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NAME: _Jonathan Musong____________ COURSE AND SECTION: _BAS-LT-NS-

DATE: _Oct 17, 2022____

A. From the 5 Core Claims of Globalization, choose two claims and give one
situation or example in each that supports the claim of your choice. Explain in a
short paragraph the reason why your claims and example are aligned. Cite your
reference using APA format. (20 POINTS)


Globalization is about the The global reach of every single one of
Liberalization and Global Integration the Fortune 500 firms exceeds 100
of Markets. different nations. Because of this, the
entire world has become one big village.
These days, it's not hard to track down
an American or European brand's goods
anywhere in the world. The scenario was
very different twenty or thirty years ago.
Thus, we can conclude that globalization
has led to the integration of markets.
Globalization is inevitable and These days, every nation is extremely
irreversible reliant on every other nation.
Additionally, the degree of dependence
is so high that any attempt at withdrawal
would result in the collapse of the global
B. Individual Activity: Based on the explanation about the global economy and
your understanding about the topic, make a list on the advantages and
disadvantages of the global free trade. (30 POINTS)

The Global Economic Integration

Advantages Disadvantages
 Ensure the free movement of  Increase job Outsourcing
goods and services  Degradation of natural resources
 Exporters with competitive  Cultural Differences
advantage  Resource depletion
 Consumers who benefit from  Local unemployment
cheaper import prices  High levels of gas emissions
 Increase employment  Big companies may be able to
opportunities avoid paying taxes
 Technology transfer  Economic interests may lead to
 Low production cost injustice
 Supply with important medical  Dependency on other countries
equipment  Highly skilled workers may leave
 International cooperation their home country
 Higher tax revenue  Complying with international laws
 Countries can specialize in may be difficult
certain products  Small companies may go out
 Access to international business
industry experts
C. From your list in Activity A, decide whether you agree or disagree with the
proposition that: “Global economic integration has done more harm than good.”
You may scribble down your arguments supporting your stance. Prepare for a
class argumentation to be facilitated by your instructor. (10 POINTS)

I completely agree with the statement that global economic integration has done
more harm than good because it has facilitated the free flow of goods and services
and removed almost all trade barriers, thereby making the developing nations worse
off because they have become completely reliant on the developed nations and the
developed nations view the developing nation as a market for selling their goods and

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