Alona Rectangula

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474 Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol.

2006, 34, 474 – 479

Research Paper
Ratio of neonate to adult size explains life history
characteristics in cladoceran zooplankton

S. Nandinia, S. S. S. Sarmab

Divisin de Investigacin y Posgrado, UIICSE, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Tlalnepantla,
Edo. de Mxico, Mxico
Laboratorio de Zoologa Acutica, Divisin de Investigacin y Posgrado, Edificio UMF, Universidad Nacional
Autnoma de Mxico, Tlalnepantla, Edo. de Mxico, Mxico

The size ratio of adults to neonates varies greatly in cladocerans across taxa. In this study we
tested the impact of this ratio (using length basis) on the selected life history parameters of nine
species of freshwater cladocerans (Alona rectangula, Pleuroxus aduncus, Scapholeberis mucronata,
Moina macrocopa, Moina wierzejskii, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Daphnia laevis, Diaphanosoma birgei and
Daphnia pulex). Experiments were conducted on a mixed diet of Chlorella vulgaris (1.0 N 106 cells
mL – 1) and Scenedesmus acutus (0.5 N 106 cells mL – 1) at (22 l 1)8C. Using a cohort life table experi-
mental design, we quantified age-specific reproductive output. Body sizes of neonates and adults
as well as dry weight were determined using standard procedures. We found that the ratio of
neonate to adult body length decreased with increasing body size of the adult. In terms of clutch
size, however, smaller taxa produced lower numbers of offspring than larger ones. The influence
of ratio neonate/adult size on average lifespan, age at first reproduction and at the maximum
clutch showed U-shaped curves. In smaller taxa (a 700 lm) and larger taxa (A 1500 lm) the ratio
between the neonate and adult body size was less than 0.4 or more than 0.6. In medium sized
taxa (1000…1500 lm), the ratio of neonate to adult size was between 0.4 and 0.6. The results
have been discussed in relation to the life history strategies of cladocerans.

Keywords: Dry weight / demography / Cladocera / fecundity / lifespan /

Received: March 3, 2006; accepted: July 7, 2006

DOI 10.1002/aheh.200600642

1 Introduction mother is not a limiting factor while in ovoviviparous

organisms, the offspring must be retained within the
Body size is an important attribute in explaining the life mother for a much longer duration and hence there is a
history characters in animals, particularly those related space constraint [5]. Fish species that reproduce ovipar-
to reproduction [1, 2]. Among various taxa, different rela- ously may release several millions of eggs per female; on
tions between offspring size and litter size are evident. the other hand those that reproduce viviparously pro-
However, the lack of standard offspring number per duce only a fraction of this number [6]. In these cases, the
female across a wide spectrum of aquatic animal groups size of the neonate at birth is important. There appears
has been attributed to various factors such as size of the to be a positive relation between the size of adults and
neonates [3, 4]. Oviparous animals normally produce the maximum number of offspring released at a time [7].
more offspring since the size of the brood chamber in the In ovoviviparous species such as Daphnia offspring may
be as large as 10% of the adult size [8]. This wide disparity
is one the cornerstones of life history theories [9, 10].
Correspondence: S. Nandini, Divisin de Investigacin y Posgrado, Cladocerans reproduce both parthenogenetically and
UIICSE, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Campus Iztacala, sexually. When reproducing parthenogenetically, they
AP 314, CP 54090, Tlalnepantla, Edo. de Mxico, Mxico
E-mail: release the offspring as miniature, but reproductively
Fax: +52 5 6231256 immature ones. The number of neonates per reproduc-

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Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 2006, 34, 474 – 479 Body size ratio and cladoceran life histories 475

tion (clutch size) ranges between 2 to 100 depending on rately centrifuged, concentrated, and quantified using a
the cladoceran taxa [11]. Many factors (food concentra- Neubauer haemocytometer.
tion, temperature, predation etc.) are known to influence We conducted life table demographic experiments
this number, but the body size of adults, neonates or separately for each species, starting with neonates of
their ratios is rarely utilized as an explanation [12 – 14]. a 24 h age. Experiments were carried out in 100 mL glass
Among different animal taxa, there exists a positive rela- jars with 50 mL of test medium in each (mixture of algae
tion between the size of offspring at birth and their survi- in EPA medium). The medium was prepared using the
vorship [15]. The investment of each female into few, algae Chlorella vulgaris (0.5 N 106 cells mL – 1) and Scenedes-
large offspring or many small ones is also known to be mus acutus (0.25 N 106 cells mL – 1) in a 1 : 1 ratio in terms of
influenced by crowding and predation. Growth rate, algal biomass (0.0142 ng and 0.025 ng per cell, respec-
length and the size of the first clutch of small Daphnia tively), which in terms of carbon gave a final concentra-
(a 1.8 mm) are known to decrease under overcrowded tion of 3.8 lg mL – 1 C [21]. We set up four replicate
situation with conspecifics [16]. It has been shown that (cohorts) jars for each species into each of which was
Daphnia magna produces more but less healthy offspring introduced a cohort of five neonates. A total of 36 test ves-
(lower triglyceride content in the eggs) when grown in sels (9 species64 replicates) was run. Living individuals
water with fish kairomones [17]. Among Daphnia, experi- of the test population in each jar were counted daily and
ments with infochemicals show that in the face of inver- subsequently transferred to new containers with fresh
tebrate predation pressure, females switch from produ- medium and algal diet. Neonates and dead adults, when
cing many small offspring to a few large ones, while the present, were enumerated and discarded. Experiments
reverse is true in the presence of vertebrate predation were continued until the last individual of each cohort
pressure [18]. Information on other cladoceran genera is died. The demographic variables from the basic survivor-
scarce. ship and reproduction data were calculated using the fol-
Among the various families of Cladocera, species diver- lowing formulae [15]:
sity is known to be highest in littoral ones particularly
the Chydoridae [11]. While considerable information Gross reproductive rate (GRR, offspring female – 1)
exists on pelagic families, particularly the Daphniidae, X
much less is known about the demographic characteris- GRR ¼ mx ð1Þ
tics of the Chydoridae [19]. In order to reach generaliza- 0

tions on the life history strategies, it is important to Net reproductive rate (R0, survival weighted offspring
study various taxa under similar test conditions. In this female – 1)
study, we cultured nine species of freshwater cladocerans X
(Alona rectangula, Pleuroxus aduncus, Scapholeberis mucro- R0 ¼ lx N m x ð2Þ
nata, Moina macrocopa, Moina wierzejskii, Ceriodaphnia 0

dubia, Daphnia laevis, Diaphanosoma birgei and Daphnia Generation time (T, d)
pulex) under standard test conditions [20, 21] and quanti- X
lx N mx N x
fied their age-specific reproductive output in relation to T¼ ð3Þ
the body length and weight of the adults and neonates.
Rate of population increase (r, d – 1), Euler equation
(solved iteratively)
2 Materials and methods X
erx N lx N mx ¼ 1 ð4Þ
The test species used in this study were isolated from
local water bodies. Cultures maintained in 2 L beakers In these equations, lx is the probability of an individual
were established from a single female. All the cladocer- surviving to an age class, mx is the age specific fecundity,
ans were maintained using EPA medium, which was pre- Ro is the average number of female offspring each female
pared by adding 0.9 g of NaHCO3, 0.6 g of CaSO4, 0.6 g of in the population produces, and r is the growth rate of
MgSO4 and 0.04 g of KCl in one liter of distilled water [22] the population.
under standard test conditions of (22 l 1) 8C, pH 7.0…7.5, In order to estimate the length-weight relationship of
and constant but diffuse fluorescent illumination. The the adults and neonates of each species we separated the
chlorophytes, Chlorella vulgaris and Scenedesmus acutus 30…40 neonates on a single day from the test jars during
were used as food in this study. These algae were main- the experiment. These were divided into three replicates
tained on Bold’s basal medium [23]. The algae were sepa- and were maintained in the same test medium and condi-

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476 S. Nandini et al. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 2006, 34, 474 – 479

Table 1. Life history variables of tested cladocerans species. ALS: average lifespan, d; E0: life expectancy at birth, d; GRR: gross
reproductive rate, offspring female – 1; NRR: net reproductive rate, survival-weighted offspring female – 1; T: generation time, d; r: rate
of population increase, d – 1. Values represent mean l standard error based on four replicates (cohorts).

Species Life history variable


A. rectangula 35.0 l 5.3 34.5 l 5.3 46.8 l 6.2 28.25 l 4.9 23.4 l 2.3 0.26 l 0.03
C. dubia 38.2 l 5.5 37.7 l 5.5 175.0 l 19.9 127.1 l 19.7 22.9 l 1.6 0.42 l 0.02
D. birgei 24.3 l 1.4 23.8 l 1.4 51.8 l 6.0 32.4 l 3.9 17.4 l 1.3 0.28 l 0.01
D. laevis 19.1 l 1.5 18.6 l 1.5 24.7 l 4.3 17.4 l 3.0 14.0 l 0.9 0.23 l 0.01
D. pulex 38.4 l 4.8 37.9 l 4.8 190.3 l 33.8 171.1 l 41.7 23.8 l 2.0 0.37 l 0.01
M. macrocopa 10.4 l 0.9 9.9 l 0.9 83.2 l 16.8 56.7 l 8.5 6.9 l 0.4 0.74 l 0.01
M. wierzejskii 6.0 l 0.3 5.5 l 0.2 37.5 l 4.4 24.1 l 3.5 4.8 l 0.1 0.71 l 0.04
P. aduncus 31.7 l 0.8 31.2 l 0.8 19.6 l 2.2 12.8 l 1.2 21.4 l 1.1 0.15 l 0.01
S. mucronata 18.0 l 1.5 17.5 l 1.5 63.2 l 8.8 30.6 l 4.0 14.2 l 1.5 0.38 l 0.04

tions as in the life table study. We analyzed the length-

weight relationship by separating 10…20 individuals, a
few from each replicate, in order to avoid pseudoreplica-
tion. Small aluminium foil cups were weighed previously
in a Cahn 33 Electrobalance with a precision of 1 lg. Each
individual was measured in a microscope using a micro-
meter and then placed on a marked and pre-weighed foil.
These were then placed in an oven set at 608C [24]. After
24 h the petri dish containing the foils was removed,
placed in a desiccator in order to prevent absorption of
moisture and weighed. Corrections were made for
changes in the foil weight. Neonates were measured
within 24 h of their birth, and adult females at the age of
first reproduction (neonates present in the brood cham-
ber were gently squashed and removed prior to weighing).
Data were analyzed using F-tests and regression ana-
lyses following standard literature [25].

Figure 1. Age-specific survivorship (lx) (proportion, d) and

fecundity (mx) (offspring female – 1) curves of different cladoceran
3 Results species. Shown are the values mean € standard error based on
four replicates (cohorts).
The survivorship and fecundity curves of the test species
are shown in Figure 1. The survivorship curves were gen-
erally of Type 1, with steep slopes in Alona rectangula and The length of the cladocerans, both concerning neo-
Scapholeberis mucronata. Daphnia pulex on the other hand nates and adults was significantly correlated with weight
had low mortality for around 30 days after which it (Fig. 2). Between the smallest and largest taxa, there was a
showed a sudden and precipitous decline. Data on the three-fold difference in the length as neonates and five-
selected life history variables of the test species are pre- fold difference as adults; in terms of weight, however
sented in Table 1. The average lifespan was highest in Cer- there was an 8-fold difference across the taxa, as neonates
iodaphnia dubia and lowest in Moina wierzejskii. The gross or as adults. The ratio of neonate to adult body length
and net reproductive rates were highest in the daphnids decreased with increasing body size of the adult (Fig. 3).
(Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia pulex) and lowest in There were no significant correlations between adult or
Pleuroxus aduncus. Generation time was lowest (4…6 d) in neonate length or weight alone with life history vari-
Moina macrocopa and M. wierzejskii, while population ables. However, we found significant U-shaped relations
growth rate (r) was highest in Moina (about 0.7 d – 1) and between the ratio of neonate and adult length (which
lowest in P. aduncus (a 0.2 d – 1) (Table 1). was greater in smaller than in larger cladoceran taxa)

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Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 2006, 34, 474 – 479 Body size ratio and cladoceran life histories 477

Figure 3. Relation between cladoceran body length vs the ratio

of neonate/adult lengths (coefficient of correlation, r 2 = 0.86,
p a 0.01). Plotted were the mean data for each species.

Figure 2. Length-dry weight relation of tested cladoceran spe-

cies. A: neonates (coefficient of correlation, r 2 = 0.44, p a 0.01);
B: adults (coefficient of correlation, r 2 = 0.58, p a 0.01). For each
species replicated data were plotted. Note the differences on the
scaling of both x and y axis.

and variables such as average lifespan, age at first clutch

and maximum clutch size. The neonate to adult length
ratio was inversely related to maximum offspring pro-
duction and net reproductive rate. In terms of the clutch
size, however, smaller taxa produced lower number of
offspring than larger taxa (Fig. 4). There was also a signifi-
cant positive relation between generation time and
mean lifespan.

4 Discussion
Life table experiments on zooplankton typically start
with neonates of known age. Many cultured zooplankton
species show little mortality during the first few days
and subsequently begin to die rapidly due to aging.
When the survival is plotted as function of age, the survi- Figure 4. Relation between the ratio of neonate to adult size
and the selected life history variables (A – E) of some cladoceran
vorship curves roughly appear rectangular (also called species. F: Relation between mean lifespan and generation
Type 1) [15]. However, depending on the stress including time.

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478 S. Nandini et al. Acta hydrochim. hydrobiol. 2006, 34, 474 – 479

suboptimal food conditions, the survivorship curves devi- Daphnia pulex and Ceriodaphnia dubia where the neonate
ate from the ideal Type 1. Thus zooplankton under stress production was higher. Roff [30] has also stated that there
may experience a certain mortality throughout their life- should be a negative relation between the development
span (Type 2) or heavy mortality in younger age-groups time and neonate production in organisms, although lit-
(Type 3) [20]. In the present work, most species had survi- tle information has been documented on this aspect.
vorship close to Type 1 pattern. Across the animal kingdom, it has been shown that
The influence of ratio neonate/adult size on some life females that invest more for each one in the offspring
history variables such as average lifespan, age at first have fewer but healthy individuals per clutch, and thus
reproduction and at the maximum clutch showed U- conferring greater probability of survival to the young
shaped curves. In smaller taxa (a 700 lm) and larger taxa [31]. While higher offspring production is a factor influ-
(A 1500 lm) the ratio between the neonate and adult encing r (rate of population increase d – 1) of a given spe-
body size was less than 0.4 or more than 0.6. In such spe- cies, the impact of neonates' survival is rarely considered
cies there is a longer time of maturation, longevity and [10]. In our study, we found that this relation was lowest
peak reproductive output [20]. On the other hand, me- in large sized species and highest in the small sized ones
dium sized taxa (1000…1500 lm), where the neonate to such as chydorids. Since species in the littoral region also
adult ratio was between 0.4 and 0.6, have a shorter life- experience strong predation pressure, it needs to be stud-
span and correspondingly shorter time is needed to ied if a larger sized neonate in relation to the adults
reach maximum reproductive output. Thus, in aquatic indeed ensures greater survivorship capabilities to the
ecosystems where cladocerans are subject to both inver- littoral taxa.
tebrate and vertebrate predation pressure [18], the most Body size has been inversely correlated to diversity in
favored size group would be in the range of 1000…1500 plants, birds and terrestrial mammals [32, 33]. Orme et al.
lm. [34] however did not find such a relationship across sev-
There seems to be the minimum body size of the neo- eral taxa (Cladocera not included). Earlier age at maturity
nate for carrying out functions of a multicellular organ- appears to contribute to greater species diversity in cer-
ism. Due to this limit, smaller taxa do not have the same tain groups [33]. Such a relation was not observed in our
peak clutch size as the larger taxa. The ratio of neonate to study. For example, Chydoridae is amongst the most
adult size also explains this better than either of the two diverse in Cladocera, but we found that Alona and Pleur-
separately. The number of offspring per clutch as well as oxus had much longer age at maturity (8…10 d), while
the net reproductive rate also increased with increasing Moina had the shortest. It remains to be tested whether
body size of the adult and was inversely related with the diversity is higher in families where there is a larger neo-
ratio of neonate to adult body length. This suggests that nate:adult ratio (which may confer greater probability of
more neonates are produced by larger rather than smal- species survival).
ler taxa [11]. Zooplankton species, which are ovovivipar-
ous, are constrained by the size of the brood chamber. Two anonymous reviewers and Dr. Wolf von Tmpling have
Increase in the size of the brood chamber with increasing improved our presentation. We also thank the authorities of
body size has also been documented for many cladocer- UNAM Campus Iztacala for facilities and PAPIIT (IN210205&
ans [8]. For instance, certain species of Daphnia can pro- IN219405) for financial support.
duce up to 1000 offspring per female in their life span
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produce only 30 individuals [11]. This is because of the
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i 2006 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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