Fang 2013

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Advanced Materials Research Vols.

706-708 (2013) pp 1150-1153 Online: 2013-06-13

© (2013) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

Modeling and simulation based on AMESim and Simulink electric

hydraulic power steering system
Guihua Fang1, a, Wenshuai Zheng1, b and Libo Zhang1, c
Institute of Mechanical Engineering Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology ,
Baotou, China
a,, c

Keywords: Electric hydraulic power, Joint simulation, Modeling

Abstract. This article using AMESim and Simulink software co-simulation technology and
appropriate software to establish the simulation model of the key components of the steering
system, it is found the factor which affect vehicle handling and stability of steering system in the
structure by analyzing the impact of various parameters on the car steering system. It is to verify the
feasibility of the model and study how steering system of all kinds of main factor to influence the
vehicle steering stability through Simulink and AMESim software co-simulation results cf vehicle
steering stability GB experiments.

The EHPS system is the most common automotive power steering system on the market at
present. It generally consists of two parts, including the electrical devices and mechanical devices.
Taking into account the characteristics of the various parts of the EHPS system, specifically which
part rely on software to model, do assigned work according to the system requirements, and this
way, use of the best features of AMESim and Simulink also avoid complex models between
different platforms reconstruction.

The working principle of EHPS

When the driver turns the steering wheel, according to the detected angle of rotation, rotational
speed, vehicle speed, and the brushless DC motor current and speed feedback signals and so on of
the electronic control unit (ECU) , it is judge the turning state of the car and issue a control
instruction to the drive unit, so that a brushless DC motor can generates a corresponding speed to
drive the electric hydraulic pump, and then output the corresponding flow and pressure of the high
pressure oil[1]. The pressured oil enters the booster cylinder on the rack through the rotary valve, to
push the piston to generate a proper booster to assist the driver to perform steering, so as to obtain
the desired steering effect.

Fig. 1 The working principle of EHPS

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Advanced Materials Research Vols. 706-708 1151

EHPS modeling
Software description. LMS Imagine. Lab AMESim (Advanced Modeling Environment for
Simulation of engineering systems) is a world famous senior engineering system Modeling and
Simulation platform, which provides a complete platform of systems engineering and allows the
user to establish a platform on a complex, multi-disciplines system model, at the same time, can
conduct Simulation calculation and in-depth analysis on this basis[2].
Simulink is one of the most important components in MATLAB, which provides a dynamic
system modeling, simulation and analysis integration environment. In the environment, you can
construct a complex system without a lot of writing program, which only need a simple and
intuitive mouse operation[3].
System modeling. For the software features and system structure, make the following modeling

Fig. 2 Modeling arrangement

Motor Modeling:
The motor system is a brushless DC motor, before the establishment of its model, we first
analyze its dynamics equation.
The input voltage of the motor:
EM = E − RC I (1)
The output torque of the motor:
T = K2 I (2)
Motor speed:
N = ( EM − RM I ) / K1 (3)
Motor dynamic balance equation:
LdI / dt + RM I = EM − K1 N (4)

J M dN / dt = T − TL (5)
By above available:
N = [ E − ( RC + RM ) I ] / K1 (6)
1152 Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials III

Rotary valve modeling:

Rotary valve dynamics equation:
Q1 = K 6 S1 (2 / ρ )( Pin − P1 )

Q2 = K 6 S 2 (2 / ρ )( Pin − P2 )

Q3 = K 6 S3 (2 / ρ )( P1 − Pret )

Q4 = K 6 S 4 (2 / ρ )( P2 − Pret )
From the formula (7) and (8):
P1 − P2 = Q1 ( K 6 ⋅ S1 )  − Q2 ( K 6 ⋅ S2 ) 
2 2

When there is steering operation, such as the steering, Q2 far less than Q1, S2 far outweigh the S1,
it is:
Q1 ( K 6 ⋅ S1 )  >> Q2 ( K 6 ⋅ S2 ) 

Formula (11) will be simplified as:
P = K 7 ⋅ Qin 2 S 2
Through each part of the modular modeling of the EHPS system, it will connect each part of the
system together, which composed AMESim and Simulink simulation model of EHPS system.

Fig. 3 Simulation model

Simulation analysis
The Vehicle speed is set to20Km/h, the motor speed is 3000r/min, vane pump displacement is
3*10-6m3 /r, input 20N step force to the steering wheel at a point of time of one second, the
simulation time is 5s, when the equivalent mass of the piston and the piston rod were respectively
20Kg and 10Kg, obtain a response curve and the response curve of the tire rotational angle of the
booster torque respectively as shown in figure 4 and figure 5.
Advanced Materials Research Vols. 706-708 1153

Fig. 4 Assist torque response curve Fig. 5 The response curve of the tire rotational angle

Comparing the two curves in figure 4, we can conclude that when the equivalent mass of the
piston and piston rod is 20Kg, the assist torque of the output of the system began rises smoothly in
the 1.12s; while the booster torque fluctuations which the system initially output significantly was
shortened and it began rises smoothly in the 1.05s when the equivalent mass of the piston and the
piston rod is 10Kg.
Figure 5 shows that, when the equivalent mass of the piston and the piston rod are 20Kg and
10Kg, it has little impact on the response of the tire corner.

The main reason that system output power torque produce oscillation at first is the steering
linkage inertia. Therefore, when design EHPS system, you should try to reduce the quality of these
parts, so that the fluid pressure changes smoothly, in this way, it will not only reduce small impact
on the DC servo motor, but also increase the supple feel of the steering wheel operation, to avoid
steering wheel shimmy[4]. Conclusions through simulation analysis, it is hoped to help after the
EHPS the design. Through the simulation analysis conclusion, it is hoped to have a help for the
further EHPS design.

It is a project supported by the Inner Mongolia Autonomous university of science and
technology research program (NJZY12109) and Baotou City major scientific and technological
development projects (2012Z1006-2).

[1] Jiarui Chen: Automobile Mechanics, Beijing, CA: People Communication Press, 2008.
[2] Qingyang Li: Numerical Analysis, Beijing, CA: Tsinghua University press, 2010.
[3] Jeonghoon Song, Kwangsuck Boo, Heung Seob Kim, et al: Model Development and Control
Methodology of a New Electric Power Steering System. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol. 218 Part
D: J. Automobile Engineering, 967-975.
[4] Pei Zhu: Design and Simulation of Assist Characteristic Curve of Electro- hydraulic Power
Assist Steering System, Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University, Volume 30, Issue
1647-0696, August 1985, Pages 852-855.
Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials III

Modeling and Simulation Based on AMESim and Simulink Electric Hydraulic Power Steering System

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