Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015.

Marshall J. (1986). The three little pigs and a big bad wolf.

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