Final Reaction Paper Eapp

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" If poverty is a disease that infects the entire community in the form of

unemployment and violence, failing schools, and broken homes, then we can’t just
treat those symptoms in isolation." "We have to heal that entire community."
President Barack Obama, the 44th and current President of the U.S. Poverty has been
a problem for many years. It affects a large proportion of the world's population,
especially today. It is still growing. People cannot buy enough food, drink, and shelter
regardless of their income. How do we define poverty? A dictionary defines poverty
as "the state of being extremely poor," but my definition of poverty is not having
enough resources to meet your fundamental requirements, such as housing, food,
clothing, water, health care, and a job. Poverty is like a sickness; it always spreads,
especially when it is not remedied. We always see poor folks on the streets. When
we see them starving and without food, we feel sorry and pity for them. They
struggle to survive without food on a daily basis, but we can't help but feel terrible
for them because we, too, are poor and cannot afford to eat. We have everything we
need, from education to health care. What about the homeless, though? Despite our
efforts in recent years to decrease poverty, it persists today.

According to Claire Dennis S. Mapa, Ph.D., Undersecretary, National Statistician,

and Civil Registrar General, provided information on the proportion of poor Filipinos
in 2021 on August 15, 2022. According to the Family Income and Expenditure Survey
(FIES) results from 2021, the percentage of Filipinos living in poverty—defined as
those whose per capita income is insufficient to cover their basic dietary and non-
nutritional needs—was 18.1 percent. Approximately 19.99 million Filipinos, or about
PhP 12,030 per month for a family of five, fell below the poverty line as a result of
this. The subsistence incidence, which is the percentage of Filipinos whose income is
insufficient to cover even the most basic food needs, grew slightly to 5.9% in 2021.
According to estimates, a family of five needs at least PhP 8,379 a month to cover
their essential dietary needs (Figure 1 and Tables 2 and 4). In 2021, almost 3.50
million families, or 13.2 percent, were categorized as poor. Contrarily, the incidence
of subsistence among families was found to be 3.9 percent, or 1.04 million poor
families living below the food poverty level. (1), (3), (5), and (7). The prevalence of
poverty was high in 2015. The wealthy become wealthier, while the poor become
poorer. Many people make life difficult for themselves. They will labor hard, but the
remuneration is inadequate, especially for those with families to support. The year
2020 arrived abruptly, with a pandemic. The entire world is affected. People suffered
more and more; many died, went hungry, lost hope, and, most importantly, lost their
livelihoods. It is concerning that there are still a large number of unemployed
Filipinos. As a result of the outbreak, our country has become impoverished, but the
government should continue to fulfill its duty by providing alternatives to help the
Filipino people overcome poverty.

Even though the majority of Filipinos work hard and have access to basic
necessities, it is difficult to imagine that we are still on the verge of poverty. However,
not all Filipinos are figuring out how to progress and be stable in life. They still rely on
the government on occasion. Poverty has worsened throughout time because the
government rarely pays attention to or provides support to the majority of Filipinos
who are actually in need. Now Our country is gradually getting better as each day
goes by. In the quote, it says, "Overcoming poverty is not an act of charity; it is an act
of justice." Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made, and it
can be overcome and eradicated through people's actions. Sometimes it falls to a
generation to be great. You can be a great generation. "Let your greatness blossom."
by Nelson Mandela You will not suffer if you work hard. It is you, not the government
or other people, who will lift you out of poverty.

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