At School Ex

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unirê I0 At school

board tableau pen styio ruter règle
board rubber chiffon cray0n de couleur notebook cahier
chalk craie paper ctip textbook manuel
desk bureau rubber schoolbag
pencit case frousse calcutator

, Students I pupits have classes {avair caurs}.They do their homework and they learn their lessons.
They take exams {passer des examens/: sometimes they pass their exams {réussir}but they can
fait léchouerltoo. They must work hard and not be tazy [paresseuxl! Sometimes students have
to wear a uniform.
. School subjects lquetques matieres)
- Engtish - Science IBiotogy, Physics and Chemistryl
- Modern [anguages IFrench, German. - lT tlnformation Technotogyl [informatiquel
- Art - Music - Cooking {cuisinel
- History - Geography - Retigious Education
- Maths - P.E. lPhysicat Educationl

Retrouve les matières qui corres ndent à ces définitions ou indices.

a.2,5y =2x+ 62..... f. Swimming. .

b. What peopte speak in France. .... g. Drawing, painting.

c. The Bible, the Torah, the Coran. .. h. E= mcz.

d. How to use a computer. i. Animats, body, trees, Ptants

e. Where countries are in the wortd i.Oxygen = HzO.

l- Écris les mots (de l'encadré) que tu peux associer à ces descriptions. Certains peuvent
,E être utilisés plusieurs fois.

-d rrÎ Exemple : You can drow lines with it (3) co o ruler, o Pên, o croYon.
.ÉI a. You can write with it tg .....
tJ b. You can write onit [21...
o c. You can put it into your schoolbag t|0) ......

Complète le dialo ue avec le vocabulaire fourni.

subject - has to - homework - tazy - lessons - hard

..... , she doesn't work ... . She hates school because

she get up earty. She can't stand Learning her ... ... and doing

her . The onty she tikes is music. ln fact, Emity is an artist!


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