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The Mycota

Edited by
K. Esser
The Mycota

I Growth, Differentiation and Sexuality

1st edition ed. by J.G.H. Wessels and F. Meinhardt
2nd edition ed. by U. Kües and R. Fischer

II Genetics and Biotechnology

Ed. by U. Kück

III Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Ed. by R. Brambl and G. Marzluf

IV Environmental and Microbial Relationships

1st edition ed. by D. Wicklow and B. Söderström
2nd edition ed. by C.P. Kubicek and I.S. Druzhinina

V Plant Relationships
1st edition ed. by G. Carroll and P. Tudzynski
2nd edition ed. by H.B. Deising

VI Human and Animal Relationships

1st edition ed. by D.H. Howard and J.D. Miller
2nd edition ed. by A.A. Brakhage and P.F. Zipfel

VII Systematics and Evolution

Ed. by D.J. McLaughlin, E.G. McLaughlin, and P.A. Lemke†

VIII Biology of the Fungal Cell

Ed. by R.J. Howard and N.A.R. Gow

IX Fungal Associations
Ed. by B. Hock

X Industrial Applications
1st edition ed. by H.D. Osiewacz
2nd edition ed. by M. Hofrichter and R. Ullrich

XI Agricultural Applications
Ed. by F. Kempken

XII Human Fungal Pathogens

Ed. by J.E. Domer and G.S. Kobayashi

XIII Fungal Genomics

Ed. by A.J.P. Brown

XIV Evolution of Fungi and Fungal-like Organisms

Ed. by J. Wöstemeyer

XV Physiology and Genetics: Selected Basic and Applied Aspects

Ed. by T. Anke and D. Weber
The Mycota
A Comprehensive Treatise
on Fungi as Experimental Systems
for Basic and Applied Research

Edited by K. Esser

XV Physiology and Genetics

Selected Basic and
Applied Aspects

Volume Editors:
T. Anke and D. Weber
Series Editor
Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Karl Esser
Allgemeine Botanik
44780 Bochum, Germany
Tel.: +49 (234)32-22211
Fax.: +49 (234)32-14211

Volume Editors

Professor Dr. Timm Anke

Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research,
IBWF e.V., Erwin-Schroedinger-Strasse 56,
67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany
Tel.: +49 (631) 205-2697
Fax: +49 (631) 205-2699

Dr. Daniela Weber

MIP International Pharma Research GmbH
Mühlstr. 50
66386 St. Ingbert, Germany
Tel.: +49 (163) 3111278

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009926066

ISBN 978-3-642-00285-4 e-ISBN 978-3-642-00286-1

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Karl Esser
(born 1924) is retired Professor of General Botany and Director
of the Botanical Garden at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum
(Germany). His scientific work focused on basic research in
classical and molecular genetics in relation to practical
application. His studies were carried out mostly on fungi.
Together with his collaborators he was the first to detect
plasmids in higher fungi. This has led to the integration of
fungal genetics in biotechnology. His scientific work was
distinguished by many national and international honors,
especially three honorary doctoral degrees.

Timm Anke
(born 1944) studied Biochemistry at the University of Tuebin-
gen, where he completed his PhD degree with a dissertation on
the biosynthesis of fungal siderophores. In 1973 he joined Fritz
Lipmann’s group of at the Rockefeller University in New York
City, where he investigated the biosynthesis of valinomycin, a
streptomycete ionophore. After his return to Tuebingen in 1975
he started organizing a group searching for new antibiotics from
basidiomycetes within the framework of Hans Zaehner’s
Collaboratorive Research Center (SFB 76) focusing on the
chemistry and biology of microorganisms. In 1981 he became
full Professor of Biotechnology at the University of Kaiserslau-
tern and since 1998 he has headed the Institute of Biotechnology
and Drug Research (IBWF e. V.) in Kaiserslautern. One of his
outstanding achievements in the field of antibiotic research is
the discovery of the strobilurins, a major class of agricultural
fungicides, for which he was awarded the Karl-Heinz-Beckurts
Prize in 1996.

Daniela Weber
(born 1978) studied natural products from endophytic fungi
during her graduate work at the University of Kaiserslautern’s
Department of Biotechnology. She received a Chemiefonds
fellowship for Ph.D. students. Her Ph.D., completed in 2006,
focused on the isolation of endophytic fungi from medicinal
plants and the investigation of the fungal metabolites. She later
continued her work at the Institute of Biotechnology and Drug
Research (IBWF, Kasiserslautern). In 2008 she accepted a
position at MIP International Pharma Research GmbH (St.
Ingbert, Germany). Her fields of activities are pharmaco-
toxicological and clinical expert reports, pharmacovigilance,
and regulatory affairs.
Series Preface

Mycology, the study of fungi, originated as a sub discipline of botany and was a
descriptive discipline, largely neglected as an experimental science until the early
years of this century. A seminal paper by Blakeslee in 1904 provided evidence for self
incompatibility, termed “heterothallism”, and stimulated interest in studies related to
the control of sexual reproduction in fungi by mating-type specificities. Soon to follow
was the demonstration that sexually reproducing fungi exhibit Mendelian inheritance
and that it was possible to conduct formal genetic analysis with fungi. The names
Burgeff, Kniep and Lindegren are all associated with this early period of fungal
genetics research.
These studies and the discovery of penicillin by Fleming, who shared a Nobel Prize
in 1945, provided further impetus for experimental research with fungi. Thus began a
period of interest in mutation induction and analysis of mutants for biochemical
traits. Such fundamental research, conducted largely with Neurospora crassa, led to
the one gene: one enzyme hypothesis and to a second Nobel Prize for fungal research
awarded to Beadle and Tatum in 1958. Fundamental research in biochemical genetics
was extended to other fungi, especially to Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and by the mid-
1960s fungal systems were much favored for studies in eukaryotic molecular biology
and were soon able to compete with bacterial systems in the molecular arena.
The experimental achievements in research on the genetics and molecular biology of
fungi have benefited more generally studies in the related fields of fungal biochemistry,
plant pathology, medical mycology, and systematics. Today, there is much interest in
the genetic manipulation of fungi for applied research. This current interest in
biotechnical genetics has been augmented by the development of DNA-mediated
transformation systems in fungi and by an understanding of gene expression and
regulation at the molecular level. Applied research initiatives involving fungi extend
broadly to areas of interest not only to industry but to agricultural and environmental
sciences as well.
It is this burgeoning interest in fungi as experimental systems for applied as well as
basic research that has prompted publication of this series of books under the title
The Mycota. This title knowingly relegates fungi into a separate realm, distinct from
that of either plants, animals, or protozoa. For consistency throughout this Series of
Volumes the names adopted for major groups of fungi (representative genera in
parentheses) areas follows:
Division: Oomycota (Achlya, Phytophthora, Pythium)
Division: Hyphochytriomycota
Division: Chytridiomycota (Allomyces)
Division: Zygomycota (Mucor, Phycomyces, Blakeslea)
viii Series Preface

Division: Dikaryomycota
Subdivision: Ascomycotina
Class: Saccharomycetes (Saccharomyces, Schizosaccharomyces)
Class: Ascomycetes (Neurospora, Podospora, Aspergillus)
Subdivision: Basidiomycotina
Class: Heterobasidiomycetes (Ustilago, Tremella)
Class: Homobasidiomycetes (Schizophyllum, Coprinus)
We have made the decision to exclude from The Mycota the slime molds which,
although they have traditional and strong ties to mycology, truly represent nonfungal
forms insofar as they ingest nutrients by phagocytosis, lack a cell wall during the
assimilative phase, and clearly show affinities with certain protozoan taxa.
The Series throughout will address three basic questions: what are the fungi, what
dothey do, and what is their relevance to human affairs? Such a focused and
comprehensive treatment of the fungi is long overdue in the opinion of the editors.
A volume devoted to systematics would ordinarily have been the first to appear in
this Series. However, the scope of such a volume, coupled with the need to give
serious and sustained consideration to any reclassification of major fungal groups,
has delayed early publication. We wish, however, to provide a preamble on the nature
off ungi, to acquaint readers who are unfamiliar with fungi with certain characteristics
that are representative of these organisms and which make them attractive subjects
for experimentation.
The fungi represent a heterogeneous assemblage of eukaryotic microorganisms.
Fungal metabolism is characteristically heterotrophic or assimilative for organic
carbon and some nonelemental source of nitrogen. Fungal cells characteristically
imbibe or absorb, rather thaningest, nutrients and they have rigid cellwalls. The vast
majority of fungi are haploid organisms reproducing either sexually or asexually
through spores. The spore forms and details on their method of production have been
used to delineate most fungal taxa. Although there is amultitude of spore forms,
fungal spores are basically only of two types: (i) asexual spores are formed following
mitosis (mitospores) and culminate vegetative growth, and (ii) sexual spores are
formed following meiosis (meiospores) and are borne in or upon specialized
generative structures, the latter frequently clustered in a fruit body. The vegetative
forms of fungi are either unicellular, yeasts are an example, or hyphal; the latter may
be branched to form an extensive mycelium.
Regardless of these details, it is the accessibility of spores, especially the direct
recovery of meiospores coupled with extended vegetative haploidy, that have made
fungi especially attractive as objects for experimental research.
The ability of fungi, especially the saprobic fungi, to absorb and grow on rather
simple and defined substrates and to convert these substances, not only into essential
metabolites but into important secondary metabolites, is also noteworthy. The
metabolic capacities of fungi have attracted much interest in natural products
chemistry and in the production of antibiotics and other bioactive compounds. Fungi,
especially yeasts, are important in fermentation processes. Other fungi are important
in the production of enzymes, citric acid and other organic compounds as well as in
the fermentation of foods.
Fungi have invaded every conceivable ecological niche. Saprobic forms abound,
especially in the decay of organic debris. Pathogenic forms exist with both plant and
animal hosts. Fungi even grow on other fungi. They are found in aquatic as well as soil
environments, and their spores may pollute the air. Some are edible; others are

poisonous. Many are variously associated with plants as copartners in the formation
of lichens and mycorrhizae, as symbiotic endophytes or as overt pathogens.
Association with animal systems varies; examples include the predaceous fungi that
trap nematodes, the micro fungi that grow in the anaerobic environment of the
rumen, the many insect associated fungi and the medically important pathogens
afflicting humans. Yes, fungi are ubiquitous and important.
There are many fungi, conservative estimates are in the order of 100,000 species,
and there are many ways to study them, from descriptive accounts of organisms
found in nature to laboratory experimentation at the cellular and molecular level. All
such studies expand our knowledge of fungi and of fungal processes and improve our
ability to utilize and to control fungi for the benefit of humankind.
We have invited leading research specialists in the field of mycology to contributeto
this Series. We are especially indebted and grateful for the initiative and leadership
shown by the Volume Editors in selecting topics and assembling the experts. We have
all been a bit ambitious in producing these Volumes on a timely basis and there in lies
the possibility of mistakes and oversights in this first edition. We encourage the
readership to draw our attention to any error, omission or inconsistency in this Series
in order that improvements can be made in any subsequent edition.
Finally, we wish to acknowledge the willingness of Springer-Verlag to host this
project, which is envisioned to require more than 5 years of effort and the publication
of at least nine Volumes.

Bochum, Germany KARL ESSER

April 1994 Series Editors
It is Time to Retire

During the Fourth International Mycological Congress in Regensburg (1989) while

relaxing in a beer garden with Paul Lemke (USA), Dr. Czeschlik (Springer Verlag)
discussed with us the possibility to publish a series about Fungi. We both were at first
somewhat reserved, but after a comprehensive discussion this idea looked promising.
In analogy to another series by Springer Verlag entitled The Prokaryota we decided
to name the new series The Mycota.
Then Paul Lemke and I created a program involving seven volumes covering a wide
area of Mycology. The first volume was presented in 1994 at the Fifth International
Mycological Congress in Vancover (Canada). The other volumes followed step by
step. After the early death of Paul Lemke (1995) I proceeded alone as Series Editor.
Since evidently the series was well accepted by the scientific community and since the
broad area of Fungi was not completely covered, it was decided to proceed with eight
more volumes. In addition, in the following years second editions of eight volumes
were published.
Now we present Volume XV. This will be the last volume of this series. As its title
“Physiology and Genetics: Selected Basic and Applied Aspects” expresses, it contains
special papers of various fields of Mycology which have been missing in the
previous volumes.
Now, after 20 years of editing this series and at the age of 85 years, I guess it is the
right time to terminate my editorship. I would like to express my sincerest thanks to
all the volume editors, to the numerous authors for their successful cooperation and
last but not least to Joan Bennett who supported me in editing three volumes.
I would also like to thank Springer Verlag, represented by Drs. Czeschlick and
Schlitzberger for their support and cooperation.
I hope that The Mycota will also in the future find the interest of mycologists and
other scholars interrested in Fungi and maybe some more second editions.

Bochum, Germany KARL ESSER

May 2009
Volume Preface

More than 120 000 different fungal species have been described and it is estimated
that there exist more than 1.5106 species. Fungi have adopted many different ways of
living in very diverse habitats as saprophytes, pathogens, symbionts or endophytes.
Fungi and their products are used for the fermentation and processing of food and
feeds, for biological control and for the production of vitamins and amino acids. Some
of their secondary metabolites are used in medicine, e.g. as antibiotics, immuno-
supressants, cholesterol-lowering drugs or as agrochemical fungicides. Recently,
progress in the field of mycology has been substantial due to new methodological
approaches and technologies, many of them DNA-based, strongly adding to the
motivation to compile a new volume of “The Mycota”.
Mycota XV “Physiology and Genetics: Selected Basic and Applied Aspects”
provides a selection of state of the art reviews in traditional and new fields of
mycology. As addressed in Chap. 1, DNA sequencing of functionally conserved
homologue genes has resulted in new approaches to taxonomy, which hopefully will
result in phylogenetic trees and taxonomic groups which can be understood and
accepted by the majority of mycologists. As a homothallic fungus Sordaria
macrospora, producing only sexual meiospores and no asexual conidia, is an ideal
model for studying all stages of fruiting body formation and development. The
application of several genetic tools allows advanced studies of genetic interactions
controlling developmental plasticity (Chap. 2). Chapter 3 summarizes the current
knowledge of inteins, internal protein sequences, which are “selfish elements” in
fungal genomes. They are transcribed and translated together with their host
protein and excised at the protein level. Chapter 4 gives an overview of fungal
apoptosis in yeasts and filamentous fungi. Similarities and differences between
fungal and mammalian apoptosis are discussed and the role of apoptosis in
development and ageing are described and evaluated. A broad view on ways and
means of the vegetative and sexual interaction of fungal colonies as well as the
communication of fungi with bacteria, plants and animals is offered in Chap. 5. In
the interaction of yeasts killer toxins play an important role. Their structures,
modes of action and resistance as well as possible applications are discussed in
Chap. 6. Chapter 7 deals with aspects of evolutionary and ecological interactions of
fungi and insects; and Chap. 8 offers an insight into the occurrence and metabolites
of endophytic fungi. Not all compounds isolated from plants are genuine plant
metabolites but are produced by fungi. Thus the ergoline alkaloids present in
Convolvulaceae are produced by fungi living in close association with secretory
glands on the leaf surface (Chap. 9). Basidiomycetes are a rich source of unique
secondary metabolites in most cases not found in other fungi. Chapter 10 offers a
survey of new compounds isolated within the past decade, with special emphasis on
bioactive metabolites. Genome-wide approaches to identify genes or gene products
essential for the establishment of pathogenic interactions between plant host and
xiv Volume Preface

fungal pathogen are discussed in Chap. 11. In addition, the authors stress the
important role of small molecules in identifying and validating new targets for
fungicides. Helminths can pose serious problems to animal and human health. It is
therefore quite remarkable that fungi produce low molecular weight compounds
specifically interfering with reactions not present in the mammalian hosts, paving
the way to non-toxic medications or agrochemicals (Chap. 12). Chapter 13 describes
the occurrence, structures and biological activities of peptides and depsipeptides
produced by fungi and discusses the importance of these compounds as lead
compounds for agricultural and pharmaceutical applications. The sequencing of
whole fungal genomes has revealed that there are many more genes supposedly
coding for secondary metabolites than there are compounds already isolated and
characterized. As can be seen in Chap. 14, homologue overexpression of a
regulatory gene construct can indeed lead to silent gene expression and production
of the corresponding metabolite. Chapters 15–17 deal with genes, enzymes and
products of important biogenetic pathways. Nonribosomal peptide synthetases of
fungi differ in some major aspects from the corresponding bacterial enzymes. The
same is true for fungal polyketides which constitute a large part of the fungal
secondary metabolome. The importance of the detrimental mycotoxin ochratoxin
A for human health and the alimentary industry was recognized only recently. The
investigation of its biosynthesis and regulation is important for developing
strategies for its avoidance in food and feed. Chapter 18 is devoted to genetic
and metabolic engineering in fungi, key areas of research aiming at the improved
application of these organisms in biotechnology.
We do hope that readers enjoy reading this volume of The Mycota. We are very
grateful to the contributing authors, whose expertise and efforts have made this
project possible. We thank Dr. Andrea Schlitzberger of Springer Verlag for her
support and engagement during the preparation of this volume.

Kaiserslautern and St. Ingbert, Germany TIMM ANKE

Volume Editors

1 Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


2 Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17


3 Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


4 Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63


5 Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above

Kingdom Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

6 Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107


7 Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects . . . . . . . . . . . . 133


8 Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153


9 Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous Plants

(Convolvulaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197

10 Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209


11 Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233


12 Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247


13 Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273

xvi Contents

14 Fungal Genome Mining and Activation of Silent Gene Clusters . . . . . . . . . . 297


15 Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305


16 Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331


17 Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis . . . . . . 353


18 Genetic and Metabolic Engineering in Filamentous Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377


Biosystematic Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393

Subject Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401

List of Contributors

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-631-31672-10, Fax: +49-631-31672-15)
Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research, IBWF e.V., Erwin-Schroedinger-
Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-631-205-3046, Fax: +49-631-205-2999)
Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research, IBWF e.V., Erwin-Schroedinger-
Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

(e-mail:, Fax: +49-631-31672-15)
Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research, IBWF e.V., Erwin-Schroedinger-
Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Molecular and Applied Microbiology, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research
and Infection Biology (HKI), and Friedrich Schiller University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a,
07745 Jena, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-3641-65-6601, Fax: +49-3641-65-6825)
Molecular and Applied Microbiology, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research
and Infection Biology (HKI), and Friedrich Schiller University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a,
07745 Jena, Germany

Institute for Molecular Biosciences, Department of Biosciences and Cluster of
Excellence Macromolecular Complexes, Goethe-University, Max-von-Laue-Strasse 9,
60438 Frankfurt, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-631-31672-0, Fax: +49-631-31672-15)
Institute of Biotechnology and Drug Research, Erwin-Schrödinger-Strasse 56, 67663
Kaiserslautern, Germany

Abteilung Genetik eukaryotischer Mikroorganismen, Institut für Mikrobiologie und
Genetik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Grisebachstrasse 8, 37077 Göttingen,
xviii List of Contributors

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-234-3224974, Fax: +49-234-3214184)
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Molekulare Botanik, Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-
Universität Bochum, Universitätsstrasse 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany

Botanical Institute, Department of Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology, Christian-
Albrechts-University of Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-631-2054063, Fax: +49-631-3167215)
Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff-Forschung e.V./Institute for Biotechnology
and Drug Research, Erwin-Schrödinger-Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-721-6625-450, Fax: +49-721-6625-453)
Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, Haid-und-
Neu-Strasse 9, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-69-798-29548, Fax: +49-69-798-
Institute for Molecular Biosciences, Department of Biosciences and Cluster of
Excellence Macromolecular Complexes, Goethe-University, Max-von-Laue-Strasse 9,
60438 Frankfurt, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-3641-5321100/01, Fax: +49-3641-
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, HKI, and
Friedrich Schiller University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a, 07745 Jena, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-431-880-4274, Fax: +49-431-880-4248)
Botanical Institute, Department of Plant Genetics and Molecular Biology, Christian-
Albrechts-University of Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany

(e-mail:, Fax: +49-251-83-38388)
Institut für Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-
Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 3, 48149 Münster, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-0234-322-6212, Fax: +49-234-
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Molekulare Botanik, Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-
Universität Bochum, Universitätsstrasse 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany
List of Contributors xix

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-551-397024, Fax: +49-551-392705)
Division of Molecular Wood Biotechnology and Technical Mycology, Büsgen-
Institute, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen,

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-228-73-3199, Fax: +49-228-73-3250)
Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie, Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität
Bonn, Nussallee 6, 53115 Bonn, Germany

The Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences and Graduate School of Infection Control
Sciences, Kitasato University, 5-9-1 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8641, Japan

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-251-83-39825, Fax: +49-251-83-38388)
Institut für Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie, Westfälische Wilhelms-
Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 3, 48149 Münster, Germany

University of Technology Berlin, Department of Microbiology and Genetics, Gustav-
Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany; and Leiden University, Institute of Biology,
Research Group for Molecular Microbiology, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden,
The Netherlands

(e-mail:, Fax: +49-551-392705)
Division of Molecular Wood Biotechnology and Technical Mycology, Büsgen-
Institute, Georg-August-University Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen,

Abteilung Genetik eukaryotischer Mikroorganismen, Institut für Mikrobiologie und
Genetik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Grisebachstrasse 8, 37077 Göttingen,

Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Molekulare Botanik, Fakultät für Biologie, Ruhr-
Universität Bochum, Universitätsstrasse 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +81-3-5791-6101, Fax: +81-3444-8360)
The Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences and Graduate School of Infection Control
Sciences, Kitasato University, 5-9-1 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8641, Japan
xx List of Contributors

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-69-798-24827, Fax: +49-69-798-24822)
Institute for Molecular Biosciences, Department of Biosciences and Cluster of
Excellence Macromolecular Complexes, Goethe-University, Max-von-Laue-Strasse 9,
60438 Frankfurt, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-551-3913930, Fax: +49-551-3910123)
Abteilung Genetik eukaryotischer Mikroorganismen, Institut für Mikrobiologie und
Genetik, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Grisebachstrasse 8, 37077 Göttingen,

Zoological Institute, Department of Animal Ecology, Christian-Albrechts-University
of Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany

Biomolecular Chemistry, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection
Biology (HKI), and Friedrich Schiller University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a, 07745 Jena,

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-30-314-72750, Fax: +49-30-314-72922)
University of Technology Berlin, Department of Microbiology and Genetics, Gustav-
Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-721-6625-450, Fax: +49-721-
Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute of Nutrition and Food, Haid-und-
Neu-Strasse 9, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany

Biomolecular Chemistry, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection
Biology (HKI), and Friedrich Schiller University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a, 07745 Jena,

Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff-Forschung e.V./Institute for Biotechnology
and Drug Research, Erwin-Schroedinger-Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

The Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences and Graduate School of Infection Control
Sciences, Kitasato University, 5-9-1 Shirokane, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8641, Japan

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-30-314-72750, Fax: +49-30-314-72922)
University of Technology Berlin, Department of Microbiology and Genetics, Gustav-
Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany
List of Contributors xxi

Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz (INRES), Rheinische
Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität Bonn, Nussallee 9, 53115 Bonn, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-631-316720, Fax: +49-631-3167215)
Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff-Forschung e.V./Institute for Biotechnology
and Drug Research, Erwin-Schrödinger-Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany

Zoological Institute, Department of Animal Ecology, Christian-Albrechts-University
of Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany

(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-68-94-590-950, Fax: +49-68-94-590-95-275)
Institute of Biotechnology and Drug Research, Erwin-Schrödinger-Strasse 56, 67663
Kaiserslautern, Germany; present address: MIP International Pharma Research
GmbH, Mühlstrasse 50, 66386 St. Ingbert, Germany


(e-mail:, Tel.: +49-4162-6016-133, Fax: +49-
Obstbau Versuchs- und Beratungszentrum/Fruit Research and Advisory Centre
(OVB) Jork, Moorende 53, 21635 Jork, Germany
1 Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi


CONTENTS schemes, depending on which features they

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 regarded as relevant and at which taxonomic level.
II. Non-Fungal Organisms Studied The past two decades have witnessed a revolu-
by Mycologists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 tion in the taxonomy of fungi because it became
A. Slime Moulds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 possible to generate and analyse homologous
B. Plasmodiophora and Related Species . . . . . . . . . 3
C. Straminipila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 DNA sequences of functionally conserved genes
D. Haptoglossa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (initially mainly ribosomal DNA sequences) on a
III. The ‘Basal Fungi’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 routine basis, leading to a more ‘objective’ com-
A. Microsporidia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 parison of taxa. Initial attempts at molecular phy-
B. Chytrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 logeny created considerable complications because
C. Zygomycete-Type Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
D. Glomeromycota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 each phylogenetic tree was usually based on the
IV. Ascomycota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 analysis of a single gene, and widely different phy-
A. Taphrinomycotina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 logenies could result if different genes were used.
B. Saccharomycotina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 The situation around the turn of the millennium
C. Pezizomycotina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
V. Basidiomycota . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
and in the following years was therefore compara-
A. Pucciniomycotina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 ble to a football game with shifting goal-posts, as
B. Ustilaginomycotina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 especially those involved in teaching fungal taxon-
C. Agaricomycotina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 omy will recall with horror. Several publications
VI. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 also reflect the fluid state of the discipline at that
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
time, especially The Mycota VIIA and VIIB
(McLaughlin et al. 2001) and the ninth edition of
Ainsworth and Bisby’s Dictionary of the Fungi
(Kirk et al. 2001). These works have become out-
I. Introduction dated quite rapidly in terms of taxonomic con-
cepts, though not, of course, in their valuable
Taxonomy is the science of classification, i.e. the information on general biological features of the
grouping of organisms into defined categories fungi. The third edition of Introduction to Fungi
(taxa). Ideally, a classification scheme should be (Webster and Weber 2007), although principally
‘natural’ in the sense that all organisms in a given intended to be used as a textbook pursuing a
taxon should be related to each other by common holistic approach to the fungi rather than as a
ancestry. Traditionally, however, this was not neces- taxonomic work, also had to be based on the tax-
sarily the case with fungi because taxonomic onomy of the period. By the time of manuscript
approaches based on morphological and microscop- submission in March 2006, the outlines of certain
ic characters, later augmented by ultrastructural and ‘natural’ groups of fungi had become apparent,
biochemical features, did not always distinguish be- but these could neither be delimited clearly, nor
tween homologies and analogies. Traditional taxo- was it possible to assign formal names to many of
nomies were arbitrary also in the sense that different them for lack of existence, validation or general
taxonomists proposed widely differing classification acceptance.
This state of transition led a large consortium
Obstbau Versuchs- und Beratungszentrum/Fruit Research of fungal taxonomists to join forces and develop a
and Advisory Centre (OVB) Jork, Moorende 53, 21635 Jork, classification scheme based on multi-gene phylo-
Germany; e-mail: genies in the hope that this would provide a

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
2 Roland W.S. Weber

sound, permanent framework. Following the es- be studied in mycological laboratories and to be
tablishment of a communications platform (‘deep taught in mycology lectures and practical classes.
hypha’), the ‘AFTOL’ (assembling the fungal tree Slime moulds and other non-fungal protists will
of life) project supported most of the immense be encountered by mycologists during forays.
amount of DNA sequencing work and data analy- Protists are subjected to two mutually incompati-
sis (Blackwell et al. 2006). Both undertakings were ble classification systems: a zoological one gov-
funded by the United States National Science erned by the International Code of Zoological
Foundation (NSF). The entire November/Decem- Nomenclature and a mycological one according
ber 2006 issue of Mycologia was dedicated to to the International Code of Botanical Nomencla-
reports of the results of these efforts, and a classi- ture. The resulting confusion is multiplied by the
fication scheme synthesising the main findings rapid discovery of new protist species and new
was published by Hibbett et al. (2007). These relationships between existing taxa by molecular
authors emphasised the broad support and input phylogenetic approaches. Adl et al. (2005, 2007),
which their scheme had received from numerous recognising that neither of the two Codes provides
taxonomists, and called on the worldwide myco- a stable classification system for these organisms,
logical community to adopt their unified system broke free of both and established a scheme which
with generally accepted taxon names in future. retains as many of the commonly known names
To this end, many of the names of higher taxa as possible. This move is supported by many
proposed by Hibbett et al. (2007) are based on protozoologists.
concepts readily recognised by most mycologists, Some five or six kingdom-sized super-groups
which greatly facilitates the usage of their scheme. of eukaryotes can be resolved by current phyloge-
An arguable exception is the re-naming of higher netic studies based on multi-gene analyses and
taxa after key species, which would replace e.g. modern analytical methods (Simpson and Roger
Urediniomycetes by Pucciniomycotina or Hyme- 2004; Keeling et al. 2005). All but one of
nomycetes by Agaricomycotina. It is reassuring to these harbour organisms studied by mycologists
see that the introduction of these terms is an (Fig. 1.1). An overview of formal and informal
ongoing process with occasional inconsistencies names of relevant higher taxa is given in Fig. 1.2.
even in publications by leading ‘AFTOL’ authors.
Therefore, the main purpose of the present
chapter is to give a brief overview of the current A. Slime Moulds
taxonomic concept, highlighting changes from
equivalent taxonomic groupings delimited in ear- Slime moulds may exist vegetatively as amoebae
lier schemes represented by Webster and Weber (cellular slime moulds) or as multinucleate
(2007), McLaughlin et al. (2001) and Kirk et al. plasmodia (plasmodial slime moulds). Both ingest
(2001). At the same time, the likely stability of the particulate food by phagocytosis. Reproduction is
‘AFTOL’ system is evaluated. Since work by this by means of single-spored or multi-spored struc-
consortium did not cover organisms unrelated to tures termed sporocarps or sorocarps, respectively.
Fungi but nonetheless studied by mycologists, Flagellate stages (swarmers) bearing two whiplash-
their current phylogenetic and taxonomic place- type flagella may be present in the life cycle of
ment is also summarised. Finally, there is a brief certain groups (myxogastrids, dictyostelids).
consideration of problems and potential of The separation of a small group, the acrasids,
current fungal taxonomy in mycology teaching. from the bulk of slime moulds has long been
recognised on the basis of phylogenetic studies
(Baldauf et al. 2000) and finds its morphological
manifestation in the shape of the amoeba which
II. Non-Fungal Organisms Studied produces a single lobed (lobose) anterior pseudo-
by Mycologists podium in acrasids, as opposed to the pointed
(filose) pseudopodia emitted by amoebae of all
Genera such as Phytophthora, Pythium, Peronos- other slime moulds. Acrasids are now grouped
pora, Plasmopara or Plasmodiophora are so among the Excavata. All other slime moulds, in-
intrinsically linked with the history of mycology cluding both cellular and plasmodial forms, be-
and fungal plant pathology that they continue to long to three phylogenetically related groups
Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi 3

Fig. 1.1. A hypothetical phylogenetic tree of eukaryotes relationships were left unresolved where there was no
showing five ‘supergroups’, based on molecular phylo- evidence of branching order. Groups traditionally stud-
genies, other molecular characters and morphological ied by mycologists are printed in capital letters.
and biochemical evidence. Dotted lines indicate relation- Re-drawn from Keeling et al. (2005), with permission
ships resolved on preliminary evidence only, whereas from Elsevier

within the Amoebozoa (Fig. 1.1). Dictyostelid B. Plasmodiophora and Related Species
slime moulds are cellular forms, represented by
the well-known Dictyostelium discoideum with Plasmodiophora brassicae is the cause of club root
its cAMP-mediated aggregation of thousands of of brassicas. Infection is initiated when a zoospore
amoebae into a pseudoplasmodium, which goes with two whiplash-type flagella encysts on a root
on to form a slug and ultimately a sorocarp hair. The penetration mechanism is highly char-
(see Kessin 2001). Protostelid slime moulds may acteristic in that a bullet-shaped stylet is forced
form filose amoebae or small plasmodia, whereas by turgor pressure from the spore cyst through
in myxogastrid forms such as Fuligo septica or the root cell wall, injecting a small wall-less
Physarum polycephalum, the plasmodium is dom- amoeba into the host cytoplasm. Plasmodia capa-
inant, amoebae being reduced in the life cycle ble of phagocytosis develop from this amoeba and
to a brief period following spore germination migrate deeper into the root tissue, breaking
(see Webster and Weber 2007). through plant cell walls along their way.
4 Roland W.S. Weber

lysine biosynthetic pathway via a,e-diaminopimelic

acid (DAP) rather than a-aminoadipic acid (AAA),
are accommodated in a kingdom named Chromista
by workers emphasising the lack of chlorophyll b in
its photosynthetic members, or Straminipila by
others highlighting the tinsel-type flagellum with
its uniquely complex architecture. Straminipila/
Chromista are now grouped together with Alveolata
(dinoflagellates, ciliates, and other taxa; Fast et al.
2002) in the ‘kingdom’ Chromalveolata (Simpson
and Roger 2004; Keeling et al. 2005).
Several phyla within the Straminipila are of
relevance to mycology. The phylum Labyrinthu-
lomycota contains marine organisms in which
individual vegetative cells produce a network of
slime tracks. In addition, each cell is surrounded
by a wall comprising a Golgi-derived L-galactose
polymer. In Labyrinthulales, the cells move within
their slime tracks, whereas in Thraustochytriales
the slime track forms a rhizoid-like network at the
base of a thallus-like structure (see Webster and
Weber 2007). Both orders produce heterokont
Hyphochytriomycota resemble chytrid fungi
in forming thalli comprised of one or more spo-
rangia linked by rhizoids. The zoospore contains
only a forward-directed tinsel flagellum, the back-
ward-pointing whiplash flagellum having been
Fig. 1.2. Organisms not belonging to the Fungi yet tradi- lost during the course of evolution.
tionally studied by mycologists, in a mycological system By far the most important group of stramini-
(Webster and Weber 2007) and in the protistological clas- pilous organisms from a mycological perspective
sification scheme of Adl et al. (2005). Organisms grouped is the phylum Oomycota. Included here are organ-
within a phylum but already suspected at the time of being isms with heterokont zoospores and oogamous
phylogenetically unrelated to each other are separated
by dotted boxes. Orders united by a bracket are currently sexual reproduction, e.g. filamentous water
grouped together in Peronosporales by many authors moulds such as the Saprolegniales (Saprolegnia,
Achlya), thallic aquatic saprotrophs or parasites
Archibald and Keeling (2004) and others have of algae and other organisms, and filamentous
provided evidence that Plasmodiophora and allied species adapted to the terrestrial environment.
genera (Spongospora, Polymyxa) are related to Terrestrial straminipilous fungi have traditionally
Cercozoan protists. Adl et al. (2005) have also been separated into Pythiales (saprotrophic forms
placed plasmodiophorids among the Cercozoa and necrotrophic pathogens especially of plants),
within the ‘kingdom’ Rhizaria (see Fig. 1.1). Peronosporales and Sclerosporaceae (obligately
biotrophic downy mildews of dicotyledonous
plants and grasses, respectively). However, several
C. Straminipila recent phylogenetic analyses point towards inter-
calations between these taxa (Riethmüller et al.
Organisms possessing cellulose-containing cell 2002; Villa et al. 2006; Thines et al. 2008) so that
walls, an inner mitochondrial membrane folded they may all eventually be united in one group
into tubular rather than plate-like cristae, morpho- (e.g. Peronosporales), at the possible exclusion of
logically recognisable Golgi stacks, biflagellate het- Albugo (Hudspeth et al. 2003). The collateral
erokont zoospores (i.e. with one flagellum of the abandonment or revision of well-known genera
tinsel and the other of the whiplash type), and a such as Pythium, Phytophthora or Peronospora
Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi 5

has not yet been completed. In view of the ongo-

ing trend to name higher taxa on the basis of
exemplar genera, it may be deemed necessary
to replace the term Oomycota/Oomycetes by
Peronosporomycetes (Dick 2001).

D. Haptoglossa

Haptoglossa spp. infect rotifers or nematodes by a

forceful injection mechanism very similar to that
of Plasmodiophora (see above), although a walled
sporidium instead of a wall-less amoeba enters the
living host. Further, zoospores of Haptoglossa,
where formed, appear to be anisokont, i.e. with
two whiplash-type flagella of unequal length, like
those of Plasmodiophora. Nonetheless, molecular
phylogenetic studies have shown Haptoglossa spp.
to be members of Straminipila, and indeed to
belong to the Peronosporomycetes (Hakariya
et al. 2007). Haptoglossa had also been grouped
there by Adl et al. (2005) and, more intuitively,
by earlier workers.

III. The ‘Basal Fungi’

James et al. (2006a) published a 70-author paper

about the trunk of the fungal phylogenetic tree
based on analyses of six functionally conserved
genes, i.e. the nuclear ribosomal DNA operon Fig. 1.3. Classification of the lower fungi according to the
(18S-, 28S-, 5.8S-rDNA), the ribosomal elongation current ‘AFTOL’ scheme (Hibbett et al. 2007) in comparison
factor gene EF1a, and the RNA polymerase II with Webster and Weber (2007) summarising earlier
subunit genes RPB1 and RPB2. As a result of this approaches. Groups highlighted by an asterisk were men-
fundamental work and numerous other contribu- tioned by these authors but not discussed in detail. Supple-
mentary data from Kirk et al. (2001) are indicated in square
tions, the taxonomy of the basal fungi was mod- brackets
ified extensively by Hibbett et al. (2007), as
summarised in Fig. 1.3. The two established
phyla, Chytridiomycota and Zygomycota, were These organisms are obligate parasites of animals,
broken into a total of eight groups, to which a infecting their host cells by injection of a small
further phylum, the Microsporidia, was added. protoplast from a spore through a tube initially
coiled up inside the spore, then extruded by os-
motic pressure (Keeling and Fast 2002). Such an
A. Microsporidia infection mechanism is reminiscent of that found
in Plasmodiophora (Cercozoa) or Haptoglossa
The inclusion of the Microsporidia within the (Chromalveolata, Straminipila) with which Micro-
Fungi has been highly controversial until very sporidia are not related. Instead, their closest rel-
recently (e.g. Keeling et al. 2000; Tanabe et al. ative in the analysis by James et al. (2006a) was the
2002), and the continued use of the zoological chytrid fungus Rozella allomycis, an endoparasite
term ‘Microsporidia’ is a reminder of that debate. of Allomyces. Whereas R. allomycis possesses a
Included in this phylum are the most basal fungi posteriorly uniflagellated zoospore typical of the
according to current phylogenetic knowledge. chytrids, Microsporidia do not, indicating that
6 Roland W.S. Weber

the flagellum must have been lost during the Rhizophlyctis and Caulochytrium also remain to be
course of evolution. Microsporidia show an accel- accommodated at ordinal level (Hibbett et al. 2007),
erated rate of DNA sequence evolution as com- and the establishment of further chytrid orders
pared to other fungi, and this may be explained by therefore cannot be ruled out.
the loss of function of many genes due to an James et al. (2006a) discussed the number of
increased reliance upon the host’s metabolic ma- occasions on which the flagellum may have been
chinery (Inagaki et al. 2004). Such trends may lost in the course of fungal evolution, and counted
cause ‘long branch attractions’, i.e. the false at least four; once in Rozella, once in Hyaloraphi-
grouping-together of unrelated organisms at the dium curvatum, formerly thought to be derived
base of phylogenetic schemes. Therefore, the from a marine alga (Ustinova et al. 2000), and at
trunk of the fungal tree and the circumscription least twice en route to the zygomycetous fungi.
of the phylum Microsporidia are still somewhat
diffuse at present.
C. Zygomycete-Type Fungi

B. Chytrids Zygomycetous fungi reproduce sexually by zygo-

spores arising from suspensors which are usually
The original phylum Chytridiomycota contained isogamous. Asexual reproduction is typically by
all true Fungi with zoospores bearing a single sporangiospores arising from internal cleavage of
posterior whiplash-type flagellum, or several such protoplasm, or by single-spored sporangia or even
flagella (as in the anaerobic rumen fungi). The true conidia (Webster and Weber 2007). Fungi for-
thallus is either holocarpic, consisting of a sac- merly included in the phylum Zygomycota present
like structure which later converts to a zoosporan- one of the greatest challenges to current phylogeny-
gium, or eucarpic, i.e. sporangia are formed from based classification because several recent studies
rhizoids or a rhizomycelium. Monophyly of the have given conflicting results of monophyly or
Chytridiomycota could not be upheld on the polyphyly (Tanabe et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2006;
basis of the studies by James et al. (2006a, b) and White et al. 2006). Mindful of these uncertainties,
Hibbett et al. (2007). Instead, this taxon was Hibbett et al. (2007) broke up the Zygomycota into
retained as a more narrowly defined group, and four subphyla, but held open the possibility that a
two additional phyla were created: Neocallimasti- revised Zygomycota of more restricted circum-
gomycota and Blastocladiomycota (Fig. 1.3). The scription might be re-established and validated in
Blastocladiomycota were identified as a sister future. This would be highly desirable, especially
group to the basal non-flagellated fungi formerly from the perspective of mycology teaching.
called Zygomycota, and to higher fungi (Ascomy- The subphylum Mucoromycotina includes the
cota, Basidiomycota). largest order, Mucorales, together with Mortierel-
Nonetheless, there are still some escapees from lales and Endogonales. The former two contain
a unified chytrid taxonomy, e.g. R. allomycis with mainly saprotrophic members, the latter faculta-
an affinity for Microsporidia as mentioned above, tively ectomycorrhizal species forming ‘pea truf-
and Olpidium brassicae which groups with Basidio- fles’ in which zygospores are clustered together in
bolus ranarum close to the Entomophthorales subterranean fruit-bodies. Webster and Weber
(Zygomycota). Placement of Basidiobolus in the (2007) did not describe Endogonales in detail
vicinity of Entomophthorales is a relief to teaching and included Mortierella and its allies in Mucor-
mycologists because this fungus shares so many ales on the grounds of unifying biological themes
key biological features with the insect-pathogenic while being aware of their possible status as a
Entomophthorales that its inclusion in the Chytri- separate order. Two other subphyla, the mostly
diomycota as suggested by preliminary phylogenet- entomopathogenic Entomophthoromycotina and
ic studies (e.g. Berbee and Taylor 2001) did not the Zoopagomycotina (pathogens of animals
make any biological sense (Webster and Weber and fungi), were treated as orders by Webster
2007). All the more curious is the current associa- and Weber (2007); that change to sub-phylum is
tion of O. brassicae, a seemingly typical chytrid, easily accommodated.
with the Entomophthorales; it will be interesting A difficult case is presented by the Kickxellomy-
to see whether this remains its final resting place. cotina, a group formerly regarded as ‘trichomycetes’.
Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi 7

Included here are biologically heterogeneous sapro- A. Taphrinomycotina

trophs and mycoparasites (Kickxellales, Dimargari-
tales) as well as commensals or weak parasites of Nishida and Sugiyama (1994) gave the provisional
insect guts (Harpellales and Asellariales, i.e. tricho- name ‘Archiascomycetes’ to this most basal group
mycetes sensu stricto). Other orders formerly of Ascomycota, but Hibbett et al. (2007) accepted
regarded as trichomycetes, especially Eccrinales and the term Taphrinomycotina, originally coined by
Amoebidiales, were relegated to protozoa (Cafaro Eriksson and Winka (1997), to describe the same
2005), where they were classified among Ichthyo- taxonomic grouping. Included are the yeasts Schi-
sporea by Adl et al. (2005; see Fig. 1.1). Nonetheless, zosaccharomyces and Saitoella, the plant patho-
the Kickxellomycotina represent a likely candidate gens Taphrina and Protomyces, the mammal
for substantial future taxonomic rearrangements pathogen Pneumocystis, and the unusual apothe-
among zygomycete-type fungi. cial fungus Neolecta (Sugiyama et al. 2006). There
is still some controversy over the monophyly of
this group even after numerous phylogenetic
studies, but also because there are so few obvious
D. Glomeromycota morphological characters uniting its members.
One of these is that ascogenous hyphae are
Formerly included in the order Glomales among
lacking, even in the filamentous Neolecta, and
the Zygomycota (Morton and Benny 1990), this
that ascospores are capable of germinating by
group of obligately symbiotic fungi associated
budding. Taphrina is believed to be close to the
with vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza was given
evolutionary origin of both Ascomycota and Basi-
the status of a phylum, Glomeromycota (Schüssler
diomycota, and in this context it is tantalising that
et al. 2001). This placement has won widespread
both yeasts and filamentous fungi are found in the
support as being monophyletic. The only known
Taphrinomycotina, thereby leaving the question
non-mycorrhizal member is Geosiphon pyriformis,
open to future discussion as to which state is
which contains intracellular cyanobacteria as
ancestral in the Dikarya.
symbionts. Because glomeralean fungi cannot be
grown in pure culture, species are difficult to
define, and considerable re-arrangements below B. Saccharomycotina
the phylum level may well have to be performed
in future (Redecker and Raab 2006). Among all This subphylum, equivalent to the ‘Hemiascomy-
basal fungi, Glomeromycota are the closest known cetes’ (Kurtzman and Sugiyama 2001; Webster
relatives of Basidiomycota and Ascomycota (James and Weber 2007), contains most of the ascomy-
et al. 2006a). cete yeasts. It is phylogenetically well-defined with
only one order, Saccharomycetales (James et al.
2006a; Suh et al. 2006). Considerable rearrange-
ments at the genus level are certain as more DNA
IV. Ascomycota
sequences become available and the unreliable
nature of physiological tests becomes more obvi-
The subkingdom Dikarya, referring to the presence ous. Pichia and Candida are extreme examples of
of at least a short dikaryotic phase in the life cycle, polyphyletic genera within the Saccharomycotina.
was erected by Hibbett et al. (2007) to accommodate
Ascomycota and Basidiomycota, thereby reflecting
their close phylogenetic relationship. It is debatable C. Pezizomycotina
whether this subkingdom is necessary from a taxo-
nomic point of view if there is no counterpart to With over 30 000 species, this is by far the largest
group together the ‘lower fungi’. The retention of group of Ascomycota, and it is regarded as mono-
Ascomycota and Basidiomycota as phyla is wel- phyletic (Spatafora et al. 2006). It is equivalent in its
come as these terms are in universal use (e.g. Kirk circumscription to the ‘filamentous ascomycetes’
et al. 2001). Within the phylum Ascomycota, three (Alexopoulos et al. 1996) or ‘Euascomycetes’
subphyla are currently recognised and are dis- (Kurtzman and Sugiyama 2001). Inevitably, there
cussed in their turn. A summary of current classes have been major rearrangements within the sub-
and orders of Ascomycota is given in Fig. 1.4. phylum, and these will continue for years to come.
8 Roland W.S. Weber

Fig. 1.4. Classification of the Ascomycota according to Kirk et al. (2001) are indicated in square brackets.
the current ‘AFTOL’ scheme (Hibbett et al. 2007) in Question marks indicate taxonomic positions incertae
comparison with the state of knowledge in 2005 as used sedes, the letter L the inclusion of lichenised forms in the
by Webster and Weber (2007). Supplementary data from order

Most groups within the Pezizomycotina have now Glomerellaceae (Glomerella, Colletotrichum), and
been accommodated in classes, although there are Geoglossaceae (Geoglossum, Trichoglossum). Fur-
still some nomadic units, among them families ther, several established orders cannot yet be an-
including important or widely known fungi chored securely in higher taxa and must remain
such as Magnaporthaceae (Magnaporthe grisea), incertae sedes at present. A recent phylogenetic
Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi 9

analysis of classes within the Pezizomycotina may the name may have changed, most of the impor-
be found in Spatafora et al. (2006). Clearly, there is tant orders have been confirmed in an excellent
ample scope for further rearrangements which phylogenetic account by Zhang et al. (2006),
questions the stability of the system proposed by indicating areas of further work such as the need
Hibbett et al. (2007). to accommodate Magnaporthaceae and Glomerel-
The most basal classes of Pezizomycotina are laceae as well as several orders of uncertain
the small group Orbiliomycetes and the larger Pezi- position.
zomycetes, each with a single order. These groups Probably the most difficult phylogenetic prob-
are well-separated from a ‘crown’ of other pezizo- lem within the Ascomycota is presented by liche-
mycotinoid ascomycetes (James et al. 2006a). Com- nised fungi which make up almost all the species
plex fruit-bodies (stromata) are absent, and asci are within Lecanoromycetes, the largest class of Asco-
arranged in apothecia in most cases, only rarely in mycota, but are also found in Dothideomycetes,
hypogeous ascocarps (truffles) or in cleistothe- Eurotiomycetes and in the smaller classes Lichi-
cium- or perithecium-like forms. Some progress is nomycetes and Arthoniomycetes. The compre-
being made with the classification of Pezizales at the hensive study by Miadlikowska et al. (2006) on
sub-ordinal level (Hansen and Pfister 2006). Lecanoromycetes is remarkable in being the first
A notoriously difficult group is the class major phylogenetic work to take account of
Dothideomycetes, formerly known as Loculoasco- photobiont identity as a much-needed additional
mycetes. The multi-gene analysis by Schoch et al. taxonomic marker. Nonetheless, extensive future
(2006) confirmed the existence of two previously rearrangements may be expected.
suspected groups, now called Dothideomycetidae
and Pleosporomycetidae, but left several orders
incertae sedes. Lichenised fungi were not included V. Basidiomycota
in that analysis, and these are likely to complicate
the matter further. Almost all Basidiomycota can be assigned to one
A group with a similarly high degree of mor- of three broad subphyla (i.e. Pucciniomycotina,
phological and biological variation is the class Ustilaginomycotina, Agaricomycotina) erected by
Eurotiomycetes (formerly Plectomycetes; Geiser Bauer et al. (2006) to replace the former classes
and LoBuglio 2001). ‘Core groups’ are Onygenales Urediniomycetes, Ustilaginomycetes and Hymeno-
(which form gymnothecia or cleistothecia and mycetes, respectively. Currently homeless taxa are
comprise important human and animal pathogens) Entorrhizales, a small group of smut-like patho-
and Eurotiales (containing Aspergillus and Penicil- gens of monocot roots formerly included among
lium); a second clade identified by Geiser et al. the Ustilaginomycotina or a synonym, and Walle-
(2006) contains lichen-forming as well as non- mia, a mitosporic mould of relevance as a food
lichenised orders (Verrucariales, Chaetothyriales, spoilage fungus and in indoor situations (Hibbett
Pyrenulales). 2006). A summary of the current taxonomic con-
Another phylogenetically defined but biologi- cept by Hibbett et al. (2007) is presented in Fig. 1.5.
cally heterogeneous group is the class Leotiomy-
cetes containing ‘inoperculate discomycetes’
(Helotiales) as their core group (Wang et al. 2006). A. Pucciniomycotina
Although indicated by previous studies (Tsuneda
and Currah 2004), the confirmation of typical This subphylum, equivalent in its circumscription
gymnothecial fungi such as Myxotrichum and Pseu- to the Urediniomycetes (Kirk et al. 2001), has been
dogymnoascus as members of this class will come subjected to numerous taxonomic and phylogenet-
as a surprise to many, as will the inclusion of ic studies. Earlier schemes were summarised by
Erysiphales (powdery mildews) and the exclusion Swann et al. (2001) who recognised that the simple,
of Geoglossaceae (earth-tongues). It will be a ascomycete-like architecture of hyphal septa
challenge to teach Leotiomycetes, or give a written distinguished the Pucciniomycotina from that of
account of them, in a taxonomic context!. the other two major subphyla of Basidiomycota,
Sordariomycetes is the name now applied to i.e. Ustilaginomycotina (membrane-bounded
a large group formerly called Pyrenomycetes septal caps) and Agaricomycotina (dolipore
(Samuels and Blackwell 2001). However, while septa). These and many other ultrastructural
10 Roland W.S. Weber

Fig. 1.5. Classification of the Basidiomycota according to 2007). Supplementary data from Kirk et al. (2001) and
the current ‘AFTOL’ scheme (Hibbett et al. 2007) in com- McLaughlin et al. (2001) are indicated in square brackets.
parison with data available in 2005 (Webster and Weber Positions incertae sedes are indicated by question marks

and biochemical features are consistent with the The class Pucciniomycetes is by far the most
basal position within the Basidiomycota which important one in this subphylum. The order
Pucciniomycotina occupy in many phylogenetic Pucciniales (formerly Uredinales) includes all
analyses (Bauer et al. 2006). However, whilst the known rust fungi, obligately biotrophic plant
range of genera to be included in this subphylum pathogens of which about 7000 species are
had become evident, their grouping into higher known. These have distinct monokaryotic and
taxa was still tentative. Bauer et al. (2006) evalu- dikaryotic phases which may alternate between
ated over 30 years of research into ultrastructural two taxonomically unrelated host plants, pro-
features, backed up by phylogenetic studies of ducing up to five different spore stages in the
rDNA loci. Their classification scheme was sup- process (Webster and Weber 2007). An even
ported by the comprehensive phylogenetic study more extreme case of host alternation is pre-
of Aime et al. (2006) and accepted by Hibbett sented by the Helicobasidiales (ca. 6 spp.)
et al. (2007). which parasitise rust fungi in their haploid
Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi 11

conidial phase (Tuberculina), whereas their modified (see Begerow et al. 2006). There are two
dikaryotic phase (Rhizoctonia-like as a sterile firmly established classes, Ustilaginomycetes and
mycelium, Helicobasidium when producing basi- Exobasidiomycetes (Hibbett et al. 2007). The
dia) causes violet root rot on a wide range of Entorrhizales were included by Begerow et al.
terrestrial plants (Lutz et al. 2004). The Septoba- (2006) but excluded by Hibbett et al. (2007), where-
sidiales (170 spp.) are dimorphic; yeast cells as the Malasseziales, a group of anamorphic yeasts
produced from basidiospores can infect scale associated with warm-blooded animals, are incer-
insects where a mycelium is formed which tae sedes within the Ustilaginomycotina.
ultimately produces resupinate fruit-bodies out- Members of the Ustilaginomycetes (Urocys-
side the dead insect host. tales, Ustilaginales) almost exclusively infect
The remaining seven classes contain fungi monocots (grasses, sedges, rushes). No true haus-
with an astonishing diversity of life styles (plant- toria are formed, but intracellular hyphae may be
pathogenic, mycoparasitic, aquatic, saprotrophic) present, surrounded by a thick sheath (Bauer et al.
and diverse growth forms, as summarised in the 1997). Infection culminates in the production of
insightful discussion of biological and ultrastructural thick-walled teliospores from which basidia arise.
features by Bauer et al. (2006). Yeasts of the The scorched appearance of infected, teliospore-
Rhodotorula and Sporobolomyces types occur in releasing plant tissue has given the smut fungi
the classes Cystobasidiomycetes (Cystobasidiales) their name. The class Exobasidiomycetes contains
and in Microbotryomycetes (Sporidiales). Other a more diverse assemblage of fungi. Members of
yeast genera are also found in these two classes. the order Exobasidiales parasitise dicot trees and
Macroscopic fruit-bodies, where present, are stil- shrubs, forming basidia without the teliospore
boid, i.e. small, jelly-like and stalked with an stage on the infected and often swollen host
enlarged head. The class Microbotryomycetes surface. The electron-dense sheath around intra-
includes the Microbotryales, an order of fungi cellular hyphae of Ustilaginomycetes is reduced to
formerly called ‘dicot Ustilago spp.’ and included a few plaques in Exobasidium (Begerow et al.
in the Ustilaginales because of their striking 2002). Confusingly, typical smut fungi are also
biological and morphological similarities to the included in the Exobasidiomycetes, e.g. Tilletiales,
true smut fungi (discussed by Webster and Entylomatales, and Georgefischeriales, in addition
Weber 2007). to aquatic smuts (Doassansiales) and Tilletiopsis-
Because most of the remaining classes and type yeasts (Entylomatales).
orders are mono- or oligotypic, we may expect The conclusion we must draw is that typical
the discovery of many more species especially ‘smut fungi’ are found in several phylogenetically
from tropical habitats, and this could destabilise distant groups, including Microbotryales (Pucci-
the current taxonomic system (Aime et al. 2006). niomycotina), Entorrhizomycetes (Basidiomycota
incertae sedes), and Ustilaginomycotina (Ustilagi-
nomycetes and Exobasidiomycetes). Further, the
B. Ustilaginomycotina taxonomy of Ustilaginomycetes is still in a state of
flux which even the comprehensive recent multi-
This group of approximately 1500 species contains gene study by Begerow et al. (2006) has not alto-
the true smut fungi and their allies with unifying gether consolidated.
biological features of saprotrophic haploid yeast
cells which copulate and establish a dikaryotic my-
celium as prerequisite for infection of host plants C. Agaricomycotina
(Webster and Weber 2007). Septal pores are com-
monly surrounded by simple membrane caps. De- This subphylum, approximately synonymous with
spite a relatively limited number of groups, the the Hymenomycetes (Swann and Taylor 1993) or
taxonomy of the Ustilaginomycotina is still far Basidiomycetes (Kirk et al. 2001), provides the
from settled. Recent advances in our understand- most striking fruit-bodies of all fungi, and these
ing both of ultrastructural features and rDNA- have been studied for centuries in a taxonomic con-
based phylogenetics have led to a revised classifi- text. Unfortunately, fruit-body morphology has been
cation of Ustilaginomycotina (Bauer et al. 1997; found in many cases to be a poor indicator of true
Begerow et al. 1997) which has repeatedly been phylogenetic relationships, explaining the unusually
12 Roland W.S. Weber

high rate of rearrangements within the Agaricomy- Ceratobasidium and other teleomorphs of Rhizoc-
cotina in recent years. Hibbett (2006) and Hibbett tonia), and Sebacinales (Weiss et al. 2004; Binder
et al. (2007), summarising the current viewpoint of et al. 2005; Hibbett 2006; Moncalvo et al. 2006).
AFTOL project members, subdivided the Agarico- The class Tremellomycetes as currently circum-
mycotina into three classes, i.e. Tremellomycetes, scribed contains the well-delimited Tremellales
Dacrymycetes, and Agaricomycetes, but this is un- and two orders of yeasts, Cystofilobasidiales and
likely to remain the last word on the matter as Filobasidiales. This placement of most if not all
numerous orders remain incertae sedes. agaricomycetous yeasts in the vicinity of Tremella
In the past, fungi have been called heterobasi- confirms earlier results (Fell et al. 2001) and cor-
diomycetes or phragmobasidiomycetes if: (1) relates with the germination of Tremella basidio-
their basidia possess highly differentiated sterig- spores as yeast cells.
mata (epibasidia) or are even divided by trans- Many phylogenetic studies have attempted to
verse or longitudinal septa, (2) basidiospores subdivide fungi currently grouped in the class
germinate by budding in a yeast-like manner Agaricomycetes (Hibbett et al. 2007), approxi-
or by producing ballistosporic conidia, and (3) mately equivalent to Homobasidiomycetes. Major
fruit-bodies, if present, are jelly-like and capable consternation arose when it became apparent just
of discharging basidiospores even after several how frequently the various forms of basidiocarps
drying/rehydration cycles (Kirk et al. 2001; Wells and hymenophore – chiefly lamellate, cantharel-
and Bandoni 2001; Webster and Weber 2007). loid, poroid, clavate, hydnoid, resupinate, and
Unfortunately, these features, like many others, gasteroid – appeared in different phylogenetic
are now known to be phylogenetically irrelevant, groups (Fig. 1.6). Key biological features have also
and ‘heterobasidiomycetes’ may be found in Tre- evolved repeatedly. To give one example, ectomy-
mellomycetes (Tremellales), Dacrymycetes corrhizal associations may have arisen indepen-
(Dacrymyces, Calocera) and certain orders of the dently 11 times in the Agaricales (Matheny et al.
Agaricomycetes, such as Auriculariales (Auricu- 2006), twice in Boletales (Binder and Hibbett
laria, Exidia), Cantharellales (Tulasnella, possibly 2006), and on several occasions elsewhere within

Fig. 1.6. Distribution of hymenial surfaces among different orders of Agaricomycetes (Homobasidiomycetes).
Phylogenetically closely related orders are united by brackets
Recent Developments in the Molecular Taxonomy of Fungi 13

Agaricomycetes (Hibbett and Thorn 2001). In the to situations in which there is sound evidence of
Sebacinales, a small order of heterobasidiomycete- their necessity, general acceptance, and future du-
like fungi now placed at the base of Agaricomycetes, rability. Further, a hierarchical scheme with a
different types such as ectomycorrhiza, ericoid, and limited number of phyla should be maintained
orchid mycorrhiza may all be found (Weiss et al. from the perspective of mycology teaching. Each
2004). Many groups therefore lack any obvious char- phylum should contain an equivalent structure of
acter by which their members can be recognised. lower ranks. In this context a re-erection of the
Initial attempts at re-classifying agaricomyce- Zygomycota or an equivalent in rank is desirable.
toid fungi defined phylogenetic clades instead of The ‘AFTOL’ project has a model character in
formal order names (Hibbett et al. 1997; Hibbett addressing most of the above requirements, and it
and Thorn 2001; Moncalvo et al. 2002; Webster and is particularly promising in that so many influential
Weber 2007). Orders have now been formally re- taxonomists have united behind it. It is certainly
described for the eight clades of Hibbett and Thorn possible to adopt this classification for use with
(2001), i.e. cantharelloid (Cantharellales; Moncalvo existing textbooks such as Webster and Weber
et al. 2006), hymenochaetoid (Hymenochaetales; (2007), new texts or editions, or as a framework
Larsson et al. 2006), gomphoid-phalloid (Geas- for mycology classes. The AFTOL scheme presents
trales, Gomphales, Hysterangiales, Phallales; Hos- the first realistic opportunity to introduce a unified
aka et al. 2006), russuloid (Russulales; Miller et al. taxonomic scheme into global mycological use.
2006), boletoid (Boletales; Binder and Hibbett However, taxonomy is merely a foundation on
2006), euagarics (Agaricales; Matheny et al. 2006), which the ultimate goal of mycology – an under-
polyporoid (Polyporales; see Hibbett and Thorn standing of the biology of fungi – can be
2001; Matheny et al. 2007), and thelephoroid (The- approached. In many institutions, the teaching of
lephorales; see Hibbett et al. 2007). Additional mycology at undergraduate level is currently
(mostly smaller) clades were resolved subsequent being carried out by non-mycologists. The per-
to the summary by Hibbett and Thorn (2001), and ception of fungal taxonomy as an obsession with
these were described as Trechisporales, Sebacinales, name changes of ever shorter shelf-life must be
Gloeophyllales, Corticiales, and Atheliales (see avoided, as this would simply lead to the elimina-
Weiss et al. 2004; Binder et al. 2005; Hibbett et al. tion of fungi from biology textbooks and curri-
2007). However, a complete sub-class system is not cula, as has arguably happened with protozoa
yet in place, only two groups (Agaricomycetidae (Adl et al. 2007). In this context as in many others,
and Phallomycetidae) having been formalised in one must hope for a high acceptance and durabil-
the new taxonomic context as yet (Hibbett et al. ity of the AFTOL scheme.
2007). Indeed, a new research discipline, fungal
phylogenomics, may have to be established before
the Agaricomycetes can be tidied up (Hibbett 2006),
and even then a working taxonomic system based References
on well-known species may be destabilised by the
future discovery of new species from the immense Adl S, et al (2005) The new higher level classification of
unknown biodiversity thought to exist among eukaryotes with emphasis on the taxonomy of pro-
tists. J Eukaryot Microbiol 52:399–451
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Aime MC, Matheny PB, Henk DA, Frieders EM, Nilsson RH,
VI. Conclusions Piepenbring M, McLaughlin DJ, Szabo LJ, Begerow D,
Sampaio JP, Bauer R, Weiss M, Oberwinkler F, Hibbett
D (2006) An overview of the higher-level classification
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carrying forward the revolution of fungal taxono- nuclear large and small subunit rDNA sequences.
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Archibald JM, Keeling PJ (2004) Actin and ubiquitin pro-
as we have seen, many areas of ambiguity remain. tein sequences support a cercozoan/foraminiferan
In addressing them, every effort should be made ancestry for the plasmodiophorid plant pathogens.
to reduce name changes to the bare minimum, i.e. J Eukaryot Microbiol 51:113–118
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of euagarics. Mol Phylogen Evol 23:357–400 of graminicolous downy mildews based on cox2 sequence
Moncalvo J-M, Nilsson RH, Koster B, Dunham SM, data. Mycol Res 112:345–351
Bernauer T, Matheny PB, Porter TM, Margaritescu Tsuneda A, Currah RS (2004) Ascomatal morphogenesis
S, Weiss M, Garnica S, Danell E, Langer G, Langer E, in Myxotrichum arcticum supports the derivation of
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2 Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development


CONTENTS studies with model organisms have led, for

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 example, to the identification of signal transduction
A. Fungal Organisms as Model Systems pathways, transcription control circuits, and cell
for Developmental Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 cycle checkpoints. Moreover, studies using model
B. Why Choose Sordaria macrospora? . . . . . . . . 18 systems continue to uncover the details of genetic
II. Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
A. Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 interactions controlling developmental plasticity.
B. Homothallism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The acquired knowledge usually can be applied to
III. Phylogeny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 organisms of higher order having more complex
IV. Mutants and Morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 morphologies that are difficult to manipulate exper-
V. Molecular and Genetic Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 imentally. A further advantage of model systems
A. Tetrad Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
B. DNA-Mediated Transformations compared to complex highly developed organisms
and Gene Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 (e.g. humans) is their potential for a rapid and
C. Tools for Fluorescence Microscopy . . . . . . . . 27 inexpensive genetic analysis.
D. Functional Genomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 In this review, we focus on the filamentous
VI. Developmental Biology and Components fungus Sordaria macrospora, which for long has
of Signalling Pathways . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
A. Pheromones and Pheromone Receptors . . 31 been used as a model for conventional genetic anal-
B. Heterotrimetic G Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 ysis, fruiting body development, and the analysis of
C. Adenylyl Cyclase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 meiosis (Esser and Straub 1958; Heslot 1958; Zickler
D. Transcription Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 1977; van Heemst et al. 1999; Pöggeler et al. 2006a).
E. Novel Developmental Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Since the first combination of classical tetrad analy-
VII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 sis and modern molecular genetics, this fungus has
become an important eukaryotic model system to
study developmental biology.
While this review was in preparation, the
genome of S. macrospora was sequenced, using
I. Introduction next generation sequencing techniques. De novo
assembly of Illumina/Solexa paired end reads and
The application of forward or reverse genetic subsequent comparative assembly with genome
approaches in model organisms has made great data from Neurospora species yielded a first draft
contributions to our fundamental biological knowl- version with about 10 000 predicted genes. This
edge. Associated with these studies is the technical genome sequence will greatly enhance the value
progress in understanding and manipulating the of S. macrospora as a eukaryotic model system
genomes of the relevant organisms. Basic biological (Nowrousian M, Kamerewerd J, Engh I, Pöggeler
S, Stajich J, Read N, Kück U, Freitag M, personal
Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine und Molekulare Botanik, Fakultät für communication).
Biologie, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstrasse 150,
44780 Bochum Germany; e-mail: ulrich.kueck@ruhr-uni-
A. Fungal Organisms as Model Systems
Abteilung Genetik eukaryotischer Mikroorganismen, Institut für
Mikrobiologie und Genetik, Georg-August-Universität Göttin-
for Developmental Biology
gen, Grisebachstrasse 8, 37077 Göttingen, Germany; e-mail: So far about 74 000 fungal species have been identi-
Present address: Heinrich Petk Institute for Experimental Virology fied and classified, but even conservative estimates
and Immunology at the University of Hambury, Germany suspect that about 1.5  106 species exist in nature

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
18 Ulrich Kück et al.

(Hawksworth 2001). Fungi are true eukaryotes, Similarly, sexual propagation structures occur
with a nucleus and (in most cases) mitochondria. in true filamentous fungi due to environmental
Exceptions are those species having mitosomes changes such as nutrient starvation. In almost all
or mitochondria-related hydrogenosomes instead filamentous fungi, fruiting body formation is the
of mitochondria. However, recent evolutionary major developmental step during the sexual
studies indicate that both mitosomes and hydroge- reproduction cycle. Fruiting bodies vary in size
nosomes might be derived from mitochondrial between 200 mm and several centimetres as found
ancestors (Embley and Martin 2006). Fungi can be for example in the morel. Their major function is
either uni- or multicellular. Irrespective of their the protection and further distribution of the sexu-
taxonomy, unicellular fungi are named yeasts, al spores that are generated after the meiotic divi-
while the terms filamentous or mycelial fungi indi- sions that follow karyogamy (Pöggeler et al. 2006a).
cate multicelluar fungi with complex, multicellular
propagation structures. Depending on their envi-
ronmental growth conditions, some fungi are able B. Why Choose Sordaria macrospora?
to undergo a transition from uni- to multicellular
growth and vice versa. This dimorphic develop- Sordaria macrospora is a coprophilic homothallic
ment is a characteristic of certain species that are pyrenomycete first described in 1866 (Auerswald
considered to be either yeasts or filamentous fungi. 1866), which is closely related to Podospora anser-
Baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is the ina and Neurospora crassa. In contrast to these
most prominent fungal model system and has heterothallic species, single strains of S. macro-
contributed enormously to the basic understand- spora produce fruiting bodies (perithecia) without
ing for example of eukaryotic signalling pathways the presence of a mating partner. As a conse-
or the biogenesis of eukaryotic organelles (e.g. quence of self-fertility, fruiting body development
mitochondria, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticu- is an apandrous process, allowing the direct test-
lum). Thus, yeast is the main model system for ing of recessive mutations that lead to defects in
eukaryotic cell biology (Botstein and Fink 1988). fruiting body formation. The life cycle of S. macro-
However, multicellular models are essential spora, as depicted in Fig. 2.1, can be completed in
since many genes play different roles in defined the laboratory within seven days. During vegeta-
cell types at different developmental stages. These tive growth, chemical and physical stimuli such as
complex cell and tissue interactions cannot be biotin or light induce branching of hyphal tips,
mimicked in unicellular organisms like yeasts. which is followed by adhesion of several hyphae to
Therefore other model organisms, such as each other. This entry into the sexual phase results
filamentous fungi, have proven their value in in the formation of a network of interconnecting
specialized research areas. hyphae, leading to the first of two consecutive
Filamentous fungi are characterized by the morphological stages: first, the development of
extreme polar growth of their hyphae, which is primordia (protoperithecia), and second, the
reminiscent of the growth behaviour in neurons or transition of protoperithecia into mature fruiting
plant pollen tubes. This polarized growth in fungi is bodies, called perithecia. In the homothallic
characterized by vesicle transport towards the apex. fungus S. macrospora, transition between these
In contrast to yeasts, filamentous fungi can undergo two stages takes 72 h. In heterothallic fungi such
major morphogenetic changes that are accompa- as N. crassa, this transition requires crossing
nied by a switch from polarized to isotropic growth between two strains of opposite mating types.
(Harris and Momany 2004; Fischer et al. 2008). Ascus development, as detailed in the next
These changes in cellular development occur regu- section, starts with the formation of female game-
larly during asexual or sexual propagation. tangia called ascogonia. The ascogenous cells are
During asexual propagation, the typical for- enveloped by sterile hyphae to form fruiting body
mation of conidiospores is observed (e.g. Asper- precursors. Subsequent tissue differentiation
gillus spp., Penicillium spp.). Another, often gives rise to an outer pigmented peridial tissue
overlooked, asexual differentiation process is the and, following karyogamy, inner ascus initials
fragmentation of hyphae into arthrospores. Both embedded in sterile paraphyses are formed.
these processes are dependent on environmental Mature fruiting bodies from S. macrospora harbor
conditions, such as light. 50–300 asci, which after meiosis and postmeiotic
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 19

ascospore Fig. 2.1. Life cycle of Sordaria

macrospora: The cycle starts
perithecium with with a germinating ascospore
mature asci mycelium and is completed in the labora-
tory within seven days by the
formation of mature fruiting
bodies (perithecia) that dis-
ascogonium charge the mature and mela-
nized ascospores

perithecium with
immature asci

divisions contain eight ascospores each. Mature (secondary homothallic, pseudo-compatible), or

black ascospores are discharged through an homothallic (compatible) (Lin and Heitman 2007).
apical pore (ostiole) at the neck of the fruiting
body. In conclusion, fruiting body development
requires the differentiation of the mycelia into A. Life Cycle
several specialized tissues; and regulation of
these morphological and physiological changes Similar to heterothallic filamentous ascomycetes,
requires a number of different genes (Esser and the homothallic S. macrospora has a dikaryophase
Straub 1958). in its life cycle. During this phase, pairs of nuclei
There is another developmental feature that synchronously and repeatedly divide inside the
makes S. macrospora a favourable object for fruit- ascogonium, thereby producing a great number
ing body development. S. macrospora produces of nuclei. The nuclei then migrate in pairs to
only meiotically derived ascospores, whereas the developing dikaryotic ascogenous hyphae
asexual spores, such as conidia, are absent. Thus, emerging from the ascogonium. The ascogenous
there is no interference between two different hyphal tips develop a U-shaped crozier containing
developmental programmes, which makes it easi- two nuclei. These nuclei divide mitotically in
er, for example, to analyse differentially expressed synchrony and, subsequently, two septa appear
genes involved in ascocarp development. which divide the hook cell into three sections: a
lateral and a basal cell with one nucleus each, and
an apical cell with two nuclei. The two nuclei in the
apical cell then fuse. Immediately after karyogamy
II. Biology within the young ascus, the diploid nucleus under-
goes meiosis, which is followed by a post-meiotic
In order to manipulate the development of a fungal mitosis, resulting in the formation of eight nuclei.
model system, detailed knowledge of its life cycle Each of the eight nuclei is incorporated into its
is an essential prerequisite for any experimental own ascospore (Esser and Straub 1958; Esser
study. The sexual system of fungi can be either het- 1982). The self-fertilization mode of S. macrospora
erothallic (self-incompatible), pseudo-homothallic is termed autogamous fertilization. This means
20 Ulrich Kück et al.

that a pair-wise fusion of nuclei present within the MAT1-2-1 (mat a-1) and MAT1-2-3 (mat a-2).
ascus initial occurs, without cell fusion having While the MAT1-2-1 gene encodes a HMG-do-
taken place before (Esser and Straub 1958). main protein that is the major regulator of mating
in MAT1-2 strains, the function of the MAT1-2-2
encoded protein is unknown (Staben and
B. Homothallism Yanofsky 1990; Pöggeler and Kück 2000).
Pseudo-homothallic members of the Sordar-
In homothallic species, like S. macrospora, a iaceae (e.g. Neurospora tetrasperma) or the
mycelium derived from a uninucleate ascospore Lasiosphaeriaceae (e.g. P. anserina) develop
is self-fertile and able to perform all steps of four-spored asci in which most ascospores carry
meiosis. In contrast, heterothallic species, like two nuclei, one of each mating type. Another form
N. crassa, require another compatible individual of pseudo-homothallism is accomplished by mat-
for sexual reproduction. The mating partners of ing-type switching, but this has not been identi-
heterothallic fungi are morphologically identical fied in members of the Sordariales (Lin and
and are only distinguished by their mating type Heitman 2007).
(MAT) loci. In N. crassa, these are termed MAT1-1 There are three ways fungi can be homothal-
(matA) and MAT1-2 (mata). The alternative ver- lic: (1) they can harbour a fused MAT locus of
sions of the mating-type locus on homologous both idiomorphs, (2) they can harbour both MAT
chromosomes of the mating partners are called alleles at different loci in the genome, and (3) they
idiomorphs because they are completely dissimi- can sexually reproduce but carry only one MAT
lar in the genes they carry (Metzenberg and Glass locus (Lin and Heitman 2007). In Sordariales all
1990). The MAT1-1 idiomorph of N. crassa con- three forms of homothallism can be found in the
tains three genes: MAT1-1-1 (mat A-1), MAT1-1-2 same order.
(mat A-2), and MAT1-1-3 (mat A-3; Glass et al.
1990a; Ferreira et al. 1996, 1998; Fig. 2.2). The S. macrospora as well as Neurospora pannonica and Neu-
MAT1-1 polypeptide has a DNA-binding motif rospora terricola belong to the first group and contain
that shows similarity to the S. cerevisiae MATa1p sequences similar to both the MAT1-1 and the MAT1-
mating-type protein. MAT1-1-2 encodes a protein 2 idiomorphs. In the homothallic Chaetomium globosum
in addition to a MAT1-1 locus, a MAT1-2 locus was iden-
without a characteristic DNA-binding motif, but tified at another genomic locus (Glass et al. 1990a; Pögge-
with a conserved region encompassing 25 amino ler et al. 1997a; Debuchy and Turgeon 2006). However,
acids with three invariant histidine, proline, and according to data from Southern hybridization, the homo-
glycine residues (the HPG domain; Debuchy thallic Neurospora species N. africana, N. dodgei, N. gala-
and Turgeon 2006). The MAT1-1-3 gene encodes pagonensis, and N. lineolata possess only the MAT1-1 locus
(Glass et al. 1990a; Pöggeler 1999). The fused mating-type-
a protein with a high mobility group (HMG) loci of S. macrospora, N. pannonica, and N. terricola appear
DNA-binding motif (Ferreira et al. 1996). The to be derived from a heterothallic ancestor. The molecular
N. crassa MAT1-2 idiomorph contains two genes, mechanisms responsible for the fusion of MAT regions are

MAT1-2-1 MAT1-2-1
(mat a-1) (mat a-2)
N.c. MAT1-2
MAT1-1-3 MAT1-1-2 MAT1-1-1
(mat A-3) (mat A-2) (mat A-1)
N.c. MAT1-1

MAT1-2-1 MAT1-1-3 MAT1-1-2 MAT1-1-1

(Smta-1) (SmtA-3) (SmtA-2) (SmtA-1)
S.m. MAT1-2/1

Fig. 2.2. Comparative maps of mating type loci from the two N. crassa (N. c.) mating type idiomorphs and from the
S. macrospora (S. m.) mating type locus. For further details of designations see text
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 21

so far unknown, but it is likely that a recombination event rosettes of asci (Pöggeler et al. 1997b). Thus, the
led to the close linkage of MAT1-1- and MAT1-2-specific mating-type genes from S. macrospora confer self-
sequences on a single chromosome.
fertility to the heterothallic P. anserina when they
do not interfere with a resident mating-type locus.
Cloning and sequencing of the entire mating-type This result suggests that the S. macrospora mat-
locus of S. macrospora revealed that it encodes four ing-type genes are functional and most probably
different ORFs: MAT1-2-1 (Smt a-1), MAT1-1-3 are involved in fruiting body development and
(Smt A-3), MAT1-1-2 (Smt A-2), and MAT1-1-1 ascosporogenesis.
(SmtA-1). Except for MAT1-1-3, proteins encoded Due to the presence of MAT1-1-type homo-
by the S. macrospora mating type genes show thallic species in the genus Neurospora (Glass
strong sequence similarities to the corresponding et al. 1990b; Metzenberg and Glass 1990) and due
N. crassa mating-type ORFs. The S. macrospora to the fact that MAT1-1 strains of the heterothallic
MAT1-1-3 gene has a chimeric character and exhi- S. brevicollis were shown to produce apandrous
bits sequence similarity to the MAT1-1-3 and the fruiting bodies with ascospores under certain
MAT1-2-2 ORF of N. crassa. In contrast to the N. culture conditions (Robertson et al. 1998), it was
crassa MAT1-1-3, the S. macrospora MAT1-1-3 unclear whether MAT1-2 specific genes are essen-
protein lacks an HMG domain (Fig. 2.2). tial for sexual reproduction in homothallic mem-
Sequence analysis of the cDNA from the S. bers of the family Sordariaceae. Deletion of
macrospora MAT1-2-1, MAT1-1-3, MAT1-1-2, MAT1-2-1 converts the self-fertile S. macrospora
and MAT1-1-1 revealed that introns in each gene to a self-sterile fungus, no longer able to produce
are spliced, indicating that all of the mating-type fruiting bodies and ascospores. Thus, the DMAT1-
genes identified in the mating-type locus of 2-1 mutant phenotypically resembles the
S. macrospora are transcriptionally active (Pögge- S. macrospora pro mutants (see Sect. IV) which
ler et al. 1997b). Surprisingly, RT-PCR experi- also do not produce any perithecia. However, no
ments demonstrated co-transcription of the irregularities in vegetative growth and mycelial
MAT1-1-3 gene and MAT1-2-1 as well as optional morphology were observed when the mutant
splicing of two introns within the MAT1-1-2 gene strain was compared to S. macrospora wild type
(Pöggeler and Kück 2000). This finding demonstrates that, at least in the
To investigate the functional conservation of homothallic S. macrospora, the MAT1-2-1 gene
mating-type genes of S. macrospora, cosmid is required for fruiting-body development and
clones containing the entire mating-type locus sexual reproduction (Pöggeler et al. 2006b).
from S. macrospora were transformed into both Cross-species microarray technology (see
P. anserina MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 strains. Similar Sect. V.D) showed that the S. macrospora MAT1-
to N. crassa MAT1-1 strains, the P. anserina 2-1 affects the expression of at least 107 genes,
MAT1-1 contains three genes (FMR1 = MAT1-1- including a common set of ten putative develop-
1, FMR2 = MAT1-1-2, SMR3 = Mat1-1-3), while mental genes deregulated in sterile pro mutants.
the P. anserina MAT1-2 locus contains only a At least 74 and 33 genes are two-fold up- or down-
single gene (FPR1 = MAT1-2-1) encoding an regulated in the S. macrospora DMAT1-2-1 mutant
HMG-domain protein (Debuchy and Coppin strain. Of these 107 genes, 80 have homologues
1992; Debuchy et al. 1993). After introduction of with known or putative function and were sorted
the S. macrospora MAT locus into the homokar- into ten putative functional categories (Pöggeler
yotic strains of P. anserina, transformants were et al. 2006b).
capable of forming fruiting bodies without cross- Transcription of cell type-specific genes in the
ing with a mating partner of the opposite mating ascomycetous yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has
type. However, instead of asci with four ascos- been shown to rely on the interaction of mating-
pores, the perithecia of the transformants contain type proteins (Herskowitz 1989). A two-hybrid ap-
only a gelatinous mass and have no structures proach in conjunction with protein cross-linking
such as hook cells, croziers, asci or spores analysis demonstrated that in Sordaria macrospora
(Pöggeler et al. 1997b). Interestingly, transforma- the MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1 proteins, homolo-
tion of the entire S. macrospora MAT locus into a gous to polypeptides encoded by opposite mating
P. anserina DMAT strain without an endogenous partners of the heterothallic N. crassa, are able to
MAT locus led to fertile perithecia containing form a heterodimer (Jacobsen et al. 2002).
22 Ulrich Kück et al.

III. Phylogeny or block in defined morphogenetic steps. Such

morphological mutants can be generated either
S. macrospora belongs to the family Sordariaceae by conventional mutagenesis or by the application
(Sordariales, Ascomycetes) which comprises taxa of homologous recombination procedures (see
characterized by dark, ostiolate fruiting bodies, and Sect. V.B). The detailed molecular and cellular
unitunicate, cylindrical asci (Kirk et al. 2001). The analysis of mutants will decipher molecular deter-
Sordariaceae family presently contains 7–10 genera minants involved in cellular differentiation pro-
(Kirk et al. 2001, Eriksson et al. 2004) and is cesses. Using a conventional genetic approach,
represented by well known genera such as Gelasi- more than hundred developmental mutants with
nospora, Neurospora, and Sordaria. It is also mor- defects in fruiting body formation were generated.
phologically related to the Lasiosphaeriaceae, Mutants were obtained after UV mutagenesis of a
another family within the Sordariales, which con- protoplast suspension derived from the wild-type
tains the important genus Podospora (Huhndorf strain. Protoplasts were exposed to UV light (254
et al. 2004). Phylogenetic studies have revealed nm) for 15 min, with a survival rate of 0.1%.
that species of the genus Sordaria are closely The protoplasts were regenerated on complete
related to the genus Neurospora (Pöggeler 1999; medium, supplemented with 10.8% sucrose
Cai et al. 2006) which includes the fungal model (Masloff et al. 1999). After 24 h, individual clones
organism N. crassa (Davis and Perkins 2002; Gala- were transferred to corn-meal medium to investi-
gan et al. 2003; Borkovich et al. 2004; Fig. 2.3). gate clones with phenotypic variations in fruiting
Phylogenetic trees based on sequences of the body development. In total, more than 23 000
conserved glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro- clones were screened in this way. Presumptive
genase gene (gpd) and on gene fragments developmental mutants were further tested for
of MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1 have shown that mitotic stability, before single-spore isolates were
Neurospora and Sordaria are monophyletic units generated for a detailed molecular analysis.
(Pöggeler 1999). Moreover, there is a strict sepa- The mutants were grouped into four different
ration of heterothallic and homothallic species phenotypic classes (see Fig. 2.4A):
within both genera and a separation of homothal- 1. Asc mutants. These mutants show a very early
lic strains with fused mating-type loci and MAT1- developmental block in the life cycle. They form
1-type homothallic species within Neurospora. ascogonia that sometimes have a non-wild-type
The phylogenetic analyses suggest that changes structure. In more than 100 developmental
in the reproductive strategy may represent a mutants, we detected only five having this phe-
single event in each genus (Pöggeler 1999). notype. They are sterile and never form proto-
The MAT genes of members of the Sordaria- perithecia.
ceae appear to evolve more quickly than other 2. Pro-mutants (Fig. 2.4B). Some 45 mutants have
regions of the genome; a phenomenon also been isolated and they show a developmental
observed in other ascomycetes (Turgeon 1998; block just after protoperithecia formation.
Pöggeler 1999; Voigt et al. 2005). Interestingly, Therefore, all pro-mutants are sterile. Proto-
analysis of non-synonymous and synonymous sub- perithecia have a round-shaped structure and
stitution rates within MAT genes of the genus Neu- a diameter of 30–55 m. The average size can
rospora revealed that the rapid divergence of MAT vary in the different mutants but has been
genes is due to an adaptive evolution within het- found to be constant in a defined mutant when
erothallic members of this genus, whereas it is due grown on corn meal agar. As shown in Sect. VI.
to the lack of selective constraints within homo- E, these mutants have contributed greatly to our
thallic members of Neurospora (Wik et al. 2008). current understanding of the molecular genetic
network controlling fruiting body development.
The first mutant used for a complementation
IV. Mutants and Morphology analysis was pro1, where the pro1 gene encodes
a development-specific GAL4-like C2H6 tran-
A major step in the molecular genetic analysis of scription factor (Masloff et al. 1999).
components controlling cellular development is 3. Per-mutants. The 44 mutants of this type are
the functional analysis of mutants having a defect characterized by the presence of a more or less
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 23

N. tetrasperma#
+, heterothallic
#, pseudohomothallic 82 N. intermedia+
*, homothallic
?, uncertain mating system N. sitophila+
N. crassa+

N. discreta+

62 G. cerealis*

N. pannonica*

N. terricola*
N. lineolata*

N. africana*

G. tetrasperma#

S. macrospora*

100 S. lappae?

75 S. fimicola*

S. sclerogenia+

S. brevicollis+

P. anserina#

100 P. setosa*

C. coprophila?

Chaetomium globosum*

Fig. 2.3. Phylogenetic tree of partial gpd sequences gener- nonica-. (Neurospora pannonica, AJ133016.1); N. terricola
ated by neighbor-joining analysis. 436 nucleotide posi- (Neurospora terricola, AJ133017.1); N. lineolata (Neurospo-
tions were included in the analysis. The tree shown is ra lineolata, AJ133015.1); N. africana (Neurospora africana,
based on a consensus tree calculated with the Neighbor AJ133012.1); S. macrospora (Sordaria macrospora,
program (Phylip). The numbers (percentages) indicate the AJ133007.1); S. lappae (Sordaria lappae, EF197111.1);
bootstrap support based on 1000 replications. Abbrevia- S. fimicola (Sordaria fimicola, AJ133009.1); S. sclerogenia
tions and accession numbers are as follows: N. tetrasperma (Sordaria sclerogenia, AJ133011.1); S. brevicollis (Sordaria
(Neurospora tetrasperma, AJ133018.1); N. intermedia (Neu- brevicollis, AJ133010.1); P. anserina (Podospora anserina,
rospora intermedia, AJ133019.1); N. sitophila (Neurospora EF197096.1); P. setosa (Podospora setosa, EF197110.1);
sitophila, AJ133020.1); N. crassa (Neurospora crassa, C. coprophila (Cercophora coprophila, EF197091.1). Chaeto-
U67457.1); N. discreta (Neurospora discreta, AJ133021.1); mium globosum- (CHGG_07980.1;
G. cerealis (Gelasinospora cerealis, AF388934.1); G. tetra- edu/annotation/genome/chaetomium_globosum) was used
sperma (Gelasinospora tetrasperma, AF388935.1); N. pan- as the outgroup

developed perithecium, but otherwise they are per5 (see Sect. VI.E), which was one of two
sterile. This is due to the fact that they mutants that provided the first example for
are unable to generate mature ascospores, the applicability of the S. macrospora system
although in some cases, they are able to form for a molecular genetic analysis (Nowrousian
immature asci. A good example is mutant et al. 1999).
24 Ulrich Kück et al.

200 µm 20 µm

p ile - m u tan ts asc - m u tan ts

16 5
16 5


100 µm 20 µm
p er - m u tan ts p ro - m u tan ts

20 µm 200 µm


Fig. 2.4. Phenotypes of developmental mutants from Sordaria macrospora. A Life cycle and number of mutants that can
be grouped in four different morphological classes having distinct developmental blocks. B, C Scanning electron
micrographs of a pro (B) and pile mutant (C)

4. Pile mutants (Fig. 2.4C). These mutants show a gene copy, which is defective in the recipient
rather complex phenotype. The spatial order of strains.
perithecium formation is disturbed. One peri-
thecium can sit on top of another, thus forming
a pile of many perithecia. Initially, we obtained V. Molecular and Genetic Tools
16 isolates of this mutant type which seem to
be genetically instable. Pile mutants are often
Development of an organism as a genetic model
fertile, but show a defect in the formation of the
system is greatly dependent on the application of
pigment melanin (Engh et al. 2007a).
modern molecular genetic techniques to a hitherto
As described in the sections to come, differ- only conventionally manipulated genetic system. In
ent developmental mutants were used for the fur- S. macrospora the use of molecular genetics started
ther molecular investigation of the developmental with DNA-mediated transformations and recently
process. Restoration of a fertile phenotype in these applied techniques such as microarray hybridiza-
sterile mutants allowed isolation of a wild-type tion and novel cellular markers for fluorescent
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 25

microscopic investigations (Nowrousian et al. 2005;

Engh et al. 2007b; Nowrousian et al. 2007a).

A. Tetrad Analysis
Tetrad analysis investigates the four products that
are generated from a diploid cell during two meiotic
divisions. In fungi, meiosis occurs during sexual
spore formation, resulting in each of the spores in
the meiosporangium (the ascus in the case of asco-
mycetes) resembling one product of meiosis.
In ascomycetes ordered tetrads as can be found in
S. macrospora can be distinguished from non-
ordered tetrads present in yeast. If alleles are
segregated during the first meiotic division, this
leads to ascus halves in ordered tetrads with spores
of the same genotype. However, cross-over may
occur during prophase of the first meiotic division
between the centromere and the gene of interest.
Different alleles are then present on sister chroma-
tids and do not segregate until the second meiotic
division. This leads to ascus halves with spores of
different genotypes. For further analysis, spores can
be isolated and germinated on agar medium.
S. macrospora is an excellent organism for
tetrad analysis for several reasons (Esser
Fig. 2.5. Ascus rosettes from a cross between two different
and Straub 1958; Esser 1982), some of which are S. macrospora strains. A Tetrad analysis from a cross
outlined here. between a wild-type strain having black ascospores and a
The tetrad is ordered and the ascospores are mutant strain with yellow ascospores. Light (B) and fluo-
linearly arranged. A post-meiotic mitosis leads to rescence (C) micrographs from ascus rosettes that were
eight instead of four spores. Sister products derived from a cross between a strain carrying two differ-
ent ascospore colour mutations and a transformant carry-
remain adjacent to one another; thus, the position ing the gene for the green fluorescence protein (gfp).
of each ascospore reflects the preceding nuclear Arrows indicate asci in which the alleles for the ascospore
division. colours or green fluorescent protein were separated by
The ascospores of S. macrospora are about 28 first and second division segregation, respectively
mm long, allowing for easy manual isolation.
Several spore colour mutants exist that can What is the advantage of a tetrad analysis?
be used in crosses. This is important, because Traditionally, it is used to examine gene distribu-
S. macrospora is self-fertile and one cannot distin- tion and gene–centromere distances by analysing
guish selfed and non-selfed fruiting bodies. the frequency of second division segregation. This
However, when using a strain with a spore colour was made mostly obsolete by genome sequencing.
defect in sexual crosses, recombinant perithecia However, tetrad analysis is still a powerful tool for
are identified by the segregation of spore colour genetic analysis. For example, recently a Dku70
alleles within the asci (Fig. 2.5). mutant was generated that facilitates the genera-
Experiments have shown that not only spore tion of knockout strains (Pöggeler and Kück
colour alleles but also heterologous marker genes 2006), which still carry the ku70 deletion (see
like egfp segregate in a Mendelian manner (Pöggeler next chapter). In order to obtain a knockout strain
et al. 2003). in the wild-type background, crosses against a
S. macrospora has a very short sexual cycle spore colour mutant are performed for further
that can be completed within seven days under tetrad analysis. This is a fast and easy method
laboratory conditions. leading to homokaryotic mutant strains
26 Ulrich Kück et al.

(Pöggeler and Kück 2006). Another important ad- driving hph expression (Walz and Kück 1995;
vantage of a tetrad analysis is the possibility to Pöggeler et al. 2003), with transformation fre-
generate double mutants by crossing the two quencies of about 5–15 transformants per 10 mg
mutants carrying distinct single mutations. The of DNA (Walz and Kück 1995).
double mutant can be isolated even if: (1) both In order to generate an alternative dominant
single mutants were generated using the same marker system that does not exhibit cross-resis-
selection marker, or (2) the double mutant has tance to hygromycin B, the nat1 gene conferring
the same phenotype as one of the single mutants. resistance to nourseothricin was used to trans-
This is feasible, because segregation into parental form S. macrospora (Hoff and Kück 2006). The
and recombinant spores is taken into account and nat1 gene product is the nourseothricin acetyl-
the ordered tetrad allows for the identification of transferase from Streptomyces noursei (Krügel
both. Using this method, numerous S. macrospora et al. 1993) and was expressed under the control
double mutants have been generated (Mayrhofer of the A. nidulans trpC promoter. Transformation
et al. 2006; Kamerewerd et al. 2008). As a conse- frequencies of 10–40 transformants per 10 mg of
quence, conventional genetic analysis strongly plasmid DNA were obtained with this dominant
increases the potential of S. macrospora as a selection system (Hoff and Kück 2006).
model organism for studying diverse biological Alternative selection systems were developed
phenomena. based on novel auxotrophic recipient strains.
Using conventional mutagenesis, a leucine auxo-
trophic strain was generated, which lacks the com-
B. DNA-Mediated Transformations plete wild-type copy of the leu1 gene, encoding
and Gene Libraries b-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (Kück 2005). A
uracil auxotrophic mutant strain was constructed
A variety of options recently became available to by isolating the ura3 (syn. pyr4) gene, encoding
introduce and control genetic elements, as well as orotidine-50 -phosphate decarboxylase from the S.
to help the construction of different molecular macrospora genomic DNA (Nowrousian and Kück
libraries, displaying the importance of S. macro- 1998) and subsequently disrupting the ura3 open
spora as model organism for basic research (Kück reading frame in vitro by insertion of a hph resis-
and Pöggeler 2005). tance cassette. The resulting recombinant plasmid
At the beginning, the development of a repro- was used in S. macrospora transformations to iso-
ducible DNA-mediated transformation protocol late a fungal derivative, in which the wild-type ura3
was of vital importance. Transformation of copy was substituted by the chimeric ura3-hph
S. macrospora was first reported by Le Chevanton gene through site specific homologous recombina-
and co-workers. They used an auxotrophic ura5 tion (Kück and Pöggeler 2004). The leu1 and ura3
strain as the recipient. Appropriate selection strains can be transformed with the corresponding
was performed by complementation of the uracil wild-type genes from S. macrospora; and the trans-
auxotrophy, by transforming with a homologous formation frequency is comparable to that
ura5 gene (Le Chevanton et al. 1989). described for the hph gene.
Selection of S. macrospora transformants with Transformed DNA was shown to be ectopically
a dominant marker became feasible using the integrated into the genomic DNA of S. macrospora.
Escherichia coli hygromycin B phosphotransferase The copy number varied between transformants.
gene (hph) under control of fungal promoter and Interestingly, the analysis of S. macrospora trans-
terminator elements (Walz and Kück 1995). formants by pulse field gelelectrophoresis revealed
The advantage of such a dominant selectable that all vector molecules usually integrate into the
marker is that basically any recipient strain can same chromosome (Walz and Kück 1995).
be used in transformation experiments. Expres- Targeted gene replacement via homologous re-
sion of the hph gene was initially directed by the combination is a routinely used approach to
upstream region of the isopenicillin N synthetase elucidate the function of unknown genes. Integra-
gene (pcbC) from the cephalosporin C producing tion of exogenous DNA in the genomic DNA
fungus Acremonium chrysogenum. Recently, the requires the action of double-strand repair mechan-
strong constitutive promoters of the A. nidulans isms. However, similar to most filamentous
gpd and trpC genes were shown to be useful for fungi, plants, and animals, transformed DNA is
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 27

predominately ectopically integrated into the S. macrospora Dku70 strain presents a valuable tool
genome of S. macrospora. for gene disruption and a crucial improvement
for the molecular research on S. macrospora (Mayr-
Most probably this occurs by non-homologous end join- hofer et al. 2006; Nolting and Pöggeler 2006a).
ing (NHEJ), a mechanism that involves the binding of the
Ku heterodimer (Ku70/Ku80) at the ends of a DNA dou-
Genetic transformation protocols contribute
ble-strand break (DSB; Pastwa and Blasiak 2003). greatly to the molecular dissection of the S. macro-
spora sexual development. Another important
development for genetic engineering of S. macro-
Hence, the low rate of homologous recombination spora comes from the construction of various
exhibited by the S. macrospora wild-type has gene libraries of S. macrospora DNA. An indexed
hindered highly efficient gene knockout protocols. cosmid library and a cDNA library, which is suit-
In N. crassa, Ninomiya and co-workers able for yeast two-hybrid screens, were used to
demonstrated that deletion of the genes ku70 identify important components involved in sexual
and ku80 results in a dramatic increase in the reproduction and fruiting-body development
frequency of homologous recombination resulting (Pöggeler et al. 1997a; Mayrhofer and Pöggeler
in 100% of transformants exhibiting integration 2005). Clones of indexed cosmid libraries are
only at homologous sites (Ninomiya et al. 2004). kept individually in microtitre dishes to ensure
This strategy for targeted gene integration was equal representation of each clone. Several meth-
extended to S. macrospora and a ku70 deletion ods for the rapid screening of pooled cosmid DNA
mutant was generated by replacing the ku70 gene have been published, such as isolation of con-
with a nat1 resistance cassette. No phenotypic served fungal genes by means of colony filter
defects regarding vegetative or sexual develop- hybridization of cosmid clones or rapid screening
ment were observed in the ku70 strain, making it by means of PCR using pooled cosmid DNA (Pög-
an attractive recipient strain for transformation geler et al. 1997a). In other approaches, this
and a valuable tool for gene disruption of devel- library was used to clone novel developmental
opmental genes. Compared to the wild type, which genes by restoring the fertile wild-type pheno-
shows homologous integration efficiency between types in otherwise sterile mutants of S. macro-
0.1% and 5.0%, a Dku70 strain showed up to 100% spora (see Sects. IV, VI.E; Masloff et al. 1999;
of transformants with homologous integration Nowrousian et al. 1999, 2007a; Pöggeler and Kück
of exogenous DNA (Pöggeler and Kück 2006). 2004; Engh et al. 2007b). The second genomic
As described in the previous section, the Dku70:: library was generated for yeast two-hybrid studies
nat1 mutation can easily be eliminated from a and consists of yeast vectors containing S. macro-
disruption strain by crossing to a spore color spora cDNA (Nolting and Pöggeler 2006a). This
mutant with an otherwise wild-type genetic back- library facilitated the screening of interaction part-
ground. Tetrad analyses allow the isolation of ners of developmental proteins and was shown to
ascospore isolates that lack the Dku70 mutation, be useful for the identification of transcriptional
but carry the substituted gene copy. activators and other developmental genes (Nolting
Based on procedures described for N. crassa and Pöggeler 2006a).
(Colot et al. 2006), the S. macrospora transforma-
tion procedure was expanded by substituting con-
ventional cloning with recombinational cloning in C. Tools for Fluorescence Microscopy
yeast (Oldenburg et al. 1997; Raymond et al. 1999).
Using this method, traditional restriction diges- Fluorescence microscopy has become a powerful
tion and ligation for the generation of knockout tool for studying the biology of filamentous fungi
fragments are unnecessary and components of the in detail, e.g. gene regulation, signal transduction,
final construct are synthesized individually by and protein localization. It relies on the fluores-
PCR. Amplified fragments contain short overlap- cent labelling of proteins or cellular components.
ping sequences and are cotransformed into This can be achieved by different methods, i.e.
yeast for assembly by the recombination machin- fluorescent dyes, fluorescent proteins or a combi-
ery. This ‘‘two-step’’ transformation procedure nation of specific primary antibodies with conju-
including homologous recombination in yeast gated secondary antibodies. While fluorescent
and transformation of the knockout fragment into dyes are mostly used to label cell organelles or
28 Ulrich Kück et al.

membranes, fluorescent proteins and antibodies novel component of the ER, putative signal
are often employed to visualize proteins. All three sequences for translational insertion into the ER
applications were conducted with S. macrospora were verified by Western analysis with an anti-
as an experimental system. EGFP-antibody that detected the secreted PPG1-
Using immunofluorescence, S. macrospora was EGFP and PRO41-EGFP fusion proteins (Mayrho-
employed as a model organism for cytoskeleton fer and Pöggeler 2005; Nowrousian et al. 2007a).
interactions during ascus development (Thomp- However, fluorescent proteins are not only
son-Coffe and Zickler 1992, 1993), using antibodies powerful tools for characterizing protein localiza-
against actin and tubulins in combination with tion. In fungi, they have been used to study the
secondary antibodies conjugated with fluorescent dynamics of organelles (Mouriño-Pérez et al.
probes. In addition, antibodies against meiotic pro- 2006) and to screen for targeting mutants
teins like e.g. RAD-51 were generated for the (Ohneda et al. 2005). For S. macrospora, several
analysis of meiosis (Tessé et al. 2003; Storlazzi plasmids encoding organelle-targeted fluorescent
et al. 2008). A similar approach was used to deter- proteins were constructed (Table 2.1, Fig. 6A, C,
mine the subcellular localization of the develop- E–H) by fusing targeting signals to genes encod-
mental protein ACL1 (Nowrousian et al. 1999). ing fluorescent proteins. One example is plasmid
The advantage of fluorescent proteins over pDsRed-SKL, encoding the DsRed gene fused to a
immunofluorescence is that no antibodies are short sequence, encoding the SKL motif. This C-
necessary and in vivo time-lapse imaging is possi- terminal peroxisomal targeting sequence (PTS1)
ble. For studying the localization of developmen- targets the fusion protein to the peroxisome
tal proteins, a number of plasmids with genes for (Elleuche and Pöggeler 2008). Likewise, ER mar-
different fluorescent proteins were generated kers pEGFP-KDEL and pDsRed-KDEL were con-
(Table 2.1, Fig. 2.6). These plasmids encode structed using EGFP and DsRed together with
N- or C-terminal fusion proteins between the the C-terminal retention signal KDEL and the N-
gene of interest and the fluorescent protein. terminal secretion signal sequence of the ppg1
These fluorescent markers segregate during mei- pheromone precursor gene (Mayrhofer and Pög-
otic division (Pöggeler et al. 2003). Using EGFP geler 2005; Nowrousian et al. 2007a). The ER
and DsRed, the localization of the developmental marker proteins were successfully used to identify
proteins PRO40, PRO41, and MCM1 were identi- the localization of fluorescent signals from
fied as Woronin bodies, the ER, and the nucleus, labelled developmental proteins (Engh et al.
respectively (Nolting and Pöggeler 2006b; Engh 2007b, Nowrousian et al. 2007a). Using organ-
et al. 2007b; Nowrousian et al. 2007a). For PPG1, elle-targeted GFP proteins, we have shown in two
the pheromone precursor protein, and PRO41, a mutants (pro40, pro41) that the Woronin body

Table 2.1. Plasmids encoding fluorescent proteins for microscopic investigations. Plasmids encode either solely the
fluorescent protein and are designed for C- or N-terminal fusion with genes of interest, or they encode an
organelle-targeted fluorescent protein

Plasmid Description Localization Colour References

pEH3 hph::Pgpd-egfp-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Green Nowrousian et al. (2007a)
pYHN3 hph::Pgpd-eyfp-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Yellow Rech et al. (2007)
pCHN3 hph::Pgpd-ecfp-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Cyan Rech et al. (2007)
pRHN3 hph::Pgpd-DsRed-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Red Engh et al. (2007b)
pMHN2 hph::Pgpd-mRFP1-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Red Unpublished data
pTomato hph::Pgpd-tdTomato-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Red Unpublished data
pmKalama1 hph::Pgpd-mKalama1-TtrpC, C-terminal Cytoplasm Blue Unpublished data
pN-EGFP hph::Pgpd-egfp-TtrpC, N-terminal Cytoplasm Green Unpublished data
pN-Tomato hph::Pgpd-tdTomato-TtrpC, N-terminal Cytoplasm Red Unpublished data
pYH2A hph::Pgpd-hh2a-eyfp-TtrpC Nucleus Yellow Rech et al. (2007)
pCH2B hph::Pgpd-hh2b-ecfp-TtrpC Nucleus Cyan Rech et al. (2007)
pDsRed-SKL nat::Pgpd-DsRed-SKL-TtrpC Peroxisome Red Elleuche and Pöggeler (2008)
pGFP-SKL phleo::Pgpd-egfp-SKL-TtrpC Peroxisome Green Ruprich-Robert et al. (2002)
pCW15 his3::Pccg1-sgfp-hex-1 Woronin body Green Engh et al. (2007b)
pEGFP-KDEL nat::Pgpd-Sppg1-egfp-KDEL-TtrpC ER Green Nowrousian et al. (2007a)
pDsRed-KDEL nat::Pgpd-pro41-DsRed-KDEL-TtrpC ER Red Nowrousian et al. (2007a)
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 29

Fig. 2.6. DIC and fluorescence

microscopic images of S. macro-
spora. Strains were transformed
with plasmids pCH2B (A), pGFP-
SKL (B), pYH2A (C), pTomato
(D), pCW15 (E) and pEGFP-
KDEL (F, G). H Ascus from a
sexual cross of different strains
transformed with pYH2A and
pCH2B, respectively. Note the
Mendelian segregation of the
fluorescent markers. Bar size is
the same for A–E and F–G,

and ER appear to have a wild-type morphology, the same nucleus. Subsequently, fluorescence mi-
although the proteins defective in these mutants croscopy shows both cyan and yellow fluores-
localize to these organelles (Engh et al. 2007b; cence in one nucleus as a result of hyphal
Nowrousian et al. 2007a). fusion. Besides immunofluorescence and fluores-
A particular application of fluorescence cent proteins, vital fluorescent dyes have been
microscopy was developed for the quantification used for S. macrospora.
of hyphal fusion events between different
S. macrospora strains (Rech et al. 2007). During An example is Calcofluor white, an exceptional dye for
hyphal fusion, cytoplasmic mixing occurs, which staining chitin in fungal cell walls. As such, it can be
also enables mixing of genetic information by applied for studying morphological changes, and its use
exchange of nuclei between hyphal compart- uncovered the hyperbranching phenotype of the mcm1
ments. Different strains were labelled with his- mutant (Nolting and Pöggeler 2006b). The DNA-staining
dye 40 ,6-diamidino-2-phenylindol (DAPI) was used for
tone fusion proteins H2A-YFP and H2B-CFP. studying meiotic and post-meiotic events (Storlazzi et al.
Following successful fusion, differently labelled 2003, 2008) as well as ascus development, which is closely
nuclei are present in one hyphal compartment, coupled to meiosis. For example, DAPI staining showed
and differently labelled histones are targeted to abnormal ascus development in several S. macrospora
30 Ulrich Kück et al.

mutants like Dste12 and the pheromone receptor/phero- fication of differentially expressed genes for further
mone precursor double mutant Dpre2/Dppg2 (Mayrhofer studies, and (2) the analysis of genetic networks by
et al. 2006; Nolting and Pöggeler 2006b). DAPI staining was
also used to show that the mouse striatin gene is able
making use of expression data as a molecular phe-
to complement the developmental defects of the sterile notype (Nowrousian 2007). Both aspects were stud-
pro11 mutant (Pöggeler and Kück 2004). ied in S. macrospora by comparing gene expression
in developmental mutants and a wild-type strain
In summary, a great variety of tools for fluores- (Nowrousian et al. 2005; Pöggeler et al. 2006b;
cence microscopy has been developed Nowrousian et al. 2007a). Microarray analysis was
for S. macrospora that allow not only protein local- performed using mutants pro1, pro11, pro22,
ization but also specialized experiments for further pro41, and DSmta-1, all of which produce only
studying the cell biology of this model organism. protoperithecia (see Sects. IV, VI); and a number
of genes were identified that are up- or down-regu-
lated in the mutants compared to the wild type.
Among these are the genes for the pheromone
D. Functional Genomics precursors ppg1 and ppg2, the putative lectin-
encoding gene tap1, a gene that was subsequently
In recent years, high-throughput methods for the shown to encode the fruiting body-specific protein
analysis of gene expression have been established APP and the melanin biosynthesis genes pks and
for a number of filamentous fungi. Most prominent sdh. These genes were further studied to decipher
among these new techniques are microarrays that the details of their expression patterns and their
allow the parallel analysis of gene expression for roles in fruiting body development (Nowrousian
(nearly) all genes within a genome (Nowrousian and Cebula 2005; Mayrhofer et al. 2006; Engh
et al. 2004a). Microarrays can be established from et al. 2007a; Nowrousian et al. 2007b). Additionally,
cDNA sequences or, if the genome of an organism overall expression patterns in the mutants were
has been sequenced, oligonucleotides as array used as molecular phenotypes to establish a genetic
probes can be derived from genomic sequences; network of pro genes (see also Sect. VI.E): expres-
and both types of arrays have been used for fila- sion patterns in mutants pro1, pro11 and pro22 are
mentous fungi (Breakspear and Momany 2007). In more similar to each other than to the DSmta-1
most cases, expression analyses with microarrays mutant, indicating that Smta-1 may act in parallel
are performed with the organisms for which the to these pro genes (Nowrousian et al. 2005;
array was developed (Nowrousian 2007). However, Pöggeler et al. 2006b). Furthermore, it was shown
if two species are closely related, it is possible to do that pro41 acts genetically downstream of the pro1
cross-species microarray hybridizations where the gene (Nowrousian et al. 2007a).
targets that are used for hybridization are derived Taken together, S. macrospora was among the
from another organism than the one for which the first filamentous fungi for which microarray
array was originally developed. This saves the effort experiments were performed; and, in recent
of setting up microarrays, especially for organisms years, the results of these high throughput
where the genome has not yet been sequenced. analyses have identified developmentally regu-
S. macrospora was the first filamentous fungus for lated genes and aided analysis of genetic networks
which cross-species array hybridizations were that control fruiting body formation.
established (Nowrousian et al. 2005). Cross-species
hybridizations were performed first using cDNA
microarrays for N. crassa, a close relative of VI. Developmental Biology and Components
S. macrospora with 90% nucleic acid sequence of Signalling Pathways
identity within coding regions (Nowrousian et al.
2004b). It was subsequently shown that these cross- There is increasing evidence that both external and
species hybridizations could also be done with internal signals are essential for fungal fruiting
oligonucleotide microarrays from N. crassa that body development. In several filamentous ascomy-
carry 70mer oligonucleotides as probes (Nowrou- cetes these signals have been shown to be trans-
sian et al. 2007a). duced by conserved signal transduction pathways.
Gene expression analysis with microarrays can The components involved can be subdivided into
serve several purposes, for example: (1) the identi- receptors that receive the signal, components that
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 31

transmit the signal into the cell, and nuclear tran- 2004, 2006). Thus, in heterothallic filamentous
scription factors that regulate gene expression ascomycetes the function of pheromones and
(Pöggeler et al. 2006a). The molecular mechanisms their cognate receptor seems to be restricted to
underlying sexual developmental processes in S. the fertilization process.
macrospora are only poorly understood. However, Interestingly, genes encoding two different
some of the key components of the signalling cas- pheromone precursors and two pheromone recep-
cades from the cell surface to the nucleus have been tors have also been identified in the homothallic
genetically characterized in S. macrospora. More- Sordaria macrospora (Pöggeler 2000; Pöggeler and
over, novel developmental proteins were discov- Kück 2001). The pheromone precursor gene ppg1 is
ered that might function further downstream of predicted to encode a a-factor-like peptide phero-
conserved signalling pathways, ensuring cell-spe- mone and the ppg2 gene an a-factor-like lipopep-
cific differentiation. tide pheromone (Pöggeler 2000). The deduced gene
products of the S. macrospora pre1 and pre2 genes
are predicted to be seven transmembrane domain
A. Pheromones and Pheromone Receptors proteins (Pöggeler and Kück 2001). For S. macro-
spora, it has been demonstrated that disruption of
Male and female fertility of heterothallic filamen- the pheromone precursor ppg1 gene prevents the
tous ascomycetes depends on interactions of pher- production of the peptide pheromone, but does not
omones with their specific receptors. Pheromone affect vegetative growth, fruiting-body, or asco-
precursor genes encoding two different types of spore development (Mayrhofer and Pöggeler
pheromones have been isolated from heterothallic 2005). Similarly, no effect on vegetative growth,
filamentous ascomycetes. One of the precursor fruiting-body, and ascospore development was ob-
genes encodes a polypeptide containing multiple served in the single pheromone-mutant Dppg2 and
repeats of a putative pheromone sequence bor- single receptor-mutants Dpre1 and Dpre2. Howev-
dered by protease processing sites and resembles er, double-knockout strains lacking any compatible
the a-factor precursor gene of Saccharomyces cere- pheromone/receptor pair (Dpre2/Dppg2, Dpre1/D
visiae. The other gene encodes a short polypeptide ppg1) and the double-pheromone mutant strain
similar to the S. cerevisiae a-factor precursor. (Dppg1/Dppg2) have a drastically reduced number
The short precursor has a C-terminal CaaX motif of perithecia and sexual spores, whereas deletion of
(C = cysteine, a = aliphatic, X = any amino acid both receptor genes (Dpre1/Dpre2) almost
residue) expected to produce a lipopeptide phero- completely eliminates fruiting body and ascospore
mone with a C-terminal carboxy-methyl-isopreny- formation (Mayrhofer et al. 2006). Taken together,
lated cysteine. The two types of pheromone these results suggest that pheromones and phero-
precursor genes are present in the same genome mone receptors are involved in post-fertilization
and expression of pheromone genes seems to occur events and are required for optimal sexual repro-
in a mating type-specific manner (Bobrowicz et al. duction of the homothallic S. macrospora. More-
2002; Coppin et al. 2005). over, by heterologously expressing the S.
When pheromone genes were deleted in het- macrospora pre2 in Saccharomycs cerevisiae
erothallic ascomycetes, male spermatia were no MATa cells, lacking the Ste2p receptor, PRE2 was
longer able to fertilize the female partner, proving shown to facilitate all aspects of the S. cerevisiae
that pheromones are crucial for the fertility of pheromone pathway when activated by the Sor-
male spermatia (Turina et al. 2003; Coppin et al. daria macrospora peptide pheromone (Mayrhofer
2005; Kim and Borkovich 2006). Sensing of the and Pöggeler 2005). Therefore, one may conclude
pheromone signal depends on (G) protein-cou- that the receptors encoded by pre2 and pre1 also
pled seven transmembrane-spanning receptors function as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)
(GPCRs). Two genes, designated pre-1 and pre-2, in S. macrospora.
encode pheromone receptors similar to S. cerevi-
siae a-factor receptor (Ste3p) and a-factor recep-
tor (Ste2p), respectively, and have been shown to B. Heterotrimeric G Proteins
be essential for mating type-specific directional
growth and fusion of trichogynes and female fer- Upon activation by GPRC receptors, heterotri-
tility in Neurospora crassa (Kim and Borkovich meric G proteins catalyse the exchange of GDP
32 Ulrich Kück et al.

for GTP on the G protein a subunit. This leads to observed in Dgsa1Dgsa2 and Dgsa1Dgsa3 double
dissociation of the bg subunits. Either Ga, or Gbg, mutants. These mutants produce only protoper-
or both are then free to activate downstream effec- ithecia, indicating that all Ga subunits contribute
tors. Signalling persists until GTP is hydrolysed to significantly to sexual development. To test
GDP, and the subunits re-associate (Dohlman whether the pheromone receptors PRE1 and
2002). The genome of S. macrospora contains PRE2 mediate signalling via distinct Ga subunits,
three genes (gsa1, gsa2 and gsa3) encoding Ga Dpre strains were crossed with all Dgsa strains.
subunits (Kamerewerd et al. 2008). In addition The data obtained with double mutants carrying a
genes encoding the b-subunit and the g-subunits disrupted gsa gene together with a disrupted re-
of the G protein are present in S. macrospora ceptor gene indicated that the pheromone recep-
(Mayrhofer and Pöggeler 2005). tors interact differently with GSA1 or GSA2 and
To explore the functional role of G protein a that GSA1 is the main component of a signal
subunits (GSA) in the sexual life cycle of this transduction cascade downstream of the phero-
fungus, knockout strains for all three gsa-genes mone receptors. As shown in Fig. 2.7, the third Ga
(Dgsa1, Dgsa2, Dgsa3) and double mutants were protein, GSA3, seems to be involved in a parallel
generated. Phenotypic analysis of single and dou- signalling pathway but also contributes to fruiting
ble mutants showed that the genes for Ga subunits body development and fertility (Kamerewerd et al.
contribute differently to sexual development. 2008).
While the Dgsa2 mutant revealed wild-type-like
fertility, Dgsa3 developed fruiting bodies, but the
ascospores had a drastically reduced germination C. Adenylyl Cyclase
rate. Dgsa1 showed a delay in sexual development
and a 50% reduction in the number of fruiting Activated Ga or Gbg subunits can regulate down-
bodies. A more impaired phenotype can be stream effectors such as adenylyl cyclase and




? SAC1

Fig. 2.7. Pheromone signalling

pathway showing the function
of pheromones, pheromone STE12 ?
receptors and G protein alpha
subunits, as well as downstream
signalling components in the de-
velopment of perithecia (modi-
fied from Kamerewerd et al. fruiting body ascospore
2008) development germination
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 33

mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cas- perithecia and, thus, phenotypically resembled
cades. The fungal adenylyl cyclase is a soluble pro-mutants of Sordaria macrospora (see Sect.
enzyme that produces the second messenger IV). A two-hybrid analysis demonstrated that
cyclic AMP (cAMP) from ATP. The cAMP signal- MCM1 may physically interact with itself and
ling pathway of fungi is involved in several impor- with the a-domain mating-type protein MAT1-1-1
tant processes including nutrient sensing, stress (Nolting and Pöggeler 2006b). The pleiotropic phe-
response, metabolism, pathogenicity, and sexual notype of S. macrospora Dmcm1 suggests that the
development (Lengeler et al. 2000; D’Souza and S. macrospora DMCM1 protein might be involved
Heitman 2001). Several lines of evidence indicate in a wide range of functions via interaction with
that many of the known fungal G proteins influ- diverse transcriptional regulators.
ence the intracellular level of cAMP by either From a yeast two-hybrid screen, among sev-
stimulating or inhibiting adenylyl cyclase (Bölker eral other proteins, a putative homologue of the
1998). In order to investigate a component that Saccharomyces cerevisiae homeodomain protein
acts supposedly downstream of the GSAs, the Ste12p was identified as an additional MCM1 in-
S. macrospora gene encoding adenylyl cyclase teraction partner (Nolting and Pöggeler 2006a). In
(sac1) was isolated. Deletion of sac1 prevents S. cerevisiae, Ste12p is known to be a transcription
cAMP synthesis. Moreover, a Dsac1 mutant exhi- factor acting downstream of Fus3p/Kss1 MAP
bits reduced fertility with a significant number of kinases. In haploid yeast cells, Ste12p is required
the fruiting bodies that are embedded in the solid for the response to the mating pheromone pro-
media. A similar phenotype was observed in a duced by the opposite mating type and for inva-
Dgna3 mutant of N. crassa. In addition, ascos- sive growth in response to limited nutrients. In
pores derived from the Dsac1 mutant have a high- diploid yeast cells, Ste12p regulates pseudohyphal
ly reduced germination rate and this phenotype development in response to nitrogen starvation
also resembles that of Ga subunit 3 disruption (Madhani and Fink 1997; Gustin et al. 1998;
mutants from N. crassa (Kays et al. 2000) and S. Roberts et al. 2000). Transcriptional regulation
macrospora (Kamerewerd et al. 2008). Analysis of of different classes of genes is thereby triggered
the three Dgsa/Dsac1 double mutants indicates through interactions with different transcriptional
that SAC1 acts downstream of GSA3, parallel to a regulators. Ste12p forms a homodimer and binds
GSA1-GSA2 mediated signalling pathway (Kamer- either Mcm1p or Mata1p to regulate pheromone-
ewerd et al. 2008). responsive genes and cell-type-specific genes,
respectively, and with Tec1p to activate genes
required for filamentous growth (Dolan et al.
D. Transcription Factors 1989; Yuan et al. 1993; Bruhn and Sprague 1994;
Madhani and Fink 1997).
Signal transduction initiates morphogenesis by In Sordaria macrospora, two-hybrid and bio-
finally activating transcription factors which in chemical studies showed that STE12 in addition to
turn activate or repress cell- or tissue-specific MCM1 is also able to interact with the mating-type
expression of developmental genes. To elucidate protein MAT1-1-1. Analysis of a S. macrospora
whether conserved fungal transcription factors Dste12 knockout mutant demonstrated that
are involved in sexual development of S. macro- STE12 is not needed for fruiting body formation
spora, mcm1 and ste12 were functionally analysed. and vegetative growth but is involved in ascospor-
The mcm1 gene encodes a putative homologue of ogenesis. The S. macrospora Dste12 mutant is able
the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MADS box protein to form protoperithecia and perithecia, but the
Mcm1p and ste12 encodes a homeodomain similar latter contain a drastically reduced number of
to the S. cerevisiae Ste12p, respectively (Nolting asci with predominantly non-viable ascospores.
and Pöggeler 2006a, b). Deletion of the mcm1 Particularly, cell walls of asci and ascospores
gene led to a pleiotropic phenotype, including re- appear to be fragile (Nolting and Pöggeler
duced biomass, increased hyphal branching, and 2006a). This implies that STE12, in addition to
reduced hyphal compartment length during vege- its role in pheromone signal transduction, might
tative growth, as well as sexual sterility. The mcm1 be involved in cell wall integrity of asci and ascos-
mutant was only capable of producing protoper- pores. To study the functional connections
ithecia, but was unable to form either ascospores or between the GSA subunits and the STE12
34 Ulrich Kück et al.

transcription factor in S. macrospora, the pheno- indicating a tight integration of metabolic activity
types of three DgsaDste12 double mutants were and developmental processes.
analysed (Kamerewerd et al. 2008). While The first pro gene to be identified was pro1, a
Dgsa2Dste12 double mutants show a wild-type- gene encoding a zinc finger transcription factor
like formation of perithecia containing fragile (Masloff et al. 1999, 2002). The gene product
asci and ascospores, the Dgsa1Dste12 mutant belongs to the fungal-specific class of zinc cluster
develops only a few fruiting bodies. Furthermore, proteins, the best known member of which is the
perithecia of the Dgsa1Dste12 mutant contain yeast transcriptional regulator Gal4 (MacPherson
only a few asci compared to the Dste12 single or et al. 2006). pro1 was the first gene encoding a
the Dgsa2Dste12 double mutant. The Dgsa3Dste12 transcription factor of this class that was shown to
mutant exhibits the most severe phenotype. be essential for sexual development in filamentous
Protoperithecia are produced, but no mature fungi. Since then, pro1 orthologues from several
perithecia can be detected. The sterility of the other filamentous ascomycetes have been identified
Dgsa3Dste12 mutant is a strong evidence for the that also have a role in development; however, there
STE12 transcription factor being one of the key seems to be a great diversity in the function of pro1
regulators downstream of the pheromone orthologues in that their roles can include functions
receptors. in vegetative sporulation or growth (Colot et al.
2006; Vienken and Fischer 2006).
The last four pro genes that were cloned en-
E. Novel Developmental Proteins code proteins that are either membrane or mem-
brane-associated proteins and/or localize to
As shown in Fig. 2.4 (see Sect. IV), more than 100 organelles. Among these is PRO11, a WD40 repeat
S. macrospora mutants have been described with protein that associates with membranes (Pöggeler
blocks at various stages of the developmental and Kück 2004). It is a functional homologue of
cycle. For seven of these mutants, the affected the mammalian protein striatin as was demon-
genes have already been identified: The wild-type strated by the ability of the mouse orthologue to
phenotype was restored in the mutants by trans- restore fertility in the pro11 mutant. This indi-
formation with an indexed cosmid library (Pög- cates that PRO11 is a member of a protein family
geler et al. 1997a). Thus it was possible to isolate with functionally conserved members from lower
the wild-type alleles of the mutated genes. Using to higher eukaryotes. Another putative membrane
this experimental approach, novel developmental or membrane-associated protein that is encoded
genes were identified, most of which had not been by a pro gene is PRO22, an orthologue of the
implicated in fungal development before, thus N. crassa protein HAM-2. The latter was shown
validating a forward genetic approach. to be necessary for hyphal fusion in N. crassa and,
The mutants that were complemented are like the corresponding N. crassa mutant, the pro22
pro1, pro4, pro11, pro22, pro40, pro41, and per5, mutant is defective in hyphal fusion (Xiang et al.
all of which have a block at the stage of protoper- 2002; Rech et al. 2007).
ithecium formation (pro mutants) or produce Two identified organellar proteins are PRO40
perithecia but no mature ascospores (per5). The and PRO41, that localize to the Woronin body and
corresponding genes can be grouped according to the ER, respectively (Engh et al. 2007b; Nowrou-
the functions of their gene products (Table 2.2). sian et al. 2007a). PRO40 is a WW domain protein
In mutants pro4 and per5, the leu1 and acl1 genes and the first of its class that was shown to be
encoding b-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase and essential for fruiting body development. Addition-
ATP citrate lyase, respectively, are defective ally, it is the first Woronin body protein for which
(Nowrousian et al. 1999; Kück 2005). They are a role in development could be demonstrated. The
involved in amino acid and fatty acid biosynthe- Woronin body is an organelle that is specific to
sis, respectively, and their requirement for fruit- filamentous ascomycetes where it is necessary for
ing body formation, but not for vegetative growth septal plugging to prevent loss of cytoplasm after
may indicate an increased energy demand during hyphal injury (Markham and Collinge 1987).
sexual development. Expression analyses showed Woronin bodies have not been previously impli-
that both genes are under transcriptional control cated in fruiting body formation; however, detec-
during the developmental cycle of S. macrospora, tion of PRO40 (and its corresponding N. crassa
Sordaria macrospora, a Model System for Fungal Development 35

Table 2.2. Developmental genes from S. macrospora. Localizations given in brackets are derived from sequence
homologies, the others were verified experimentally. The genes acl1 and leu1 complement mutants per5 and pro4,
respectively, all other genes carry the same name as the corresponding mutant

Gene Gene product/conserved domains Localization References

Primary metabolism
acl1 Subunit of the ATP citrate lyase Cytoplasm Nowrousian et al. (1999)
leu1 b-Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase (Cytoplasm) Kück (2005)
Secondary metabolism
fbm1 Dehydrogenase (polyketide biosynthesis) (Extracellular) Nowrousian (2009)
pks Polyketide synthase (melanin biosynthesis) (Cytoplasm) Engh et al. (2007b)
sdh scytalon dehydratase (melanin biosynthesis) (Cytoplasm) Engh et al. (2007b)
Transcription factors
mcm1 MADS-box transcription factor Nucleus Nolting and Pöggeler (2006b)
pro1 C6 zinc finger transcription factor (Nucleus) Masloff et al. (1999)
Smta-1 HMG domain transcription factor (Nucleus) Pöggeler et al. (1997b)
ste12 Homeodomain/zinc finger transcription factor (Nucleus) Nolting and Pöggeler (2006a)
Pheromones and pheromone receptors
ppg1 Peptide pheromone Extracellular Mayrhofer and Pöggeler (2005)
ppg2 Lipopeptide pheromone (Extracellular) Mayrhofer et al. (2006)
pre1 Pheromone receptor (Plasma membrane) Mayrhofer et al. (2006)
pre2 Pheromone receptor (Plasma membrane) Mayrhofer et al. (2006)
Signal transduction
gsa1 G protein a-subunit (Membrane-associated) Kamerewerd et al. (2008)
gsa2 G protein a-subunit (Cytoplasm) Kamerewerd et al. (2008)
gsa3 G protein a-subunit (Membrane-associated) Kamerewerd et al. (2008)
sac1 Adenylate cyclase (Cytoplasm) Kamerewerd et al. (2008)
Membrane proteins and membrane-associated proteins
pro11 WD40-repeat protein Membrane-associated Pöggeler and Kück (2004)
pro22 Membrane protein (Membrane) Rech et al. (2007)
Organellar proteins
pro40 WW domain protein Woronin body Engh et al. (2007a)
pro41 Membrane protein ER membrane Nowrousian et al. (2007)

orthologue SO that also localizes to septal plugs on the role of organelles in fungal development.
and is essential for sexual development) makes it Future studies should include the identification
tempting to speculate about as yet unsuspected of interaction partners of the proteins as well as
roles for this fungal-specific organelle (Engh further analysis of the genetic interactions between
et al. 2007b; Fleißner and Glass 2007). the genes to unravel metabolic and signalling net-
The last pro gene to be isolated was pro41 that works that integrate subcellular functions with
encodes a small protein of the ER membrane multicellular development.
(Nowrousian et al. 2007a). PRO41 orthologues Another interesting aspect that came to light
exist only in filamentous ascomycetes and the during the analysis of the pro-mutants is the fact
S. macrospora gene was the first of these to be that there might be a connection between hyphal
functionally characterized. Similar to the other fusion events and the ability to form sexual
pro genes, pro41 is dispensable for overall vegeta- structures: Mutants pro22 and pro40 are greatly
tive growth but is necessary for the formation of impaired in their ability to form anastomoses
mature fruiting bodies. Expression studies showed between vegetative hyphae, and the same is true
that it is transcriptionally upregulated during fruit- for the corresponding N. crassa mutants ham-
ing body formation; and microarray analyses of 2 and soft, both of which were initially identified
single and double mutants indicated that it acts in screens for hyphal fusion mutants (Xiang et al.
genetically downstream of the transcription factor 2002; Fleißner and Glass 2007; Rech et al. 2007).
gene pro1. The identification of the development- There are a number of hyphal fusion events
specific proteins PRO40 and PRO41 throws a spotlight necessary for sexual development. These include
36 Ulrich Kück et al.

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3 Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes


CONTENTS excised at the protein level (Fig. 3.1). By analogy

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 to introns and exons, the terms intein and extein
A. General Characteristics of Inteins . . . . . . . . . . 42 have been proposed, for internal protein sequence
B. Protein Splicing Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 and external protein sequence of the precursor,
II. Inteins in Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 respectively. Upstream exteins are termed the
A. VMA1 Inteins of Saccharomycete Yeasts . . . . 46
B. PRP8 Inteins in Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 N-extein and downstream exteins the C-extein.
1. Distribution of PRP8 Inteins The post-translational process that excises the
in Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 internal region from a precursor protein with
2. Activity of Fungal PRP8 Inteins . . . . . . . . 49 subsequent ligation of the N- and C-extein is
C. Other Fungal Inteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 termed protein splicing (Perler et al. 1994). Thus,
III. Mobility, Evolution, and Domestication
of Inteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 protein splicing is a processing event in which the
A. Mobility of Fungal Inteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 expression of a single gene results in production
B. Evolution of Fungal Inteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 of two stable proteins, the mature protein and the
C. Domestication of Fungal Inteins . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 intein (Fig. 3.1).
IV. Application of Inteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
A. Inteins and Their Application in
Protein–Protein Interaction Studies . . . . . . . . 54 Protein splicing elements were first described in fungi. In
B. Regulation of Protein-Splicing Activity . . . . 55 1990, two groups reported an in-frame insertion in the
C. Intein-Mediated Protein Purification . . . . . . . 56 Saccharomyces cerevisiae VMA1 gene encoding a vacuolar
D. Screening Systems for Protein-Splicing membrane H+-ATPase (Hirata et al. 1990; Kane et al.
Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 1990). The nucleotide sequence of the S. cerevisiae VMA1
V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 gene predicts a polypeptide of 1071 amino acids (aa) with a
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 calculated molecular mass of 118 kDa, which was much
larger than the 67 kDa value estimated from sodium dode-
cyl sulfate–polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) gels. The N- and
C-terminal regions of the deduced sequence were shown to
be very similar to those of the catalytic subunits of vacuo-
lar membrane H+-ATPases of other organisms, while the
I. Introduction internal region containing 454 amino acid residues dis-
played no detectable sequence similarities to any known
ATPase subunits; instead it exhibited similarity to a yeast
Since the late 1970s it has become clear that the endonuclease encoded by the HO gene. Subsequently, it
coding sequence of many eukaryotic genes is dis- was demonstrated that the insertion was still present in the
rupted by genetic elements called intervening mRNA and translated together with the VMA1 protein,
sequences, which must be removed prior to host and that the insertion spliced itself out of the protein
gene function. Intervening sequences can be clas- (Kane et al. 1990).
sified into intron and intein. Introns are excised
from the primary RNA transcript by a process By now, more than 350 inteins have been recog-
termed splicing. In contrast to introns, inteins nized in the genomes of bacteria, archaea, and
are internal in-frame insertions transcribed and eukaryotes, as well as in viruses. Inteins have
translated together with their host protein and been identified predominantly in prokaryotes,
but are also found in greater than 70 eukaryotic
taxa. Eukaryotic inteins are encoded within the
Abteilung Genetik eukaryotischer Mikroorganismen,
Institut für Mikrobiologie und Genetik, Georg-August-Uni-
nuclear genomes of fungi, as well as within the
versität Göttingen, Grisebachstrasse 8, 37077 Göttingen, nuclear genomes and plastomes of some unicellu-
Germany; e-mail: lar algae. For current information, see the intein

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
42 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

N-Extein Intein C-Extein

coding sequence coding sequence coding sequence


RNA: 5' 3'



Precursor protein

Protein: N-Extein COOH C-Extein

Protein Splicing

Mature protein Excised intein

Fig. 3.1. Protein splicing of inteins. The intein coding a self-catalyzed rearrangement in which the intein is
sequence is transcribed into mRNA and translated to a excised and the exteins are joined to yield the mature
non-functional protein precursor, which then undergoes protein

registry InBase at encoded by open reading frames that are embedded
inteins.html (Perler 2002). According to accepted within introns and inteins (Chevalier and Stoddard
nomenclature, intein names include a genus and 2001; Stoddard 2005). They are site-specific, double-
species designation (abbreviated to three letters) strand DNA endonucleases that promote the lateral
and a host gene designation. For example the transfer of their own coding region and flanking
S. cerevisiae VMA1 intein is called Sce VMA1. sequences between genomes by a recombination-
When a protein contains more than one intein, dependent process known as ‘homing’ (Fig. 3.3).
they are given Roman numerals (Perler et al. 1994). Genomic DNA encoding an intein-free allele of the
This review focuses on fungal inteins and potentially intein-carrying gene is cut by the homing
includes the characteristics, as well as the distri- endonuclease, and during DNA repair, the intein is
bution of fungal inteins. It summarizes recent subsequently copied into the empty allele (Gimble
progress in understanding the protein splicing and Thorner 1993; Gimble 2000). The nomenclature
mechanism, how inteins evolve, and how they of homing endonucleases is patterned after that of
can be used for technical applications. restriction enzymes. A three-letter, genus- and spe-
cies-specific designation is followed by a Roman
numeral to distinguish multiple enzymes originating
A. General Characteristics of Inteins from a single organism. Intron-encoded endonu-
cleases are characterized by the prefix I (for intron),
Inteins are classified into two groups: large and whereas intein-derived endonucleases are character-
minimal (mini-) inteins, depending on whether or ized by the prefix PI (for protein insert; i.e. the
not they contain a homing endonuclease domain endonuclease of Sce VMA1 is termed PI SceI; Belfort
(Liu 2000; Fig. 3.2). Homing endonucleases are and Roberts 1997).
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 43

Homing endonuclease
Large intein:

Linker region

N-splicing domain C-splicing domain

A N2 B N4 F G

NH2 N-Extein C-Extein COOH


(numbering of amino acid residues)

-2 -1 12 n-1 n +1 +2

Fig. 3.2. Conserved elements in a large intein and mini- in grey. The site of insertion of the homing endonuclease
intein. The white areas A, N2, B, N4, C, D, E, F and G are and the linker region in large and mini-inteins, respec-
conserved intein motifs identified by Pietrokovski (Pie- tively, is indicated by the dark vertical line. Conserved
trokovski 1994, 1998b) and Perler et al. (1997). The amino acid residues of the intein and the C-extein are
exteins are illustrated in black and the intein sequence indicated below

Four families of homing endonucleases containing highly at the C-terminus of the N-extein, but all inteins
conserved amino acid sequences have been identified; have an invariant Ser, Thr, or Cys at the N-
including the LAGLIDADG, the GIY-YIG, the His-Cys
box, and the H-N-H endonucleases (Chevalier and
terminus of the C-extein (Perler 2002). According
Stoddard 2001). Fungal intein endonucleases belong to to the most common amino acid numbering sys-
the LAGLIDADG family and are characterized by two tem in intein precursors, minus and plus signs are
copies of the conserved LAGLIDADG motif (Belfort and used to designate N-extein and C-extein residues,
Roberts 1997). respectively. Numbering begins at the N-terminus
of the intein and C-extein, and proceeds to the C-
Mini-inteins are not bifunctional and contain only
terminus. Numbering of the N-extein begins at its
a splicing domain without endonuclease function.
C-terminus and proceeds to its N-terminus (Saleh
Because several splicing-efficient mini-inteins
and Perler 2006; Fig. 3.2).
have been engineered from large inteins by delet-
Three-dimensional structures of inteins reveal
ing the central endonuclease domain, it is clear
that the N- and C-terminal splicing domains form
that the endonuclease domain is not involved in
a common horseshoe-like 12-b-strand scaffold
protein splicing (Chong and Xu 1997; Derbyshire
termed the Hedgehog/(Hint) module (Koonin
et al. 1997; Shingledecker et al. 1998). The splicing
1995; Hall et al. 1997; Klabunde et al. 1998; Perler
domain of large inteins seems to be split by the
1998; Ding et al. 2003; Sun et al. 2005).
endonuclease domain into N-terminal and C-ter-
minal subdomains. Both intein subdomains con- Hedgehog proteins are essential signaling molecules for
tain conserved blocks of amino acids: blocks A, animal embryonic development and possess an autopro-
N2, B, and N4 for the N-terminal subdomains, and cessing activity that results in an intramolecular cleavage
blocks G and F for the C-terminal subdomains of the full-length Hedgehog protein and covalent attach-
ment of a cholesterol moiety to the newly generated
(Pietrokovski 1994, 1998b; Perler et al. 1997; amino-terminal fragment. Cholesterol anchors the signal-
Fig. 3.2). These domains can also be identified in ing domain to the cell surface (Beachy et al. 1997; Ingham
mini-inteins. However, motifs C, D, E, and H of 2001). Until now, Hedgehog proteins have been described
the endonuclease domain are missing; instead only in metazoa.
they have a small linker region (Fig. 3.2). In addi-
tion, all known inteins have a Ser, Cys, or Ala at Interestingly, the developmental protein GmGIN1
the N terminus and end in His-Asn, or in His-Gln. was identified in the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus
There is no conserved residue preceding the intein Glomus mossae as having an N-terminal domain
44 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

Transcription & Translation

allele recognition
large intein
with homing endonuclease


Hydrolysis of recognition sequence

Double Strand Break Repair

Fig. 3.3. Intein homing. The large intein encodes an endo- the intein is protected from being hydrolyzed. After cleav-
nuclease that in heterozygous cells recognizes a recognition age, the recominational repair system of the cell is stimu-
sequence in the intein-less allele on the homologous chro- lated and the intein-containing chromosome is used as a
mosome. The recognition site is hydrolyzed by the intein- template for repair. The result of intein homing is a homo-
encoded endonuclease, while the chromosome carrying zygote with two copies of the intein-containing gene

that shares sequence similarity with a novel family B. Protein Splicing Mechanism
of GTP-binding proteins, while the C-terminus has
a striking homology to the C-terminal part of the The post-translational removal of the intein is an
Hedgehog protein family from metazoa. It is there- autocatalytic process that depends only on the
fore hypothesized that the N-terminal part of information of the intein plus the first downstream
GmGIN1 might be activated through a similar extein residue (Fig. 3.1). Protein splicing is ex-
autoprocessing mechanism, as was demonstrated tremely rapid, and to date, precursors have not
for Hedgehog proteins (Requena et al. 2002). In been identified in native systems. The first direct
addition to Hedgehog proteins, fungal inteins also evidence for protein splicing was demonstrated for
share sequence and structure properties with an intein derived from the thermostable DNA po-
bacterial intein-like sequence (BIL) Amitai et al. 2003. lymerase of Pyrococcus species GB-D. The intein
Combining all these characteristics, four main from Pyrococcus was cloned into a foreign gene,
criteria help to differentiate true inteins from other and the purified precursor was shown to be capa-
in-frame insertions: (i) an intein-containing pro- ble of in vitro protein splicing in the absence of
tein has a sequence lacking in homologs of other other proteins or cofactors (Xu et al. 1993).
organisms, (ii) the intervening sequence is over 100 Protein splicing typically involves four steps:
aa, (iii) it contains the conserved intein motifs A, B, (i) an N-O or N-S acyl shift at the N-extein/intein
F, and G, and (iv) the observed protein product is junction, (ii) transesterification, which transfers
the same size as the predicted open reading frame the N-extein to the side-chain of the first residue
without the intein (Perler et al. 1997). (+1) of the C-extein, (iii) cyclization of a
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 45

conserved asparagine residue at the C-terminus of Currently, native split inteins have been identified
the intein and cleavage of the peptide bond, result- in diverse cyanobacteria and the archaeon
ing in the release of the intein, and (iv) rearrange- Nanoarchaeum equitans (Wu et al. 1998b; Caspi
ment to a peptide bond of the ester/thioester bond et al. 2003; Liu and Yang 2003; Choi et al. 2006;
linking the N- and C-exteins. The details of the Dassa et al. 2007), but so far they have not been
chemical process involved in protein splicing have found in fungi. Trans-splicing inteins have, how-
been comprehensively described and reviewed ever, been artificially engineered from cis-splicing
(Liu 2000; Noren et al. 2000; Paulus 2000; Gogar- bacterial and fungal inteins (Mills et al. 1998;
ten et al. 2002; Saleh and Perler 2006; Staroka- Southworth et al. 1998; Mootz and Muir 2002;
domskyy 2007). Elleuche and Pöggeler 2007). In the majority of
Several inteins exist as two fragments and are cases, naturally or artificially split inteins are sepa-
encoded by two separately transcribed and trans- rated between motifs B and F resulting in N-ter-
lated genes. These so-called split inteins self-asso- minal intein fragments (IN) of 25–40 aa and C-
ciate and catalyze protein-splicing activity in terminal intein fragments (IC) of 100 aa
trans. The first native split intein capable of pro- (Fig. 3.4). In addition, it was demonstrated that
tein trans-splicing was identified in the catalytic inteins can be artificially split at other sites. The
subunit alpha of DNA polymerase III DnaE of the Ssp DnaB mini-intein can be split at different loop
cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. strain PCC6803 regions between b-strands and still maintain the
(Wu et al. 1998b). ability to splice in trans. Even a three-piece split
intein can function in protein trans-splicing (Sun
The N- and C-terminal halves are encoded by two separate et al. 2004). Naturally split inteins, as well as engi-
genes, dnaE-n and dnaE-c, respectively. These two genes are
located 745 226 bp apart in the genome and are on opposite
neered split inteins can be used for various applica-
DNA strands (Wu et al. 1998b). tions in protein chemistry, e.g. protein purification,

Transcription & Translation

A N2 B N4 F G
NH2 N-Extein COOH NH2 C-Extein COOH


A N2 B N4
C-Extein COOH
NH2 N-Extein

Protein Splicing

A N2 B N4
NH2 N-Extein C-Extein COOH COOH

mature protein associated intein

Fig. 3.4. Protein splicing in trans. The precursor is Both genes are separately transcribed and translated, the
encoded by two genes: one gene encodes the N-extein intein fragments associate and form a functional intein.
and the N-terminal intein (IN), the other gene encodes N- and C-exteins become ligated to the mature protein and
the C-terminal part of the intein (IC) and the C-extein. the intein fragments usually remain associated in solution
46 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

regulation of protein activity, and analysis of conditions the VMA1 gene seems to be essential
protein–protein interaction (see Sect. IV). for yeast cell growth.
Until now, all identified VMA1 inteins are
inserted at an identical insertion site. The best-
II. Inteins in Fungi characterized VMA1 intein is Sce VMA1 from
S. cerevisiae. As shown by crystal structure, the
In fungal organisms, only cis-splicing inteins have protein splicing domain of Sce VMA1 is structurally
been detected, and all are encoded by nuclear related to bacterial mini-inteins and to the Drosoph-
genes (Poulter et al. 2007). According to InBase ila Hedgehog protein autoprocessing domain (Koo-
(Perler 2002), to date 73 inteins have been nin 1995; Duan et al. 1997; Hall et al. 1997;
detected in fungi. They have been identified in Pietrokovski 1998b; Moure et al. 2002). Site-direct-
chytrids, zygomycetes, ascomycetes, and basidio- ed mutagenesis experiments and deletion of the
mycetes. Most of them are embedded in homologs endonuclease domain show that endonuclease ac-
of the S. cerevisiae VMA1 gene or within the prp8 tivity is not required for protein splicing (Gimble
gene, but they can also be found in genes encoding and Stephens 1995; Chong and Xu 1997). The two-
glutamate synthases, chitin synthases, threonyl- domain structure (self-splicing and endonuclease
tRNA synthetases, and subunits of DNA-directed domain) of PI-SceI was confirmed by X-ray crystal-
RNA polymerases (Poulter et al. 2007). lography. However, despite the apparent structural
autonomy of the protein splicing and endonuclease
domains, the two domains appear to collaborate by
interacting with the homing site DNA (Duan et al.
A. VMA1 Inteins of Saccharomycete Yeasts 1997; Moure et al. 2002; Werner et al. 2002). Fur-
thermore, it was shown that the two intein domains
The VMA1 gene of many saccharomycete yeasts are functionally independent and have separate
consists of a single open reading frame that com- evolutionary origins (Dalgaard et al. 1997; Derby-
prises two independent regions of genetic informa- shire et al. 1997; Okuda et al. 2003; see Sect. III).
tion for VMA1, the catalytic 67-kDa subunit of the
vacuolar H+-ATPase, and for an intein varying in
length from 394 to 517 residues (Table 3.1). Alleles B. PRP8 Inteins in Fungi
of the VMA1 gene lacking the intein element are
present in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces After the discovery of the VMA1 intein, a second,
pombe and in filamentous ascomycetes, including non-allelic intein in fungi was identified within the
Neurospora crassa (Bowman et al. 1988; Ghislain PRP8 protein of the basidiomycete Cryptococcus
and Bowman 1992). In addition several saccharo- neoformans. Many fungal inteins have also been
mycete yeast species do not contain a VMA1 intein. found at an allelic insertion site in various fungi;
Koufopanou et al. (2002) surveyed 24 species of some of these have been characterized experimen-
saccharomycete yeasts and detected VMA1 inteins tally in detail.
in 14 species that diverged in amino acid sequence.
All inteins found in VMA1 genes of saccharomycete 1. Distribution of PRP8 Inteins in Fungi
yeasts are large inteins and contain two separate
domains: a splicing domain and an endonuclease A nuclear-encoded intein has been identified
domain (Table 3.1). The catalytic subunit of the inside the prp8 gene in two strains (Cn 3511 and
vacuolar proton pump is responsible for the ATP JEC 21) of the human pathogen C. neoformans
hydrolysis that is coupled to the pumping of pro- (Butler et al. 2001). The PRP8 protein is a major
tons into a variety of intracellular acidic compart- component of the spliceosome and is highly con-
ments, including the fungal vacuole (Anraku et al. served among eukaryotes (Grainger and Beggs
1992). Under laboratory conditions, VMA1 mutants 2005). Therefore, the PRP8 protein is essential
of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are viable but lack the for cell viability (Luo et al. 1999) and PRP8 inteins
vacuolar H+-ATPase and are defective in vacuolar must be active, because inactivity leads to host
acidification. Moreover, they are calcium-sensitive lethality. The Cne PRP8 intein (Table 3.2) is a
and exhibit low spore viability as well as slow mini-intein composed of only 172 aa and
growth (Hirata et al. 1990). Thus, under natural lacks the endonuclease domain, present in the
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 47

Table 3.1. Characteristics of VMA1 inteins inserted in the vacuolar ATPase, subunit A

Species/intein Intein size, Activity References

Saccharomyces cerevisiae/Sce VMA1 454 aa, + Experimental Hirata et al. (1990), Kane et al. (1990)
S. cerevisiae DH1-1A/Sce-DH1-1A VMA1 454 aa, + Theoretical Gimble (2001)
S. cerevisiae OUT7091/Sce-OUT7091 VMA1 454 aa, + Theoretical Okuda et al. (2003)
S. cerevisiae OUT7112/Sce-OUT7112 VMA1 454 aa, + Theoretical Okuda et al. (2003)
S. castellii CBS4309/Sca-CBS4309 VMA1 517 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
S. castellii IFO1992/Sca-IFO1992 VMA1 517 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
S. cariocanus/Scar VMA1 454 aa, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
S. dairenensis/Sda VMA1 501 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
S. exiguous/Sex VMA1 499 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
S. pastorianus/Spa VMA1 454 aa, + Theoretical Okuda et al. (2003)
S. unisporus/Sun VMA1 414 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
Kazachstania exiguus/Kex VMA1 502 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
Candida tropicalis/Ctr VMA1 471 aa, + Experimental Gu et al. (1993), Steuer et al. (2004)
C. glabrata/Cgl VMA1 415 aa, + Theoretical Okuda et al. (2003)
Debaryomyces hansenii/Dha VMA1 394 aa, + Theoretical Dujon et al. (2004)
Pichia stipitis/Pst VMA1 449 aa, + Theoretical Bakhrat et al. (2006),
Jeffries et al. (2007)
Kluyveromyces lactis CBS683/Kla-CBS683 VMA1 410 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002),
Okuda et al. (2003)
K. lactis IFO1267/Kla-IFO1267 VMA1 410 aa, + Theoretical Okuda et al. (2003)
K. lactis NRRLY1140/Kla-NRRLY1140 VMA1 410 aa, + Theoretical Dujon et al. (2004)
Vanderwaltozyma polyspora/Vpo VMA1 433 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002)
Lodderomyces elongisporus/Lel VMA1 421 aa, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
Torulaspora globosa/Tgl VMA1 456 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002)
T. pretoriensis/Tpr VMA1 455 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002)
Zygosaccharomyces bailii/Zba VMA1 456 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002)
Z. bisporus/Zbi VMA1 450 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002)
Z. rouxii/Zro 450 aa, + Theoretical Koufopanou et al. (2002)
Schizosaccharomyces japonicus/Sja VMA1 476 aa, + Theoretical Perler (2002)

experimentally characterized VMA1 intein of Liu and Yang (2004) detected highly conserved
S. cerevisiae (Butler et al. 2001; see Sect. II.A). PRP8 inteins with a size range of 170–172 aa in
Isolates of C. neoformans have been classified the genomes of different C. neoformans serotypes.
into five different serotypes and three different In addition to sequence variations within the
varieties. They are named C. neoformans var. gru- intein, PRP8 inteins from different serotypes
bii (serotype A), var. gattii (serotypes B, C), var. also differ in their sizes. While PRP8 inteins of
neoformans (serotype D), and a hybrid of sero- serotype A are 172 aa in length, PRP8 inteins of
types A and D (serotype AD; Nelson and Lodes serotype B/C are 170 aa and inteins of serotype D
2006; Ito-Kuwa et al. 2007). are 171 aa in length (Butler and Poulter 2005).
C. neoformans serotype AD carries two distinct
PRP8 inteins, indicating that strains of this sero-
Varieties grubii and neoformans are distributed all over the type may be diploid (Poulter et al. 2007).
world, while serotypes B and C are essentially restricted to
tropical and subtropical regions (Granados and Castaneda
Besides the PRP8 mini-inteins identified in
2005). Due to the evolutionary distance of C. neoformans C. neoformans and C. gattii, a large intein was
var. gattii, Kwon-Chung et al. (2002) proposed separating found within the PRP8 protein of Cryptococcus
the fungus from C. neoformans and naming it C. gattii. laurentii (Butler and Poulter 2005). To date, no
48 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

Table 3.2. Characteristics of PRP8 inteins inserted in a subunit of the spliceosome

Species/intein Intein size, Activity References

Aspergillus brevipes FRR2439/Abr PRP8 165,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
A. fumigatus FRR0163/Afu-FRR0163 PRP8 820, + Experimental Liu and Yang (2004)
A. fumigatus var. ellipticus Af293/Afu- 819, + Theoretical Poulter et al. (2007)
Af293 PRP8
A. giganteus NRRL6136/Agi PRP8 167,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
A. nidulans FGSC A4/Ani-FGSCA4-PRP8 605, + Experimental Liu and Yang (2004)
A. viridinutans FRR0577/Avi PRP8 169,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis JEL423/Bde- 465, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
JEL423 PRP8-1
B. dendrobatidis JEL423/Bde-JEL423 PRP8-2 465, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
Botrytis cinerea B05.10/Bci PRP8 838, + Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
Cryptococcus gattii (serotype C/B)/Cga PRP8 170,  Theoretical Liu and Yang (2004),
Butler and Poulter (2005)
C. laurentii CBS139/Cla PRP8 522, + Theoretical Butler and Poulter (2005)
C. neoformans grubii (serotype A)/Cne PRP8 171,  Theoretical Liu and Yang (2004)
C. neoformans neoformans (serotype D)/Cne 172,  Experimental Butler et al. (2001),
PRP8 Liu and Yang (2004)
Eupenicillium baarnense CBS 134.41/Eba 168,  Experimental Elleuche et al. (2009)
E. crustaceum CBS 244.32/Ecr PRP8 158,  Experimental Elleuche et al. (2009)
Histoplasma capsulatum/Hca PRP8 534, 535, + Experimental Liu and Yang (2004),
Butler et al. (2006)
Neosartorya aurata NRRL 4378/Nau PRP8 164,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
N. fenelliae NRRL 5534/Nfe PRP8 155,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
N. fischeri FRR0181/Nfi PRP8 517, + Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
N. glabra FRR 2163/Ngl-2163 PRP8 155,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
N. glabra FRR 1833/Ngl-FRR1833 PRP8 169,  Theoretical Perler (2002)
N. pseudofischeri FRR 0186/Nps PRP8 169,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
N. quadricincta NRRL 4175/Nqu PRP8 169,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
N. spinosa FRR4595/Nsp PRP8 169,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)
Phycomyces blakesleeanus NRRL 198,  Theoretical Perler (2002)
155/Pbl PRP8
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Pb18/Pbr PRP8 573, + Theoretical Butler and Poulter (2005),
Butler et al. (2006)
Penicillium chrysogenum/Pch PRP8 157,  Experimental Elleuche et al. (2006)
P. expansum/Pex PRP8 162,  Experimental Elleuche et al. (2006)
P. vulpinum/Pvu PRP8 161,  Experimental Elleuche et al. (2006)
Pyrenophora tritici-repentis Pt-1C-BF/Ptr 844, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
Spizellomyces punctatus/Spu PRP8 473, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
Uncinocarpus reesii/Ure PRP8 180,  Theoretical Butler et al. (2006)

inteins have been identified in any other species of and Penicillium of the order Eurotiales. PRP8
the genus Cryptococcus, nor have they been found inteins of A. fumigatus and A. nidulans are large
in the order Tremellales, nor in the phylum Basi- inteins and contain an endonuclease domain (Liu
diomycota, including Ustilago maydis, Coprinop- and Yang 2004). The Afu PRP8 intein is an excep-
sis cinerea, and Phanerochaete chrysosporium, tionally long PRP8 intein and is comprised of 819
species for which the whole genome sequence is aa (Afu-FRR0163 PRP8) and 820 aa (Afu-Af293
available (Butler et al. 2006). PRP8; Table 3.2). In addition to a 455-aa endonu-
Allelic PRP8 inteins that occupy the same clease domain, a 222-aa sequence is integrated after
insertion site as the Cne PRP8 have, however, block D of the Afu-FRR0163 PRP8 intein. At the
been identified in various species of the phylum same position, a so-called tongs subdomain of 69
Ascomycota. Particularly, PRP8 inteins were found aa is integrated in the Sce VMA1 intein. On this
in species of the genera Neosartorya, Aspergillus, basis, the 222-aa domain of Afu PRP8 was defined
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 49

as a putative tongs domain, although there is no yeasts, where all known inteins contain an endonu-
apparent sequence homology between the Afu clease domain (Table 3.1). Of the known inteins of
PRP8 and the Sce VMA1 domains (Liu and Yang all three domains of life, only about 15% lack the
2004). The only other putative tongs domain was endonuclease domain (Perler 2002).
identified in the large PRP8 intein from Botrytis Nearly all PRP8 inteins have clear homology,
cinerea. The domain of Bci PRP8 is at exactly the based on a high degree of sequence identity and
same position as the putative tongs domain of A. the position of their insertion within the prp8
fumigatus and shares a high degree of similarity gene. The vast majority of fungal PRP8 inteins
(Poulter et al. 2007). Overall the tongs domain occupy the same insertion site as the prototype
seems not to be an essential feature of the intein allele of Cne PRP8. The PRP8 inteins of only two
function, because the domain is located in a region chytrid fungi are not homologous and were
of the intein where mutations frequently occur identified at two different non-allelic positions:
(Poulter et al. 2007). Also, deletions of selected the PRP8 intein of Spizellomyces punctatus Spu
amino acids within this region in a homologous PRP8 and Bde-JEL423 PRP8-1, one of the two
mini-intein from Penicillium chrysogenum did not PRP8 inteins of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis
result in the complete loss of intein function (Perler 2002; Table 3.2). Nonetheless, PRP8
(Elleuche et al. 2008). inteins are not universal. Various fungal species
have been analyzed to date that do not contain an
PRP8 inteins were also identified in species of the genus intein in the prp8 gene (Elleuche et al. 2006;
Neosartorya, a genus closely related to the genus Aspergil-
lus, in the genera Eupenicillium and Penicillium, as well in
Poulter et al. 2007).
the pathogens Histoplasma capsulatum, Paracoccidioides
brasiliensis, and in its non-pathogenic relative Unicarpus
reesii (Butler et al. 2006; Elleuche et al. 2006; Poulter et al.
2007; Theodoro et al. 2008; Table 3.2).
2. Activity of Fungal PRP8 Inteins
One of the most interesting questions concerning
Phylogenetic analysis based on the internal tran- inteins is their splicing activity. Since most inteins
scribed spacer sequences (ITS) of Penicillium and are embedded in essential proteins that are often
Eupenicillium species revealed that species con- involved in nucleic acid metabolism, they must be
taining a PRP8 intein are distinct from species removed from the precursor protein for the
lacking the intein (Elleuche and Pöggeler, unpub- mature protein to perform its function.
lished data). Moreover, we and others observed Most experiments on the functionality of fun-
that intron are often inserted close to the empty gal inteins were done by expression in heterolo-
insertion sites in intein-free alleles (Butler et al. gous systems, mainly using Escherichia coli as a
2006; Elleuche and Pöggeler, unpublished data). host. To track the splicing reaction, spliced pro-
In the genus Eupenicillium, all introns are identi- ducts were usually visualized by SDS-PAGE and
fied in intein-free prp8 alleles located between 13 Western blot after overexpression of plasmid-
base pairs (bp) and 15 bp downstream of the PRP8 borne fusion constructs. When inteins are embed-
intein insertion site (Elleuche et al. 2009). To date, ded in foreign proteins, they can splice themselves
however, introns at the same insertion site as the out, so heterologous extein sequences such as malt-
PRP8 intein have not been found in any fungus. In ose binding protein, GST- or His-tags, and thior-
total, PRP8 inteins were detected in 32 different edoxin often serve as tags. All of these can be easily
fungal species of the phyla ascomycota, basidio- detected by Western blot (Wu et al. 1998a; Liu et al.
mycota, chytridiomycota and zygomycota. The 2003; Liu and Yang 2004; Elleuche et al. 2006). The
844-aa PRP8 intein of Pyrenophora tritici-repentis yield of spliced products varies with the extein
is the largest PRP8 intein described so far. This sequence used, although activity is often higher
intein appears to possess a large insertion after when the splicing reaction occurs with native
block C within the endonuclease domain (see extein flanks (Xu et al. 1993; Perler 2005).
Note at InBase; Perler 2002)). The smallest PRP8 For the PRP8 inteins, best-characterized is the
intein of 155 aa was identified in Neosartorya fenel- splicing of PRP8 mini-inteins from C. neoformans
liae (Perler 2002). Only 15 out of the 32 fungal and from species of Penicillium (Liu and Yang
PRP8 inteins (approx. 47%), contain an endonucle- 2004; Elleuche et al. 2006; Pearl et al. 2007a, b).
ase domain, in contrast to the VMA1 inteins of To characterize the splicing activity of the
50 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

Cne PRP8, as well as large PRP8 inteins from mutation in a highly conserved TxxH motif in block
A. nidulans, A. fumigatus, and H. capsulatum, B, strongly inhibited or completely blocked the
each intein was cloned into a model gene encoding splicing reaction. Furthermore, five new residues
5 aa of its native extein sequences on each site of were found to be crucial for splicing activity in
the intein and an N-terminal maltose-binding this study. All of these residues are located in the
protein and a C-terminal thioredoxin tag (Liu well-conserved block F and have not been previous-
and Yang 2004). After overexpression, SDS- ly determined to be involved in the protein splicing
PAGE, and Western blot analysis with an anti- of bacterial inteins (Pearl et al. 2007a).
thioredoxin antibody, splicing products were As mentioned above, large inteins derived
identified. All inteins investigated by Liu and from bacteria or the VMA1 intein of S. cerevisiae
Yang (2004) were demonstrated to be highly remain active after the endonuclease domain has
active when heterologously expressed in E. coli. been deleted, indicating that inteins are highly
The Hca PRP8 intein exhibited a 75% decrease in robust genetic elements. To define the catalytic
splicing activity when shifted from 25 C to 37 C. and structural elements involved in protein splic-
This temperature shift is an important physiolog- ing of naturally occurring mini-inteins, an analy-
ical stimulus for the morphotypic transition from sis of the structural requirements of protein
mold to yeast of H. capsulatum (Woods 2002). splicing has been conducted for the 157-aa Pch
Temperature-independent splicing activity was PRP8 intein, which is among the smallest known
reported for three Penicillium PRP8 inteins nuclear-encoded active splicing protein elements
(Elleuche et al. 2006). (Table 3.2). Amino acid sequences of Pch PRP8
Another system to characterize PRP8 intein can be deleted at two different sites without affect-
activity was applied by Pearl et al. (2007a), based ing splicing activity. One site corresponds to the
on an assay previously developed for the Myco- insertion site of the endonuclease domain in large
bacterium tuberculosis RecA large intein (Davis allelic PRP8 inteins. The other site was detected at
et al. 1992; Buskirk et al. 2004; Skretas and Wood a new position corresponding to the insertion site
2005). This method interrupted the a-comple- of a putative tongs domain of a large fungal PRP8
mentation peptide of E. coli b-galactosidase, intein (see above). The smallest functional intein
allowing assessment of intein function in vivo in found after deleting eight and six amino acids at
E. coli, in combination with immunoblot analysis two different sites comprises only 143 residues
of the tagged intein sequences. E. coli loses its and is the smallest functional eukaryotic intein
ability to grow on lactose, if the inserted intein is engineered so far (Elleuche et al. 2008). Moreover,
inactive. The authors examined in detail the influ- it was demonstrated that the Pch PRP8 intein is
ence of adjacent extein residues by replacing capable of protein splicing in trans (Elleuche and
amino acids 1, 2 and +1, +2 with various Pöggeler 2007). After artificially splitting the Pch
other residues. The results confirmed that splicing PRP8 intein into an N- and a C-terminal domain
efficiency depends on the composition of extein at three different sites, protein trans-splicing has
sequences (Pearl et al. 2007b). A similar result was been shown to occur at two sites. One of the
obtained for the Pex PRP8 intein, which was able functional split sites corresponds to the insertion
to undergo protein splicing within the green site of the endonuclease domain in allelic large
fluorescent protein (GFP). Only the +1 residue PRP8 inteins, and the other was detected at a
(a Serine) was conserved in the GFP and as new position, located N-terminal to the endonu-
expected, the yield of spliced product was reduced clease insertion site (Elleuche and Pöggeler 2007).
compared to results obtained with native flanking
extein regions (Elleuche et al. 2006).
To gain further insights into the splicing mech- C. Other Fungal Inteins
anism of fungal inteins, alanine-scanning mutagen-
esis was applied to investigate the influence of single To date, 12 non-allelic sites of intein gene inser-
amino acid residues in Cne PRP8 on protein splic- tion in nine different nuclear genes have been
ing (Pearl et al. 2007a). Similar to bacterial inteins described in fungi (Perler 2002). In the yeasts
and the large Sce VMA1 intein (Southworth et al. Debaroyomyces hansenii and Candida (Pichia)
1999; Shingledecker et al. 2000), mutation of guilliermondii, and in the filamentous ascomycete
the first, penultimate, and last residues, as well as Podospora anserina, inteins have also been
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 51

discovered within the glt1 gene encoding gluta- sites of inteins in RNA polymerases are among the
mate synthase. These belong to the group of large most highly conserved regions of these subunits
inteins and are all embedded at exactly the same (Goodwin et al. 2006).
site of the GLT1 protein. Recently, a further GLT1
intein was identified in the GLT1-protein in the A 456-aa intein is embedded within a subunit of the RNA
plant pathogen Phaeosphaeria nodorum (Poulter polymerase I (RPA2) of the plant pathogen P. nodorum. Pno
et al. 2007). In addition to the GLT1 intein, P. RPA2 contains degenerated motifs of an endonuclease do-
anserina contains a non-allelic large intein in the main that no longer seems to be active (Goodwin et al.
2006). Three large inteins were also identified within the
chitin synthase gene chs2 (Butler et al. 2005). Both gene encoding the second largest subunit of RNA polymer-
GLT1 and CHS2 inteins contain domains that ase II (RPB2). Two of them are inserted at the same site in
indicate the presence of a homing endonuclease the zygomycete Spiromyces aspiralis (Sas RPB2-b) and the
of the LAGLIDADG type. Interestingly, the glt1 chytrid Coelomomyces stegomyiae (Cst RPB2-b). The third
gene of A. nidulans contains a currently unanno- intein, Bde RPB2-c, was identified in another chytridiomy-
cete, B. dendrobatidis, at a non-allelic position. Another
tated intron that occupies the same insertion site non-allelic RPB2 intein, namely at the a-site, was described
as the Dha GLT1 (Butler et al. 2005). in the RNA polymerase II of the green alga Chlamydomonas
Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Pan CHS2 reinhardtii (Goodwin et al. 2006). According to InBase, an
is closely related to the GLT1 inteins. Therefore, endonuclease-containing intein was recently identified in
Poulter et al. (2007) proposed that Pan CHS2 may the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase III in the
chytrid B. dendrobatidis (Perler 2002). The sequences of the
have been derived from an ectopic movement of a Bde RPB2 and Bde RPC2, as well as the regions of the
GLT1 intein into a non-allelic CHS2 site. No CHS2 insertion sites, are very similar at the amino acid level.
intein has been found in the genomes of any other However, the remaining parts of the exteins are not con-
fungus: a possible explanation for this might be a served, which suggests an intein transfer that recently oc-
conserved valine residue at the putative +1 extein curred (InBase; Poulter, Butler and Goodwin, unpublished
data). In contrast to this, the three non-allelic inteins in the
position. The CHS2 protein of P. anserina seems to RNA polymerase II are not closely related to each other
be the sole known exception with a cysteine at this (Poulter et al. 2007).
position (Butler et al. 2005). A large intein and a
mini-intein have also been detected in the threonyl
tRNA synthetase gene thrRS of the yeast Candida Inteins have been described in four fungal phyla:
tropicalis and C. parapsilosis, respectively. The Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Chytridiomycota,
large Ctr ThrRS intein is 345 aa in length with and Zygomycota. Only the PRP8 intein has been
some endonuclease-resembling domains, but the discovered in all fungal phyla. In fungi, inteins are
region seems to have accumulated multiple of embedded within nine different genes and with
mutations that might result in an inactive endonu- few exceptions they are inserted at allelic sites
clease. (Poulter et al. 2007). The allelic 182-aa (Tables 3.1–3.3). In eukaryotes, only a few species
mini-intein of C. parapsilosis (Cpa ThrRS) has are known that contain more than one intein in
lost the endonuclease domain (Poulter et al. their genome. As can be seen from Table 3.1
2007). Except for mini-inteins of PRP8 proteins, and Table 3.3, two inteins have been identified in
Cpa ThrRS is the sole example of a eukaryotic D. hansenii (Dha VMA1, Dha GLT1), P. anserina
mini-intein. (Pan GLT1, PanCHS2), C. tropicalis (Ctr VMA1,
In prokaryotes, inteins are often embedded in Ctr ThRS), and P. nodorum (Pno GLT1, Pno
proteins involved in replication, transcription, or RPA2), and five inteins can be found in
in related processes such as the metabolism of the genome of the chytrid B. dendrobaditis. Pro-
nucleotides (Liu 2000). karyotes often contain a variety of inteins in their
In general, eukaryotes encode three RNA genomes, for example, 19 inteins were identified
polymerases involved in the synthesis of messen- in the genome of the methanogenic archaeon
ger, ribosomal, and transfer RNAs (Cramer et al. Methanococcus jannaschii (Pietrokovski 1998b).
2008). Detailed investigation of eukaryotic RNA Nucleus-encoded inteins outside the fungi
polymerase subunits resulted in the identification were recently identified in the green alga C. rein-
of inteins within this functional category of genes. hardtii and the slime mold Dictyostelium discoi-
The inteins are found in the second largest sub- deum (Goodwin et al. 2006). In addition, other
unit of either RNA polymerase I, or RNA poly- eukaryotic inteins have been described in
merase II, or RNA polymerase III. The insertion plastids from algae and in eukaryotic viruses
52 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

Table 3.3. Characteristics of other fungal inteins

Species/intein Host Intein size, Activity References

protein endonuclease
Podospora anserina/Pan CHS2 CHS2 649, + Theoretical Butler et al. (2005)
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis eIF-5B 419, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
JEL423/Bde-JEL423 eIF-5B
Debaryomyces hansenii CBS767/Dha GLT1 GLT1 607, + Theoretical Butler et al. (2005)
Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15/Pno GLT1 GLT1 635, + Theoretical Poulter et al. (2007)
Pichia (Candida) guilliermondii/Pgu GLT1 GLT1 553, + Theoretical Butler et al. (2005)
Podospora anserina/Pan GLT1 GLT1 682, + Theoretical Butler et al. (2005)
Phaeosphaeria nodorum SN15/Pno RPA2 RPA2 456, + Theoretical Goodwin et al. (2006)
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis RPB2-c 488, + Theoretical Goodwin et al. (2006)
JEL197/Bde-JEL197 RPB2-c
Coelomomyces stegomyiae/Cst RPB2 RPB2-b 362, + Theoretical Goodwin et al. (2006)
Spiromyces aspiralis NRRL 22631/Sas RPB2 RPB2-b 354, + Theoretical Goodwin et al. (2006)
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis RPC2 488, + Theoretical Perler (2002)
JEL423/Bde-JEL423 RPC2
Candida parapsilosis CLIB214/Cpa ThrRS ThrRS 182,  Theoretical Poulter et al. (2007)
Candida tropicalis ATCC750/Ctr ThrRS ThrRS 345, + Theoretical Perler (2002)

(Pietrokovski 1998a; Ogata et al. 2005). For exam- ensures the persistence of homing endonuclease
ple, a non-allelic intein was identified in an an- genes in populations and leads to their invasion of
cient eukaryotic viral DNA, encoding an RNA new species by horizontal transmission. Intein-
polymerase subunit. The viral intein-containing containing genes are not deleterious to their host
DNA is embedded in the genome of the oomycete organisms because they have evolved in
Phytophthora ramorum (Goodwin et al. 2006). association with an intein that is removed by pro-
tein splicing (Chevalier and Stoddard 2001; Gogar-
ten et al. 2002). Fungal intein-encoded
III. Mobility, Evolution, and endonucleases belong to the LAGLIDADG family
Domestication of Inteins and are characterized by two copies of this con-
served motif. As described in Sect. II.A, the VMA1
intein endonuclease PI-SceI of S. cerevisiae is
A variety of inteins can invade DNA sequences by
among the best-characterized homing endonu-
virtue of the endonuclease encoded within them
cleases. PI-SceI initiates the mobility of the intein
(Chevalier and Stoddard 2001). The lateral transfer
by cleaving at intein-less alleles of the VMA1 gene
of an intervening sequence (either an intron or
(Gimble and Thorner 1992). Subsequent to
intein) into a homologous intron-less/intein-less
purification of PI-SceI, genetic and biochemical
allele is termed ‘homing’ and must be distinguished
studies demonstrated that the endonuclease
from the transposition process to non-allelic sites
makes numerous base-specific and phosphate
(Dujon 1989). Phylogenetic analyses have revealed
backbone contacts with its 31-bp asymmetrical
that the evolutionary biology of mobile inteins is
recognition site (Gimble and Thorner 1993;
highly dynamic. Further, VMA1 inteins have been
Gimble and Wang 1996).
shown to be the ancestors of the HO endonuclease
required for mating type switching in yeast. It binds to a 36-bp DNA substrate on intein-free VMA1
alleles and cleaves in a Mg2+- or Mn2+-dependent reaction
to yield 4-bp extensions with 30 overhangs (Gimble and
Wang 1996; Wende et al. 1996; Moure et al. 2002; Noël
A. Mobility of Fungal Inteins et al. 2004). The intein-containing allele is immune to
hydrolysis by PI-SceI, as the VMA1 intein disrupts the
Intein-homing relies on endonucleases that create 31-bp recognition sequence.
specific double-strand breaks at cognate alleles
that do not contain these mobile elements. Mating Homing of the Sce VMA1 intein occurs only
of an intein-less and intein-containing strain leads during meiosis and not during mitosis, even if
to intein transmission to about 75% of the meiotic intein-containing and intein-free VMA1 alleles
progeny. This non-Mendelian inheritance pattern coexist in the same cell and the VMA1 gene is
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 53

expressed in mitosis (Gimble and Thorner 1992). GTL1, and Pno GTL1 might contain an active
A functional genomic approach revealed that at endonuclease domain (see Sect. II.C).
least two karyopherins, Srp1p and Kap142p, are
required for the nuclear localization of PI-SceI.
The nuclear localization of PI-SceI was shown to
B. Evolution of Fungal Inteins
be induced by inactivation of TOR kinases. More-
over, inactivation of TOR signaling or acquisition Goddard and Burt (1999) formulated a cycle
of an extra nuclear localization signal in the model consisting of recurrent cycles of intron
PI-SceI coding region leads to artificial nuclear invasion, maintenance, degeneration, and loss
localization of the endonuclease and thereby for mobile introns with an endonuclease activity.
induces homing even during mitosis. Thus, the A modified model was applied to large inteins
intein-encoded endonuclease utilizes the host sys- (Gogarten et al. 2002; Koufopanou et al. 2002;
tems of nutrient signal transduction and nucleo- Burt and Koufopanou 2004). According to this
cytoplasmic transport to ensure the propagation model, a mobile intein initially invades a genome
of its coding region (Nagai et al. 2003). Further- by horizontal transmission. Once situated in the
more, it was demonstrated that the repair of PI- new genome, it is vertically transmitted to succes-
SceI-induced double-strand breaks occurs at the sive generations and spread out in the population
same period as that of SPO11-initiated meiotic by homing. When the intein is fixed in the popu-
recombination and that it is dependent on the lation, there is little or no selection against point
host homologous recombination system as well or deletion mutations and the activity of the en-
as on premeiotic DNA replication (Fukuda et al. donuclease is destroyed. After the loss of activity,
2003, 2004). Several VMA1-derived endonucleases the endonuclease domain of the intein may even-
were shown to fail to cleave their own intein-less tually be deleted. The splicing domain is predicted
DNA substrate (Posey et al. 2004). Only two to be under a different selection regime. Since the
enzymes have been demonstrated to be active: functionality of the splicing domain is critical for
PI-ZbaI from Zygosaccharomyces bailii and PI- the function of the host protein, which in most
ScaI from Saccharomyces cariocanus. Sequence cases is an essential protein, a strong purifying
alignment of active site residues revealed that selection occurs to preserve function. Only a pre-
inactive endonucleases lack one or both of the cise deletion of the intein-splicing domain will
conserved acidic residues corresponding to D- ensure host protein function and results in a
218 and D-326 in PI-SceI (Posey et al. 2004). It is genome that is devoid of the entire mobile intein.
not known whether any other large fungal intein, Before degeneration of the endonuclease, muta-
besides the VMA1-derived endonucleases has tion of the endonuclease domain may create an
an active homing endonuclease. However, the enzyme that evolves a new specificity and can be
homing endonuclease domains of all of the PRP8 transferred by horizontal transfer to a new host
inteins, except Pbr PRP8 and Cla PRP8, were genome with the recognition site for the altered
demonstrated to have both of the conserved as- enzyme. At this point, the cycle begins again.
partate residues (Poulter et al. 2007; Theodoro Regarding VMA1 inteins of saccharomycete
et al. 2008). Furthermore, an analysis of the fre- yeasts, several lines of evidences support the
quency of synonymous versus non-synonymous model of the homing cycle. First, Koufopanou
changes indicated that PRP8-encoded endonu- et al. (2002) and Okuda et al. (2003) reported
cleases have been selectively constrained (Butler that horizontal transmission of VMA1 inteins
et al. 2006). Together, these data suggest that from different strains of S. cerevisiae, saccharo-
many PRP8-derived endonucleases might be ac- mycete yeasts, and other yeast species has been a
tive. Fungal GLT1-derived endonucleases, except regular occurrence in their evolutionary history.
for Cgu GLT1, also possess the two conserved Second, the evolutionary state of VMA1-derived
aspartate residues, while the first aspartate residue endonucleases from 12 yeast species was
has been substituted in the Pan CHS2 endonucle- addressed by assaying their endonuclease activ-
ase domain. The other fungal inteins (Table 3.3) ities (Posey et al. 2004).
do not even exhibit clear evidence of the con-
served motifs C, D, E, and H (Poulter et al. As stated above, only two enzymes have been shown to be
2007). Thus it seems that only Dha GTL1, Pan active. PI-ZbaI cleaves the Z. bailii recognition sequence
54 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

significantly faster than the S. cerevisiae site, which differs at It has been reported that PI-SceI binds but does
six nucleotide positions. A mutational analysis indicated not cut the promoter of the S. cerevisiae GSH11
that PI-ZbaI cleaves the S. cerevisiae substrate poorly due
to the absence of a DNA-protein contact that is established
gene encoding a high-affinity glutathione trans-
by PI-SceI. These findings demonstrated that intein homing porter. GSH11 is not expressed in a PI-SceI-
endonucleases evolve altered specificities as they adapt to deleted strain, and the inability to express GSH11
recognize alternative target sites (Posey et al. 2004). has been shown to be overcome by the introduc-
tion of the coding region of PI-SceI or the entire
Finally, in the tetraploid wild-wine S. cerevisiae VMA1 gene (Miyake et al. 2003). Another example
strain DH1-1A, it was shown that an intein- for the domestication of an intein is the HO endo-
containing VMA1 allele and an intein-less VMA1 nuclease, required for mating type switching in
allele are encoded in one genome. The molecular various yeast species (Haber 1998). Phylogenetic
reason for the co-existence of both alleles in one analyses revealed that HO and the VMA1 intein of
genome was shown to be due to a loss of activity in S. cerevisiae are close relatives (Dalgaard et al.
the PI-SceI analogue encoded by the DH1-1A 1997). The HO gene is thought to have arisen by
VMA1 intein, and mutations in the 31-bp recogni- an ectopic insertion of the coding region of the
tion site of the intein-free allele of DH1-1A VMA1 intein (Butler et al. 2004). The HO endonu-
(Gimble 2001). In contrast, recent analyses of the clease is encoded by a free-standing gene showing
PRP8 inteins suggest that the homing cycle model 50% similarity to the full-length VMA1 intein,
is not generally applicable (Gogarten and Hilario including the splicing domain, but is unique
2006). Compared to the endonucleases of VMA1 among LAGLIDADG endonucleases in having a
inteins, the homing endonucleases of PRP8 inteins 120-residue C-terminal putative zinc finger do-
show high dS/dN values (Butler et al. 2006). main. Mutational analysis indicated that in addi-
tion to the splicing domain and the zinc finger
A high value of the quotient of the frequency of synony- domain, conserved residues between HO and cat-
mous (dS) versus the frequency of non-synonymous
changes (dN) implies that the endonuclease is functional
alytic, active-site residues in PI-SceI, and other
(Butler et al. 2006). related homing endonucleases are essential for
HO activity (Bakhrat et al. 2004). Phylogenetic
In addition, the level of synonymous change in the analysis from several yeast species revealed a
PRP8 endonuclease has reached saturation while single origin of the HO gene from the VMA1
the VMA1 endonuclease is not saturated by synon- intein. In contrast to VMA1 inteins, HO shows
ymous substitutions. These results imply that no evidence for degeneration or horizontal trans-
VMA1 inteins are of more recent origin than the mission (Koufopanou and Burt 2004; Bakhrat
PRP8 inteins. Furthermore, phylogeny of the euas- et al. 2006).
comycete PRP8 inteins provides no evidence for
horizontal transfer. Only basidiomycetes of the
genus Cryptococcus may have gained the PRP8 IV. Application of Inteins
intein by horizontal transmission (Butler and Poul-
ter 2005; Butler et al. 2006). Based on these results, In recent years, the utilization of inteins has be-
Butler et al. (2006) proposed a modified model for come a major focus in biotechnological research.
the evolution of inteins present in euascomycetes. This section focus on and briefly reviews various
They suggested that inteins might be maintained by intein-related applications for the analysis of pro-
balancing selection. They may not become fixed in a tein–protein interactions, regulation of protein
population due to a decreased fitness of the host activity, and protein purification.
organism, and thus, the homing cycle might operate
in sub-populations only. This scenario would allow
continuous selection for the endonuclease function A. Inteins and Their Application in Protein–
during extended periods of vertical transmission. Protein Interaction Studies

C. Domestication of Fungal Inteins Protein–protein interactions play key roles in

various processes of biological systems, including
Per se, it cannot be ruled out that inteins contrib- transcriptional regulation, protein sorting,
ute to host fitness rather than being detrimental. and receptor-ligand interactions. A number of
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 55

techniques for the detection of protein–protein harboring this reconstituted EGFP can be
interactions, such as yeast two-hybrid, split-ubi- screened rapidly by fluorescence-activated cell
quitin, bimolecular fluorescence complementa- sorting, and the cDNAs can be subsequently
tion, or fluorescence detected resonance energy isolated and identified from the cells (Ozawa
transfer have been invented and established in et al. 2003). This system has been also elaborated
recent years (Fields and Song 1989; Rossi et al. to identify proteins targeted to the endoplasmic
1997; Hink et al. 2002; Pasch et al. 2005). Several of reticulum (Ozawa et al. 2005). Although not all of
these methods are often used in fungi, e.g. to these methods have been tested in fungal systems,
detect or prove the interaction of fungal proteins they demonstrate interesting approaches to char-
(Hoff and Kück 2005; Nolting and Pöggeler 2006). acterize protein–protein interactions and protein
All strategies used must result in the detection of a sorting in the living fungal cell.
specific protein–protein interaction via conver-
sion to a traceable signal. An intein-based method
to study in vivo protein protein interactions in a B. Regulation of Protein-Splicing Activity
mammalian system, as well as in bacteria, has
been published by Ozawa et al. (2000, 2001). The A major aim of physiologists is to temporally
technique relies on the reconstitution of a split control protein function in living organisms. To
enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) by accomplish this aim, the GFP-based system
intein-mediated protein splicing. Each part of to study protein–protein interactions was further
the GFP is fused as an extein sequence to an intein elaborated to induce splicing in living cells at a
moiety derived from an artificially split version of defined time-point. First, the protein of interest
the Sce VMA1 intein. Neither intein construct can must be divided into two parts and fused to
self-assemble, but interacting proteins fused to the inteins, like GFP in the above-mentioned fluores-
other sides of the split intein are able to bring the cent-based systems. To keep the target protein
intein halves in close proximity. This results in inactive, until it is specifically activated in the
protein splicing and the release of a functional cell, both fragments of the protein including the
green fluorescent protein (GFP). The fluorescence intein halves are fused to other proteins that in-
intensity increases proportionally with the num- teract or dimerize only under certain inducible
ber of interacting protein pairs (Ozawa and Ume- conditions. In one approach, two mammalian
zawa 2001). A great advantage of this system is the proteins (FKBP, FK506-binding protein; FRB,
feasibility to measure protein–protein interac- the binding domain of the FKBP-rapamycin-
tions anywhere in the cell because the method associated protein), which are known to bind to
does not require that the interaction takes place rapamycin were fused to the artificially split Sce
in a special cell compartment, e.g. in the nucleus, VMA1 intein (Mootz and Muir 2002). Upon addi-
which is required in the yeast two-hybrid system. tion of rapamycin, the trans-splicing reaction can
Another genetic approach, using the reconsti- be triggered in vivo or in vitro, and the intein
tution of a split-enhanced green fluorescent pro- connects the halves of the desired protein with a
tein (EGFP) by splicing a split DnaE intein derived peptide bond (Mootz et al. 2003; Schwartz et al.
from Synechocystis sp. PCC6803, was developed to 2003). This impressive system was termed the
investigate cellular localization of proteins. In this conditional protein splicing (CPS) system and
approach, a fusion protein comprised of the IC was used to induce luciferase function in cultured
moiety of the naturally split Ssp DnaE intein was cells and multicellular organisms. Drosophila mel-
fused to one half of the GFP protein and to a anogaster strains transformed with CPS con-
mitochondrial targeting signal. After transforma- structs were fed with food containing rapamycin,
tion, the fusion protein was demonstrated to be resulting in the detection of luminescence in the
translocated into the mitochondrial matrix. The living flies (Perler 2007; Schwartz et al. 2007).
other half of the GFP was fused with the IN domain Since rapamycin is fairly toxic to yeast, a light-
of Ssp DnaE and this construct was then fused to dependent CPS system was recently developed for
cDNA libraries. If a test protein contains a func- the yeast S. cerevisiae that depends on regulation
tional mitochondrial targeting signal, it translo- of the photo-dimerization of phytochrome B
cates into the mitochondrial matrix, where EGFP and the phytochrome interacting factor 3 of Arabi-
is then formed by protein splicing. The cells dopsis thaliana (Tyszkiewicz and Muir 2008).
56 Skander Elleuche and Stefanie Pöggeler

Dimerization of the plant phytochrome B and the Further development in intein-mediated pro-
phytochrome interacting factor 3 occurs in red light tein purification was achieved using naturally or
(660 nm) and reversal of the dimerization in far-red artificially split inteins (Mills et al. 1998; Wu et al.
light (750 nm). Thus, a change of the excitation 1998b). The use of these trans-cleavage systems
wavelength to the far-red spectrum (750 nm) results advanced the purification, because it prevented
in the dissociation of interaction partners. Fusion of premature in vivo cleavage, a problem often ob-
phytochrome B and the phytochrome interacting served when cis-splicing inteins are used. The
factor 3 to the artificially split Sce VMA1 intein, and trans-splicing system takes advantage of the abili-
using the maltose-binding protein (MBP) and a ty of the intein halves to self-assemble. In the
Flag-tag as exteins, enabled Tyszkiewicz und Muir majority of cases, the Ssp DnaE intein is used
(2008) to demonstrate protein splicing under light- (Chong and Xu 2005). The target protein is fused
inducing conditions in living yeast cells. to the IN domain of Ssp DnaE, while the IC domain
is mutated at the C-extein cleavage site. Further-
more, both intein halves are tagged to facilitate
isolation and purification of the expressed intein
C. Intein-Mediated Protein Purification fusion proteins. Co-incubation of both parts
results in the reconstitution of the intein splicing
To produce recombinant proteins in large activity and in the release of the target protein.
amounts and to purify them from crude extracts
has become a major task for biotechnologists in
recent years. Proteins can be produced in bacte- D. Screening Systems for Protein-Splicing
rial expression systems and the purification pro- Inhibitors
cess can be eased by the utilization of affinity tags
(Terpe 2003). Different small peptide tags (e.g. Using inteins to identify inhibitory agents to
poly-His-, poly-Arg-, CBD-, or S-tags) are com- prevent fungal growth is a new field in fungal
monly used, as well as higher molecular weight biology. Because inteins are localized inside
tags (e.g. GST- or MBP-tags) to induce the solu- essential genes, they have been often confirmed
bility of proteins. However, removal of the affini- as useful drug targets for preventing fungal infec-
ty tag is often a complicated challenge and tions (e.g. C. neoformans, A. fumigatus, or
accompanied by different problems. Intein- H. capsulatum; Liu and Yang 2004). Thus, assays
mediated protein purification systems attempt were developed to identify new protein-splicing
to avoid these problems. In principle, a target inhibitors. The above-mentioned split GFP re-
protein is fused at either the N- or the C-terminus porter system (Ozawa et al. 2000) was applied
to a modified intein. The other site of the intein is for the in vitro screening of antimicrobial agents
linked to an affinity tag and is mutated at the tag- inhibiting the splicing reaction of the Mycobac-
linked splice junction to undergo inducible spe- terium tuberculosis RecA intein (Gangopadhyay
cific cleavage with the site on the protein of et al. 2003a, b). The ORF of GFP was disrupted by
interest. Crude protein extracts are loaded on integration of Mtu RecA. Initially, the GFP-intein
an affinity column, the tag immobilizes the intein fusion protein is overexpressed, but remains in-
fusion construct, and after some washing steps, active because inclusion bodies are formed. After
an induced splicing reaction (cleavage step) release from the inclusion bodies and renaturat-
releases the desired protein from the column. ing of the fusion product, in the absence of an
Normally, the cleavage step is inducible under inhibitor the intein undergoes protein splicing.
mild conditions, e.g. by the addition of thiolic When an inhibitor is present, protein splicing
agents, changes in pH or temperature. The first and the emission of fluorescence is prevented
intein engineered for protein purification was the (Gangopadhyay et al. 2003a). The system de-
VMA1 intein from S. cerevisiae (Chong et al. scribed has already been used to test the fungal
1997). Later, naturally occurring or artificially Pex PRP8 intein for its splicing activity within a
engineered mini-inteins were predominantly foreign host protein and may be used in the
used for protein purification systems (South- future to design an efficient screening system
worth et al. 1999; Wood et al. 1999; Ding for protein-splicing inhibitors of other fungal
et al. 2007). inteins (Elleuche et al. 2006).
Inteins – Selfish Elements in Fungal Genomes 57

V. Conclusions Analysis of vma-1 encoding the 67-kDa subunit

reveals homology to other ATPases. J Biol Chem
Intein are internal protein domains found inside Burt A, Koufopanou V (2004) Homing endonuclease
the coding region of different proteins. They are genes: the rise and fall and rise again of a selfish
transcribed and translated together with their host element. Curr Opin Genet Dev 14:609–615
Buskirk AR, Ong YC, Gartner ZJ, Liu DR (2004) Directed
protein and are removed from the unprocessed
evolution of ligand dependence: small-molecule-acti-
protein by protein splicing. Fungi encode large vated protein splicing. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA
inteins comprising independent protein-splicing 101:10505–10510
and endonuclease domains, and mini-inteins Butler MI, Poulter RT (2005) The PRP8 inteins in Crypto-
which lack the central endonuclease domain. Our coccus are a source of phylogenetic and epidemiolog-
ical information. Fungal Genet Biol 42:452–463
knowledge on the distribution, evolution, and func-
Butler MI, Goodwin TJ, Poulter RT (2001) A nuclear-
tionality of fungal inteins has expanded enormously encoded intein in the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus
during the past ten years. Currently, more than 70 neoformans. Yeast 18:1365–1370
inteins have been identified within the nuclear gen- Butler G, Kenny C, Fagan A, Kurischko C, Gaillardin C,
omes of fungi. Most of them are embedded in Wolfe KH (2004) Evolution of the MAT locus and its
Ho endonuclease in yeast species. Proc Natl Acad Sci
homologs of the S. cerevisiae VMA1 gene or within
USA 101:1632–1637
the prp8 gene, but they can be also found in gluta- Butler MI, Goodwin TJ, Poulter RT (2005) Two new fungal
mate synthases, chitin synthases, threonyl-tRNA inteins. Yeast 22:493–501
synthetases, and subunits of DNA-directed RNA Butler MI, Gray J, Goodwin TJ, Poulter RT (2006) The
polymerases. Genomic sequencing projects for sev- distribution and evolutionary history of the PRP8
intein. BMC Evol Biol 6:42
eral fungal species have been completed and many
Caspi J, Amitai G, Belenkiy O, Pietrokovski S (2003) Dis-
more are under way ( This tribution of split DnaE inteins in cyanobacteria. Mol
will accelerate the discovery of new fungal inteins. Microbiol 50:1569–1577
Biochemical and phylogenetic analysis will contrib- Chevalier BS, Stoddard BL (2001) Homing endonucleases:
ute further insight into the splicing mechanism and structural and functional insight into the catalysts of
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Choi JJ, Nam KH, Min B, Kim SJ, Söll D, Kwon ST (2006)
lead to the engineering of fungal inteins for a variety Protein trans-splicing and characterization of a split
of applications. family B-type DNA polymerase from the hyperther-
mophilic archaeal parasite Nanoarchaeum equitans.
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4 Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing


CONTENTS plasma membrane results in activation of the ex-

General Description of Apoptosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 trinsic signalling pathway. After a death ligand is
A. Apoptosis in Mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 bound to a specific receptor, initiator caspase-
B. Apoptosis in Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 8 becomes activated and transmits the apoptotic
C. Differences Between Fungal and signal by cleavage of effector caspase-3 (reviewed
Mammalian Apoptosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
II. Apoptosis in Fungal Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 by Walczak and Krammer 2000). Subsequently,
A. Apoptosis in Host–Pathogen and activated caspase-3 leads to the cleavage of specif-
Antagonistic Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 ic substrates, including the inhibitor of the cas-
B. Apoptosis During Fungal Reproduction . . . 69 pase-activated DNase (ICAD) in the cytoplasm
C. The Role of Apoptosis in Fungal and the poly(ADP)ribose-polymerase (PARP) in
Lifespan Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
III. Concluding Remarks and the nucleus (reviewed by Degterev et al. 2003).
Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 The intrinsic pathway of apoptosis is closely
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 connected to mitochondria. Molecular damage of
these organelles leads to mitochondrial outer
membrane permeability (MOMP), which facili-
tates the release of apoptotic factors which are
I. General Description of Apoptosis normally located in the intermembrane space.
Two basic mechanisms inducing MOMP have
A. Apoptosis in Mammals been described. First, pore formation via the per-
meability transition pore complex (PTPC), a com-
The term apoptosis, which originates from the plex constituted by outer and inner membrane
ancient Greek word describing the fall of leaves proteins as well as proteins in the matrix. Primarily
from trees, was first suggested by Kerr et al. (1972) the complex is formed by the voltage-dependent
to describe the process of physiological cell death anion channel (VDAC), also termed porin, in the
in liver cells. Later, it was more generally used as a outer mitochondrial membrane, the adenine nucle-
functional definition of one type of programmed otide transporter (ANT) in the inner membrane
cell death (PCD). The process is characterised by and cyclophilin D in the mitochondrial matrix,
specific morphological features including cell which allows water and solutes up to 1.5 kDa to
shrinkage, chromatin condensation and mem- cross through the outer and inner mitochondrial
brane blebbing, ultimately leading to phagocytosis membrane. PTPC opening is highly sensitive to
of affected cells (reviewed by Hengartner 2000). calcium ions and pro-oxidant agents. The opening
The induction of apoptosis depends on specific results in mitochondrial swelling followed by
signals from the extracellular (extrinsic) or the rupture of the outer mitochondrial membrane.
intracellular (intrinsic) micro-environment (Fig. 4.1). Second, MOMP can result from the formation of
Stimulation of death receptors of the tumor pores in the outer membrane by members of the
necrosis factor (TNF) receptor superfamily in the BAX protein family which integrate into the mito-
chondrial outer membrane promoted by a plethora
of apoptotic stimuli (reviewed by Kroemer et al.
Institute for Molecular Biosciences, Department of Biosciences and
Cluster of Excellence Macromolecular Complexes, Goethe-Univer-
sity, Max-von-Laue-Strasse 9, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany; e-mail: The mammalian protein B-cell lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) is the prototype of a protein superfamily with over 20

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
64 Diana Brust et al.

death ligand stress

PATHWAY death receptor


initiator PATHWAYS
caspase-8 BID tBID


apoptosome BAX/ PTPC

cyt c BAK

Omi/ Smac/ de
caspase-9 ep
ind ay
as thw
casp pa AIF
nd IAP
a se- hway
p t
cas pa
caspase-3 ICAD CAD



Fig. 4.1. Schematic representation of apoptotic signalling dependent pathway is characterised by released cytochrome
pathways in mammals. The extrinsic pathway is charac- c (cyt c) which is involved in the formation of the apopto-
terised by death receptors. After binding of death ligands, some consisting of Apaf-1, caspase-9 and cyt c. The apopto-
initiator caspase-8 becomes activated resulting in the cleav- some has the ability to activate effector caspase-3 initiating
age of effector caspase-3 (reviewed by Walczak and Kram- apoptosis as described before. Smac/DIABLO and Omi/
mer 2000). Activated caspase-3 is able to cleave specific Htr2A also released from mitochondria neutralise the nega-
substrates like ICAD (inhibitor of the caspase-activated tive effects of IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis proteins) on cas-
DNase, CAD) in the cytoplasm and the poly(ADP)ribose- pase-3 activity in the cytosol (reviewed by Saelens et al.
polymerase (PARP) in the nucleus (reviewed by Degterev 2004). The extrinsic and intrinsic pathways are linked by
et al. 2003) triggering DNA damage. The intrinsic pathway BID. Once BID is cleaved by initiator caspase-8, the cleavage
depends on the release of apoptotic factors from mitochon- product tBID supports the liberation of apoptosis proteins
dria by formation of BAX/BAK pores or permeability transi- from mitochondria (reviewed by Cory and Adams 2002).
tion pore complexes (PTPC) (reviewed by Kroemer et al. Several factors of different apoptosis pathways also found
2007). Liberated AIF and endoG translocate to the nucleus in fungi are boxed. The dashed box of BAX/BAK implies that
and execute the caspase-dependent pathway of apoptosis no structure homologues were found in fungi but heterolo-
demonstrating common apoptotic markers like DNA gous expression of the mammalian proteins affects the cells
fragmentation and chromatin condensation. The caspase- in a pro-apoptotic way as well (e.g. Jürgensmeier et al. 1997)

relatives. Members of this family share at least one con- Once MOMP is triggered, pro-apoptotic mole-
served BCL-2 homology (BH) domain. BCL-2 related cules migrate from mitochondria into the cytosol,
proteins are divided into three subfamilies due to the
number of their BH domains: (i) members of the BCL-
inducing two different signalling pathways: a cas-
2 family possess four BH domains, (ii) those of the BAX pase-dependent and a caspase-independent path-
family three BH domains and (iii) the proteins of the way. The main mediator of the caspase-dependent
BH3-only family contain only the shortest of the four pathway is cytochrome c which directly initiates
BH motifs. While members of the BCL-2 family display the activation of caspase-3 after leaving the mito-
an anti-apoptotic activity, proteins of the BAX and BH3-
only family are pro-apoptotic. BH3-only proteins seem to
chondrial intermembrane space via the formation
act as direct antagonists of their anti-apoptotic homolo- of the apoptosome complex. Smac/DIABLO and
gues, whereas the integration of BAX proteins into the Omi/Htr2A, two proteins which are also released
outer mitochondrial membrane leads to MOMP from mitochondria, neutralise the negative effects
(reviewed by Cory and Adams 2002). of IAP (inhibitor of apoptosis proteins) on
Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing 65

caspase-3 activity in the cytosol (reviewed by only be demonstrated in yeast cells after treatment
Saelens et al. 2004). The receptor and the mito- with acetic acid (Ludovico et al. 2002) but not in
chondrial pathway are connected via BID, a mem- filamentous fungi. Silva et al. (2005) reported that
ber of the BH3-only family (reviewed by Cory and deletion strains of cytochrome c are more resis-
Adams 2002). Activated caspase-8 of the extrinsic tant against hyperosmotic stress than the wild
pathway is able to cleave BID, leading to the gen- type, supporting the idea that cytochrome c plays
eration of tBID which subsequently migrates to a role in fungal apoptosis. Significantly, although
mitochondria and causes cytochrome c release. cytochrome c release has not been demonstrated
The caspase-independent pathway is executed yet in filamentous fungi, several reports suggest
after the liberation of apoptosis-inducing factor caspase-like activity in total protein extracts from
(AIF) and endonuclease G (endoG) from mito- different fungi using available mammalian cas-
chondria (reviewed by Saelens et al. 2004). After pase substrates (Madeo et al. 2002; Thrane et al.
translocation of these proteins to the nucleus they 2004; Richie et al. 2007). Interestingly, contempo-
cause DNA fragmentation and chromatin conden- rary degradation of PARP was observed in the
sation, two typical apoptosis markers in mammals. presence of fungal protein extracts containing
high caspase-like activity (Thrane et al. 2004).
Specific proteases, termed metacaspases and shar-
ing partial sequence homology with mammalian
B. Apoptosis in Fungi caspases, were suggested to be responsible for
caspase-like activity determined in fungal cell
More than ten years ago the first evidence of a extracts. However, today there is strong evidence
molecular apoptotic machinery emerged in Sac- for differences in the cleavage site in metacaspases
charomyces cerevisiae when Madeo et al. (1997) and mammalian caspases (reviewed by Vachova
described typical apoptotic markers like chroma- and Palkova 2007). While caspases cleave aspar-
tin condensation and DNA fragmentation. Subse- tate-containing peptides, optimal cleavage activity
quently, evidence for apoptosis was also reported of some metacaspases was detected using sub-
in other fungi. For instance, in Aspergillus fumi- strates with an arginine residue on P1 position of
gatus the typical apoptotic DNA laddering was the peptide substrate (Gonzalez et al. 2007;
noticed after the application of stress to growing Hamann et al. 2007).
cultures (Mousavi and Robson 2004). The TUNEL In addition to a (meta)caspase-dependent path-
assay was successfully applied to visualise way, a caspase-independent pathway of apoptosis
DNA strand breaks in different fungal systems. appears to be active in fungi. Generally, in yeast AIF
For example, in yeast DNA breaks were demon- and endoG homologues were identified and char-
strated in a mutant defective in cell cycle (Madeo acterised, indicating the same function of these
et al. 1997), in A. fumigatus protoplasts from proteins as in humans (Wissing et al. 2004; Büttner
mycelia entering the stationary phase tested et al. 2007). Finally, it has been found that compo-
TUNEL-positive (Mousavi and Robson 2003), nents of PTPC are well conserved in eukaryotes.
and the TUNEL assay was also successfully Surprisingly, a yeast porin deletion strain was
applied in hyphae of Colletotrichum trifolii found to be more sensitive to acetic acid than the
(Chen and Dickman 2005). wild type. In contrast, deletion of the three ANT-
Furthermore, another apoptotic characteristic encoding genes of S. cerevisiae resulted in a higher
of mammalian cells, the relocalisation of phospha- stress resistance, while deletion of the yeast cyclo-
tidylserine (PS) from the inner to the outer layer philin D encoding gene displayed no effect on acetic
of the plasma membrane was demonstrated by acid-induced apoptosis (Pereira et al. 2007). How-
annexin V staining in S. cerevisiae (Madeo et al. ever, the yeast cyclophilin D homologue seems to
1997) and in several filamentous fungi (e.g. mediate the copper-induced apoptotic programme
Hamann et al. 2007; Richie et al. 2007). (Liang and Zhou 2007). Interestingly, in spite of the
One of the most common apoptotic features is fact that fungi seem to lack sequence homologues of
clearly the release of cytochrome c from mito- the BCL-2 family, heterologous expression in yeast
chondria to trigger the activation of caspases, the of genes encoding the mammalian proteins let
main players of mammalian apoptosis. Until now, to pro- and anti-apoptotic effects, respectively
translocation of cytochrome c to the cytosol could (Jürgensmeier et al. 1997; Manon et al. 1997). It is
66 Diana Brust et al.

thus possible that fungi possess functional homo- (reviewed by Eisenberg et al. 2007). Taken togeth-
logues of the BCL-2 superfamily. er, it is tempting to speculate about the rudimen-
tary apoptosis signalling pathways of fungi as an
evolutionary precursor of mammalian apoptosis.
C. Differences Between Fungal But why and in which context did an apoptotic
and Mammalian Apoptosis programme evolve at this early stage of evolution?

Although mammals and fungi share several apo-

ptotic factors demonstrating programmed cell II. Apoptosis in Fungal Development
death, in lower eukaryotes the signalling pathways
appear to be much simpler than in mammals A. Apoptosis in Host–Pathogen
(Fig. 4.1). Until now, the characteristic death and Antagonistic Interactions
receptors triggering the extrinsic pathway of
mammalian apoptosis have not been identified The observations described above demonstrate
in fungi. At most, mating pheromones might be that apoptotic cell death is an evolutionarily con-
considered as exterior signals recognized by spe- served programme which is a common feature of
cific G protein-coupled receptors which normally both higher and lower eukaryotes. Hallmarks of
activate a well defined MAP kinase signalling cas- apoptosis can even be observed in prokaryotes.
cade (Schrick et al. 1997). High pheromone con- This kind of cell death is therefore suggested to be
centrations lead to apoptotic cell death (Severin a consequence of mitochondrial endosymbiosis
and Hyman 2002). In contrast, intrinsic pathways and additional horizontal gene transfer events
of apoptosis are clearly active in fungi, but in a (Koonin and Aravind 2002). It is suggestive to
simplified version when compared to mammals. assume that the ability to undergo apoptosis pro-
Although a release of cytochrome c was at least vides some selective advantage. Indeed, some ex-
demonstrated in yeast, the formation of the apop- perimental data point to vital roles of fungal
tosome could not be detected. In fungi metacas- apoptotic pathways. One example is a competition
pases cleaving proteins at a site differing from experiment in which a selective advantage of
those of mammalian caspases are part of the cas- S. cerevisiae cells capable of metacaspase 1-dependent
pase-dependent intrinsic pathway (reviewed by apoptosis was described (Herker et al. 2004). In a
Vachova and Palkova 2007). Interestingly, until mixture of wild-type and Yca1-deletion cells, cells
now no more than two metacaspase genes could of the deletion strain were outgrown during long-
be identified in fungal genomes, while humans term cultivation by wild-type cells, suggesting that
contain a set of caspases with different tasks wild-type cells dying via apoptosis stimulate the
involved in apoptotic and inflammatory processes survival of other wild-type cells. Alternatively, ap-
(reviewed by Degterev et al. 2003). Similar to optotic clearance of aged or harmed cells leads to
mammals, yeast contains an IAP homologue, a fitter, better adapted population in the long run.
called BIR1, which interacts with the Omi/Htr2A Moreover, during the past ten years, pro-
homologue NMA111 (Fahrenkrog et al. 2004; grammed cell death and especially apoptosis has
Walter et al. 2006). However, mammalian Omi/ been identified to play an important role in pro-
Htr2A is normally localised in mitochondria, cesses induced via the attack of a host by a poten-
while NMA111 is a nuclear protein, further stres- tial fungal pathogen. One of the first host
sing that mammalian and fungal apoptosis clearly responses is the so-called oxidative burst, the pro-
differ in mechanistic details. duction of high levels of reactive oxygen species
The caspase-independent pathways of apo- (ROS).
ptosis are poorly investigated in fungi. Only in
yeast was evidence shown for AIF- and endoG- The oxidative burst (also known as respiratory burst in
dependent cell death (reviewed by Liang et al. phagocytes of mammals) is defined as rapid production of
2008). In the fungal kingdom no structural homo- high levels of ROS in response to external stimuli. It
logues of human BCL-2 proteins which play an provides the first line of defence against pathogen attack.
Upon recognition of a microbial pathogen, a plant or an
important role in a pro- and anti- apoptotic man- animal host starts to release ROS. These ROS (mostly
ner could be detected, although this human pro- superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide) are produced
tein class is active in yeast and other fungi by different host enzyme systems. For instance, NADPH
Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing 67

oxidases produce superoxide anions, which are converted pathogen. Comparable ROS levels were measured
to hydrogen peroxide by superoxide dismutases (SODs). during oxidative bursts in Arabidopsis thaliana,
Hydrogen peroxide can serve as precursor for hydroxyl
radical generation via Fenton chemistry. The different
revealing maximal levels of 0.025 mM hydrogen
types of ROS are able to oxidize proteins, lipids and peroxide (Davies et al. 2006). The induction of
DNA. Beside the role of directly attacking pathogens, it is apoptosis by hydrogen peroxide in Aspergillus
clear that ROS are also important signalling molecules fumigatus can completely be blocked by the addi-
inducing several host pathways (Forman and Torres tion of the protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexi-
2002; Gwinn and Vallyathan 2006).
mide demonstrating dependency of this type of
PCD on de novo protein synthesis.
Experimental data suggest that the oxidative burst It seems that not only does the host use apo-
might induce apoptosis in the pathogen and/or in ptosis to get rid of the pathogen, but also the
the host. Animal pathogens often target and sup- pathogen utilizes apoptosis to escape being killed
press the host’s cell death pathways with different by immune cells. Gliotoxin, a non-ribosomal pep-
compounds to successfully establish infection tide produced by A. fumigatus has been demon-
(Table 4.1). The induction of programmed cell strated to display apoptotic properties (Pahl et al.
death is a critical step in the development of a 1996; Suen et al. 2001; Kweon et al. 2003). The
successful infection and it is thus not surprising supernatant of A. fumigatus cultures, in which
that the triggering of apoptosis is highly relevant gliZ (encoding a transcriptional regulator of glio-
for both host and pathogen. toxin production) was deleted, was found to have
One example for the role of apoptosis in the a significantly lower ability to induce apoptotic
interaction of a pathogen with its host is the infec- cell death in polymorphonuclear leukocytes than
tion of humans by A. fumigatus. An early response wild-type supernatant (Bok et al. 2006). Obvious-
to fungal attack is the induction of an oxidative ly, successful establishment of infection in animal
burst directed against the germinating spores. Ex- hosts depends strongly on the ability of the path-
perimental data suggest that an apoptotic pathway ogen to escape killing by the reactive oxygen spe-
is induced in this interaction. A. fumigatus cul- cies released by immune cells during the oxidative
tures treated with 0.1 mM hydrogen peroxide dis- burst. Moreover, to support the infection, the
play the classic hallmarks of apoptosis, including pathogen might profit via the ability to induce
PS externalisation and DNA fragmentation apoptosis specifically in those cells that are able
(Mousavi and Robson 2004). This treatment to kill him, like e.g. neutrophils. The outcome of
might mimic the physiological scenario in the an infection event thus clearly depends on the

Table 4.1. Examples of apoptosis-inducing/inhibiting compounds implicated in interactions of fungi with other species

Compounds Type of interaction Putative biological function References

Acetic acid Antagonistic (acetic acid secreting Selective advantage, induces Ludovico et al. (2002)
bacteria vs yeast) apoptotic phenotype
Farnesol Antagonistic (Candida albicans vs Selective advantage, induces Semighini et al. (2006a,
Aspergillus nidulans and Fusarium apoptotic phenotype 2008)
Gliotoxin Host (human)/pathogen (A. fumigatus) Pathogen attack to eliminate Pahl et al. (1996),
immune response Suen et al. (2001),
Kweon et al. (2003)
Killer toxins Antagonistic (different yeast species vs
Selective advantage, induces Klassen and Meinhardt
other yeast species) apoptotic phenotype in (2005), Reiter et al.
susceptible yeasts (2005)
PAF Antagonistic (Penicillium chrysogenum Selective advantage, induces Leiter et al. (2005)
vs A. nidulans) apoptotic phenotype
ROS Host (human)/pathogen (A. fumigatus) Respiratory burst, host defence Mousavi and Robson
mechanism (2004)
a-Tomatine Host (tomato)/pathogen (F. oxysporum) Host defence, induces apoptosis Ito et al. (2007)
in the pathogen
Transferrin Host (Protaetia brevitarsis)/pathogen Prevents host from pathogen- Kim et al. (2008)
(Beauveria bassiana) induced apoptosis
68 Diana Brust et al.

balance between apoptosis resistance and the abil- energy metabolism (Ito et al. 2007). Based on
ity to induce apoptosis. these data, it can be assumed that, in such a type
Another example of a pathogenic fungus able of interaction, an increase in resistance of the
to induce apoptotic cell death in the animal host is fungus to undergo apoptosis improves the patho-
Beauveria bassiana, a common and serious insect gen’s capability to infect the host. In fact, this was
pathogen. Recent studies with the white-spotted clearly demonstrated by heterologous expression
flower chafer (Protaetia brevitarsis) revealed an of the gene encoding the anti-apoptotic BCL-2 pro-
important role of the insect transferrin protein tein in the plant pathogen Colletotrichum gloeos-
in apoptosis prevention. Insect larvae with re- porioides. Transgenic strains were hypervirulent
duced transferrin levels displayed a remarked in- and displayed an increased resistance against stres-
crease in apoptosis induction upon exposure to ses induced by temperature, ultraviolet (UV) light
different stressors, like heat stress and hydrogen and hydrogen peroxide (Barhoom and Sharon
peroxide stress, but also to fungal challenge (Kim 2007). Vice versa, heterologous expression of the
et al. 2008). These data again support the idea that pro-apoptotic BAX protein induced apoptotic cell
prevention of apoptosis is directly linked to host death in this fungus. Moreover, the few viable spores
survival. were only able to germinate in a non-pathogenic
In plant/pathogen interactions the role of ap- way with two germ tubes, even under conditions
optosis is different. In plants attacked by a patho- that should induce pathogenic germination (one
gen in principle two different scenarios can be germ tube) (Barhoom and Sharon 2007).
observed. In one scenario, in plants which are Apart from a role in host–pathogen interac-
able to recognise substances elicited during the tions, PCD is also induced in antagonistic inter-
pathogen attack, a defence reaction is induced, actions, interactions in which fungi compete for
the so-called hypersensitive response, leading to nutrients with other species growing on the same
the induction of programmed cell death in the substrate. Secretion of substances inducing apo-
infected parts. This response results in disease ptotic processes in a competitor provides a major
resistance. It starts with an oxidative burst and is selective advantage. A variety of substances of this
thought not only to induce cell death in the host type have been described and studied in some detail
plant but also to act as signal and to attack the (Table 4.1). One example is the antifungal protein
pathogen. In contrast, in plants that do not PAF produced by Penicillium chrysogenum. PAF
express this type of disease resistance, the patho- efficiently induces an apoptotic phenotype in
gen is able to establish an infection (Greenberg A. nidulans accompanied by hyperpolarisation of
and Yao 2004). Such a susceptible interaction also the plasma membrane, PS externalisation and the
can depend on host cell death. Especially in inter- accumulation of DNA strand breaks (Leiter et al.
actions between plants and necrotrophic fungi the 2005). Recently, it was postulated that selective ion
induction of programmed cell death in the host is permeability of the plasma membrane is relevant
clearly promoting pathogen growth (reviewed by for the observed morphological changes in suscep-
Greenberg and Yao 2004). tible PAF-treated fungi (Marx et al. 2008). PAF and
ROS are not the only substances which can be other similar secreted peptides produced by Asper-
released by plants and are directed against the gillus spp. (Gun et al. 1999; Theis et al. 2003) are not
pathogen (Table 4.1). One example is a-tomatine, directed against a specific pathogen but efficiently
a glycoside produced by tomatoes after infection inhibit growth of a large number of different fungi.
with the pathogen Fusarium oxysporum. a-Toma- Since neither PAF nor AFP, an antifungal peptide
tine efficiently induces cell death in the fungus. produced by Aspergillus giganteus, show detrimen-
The process is accompanied by DNA fragmenta- tal effects on mammalian cells (Szappanos et al.
tion, depolarisation of the mitochondrial trans- 2005, 2006), these antifungal proteins are promising
membrane potential and ROS accumulation. candidates for the development of therapies against
Treatment with the F0F1-ATPase inhibitor oligo- human pathogenic fungi (reviewed by Marx et al.
mycin, the protein synthesis inhibitor cyclohexi- 2008). Moreover, PAF in concert with other anti-
mide, or the caspase inhibitor D-VAD-fmk blocks fungal compounds is able to inhibit growth of sev-
apoptosis. This kind of cell death is thus not only eral members of the class zygomycetes, members
dependent on de novo protein synthesis but also of which are important post-harvest pathogens of
includes mitochondrial-dependent signalling and agricultural products (Galgoczy et al. 2007).
Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing 69

Another well analysed apoptosis-inducing of these yeasts produce a killer toxin that leads to
agent is farnesol, a molecule produced by Candida the death of susceptible strains. The toxin-pro-
albicans. Farnesol accumulates at high cell density ducing strains are resistant against their own
and mediates quorum sensing, thereby preventing toxin (reviewed by Schmitt and Breinig 2006). In
C. albicans from switching from yeast to hyphal a 2005 study, moderate doses of the S. cerevisiae
growth (Hornby et al. 2001). In a recent study, toxins K1 and K28 and the Zygosaccharomyces
farnesol also provided a selective advantage in bailii toxin zygocin trigger ROS production and
antagonistic interactions (Semighini et al. 2006a). apoptosis mediated via YCA1, the single metacas-
Co-cultivation of C. albicans with A. nidulans dis- pase known in yeast, in susceptible S. cerevisiae
played farnesol-dependent growth impairments strains (Reiter et al. 2005). The same holds true for
and characteristic features of apoptosis, including the pPac1-2 toxin of P. acaciae. Treatment of
nuclear condensation, accumulation of DNA S. cerevisiae with this toxin results in cell death
strand breaks, PS externalisation and increased accompanied by DNA strand breaks, PS externa-
ROS production. Interestingly, the induction of lisation and the formation of ROS (Klassen and
apoptosis in A. nidulans by farnesol was depen- Meinhardt 2005).
dent on poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP; Not only fungi and other eukaryotes but also
Semighini et al. 2006b), an enzyme that in higher prokaryotes appear to be able to induce apoptosis
organisms is involved in DNA damage recogni- in fungi. From investigations in which yeast cul-
tion, DNA repair and induction of apoptosis. tures have been treated with acetic acid and found
Recently it has been demonstrated that the farne- to undergo apoptosis, it has been speculated that
sol-dependent induction of apoptosis is not acetic acid secreting bacteria have an advantage in
restricted to A. nidulans but is also observed in nature when competing with yeast for available
the phytopathogen Fusarium graminearum. nutrients (Ludovico et al. 2002).
Treatment of growing hyphae with 100–300 mM
farnesol leads to nuclear condensation, DNA
strand breaks and elevated ROS levels (Semighini B. Apoptosis During Fungal Reproduction
et al. 2008).
One interesting type of antagonistic interac- Beside the well established role of apoptosis in
tion of fungi, the so-called killer phenotype, is fungal inter- and intraspecies interaction, only a
observed in several yeast species, e.g. in Saccharo- few observations indicate a role of this suicide
myces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces lactis (reviewed programme in fungal reproduction (Table 4.2).
by Schmitt and Breinig 2006), in members of the In yeast, the first step in sexual reproduction is
genus Pichia and in Wingea robertsiae (Klassen the recognition of a pheromone secreted by a
and Meinhardt 2003; Klassen et al. 2004). The partner of one mating-type by a receptor on the
induction of cell death by these toxins appears to surface of a partner of the opposite mating-type.
be linked to the execution of apoptotic processes. Impairments of the subsequent step, fusion of
Depending on the genotype, some natural strains two cells of the opposite mating-type, induce

Table 4.2. Influence of apoptosis factors on fungal development

Species Apoptosis factor Phenotype References

A. nidulans Over-expression of Parp Impairment of conidiophore development Semighini et al.
C. gloeosporioides Expression of human anti- Increased conidiospore production Barhoom and
apoptotic Bcl-2 Sharon
C. cinereus Four different types of mutations Impairment of spore formation, Lu (2000), Lu
basidia-specific apoptosis et al. (2003)
P. anserina Deletion of both metacaspase Impairment of fruiting body development Hamann et al.
genes (2007)
S. cerevisiae pheromone treatment in the ROS production, DNA breakage, Severin and
absence of mating partner mitochondria-dependent apoptotic Hyman
cell death (2002)
70 Diana Brust et al.

mitochondria-dependent apoptotic cell death several hallmarks of apoptosis were not observed
accompanied by ROS production and DNA break- in cells undergoing death (Zhang et al. 2006).
age (Severin and Hyman 2002). Yeast cells of mat- Additional data suggest an impact of apopto-
ing-type a were treated with the a pheromone of sis on development of fungi other than yeast. In
the opposite mating-type. After induction of the the basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinereus four dif-
sexual reproduction pathway, the physical ab- ferent types of mutants impaired in meiosis or
sence of the appropriate mating partner induced spore formation were isolated and analysed. In
ROS production suggesting that failure of mating group one, meiosis can be completed; however,
induces apoptosis. Death of cells has been sug- the formation of spores is affected. In this group,
gested to represent an altruistic event eliminating apoptotic processes are induced at the tetrad stage
in nature those cells that are unable to mate of basidiospore formation. The three other groups
(Severin and Hyman 2002). Interestingly, both of mutants have in common a defect in prophase
the formation of diploid yeast cells and the induc- of meiosis. In all groups typical markers of apoptosis
tion of apoptosis in cells induced by the a phero- were observed, including chromatin condensa-
mone but not able to fuse with a mating partner tion, DNA fragmentation, cytoplasmic shrinking
are dependent on kinase STE20 function (Schrick and DNA degradation (Lu et al. 2003). In another
et al. 1997; Severin and Hyman 2002). A mecha- fungus, the filamentous ascomycete Podospora
nistic link of these two pathways, sexual reproduc- anserina, circumstantial evidence for a role of
tion and apoptosis, seems to be related to large- apoptosis factors in meiospore development was
scale chromatin remodelling. Fragmentation of obtained in a mutant in which two metacaspase
nuclear DNA during apoptosis is strictly related genes were deleted. This mutant is severely im-
to phosphorylation of serine 10 of histone H2B, a paired in the formation of ascospores and fruiting
process catalysed by STE20 (Ahn et al. 2005a). bodies (Hamann et al. 2007).
Interestingly, the same histone modification is Finally, some recent data also suggest a role of
observed during meiosis, the next step during apoptotic processes in asexual reproduction.
sexual reproduction after the formation of Using fungal extracts of conidiospore producing
diploids (Ahn et al. 2005b). H2B mutants mimick- cultures of A. nidulans, in vitro degradation of
ing a constitutive phosphorylation of Ser10 show a PARP was demonstrated (Thrane et al. 2004). In
drastic reduction of growth. Surviving cells exhibit these cultures, the amount of PARP is increased
a cellular morphology similar to hydrogen peroxide- (Thrane et al. 2004) due to a strong transcriptional
treated wild-type cells (Ahn et al. 2005a). Chroma- upregulation (Semighini et al. 2006b). A regulated
tin remodelling plasticity is speculated to be expression of this gene appears to be essential for
involved in cell survival (Ahn et al. 2005a). During conidiospore development because overexpres-
apoptosis chromatin becomes condensed. This sion of Parp leads to impairments of conidiophore
condensation ultimately leads to cell death. Signif- development. As a consequence, a 104-fold re-
icantly, cytological analyses revealed that chroma- duction in spore numbers was found in the
tin condensation during meiosis is not a static corresponding mutants (Semighini et al. 2006b).
event. Especially in prophase I of meiosis, chro- Currently it is not clear whether the influence of
matin globally cycles between expanded and con- PARP is due to apoptotic processes or is the result
tracted stages (reviewed by Kleckner et al. 2004). of an indirect role of this enzyme. However, a
It thus appears that this type of cycling inhibits direct involvement of apoptosis in mitospore for-
the induction of apoptosis. However, a more re- mation is supported by experiments with the plant
cent study questions the role of apoptosis in pher- pathogen C. gloeosporioides: overexpression of the
omone-induced cell death. In this study, the effect gene encoding the human anti-apoptotic BCL-
of a range of pheromone concentrations on yeast 2 protein not only led to hypervirulence but also to
cells was investigated (Zhang et al. 2006). High an enhanced conidiospore production (Barhoom
pheromone concentrations induced rapid cell and Sharon 2007).
death, requiring the presence of the transmembrane Beside the role in reproduction, apoptosis and
protein FIG1, which promotes Ca2+-independent autophagy also play an important role in fungal
cell death. Lower concentrations of pheromone non-self-recognition between different isolates of
induced a second wave of cell death and were the same species. After fusion of two genetically
dependent on cell wall degradation. Significantly, incompatible hyphae, a cell death reaction, termed
Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing 71

‘heterokaryon incompatibility’, is induced (reviewed Bcl-2 gene (Longo et al. 1997). Another is that
by Glass and Dementhon 2006). In Neurospora chronologically aged yeast cultures display charac-
crassa this reaction displays clear characteristics of teristic markers of apoptosis, including DNA frag-
apoptosis (Marek et al. 2003). In P. anserina, auto- mentation, PS externalisation and chromatin
phagy is strongly induced during the incompatibility condensation, markers which are not observed in
reaction, antagonizing pro-death signals (Pinan- exponentially growing cultures (Fabrizio et al.
Lucarré et al. 2003; Pinan-Lucarré et al. 2005; 2004; Herker et al. 2004). The involvement of apo-
reviewed by Pinan-Lucarré et al. 2007). Interestingly, ptosis in chronological ageing is further stressed by
P. anserina autophagy mutants are impaired in the observation that overexpression of Yap1, one
female fertility, linking this process to sexual devel- key regulator of tolerance against oxidative stress,
opment (reviewed by Pinan-Lucarré et al. 2007). leads to increased survival of the transgenic strains
in stationary culture (Herker et al. 2004). The same
holds true when the gene encoding yeast metacas-
C. The Role of Apoptosis in Fungal pase YCA1 is deleted (Herker et al. 2004). More-
Lifespan Control over, prolonged cultivation of Yca1 overexpressing
strains results in a pronounced reduction in viabil-
While it is clear that apoptosis plays an important ity after 44 h or 96 h of cultivation, accompanied by
role in differentiation and development, much less the appearance of different apoptotic markers. This
is known about its specific role in ageing and life- effect is not observed when a mutant form of Yca1
span control of biological systems. Only in the past containing a serine residue instead of a cysteine in
decade have some clues for such a role emerged, the catalytic centre of the protein is overexpressed
some of which have been derived from investiga- (Madeo et al. 2002). During the past five years,
tions of fungi as experimentally tractable ageing additional findings have accumulated demonstrat-
models. In general, these studies revealed a connec- ing that different apoptotic pathways are involved
tion between age-related symptoms and apoptosis in the control of chronological ageing in yeasts
induction (Table 4.3). Prevention of apoptosis has (Wissing et al. 2004; Li et al. 2006; Barhoom and
a clear lifespan-prolonging effect. One example for Sharon 2007; Büttner et al. 2007).
this connection is the increased viability of yeast Interestingly, markers of apoptosis including
cells in stationary phase that express the human PS externalisation and DNA strand breaks occur

Table 4.3. Factors implicated in apoptosis and fungal lifespan control

Species Factor Influence on lifespan References

C. gloeosporioides Expression of human anti-apoptotic Increase in chronological Barhoom and Sharon
Bcl-2 lifespan (2007)
P. anserina Deletion of metacaspases Increase in replicative lifespan Hamann et al. (2007)
Deletion of fission factor PaDnm1 Increase in replicative lifespan Scheckhuber et al. (2007)
S. cerevisiae Expression of human anti-apoptotic Increase in chronological Longo et al. (1997)
Bcl-2 lifespan
Over-expression of Yca1 Increase in chronological Madeo et al. (2002)
Deletion of Mmi1 Increase in replicative lifespan Rinnerthaler et al. (2006)
Deletion of fission factors Dnm1 and Increase in replicative lifespan Scheckhuber et al. (2007)
Over-expression of EndoG Decrease in chronological Büttner et al. (2007)
Deletion of Aif1 Increase in chronological Wissing et al. (2004)
Disruption of Ndi1 Increase in chronological Li et al. (2006)
Deletion of Kex1 Increase in chronological Hauptmann and Lehle
lifespan (2008)
Deletion of Isc1 Decrease in chronological Almeida et al. (2008)
72 Diana Brust et al.

also during replicative ageing of yeast cells (Laun apopototic cell death and fungal senescence. At
et al. 2001). Moreover, an increase of yeast repli- least PaMCA1, one of the two metacaspases of P.
cative lifespan by deletion of the yeast gene coding anserina, becomes activated during senescence
for the homologue of TCTP (a human protein leading to apoptotic cell death. High levels of
interacting with BCL-XL) was reported, hydrogen peroxide can be detected in senescent
(Rinnerthaler et al. 2006). The details of the un- mycelium and because this kind of ROS induces
derlying mechanism are poorly understood. PS externalisation in P. anserina, PaMCA1 seems
Recently, data on the impact of apoptosis on to be activated by ROS. PaMca1 deletion strains
ageing were reported in another fungal ageing are not characterised by reduced ROS levels, but
model, P. anserina. Since this process occurs dur- rather by impairment to respond to ROS and to
ing active growth of cultures and depends on induce apoptosis (Hamann et al. 2007). This idea
replication of the genetic material, it also repre- is supported not only by the lifespan extension of
sents a type of replicative ageing. In P. anserina, the deletion strains, but also by the demonstration
ageing can easily be followed macroscopically by of a metacaspase-dependent peptidase activity in
analysing growth of cultures on solid medium. senescent mycelium (Hamann et al. 2007).
Depending on the genetic background and culture One important issue that remains to be
conditions, the mean lifespan of a wild-type cul- solved in order to better understand the impact
ture is two to four weeks. Various molecular path- of apoptosis on ageing and lifespan control is to
ways are involved in lifespan control in this unravel the intracellular signalling pathways
fungus. Among others these are: the type of respi- involved in the induction of apoptosis. In yeast,
ration (Dufour et al. 2000; Borghouts et al. 2001; the dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton plays an
Lorin et al. 2001; Krause et al. 2004; Stumpferl important role. First, a decrease in actin turn-
et al. 2004; Sellem et al. 2005; Krause et al. 2006; over, which can be experimentally induced by
Sellem et al. 2007), mitochondrial DNA stability specific mutations in actin or treatment with
(Stahl et al. 1978; Cummings et al. 1979; Belcour actin-stabilising drugs, was observed in aged
et al. 1981; Kück et al. 1981; Osiewacz and Esser cells (Gourlay et al. 2004). Second, an increase
1984; Kück et al. 1985), dietary restriction (Tud- in actin turnover via deletion of the Scp1 gene
zynski and Esser 1979; Maas et al. 2004; Maas et al. encoding the actin bundling protein SCP1 leads
2007), copper metabolism (Borghouts et al. 1997; to lifespan extension of dividing and non-divid-
Borghouts and Osiewacz 1998; Borghouts et al. ing yeast cells (Gourlay et al. 2004). The role of
2000; Stumpferl et al. 2004), translation fidelity actin dynamics is linked to the Ras-cAMP signal-
(Belcour et al. 1991; Silar and Picard 1994), mito- ling, a pathway which is an important regulator
chondrial protein import (Jamet-Vierny et al. of longevity. Constitutive Ras-cAMP activation
1997), mitochondrial dynamics (Jamet-Vierny impairs scavenging of mitochondrial deficiency
et al. 1997; Scheckhuber et al. 2007). Interestingly, and oxidative stress and reduces lifespan (Hee-
recent investigations identified apoptotic machin- ren et al. 2004). A link between Ras-cAMP signal-
ery in P. anserina which also was found to be ling and actin is provided by the phenotype of
involved in lifespan control. Deletion of the yeast mutants lacking either of the two actin
genes encoding the two metacaspases, PaMca1 regulatory proteins SLA1 or END3. The charac-
and PaMca2, resulted in an increase in mean life- teristics of these strains resemble those of strains
span, suggesting that apoptosis is also induced in in which Ras-cAMP signalling is constitutive.
the final stage of senescence in this fungus. Most The corresponding mutants are characterised
pronounced is the effect of the PaMca1 deletion, by elevated ROS production, mitochondrial dys-
leading to a 2.5-fold lifespan increase. Important- function and reduced longevity. Interestingly,
ly, protoplasts of 15-day-old cultures of the ROS levels and lifespan of these strains can be
PaMca1 deletion strain display a higher viability reverted to wild-type characteristics via overex-
after treatment with hydrogen peroxide than pro- pression of Pde1, a negative regulator of the Ras-
toplasts of the wild-type strain (Hamann et al. cAMP pathway (Gourlay and Ayscough 2005).
2007). Moreover, PaMca1 deletion leads to a Recently, a direct link between oxidative
pronounced resistance against the apoptosis-in- stress and the actin cytoskeleton was obtained
ducing agent etoposide (Scheckhuber et al. 2007), by analysis of the yeast old yellow enzymes
suggesting that metacaspases are involved in OYE2 and OYE3. OYE2 was demonstrated to
Apoptosis in Fungal Development and Ageing 73

interact with actin (Haarer and Amberg 2004). III. Concluding Remarks and
An almost complete knockdown of Oye2 resulted Future Directions
in defects in cytoskeletal organization (Haarer
and Amberg 2004). Moreover, simultaneous dele- Within the past decade, apoptosis in fungi emerged
tion of Oye2 and the gene encoding glutathione as a molecular mechanism that is linked to differ-
oxidoreductase GLR1 increases strongly the mor- ent biological processes. Of special applied interest
phological defects (Odat et al. 2007), suggesting is the impact of apoptotic processes of pathogenic
that OYE2 protects actin from oxidative damage. fungi with their hosts because these kinds of inter-
Based on these findings OYE proteins are consid- actions represent a major threat for human health
ered to be important members of a signalling as well as for food production. For example, in a
network connecting ROS generation, actin cyto- recent study, the incidence of blood stream infec-
skeleton dynamics and cell death. tions with species of the Candida genus was deter-
In addition to actin cytoskeleton dynamics, mined in a population-based active surveillance
microtubule dynamics seem to play a role in program of two areas in the United States (Hajjeh
the induction of apoptosis. Deletion of Mmi1, et al. 2004). Compared to earlier studies, the overall
the gene encoding the yeast homologue of the incidence of candidemia was higher. Another ex-
human BCL-XL binding protein TCTP, leads to ample is rice blast caused by the plant pathogen
increased resistance against hydrogen peroxide Magnaporthe grisea, which is responsible for 25%
and a small, but significant increase in replicative annual yield loss of rice production in Japan (Ribot
lifespan (Rinnerthaler et al. 2006). This pheno- et al. 2008). Research to understand the underlying
type is accompanied by an increased sensitivity basis of host-pathogen interactions (including
against the microtubule-destabilising agent ben- the details involved in the induction of apoptotic
omyl suggesting that MMI1 interacts with micro- processes) are of great relevance towards the devel-
tubules. opment of efficient fungicides and effective anti-
Finally, another important contributor to a fungal therapies.
‘healthy’ cellular status, dynamics of mitochon- Apoptosis in fungi and mammals clearly share
dria, appears to be linked to apoptosis. This characteristic features; however, it is now also
conclusion is derived from recent investigations obvious that the underlying mechanisms differ in
in which the mitochondrial fusion and fission a number of details. As one example, fungi lack
machinery was manipulated in both S. cerevisiae biochemical homologues of caspases, aspartate-
and P. anserina (Fannjiang et al. 2004; Scheck- specific cysteine proteases which are among the
huber et al. 2007). Deletion of genes encoding main players in mammalian apoptosis. Instead,
mitochondrial fission factors (DNM1 and FIS1 they possess metacaspases, cysteine proteases
in yeast; DNM1 in P. anserina) retard ageing which seem to originate from the same ancestral
and increase ‘health span’, the healthy period gene as caspases (Uren et al. 2000) and are proba-
of time within the life cycle of organisms. Dur- bly functional homologues of caspases. Although
ing the ageing of wild-type strains, mitochon- classic caspase substrates are cleaved by fungal
dria change their structure from networks to extracts (Madeo et al. 2002; Mousavi and Robson
punctuate entities. However, this change occurs 2003; Thrane et al. 2004), it is unlikely that these
only in the very last period of the lifetime of this substrates are metacaspase substrates. Plant, pro-
fungus. Although in yeast the deletion of fission tozoan and fungal metacaspases display Arg-Lys
factors has an effect on mean lifespan less pro- protease specificity instead of the Asp specificity
nounced than in P. anserina, yeast mutants characteristic of caspases (Vercammen et al. 2004;
maintain a generation time comparable to that Watanabe and Lam 2005; Gonzalez et al. 2007;
of young cells, even after 30–40 generations, an Hamann et al. 2007). Obviously, additional work
indicator of a ‘healthy’ cell status. A clear link is required to elucidate the role of these proteases
between mitochondrial dynamics and apoptotic in fungal apoptosis in more detail. One important
processes is provided by an increased resistance piece of information, the identity of the cellular
of the PaDnm1 deletion strain of P. anserina substrate of metacaspases, could be obtained from
against etoposide, an elicitor of apoptosis inde- a proteome analysis of wild-type and metacaspase-
pendent of pro-apoptotic Ca2+ waves (Scheck- deletion strains. Because of the clear relationship
huber et al. 2007). between metacaspases and caspases, the study of
74 Diana Brust et al.

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5 Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom,
and Above Kingdom Levels


CONTENTS messages are transmitted from a sender to a

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 receiver by means of a suitable medium. Commu-
II. Communication Within and Between nication is an obvious instrument used to co-
Fungal Colonies – Vegetative Interactions . . . . . 80 ordinate human and animal societies.
A. Communication in Mediating
Vegetative Fusions Within Communication is highest developed in the animal king-
Fungal Colonies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 dom where it involves – to variable degrees – the five
B. Communication in Mediating senses sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste.
Vegetative Fusions Between Different
Individuals of Filamentous In a broader view, communication is not limited to
Ascomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 the animal kingdom. Every interchange and ex-
C. Communication in Mediating
Vegetative Fusions Between Different
change of information between living cells can be
Individuals of Basidiomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 considered to be communication. Accordingly,
D. Communication in Population Growth there is communication in all types of living organ-
Control and Germination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 isms, from the bacteria up to the highest developed
E. Communication in Dimorphism and eukaryotes. In nature, communication occurs man-
Asexual Reproduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
III. Communication Between Fungi in
ifold on different cellular levels: between cells of a
Sexual Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 same individual, between individuals of a species,
A. Communication in Mating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 and between organisms of different species within
B. Communication in Fruiting Body and above taxonomical clades up to interkingdom
Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 communication. Communication has many func-
IV. Communication Between
Fungi and Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
tions and serves e.g. in nutrient absorption and
V. Communication Between disposition, in reproduction and recombination,
Fungi and Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 in distribution of species, and in the co-ordinated
VI. Communication Between formation of ecological communities including
Fungi and Animals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 also the targeted suppression of competitors.
VII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Concerning bacteria, lower eukaryotes in-
cluding the fungi, and plants, modes of intra-
and interspecies communication appear to be
mainly of chemical nature (Camilli and Bassler
2006; Dudareva et al. 2006; Bouwmeester et al.
I. Introduction 2007; Thakeow et al. 2007; Lowery et al. 2008;
Ryan and Dow 2008; this chapter). Electrophysi-
In general terms, communication is understood as cal mechanisms exist also but are little studied. A
a process by which information is exchanged new research area “plant neurobiology” focuses
between living individuals through a common on intercellular long-distance communication in
system of symbols, signs, tones or behaviour, i.e. plants based on bioelectrochemical signals,
which is seen as an analogous development to
the neurosystems in the animal kingdom
Division of Molecular Wood Biotechnology and Technical My-
cology, Büsgen-Institute, Georg-August-University Göttingen,
(Volkov 2000; Brenner et al. 2006; Barlow 2008).
Büsgenweg 2, 37077 Göttingen, Germany; e-mail: ukuees@gwdg. Electrical fields appear to be also used in
de, communication between plants and oomycete

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
80 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

Fig. 5.1. Hyphal fusion (anastomosis) in a culture of Coprinopsis stercorarius strain CBS 477.70 occurred between short
hyphal side branches (see open arrows) whilst other side branches grow with their tips towards each other (filled arrow)

plant pathogens, respectively between plants and II. Communication Within and Between
arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Berbara Fungal Colonies – Vegetative
et al. 1995; van West et al. 2002; Ramos et al.
2008). Bioelectric currents may also serve in in-
tercellular communication in fungi, particularly
in filamentous species (Harold et al. 1985, Gow A. Communication in Mediating Vegetative
1989, Potapova 2004), but deeper biophysical Fusions Within Fungal Colonies
research into this in fungi is necessary. Buller (1933) recognized already in the early last
Research in fungi detected in recent years century that within mycelial fungal colonies there
various types of extracellular signalling molecules can be a functional division of hyphae – some of
(“infochemicals”) that act or may act at a distance them act as leading hyphae in colony growth for
in biological signalling between fungal cells within occupying new substrates, others are formed by dif-
a fungal individual, between fungal individuals of ferent order branching from the leading hyphae and
the same or other species and between fungi and their main branches lead to a network of hyphae in
other groups of organisms. which communication and transport ways are dra-
matically shortened. To form a well interconnected
Biological aspects of signalling within and between fungal
colonies were recently reviewed in a number of excellent network that eases nutritional translocation within
chapters in the second edition of The Mycota, Vol. 1 the mycelium (Rayner 1991, Rayner et al. 1994,
(Casselton and Challen 2006; Glass and Fleissner 2006; Olsson and Gray 1998), hyphae of higher branching
Feldbrügge et al. 2006; Pöggeler et al. 2006; Schimek and order appear to grow within a colony towards each
Wöstemeyer 2006; Ugalde 2006). For further reading on other in order to fuse by a process known as anasto-
biological aspects on communication of fungi and other
groups of organisms, the reader is referred to the topical mosis (Fig. 5.1). The targeted growth towards each
reviews by Chiron and Michelot (2005), Bouwmeester et al. other – variously called positive autotropism, hyphal
(2007), and Thakeow et al. (2007), respectively. homing, or remote sensing - starts over certain
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 81

distances, suggesting that the fungi are aware of to one kind of spores but it can happen also be-
other cells of the colony growing in their neighbour- tween spores of different species, even up to CAT
hood (Gregory 1984; Hickey et al. 2002; Glass et al. fusion (Köhler 1930; Ishitani and Sakaguchi 1956).
2004; Glass and Fleissner 2006). Most likely, intercel- At least in N. crassa, CAT homing as well as CAT
lular chemical signalling is taking place between fusion can occur between vegetative incompatible
different hyphae of a colony but the nature of such strains, albeit the latter occurs at a reduced level.
signalling molecules has not yet been discovered in Vegetative incompatibility reactions upon CAT
any fungus (Ugalde 2006). fusions happen much later compared with those
that follow fusion of vegetative hyphae in mature
Bhuiyan and Arai (1993) reported as an indirect evidence colonies (Roca et al. 2005a, b).
for such communication that elimination of water soluble
substances from the environment blocks hyphal attraction Vegetative incompatibility, also known as heterokaryon in-
and fusion in the basidiomycete species Rhizoctonia oryzae. compatibility, refers to a phenomenon where fusion between
vegetative hyphal cells of different genetic background leads
with the resulting heterokaryosis to cellular death (for
B. Communication in Mediating Vegetative further reading, see Glass et al. 2000; Esser 2006).
Fusions Between Different Individuals
of Filamentous Ascomycetes
C. Communication in Mediating Vegetative
Substances acting in hyphal attraction within a Fusions Between Different Individuals
colony may be the same than those functioning of Basidiomycetes
in homing between hyphae of genetically alike
colonies or between hyphae and (germinated) Mating in the basidiomycetes is governed in the
spores of the same genotype (Glass et al. 2004). bipolar species by one mating type locus and in
In the ascomycete Neurospora crassa, attraction the tetrapolar species by two mating type loci
between genetically identical spore germlings was (usually called A and B). For successful mating
studied by Read and colleagues, using microma- leading from sterile monokaryons to fertile dikar-
nipulation by optical tweezers. With this tech- yons, two fusing strains need to be compatible, i.e.
nique, through application of laser beams, the of different mating type (further information
position of a spore or a germling can be altered given by Casselton and Challen 2006; Casselton
relative to another spore or spore germling and Kües 2007; Sect. III.A). In species of higher
(Fleissner et al. 2005; Roca et al. 2005a; Wright basidiomycetes, hyphal fusions occur however
et al. 2007). In such way, homing of conidial between all kinds of monokaryotic mycelia,
anastomosis tubes (CATs) has unambiguously irrespectively of whether being of the same or of
been documented in N. crassa (Roca et al. 2005a). different mating types (Sicari and Ellingboe 1967;
Ahmad and Miles 1970a, b; Leary and Ellingboe
CATs are thin, short, and unbranched hyphae of determined 1970; Fig. 5.2) and all attempts to isolate secreted
growth that are only formed on ascomycete conidia when substances from fungal cultures specifically acting
spores are present in high densities. CATs home towards
each other and fuse, which is different from the larger germ
in mating failed (Hiscock and Kües 1999). Accord-
tubes that avoid each other by growth (Roca et al. 2005b; ingly, it was repeatedly assumed that there is no
Glass and Fleissner 2006). extracellular mating-signal reaction before cellu-
lar fusion (e.g. see Kothe 1996, 2008; Vaillancourt
In N. crassa, the tips of CATs were shown to be et al. 1997; Casselton and Olesnicky 1998). Fre-
both the sites of chemo-attractant secretion and of quencies of hyphal fusion in the tetrapolar Schi-
perception. So far, analysis of a specific cAMP- zophyllum commune were reported to be higher
defective N. crassa mutant (strain cr-1) excluded between colonies with different A mating types
cAMP as the attractant (Roca et al. 2005a). Spec- than between strains sharing the same A mating
ulations are presented that the yet unknown type (Ahmad and Miles 1970a). In contrast, in
chemo-attractants might be peptides, which is Coprinopsis cinerea frequencies of hyphal fusion
supported by the pertinent argument that pep- were said to be higher in confrontations of strains
tides allow a higher specificity. CATs have been with different B mating types than between com-
described in over 70 ascomycetous species (Roca binations of strains with the same B mating type
et al. 2005b). CAT homing is however not restricted (Smythe 1973). Other authors found with respect
82 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

Fig. 5.2. Hyphal interactions in confronting mycelia of a microscope slide. A middle zone of agar about 0.7 mm in
compatible cross of Coprinopsis cinerea strains PS004-1 width was eliminated in between the two inocula prior to
(mating type A3, B42; hyphae marked at the left or below incubation at 37 C. After 24 h incubation both strains
with white symbol *) and PS004-2 (mating type A42, B1; grew into the free window towards each other. The whole
hyphae marked at the left or below with black symbol *). area was photographed in small sections (one after the
Fusions can be seen between side branches of the same other) which subsequently were composed into a larger
monokaryon (black circles) and between side branches of collage that unambiguously allowed to follow up the origin
the compatible strains (white circles). Not all co-incidences of leading hyphae (the thicker hyphae in the photograph)
between two hyphae of the same strain (dotted black cir- and their thinner sub-branches and to correctly assign
cles) or of different monokaryons (dotted white circles) them to one of the two strains. The photograph shows a
end in hyphal fusion – hyphae rather overgrow each subsection of the collage where hyphae of the two strain
other. For observing hyphal events in confrontations of intermingle and have undergone some self- or non-self-
mating compatible strains, the two monokaryons were fusion events. Note at the right side the oidiophore
inoculated at about 1 cm distance on a thin film of yeast (marked by an “o”) that typically form in aerial mycelium
extract/malt extract/glucose agar medium solidified on a monokaryons of C. cinerea (Polak et al. 2001)

to mating types no apparent differences in fre- Different categories of hyphal fusions are observed between
quencies of hyphal fusions in C. cinerea (Sicari confronting colonies: tip-to-tip (between two hyphal tips),
tip-to-side (between a hyphal tip and a lateral hyphal wall),
and Ellingboe 1967) and there are reports on mu- tip-to-peg (between a hyphal tip and a lateral swelling of a
tual attraction of hyphae in S. commune irrespec- hypha), and peg-to-peg fusions (between lateral swellings of
tive of mating type (Ahmad and Miles 1970a; two neighbouring hyphae; Buller 1933; Smythe 1973).
Raudaskoski 1998). Hyphal fusions in S. commune According to Raudaskoski (1998), tip-to-tip and tip-to-
are stimulated by a secreted factor that acts equally side fusions occur frequently in confrontations of S. com-
mune strains independently of mating types and in these
well on combinations of mating-compatible fusions one of the hyphae appears to be attracted by the
strains and on combinations of mating-incompat- partner hypha. At later stages, particularly in confrontation
ible strains. The effective factor is however only of strains with different B mating types, peg-to-peg fusions
induced in confrontations of mating-compatible occur in higher frequencies. The two pegs at neighbouring
strains whilst hyphal fusion is not required for its hyphae appear to stimulate each other in growth. Raudas-
koski (1998) suggested that such high frequency of peg-to-
production (Ahmad and Miles 1970a). Further- peg fusions may come from the action of mating type
more, in Lenzites betulinus a secreted substance pheromones encoded in the B mating type locus. Thus,
appears to cause formation of a “répulsion bar- Raudaskoski (1998) distinguished potential vegetative hy-
rage” (“sexual barrier”, a zone of poor growth phal interactions from potential sexual hyphal interactions.
between colonies caused by an aversion for one
another) between colonies having the same B mat- As described in S. commune (Voorhees and
ing type (Hennebert et al. 1994). Peterson 1986; Todd and Aylmore 1985), Polyporus
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 83

dryophilus (Morton and French 1970), and Laccaria Euplotes raikovi. The E. raikovi pheromones have
laccata (Fries 1983a), attraction is also possible both paracrine (non-self) functions by binding to
between basidiospores and dikaryotic hyphae or mating-type-specific pheromone receptors of cells
monokaryotic and dikaryotic hyphae. In C. cinerea of different mating type as well as autocrine (self)
and other Coprini, uninucleate mitotic spores functions by binding to pheromone receptors of the
(oidia) are known to generally attract monokaryotic cell they are secreted from (Luporini et al. 2005,
hyphae of the same and sometimes also of related 2006). This finding provoked the idea that autocrine
species (Kemp 1975, 1977). Homing reactions and paracrine reactions by pheromones might hap-
within and between closely related species were pen also in the higher basidiomycetes (Hiscock and
described by Fries (1981, 1983b) between basidio- Kües 1999; Kües 2000). A paradigm of autocrine
spores and dikaryotic hyphae in the genus Lecci- and paracine reactions of mating-type pheromones
num. Interspecies homing by mitotic and meiotic has indeed subsequently been found in the basidio-
spores results regularly in somatic incompatibility mycetous yeast Cryptococcus neoformans (Shen
reactions, leading to the death of the foreign et al. 2002; Lin et al. 2005).
hyphae (Kemp 1977; Fries 1981), whereas in intra- Binding of mating-type pheromones from
species reactions nuclei of one of the fusing part- higher basidiomycetes to pheromone receptors
ners might be degraded (Todd and Aylmore 1985). of another mating-type has been demonstrated
Particularly the observations of homing reactions by heterologous expression in baker’s yeast (Fowler
argue for extracellular communication between et al. 1999; Hegner et al. 1999; Olesnicky et al. 1999).
different individuals of higher basidiomycetes. It might be possible that in the native hosts, the
However, the controversial results and various mating-type specific pheromone-receptors bind
types of observations do not allow us to deduce a the pheromones of the own mating type less strin-
clear-cut picture on the situation whether there is gent than competitive pheromones of different mat-
only vegetative communication prior to hyphal ing type, in a manner as described for autocrine and
fusion or whether there is in addition a sexually paracrine pheromone binding in the ciliate E. rai-
determined communication (Raudaskoski 1998; kovi (Luporini et al. 2005, 2006). However, there are
Hiscock and Kües 1999). Vegetative and sexual increasing reports on occurrence of genes in the
reactions aiming at different targets (e.g. ease of basidiomycetes for potential pheromone receptors
translocation, supply of nutrients vs sexual repro- that are not mating-type-linked (James et al. 2004,
duction) might just be overlapping and this would 2006; Aimi et al. 2005; Niculita-Hirzel et al. 2008;
experimentally not be easy to separate (Hiscock Martinez et al. 2009). Moreover, in the genomes of C.
and Kües 1999; Kües 2000). Figure 5.2 shows cinerea and Laccaria bicolor, large families of genes
hyphae in the confrontation zone of two compati- for closely related, non-mating type, pheromone-
ble monokaryons of C. cinerea. We found in close like peptides were recently discovered (Niculita-
vicinity fusions between hyphae of the same and Hirzel et al. 2008; Fig. 5.3). Both, the non-mating-
between hyphae of different mating type. The first type pheromone receptors and the pheromone-like
case of fusions can be considered vegetative but peptides could be candidates for functioning in veg-
whether the latter is vegetative or sexual cannot be etative communication within a species and also
distinguished. Hyphae may overgrow others with- between species. Experimental data will have to
out fusing to them regardless of whether they share prove that.
the mating type or not (Fig. 5.2). The observations
imply that not all hyphae are competent for fusion Different from the highly dissimilar mating-type phero-
or that growing hyphae do not recognise all poten- mones, the non-mating-type pheromone-like peptides of
C. cinerea and L. bicolor are comparably well conserved in
tial self or non-self partners due to a lack of com- sequence (Niculita-Hirzel et al. 2008; Fig. 5.3). Sequence
munication between the hyphae. conservation could be of advantage in the case of interspe-
Sexual development in higher basidiomycetes cies communication, such as in non-self-competitive in-
in part is regulated by the B mating type genes teraction for space and nutrients and hyphal interference,
encoding small peptide pheromones and phero- a phenomenon in which one species suppresses another by
causing its hyphal death (Ikediugwu and Webster 1970). A
mone receptors of the seven-transmembrane G pro- foreign species might be attracted to the killing species
tein-coupled type (Casselton and Challen 2006; (Kemp 1975) and hyphal interference might or might not
Casselton and Kües 2007). Mating-type specific include fusion between two species (Ikediugwu 1976; Tra-
peptide pheromones occur also in ciliates such as quair and McKeen 1977; Boddy 2000). There is certainly
84 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

Coprinopsis cinerea

Laccaria bicolor

Cryptococcus neoformans

Fig. 5.3. Small peptides as possible messenger molecules et al. 2008) and precursor sequences from similar small
in communication of basidiomycetes: Precursor sequences secreted molecules from Cryptococcus neoformans of
for a selection of small pheromone-like peptides of Copri- which QSP1 was documented to have quorum sensing
nopsis cinerea and Laccaria bicolor are given from a mul- function (Lee et al. 2007). In all cases, the (proposed)
titude of similar small secreted peptides that appear to be sequence of the mature peptides is shown in bold and
encoded in the species’ genomes (from Niculita-Hirzel putative processing and modification sides are underlined

room in these interesting antagonistic phenomenons for Most interestingly, without the 11-mer peptide QSP1
communication via pheromone-like molecules. the basidiomycetous yeast is unable to grow at low
cell densities. QSP1 apparently mediates a density-
dependent growth phenotype which is reminiscent
D. Communication in Population Growth of bacterial quorum sensing (Lee et al. 2007).
Control and Germination
The word quorum refers in politics to the minimum number
The families of pheromone-like peptides of of individuals to undergo a valid decision. In biology, quo-
C. cinerea and L. bicolor and their precursors rum sensing (QS) is understood as cell-cell communication
have a sequence which somewhat resembles that systems in species of prokaryotes that aid a concerted popu-
of a family of small 10-mer and 11-mer peptides lation response. QS as described in bacteria occurs in
from C. neoformans (QSP1, QSP2, QSP3) that are growth-phase- and cell-density-dependent manner. Popula-
tions of bacterial species are able to monitor cell density
generated from alternatively spliced transcripts of before expressing a defined phenotype. To this end, they
the gene CQS1 (Fig. 5.3). make use of small specific diffusible signalling molecules
(Whitehead et al. 2001; Daniels et al. 2004; Waters and
The predicted precursors of the families of small peptides of Bassler 2005). More recent work suggests that bacterial QS
C. cinerea (33 different genes) and L. bicolor (45 different has also capacity in interspecies and even in cross-kingdom
genes) have the typical structure of lipo-peptide pheromones communication (Lowery et al. 2008; see below).
encoded by respective mating type genes in the basidiomy-
cetes: the precursors have an N-terminal signal sequence for
protein secretion, there is an internal charged motif for QSP1 of C. neoformans is the only so far known
putative processing by a endoprotease and at the C-terminal fungal autoregulatory signalling molecule for den-
end, there is the typical CAAX (cysteine – aliphatic amino sity-dependent growth control on a peptide-basis.
acid – aliphatic amino acid – any amino acid) motif for post- Autoregulatory signalling molecules of growth
translational processing (Niculita-Hirzel et al. 2008). The control might act positive as in case of QSP1 in
precursors of the C. neoformans peptides have a similar N-
terminal secretion signal and are internally processed at an C. neoformans but there can be others with nega-
analogous location but they do not have the typical CAAX- tive effects. In the Saccharomycetales yeast Candi-
motif of fungal pheromone-precursors (Lee et al. 2007). da albicans, the phenolic alcohol tyrosol acts as
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 85

a QS molecule for promoting induction of germ- Many species produce self-inhibitors or autoinhi-
tube formation on the yeast cells whilst another bitors of germination when spores are present in
QS molecule, the acyclic sesquiterpene alcohol high densities in the environment. Production of
farnesol, inhibits this process in favour of typical self-inhibitors of spore germination has been
yeast growth (Chen et al. 2004; see also Sect. II.E). reported for more than 60 different species. Vari-
Depending on growth medium and yeast spe- ous types of secondary metabolites have been
cies, mathematical models deduced from experi- detected to exhibit self-inhibitor functions. Patho-
mental data suggest that reaching constant cell gens thereby appear to be more specific in the
densities in cultures of unicellular yeasts can be chemical compounds used than saprotrophs
the result of QS mediated by autoregulators (reviewed in further detail by Ugalde 2006). For
(Walther et al. 2004). On agar medium, there is example, the basidiomycetous rusts Uromyces
intracolony cell–cell communication as well as phaseoli and Puccinia graminis produce the aro-
intercolony signalling in various ascomycetes matic substances methyl-cis-3,4-dimethoxycin-
yeast species, including the baker’s yeast Saccha- nate and methyl-cis-ferulate, respectively (Allen
romyces cerevisiae mediated by the volatile alka- 1972) and mitosporic Colletotrichum species have
line compound ammonia. Ammonia production been shown to generate one or more self-inhibitors
is oriented toward neighbouring colonies growing being such diverse organic compounds as mycos-
in close vicinity and results in growth inhibition porine-alanine and the indol derivatives (E)- and
(Palková et al. 1997; Gori et al. 2007). Via such (Z)-ethylidene-1,3-dihydroindol-2-one, colleto-
communication, yeast colonies are able to syn- fragarone B, (2R)-(3-indoyl)propionic acid, and
chronize with each other in physiology and devel- (2R)-(3-indolyl) propionic acid (Leite and Nichol-
opment (Palková and Forstová 2000; Palková and son 1992; Tsurushima et al. 1995; Inoue et al.
Vachová 2003, 2006). In the human pathogenic 1996). Such very specific chemicals are likely pro-
yeast Histoplasma capsulatum, a-(1,3)-glucan duced during spore formation to be incorporated
incorporation in the cell wall occurs growth-de- into the spore cell walls or the surrounding muci-
pendent at high cell densities and this is under lage (Young and Patterson 1982) from which they
control of an unknown QS molecule (Kügler et al. later will successively be released (Ugalde 2006).
2000). Colonisation on agar medium of this fun- Other effective self-inhibitors of germination
gus occurs only at a density >106 yeast cells/plate produced by conidia likely by fatty acid degrada-
(Pine 1995). Iron siderophores and hydroxamic tion are the volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
acid released by the yeast cells, acting as growth types of C8-compounds, most often 1-octen-3-ol
factors, regulate this inoculum size effect (Burt (Garrett and Robinson 1969; Chitarra et al. 2004).
et al. 1981; Burt 1982). 1-Octen-3-ol in Penicillium paneum was shown to
render membrane properties in suppressed spores
Siderophores sequester required iron from the medium for
the fungus and appear to counteract impurities of the agar
and to change their internal pH (Chitarra et al.
medium. A certain concentration of the siderophores is 2005). A similar outcome on cell membranes and
required before the mechanism becomes effective – if the internal pH of fungal spores was postulated for
cell density of H. capsulatum is too low this concentration nonanoic acid (Breeuwer et al. 1997).
will not be reached but certain additions to the medium Studies in the higher basidiomycetes show
can overcome the inoculum size effect (Worsham and Gold-
man 1988; Woods et al. 1998). It is thus debatable whether
that there can also be communication in spore
such a cell-density-dependent mechanism as found in populations for stimulation of germination.
H. capsulatum is cellular communication in the strictest In the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus the
sense involving a sender and a receiver of a message. The volatile isovaleric acid was identified to be an
case of C. cryptococcus appears to be different from this autoinducer of basidiospore germination (Rast
since it is medium-independent and unaffected by addi-
tions to the medium. The 11-mer peptide QSP1 might
and Stäuble 1970), which however can be counter-
therefore be a true messenger molecule acting between acted by self-inhibition through CO2 produced by
cells (Lee et al. 2007). the spores (Rast et al. 1979). Amongst other un-
known germination-inducing substances pro-
Whilst most of the so far discussed cases of com- duced by the mycelium of the ectomycorrhizal
munication between fungal cells occur in growing species Tricholoma robustum, gluconic acid is in-
vegetative cultures, growth can also be influenced ducing germination of its basidiospores (Iwase
by systems of QS at the stage of spore germination. 1991). n-Butyric acid and related compounds are
86 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

operative for Tricholoma matsutake (Ohta 1988). of conidia and sclerotia is oppositely density-
Volatile germination inducing factors acting in a regulated. Sclerotia form at low cell density
species-dependent manner on basidiospores are and conidia at high cell density and different
also emitted from the mycelia of other basidiomy- autoregulatory factors seem to control these
cetes, e.g. from the ectomycorrhizal fungus Lecci- effects. Lipoxygenases appear to be involved in
nium aurantiacum (Bjurman and Fries 1984). the production of the factors (Brown et al. 2008).

As much as tested, volatiles emitted from mycelia of Lipoxygenases act in the synthesis of fatty acid metabolites
related species tend not to act in basidiospore germination by catalysing the hydroperoxidation of polyunsaturated
in ectomycorrhizal species (Iwase 1992; Bjurman and Fries fatty acids. Hydroperoxy fatty acids are then converted
1984). However, basidiospore germination can be trig- into a variety of degradation products, many of which can
gered by exudates from non-ectomycorrhizal species act as signalling compounds. Derivatives of fatty acids and
such as the basidiomycetous yeast Rhodotorula glutinis their esters obtained by oxidation through lipoxygenase are
(Fries 1978) or the filamentous ascomycete Ceratocystis known as oxylipins (Grechkin 1998; Liavonchanka and
fagacearum (Oort 1974). Feussner 2006). In fungi, oxylipins and other bioactive
lipid metabolites are shown to affect development, QS, and
effecter molecule production in interaction with other
E. Communication in Dimorphism organisms (Erb-Downward and Huffnagle 2006).
and Asexual Reproduction
There is a growing body of evidence that QS A typical fungal oxylipin is the volatile 1-octen-3-
occurs widespread in dimorphic fungi in order ol, mediator of the characteristic mushroom
to positively or negatively regulate switching be- odour (Combet et al. 2006). 1-Octen-3-ol is likely
tween morphological growth forms (Hogan 2006; produced in the fungi from linoleic acid through
Nickerson et al. 2006; Sprague and Winans 2006). oxidation by lipoxygenase into 8(E),12(Z),10(S)-
For example, during growth at high cell densities 10-hydroxy-8,12-octadecadienoic acid that subse-
(>106 cells/ml) of the dimorphic opportunistic quently is cleaved to 3(R)-1-octen-3-ol and 8(E)-
human pathogen C. albicans, farnesol accumu- 10-oxo-8-decenoic acid (Wurzenberger and
lates in the media and, in a QS manner, blocks Grosch 1984; Combet et al. 2006). 1-Octen-3-ol is
the morphological transition from the yeast to the a potent and often used signalling molecule in the
mycelial stage and with it biofilm formation fungi (see also Sects. III.B, VI). Application of the
(Hornby et al. 2001; Alem et al. 2006; see also VOCs 1-octen-3-ol and its analogues 3-octanol
Sect. II.D). Yeast–mycelium dimorphism in Cera- and 3-octanone can overcome light-dependence
tocystis ulmi (which causes Dutch elm disease) is in conidiation in Trichoderma spp. Sporulating
regulated by an unknown QS factor that is not colonies produce these compounds themselves
farnesol (Hornby et al. 2004) but very likely an- and the VOCs mediate as signalling molecules, in
other oxygenated lipid molecule (Jensen et al. minute concentrations, intercolony communica-
1992). In some strains of the baker’s yeast S. cer- tion for the induction of sporulation on other
evisiae, colony density can negatively influence colonies from the same or other Trichoderma spe-
invasiveness into agar medium and pseudohyphal cies (Nemčovič et al. 2008).
growth (Lucaccioni et al. 2007). Autosignalling Other oxylipins are the well studied endoge-
aromatic alcohols (phenylethanol, tryptophol) nous precious sexual induction (psi) factors influ-
were shown to suppress filamentous growth in encing conidiation in A. nidulans by governing
strains having an active FLO11-flocculation gene the balance between asexual and sexual reproduc-
(Chen and Fink 2006). Obviously, different chem- tion (reviewed by Ugalde 2006). psiAa [lactone of 5
ical compounds are used by the various yeasts to (S),8(R)-dihydroxy-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic
regulate dimorphic morphological changes. acid] induces conidiation and, in turn, counteracts
In the filamentous ascomycete Aspergillus sexual sporulation. psiBa [8(R)-hydroxy-9(Z), 12
niger, the oxygenated lipid farnesol is shown to (Z)-octadecadienoic acid] and psiCa [5(S),8(R)-
suppress conidiation (Lorek et al. 2008). Farnesol dihydroxy-9(Z),12(Z)-octadecadienoic acid] are
appears not to be produced by A. nidulans but, sporulation hormones that inbibit conidiation
when present in the environment, it induces apo- and stimulate ascospore formation (Champe et al.
ptosis-related morphological changes (Semighini 1987; Calvo et al. 1999, 2001; Tsitsigiannis et al.
et al. 2006). In the related A. flavus, the formation 2004a, b, 2005; see also Sect. III.B). Moreover,
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 87

a defect in production of the oxylipin 10(R)- 2003). Pheromones functioning in a mating-type-dependent

hydroxy-8(E),12(Z)-hydroperoxyoctadecadienoic manner have been isolated from various ascomycetous and
basidiomycetous yeasts. Application of such pheromones to
acid by the human pathogen Aspergillus fumiga- cells of opposite mating types induces an elongation of yeast
tus leads to a decrease in conidia production; the cells directed towards the pheromone source and conjuga-
conidia have an altered size, shape and germina- tion tube formation (Duntze et al. 1970; Imai and Yamamoto
tion behaviour and, in addition, during fungal 1984; Wong and Wells 1985; Spellig et al. 1994; see works
infestation in the human host there is an cited by Flegel 1981; Hiscock and Kües 1999).
increased spore uptake and killing by primary
alveolar macrophages (Dagenais et al. 2008).
In the filamentous ascomycetes, chemical attraction by mat-
Another important group of chemical com- ing-type pheromones is observed at fertilization when donor
pounds to be mentioned with respect to regulation cells of nuclei (either spores or hyphae) are attracted and fuse
of asexual development in filamentous ascomy- with trichogynes, specialized hyphae differentiated in a my-
cetes are terpenes (Ugalde 2006). The best under- celium of an opposite mating type from the ascogonia (the
stood molecule is the diterpene conidiogenone female reproductive structures) to act as receptors of the
nuclei coming from the male-operating donor cells (Bistis
from Penicillium notatum. Conidiogenone is pro- 1983, 1998; Turina et al. 2003; Kim and Borkovich 2004, 2006;
duced throughout the whole growth phase of the Coppin et al. 2005).
fungus but when growing in submerged culture,
the local conidiogenone concentration remains
The situation differs from that in the filamentous higher
below a threshold required for sporulation. In basidiomycetes, where a reaction by secreted pheromones
contrast, when the fungus enters the aerial prior to hyphal fusion of mating-type competent mono-
phase, conidiogenone is believed to accumulate karyons was never possible to verify (see Sect. II.C). Mat-
on the hyphal cell walls at concentrations above ing of two compatible monokaryons in the higher
threshold levels (>350 pM) so that sporulation basidiomycetes leads to a dikaryon morphologically char-
acterized by the clamp cells formed at the hyphal septa
can happen. In liquid culture, thresholds can be during the developmental course of nuclear and cellular
reduced fivefold by increasing Ca2+ concentra- division (Kües 2000; Casselton and Challen 2006). The
tions with the consequence that sporulation is arch-shaped clamp cells branch from the apical cell of
facilitated under submerged conditions (Roncal hyphae, grow backwards, and appear to induce formation
et al. 2002a, b; Ugalde 2006). of a peg at the tip of the sub-apical cell to which the clamp
cell eventually fuse (Buller 1931; Badalyan et al. 2004).
Fusion of the clamp cells to the sub-apical cell is B-mat-
ing-type dependent. It is assumed but not proven that at
III. Communication Between Fungi least in this reaction the mating type pheromones mediate
in Sexual Interactions the communication between the clamp cell and the sub-
apical cell and its peg, respectively (Brown and Casselton
2001; Badalyan et al. 2004).
A. Communication in Mating
A mating reaction is a prerequisite step in sexual Expression of pheromones and pheromone recep-
reproduction of heterothallic fungi. Mating tors in the bipolar ascomycetes is controlled by
involves fusion of fungal cells of different mating the mating type loci encoding types of transcrip-
type and, in many instances prior to that, a court- tion factors (for recent reviews, see e.g. Debuchy
ship period of communication between the cells of and Turgeon 2006; Tsong et al. 2007; Turgeon and
different mating type. Courtship for mating in Debuchy 2007). In the basidiomycetes in contrast,
ascomycetes and basidiomycetes involves mat- the pheromone and pheromone receptor genes
ing-type specific pheromones, small peptides, are found included with genes for transcription
and their also mating-type-specific seven-trans- factors within the single mating type locus of the
membrane G protein-coupled receptors. bipolar species or, in the tetrapolar species, they
are found in a second mating type locus separate
Selective attraction between cells of opposite mating type from the mating type locus containing the tran-
has been observed for many yeasts and yeast-like species, scription factor genes (see the recent reviews by
both from the ascomycetes and from the basidiomycetes
(see e.g. Bauch 1932; Bandoni 1965; Abe et al. 1975; Flegel
Casselton and Challen 2006; Bakkeren and Kron-
1981; Chenevert et al. 1994; Nielsen and Davey 1995; stad 2007; Casselton and Kües 2007). In either
Snetselaar et al. 1996; Shen et al. 2002; Lockhart et al. way, cell-type specific communication systems
88 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

are verified so that one mating type produces released to reach the complementary mating partner. 4-
pheromones that by a distinctive amino acid Dihydromethyltrisporate dehydrogenase converts 4-dihy-
droxymethyl trisporate, a product of the (+) mating type,
sequence are only recognized by receptors of to methyl trisporate. Although both mating types carry the
another mating type-specificity, which in turn genes for the latter two enzymes and both transcribe the
are also characterized by unique amino-acid genes, active enzymes are only found in the sexually
sequences. More information on this can be stimulated () mating type and they are thus strictly
found in the above-cited reviews and in various mating-type-specific (Schimek et al. 2005, Wetzel et al.
2009). Receptors for any of the intermediate compounds
further chapters in the book Sex in Fungi edited produced in trisporic acid synthesis pathway are not
by Heitman et al. (2007). known (Schimek and Wöstemeyer 2006).
In the Mucoromycotina (formerly classified
within zygomycetes, now within the Fungi incertae Reproduction in the Chytridiomycota such as
sedis; Hibbett et al. 2007), there is a another mech- Allomyces macrogynus involves fusion between
anism of communication between cells of different motile uniflagellate male and female gametes that
mating type: mating type recognition and regula- can be produced on the same mycelia but in dif-
tion of sexual reproduction (steps zygophore ferent gametangia. The smaller male () gametes
formation and zygotropism between such struc- are sexually attracted to the larger female (+)
tures of different mating type) is governed by the gametes by sirenin, a bicyclic sesquiterpene with
b-carotene derivate trisporic acid as the major sex a cyclopropane ring, produced by the (+) gametes.
pheromone and its biosynthetic precursors. The In turn, the () gametes produce a compound
biosynthesis of trisporic acid is shared between parisin of unknown chemical structure that acts
the two mating types (+) and () of a species. In as attractant of the (+) gametes (Pommerville and
short, 4-dihydrotrisporin obtained in both mating Olson 1987; Pommerville et al. 1988; for detailed
types from b-carotene in the (+) strains are con- reviews see Gooday 1994; Schimek and Wöste-
verted to 4-dihydroxymethyl trisporate and in the meyer 2006; Idnurm et al. 2007).
() strains to trisporin. These metabolites are ex-
changed between the mating types upon which
trisporin in the (+) mating type is converted to B. Communication in Fruiting Body
trisporol and finally trisporic acid and 4-dihydrox- Development
ymethyl trisporate in the () mating type to methyl
trisporate. Finally, both trisporol and methyl tris- Fruiting bodies with various types of differen-
porate are transformed to trisporic acid (further tiated cells arranged in specific morphological
reading in the recent reviews by Schimek and Wös- patterns (Fig. 5.4A, B) are the most complex
temeyer 2006; Wöstemeyer and Schimek 2007). structures found within the fungal kingdom (for
It is interesting to note that the concerted mecha- reviews see Kües et al. 2004; Pöggeler et al. 2006;
nism of trisporic acid formation is not restricted to Wösten and Wessels 2006). Fruiting body forma-
strains of one species but due to the widespread usage tion demands highly co-ordinated cellular pro-
of the trisporic acid system in the Mucoromycotina, grams of synchronized development and
precursors can also be exchanged between different differentiation. This includes also a co-ordinated
species (Schimek et al. 2003). Even more, strains of and specific fusion of cells such as occurring
different species may fuse upon trisporic acid- between the outer layer of enveloping hyphae in
regulated mating-type recognition such as the para- the formation of the peridia (outer rind tissue
sitic species Parasitella parasitica with Absidia formed by melanized small and densely arranged
glauca (Kellner et al. 1993; Schultze et al. 2005). cells) of ascomycetous fruiting bodies (Read
1994). In the early progress of “tissue” differenti-
The first three enzymes for the co-operative biosynthesis ation in the initials (nowadays known as second-
of trisporic acid by Mucoromycotina have recently been ary hyphal knots, i.e. small compact hyphal
described. As a first step confined to both mating types, b- aggregates induced by a light signal; Kües et al.
carotene is cleaved by a b-carotene oxygenase. The final 2004) of fruiting bodies of the basidiomycete C.
product of b-carotene degradation is likely 4-dihydrotris- cinerea, anastomosis occurs frequently between
porin as the last common precursor in both mating types
(Burmester et al. 2007). An NADP-dependent 4-dihydro- cells in the core of the structure but not between
trisporin-dehydrogenase as a () mating-type-specific en- the large hyphae of its outer layer (Van der Valk
zyme transforms 4-dihydrotrisporin to trisporin which is and Marchant 1978). Some “tissues” in the fully
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 89

Fig. 5.4. A, B A hand-cut and a microtome cross-section U. Helle) that can only develop in symbiosis with a woody
through fully developed primordia of Coprinopsis cinerea host. D A cross-section through a pine root colonized by
directly prior to fruiting body maturation showing the an unidentified ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete (prepara-
complex tissue differentiation in the multicellular struc- tion by E. Fritz, photograph by A. Olbrich). Marked are the
ture. A white symbol * marks the plectenchymatic mycelial central stele (S), the cortex (C), the Hartig net of fungal
regions in the pileus whilst a black symbol * indicates the cells (white symbol *) in between plant cortex cells result-
position of the gills on which surface the prosenchymal ing in a large surface area for nutrient transfer and com-
hymenium is localized. C A young mushroom of the fly munication, and the ectomycorrhizal outer mantle (black
agaric Amanita muscaria (photograph kindly supplied by symbol *) that covers the surface of the root

developed primordium are plectenchymal such as but it can enhance its frequency (Kim et al. 2008;
the inner parts of the gills and pileus with inter- Lee et al. 2008).
woven, multiple branched, and interconnected In the homothallic A. nidulans (telemorph
hyphae, whilst others such as the hymenium and Emericella nidulans) producing its meiospore in
subhymenium are prosenchymal with unbran- cleistothecia (Pöggeler et al. 2006), the fruiting
ched parallel arranged hyphal cells (Kües 2000; body production is determined by the availability
Fig. 5.4B). Obviously, a blueprint exists for the of the already mentioned psi factors. Effects of
fruiting body which determines not only cell the different psi factors on cleisthothecia produc-
shapes and sizes and places but also which of tion are opposite to those on conidiation (Tsitsi-
the cells will interact by fusion and which not. gianni et al. 2004a, b, 2005; for more details see
To verify this blueprint, communication and co- Sect. II.E). Exogenous application of certain types
ordination between neighbouring cells, respec- of lipids including linoleic acids can influence
tively between different mycelial areas within the fruiting in the species (Champe et al. 1987; Calvo
developing primordium should be required. et al. 1999). Production of perithecia (Pöggeler
In the filamentous ascomycetes, diffusible fac- et al. 2006) in N. crassa, Nectria haematococca as
tors including the mating-type pheromones can in plant pathogenic Ceratocystis species is also
play a role in fruiting body development such as enhanced by addition of linoleic acids, even
in frequency of fruiting body induction, in male- when added only in minute amounts (Nukina
female communication and fertilization of et al. 1981; Marshall et al. 1982; Dyer et al. 1993).
the trichogyne, in ascocarp maturation and in as- The observations indicate that oxylipin control of
cospore formation (reviewed by Dyer et al. 1992; ascocarp formation is very likely widely
Pöggeler et al. 2006). In the heterothallic N. crassa distributed within the ascomycetes.
as well as in the homothallic Sordaria macrospora, VOCs as autoregulatory compounds emitted
mating-type pheromone communication with their from the own mycelium can positively (Basith and
receptors is required for (efficient) fruiting body Madelin 1968) or negatively (Moore-Landecker
maturation (Kim et al. 2002; Mayrhofer et al. 2006), and Shropshire 1984) influence ascocarp forma-
whilst in the also heterothallic Podospora anserina tion. On the whole, however, information in asco-
the pheromone function is restricted to fertilization mycetes on induction of fruiting, fruiting body
(Coppin et al. 2005). Furthermore, in the homo- differentiation and maturation by extracellular
thallic Gibberella zeae the pheromone communica- morphogens is sparse (Moore-Landecker 1992;
tion system is not essential for sexual development Ugalde 2006; Pöggeler et al. 2006).
90 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

Little is yet known on cellular co-ordination of exogenous addition of surface-active compounds

fruiting body development and maturation in the (lipids, detergents, amphipatic sugars and gly-
higher basidiomycetes (Kües 2000; Walser et al. colipids, such as cerebrosides and other
2003; Kües et al. 2004; Wösten and Wessels 2006), membrane-interacting compounds, specific cyto-
let alone on the participation of signalling mole- lytic membrane-interacting proteins, such as
cules in this. In C. cinerea, work by Kamada and ostreolysin from Pleurotus ostreatus) stimulated
Tsuji (1979) showed that a diffusible darkness- fruiting body initiation in species of higher basi-
induced factor from the fully developed diomycetes although not all such compounds are
primordia caps (Fig. 5.5) can bring about stipe active (Kües and Liu 2000; Magae et al. 2005;
elongation and fruiting body maturation. Also, Magae and Ohara 2006; Berne et al. 2007, 2008).
there is a function of the B mating type phero- From mutant analysis in C. cinerea, lipid-linked
mones and their receptors in inducing fruiting membrane-associated signalling processes are
body maturation at the stage of karyogamy once anticipated in the process of fruiting body initia-
the primordia were fully established in struc- tion (secondary hyphal knot formation) occurring
ture (Kües et al. 2002). In various instances, spatiotemporally defined within mycelial cultures

Fig. 5.5. A A slug grazing on tufts of fruiting bodies of masses of dark brown-stained basidiospores (C), suggest-
Coprinellus disseminatus grown on a meadow. B–F An ing that the fruiting bodies were fully developed before
experiment for baiting animals to fresh fungal cultures they were consumed. Whilst the lids on closed Petri
with mushrooms: Petri dish cultures of Coprinopsis dishes hindered larger animals reaching the fungal cul-
cinerea containing fully developed primordia ready to tures, larvae and adult stages of collembolans were found
undergo overnight fruiting body maturation (see in the cultures either at the underside of the opened
Fig. 5.4A) were moved either with covering lids or with- mushroom cap (D see tip of arrow; inset: enlarged view
out lids at an evening in the late summer (in August) into on the transition between fruiting body gills and the
a meadow underneath some bushes. Overnight, the fruit- centred stipe reveals many black-stained faecal pellets
ing bodies matured and snails and collembolans were laid onto the mushroom tissues) or within the still pres-
apparently attracted to the cultures for consuming the ent vegetative mycelium on the agar (see examples in E;
fungus. Snails appeared to have consumed the complete the arrow in the figure points at a faecal pellet laid by the
culture with mycelium and fruiting bodies inclusive the adult animal). Also the collembolans consumed the basi-
meiotic spores as well as the agar. Faecal pellets (B) left in diospores and loads of intact spores are seen in squeezed
the Petri dishes contained hyphal fragments as well as faecal pellets (F,G)
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 91

(Liu et al. 2006). Following initiation at multiple Many other VOCs as potential signalling mole-
places, a bigger part of young fruiting structures cules are produced by mushrooms – a literature
will be aborted in favour of one or a few, with account collected more than 250 different scent
translocation of nutrients towards those struc- compounds that are either plain hydrocarbons,
tures that eventually will mature as fully devel- heterocycles, alcohols, phenols, acids, and deriva-
oped fruiting bodies (Madelin 1956; further tives, together with sulfur-containing molecules
discussed by Moore 1998). The concerted and (Chiron and Michelot 2005).
locally directed action suggests that intra-colony
communication happens.
IV. Communication Between Fungi
C. cinerea mutants with defects in fruiting body initiation, and Bacteria
in cap and stipe tissue formation, and in stipe elongation
have been used to characterize responsible genes. In this
way, four enzyme encoding genes were identified: Cross-kingdom QS has been encountered between
the gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeru-
1. cfs1 for a cyclopropane fatty acid synthase with a func-
tion in initiation of fruiting body development (Liu
ginosa and C. albicans. P. aeruginosa suppresses
et al. 2006) the filamentous pathogenic growth form of
2. eln2 for a new type of cytochrome P450 acting in stipe C. albicans by secreting its own cell-cell signalling
elongation and being distantly related to the oxidore- molecule 3-oxo-C12 homoserine lactone (Hogan
ductases from A. flavus and A. parasiticus which con- et al. 2004). In turn, farnesol produced by C.
vert O-methylsterigmatocystin to aflatoxin (Kües 2000;
Muraguchi and Kamada 2000)
albicans inhibits the swarming motility of the
3. ich1 for an O-methyltransferase acting in pileus differ- bacterium (McAlester et al. 2008).
entiation and being distantly related to enzymes of A. Taking signalling compounds developed for
flavus and A. parasiticus which are involved in the self QS and using them for inter-kingdom commu-
conversion of sterigmatocystin to O-methylsterigmato- nication is not the only way how organisms within
cystin and dihydrosterigmatocystin to dihydro-O-
methylsterigmatocystin (Muraguchi and Kamada
the same complex biotop may influence the intra-
1998; Kües 2000) species communication of others. Various fungi for
4. eln3 for a potential glycosyltransferase probably example have evolved defence mechanisms against
involved in cell wall biogenesis (Arima et al. 2004). bacteria by blocking their QS systems. Within the
For none of these enzymes are the substrates yet known, but genus Penicillium for example, 33 of 50 tested
the possibility of producing signalling molecules for devel- species were found to produce quorum sensing
opment and communication has been discussed for the first inhibitor (QSI) compounds against P. aeruginosa.
three enzymes (Kües 2000). In this connection it is interest- The lacton mycotoxin patulin and the antibiotic
ing to note that, in the Aspergillus species, aflatoxin produc-
tion is tightly linked to conidiation although it is not
penicillic acid are two potent QSI compounds neg-
essential for sporulation. Block of aflatoxin synthesis affects atively influencing QS-controlled gene expression
however the numbers of conidia that will be produced in the bacterium (Rasmussen et al. 2005). As an-
(Calvo et al. 2002). other mean of interrupting QS of competitive bac-
teria in the same environment, specific fungi in
In A. bisporus, the oxylipin (8E)-10-oxo-8- forest soils produce a lactonase in order to degrade
decenoic acid appears to stimulate stipe elongation N-acyl homoserine lactones used by bacteria in the
as well as mycelial growth and fruiting initiation rhizosphere as signalling compound (Uroz and
(Mau et al. 1992; Mau and Beelman 1996). In the Heinonsalo 2008).
young yet closed mushrooms (button stage 20 mm Probably caused by competing for resources,
diam., with closed caps; medium stage 35 mm bacteria can negatively influence growth, devel-
diam., with closed veil), 1-octen-3-ol accumulates opment and reproduction of fungi by releasing
at highest levels (Mau et al. 1993; Cruz et al. 1997), VOCs. For example, perithecial formation by
possibly to function in protection against moulds Gelasinospora cerealis is inhibited by VOCs emit-
(Okull et al. 2003) and bacteria trying to infest the ted by several kinds of bacteria (Moore-Land-
mushrooms (Beltran-Garcia et al. 1997). General- ecker and Stotzky 1972), bacterial VOCs inhibit
ly, the concentration of these and other VOCs the ascogenous system of Pyronema domesticum
increases dramatically upon mushroom wound- (Moore-Landecker 1988), abnormal shortening
ing, supporting a role in wound-activated chemi- of conidiophores of Aspergillus giganteus has
cal defence (Wadman et al. 2005; Spiteller 2008). been observed (Moore-Landecker and Stotzky
92 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

1973) and bacterial VOCs inhibit fungal spore spores of Gigaspora and Glomus species from
germination (Barr 1976). Exudates from bacterial the Glomeromycota release diffusible molecules
isolates from sporophores, mycorrhizae or soil in that in cells of a host plant such as soybean (Gly-
contrast stimulate germination of spores of ecto- cine max) are perceived through a Ca2+-mediated
mycorrhizal fungi (Ali and Jackson 1988). Most signaling and thereby induce the expression of
interesting are the mycorrhization helper bacte- AM-related host genes (Navazio et al. 2007b). So
ria acting positively in establishing the symbiosis far, the types of the chemical signals released from
between ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes and AM fungi have not been defined. Communication
woody plants. Amongst different effects exerted of the fungi with their hosts generally divides in
by the various species of helper bacteria, a Strep- two steps – prior to direct cellular contact and
tomyces strain was shown to produce an auxin- during the contact. Compounds used in the two
related compound termed auxofuran that stimu- stages of dialogue could indeed differ. Plants for
lates growth of the fly agaric Amanita muscaria example chance their flavenoid pattern from pre-
and suppresses growth of fungal root pathogens symbiotic stages to root colonization (Genre and
(Frey-Klett et al. 2007; Schrey and Tarkka 2008). Bonfante 2007; Steinkellner et al. 2007).
A potent inducer of quinone-character (basidif- Like AM fungi, the presence of non-mycorrhi-
ferquinone) for the induction of fruiting in the zal fungi in the environment also are sensed by the
saprotrophic mushroom Flavolus arcularius is plant through intracellular Ca2+ changes upon ex-
known from another Streptomyces strain posure by secreted fungal molecules. Several path-
(Azuma et al. 1990). ogenic fungi elicit extremely specific variations of
Ca2+ concentration (Lecourieux et al. 2006). Most
interestingly, the intracellular Ca2þ responses on
pathogens such as the nectrotrophic Botrytis
V. Communication Between Fungi cinerea and on simultaneous presence of biocontrol
and Plants fungi such as Trichoderma atroviride are different.
The plants can discriminate between the metabo-
Fungi and plants may undergo symbiotic reac- lites of the two different situations by different
tions where both obtain a benefit from the inter- kinetics of the Ca2+ responses and by specific pat-
action or they may exist in interactions where the terns of intracellular accumulation of reactive oxy-
selfish fungi live as a pathogen on the plants and gen species (Navazio et al. 2007a). Different types of
cause damage to them. In both types of fungal life elicitors, messenger substances that cause defence
styles, communication between fungus and plant reactions in plants, are known to be produced by
can play a crucial role. pathogenic fungi attacking roots, leaves, and other
The rhizosphere with its multiple root–root, parts of plants as well as by non-pathogens such as
root–microbe, and microbe–microbe interactions by the Trichoderma biocontrol fungi (for a review
is a best ecological example for complex interspe- see Ebel and Scheel 1997; Harman et al. 2004; Ber-
cies communications (Bais et al. 2004, 2006). Exu- rocal-Lobo and Molina 2008). Upon host penetra-
dates from plant roots for example are shown to tion, fungi secrete effector molecules into the
stimulate in a presymbiontic growth phase germi- apoplast or into host cells for suppressing plant
nating spores of AM fungi in nutrient uptake defence responses. However, these effectors may
(Bücking et al. 2008). Plant roots may synthesise then act also as signals to the plants to reinforce
certain types of apocarotenoids (e.g. strigolac- defence (see the recent review by Göhre and Robat-
tones) as signalling compounds to the obligate zek 2008). Mostly, elicitors and effectors are
symbiotic AM fungi in stimulating their growth of proteineous nature or oligo-carbohydrates but
by inducing hyphal branching and in the estab- phytotoxic sesquiterpenoids are also described. For
lishing the endomycorrhizae (Akiyama et al. 2005; more details, the reader is referred to the respective
Besserer et al. 2006; Sun et al. 2008). Flavenoids cited reviews.
from root exudates also promote hyphal growth,
differentiation and root colonization by AM fungi To illustrate the broad variety of fungal elicitors, peptaibol
in a genus- and species-specific manner (Steinkell- as non-ribosomally produced peptide (Viterbo et al. 2007),
ner et al. 2007). Plants in turn receive signals from swollenin as a protein with a carbohydrate-binding do-
main (Brotman et al. 2008), small cysteine-rich proteins of
the AM fungi – ungerminated and germinated
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 93

the ceratoplatanin family of proteins (Djonovic et al. 2006; plant in order to proceed in its development.
Vargas et al. 2008), and oligosaccharides released by Tri- Metabolites resulting from the photosynthesis of
choderma-mediated enzymatic degradation of fungal and
plant cell walls (Harman et al. 2004) are named at this
woody plants are transferred to the symbiontic
place as characterized elicitors from Trichoderma species. fungi through interaction between root cells and
the Hartig net (Fig. 5.4D) for general nutrition
(Anderson and Cairney 2007) but this may not
Compared to AM mycorrhiza, even less is known
be all what is required from the host for fruiting
about communication between ectomycorrhizal
body induction of the fungus. Otherwise, it should
fungal species and their plant hosts (Martin et al.
have been possible to produce mushrooms in the
2001, 2008). For the truffle Tuber borchii–Tilia
laboratory under good nutritional conditions
americana confrontation, 29 different VOCs specif-
without the plant host (Kües et al. 2007). As dis-
ic to the premycorrhizal stage have been encoun-
cussed in Sect. III.B, fruiting body development in
tered as candidates mediating communication with
saprotrophs is stimulated by surface-active com-
its host roots over a distance of a few centimetres.
pounds. There might be similar effects by specific
Amongst these are e.g. the sesquiterpenes germa-
plant metabolites on fruiting of ectomycorrhizal
crene D, dehydroaromadendrene, b-cubebene, and
longicyclene known to be produced by plants
Plant and fungi communicate with each other
(Menotta et al. 2004). The particular VOCs emitted
also above direct biotrophic interactions. Plant
by the ascomycete T. borchii to mediate commu-
VOCs such as methyl salicylate for example trig-
nications with its host plants are yet to be estab-
gers sporulation of entomopathogenic fungi
lished. However, 1-octen-3-ol and trans-2-octenal
(Hountondji et al. 2005, 2006) and plant oxilipins
from the fungal volatiles were shown to induce an
can replace endogenous oxylipins in control of
oxidative burst of H2O2 in the non-host Arabidop-
growth and development in Aspergillus species
sis thaliana and they inhibited development of the
(Mita et al. 2007; Brodhagen et al. 2008). Most
plant (Splivallo et al. 2007b). In nature, the burnt
fascinating are cases of hijacking plant signals
phenomenon referring to a zone of very meager
addressed to pollinators by rust fungi for their
vegetation around trees with roots colonized by the
spore distribution by insects (Kaiser 2006). Mus-
truffle may relate to this – some of the manifold
cid and anthomyiid flies and halictid bees were
VOCs emitted from the truffles (or from the bacte-
shown to be attracted to phenylacetaldehyde, 2-
ria commonly growing within the tubers) may
phenylethanol, benzaldehyde, and methylbenzo-
exert phytotoxic effects on seed germination and
ate scents of pseudo-flowers induced by Puccinia
reduce root growth of the vegetation (Splivallo
monoica on crucifer hosts (Roy and Raguso 1997;
2008; Tarkka and Piechulla 2008).
Raguso and Roy 1998).
Plants in biotrophic interactions may send out
signals in turn to the fungi. The rust fungus Uro-
myces fabae stimulates volatile production by host
bean plants. Of these VOCs, nonanal, decanal, and VI. Communication Between Fungi
hexenyl acetate promote haustoria formation of and Animals
the pathogen, whilst the terpenoid farnesyl acetate
counteracts the effects by the VOCs (Mendgen
Interactions between fungi and animals may serve
et al. 2006).
different functions: the fungi may use animals as
In the case of ectomycorrhizal basidiomy-
vectors for their distribution or for their nutrition,
cetes, root exudates from the woody hosts stimu-
and the animals may enjoy the fungi as a resource
late germination of the poorly germinable
of food for their living or use them as indicators
basidiospores (Fries 1989; Ishida et al. 2008) and
for the availability of other food sources or also as
certain flavonoids from root exudates (hesperidin,
indicators of places for breeding. Depending on
morin, rutin, quercitrin, naringenin, genistein,
the target, a fungus may send out signals for
chrysin) are nominated as candidates for this in-
attraction or for repellence of animals. Usually,
teraction (Kikuchi et al. 2007). The production of
the infochemicals in fungus–animal communica-
fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal species
tion are of a volatile and mostly organic nature
(Fig. 5.4C) is another example of fungus–plant
(Thakeow et al. 2007). This is because fungi tend
communication where the fungus requires the
to be sessile whereas animals are commonly
94 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

motile. Moreover, the large variety of different mushrooms, the snails also eat the spores which, together
VOCs that can be formed by living cells offers with undigested parts of hyphal filaments, are excreted
with the faeces (Fig. 5.5B, C; Navarro-González, unpub-
multiple possibilities to develop and use very spe- lished data). Currently, it remains to be shown whether
cific and discriminative chemical languages be- spores and/or hyphal fragments from the mushrooms in
tween interacting organisms according to need faeces of snails will grow. However, faeces of the snail
in a much more complex environment. Littoraria irrorata grazing on fungal mycelium on infested
cordgrass Spartina alterniflora are filled with hyphal frag-
ments that appear able to grow. The snail distributes the
To give an example of how a sessile fungus takes advantage faeces with fungi primarily of the ascomycetous genera
of mobile animals in an apparent symbiontic interaction, Phaeosphaeria and Mycosphaerella onto new blades of
ascospores of the heterothallic grass endophyte Epichloë cordgrass, where the fungi invade the cordgrass through
typhina are distributed by females of the fly Brachypodium wounds that the snails created purposely in the leafs
sylvaticum that oviposit on the fungus (Bultman et al. (Silliman and Newell 2003).
1998). Of the various volatiles produced simultaneously
either by the fungus, its plant host, or by them collectively,
the fungitoxic sesquiterpene alcohol chokol K of Epichlöe Communication is best analysed between fungi
species and the methylester methyl (Z)-3-methyldodec-2- and arthropods. Often it is 1-octen-3-ol as part of
enoate have been identified to be specific attractors of the the typical mushroom odour that is used to specif-
female flies (Steinebrunner et al. 2008a, c). It is interesting ically attract insects to mushrooms, such as the
to note that chokol K has a dual role for the fungus: one is
attracting flies for spore distribution, another to repress
mycophagus beetle Cis boleti to the fruiting bodies
growth of other fungi on the plant (Schiestl et al. 2006; of Trametes gibbosa (Thakeow 2008; Thakeow
Steinebrunner et al. 2008b). et al. 2008) and various wood-living beetles and
the moth Epinotia tedella to fruiting bodies of
Fungi may communicate with all types of animals wood-decaying Polypores (Fäldt et al. 1999). Strik-
up to the humans. Molds for example cause a ingly, in case of the beetles it is preferentially again
damp-musty or an earthy-raunchy smell unpleas- the females that are attracted by the fungal odour
ant for humans, resulting in avoidance reactions (Fäldt et al. 1999; Thakeow et al. 2008). This app-
and refusal of infested food (Schnurer et al. 1999; ears also be the case for the truffle beetle Leiodes
Kuhn and Ghannoum 2003), whilst aromas from cinnamomea: obviously only the females are attra-
edible mushroom can be very attractive to cted in a yet unknown way to Tuber melanosporum
humans (Chiron and Michelot 2006). Mycophagy fruiting bodies, whilst the male insects are not attr-
within mammals is widely distributed and often acted by the fungus but secondarily by the females
they have a possible preference for hypogeal spe- infesting the truffles (Hochberg et al. 2003).
cies such as truffles and false truffles, species that Fungal odours can also show the way for pre-
rely on mammals for spore distribution (Claridge dators – the combination of 1-octen-3-ol and
and May 1994; Johnson 1996; Wheatley 2007). octan-3-none acts as a magnet for the predator
Strong and special aromas make them traceable on fungus-insects Lordithon lunulatus (Fäldt et al.
for mammals below the covering soil (Gioacchini 1999). In other instances, 1-octen-3-ol in combi-
et al. 2005, 2008). Mycophagy is also found within nation with methyl cinnamate repel the mycopha-
mollusca (Silliman and Newell 2003; Fig. 5.5A), gus collembolan Proisotoma minuta and the
earthworms (Moody et al. 1996), nematodes production of these VOCs by T. matsutake pro-
(Mikola and Sulkava 2001), and various types of tects its mushrooms against P. minuta (Sawahata
arthropods (Maraun et al. 2003; Fig. 5.5D, E; see et al. 2008). On its own as pure compound,
below), combined with spore distribution by ani- 1-octen-3-ol acts as deterrent to both sexes of the
mal faeces and, for some fungal species, also with phorid fly Megaselia halteria, a pest in the culti-
a positive effect on germination (see Fig. 5.5B, C, vation of the edible A. bisporus (Pfeil and Mamma
F, G and the cited papers). 1993), whilst in combination with other C8 com-
pounds (3-octanone, 1-octen-3-one) it may attract
Snails have been found to be attracted to fungi likely by females to the mushroom culturing beds (Grove
their odours (Fig. 5.5A) but the nature of the VOCs caus-
ing their reaction needs to be elucidated. Certain mush- and Blight 1983).
rooms such as Clitopilus prunulus and Clitocybe faccida
produce VOCs (e.g. 1-octene-3-ol, clitolactone) that pro- Mites feared by mycological laboratories as pests in fungal
tect them from being eaten by slugs (Wood et al. 2001, cultures also use the aliphatic alcohol 1-octen-3-ol and
2004). When being attracted to and consuming related C8 compounds as signalling molecules to localize
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 95

the emitting fungi in order to feed on them (van Haelen A paradigm for successive alterations in
et al. 1978; Chaisaena 2008; Fig. 5.6); and a case where a arthropode attraction is presented by the release
nematode was attracted by B. cinerea through 1-octen-3-ol
as well as 3-octanol has also been documented (Matsumori
of changing VOCs during the course of wood
et al. 1989). In contrast, the banana slug Ariolimax colum- decay by fungi. Saproxylic insects are attracted
bianus reacts deterred when confronted with 1-octen-3-ol by wood–rotting fungi to the resource wood – as
(Wood et al. 2001). Future studies need to reveal how the fungal wood decay progresses, an alteration
much it is also a matter of concentration whether the in VOC patterns is detected which tells the
different organisms sense 1-octen-3-ol as appealing or
insects the momentary levels of decay and
whether it is at a suitable stage for a given insect
to infest the wood for feeding and/or breeding
Mushrooms of different species all have their own (Holighaus and Schütz 2006; Thakeow et al.
special aroma composed of different combinations 2007).
of VOCs from chemical categories such as alco-
hols, aldehydes, ketones, and isoprenoids (e.g. see
Mau et al. 1997; Venkateshwarlu et al. 1999; Bous-
tie et al. 2005; Wu et al. 2005; Splivallo et al. 2007a; VII. Conclusions
Thakeow 2008; see the review by Chiron and
Michelot 2005). Therefore probably not surpris- All the time, an ever-changing plethora of second-
ingly mushroom–insect interactions can be very ary metabolites augmented by proteinaceous
specific, particularly for fresh mushrooms, where- compounds is found in the biosystems produced
as this is found not so much for decaying fruiting as a sum by the various bacteria, the lower eukar-
bodies (Guevara et al. 2000; Jonsell and Nordlan- yotes such as fungi, the plants, and/or the animals
der 2004; Orledge and Reynolds 2005). It is possi- living in a common habitat – not to forget that
bly the combination of different volatiles emitted there are in addition also compounds coming
by fresh specimens that leads to distinct attrac- from spontaneous chemical reactions occurring
tions for insects. In contrast, decaying mushrooms in the same environment. Specific compounds in
have less striking VOC differences and become such complex mixtures referred to as infochem-
chemically more similar to each other (Jonsell icals have distinct communication functions with-
and Nordlander 2004; Thakeow et al. 2007). in a species and between different species on dual

Fig. 5.6. Dust mites of the species Tyrophagus putrescen- sector of a C. cinerea culture infested by mites:
tiae are easily attracted to fungal cultures in order to Perforations in the mycelial carpet indicate loss of
consume the obviously tasty mycelium of the mycelium by grazing mites. C A mite grazing at the myce-
fungus Coprinopsis cinerea. A Overview and B enlarged lium
96 Ursula Kües and Mónica Navarro-González

up to multiple organisms levels. The different most specific biological tasks to fulfil in ecology and
functions might simultaneously come into action. evolution.
1-Octen-3-d and mushroom development Currently, we are only at the beginning of
may be taken as an example how at the same perceiving how complex chemical communication
time one single compound may be used as a mes- is in nature, both on the level of individuals and,
senger for different targets: in the induction of generally, on the whole community level. We do
mushroom development, in the attraction of ani- not suggest that our literature overview is com-
mals for spore distribution, as a repellent of ani- plete, neither in the examples where communica-
mals that otherwise might just graze on the tion with a fungus plays a role nor in the type of
fungus, and as a toxic compound reacting on messenger molecules used – there are too many
mycotrophic moulds and bacteria that might in- individual observations reported which are often
fest and decompose mushrooms for their feed or unlinked to each other and which often are not
that might suppress mushroom development. deeply enough evaluated for judging whether they
Using one and the same compound for all these present a true communication system. One
different targets happening in parallel suggests a reason for this is that it is difficult to consider
tight co-evolution between different organisms in the complete complexity within an ecosystem.
a given biosystem. This reasonable avenue raises Furthermore, too often evidence for the actions
however the question: how does it come that ecol- of signalling molecules is still only circumstantial.
ogy does not go wrong in such a complex envi- Better chemical definitions of signalling com-
ronment if so many different organisms react in pounds and their production and better defini-
so different way on the same signal? Schiestl et al. tions of their concentration spectra of activity
(2006) recently suggested that defence mechan- are a prerequisite for understanding the various
isms developed first in evolution and that defence chemical languages fungi may use in communica-
chemicals were then appointed secondarily into a tion with their environments.
function of messenger molecules. To verify the With the apparent exception of the mating
different functions, one can expect that a fine- systems using diffusible peptide pheromones
tuning of sensitivity via adaptation to specific (see above-cited reviews on fungal mating type
compound concentrations will be very important systems), the way that signals are perceived by
and, connected to this, the steepness of the gradi- the receiver and the subsequent intracellular sig-
ents of signalling molecules being sent out from a nalling pathways within the sensitized cells are
source to a receiver (Matsui 2006; Mita et al. in most instances fully unclear (Ugalde 2006).
2007). Particularly the VOCs offer special qualities Establishing specific receptors for chemical com-
to function as messengers since in most instances munication and linking this to intracellular com-
they easily move in air and, by that, they are also munication (signalling) cascades is part of
very easily removed from a system once they are evolving a chemical language in environments in
no longer required. which naturally a high noise of different chemical
To fulfil their functions as infochemicals, the compounds exists. Elucidating these will be the
language of messenger molecules must be shared exigent task of future work in molecular and cel-
by a sender and a receiver. A multitude of chemical lular biology on the road to unravelling the vari-
compounds of very different natures has already ous mechanisms of communication systems that
been identified acting as infochemicals. In most exist in nature. A very exciting question remains
instances, signalling molecules are types of second- for theoretical biologists and behavioural scien-
ary metabolites. Like 1-octen-3ol, they are not al- tists (understood in a broader sense than in the
ways very specific to just one or a few combinations usual limitation to animals) to go more deeply
of communicating organisms. Specificity might be into the ecological and evolutionary functions
more enhanced with organic compounds of chem- and consequences of communication systems, in-
ically higher complexity, such as for example cluding those in which fungi participate.
sesquiterpenes. Of all, peptides are the most specific,
due to the multitude of possible combinations of Acknowledgements The authors are very grateful to
U. Helle, A. Olbrich, and E. Fritz for supplying the photos
amino acids giving a distinct sequence. Not surpris- on ectomycorrhizal fungi. Research in our laboratory on
ingly therefore, many of the fungi appoint peptides fungal volatiles and on mites is done in collaboration with
in sexual attraction to each other, being one of the P. Thakeow, P. Plašil, and S. Schütz from the Division
Communication of Fungi on Individual, Species, Kingdom, and Above Kingdom Levels 97

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hygromycin phosphotransfgerase and b-galactosidase chemistry 21:1075–1077
6 Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications


CONTENTS with the discovery of a so-called killer strain of the

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 brewer’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Bevan and
II. Chromosomally Encoded Killer Toxins . . . . . . . 107 Makower 1963). At present, we are aware of a pano-
A. Williopsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 ply of killer toxins originating from both ascomyce-
B. Pichia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 tous and basidiomycetous yeasts. Toxin sizes range
C. Kluyveromyces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
III. Extrachromosomally Encoded Toxins . . . . . . . . . 112 from small chromosomally encoded polypeptides to
A. dsRNA Virus Toxins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 larger di- or trimeric protein complexes, the latter
1. K1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 being encoded by extranuclear DNA or RNA ele-
2. K28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 ments of viral origin which parasitize the host cell’s
3. Other dsRNA Virus Toxins . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 cytoplasm. Continually growing understanding of
B. Linear Plasmid-Encoded Toxins . . . . . . . . . . . 116
1. Group I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 the mode of action of various killer toxins along
2. Group II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 with the corresponding immunity mechanisms not
IV. Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 only facilitates the recognition of new toxic principles
A. Antifungals for Human Therapy . . . . . . . . . . . 120 but also significantly contributes to our understand-
B. Antifungals in Agriculture, Food and ing of precarious mechanisms during cell prolifera-
Feed Industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
C. Killer Toxins in Biotyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 tion. Reviews addressing yeast killer toxins (generally
V. Concluding Remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 or more specifically dsRNA- or dsDNA-encoded
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 ones) have been published over the years (Stark
et al. 1990; Bussey 1991; Magliani et al. 1997; Schmitt
and Breinig 2002, 2006; Schaffrath and Meinhardt
2004; Golubev 2006; Klassen and Meinhardt 2007).
I. Introduction However, significant progress in the identification of
toxic principles and strategies, immunity mechanism
and promising approaches for the application of such
Microbes competing for limited resources have
proteins has been made only rather recently. In this
established a broad arsenal of lethal compounds aim-
contribution, we summarize current knowledge on
ing at the inhibition or destruction of competitors.
killer toxins and toxic principles, starting from chro-
Toxic matters released by microbial killers include
mosomally encoded ones, followed by dsRNA- and
classic antibiotics and low/medium molecular weight
dsDNA-encoded toxins and finally we discuss the
substances belonging to various chemical classes,
state of the art of toxin applications.
but – rather frequently – there are antibiotic peptides
and even large protein complexes termed bacterio-
cines (bacteriocidic proteins), mycocines, zymocines
and killer toxins (fungizidic proteins). The discovery II. Chromosomally Encoded
of antibiotics dates back to the beginning of the Killer Toxins
twentieth century and revolutionized medical anti-
infective therapies; however, the secretion of fungi- A. Williopsis
cidal proteins did not become obvious until the 1960s
A large variety of yeast species secrete chro-
1 mosomally encoded killer toxins. However, these
Institut für Molekulare Mikrobiologie und Biotechnologie,West-
fälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Corrensstrasse 3, 48149 appear to be exceptionally frequent among Will-
Münster, Germany; e-mail:, roland. iopsis strains (Table 6.1). Among the most exten- sively studied toxins are HM-1 produced by

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
Table 6.1. Chromosomally encoded yeast killer toxins

Species Strain Toxin Size Receptor Toxic activity References

Pichia anomala NCYC434 K5/panomycocin 49.0 b-1-3 Glucan Glucanase Izgü and Altinbay (2004)
WC65 83.3 b-1-6-Glucan Sawant et al. (1989)
ATCC 96603, K36, PaKT/PKT 85.0 b-Glucan (?) Guyard et al. (1999), Polonelli and Morace (1986)
YF07b 47.0 Glucanase Wang et al. (2007a)
DBVPG 3003 Pikt >3.0 Comitini et al. (2004a)
P. farinosa KK1 SMKT a (6.6), Membrane permeabilisation Suzuki and Nikkuni (1994)
b (7.9)
P. kluyveri 1002 19.0 Membrane permeabilisation Middlebeek et al. (1979)
P. membranifaciens CYC1106 PMKT 18.0 b-1-6-Glucan Membrane permeabilisation Santos et al. (2000)
Williopsis californica DSM 12865 Wicaltin 34.0 Theisen et al. (2000)
W. saturnus IFO 0117 HYI 9.5 Inhibition of b-1,3-glucan Komiyama et al. (1995, 1998)
DBVPG 4561 KT4561 62.0 Buzzini et al. (2004)
W. saturnus var. mrakii MUCL 41968 WmKT 85.0 b-Glucan Glucanase/membrane Guyard et al. (2002a, 2002b)
IFO 0895 HM-1 10.7 b-Glucan Inhibition of b-1,3-glucan Ashida et al. (1983), Kasahara et al. (1994)
W. mrakii NCYC500 K500 1.8–5.0 b-Glucan Membrane permeabilisation Hodgson et al. (1995)
Debaryomyces hansenii CYC1021 23.0 b-1-6-Glucan Santos et al. (2002)
Kluyveromyces waltii IFO1666T >10.0 Kono and Himeno (1997)
K. wickerhamii DBVPG 6077 Kwkt >10.0 Comitini et al. (2004a)
K. phaffii DBVPG 6076 KpKt 33.0 b-1,6-/b-1,3- Glucanase Comitini et al. (2004b)
K. marxianus NCYC587 K6 42.0 Izgü et al. (1999)
Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

Schwanniomyces ATCC 44252 a (7.4), Mannan Membrane permeabilisation Chen et al. (2000)
occidentalis b (4.9)
Saccharomyces 111 KHR 20.0 Goto et al. (1990)
115 KHS 75.0 Goto et al. (1991)
Candida noadenis CnKT da Silva et al. (2008)
Filobasidium IFM 40078 FC-1 b-1,6-Glucan Membrane permeabilisation Keszthelyi et al. (2006)
Cryptococcus humicola VKM Y-1439 cellobiose lipid <1.0 Membrane permeabilisation Golubev and Shabalin (1994), Puchkov et al.
(2001, 2002)
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 109

W. saturnus var. mrakii IFO0895 (previously for HM-1 action since S. cerevisiae mutants dis-
known as Hansenula mrakii) and WmKT from playing a reduced glucan content (kre6) and spher-
strain MUCL41968 of the same species (Ashida oplasts are toxin-protected (Kasahara et al. 1994;
et al. 1983; Kasahara et al. 1994; Guyard et al. Komiyama et al. 2002).
2002a). Since HM-1 toxicity could be antagonized by
HM-1 (known also as HMK) is a 10.7-kDa exogenously applied b-1-6- and b-1-3-glucan,
toxin consisting of 88 amino acids (aa). Five in- such polysaccharides were assumed to represent
ternal disulfide bridges probably contribute to the the cell wall receptors (Kasahara et al. 1994). HM-1
remarkable stability of the protein (Yamamoto has a basic isoelectric point (pI = 9.1) and is rather
et al. 1986a, b). HM-1, the geneproduct of chro- unique in its broad pH and temperature stability,
mosomal HMK, is produced as a precursor con- as it retains its activity even after treatment at
sisting of 125 aa, that is post-translationally 100 C for 10 min and between pH 2 and pH 11
processed upon secretion by the Kex2 endopepti- (Ashida et al. 1983; Lowes et al. 2000).
dase (Fig 6.1; Kimura et al. 1993). HSK, an almost The three-dimensional structure of HM-1 was
identical toxin, is produced by W. saturnus elucidated by determining the nuclear magnetic
IFO0117 (Kimura et al. 1993). Such toxins exert resonance spectrum (Antuch et al. 1996). The
their effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae by inhi- toxin turned out to be a close structural homo-
biting the b-glucan synthase (Yamamoto et al. logue of gB-crystallin, a monomeric protein origi-
1986; Komiyama et al. 1996), a plasma mem- nally isolated from bovine eye lenses.
brane-bound enzyme catalysing the formation of
b-1,3-glucan, a major polysaccharide of yeast cell Interestingly, HM-1 and gB-crystallin are not detectably
walls (Lesage and Bussey 2006), eventually result- homologous at the aminoacid level (Antuch et al. 1996).
Other than gB crystallin and further eye lens crystallins,
ing in pore formation in actively growing cells in which consist of two domains of the crystallin fold, HM-1 is
regions in which cell wall synthesis is normally a single domain representative (Antuch et al. 1996). Pre-
active. As a consequence, intracellular material is sumably, eye lens crystallins and HM-1 have evolved from
released and cells lyse concomitantly at budding an ancestral single domain precursor that underwent gene
regions (Takasuka et al. 1995; Komiyama et al. duplication in the case of the crystallins. Resembling the
extreme thermal and pH characteristics of HM-1, crystal-
1996). Accordingly, osmotic stabilization in iso- lins too exhibit outstanding stability features; they occur in
tonic medium reduced HM-1 toxicity (Komiyama high concentration in eye lenses in which almost no protein
et al. 1996). In fact, cell wall glucan is a prerequisite turnover takes place (Wistow and Piatigorsky 1988).

Fig. 6.1. Processing of toxin precursors. Toxin precursors white. Subunit sizes are given in kDa; processing sites by
are schematically depicted on the left, mature proteins on Kex1/Kex2 peptidases as well as signal peptidase (sp) are
the right. Parts constituting mature toxins are given in indicated as such. –S–S– Disulfide bridge in mature toxins;
grey, parts being removed during processing are in K1 contains multiple disulfide bridges
110 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

The WmKT toxin of W. saturnus var. mrakii a 49-kDa toxin alternativley termed panomomy-
strain MUCL41968 differs significantly from HM- cin; it has exo-b-1,3-glucanase activity prefering
1 in structure and function; it is a 85-kDa protein pH values between 3.0 and 5.5 and temperatures
attacking a number of yeast species but, in con- up to 37 C (Izgü and Altinbay 2004; Izgü et al.
trast to HM-1, it has a relatively narrow pH opti- 2005). Such enzymatic activity and the acidic pH
mum and a low temperature optimum (i.e. around optimum reminds one of WmKT of W. saturnus
pH 4.6 and 26–28 C; Guyard et al. 2002a), attri- var. mrakii (Guyard et al. 2002a). Interestingly, a
butes common to many other yeast killer toxins monoclonal antibody raised against another
(see below). Toxicity suppression by a glucosidase P. anomala killer toxin (strain ATCC 96603) dis-
inhibitor and in vitro glucosidase activity suggests played cross-reactivity with WmKT (Guyard et al.
that WmKT kills target cells by degradation of cell 2001), additionally supporting the assumption
wall b-glucans (Guyard et al. 2002a). Consistently, that toxins of both taxa (Pichia, Williopsis) may
both spheroplasts and S. cerevisiae kre1 and kre4 be structurally and functionally related, though it
mutants (the latter being defective in b-1-3- or b- still remains uncertain whether the toxin of P.
1-6-glucan synthesis) are protected from toxic anomala ATCC 96603 is similar to the well char-
WmKT effects (Guyard et al. 2002a, b). acterized K5 toxin (Guyard et al. 2001, 2002a, b;
Other killer strains of the genus include W. Izgü and Altinbay 2005; Izgü et al. 2005). Since at
saturnus DBVPG 4561 and IFO 0117, W. califor- least the experimentally deduced molecular
nica DSM 12865 and W. mrakii NCYC500 masses of the toxins differ significantly (Table
(Komiyama et al. 1995; Hodgson et al. 1995; Thei- 6.1), both may only be distantly related.
sen et al. 2000; Buzzini et al. 2004; Table 6.1). Additional P. anomala killers include strains
While the IFO 0117 toxin termed HYI is similar WC65, K36, YF07b and DBVPG3003 (Table 6.1;
to HM-1 in size, sequence and its inhibitory effect Sawant et al. 1989; Guyard et al. 1999; Comitini
on b-1-3-glucan synthase (Komiyama et al. 1995, et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2007a). As for K5, the
1998), the DBVPG4561 toxin is significantly larg- toxin of strain YF07b (isolated from marine en-
er, with an estimated size of 62 kDa. It displays vironment for biocontrol of crab-pathogenic
heat and pH stability, as it is equally active at pH yeast species in the food industry) displays b-
values between 4.5 and 8.0 and tolerates up to 1,3-glucanase activity and has a similar molecu-
50 g/l NaCl. Elevated temperatures (30–45 C) de- lar mass (47 kDa), raising the possibility that K5
creased its activity only slightly; even treatments and YF07b toxin are cognate proteins (Wang
of the toxin at 100 C – though administered rather et al. 2007a, b). Immunofluorescence analysis of
briefly – did not negatively influence its lethal the 83.3-kDa toxin of strain WC65 revealed bind-
action (Buzzini et al. 2004). The exceptionally ing to both the cell wall and the membranes of
small toxin of W. mrakii NCYC500 (1.8–5.0 kDa) sensitive Candida albicans cells (Sawant et al.
was found to be unstable at pH values above 4.0 1989; Sawant and Ahearn 1990). Since a S. cere-
and incubation temperatures exceeding 30 C visae kre1-1 mutant with reduced b-1-6 glucan
(Hodgson et al. 1995). Wicaltin, a toxin from W. content displayed a significant degree of resis-
californica is a 34-kDa protein that displays a tance, b-1-6 glucan was suggested to be the pri-
broad spectrum of activity against pathogenic mary cell wall receptor; possibly there is a
and non-pathogenic yeast species (Theisen et al. second, unidentified receptor in the plasma
2000). As toxicity is partially suppressed in sorbi- membrane, which could explain the toxin-bind-
tol-stabilized yeast cells and the toxin dramatical- ing capability and sensitivity of spheroplasts
ly affects protoplast regeneration (Theisen et al. (Sawant and Ahearn 1990).
2000), wicaltin may inhibit b-1,3-glucan synthesis, P. anomala strain DBVPG3003 was selected for
as for HM-1 of W. saturnus var. mrakii. its ability to restrict growth of wine spoilage yeasts
(Comitini et al. 2004a). The toxin termed PiKt has
an acidic pH optimum (around pH 4.4) and is
B. Pichia inactivated above 40 C. However, it retained its
activity during prolonged incubation (10 days) in
Several strains of Pichia anomala secrete chro- a wine environment. The preliminary characteriza-
mosomally encoded toxins of varying molecular tion by ultrafiltration revealed a small molecular
masses (Table 6.1). Strain NCYC434 produces K5, mass toxin of 3–10 kDa (Comitini et al. 2004a).
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 111

P. kluyveri strain 1002 (Middelbeek et al. 1979) receptor b-1-6 glucan, the toxin is assumed to
produces a killer toxin which is stable between pH form channels in the membrane, eventually caus-
2.5 and pH 4.7 and at temperatures below 40 C ing leakage of ions and low molecular weight
(Middelbeek et al. 1979, 1980a). The toxin was metabolites such as glycerol (Santos et al. 2000;
shown to form ion-permeable channels in phos- Santos and Marquina 2004a). Thus, it resembles
pholipid bilayer membranes in vitro (Kagan 1983). the mode of action of P. kluyveri and S. cerevisiae
In vivo, cell death was accompanied by cell shrink- K1 toxins (see above and below). The characteri-
age, leakage of potassium ions and adenosine 50 - zation of the genome wide transcriptional re-
triphosphate, decrease of intracellular pH and sponse of S. cerevisiae target cells to PMKT
inhibition of the active uptake of amino acids exposure revealed the induction of genes of the
(Middelbeek et al. 1980a, b). Consistent with mem- high glycerol (HOG) pathway (Santos et al. 2005),
brane permeabilization as the lethal principle, tox- which is implemented in the general environ-
icity could be suppressed when toxin treated cells mental stress response and which results in
were plated on media containing physiological increased levels of compatible solutes (such as
concentrations of K+ and H+, whereas higher ion glycerol) to adapt the cellular osmotic pressure.
concentrations had a clear negative effect on toxin Hence, PMKT induces a co-ordinated transcrip-
tolerance (Middlebeek et al. 1980b). tional response in target cells resembling the
The two closely related halotolerant yeasts P. response to osmotic stress (Santos et al. 2005;
membranifaciens and P. farinosa secrete toxins Rep et al. 2000). Indeed, consistent with HOG
termed P. membranifaciens killer toxin (PMKT) induction, intracellular and extracellular glycerol
and salt-mediated killer toxin (SMKT), respec- accumulation were shown to be induced by
tively, which are stimulated in the presence of PMKT, as enhanced compatible solutes simulta-
salt (Suzuki and Nikkuni 1989; Marquina et al. neously leak out through PMKT-mediated mem-
1992; Lorente et al. 1997). SMKT, encoded by the brane channels (Santos et al. 2005). Strains
chromosomal SMK1 gene, is a preprotoxin of 222 deficient in Hog1, the mitogen-activated protein
aa (Suzuki and Nikkuni 1994). The precursor is kinase (MAPK) integral to the HOG signalling
processed during secretion by the action of the pathway as well as mutants defective in osmoa-
signal peptidase, as well as Kex1/2-like endo/car- daptive glycerol synthesis display PMKT hyper-
boxypeptidases, resulting in mature a- and b- sensitivity, clearly revealing compatible solute
subunits of 6.6 kDa and 7.9 kDa, respectively; accumulation to counteract PMKT toxicity
simultaneously the interstitial g-polypeptide is (Santos et al. 2005). Before reaching the plasma
liberated (Fig. 6.1; Suzuki and Nikkuni 1994). membrane, PMKT was shown to interact with
At pH values above 5.0, a- and b-subunits of Cwp2, a cell wall mannoprotein, the precursor
mature SMKT dissociate, resulting in the com- of which is attached to the plasma membrane
plete loss of its activity (Suzuki et al 1997). via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor,
while the mature Cwp2 localizes to the cell wall,
Determination of the crystal structure of SMKT revealed
that a and b subunits are folded together in a single
being covalently attached to b-1-6 glucan (Santos
ellipsoidal domain (Kashiwagi et al. 1997). The primary et al. 2007). It was, thus, proposed that PMKT
receptor of the toxin remains unknown, however, sensitiv- first binds to the primary cell wall receptor b-1-6
ity of S. cerevisiae kre1 and kre5 mutants, being defective glucan, followed by interaction with the mature
in b-1-6 glucan synthesis suggest that molecules other form of Cwp2, which is attached to b-1-6 glucan.
than b-1-6 glucan are required for target cell binding
(Suzuki and Nikkuni 1994).
Subsequently, a third interaction with the GPI-
anchored form of Cwp2 facilitates close contact
Analysis of the interaction of SMKT with artificial with the plasma membrane, allowing lethal ion
liposomes or intact yeast cells revealed that the channel formation (Fig. 6.2; Santos et al. 2007).
toxin disrupts membrane integrity (Suzuki et al.
The P. membranifaciens toxin PMKT is a As for P. membranifaciens, a killer strain of Debaryomyces
hansenii (Table 6.1) isolated from high salt substrate (olive
monomeric 18 kDa protein which kills sensitive brine) produces a toxin that is stimulated by high salt
yeast cells such as Candida boidinii at tempera- concentrations and which also binds to b-1-6 glucan
tures below 20 C and pH values below 4.8 (Santos (Lorente et al. 1997; Santos et al. 2002); however, the
et al. 2000). Following binding to the primary mechanism of cell killing remains unknown.
112 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

Fig. 6.2. Schematic representation of killer toxin mode of Erd2 was proposed as the secondary membrane receptor
action. b-1-6 glucan is the primary cell wall receptor for for K28, which gains access to the target cell’s cytoplasm
chromosomally encoded PMKT and dsRNA encoded K1, by retrograde transport and finally inhibits DNA synthesis
manno-protein serves as the receptor for dsRNA encoded in the nucleus. The secondary membrane receptor for
K28 and chitin, located close to the membrane is the zymocin is unknown, however, Ipt1-synthesized sphingo-
receptor for the dsDNA encoded zymocin. PMKT and K1 lipid is required for cellular uptake of the toxin’s g-subunit
utilize GPI-anchored Kre1 and Cwp2 as secondary mem- which cleaves cellular tRNAGlu. See text for references and
brane receptors and induce membrane channel formation. further details

C. Kluyveromyces toxins are currently unknown. Nonetheless, toxins

of K. phaffii, K. waltii and K. wickerhamii have been
The genus Kluyveromyces harbours killer strains investigated for their potential application for bio-
secreting both, extranuclearly and chromosomally control during wine-making (see below).
encoded toxins (Tables 6.1, 6.2). While K. lactis For several other yeast species killer toxins are
represents the most thougoughly investigated known, a comprehensive compilation is given by
plasmid encoded toxin (see below), chromosom- Golubev (2006); instances in which detailed infor-
ally encoded toxins are described for K. marxia- mation about structural and mechanistic details
nus, K. wickerhamii, K. waltii and K. phaffii are available are presented in Table 6.1 Other
(Young and Yagiu 1978; Kono and Himeno 1997; toxins have been isolated solely based on their
Izgü et al. 1999; Ciani and Fatichenti 2001; Comi- application potential, and basic information
tini et al. 2004a, b). The best characterized of the about cell targeting and activity remains to be
latter, i.e. chromosomally encoded Kluyveromyces established. In some cases, mycocinogenic activity
toxins, is the 33-kDa KpKt of K. phaffii (Comitini may resemble those of killer (protein-)toxins, but
et al. 2004a). Based on competitive inhibition of in fact it is due to the release of toxic glycolipids
toxin activity, b-1-6/b-1,3 glucan was again iden- (Purchov et al. 2002, reviewed by Golubev 2006).
tified as the cell wall receptor. The purified toxin
displayed glucanase activity, resembling the prop-
erties of W. saturnus var. mrakii WmKT and P. III. Extrachromosomally
anomala K5/panomomycin (Guyard et al. 2002a; Encoded Toxins
Comitini et al. 2004a; Izgü and Altinbay 2004; Izgü
et al. 2005). However, KpKt is much smaller than A. dsRNA Virus Toxins
WmKT or K5 and other than WmKT, it did not
induce rapid cell permeabilization as judged from Shortly after the discovery of the first yeast killer
cell staining with propidium iodide, suggesting in S. cerevisiae, it was realized that dsRNA viruses
differences in cell killing mediated by the two constitute the molecular basis of toxin secretion
glucanase toxins (Comitini et al. 2004a). (Bevan et al. 1973). The S. cerevisiae killer viruses
Cellular receptors or killing mechanisms for the belong to the totiviridae family. They persist as
remaining chromosomally encoded Kluyveromyces a pair of two separately encapsulated virus like
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 113

Table 6.2. Extrachromosomally encoded yeast killer toxins

Species Strain Toxin Size Receptor Toxic activity References

S. cerevisiae KL88 K1 a (9.5), b-1-6-Glucan Membrane Young and Yagiu
b (9.0) permeabilisation (1978)
CBS8112 K28 a (10.0), Mannoprotein Blocking DNA Schmitt and Tipper
b (11.0) synthesis (1990)
Hanseniaspora uvarum 470 18.0 b-1-6-Glucan Schmitt and
Zygosaccharomyces 412 zygocin 10.0 Mannoprotein Membrane Schmitt and
bailii permeabilization Neuhausen
Kluyveromyces lactis IFO1267 zymocin a (99.0), Chitin tRNAGlu-specific Gunge et al. (1981)
b (30.0), tRNase
g (28.0)
Pichia inositovora NRRL Y- >100.0 Chitin Hayman and Bolen
18709 (1991)
P. acaciae NRRL Y- PaT a (110.0), Chitin tRNAGln-specific Worsham and Bolen
18665 b (39.0), tRNase (1990)
g (38.0)
Debaryomyces CBS6693 >100.0 Chitin Klassen and
robertsiae Meinhardt
Ustilago maydis P1 KP1 13.4 Park et al. (1996a)
P4 KP4 13.6 Blocking calcium Park et al. (1994)
P6 KP6 a (8.6), K+ depletion Tao et al. (1990)
b (9.1)
Cryptococcus aquaticus VKM Y- Pfeiffer et al. (2004)
Cystofilobasidium VKM Y- >15.0 Golubev et al. (2003)
infirmominiatum 2897
Trichosporon pullulans VKM Y- >15.0 Golubev et al. (2002)
T. insectorum CBS10422 Fuentefria et al.

particles in the host’s cytoplasm (for reviews, see exit of (+)ssRNA transcribed from the viral genome within
Wickner 1996, 1992; Schmitt and Breinig 2002, the capsid as well as facilitating influx of host metabolites
but excluding entry of degradative enzymes or leakage of
2006). One of these is the L-A helper virus, dsRNA genomic molecules (Caston et al. 1997).
which encodes the major capsid protein (Gag)
and a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Replication of L-A and M viruses occurs in a
conservative manner (Fig. 6.3), with a (+)ssRNA
The 50 end of the ORF encoding the RNA polymerase over-
copy being generated in the capsid by the Gag-Pol
laps in the –1 frame with the Gag-encoding ORF and is protein. Following export to the cytoplasm, such
expressed as a Gag-Pol fusion protein by a 1 ribosomal ssRNA serves as the messenger that is translated
frameshift event (Icho and Wickner 1989; Dinman et al. into preprotoxin (M-virus), or Gag and Gag-Pol
1991). The L-A virus may be associated with different sate- fusion proteins (L-A virus). The (+)ssRNA is sub-
llite (non-autonomous) viruses, termed M-1, M-2 or M-28,
which encode a single preprotoxin that is processed during
sequently incorporated into newly formed cap-
secretion to yield the mature toxin. The capsid encoded by sids, in which synthesis of the complementary
L-A consists of 60 asymmetric Gag-dimers and two Gag- ()RNA strand is carried out by Gag-Pol, closing
Pol fusion proteins. The capsid is perforated allowing the the replicative cycle.
114 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

cell wall (Hutchins and Bussey 1983). Subsequent-

ly, K1 interacts with Kre1, a GPI-anchored cell
wall protein, thereby inducing formation of (cat-
ion selective) ion channels within the plasma-
membrane (Fig. 6.2 de la Pena et al. 1978; Breinig
et al. 2002, 2004). Mutational analysis revealed
that both, a and b are involved in glucan binding,
while solely a is required for membrane interac-
tion, which agrees well with the presence of two
remarkably hydrophobic regions (Bussey 1991;
Zhu and Bussey 1991).

Whether ion channel formation is brought about by K1

alone (Martinac et al. 1990) or requires interaction with
primary membrane associated effector protein remains
Fig. 6.3. Conservative replication cycle of the dsRNA toti- controversial (Breinig et al. 2002; Breinig and Schmitt
viridae. Encapsulated virus like particles (VLP) are sche- 2006). kre1 mutant spheroplasts were shown to be sensitive
matically represented by a hexagon, they consist of Gag, to excess K1, raising the possibility of receptor-independent
the major capsid protein and two Gag-RNA-polymerase membrane channel formation (Martinac et al. 1990) or,
fusion proteins (Gag-Pol). +/ dsRNA double-stranded alternatively, Kre1-independent access to a hypothetic pri-
RNA virus genome; + ssRNA single-stranded RNA tran- mary membrane effector (Breinig et al. 2002). Although
scribed from the virus genome within the capsid by Gag- evidence has been presented that the increase in membrane
Pol, which is encapsidated in new VLPs, followed by permeability by K1 is due to the activation of Tok1 potassi-
synthesis of the complementary strand um channels (Ahmed et al. 1999), full K1 sensitivity of tok1
cells indicates Tok1 activation to be (at best) a late second-
L-A and M-viruses are considered virus like particles, since ary effect of the toxin (Breinig et al. 2002; Pagé et al. 2003).
they lack, in contrast to classic viruses, an extracellular
route of transmission. Propagation occurs exclusively by
cell to cell passage (anastomosis) during vegetative or Besides ionophoric action, K1 mode of action
sexual reproduction. The most thoroughly studied viral strikingly resembles the chromosomally encoded
toxins from S. cerevisiae are K1 (encoded by M1 virus) PMKT from Pichia membranifaciens, which has
and K28 (encoded by M28 virus, see also Schmitt and also been shown to utilize a GPI-anchored cell wall
Breinig 2002, 2006). protein (Cwp2) as the secondary membrane re-
ceptor (Fig. 6.2 see above). As for Cwp2, Kre1 is
localized to both the cell membrane and cell wall,
1. K1
as is typical for cell wall GPI-proteins which be-
K1 is a dimer with subunit sizes of 9.5 kDa (a) and come attached to glucan by transglycosylation
9.0 kDa (b), which are covalently linked by three (Breinig et al. 2002). Thus, it appears possible
disulfide bridges (Bostian et al. 1984). Both of the that both, K1 and PMKT use an identical strategy
subunits are formed by processing of a single for reaching the plasma membrane, involving se-
precursor protein termed preprotoxin, first by quential interaction with cell wall glucan, cell wall-
the signal peptidase (giving rise to protoxin) and localized secondary receptors and, finally, mem-
subsequently by Kex1 (carboxypeptidase) and brane-associated secondary receptor proteins.
Kex2 (endopeptidase) during secretion (Bostian As for PMKT, S. cerevisiae cells with a defect in
et al. 1984; Zhu et al. 1992). Kex2-processing HOG signalling due to the loss of Hog1 display
removes the g-peptide of the protoxin, a process extreme K1 sensitivity (Pagé et al. 2003), which
strikingly similar to the one occuring with the suggests a transcriptional response similar to
chromosomally encoded SMKT (see above and other osmotic stresses being effective in suppres-
Fig. 6.1) and K28 (see below), despite the fact sing K1 toxicity. However, while strains deficient in
that the toxins themselves do not display simila- intracellular glycerol accumulation, such as gpd1
rities at the sequence level and also differ signifi- (glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase1) mutants
cantly in their mode of action (de la Pena et al. react hypersensitively to PMKT (Santos et al.
1981; Suzuki and Nikkuni 1994; Schmitt and Tip- 2005), this was not the case for K1 and no down-
per 1995). K1 toxin, like many chromosomally stream effectors of Hog1 relevant for K1 resistance
encoded toxins, first binds to b-1,6 glucan of the could be identified (Pagé et al. 2003). Thus, while
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 115

the PMKT resistance promoting effect of HOG in- kDa and 11 kDa, which are covalently linked by a
duction involves osmo-adaptive compatible solute single disulfide bridge (Schmitt and Tipper 1995).
production, its relevance for K1 resistance remains Despite this striking similarity, subsequent steps
to be elucidated (Pagé et al. 2003). in target cell attack are completely different for K1
A characteristic trait of most extrachromoso- and K28. In fact, the latter is so far the only
mally encoded killer toxins is the appurtenant-spe- instance of a yeast killer toxin gaining access to
cific toxin resistance (immunity), which is the target cell by endocytosis and subsequent ret-
genetically linked to toxin production (Schmitt rograde passage of the secretory pathway, fol-
and Breinig 2006). In the case of K1, viral M1 RNA lowed by exit from the endoplasmic reticulum
displays a single ORF and the encoded preprotoxin (ER) and entry into the nucleus, where it blocks
is not only processed to the mature secreted toxin DNA replication (Fig. 6.2 Schmitt et al. 1996; Eis-
but also confers K1 immunity. Expression of a feld et al. 2000; Heiligenstein et al. 2006).
cDNA copy of M1 in mutants which are disabled
in Kex2 function and therefore unable either to K28 first binds to mannoprotein in the cell wall, most
likely followed by interaction with Erd2 which functions
secrete an active toxin or to carry out normal pro- as membrane receptor (Schmitt and Radler 1987; Schmitt
toxin processing and g-release confers K1 immuni- and Breinig 2006). Erd2 is an integral membrane protein
ty. Further, expression of K1-a along with 31 N- that binds to the HDEL motif in proteins destined for
terminal residues of g is sufficient for K1 immunity retention in the endoplasmic reticulum (Semenza et al.
(Zhu et al. 1993). However, the exact immunity 1990) and it is assumed that a low number of Erd2 also
reach the cytoplasmic membrane where they may contact
strategy remains to be elucidated (Schmitt and Brei- the K28 b-subunit (Schmitt and Breinig 2006). Kex1-pro-
nig 2006) as the proposed mechanism based on cessing of K28 b at the C-terminal HDELR motif uncovers
internal inhibition of Tok1 potassium channels by the ER retention signal, which is essential for re-entry into
K1 precursors is questionable (see above). the secretory pathway of the target cell. Consistently, K28
Another S. cerevisiae dsRNA virus termed M2 derivatives lacking the HDELR motif are inactive and cells
defective in Erd2 no longer internalize the toxin (Eisfeld
encodes the K2 toxin, which is assumed to exhibit a et al. 2000). Endocytotic uptake probably involves (mono-
rather similar toxic activity and apparently also )ubiquitination of the membrane-receptor by Uba1, Udc4
uses Kre1 as the plasma membrane receptor; how- and Rsc5 and, subsequently, retrograde passage of K28
ever, the primary K2 sequence is unrelated to K1, from endosomes to the ER occurs, from where it exits to
and K2 displays a slightly more acidic pH optimum the cytoplasm via the Sec61 complex (Eisfeld et al. 2000;
Heiligenstein et al. 2006). The Sec61 translocon is a bidi-
(Young and Yagui 1978; Pfeiffer and Radler 1984; rectional membrane channel which mediates translocation
Dignard et al. 1991; Schmitt and Breinig 2002; of secretory proteins into the ER but also removes mis-
Novotna et al. 2004). As K2 killers remain suscepti- folded proteins from the secretory pathway for subsequent
ble to K1 (and vice versa) and differential resis- degradation by the ER-associated protein degradation
tance effects of a kre2 mutation to both toxins were (ERAD) pathway (reviewed by Nakatsukasa and Brodsky
2008). K28 apparently masquerades as an ERAD substrate
observed, functional difference with respect to tar- and the ER chaperones Kar2, Pdi1, Scj1, Jem1 and Pmr1
get cell interactions and immunity mechanisms are assist the exit of partially unfolded a-b subunits from the
obvious, the details of which, however, remain to ER. Once the cytosol is reached, b is ubiquitinated and
be uncovered (Dignard et al. 1991; Meskauskas and degraded by the proteasome, while a enters the nucleus
Citavicius 1992; Novotna et al. 2004). and inhibits DNA synthesis (Schmitt et al. 1996; Heiligen-
stein et al. 2006).

2. K28
As for K1, K28 preprotoxin not only confers the
The other well characterized RNA viral toxin in killer phenotype to M28-infected cells but also
Saccharomyces is K28, encoded by the M28 virus. renders toxin producers immune against their
Very similar to K1, K28 is encoded by a single own toxin. Moreover, K28 immunity is also estab-
ORF as a preprotoxin, which is processed during lished in a kex2 mutant, which is unable to release
secretion by the signal peptidase as well as Kex1 active toxin, as described above for K1 (Schmitt
and Kex2 peptidases (Schmitt and Tipper 1990, and Tipper 1992; Zhu et al. 1992). While the
1995; Riffer et al. 2002; Schmitt and Breinig 2006). mechanism of K1 immunity is still unknown,
As for K1, the a-b intervening g-peptide of K28 details for K28 were recently uncovered (Breinig
protoxin is deleted by the Kex2 endopeptidase. et al. 2006). Immune K28 killer cells reinternalize
Mature K28 consists of two subunits (a, b) of 10 their own toxin and subsequent interaction of the
116 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

latter with unprocessed preprotoxin in the cyto- interestingly, they do not directly interact in solu-
plasm is the key step for immunity, which tion (Peery et al. 1987). Crystallization of the smal-
involves ubiquitination and selective proteasomal ler KP6 (a)-subunit revealed a third killer toxin
degradation of mature K28 (Breinig et al. 2006). member of the a/b sandwich fold; however, other
Interestingly, partial immunity could also be than SMKT and KP4, KP6a subunits form a hex-
established when only the a-subunit of the toxin americ assembly with a central pore which may
is expressed in the cytoplasm and full immunity provide a structure of the appropriate dimension
requires only a non-specific sequence extension to to generate a membrane K+ channel (Li et al. 1999).
the a-subunit, which strikingly resembles the sit- Basidiomyceteous yeasts belonging to the
uation in K1 immunity (Breinig et al. 2006). genera Trichosporon, Cryptococcus and Cystofili-
basidium harbour virus-like particles with dsRNA
genomes, which are associated with killer (alter-
3. Other dsRNA Virus Toxins natively termed mycocinogenic) phenotypes
(Golubev et al. 2002, 2003; Pfeiffer et al. 2004;
Shortly after the discovery of the killer phenotype Fuentefria et al. 2008). Though basic characteris-
in S. cerevisiae an extranuclear inherited killer phe- tics of the toxins, including spectra of target yeasts
nomenon was recognized in the dimorphic fungus and pH or temperature optima were investigated,
Ustilago maydis (Puhalla 1968), a basidiomycete it remains to be elucidated whether their struc-
which can grow like a budding yeast or switch to tures or mode of action resemble known dsRNA
filamentous growth (reviewed by Steinberg and or chromosomally encoded toxins.
Perez-Martin 2007). Three different immunity spe- The ascomycetous yeasts Hanseniaspora
cificities (P1, P4, P6) are reported to exist in natural uvarum and Zygosaccharomyces bailii also contain
killer isolates, all of which are encoded by dsRNA virus-like particles with toxin-encoding dsRNA
viruses (Koltin and Day 1976; Tipper and Bostian genomes (Zorg et al. 1988; Radler et al. 1990).
1984). While KP1 and KP4 are monomeric proteins Similar to S. cerevisiae, both of the former contain
of 13.4 kDa and 13.6 kDa, respectively (Park et al. autonomous L- and accompanying toxin-encoding
1994, 1996a), KP6 is a dimer consisting of subunits M-viruses (Schmitt and Neuhausen 1994; Schmitt
of 8.6 kDa and 9.1 kDa (Tao et al. 1990). Structure et al. 1997; Weiler et al. 2002). The H. uvarum toxin
determination of KP4 revealed that the toxin is a 18-kDa monomer, which uses b-1-6 glucan as
belongs to the a/b-sandwich fold, displaying weak the cell wall receptor; it displays a broader killing
similarities to scorpion toxins, which exert their spectrum than S. cerevisiae killers (Radler et al.
neurological effects by acting on Na+ channels 1990; Schmitt and Neuhausen 1994; Schmitt et al.
(Gu et al. 1995). Rescuing KP4 treated sensitive U. 1997). The Z. bailii toxin (termed zygocin) likewise
maydis cells by supplying exogenous Ca2+ sug- exhibits a broad action spectrum, including human
gested toxin action by inhibition of Ca2+ channels and phytopathogenic fungi (Weiler and Schmitt
(Gu et al. 1995). Such a hypothesis was further 2003). The 10-kDa zygocin rapidly induces per-
substantiated by demonstrating KP4-mediated in- meabilization, probably due to membrane channel
hibition of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in several formation (Weiler and Schmitt 2003; Schmitt and
types of mammalian neuronal cells (Gu et al. 1995). Breinig 2006). In contrast to the other dsRNA-
Crystallization of SMKT from Pichia farinosa (see encoded toxins, zygocin immunity is not mediated
above) surprisingly revealed close structural simi- by the preprotoxin precursor. Since intact cells and
larities of KP4 and SMKT (Kashiwagi et al. 1997), protoplasts of Z. bailii are naturally resistant to
despite the fact that the latter is a chromosomally zygocin, specific immunity is obviously dispens-
encoded dimeric protein, assumed to interact and able, a situation that is also realized for chro-
disrupt cytoplasmic membranes of target cells mosomally encoded toxins (Weiler et al. 2003).
(Suzuki et al. 2001).
In contrast, KP6 is composed of two subunits
as for the S. cerevisiae dsRNA encoded toxins; B. Linear Plasmid-Encoded Toxins
however, the two subunits are not covalently linked
by disulfide bonds (Peery et al. 1987; Tao et al. Linear dsDNA plasmids which persist in the
1990). The toxic effect, which probably involves cytoplasm are related to viruses with respect to
K+ depletion, requires both of the subunits but, gene content and mode of replication; they were
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 117

originally detected in a killer strain of Kluyvero- (Hishinuma et al. 1984; Stark et al. 1984; Sor and Fukuhara
myces lactis (Gunge et al. 1981). Today, such cyto- 1985; Tommasino et al. 1988; Hishinuma and Hirai 1991;
Klassen et al. 2001; Klassen and Meinhardt 2003; Jeske and
plasmic DNA elements are known to occur in Meinhardt 2006).
several ascomycetous yeasts belonging to different Cytoplasmic transcription of linear plasmid-encoded
genera (such as Pichia, Candida, Debaryomyces, genes involves a rather unique plasmid-encoded RNA
Saccharomycopsis, Schwanniomyces, Botryoascus) polymerase and a mRNA-capping enzyme which resem-
but also in the basidiomycete Trichosporon pull- bles the capping enzyme of the cytoplasmic vaccinia virus
(Wilson and Meacock 1988; Larsen et al. 1998; Tiggemann
ulans (Kitada and Hishinuma 1987; Ligon et al. et al. 2001; Klassen and Meinhardt 2007). The plasmid-
1989; Worsham and Bolen 1990; Hayman and encoded RNA polymerase recognizes unique cytoplasmic
Bolen 1991; Bolen et al. 1992; Cong et al. 1994; promoters with a short consensus sequence (6 nt) which is
Fukuhara 1995; Chen et al. 2000). incompatible with the nuclear transcription machinery
In addition to K. lactis, three other species (Romanos and Boyd 1988; Kämper et al. 1989a, b; Kämper
et al. 1991; Schickel et al. 1996).
(P. acaciae, P. inositovora, D. robertsiae; Table 6.2)
contain a set of two or three linear plasmids confer-
ring a killer phenotype (Fig. 6.4; Worsham and The four known toxin-encoding killer plasmids
Bolen 1990; Hayman and Bolen 1991; Klassen and consist of two subgroups judged from overall
Meinhardt 2002). Though such dsDNA molecules similarity, gene content and genetic prerequisites
are probably not encapsulated, a general functional for toxin function (Fig. 6.4 see below). Group I
partition among the plasmids of each species resem- comprises the K. lactis and P. inositovora killer
bles the L- and M-viruses of Saccharomyces cerevi- plasmids while group II harbours the P. acaciae
siae. Invariably, there is a highly conserved and D. robertsiae killers (Schaffrath and Mein-
autonomous element, which provides factors hardt 2004; Jeske et al. 2006b; Klassen and Mein-
essential for cytoplasmic gene expression and repli- hardt 2007).
cation (reviewed by Jeske et al. 2006a; Klassen
and Meinhardt 2007). Such element can exist solely
or together with a non-autonomous element encod- 1. Group I
ing a killer toxin. As expression of toxin genes and The K. lactis killer system consists of the autono-
replication of the element requires functions mous element pGKL2 and the toxin (zymocin)-
provided by the autonomous element, it reminds encoding non-autonomous pGKL1 (for a review,
one of the L-dependency of M-viruses (see above). see Stark et al. 1990). Zymocin is a heterotrimeric
Replication of both autonomous and non-autonomous
(a, b, g) glycoprotein, the subunits of which dis-
elements is initiated by protein priming, involving a viral play molecular masses of 99, 30 and 28 kDa, re-
B-type DNA polymerase fused to the terminal protein that spectively (Stark and Boyd 1986). While the
remains covalently bound to the 50 ends of the plasmids smallest subunit (g) is encoded separately, the

Fig. 6.4. Schematic representation of virus like dsDNA Known or proposed functions of encoded proteins are
plasmids from yeasts encoding killer toxins. Based on indicated. toxin Intracellular toxic subunit, imm immunity
sequence similarity and gene content, two subgroups are proteins. Similarity at the sequence level for either toxic
defined. Arrows indicate ORFs and their transcriptional subunits or immunity proteins is indicated by grey
direction; terminal proteins are depicted as filled circles; shading. The predicted toxin uptake protein is homolo-
terminal inverted repeats correspond to filled triangles. gous in all systems
118 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

two larger ones are formed from a single genepro- Once inside the cell, g specifically cleaves
duct (Orf2) by endopeptidase processing during tRNAGlu within the anticodon loop, at the 30 side
secretion (involving the S. cerevisiae Kex2 homo- of the wobble uridine (U34; Lu et al. 2005). A post-
logue of K. lactis, Kex1; see Fig. 6.1 Hishinuma transcriptional modification, which is present at the
et al. 1984; Stark et al. 1984; Sor and Fukuhara uracil-C5 position of U34 in tRNAGluUUG, a 5-meth-
1985; Stark and Boyd 1986; Tokunaga et al. 1987; oxy-carbonyl-methyl (mcm5) residue, is crucial for
Stark et al. 1990). In the mature zymocin, b and g cleavage (Lu et al. 2005; Jablonowski et al. 2006).
are covalently linked via a disulfide bond and the
a-subunit contains at least one internal disulfide mcm5 synthesis in tRNAGlu and several other tRNAs with
bridge (Stark and Boyd 1986; Stark et al. 1990). an uridine residue at the wobble position requires the six-
subunit Elongator complex (Elp1–6) as well as the tRNA
methyltransferase Trm9 which is assumed to function
Zymocin differs from many other yeast killer toxins in downstream of Elongator in the final step of mcm5 synthe-
having a neutral pH optimum and additionally exhibits sis (Kalhor and Clarke 2003; Huang et al. 2005; Lu et al.
relatively high thermal stability (no loss of activity fol- 2005). Consistent with the importance of mcm5 for cell
lowing incubation at 50 C; Butler et al. 1991a). Cell killing by the tRNase, loss of ELP1-6 or TRM9 prevents
killing by zymocin involves cell wall binding of the zymocin toxicity (Frohloff et al. 2001; Lu et al. 2005; Jablo-
complex by virtue of its largest (a)-subunit, which has nowski et al. 2006) and complementation of spontaneous
a cysteine-rich chitin binding and a LysM domain, the killer toxin insensitive (kti) S. cerevisiae mutants identified
latter also found in peptidoglycan binding proteins further loci with a previously unknown role in tRNA mcm5
(Stark et al. 1990; Butler et al. 1991b; Jablonowski et al. modification (Fichtner and Schaffrath 2002; Fichtner et al.
2001; Jeske et al. 2006a). The a-subunit further exhibits 2002; Huang et al. 2005; Lu et al. 2005; Jablonowski and
clear similarities to family 18 chitinases and displays Schaffrath 2007; Zabel et al. 2008).
exochitinase activity which is apparently essential for
toxicity (Butler et al. 1991b; Jablonowski et al. 2001).
Cell-killing activity, however, resides in the smallest sub- In vitro analysis revealed additional cleavage of two
unit of zymocin, as conditional intracellular expression other mcm5-modified tRNAs, i.e. tRNAGln and
of solely this subunit is toxic and also results in a G1 cell tRNALys, by the heterologously expressed toxic
cycle arrest induced by exo-zymocin (Tokunaga et al. subunit of zymocin, although the efficiency was
1989; White et al. 1989; Stark et al. 1990; Butler et al. much lower when compared to tRNAGln (Lu et al.
1991c; Lu et al. 2005). Cellular uptake of the g-subunit
occurs in an unknown manner, probably with participa- 2005). Contrary to the latter, no depletion of
tion of the a-subunit’s chitin binding and chitinase ac- tRNAGln or Lys was seen in cells treated with zymo-
tivity and the remarkably hydrophobic b-subunit cin. However, as combined overexpression of
(Fig. 6.2). Also involved is the plasmamembrane sphin- tRNAGlu, Gln and Lys intensified zymocin resistance
golipid mannosyl-diinositolphospho-ceramide M(IP)2C when compared to a strain overexpressing tRNAGlu
(synthesized by the Kti6/Ipt1 protein) and the plasma
membrane ATPase Pma1; both are conjointly required solely, the glutamine and lysine tRNAs were as-
for toxin action from outside (Mehlgarten and Schaffrath sumed to represent zymocin targets in vivo, in
2004; Zink et al. 2005). In contrast to chitin-deficient addition to tRNAGlu (Lu et al. 2005).
(chs3) cells, which lack zymocin binding, an ipt1 mutant A killer strain of Pichia inositovora contains a
is proficient for binding but denies g-import (Zink et al. set of three plasmids (pPin1-1, pPin1-2, pPin1-3)
2005), revealing the M(IP)2C-involving step to occur
subsequent to initial toxin recruitment to the cell wall. of which pPin1-2 is dispensable for killer activity
Whether M(IP)2C has a function similar to the secondary (Hayman and Bolen 1991); As for K. lactis, the
membrane receptor for other toxins (see above), remains larger pPin1-1 probably represents the autono-
unknown at present. mous element whereas the toxin is encoded by
the smaller pPin1-3 (Klassen and Meinhardt
Following membrane passage, g apparently exists 2003). The P. inositovora toxin displays a molecu-
in a transiently dormant form which requires in- lar mass larger than 100 kDa and probably con-
tracellular activation by the plasma membrane sists of at least two subunits (Klassen and
H+ATPase Pma1 or the membrane potential gen- Meinhardt 2003). The largest subunit (100
erated by this enzyme (Mehlgarten and Schaffrath kDa) is similar to zymocin a- and b and – as for
2004; Zink et al. 2005). In the absence of function- zymocin – was proven to bind chitin in vitro.
al Pma1, g-activation could be induced experi- Disruption of the chitin synthase III-encoding
mentally by acidification of the cell exterior, gene in a sensitive S. cerevisiae strain resulted in
though it remains unclear which process is affect- insensitivity to the P. insitovora toxin as well.
ed by H+ flux (Mehlgarten and Schaffrath 2004). As the pPin1-3 killer plasmid also encodes a
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 119

homologue of the zymocin’s tRNase subunit and 2. Group II

toxicity requires the Elongator complex involved
in tRNA-mcm5 modification, a similar mode of The two killer plasmids of homology group II,
action of the P. inositovora toxin and zymocin is pPac1-2 from P. acaciae and pWR1A from D.
likely to occur (Klassen and Meinhardt 2003). robertsiae are similar with respect to genome or-
Despite such striking similarities, zymocin ganization (Klassen et al. 2004). pWR1A harbours
and the P. inositovora toxin clearly differ with one additional gene, which is not present in
respect to target cell spectra and pH optima; in pPac1-2 (Fig. 6.4). The pPac1-2 encoded toxin
contrast to the broad spectrum of activity with a (PaT) was purified and found to consist of three
neutral pH optimum of zymocin, P. inositovora subunits with molecular masses of 110, 39 and 38
toxin has an acidic pH optimum and a clearly kDa, respectively (McCracken et al. 1994). The
narrower spectrum of target yeasts (Hayman and pWR1A-encoded toxin too is a larger protein of
Bolen 1991). Sensitive reaction to P. inositovora above 100 kDa and both, PaT and D. robertsiae
toxin is apparently not species-specific, as two toxin display neutral pH optima (McCracken et al.
related S. cerevisiae strains are killed by the 1994; Klassen and Meinhardt 2002). The similarity
toxin, while several other laboratory strains sensi- of the toxin-encoding plasmids to homology
tive to zymocin display resistance to P. inositovora group I elements (pGKL1, pPin1-3) is restricted
toxin (Hayman and Bolen 1991; Klassen and to the ORF encoding the chitin-binding polypep-
Meinhardt, unpublished data). tide (a-subunit), whereas separately encoded and
The zymocin-encoding plasmid (pGKL1) potentially secreted proteins (pPac1-2 Orf2p,
harbours (in addition to the toxin-encoding pWR1A Orf3p) are not related to zymocin g and/
ORF) a gene responsible for the specific related or the P. inositovora equivalent (Klassen et al.
immunity, the mechanism of which, however, 2004). However, as intracellular expression of
remains to be elucidated (Tokunaga et al. 1987). these genes mimics the effects of extracellularly
Despite the fact that a gene homologous to the applied toxins on target cells, the toxic activity
zymocin immunity factor is located on the P. resides in such separately encoded toxin subunits,
inositovora killer plasmid pPin1-3 (Klassen and which act intracellularly on target cells, as for
Meinhardt 2003), the latter is not required for zymocin g (Klassen et al. 2004). Other than zymo-
immunity in this species (Hayman and Bolen cin, neither of the toxins encoded by group II
1991). Possibly, intrinsic immunity has evolved plasmids requires the Elongator complex for func-
subsequent to the acquisition of the killer plas- tion; however, PaT was recently shown to target
mid system, which concomitantly made a plas- cellular tRNA, as for zymocin (Klassen et al. 2008).
mid-encoded immunity function redundant. In The tRNase activity of PaT is specific for tRNAGln
K. lactis, the plasmid-encoded immunity func- (in contrast to zymocin, which attacks tRNAGlu)
tion establishes an auto-selection system for the and loss of mcm5 modification does not prevent
entire plasmid set. Spontaneous loss of the non- substrate cleavage in vivo or in vitro. Interesting-
autonomous element alone or together with the ly, however, an mcm5 biosynthesis intermediate
autonomous element would give rise to zymocin (carboxyl-methyl-residue; cm5), which presum-
() and sensitive cells which are eliminated due ably exists in the tRNAGln of cells deficient in the
to the stable zymocin toxin in the environment. tRNA methyltransferase Trm9, strongly inhibits
A very similar autoselection system is also pres- cleavage and, thus, largely prevents PaT toxicity.
ent in most dsRNA- and other dsDNA-encoded In vitro analysis of cleavage products revealed two
killer systems (see above and below). It cannot be alternative cleavage sites in tRNAGln, one of which
decided whether toxin/immunity functions are is the mcm5 modified wobble nucleoside U34 and
recruited by viral or virus-like genomes persist- the other is most probably U32. Loss of mcm5
ing in the yeast cell’s cytoplasm for the purpose prevented cleavage at position U34, but not at
of creating a selective advantage for the host U32, explaining the sensitive phenotype of Elon-
(elimination of competitors) or stable propaga- gator mutants to PaT. The negative charge of cm5
tion of the virus or both. However, in cases where might be the reason for its inhibitory effect on
intrinsic immunity is established, a toxin-depen- cleavage at both positions (Klassen et al. 2008).
dent autoselection effect on the respective ele- As for zymocin, the heterologously expressed
ment is no longer present. toxic subunit of PaT displayed an extended
120 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

substrate spectrum, not only accepting tRNAGln individual toxins, but rather a common reaction
but with reduced efficiency also mcm5-modified of individual cells to life-threatening conditions.
tRNAGlu and Lys (Klassen at al. 2008). Cleavage of With the exception of pPin1-3, all killer plas-
all these substrates was (at least partially) inhib- mids carry an additional gene which is responsi-
ited by cm5, but not by the entire loss of the mcm5 ble for a specific immunity phenotype (Tokunaga
modification of U34, which is in marked contrast et al. 1987; Paluszynski et al. 2007; Paluszynski
to zymocin’s tRNase activity and may be and Meinhardt, unpublished data). Though the
explained by the existence of an alternative cleav- mode of action of the encoded immunity proteins
age site (see above). remains to be elucidated, they disable the effects
Interestingly, cell killing by both zymocin and of the respective toxic subunit at the intracellular
PaT involves the occurrence of DNA damage, pre- level, as for the only other toxin known to act
sumably as a downstream consequence of tRNA intracellularly on target cells, the M28-encoded
depletion (Klassen et al. 2007, 2008). Though not K28 toxin (Tokunaga et al. 1989; Breinig et al.
systematically analysed yet, it is speculated that 2006; Paluszynski et al. 2007). Thus, in all known
tRNase toxin exposure may lead to deficiency in killer/immunity systems where toxicity requires
translation of messengers relevant for genome cellular uptake of the toxin (zymocin, PaT, K28),
surveillance during replication. Consistently, ge- toxin uptake apparently also occurs in the toxin
netic analysis revealed strong evidence for the producer and the reinternalized toxin is specifi-
occurrence of replication-derived DNA double- cally degraded by the host cell’s proteasome (K28)
strand breaks in both PaT- and zymocin-exposed or disposed by yet unknown mechanisms (zymo-
cells and DSB repair by homologous recombina- cin, PaT).
tion was found to confer resistance against both
toxins. An alternative DSB repair pathway (non-
homologous end-joining), which differs from ho- IV. Applications
mologous recombination in its inability to operate
on replication-derived DSBs, is even disadvanta- A. Antifungals for Human Therapy
geous for PaT/zymocin survival and this effect is
due to inhibition of homologous recombination Several yeast killer toxins, such as W. mrakii var.
(Klassen et al. 2006, 2007, 2008). Clearly, however, mrakii HM-1, W. saturnus toxin, P. anomala
further work is required to understand the cellular PaKT and Zygosaccharoymces bailii zygocin,
consequences of tRNA attack by specific endonu- exhibit a broad spectrum of activity including
cleases in yeast, as such a toxic principle was only human pathogenic yeasts, such as Candida albi-
quite recently recognized in eukaryotic toxins (Lu cans and Cryptococcus neoformans. Consequently,
et al. 2005; Klassen et al. 2008). Interestingly, PaT they are suggested to be potentially useful for
and zymocin both do not deplete their target therapy of human infections caused by fungal
tRNAs completely and, though both significantly pathogens (Yamamoto et al. 1988; Walker et al.
impair translation, there is no complete shut-off 1995; Magliani et al. 1997a; Theisen et al. 2000;
of protein biosynthesis (Butler et al. 1991a; Klas- Weiler and Schmitt 2002; Buzzini et al. 2004; Izgü
sen and Meinhardt, unpublished data). Moreover, et al. 2007a). However, direct application of killer
PaT was shown to induce apoptotic cell death toxins is of limited practical importance because
under conditions where only a fraction of target many of these proteins are unstable or inactive at
cells is rapidly killed; the remaining initially sur- temperatures around 37 C or neutral pH. Further-
viving fraction later executed an active cell death more, antigenicity and toxicity may prohibit ap-
program involving protein biosynthesis and the plication in the human bloodstream (Magliani
classic apoptotic hallmarks, including nuclear et al. 2004). Yet, some killer toxins (e.g. the Will-
fragmentation, ROS production and phosphati- iopsis toxins) display a remarkable temperature
dyl-serine externalization (Klassen and Meinhardt stability, which might facilitate their use as topical
2005). As other toxins, such as K1, K28 and zygo- applications on superficial skin lesions (Buzzini
cin also induce apoptotic cell death when applied et al. 2004). P. anomala K5 toxin exhibiting ac-
in moderate doses (Reiter et al. 2005); such cellu- ceptable temperature stability was studied against
lar response is apparently not functionally dermatophytes and several pathogenic Candida
connected to the primary lethal principle of the species. All clinical isolates as well as type strains
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 121

belonging to the genera Trichosporon, Micro- thus, glucan or glucan-like molecules in the cell
sporum and Candida were found to be susceptible wall of susceptible pro- and eukaryotic micro-
to K5, suggesting this toxin to be applicable as a ogranisms were proposed to provide the basis
topical antifungal agent (Izgü et al. 2007a, b). for the observed extremely broad spectrum of
A rather promising approach to overcome the toxin activity, idiotypic antibodies and derived
above-mentioned problems associated with the decapeptides (Magliani et al. 2004).
direct application of killer toxins was initiated by In addition to P. anomala toxin, HM-1 from
Polonelli and Morace (1988). A monoclonal anti- W. saturnus var. mrakii was used to produce toxin
body (mAbKT4), which neutralized the in vitro neutralizing antibodies that were subsequently
activity of P. anomala UCSC 25F (= ATCC 96603; employed in idiotypic vaccination and the pro-
Table 6.1) PaKT (Polonelli and Morace 1987) was duction of killer toxin-like antibodies, which
used to raise anti-idiotypic antibodies displaying display an internal image of HM-1’s active site
an internal image of the toxin’s active side. Strik- and inhibit the target cell’s glucan synthase
ingly, such natural polyclonal, as well as subse- activity (Selvakumar et al. 2006a, b, c). As for the
quently developed monoclonal antibodies or P. anomala toxin, such killer activity-bearing
single-chain variable fragments (scFv) derived antibodies may have application potential in
from a phage display library were able to interact the treatment of human fungal infections and
with the cell wall and kill yeast cells susceptible to may possibly also be developed to recombinant
the original P. anomala toxin (Polonelli and Mor- antimycotic-producing bacteria or mimotopes
ace 1988; Polonelli et al. 1990, 1997; Magliani et al. displaying the desired activity. Small peptide
1997a; Magliani et al. 2004). Vaccination with mimotopes can potentially be produced much
mAbKT4 in the mouse model resulted in the pro- more economically when compared to immuno-
duction of killer toxin-like antibodies, which con- logical killer toxin derivatives. Consequently, the
ferred significant protection against experimental P. anomala toxin-derived KP was patented and
candidiasis (Polonelli et al. 1993, 1994). has entered clinical trials, possibly ending up as
A completely novel approach for the treat- the first member of a new generation of antifungal
ment of vaginal candidiasis was realized with the agents derived from yeast killer toxins (Magliani
construction of genetically engineered Streptococ- et al. 2004).
cus gordonii strains, being able to colonize vaginal
mucosal sites and either displaying killer toxin-
like antibodies (ScFv) at the cell surface or secret- B. Antifungals in Agriculture, Food
ing them, resulting in anti-candida activity of po- and Feed Industry
tential therapeutic value (Magliani et al. 1997b).
Decapeptides derived from scFv and displaying There is a clear application potential for yeast
P. anomala toxin-like activity (so-called mimo- killer toxins in the wine industry. The wine envi-
topes) were subsequently identified and further ronment is characterized by low pH (3.5), at
optimized by alanine scanning, resulting in the which some of the chromosomally or dsRNA-
extremely stable fungizidal killer peptide KP encoded toxins are active. In large-scale wine pro-
(Polonelli et al. 2003), which is active against a duction, fermentation is usually carried out using
broad variety of pathogenic micro-organisms, in- defined S. cerevisiae starter cultures optimized for
cluding Cryptococcus neoformans and Paracocci- fermentation performance and able to dominate
dioides brasiliensis (Cenci et al. 2004; Travassos native yeasts in the grape must (Pretorius 2000).
et al. 2004). Killer toxin-like antibodies or killer To achieve the latter, wine and also sake fermen-
peptides derived from PaKT were shown to addi- tation starter yeasts were engineered by cytoduc-
tionally kill a variety of pathogenic prokaryotic tion to possess the L-A and M viruses and the
micro-organisms, such as Mycobacteria, Staphy- corresponding killer phenotype (Ouchi and
lococcus, Streptococcus species and plant-patho- Akiyama 1976; Hara et al. 1980; Seki et al. 1985;
genic Pseudomonas strains (reviewed by Boone et al. 1990; Sulo and Michalcakova 1992;
Magliani et al. 2004). It was proposed that b-glu- Sulo et al. 1992; Michalcakova et al. 1994). Among
can serves as the yeast cell wall receptor for P. the S. cerevisiae dsRNA toxins, K2 was considered
anomala toxin, as for the related WmKT from to be most suitable for biocontrol in the wine
W. saturnus var. mrakii (see also above) and environment, since it is similar to K1 (see above)
122 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

but displays higher activity at wine pH (3.5) potential agents for biocontrol of pre- and post-
compared to K1 (Pfeiffer and Radler 1984). The harvest diseases caused by plant pathogenic fungi
obtained industrial S. cerevisiae killer strains re- (Walker et al. 1995; Santos and Marquina 2004b;
tain desired flavour and fermentation character- Santos et al. 2004). In particular, the toxin from P.
istics but are additionally able to suppress membranifaciens is active against Botrytis cinerea,
indigenous S. cerevisiae strains due to toxin pro- the causal agent of grey mould disease in grapes
duction. Since K2 killer strains are frequent and treatment of Vitis vinifera plants with either
among the natural population on grape surfaces, purified toxin or the P. membranifaciens killer
the use of defined K2 killer-positive fermentation strain protected against B. cinerea (Santos and
starters which also display K2 immunity addition- Marquina 2004b). The same toxin was also active
ally prevents overgrowth by the indigenous killer in suppressing B. cinerea growth on apples follow-
(Jacobs and Van Vuuren 1991). ing harvest, suggesting that P. membranifaciens
As an alternative to engineered killer strains, might be developed into a novel biocontrol agent
fermentation starters which naturally express the for grey mould disease (Santos et al. 2004). A killer
K2-type killer phenotype as well as desired fer- strain of P. anomala (YF07b) was selected from a
mentation characteristics can be selected from the marine environment based on its ability to kill
population of indigenous yeasts (Lopes et al. Metschnikowia bicuspidate, a yeast species patho-
2007). However, non-Saccharomyces yeasts pres- genic to Portunus trituberculatus, the most widely
ent at grape surfaces are routinely insensitive to fished crab species (Wang et al. 2007a, b). It was
the S. cerevisiae killer toxins (Young and Yagui suggested that the toxin of strain YF07b could be
1978) and thus are largely restricting the biocon- used for controlling growth and infection of
trol potential to Saccharomyces contaminants. Ad- the crabs by the pathogenic yeast (Wang et al.
ditionally, indigenous non-Saccharomyces yeasts 2006a, b).
often produce toxins, potentially enabling the pro- Silage, a fermentation product of field crops
ducer to overgrow the inoculated starter culture and lactic acid bacteria used for feeding of rumi-
and spoil the fermentation. nant livestock is prone to aerobic spoilage by
The killer toxin KpKt from K. phaffii displays lactic acid-utilizing yeasts. Two killer toxins were
extensive activity against apiculate yeast species, analysed for their applicability in controlling si-
such as Hanseniaspora uvarum, which dominate lage spoilage (Kitamoto et al. 1993; 1999; Lowes
on grapes and grape juice and therefore KpKt was et al. 2000). The K. lactis zymocin was found to be
analysed for its potential as a biopreservative active against a variety of silage spoilage yeasts
agent in wine (Ciani and Fatichenti 2001). During and the producer strain was further optimized for
experimental vinifications, KpKt was found to biocontrol in silage by generating a zymocin-pro-
display anti-H. uvarum activity comparable to ducing phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase-neg-
the routinely applied SO2, which is used to inhibit ative mutant, which can no longer grow on lactic
apiculate yeasts at the prefermentation stage. It acid and thus cannot contribute to spoilage (Kita-
was suggested that KpKt could substitute for moto et al. 1993, 1998). Co-inoculation of model
SO2, thereby eliminating undesired or harmful silage fermentations with the optimized K. lactis
residual traces of SO2 in the final product (Ciani strain and Lactobacillus plantarum indeed re-
and Fatichenti 2001; Comitini et al. 2004b). The duced aerobic spoilage and, thus, K. lactis was
killer toxins PiKt and KwKt from P. anomala and suggested to be useful in prolonging the aerobic
K. wickerhamii were shown to be active and stable stability of silage (Kitamoto et al. 1999). The other
in wine environment and are both capable of toxin selected for control of silage and also dairy
inhibiting spoilage yeasts belonging to the genus product spoilage is HM-1 from Williopsis saturnus
Dekkera/Brettanomyces, which can grow during var. mrakii, which exhibits a broad spectrum of
wine aging and represent a major problem due activity and exceptional stability as well as pH and
to unpleasant odour and taste development temperature stability (see above). The HM-1
(Comitini et al. 2004a). (HMK)-encoding HMK gene was heterologously
As several killer toxins, including those of P. expressed in Aspergillus niger and partially pur-
anomala, P. membranifaciens and D. hansenii are ified HM-1 was found to suppress aerobic spoilage
not only active against yeast cells but also may of model silage fermentations as well as growth of
inhibit filamentous fungi, they are proposed as Candia krusei and S. cerevisiae in yoghurt. Thus,
Yeast Killer Toxins: Fundamentals and Applications 123

HM-1 is generally suited for the control of unde- sensitivity patterns (KSPs) were shown to dis-
sired yeasts in both fermented feed and food pro- criminate not only different C. albicans strains
ducts. Heterologous expression of HM-1 in lactic but also different species of other pathogenic
acid bacteria might further extend the practicabil- yeasts (Morace et al. 1984; Polonelli et al. 1985).
ity of such approaches (Lowes et al. 2000). KSPs also proved useful for ecological studies on
In order to protect plants against pathogenic the population diversity of indigenous wine yeasts
fungi and bacteria, the killer toxins KP4 and KP6 (S. cerevisiae; Sangorrin et al. 2002; Lopes et al.
from Ustilago maydis and the synthetic killer pep- 2005). Since some yeast killer toxins are also ac-
tide KP (derived from P. anomala toxins; see tive against filamentous fungi or even bacteria
above) were heterologously expressed in tobacco (see above), killer toxin-based biotyping has suc-
(Kinal et al. 1995; Park et al. 1996b; Donini et al. cessfully been extended to micro-organsims other
2005). Authentic and active KP6 and KP4 could be than yeast, including Penicillium camembertii,
recovered from tobacco; however, the expression Staphylococcus aureus, Neisseria meningitidis
level of KP6 was diminished compared to the and Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Morace et al.
original toxin-producing U. maydis strain (Kinal 1987, 1989; Polonelli et al. 1987).
et al. 1995; Park et al. 1996b). KP4, in contrast, was However, as outlined by Buzzini et al. (2007),
efficiently expressed; the expression was so effi- the determination of KSP is currently not in routine
cient that a small piece of leaf secreted enough use for the differentiation of industrial or clinical
toxin to kill susceptible U. maydis (Park et al. yeasts or other micro-organisms, mainly due to
1996b). Therefore, heterologous expression of problems associated with the limited reproducibili-
KP4 was suggested to be potentially valuable for ty and automatization potential of phenotypic tests
the control of KP4 susceptible fungi in economi- involving living killer yeasts. Promising approaches
cally important crop plants (Park et al. 1996b). to achieve a higher reproducibility and discrimina-
By using a potato virus X-derived vector, the syn- tory power of KSP-based biotyping include the use
thetic killer peptide KP was heterologously of a broader spectrum of killer toxins with known
expressed in Nicotiana benthaminana as a fusion function and their use as a standardized protein
to the viral coat protein (Donini et al. 2005). Such preparation rather than as toxin-producing strains,
purified chimeric virus particles displayed broad- which would also enable automatization of the pro-
spectrum killer activity against human and cedure (Buzzini et al. 2007). Further, the combina-
plant pathogens, as for KP (see above), and their tion of KSP-based and molecular biotyping
expression in planta conferred resistance against methods, such as mtDNA-RFLP increases the dis-
plant-pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae, thereby ciminatory power of both and, thus, may represent a
identifying KP as a promising molecule not promising perspective for the future application of
only for the treatment of fungal infections in yeast killer toxins in biotyping (Lopes et al. 2005).
man (see above) but also to confer broad-
spectrum resistance to phytopathogens in plants
(Donini et al. 2005).
V. Concluding Remarks

The group of proteins subsumed as killer toxins

C. Killer Toxins in Biotyping display considerable heterogeneity concerning
structure and evolutionary origin. Many are chro-
In 1983, it was realized that killer toxin sensitivity mosomally encoded and provide a selective ad-
patterns (sensitivity or insensitivity to a panel of vantage over sensitive non-killer yeasts in the
selected killer strains) can be used to distinguish environment. In other cases toxin production is
different Candida albicans isolates (Polonelli et al. conferred by viruses or virus-like elements, in
1983). Subsequently, the principle was extended most of which the ability of toxin production is
by the inclusion of more killer strains, the use of genetically linked with specific immunity. In such
partially purified toxins and computer-aided data cases it can hardly be decided whether toxin pro-
analysis, resulting in an improvement in repro- duction evolved for the purpose of elimination
ducibility (Polonelli et al. 1985; Buzzini and Mar- of competitors or for autoselection of the virus
tini 2000; Buzzini et al. 2003, 2007). Killer toxin or virus-like element. The fact that, at least for
124 Friedhelm Meinhardt and Roland Klassen

S. cerevisiae, such toxins display a narrow range of Bolen PL, Kurtzman CP, Ligon JM, Mannarelli BM,
activity, being essentially specific for non-virus- Bothast RJ (1992) Physical and genetic characteriza-
tion of linear DNA plasmids from the heterothallic
carrying S. cerevisiae cells, may support an auto- yeast Saccharomycopsis crataegensis. Antonie Van
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is gratefully acknowledged. A (2003) Fingerprinting of yeasts at the strain level by
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7 Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects


CONTENTS where the function of many secondary metabolites

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 is regarded as a direct defence against pathogens
II. Genetics of Secondary Metabolites in and herbivores that reduce their survival and re-
Mycelial Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 production (Steppuhn et al. 2004), the benefits of
A. Different Types of Fungal Secondary producing low molecular weight compounds to
Metabolites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
1. Alkaloids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 fungi are often obscure. In contrast to this critical
2. Non-Ribosomal Peptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 gap in knowledge about fungal biology, an enor-
3. Polyketides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 mous research effort world-wide has been devoted
4. Terpenes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 to identifying biochemical pathways and the
B. Fungal Secondary Metabolite Clusters . . . . 133 underlying genetic mechanisms leading to the
1. Aflatoxin and Sterigmatocystin
Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 biosynthesis of fungal secondary metabolites,
2. Epipolythiodioxopiperazines . . . . . . . . . . 135 especially those with detrimental (e.g. toxins) or
C. Regulation of Secondary Metabolite beneficial (e.g. antibiotics) impact on humans and
Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 animals (Keller et al. 2005; Hoffmeister and Keller
1. Pathway-Specific Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . 135 2007). Although molecular biologists have just
2. Global Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
3. Regulation by Signal scratched the surface of secondary metabolism, fila-
Transduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 mentous fungi, such as the model genus Aspergillus,
4. Activation of Silent Secondary appear to have evolved sophisticated ways of pro-
Metabolite Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 ducing and regulating a plethora of secondary meta-
III. Three Types of Fungus–Insect Interactions bolites (Bok and Keller 2004; Yu and Keller 2005;
and the Role of Secondary Metabolites . . . . . . . 139
A. Host–Pathogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Herrmann et al. 2006; Perrin et al. 2007; Shwab et al.
B. Predator–Prey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 2007). The ability to regulate secondary metabolism
C. Interspecific Competition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 has often been suggested to reflect an evolutionary
IV. Melding Ecology and Molecular Biology . . . . . . 146 adaptation to ensure efficient exploitation of envi-
V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 ronmental resources and to synthesise the energeti-
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
cally costly compounds only when the ecological
conditions demand the employment of these ‘chem-
ical weapons’ against their natural enemies and
competitors (Vining 1990; Demain and Fang
I. Introduction 2000). Therefore, chemical diversity and its regula-
tion in fungi may be considered as a key life-history
Besides plants, fungi are among the most prodi- trait that is favoured by natural selection because it
gious producers of secondary metabolites, of ensures survival and reproduction in a variable en-
which some belong to the most toxic compounds vironment. In this review, we focus on the role
in the living world. In contrast to plants, however, of fungal secondary metabolites in interactions
with antagonistic insects. In particular, we address
Zoological Institute, Department of Animal Ecology, the question when, how and why should fungi
Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Olshausenstrasse 40, use secondary metabolites as adaptive responses
24098 Kiel, Germany to interactions within a fungus natural environ-
Botanical Institute, Department of Plant Genetics and ment, and we hope to stimulate cross-disciplinary
Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, communication among ecologists, mycologists and
Olshausenstrasse 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany; e-mail: fkemp- molecular biologists.

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
132 Marko Rohlfs et al.

A number of chapters in this volume also secondary metabolites and provided evidence, that
cover mycotoxins or deal with related subjects more than 50% of the metabolites showed antibac-
in more detail: Cyclic peptides and depsipeptides terial or antifungal activities. Some even showed
from fungi by Heidrun Anke, non-ribosomal antitumor activity (Pelaez 2005). The latter may be
peptide synthetases of fungi by Kathrin Eisfeld, due to the fact that antifungal molecules may also
physiological and molecular aspects of ochra- harm other eukaryotic cells, including tumour cells.
toxin A biosynthesis by Rolf Geisen and Markus Fungal secondary metabolites may be separated
Schmidt-Heydt, and polyketide biosynthesis in in four groups, i.e. alkaloids, non-ribosomal pep-
fungi by Julia Schümann and Christian Hert- tides, polyketides and terpenes. Examples of some
weck. well characterized metabolites are given in Table 7.1.

1. Alkaloids
II. Genetics of Secondary Metabolites
in Mycelial Fungi Indole alkaloids are most often synthesized from
dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and tryptophan.
Sometimes other amino acids may be involved.
A. Different Types of Fungal Secondary
The ergotamine pathway of Claviceps purpurea is
particularly well characterised. The first enzymatic
Many if not all fungi produce specific secondary step is prenylation of tryptophan by the dimethyl-
metabolites which are not required for primary allyl trypthophan synthetase, followed by methyl-
metabolism. These include toxins like aflatoxins ation of dimethylallyl tryptophan and several
or fumonisins and pharmaceutically useful drugs oxidation steps leading to lysergic acid. By the
such as penicillin, cephalosporin or cyclosporine action of two different non-ribosomal peptide
(Cole and Schweikert 2003). Without doubt, many synthetases finally ergotamine is synthesised
fungal secondary metabolites have not yet been (Tudzynski et al. 1999, 2001b).
detected and further efforts to discover new fungal
secondary metabolites may provide important
2. Non-Ribosomal Peptides
drugs in the future. Secondary metabolites are
species-specific and often accumulate in certain A database of non-ribosomal peptides of fungal
stages of development or during specific morpho- and bacterial origin was established and published
genic differentiation (Bennett and Bentley 1989). recently (Caboche et al. 2008). These molecules are
Usually fungi can survive without secondary synthesized by a class of multidomain and multi-
metabolites, at least in the laboratory. However, module fungal enzymes called non-ribosomal
secondary metabolites may be of vital importance peptide synthetases, which catalyse a variety of
to the fungus in its particular ecological niche. A non-ribosomal peptides using proteinogenic and
recently performed survey included some 1 500 non-proteinogenic amino acids. Each module in a

Table 7.1. Some important secondary metabolites

Main group Secondary metabolite Organism References

Alkaloids Ergotamine Claviceps purpurea (Haarmann et al. 2005)
Peptides Gliotoxin Aspergillus fumigatus (Keller et al. 2005;
Bok et al. 2006a;
Fox and Howlett 2008)
Cyclosporin Tolypocladium inflatum (Hoppert et al. 2001;
Keller et al. 2005)
Polyketides Aflatoxin B1 Aspergillus flavus (Katz and Donadio 1993;
Keller et al. 2005)
Lovastatin Aspergillus terreus (Keller et al. 2005;
Collemare et al. 2008)
Terpenes Gibberellin GA3 Gibberella fujikuroi (Keller et al. 2005;
Appleyard et al. 1995;
Kawaide 2006)
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 133

non-ribosomal peptide synthetase has several isoprene units, can be linear or cyclic, saturated
domains for recognition, activation and covalent or unsaturated, and may be modified in several
binding of a module-specific amino acid. The di- ways.
versity of non-ribosomal peptides is based on
varying length of peptides, linear or cyclic peptides
and variations in the function of enzyme domains B. Fungal Secondary Metabolite Clusters
(Keller et al. 2005a). The first non-ribosomal pep-
tide synthetase which has been characterised in In bacteria, genes encoding enzymes of a specific
detail catalyses the formation of b-lactam antibio- pathway are usually combined in operons. This
tics (Smith et al. 1990). The immuno-suppressive ensures a rather simple regulation which allows
drug cyclosporine, acyclic undecapeptide, is also for expression or repression of all pathway specific
synthesized by non-ribosomal peptide synthetase genes at the same time. Although thought to be res-
in the filamentous fungus Tolypocladium inflatum tricted to bacteria, similar structures have been
(Zocher et al. 1986; Weber et al. 1994). Non-ribo- observed in fungi. Secondary metabolite genes typi-
somal peptide synthetases are also discussed with cally are organised in gene clusters (Hull et al. 1989;
respect to fungal pathogenicity (Collemare et al. Keller and Hohn 1997). In this review we give an
2008). overview of two important secondary metabolite
clusters and their regulation. In addition a compi-
3. Polyketides lation of secondary metabolite gene classes in
selected Aspergillus species are shown in Table 7.2.
Polyketides resemble the most abundant fungal
secondary metabolites. Well known examples are
aflatoxins (Sweeney and Dobson 1999) and the 1. Aflatoxin and Sterigmatocystin Clusters
anti-cholesterol substance lovastatin (Kennedy The aflatoxin/sterigmatocystin gene clusters are
et al. 1999). Fungal polyketides are synthesized particularly well characterised. While in Aspergil-
by type I polyketide synthases (PKS) which are lus nidulans only sterigmatocystin is produced,
multidomain enzymes similar to eukaryotic fatty in A. flavus and A. parasiticus sterigmatocystin is
acid synthases. Three domains are essential in all the penulatimate precursor to aflatoxin synthesis.
fungal PKS, i.e. acyl carrier, acyltransferase, and The biosynthesis of sterigmatocytin and aflatoxin
ketoacyl CoA synthase, while other domains such is shown in Fig. 7.1 (Hamasaki et al. 1973; Barnes
as enoyl reductase, dehydratase, or ketoreductase et al. 1994; Hicks et al. 2002; Yu et al. 2004). The
may or may not be present. Like fatty acid aflatoxin gene cluster has a size of about 70 kb,
synthases, fungal PKS condense short-chain car- and 21 genes of this cluster have been function-
boxylic acids (acetylCoA, malonylCoA) to form ally characterized in more detail, while the func-
carbon chains of different length. However, while tions of six other genes have yet to be elucidated
fatty acid synthases fully reduce b-carbon, this is (Yu et al. 2004). Most of the functionally
optional with fungal PKS. The diversity of fungal assigned genes encode different biosynthetic
polyketides is due to varying iteration reactions, enzymes (Yu and Keller 2005). One gene, aflR,
varying number of reduction reactions, type of
extender units used, and a variety of post-polyke-
tide synthesis steps (Keller et al. 2005a). Table 7.2. Secondary metabolite gene classes in selected
Aspergillus species (modified from Keller et al. 2005b)

4. Terpenes Gene A. A. A.
fumigatus nidulans oryzae
Terpenes are typically associated with plants.
DMATS (dimethylallyl 7 2 2
Consequently a vast amount of terpenes are
tryptophan synthetase)
known from plants. However, there are also FAS (fatty acid synthase) 1 6 5
fungi which produce terpens. Several fungal ter- NRPS (non-ribosomal 14 14 18
pene cyclases have been identified and charac- peptide synthetase)
terised, i.e. from Gibberella fujikuroi (Tudzynski PKS (polyketide synthase) 14 27 30
SesCyc (sesquiterpene 0 1 1
et al. 2001a) or a Fusarium species (Rynkiewicz
et al. 2001). All terpenes are made of several
134 Marko Rohlfs et al.

Acetyl CoA
Malonyl CoA
stcJ O Norsolorinic Acid (NOR) O Averantin (AVN)
Polyketide Procursor stcF
stcG? O
O Averufin (AVF) O Averufannin (AVNN)
stcB or stcW
stcB or stcW O

O O O Versiconal hemiacetal Acetate (VHA)
Hydroxyversicolorone (HVN)

HO O OH OH stcN?
HO O OH O Versiconal (VAL) HO O OH

HO O O Branch A O O
O Versicolorin A (VERA) HO
O Versicolorin B (VERB)

Branch B
stcS, stcU
O O OH Dihydro-demethylsterigmatocystin (DHDMST)
Demethylsterigmatocystin (DMST)
O O OCH3 Dihydrosterigmatocystin (DHST)
sterigmatocystin (ST)

O O OCH3 O O Dihydr-o-methylsterigmatocystin (DHOMST)
O -methylsterigmatocystin (OMST) O O

Aflatoxin B1(AFB1) O O OCH3
Aflatoxin B2(AFB2)

Fig. 7.1. Aflatoxin/sterigmatocystin biosynthetic pathway. Figure modified from Hicks et al. (2002) with permission
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 135

encodes a binuclear zinc cluster transcription C. Regulation of Secondary Metabolite

factor (Chang et al. 1993; Woloshuk et al. 1994; Synthesis
Yu et al. 1996a; Keller and Hohn 1997; Shimizu
et al. 2003), which is specific for fungi (Keller 1. Pathway-Specific Regulation
and Hohn 1997; Fernandes et al. 1998; Yu and As mentioned above, aflR encodes a transcription
Keller 2005). The regulatory functions of these factor. Both, sterigmatocystin and aflatoxin clusters
genes are discussed below. The sterigmatocystin contain an aflR gene. This gene is essential for
cluster of A. nidulans is somewhat smaller (60 expression of all other cluster genes and is post-
kb), but still contains 25 genes (Hicks et al. transcriptionally regulated (Yu et al. 1996a). Fur-
2002). A comparison of the two gene clusters is thermore, the AflR protein is necessary for the
given in Fig. 7.2. Homologous genes in both positive co-regulation of AF/ST biosynthetic gene
clusters are shown in the same colours. In addi- expression (Feng and Leonard 1998; Meyers et al.
tion Table 7.3 gives a compilation of all genes in 1998; Hicks et al. 2002; Shimizu et al. 2003; Price
the two clusters, their accession numbers and et al. 2006). Deletion or mutation of aflR led to
encoded enzymes. strong down regulation of sterigmatocystin and
aflatoxin gene expression. A second gene aflJ also
is involved in gene regulation, although it does not
2. Epipolythiodioxopiperazine clusters encode a typical transcription factor. Deletion of
aflJ results in a failure to produce aflatoxin, and
Epipolythiodioxopiperazines are toxic second- certain pathway intermediates cannot be used by
ary metabolites, almost exclusively produced the fungus when applied exogenously. However
by ascomycetes. This class of secondary meta- some transcripts of the pathway genes still accumu-
bolites is characterised by the presence of a late and therefore aflJ does not appear to influence
sulfur-bridged dioxopiperazine ring synthesised aflatoxin regulation on a transcriptional level
from two amino acids (see Fig. 7.3). Toxicity (Meyers et al. 1998; Yu and Keller 2005; Du et al.
results from cross-linking proteins via cysteine 2007). Likewise the gliZ gene, a ZN(II)2Cys6 (see
residues and generating reactive oxygen Fig. 7.2) regulates gene expression of the gliotoxin
species through redox cycling (Fox and Howlett gene cluster, as an A. fumigatus mutation in this
2008). So far 14 different epipolythiodioxopip- gene led to the unability to produce gliotoxin (Bok
erazines are known, with gliotoxin produced by et al. 2006a). This mutant is also characterised by a
Aspergillus fumigatus, A. flavus, or A. niger reduced virulence.
being the best characterized example (Fox and
Howlett 2008). Another important epipolythio-
2. Global Regulation
dioxopiperazines is sirodesmin PL from Lepto-
sphaeria maculans, which is involved in plant Secondary metabolite biosynthesis is influenced
pathology and causes necrosis on plants by a number of environmental factors such as
(Rouxel et al. 1988). The biosynthesis routes of nitrogen or carbon sources, temperature or light.
sirodesmin PL and gliotoxin were deduced dec- There is evidence that such environmental signals
ades ago by the use of labelling experiments and are mediated through general global transcription
analysis of intermediates (see literature cited by factors, e.g. for carbon CreA and for nitrogen
Fox and Howlett 2008). The pathway for glio- AreA (Ehrlich et al. 2003; Mihlan et al. 2003).
toxin biosynthesis is shown in Fig. 7.4. More Several secondary metabolite gene clusters are
recently the gene clusters for both metabolites positively or negatively regulated by these tran-
were characterized (Fig. 7.2). The sirodesmin scription factors.
cluster was characterised first (Gardiner et al. In Aspergillus species a novel nuclear pro-
2004). Then, based on sequence comparison of tein, LaeA, was discovered as a global regulator
the L. maculans sirodesmin genes the gliotoxin of secondary metabolism. Deletion mutants have
gene cluster was predicted for A. fumigatus lost expression of metabolic gene clusters, in-
(Gardiner and Howlett 2005). This prediction cluding the sterigmatocystin, lovastatin and
was confirmed by knock-out experiments penicillin clusters. Over-expression of laeA
(Cramer et al. 2006; Kupfahl et al. 2006). increases transcription and subsequent product

norB cypA aflT pskA hypBl nor -l hexA hexB aflR aflJ adhA estA norA ver-1 verA avnA verB hypB2 omtB avfA omtA ordA vbs cypX maxY ordB hypA nadA

pskA cypX nor- l aflR aflJ avnA adhA estA hexA hexB verB hypB2 vbs avfA omtB ordB hypA verA ver- l norA moxY

sirT sirD sirO sirN sirA sirZ sirS sirE sirM sirC sirG sirP sirB sirR sirJ sirl sirQ sirH
Marko Rohlfs et al.

gliZ gliI gliJ gliP gliC gliM gliG gliK gliA gliN gliF gliT

Fig. 7.2. Secondary metabolite gene clusters: A1 aflatoxin gene cluster from transcriptional regulator (Z) and a transporter (A). Other genes do not have
A. flavus; A2 sterigmatocystin gene cluster from A. nidulans; homologous homologues in the other cluster and encodes changes in the side chains of the
genes in A1 and A2 are given in the same colour. Gene names and encoded ETP molecule structure, including cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenases (F, B, E),
peptides are given in Table 7.3. Figure modified from Ehrlich et al. (2008) with a prenyl transferase (D), an acetyl transferase (H), epimerases (Q, S, R), an
permission. B3 Leptosphaeria maculans sirodesmin PL; B4 Aspergillus fumigatus oxidoreductase (O) and a hypothetical protein (K; Gardiner and Howlett 2005).
gliotoxin biosynthetic gene clusters. Common ETP genes include non-ribosomal Genes shaded in grey encode proteins with best matches to proteins with no
peptide synthetase (P), thioredoxin reductase (T), methyl transferases (M, N), potential roles in ETP biosynthesis. The forward slash marks represent a 17-kb
glutathione S-transferase (G) and cytochrome P450 mono-oxygenase (C), amino region of repetitive DNA. Homologous genes in B3 and B4 are given in the same
cyclopropane carboxylate synthase (ACCS; I), dipeptidase (J), as well as a colour. Figure modified from Fox and Howlett (2008) with permission
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 137

Table 7.3. Comparison of aflatoxin and sterigmatocystin pathway gene

Gene Original name and other names used ST gene Enzyme or product
(accession no.)a homologueb
aflA fas-2 (hexA; AF391094) stcJ FAS alpha subunit
aflB fas-1 (hexB; AF391094), uvm8, fas1, fas-1A stcK FAS beta subunit
aflC pksA (Z47198), pksL1 (L42765, L42766) stcA PKS
aflD nor-1 (L27801) stcE Reductase
aflEc norA, aad (U24698), adh-2 in A. flavus (U32377) stcV NOR reductase/dehydrogenase
aflFc norB Dehydrogenase
aflG avnA (U62774), ord-1 (L40839) stcF P450 monooxygenase
aflH adhA (U76621) stcG Alcohol dehydrogenase
aflI avfA (AF154050), ord-2 (L40840), (AF159789 in stcO Oxidase
A. flavus)
aflJ estA (AF417002) stcI Esterase
aflK vbs (AF169016, U51327) stcN VERB synthase
aflL verB (AF106958), (AF106959 and AF106960 in stcL Desaturase
A. flavus)
aflM ver-1 (M91369) stcU Dehydrogenase/ketoreductase
aflNc verA stcS (verA) Monooxygenase
aflO dmtA (mt-I) (AB022905, AB022906), omtB stcP O-methyltransferase I or
(AF154050), (AF159789 in A. flavus) O-methyltransferase B
aflP omtA (L25834), omt-1 cDNA (L22091), (L25836 O-methyltransferase A or
in A. flavus) O-methyltransferase II
aflQ ordA (AF017151, AF169016), A. flavus ord-1 Oxidoreductase/P450 monooxygenase
(U81806, U81807)
aflR aflR (L26222), apa-2 (L22177), afl-2, (AF427616, aflR Transcription activator
aflS aflJ (AF002660), (AF077975 in A. flavus) Unnamed Transcription enhancer
aflT aflT (AF268071) Transmembrane protein
aflU cypA P450 monooxygenase
aflV cypX (AF169016) stcB P450 monooxygenase
aflW moxY (AF169016) stcW Monooxygenase
aflX ordB stcQ Monooxygenase/oxidase
aflY hypA Hypothetical protein
aflR2d aflR2 (AF452809) Second copy Transcription activator
aflS2 aflJ2 (AF452809, AF295204) Second copy Transcription enhancer
aflH2 adhA2 (AF452809) Second copy Alcohol dehydrogenase
aflJ2 estA2 (AF452809) Second copy Esterase
aflE2 norA2 (AF452809) Second copy Dehydrogenase (early terminated)
aflM2 ver-1B (AF452809) Second copy Dehydrogenase (missing N-terminal)
aflO2 omtB2 (AF452809) Second copy Methyltransferase B (missing N-terminal)
The accession number of the complete 82 081-bp aflatoxin gene cluster, including a sugar utilization gene cluster, in A. parasiticus
is AY391490 and updates the sequences of the underlined accession numbers. The genes and their accession numbers are from
A. parasiticus unless otherwise noted.
The accession number of the ST gene cluster in A. nidulans is U34740, and the corresponding contig number is 1.132 (from 183 018 to
242 843) in the Whitehead database.
The placements of aflE (norA), aflF (norB), and aflN (verA) in the pathway were based on their homologies to aflatoxin or ST genes and
their functions have not been experimentally confirmed.
The aflR2, aflS2, aflH2, aflJ2, aflE2, aflM2, and aflO2 genes are partially duplicated cluster genes (second copy) in A. parasiticus, and
their functions and chromosomal locations in the genome have not yet been clarified.
Arrows signify conversion.

formation (Bok and Keller 2004). The laeA gene of metabolic gene clusters (Bok and Keller 2004).
is negatively regulated by AflR and also regulated LaeA is also known to regulate virulence in A.
by two signal transduction factors, protein kinase fumigatus, as deletion mutants show reduced
A and RasA. Interestingly, spore formation in virulence (Bok et al. 2005) and reduced gliotoxin
delta laeA is rather similar to the wild type, levels (Sugui et al. 2007). Genes in 13 of 22
indicating a primary role of LaeA in regulation secondary metabolite clusters appear to be
138 Marko Rohlfs et al.

Fig. 7.3. Structure of epipoly- a b

thiodioxopiperazines. A Generic O
structure of an epidithiodioxop- R3
R1 N
iperazine (ETP). R = any atom or N S-S
group. B Gliotoxin S-S N

O NH2 proteins, VeA and VelB, in which VeA bridges

OH VelB to LaeA. Deletion in either VeA or VelB
results in defects in both, sexual development
Phenylalanine Serine
and secondary metabolites. VeA is light-regu-
peptide synthetase (GliP)
lated. The VeA-VelB-LaeA complex is formed in
the dark only and significantly increases second-
ary metabolism (Bayram et al. 2008). In addition
to LaeA an histone deacetylase (HDAC) appears
NH to be involved in epigenetic regulation of second-
seryl) ary metabolite expression (Shwab et al. 2007).
While positive regulation of Aspergillus second-
ary metabolite clusters by LaeA has been shown
sulfurisation to be less spatially limited, suppression of sec-
dithiol oxidation thioredoxin reductase ondary metabolite biosynthesis by expression of
(GLliT) hdaA is confined to telomere-proximal clusters
that encode sterigmatocystin and penicillin
NH (Shwab et al. 2007). Such different regulatory
HN OH mechanisms able to independently activate or
O disable secondary chemical production may
provide fungi with an efficient means of adap-
oxidation tively responding to multiple natural enemies
methylation methyltransverases (GliM or GliN) and competitors.

N OH 3. Regulation by Signal Transduction
OH O Secondary metabolite synthesis and regulation of
Gliotoxin secondary metabolite gene clusters are also con-
trolled by upstream signalling mechanisms
Fig. 7.4. Biosynthesis of gliotoxin. Figure modified from (Yu and Keller 2005). As shown in Fig. 7.5, a
Fox and Howlett (2008) with permission
complex pathway controls vegetative growth, con-
idiation, and production of secondary metabolites
in A. nidulans, in which heterotrimeric G protein
regulated by LaeA (Perrin et al. 2007). Most and its regulation are of crucial importance. Ex-
interestingly, LaeA regulation of the sterigmato- ternal signals at a seven transmembrane receptor
cystin cluster appears to be location-specific. lead to the dissociation of Ga from the heterotri-
Genes next to the cluster are not affected by meric G protein. As in other fungi, three Ga genes
LaeA, but genes artificially introduced into the are present in Aspergillus species. One Ga,
cluster are subject to LaeA regulation. LaeA encoded by FadA, activates the penicillin biosyn-
appears to be a methyltransferase which may thesis and via cAMP and protein kinase A induces
directly interact with chromatin structure (Bok hyphal growth. Gbg subunits inhibit asexual
et al. 2006a). Recently it was shown that development. The G protein regulator FlbB plays
LaeA forms a heterotrimeric complex with two a key role by converting Ga-GTP to Ga-GDP.
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 139

developmental genes
FluG SFGs ? brlA
flbE, flbD, flbB, flbC
? ?

Pi Gγ
? Gβ PkaA
GTP PkaA growth

SfaD FadA

LaeA AflR ST production


Fig. 7.5. Antagonistic regulation by signal transduction of conidiation (Lee and Adams 1996). LaeA Global secondary
vegetative growth, conidiation and production of second- metabolite regulator, PkaA protein kinase A, RGS regula-
ary metabolites. AflR Sterigmatocystin transcription fac- tor of G protein signaling. Figure modified from Yu and
tor. brl A, fluG, flbE, flbD, flB, flbC Genes required for Keller (2005) with permission

Activation of asexual development requires par- be useful for discovery of new drugs (Brakhage
tial inhibition of the G protein-mediated signal- et al. 2008), it will also be useful to identify the
ling. This requires activity of fluG and flbA (Yu natural signals which led to activation of silent
et al. 1996b; Hicks et al. 1997; Rosen et al. 1999; clusters. This may be caused by interaction
Tag et al. 2000). Protein kinase A induces hyphal with specific chemicals, or by contact with other
growth and inhibits both asexual development micro-organisms or natural enemies, such as
and sterigmatocystin biosynthesis (Shimizu et al. insects (see below).
2003). The latter is due to inhibition of LaeA and
AflR. For a detailed review see Yu and Keller
(2005). Signal transduction will also be necessary
to coordinate and regulate other secondary me- III. Three Types of Fungus–Insect
tabolite genes in response to stresses and confron- Interactions and the Role
tation with other micro-organisms or antagonistic of Secondary Metabolites
insects. Yet literally nothing is known about this
type of regulation. There are three basic effects of species interaction:
(1) one species may cause an increase in the sur-
vival, growth and fecundity of another species, (2)
4. Activation of Silent Secondary Metabolite
it may cause a decrease, or (3) it may have no
effect at all. The most obvious example of the
Genomic analysis has led to the identification of a second type of interaction (in symbolic form: ‘+
large number of secondary metabolite genes and ’) is a predator–prey relationship, that is one
gene clusters (some included in Table 7.2). How- species is at least partly eaten by the other. Besides
ever, many of these clusters remain silent under host-parasite interactions and herbivory, fungiv-
laboratory conditions. This may be due to a lack ory also falls in this category. In addition to com-
of appropriate signals which will lead to cluster mensalism (+ 0), amensalism ( 0), and
expression under certain natural conditions. mutualism (+ +), which are probably only minor
Recently, a silent gene cluster was activated categories, interspecific competition (– –) is
by artificially expression of its regulatory gene the most prevalent form of species interaction.
(Bergmann et al. 2007). While this approach will The ‘– –’ symbolism stresses its essential aspect,
140 Marko Rohlfs et al.

namely that two species cause a demonstrable unlikely to have taken place in vertebrates and it
reduction in each other’s fitness parameters (i.e. is still unknown what kind of selective forces have
survival, growth, and/or reproduction). Neverthe- turned opportunistic Aspergillus species into
less, it should be noted that whenever two species dreaded human pathogens. In contrast, many
compete there are some conditions under which mould-like fungi have been selected for success-
one species is significantly more affected than the fully exploiting insects as hosts (Vega and
other. For instance, the dominance relationship Blackwell 2005). After germination of spores on the
between two competitors is altered when there is insect’s cuticle, fungal hyphae start penetrating
a temporal variation between the settlement of the the cuticle, followed by invasion of epidermis
two species in a habitat. In general, species that and hypodermis. Insect death is the consequence
become established earlier have a greater chance of tissue invasion by hyphae or hyphal bodies
of being competitively superior over later arrivals. proliferating in the insect’s hemolymph (Clarkson
These historical effects are called priority effects and Charnley 1996). However, fungi, after having
and could result from size- or stage-dependent successfully conquered the exoskeleton as a first
competition. These detrimental effects of inter- line of insect defence, are additionally faced with
specific competition can be expected to act the challenge to overcome insect cellular and
through some combination of reproductive suc- humoral immune responses before being able to
cess and survival. It can be expected that there is a grow in their hosts (Gillespie et al. 2000; Gottar
competition for a resource that is limited (e.g. et al. 2006). Finally, the dead insect body allows
food supply), that the effects will be density-de- saprotrophic growth and fungi burst the insect’s
pendent, and that this type of interaction is recip- exoskeleton, which eventually leads to the forma-
rocal (Begon et al. 1996). tion of reproductive organs and spores which
In this review, we concentrate on antagonistic are dispersed by wind or phoresy. As recently
interactions between fungi and insects and high- summarised by Furlong and Pell (2005), entomo-
light two types of the ‘+ -’ interrelationship, name- pathogenic fungi seriously impact trophic inter-
ly: (1) where fungi are pathogens of insects and (2) actions within insect communities and hence
where fungi are a nutritional source for arthro- biological control programmes.
pods. Special attention is paid to the competitive Interestingly, there is a huge variation among
interplay (– –) between saprophytic fungi and and within different fungus species in the ability
saprophagous insects since competition between to infect hosts, which may be attributed to spe-
distantly related organisms has repeatedly been cies- or strain-specific differences in the ability to
suggested to be widespread but has only rarely express virulence factors (Clarkson and Charnley
been addressed in ecological research and is vir- 1996), but additionally depends on the host’s im-
tually absent from functional fungal and insect mune system and hence the ability to defend one-
molecular biology. self against the fungal invader (Tinsley et al. 2006).
Given inherited variation in virulence, insect hosts
may represent a selective environment that
A. Host–Pathogen favours different degrees of expression of viru-
lence factors, such as immunosuppressive agents
Pathogens are considered as biological agents that like some mycotoxins (see below), which might
cause suffering of animal hosts upon infection. also be of relevance when fungi enter vertebrate
This definition is medical rather than biological, ‘hosts’ (Reeves et al. 2004). It should be noted,
i.e. an evolutionary definition, because it states however, that well adapted entomopathogenic
nothing about the reproductive success of the fungi (e.g. Beauveria bassiana) are not among
pathogenic organism invading an animal’s body. the most prominent vertebrate pathogens, though
For example, filamentous fungi, such as Aspergillus invasive infection of humans is possible (Henke
fumigatus, may be serious vertebrate patho- et al. 2002). This may indicate that pathogen
gens, though this type of host is assumed to be a evolution in arthropods does not correlate with
‘dead end’ since fungi are unable to reproduce and pathogenicity in vertebrates, i.e. virulence appears
disperse to new hosts (Tekaia and Latgé 2005). to be based on specific components required
Therefore, the evolution of virulence factors for infection of either insect or vertebrate
responsible for causing, e.g. aspergillosis, are hosts, rather than on non-specific components.
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 141

Identification of the evolutionary origin of viru- cuticle (St Leger et al. 1997; Bagga et al. 2004;
lence factors may become even more difficult Wang et al. 2005; Gottar et al. 2006; Fan et al.
when we consider the fact that opportunistic 2007). Yet the production of toxic metabolites
pathogens, such as Aspergillus flavus or A. fumi- may become important when the fungus has
gatus, but also facultative entomopathogenic successfully entered the insect’s body cavity
fungi, can perform vital growth and reproduction (Wang et al. 2005), e.g. to impair the host’s im-
as saprophytes. While fungi have to overcome mune response. Thus, for opportunistic as well as
passive and active defence mechanisms in insect for facultative entomopathogenic fungi, the causal
hosts, decaying organic matter may be occupied relationship between toxic secondary metabolite
by a large number and high density of competing expression and virulent phenotypes still remains
micro-organisms (yeast, bacteria, other filamen- elusive. However, studies using an experimental
tous fungi) and fungi are likely to encounter an- evolutionary approach, similar to the work by
tagonistic insects that can seriously hamper Scully and Bidochka (2005), will provide valuable
fungal growth (see Sect. III.C); thus, in compari- sources of phenotypically diverged fungal popula-
son to living hosts, decaying organic matter poses tions, which can be thoroughly screened for cor-
a different ecological challenge to the fungi. Inter- related responses in fitness traits under different
estingly, the first data point in possible trade-offs environmental conditions; and coupled with
between a saprophytic and a pathogenic life style genetic manipulation and biochemical analyses
is A. flavus (Scully and Bidochka 2005), i.e. there one can expect to progress in shedding light on
may be constraints on being equally successful in the function of toxic secondary metabolites as
both environments. The latter comprises the ideas virulence factors.
of the life history paradigm, namely that organism
cannot simultaneously maximise all components
of fitness (Stearns 1992). As suggested by the B. Predator–Prey
results of the study by Scully and Bidochka
(2005), improvement of the pathogenic lifestyle Fungi, as an important part of decomposer com-
was paid for with a decrease in the ability to munities, contain high amounts of nitrogen and
exploit dead organic material. Nonetheless, com- phosphorus, one reason why all fungal structures,
prehensive studies addressing the extent to which e.g. hyphae and spores, are susceptible to preda-
selection pressures in these different environ- tion by animals, especially the soil fauna (Ruess
ments are affecting virulent and saprobic capaci- and Lussenhop 2005). Common soil arthropods,
ties in fungi remain to be carried out. such as mites, collembola, diplura, protura, and
Toxic secondary metabolites have often been nematode worms, possess specialised mouthparts,
suggested to constitute important virulence fac- making them excellent fungal feeders (Ruess and
tors enabling successful colonisation of insect Lussenhop 2005) and some studies demonstrate
hosts by fungi (Clarkson and Charnley 1996), changes in mycelial growth and respiration of
such as destruxins or beauvericin from the potent various soil fungi in response to collembolan
entomopathogens Metarhizium anisophilae and grazing (Hedlund et al. 1991; Bengtsson et al.
Beauveria bassiana, respectively. Recently, pro- 1993; Kampichler et al. 2004; Harold et al. 2005),
duction of gliotoxin, immunosuppressive agent thus providing evidence of fitness loss in fungi
in vertebrates (Bok et al. 2005), has been corre- due to fungivory (Guevara et al. 2000; Tordoff
lated with virulence of Aspergillus fumigatus in et al. 2006). In contrast, fungivorous arthropods
the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella (Reeves have been selected for abilities that allow them
et al. 2004); and the injection of aflatoxin B1 into to discriminate between low- and high-quality
larvae of the Egyptian cotton leaf worm (Spodop- fungal diets, which positively correlates with
tera littoralis) had a huge impact on insect devel- important fitness parameters (e.g. Scheu and Sim-
opment (Abdou et al. 1984). However, given that merling 2004; Jørgensen et al. 2005) and fungi-
the arthropod exoskeleton provides an efficient vores may base their food choice decisions on
physical barrier against pathogens, several studies volatiles emitted by the fungi (Bengtsson et al.
imply that selection for virulence of entomopatho- 1991; Hedlund et al. 1995). Such behavioural
genic fungi is related to the proteinase and chit- plasticity in fungivores has repeatedly been linked
inase secretion required to degrade the insect to the toxicity of the fungal diet (Shaw 1988; Ruess
142 Marko Rohlfs et al.

et al. 2000) and frequently observed dietary mix- phal pigments, and the mycotoxin sterigmatocys-
ing strategies in soil arthropods may be adaptive tin (Bok and Keller 2004). In an ecological
in terms of diluting the amount of fungal toxic experiment, fungivorous soil-dwelling springtails
compounds (Freeland and Janzen 1974; Singer (Folsomia candida) displayed a distinct prefer-
et al. 2002). From the fungal perspective, optimal ence for this chemical-deficient mutant of A. nidu-
foraging strategies in fungivores (i.e. avoidance of lans and the transgenic fungus, compared with a
toxic fungi) may provide relief from fungivory wild-type strain capable of producing the entire
and hence a fitness benefit to the fungi. For this arsenal of secondary chemicals, suffered from a
reason, chemical defence based on toxic second- significant biomass loss (Rohlfs et al. 2007;
ary metabolite production is a widespread and Fig. 7.6). Moreover, as can be seen from Fig. 7.6,
often-cited hypothesis to explain the existence of groups of springtails displayed a significantly
insecticidal compounds in fungi. Although, as for stronger aggregation (group formation on one of
the proposed role of secondary metabolites in two fungal colonies offered) on the wild type than
pathogenic fungi, a causal relationship between on the chemical-deficient A. nidulans strain. In
toxin production and reduced fitness in the fun- analogy to plant–herbivore systems (Fordyce
gus’ predator coupled with a benefit to the fungus 2003), this behaviour may reflect an adaptive
remains to be demonstrated. A recent investiga- strategy for the arthropods to manipulate fungal
tion used a transgenic strain of A. nidulans that suitability as a food source. Because the tendency
lacked the expression of laeA and hence the ability to form a large group of foraging individuals on
to synthesise several known and unknown sec- one fungal diet was less strong when springtails
ondary metabolites (Bok and Keller 2004). As de- were offered two colonies of the DlaeA mutant,
scribed above, the DlaeA mutant has been chemical diversity as regulated by laeA appears to
demonstrated to be unable to produce various play an important role. The behaviour of the
secondary metabolites including penicillin, hy- springtails in this set-up clearly demonstrate that

wild type A. nidulans
ΔlaeA A. nidulans
Δ Proportion springtails +/- SE





1 2 3 4 5
Time [days]

Fig. 7.6. Effect of chemical deficient mutant DlaeA As- colonies). There was a significant effect of the fungal
pergillus nidulans on the feeding behaviour of the diet on the degree of group formation, but no influence
springtail Folsomia candida. The left panel shows the of time (repeated measurement ANOVA; fungal strain: F
tendency of 20 springtails to form groups on one of two = 44.97, d.f. = 1, P < 0.0001, time: F = 2.13, d.f. = 4, P =
colonies of the wild type or the DlaeA strain of A. 0.0791, fungal strain  time: F = 0.86, d.f. = 4, P =
nidulans over several days. The measurement ‘D propor- 0.4877). The right panel illustrates the effect of springtail
tion springtails’ indicates the degree of group-formation feeding on fungal development (A DlaeA, B wild-type A.
(values approaching ‘0’ indicate regular distribution be- nidulans) and the influence of the fungal strain on the
tween the colonies whereas ‘1’ indicates that all animals distribution of the arthropods between the two colonies
gathered on one colony; ‘D proportion springtails’ was (A springtails feed on both colonies; B springtails feed
calculated by dividing the difference between the num- only on the left colony; arrows point at some individual
ber of animals on colony one and the number on colony springtails). See Rohlfs et al. (2007) for methodological
two by the total number of animals on both fungal details
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 143

they base their food choice decisions on cues from higher trophic levels, i.e. animals (Janzen
related to the ability to synthesise secondary 1977; Cipollini and Stiles 1993; Crist and Friese
metabolites and, as suggested by Rohlfs et al. 1993; Burkepile et al. 2006). Indeed, competition
(2007), the secondary metabolites themselves. has been documented to occur between various
These observations provide genetic support for mould species and saprophagous insect larvae,
the hypothesis that fungi may contain secondary such as drosophilid flies (Atkinson 1981; Hodge
metabolites as an anti-predator adaptation and 1996; Hodge et al. 1996; Hodge and Arthur 1997;
illustrate how the lack of fungal chemicals is Rohlfs 2005a, b, 2008; Rohlfs and Hoffmeister
driving the food choice behaviour of fungivorous 2005; Rohlfs et al. 2005). In line with the general
arthropods; yet, since laeA globally regulates sec- assumption about interspecific competition
ondary metabolism in Aspergillus, the key fungal (see above), the outcome of Drosophila–fungus
compounds involved in deterring fungivores and competition strongly depends on priority effects
improving chemical protection in this ecological (i.e. the age of fungal colonies at the time insect
interaction are still unknown. larvae enter a resource patch) and insect density
(Rohlfs 2005b; Rohlfs et al. 2005; Fig. 7.7). More-
over, the negative effect on insect development
C. Interspecific Competition varies among fungal species (Fig. 7.8), even with
some fungi causing no mortality in the insects, but
Although micro-organisms, including filamentous themselves suffering from the presence of the in-
fungi, are considered to function as important sect larvae (e.g. Penicillium sp.; Rohlfs et al. 2005).
decomposers and recyclers in almost all ecosys- Impairment of rapid expansion of a fungal
tems, they can behave like classic consumers of colony (or entire suppression of fungal growth)
critical energy and nutrient resources. They may on a resource patch appears to be due to physical
be engaged in competition with other microbes (and/or chemical?) destruction of tissue in
but may also compete against representatives the mould’s active growth zone by the insect

Fig. 7.7. Aggregation of Dro-

sophila melanogaster larvae on
fungal colonies and its effect on
fungal development. A Several
Drosophila larvae ‘attacking’ a
two-day-old colony of Aspergil-
lus fumigatus. B Effect of ten
Drosophila larvae (lower Petri
dish) on the growth of Aspergil-
lus nidulans compared with an
undisturbed colony (upper Petri
dish). Colonies were four days
old, growing on Drosophila
corn meal/yeast hydolysate me-
dium at 25 C. C Impact of one
(left), five (middle) and ten
(right) Drosophila larvae on the
growth of Aspergillus niger ten
days after inoculation on Dro-
sophila medium

Rohlfs Frontiers in Zoology 2005

2:2 doi:10.1186/1742-9994-2-2
144 Marko Rohlfs et al.


Drosophila larval survival

A. nidulans
0.8 A. flavus
A. fumigatus




–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Fungal priority [days]

Fig. 7.8. Fungus-specific effects on Drosophila survival confrontation takes place in 2 ml microtubes filled with
and experimental setup. Left panel Impact of three Asper- 1 ml standard Drosophila corn meal/yeast hydolysate me-
gillus species on the survival of Drosophila larvae to the dium and sealed with cotton plug (dental roll). Storing
adult stage as a function of fungal priority (e.g. ‘0’ denotes these miniaturised experimental units in racks allows
simultaneous transfer of larvae and fungal conidia, ‘1’ and preparation of high numbers of simultaneous replicates.
‘ 1’ fungal or insect ‘head start’ of one day, respectively. Following a standard protocol, experimental units are
Dashed line indicates insect survival under mould-free inoculated with 1000 conidiospores in 1 ml Ringer solu-
condition. For each treatment N = 20. For clarity, error tion. Subsequently, the experimental setup is incubated at
bars are omitted. Right panel Aspergillus–Drosophila 25 C and a 16-h light cycle

larvae (Fig. 7.7). Despite the eventually negative Sect. III.A), Drosophila larval mortality might be
effect of, e.g. Aspergillus fungi, on an insect feed- attributable to a pathogenic effect; however, there
ing substrate, Drosophila larvae display conspicu- is as yet no evidence that these fungi do infect the
ous aggregation behaviour on fungal colonies insect larvae. Continuous exposure to fungal spores
(Rohlfs 2005a; Fig. 7.7). This behavioural response during larval development did not induce higher
has been correlated with retarded mould growth, a mortality rates than development on a sterile sub-
relationship that becomes especially pronounced strate (Fig. 7.9). The interpretation of these results
when the effect of increasing insect density is is based on the current knowledge on how insect
taken into account (Fig. 7.7). Importantly, fungal get infected by pathogenic fungi (Clarkson and
growth as determined by Drosophila larval density Charnley 1996; see also Sect. III.A). We suppose
has been shown to be negatively correlated to that infection of the Drosophila larval stage is, if at
insect survival (Hodge 1996; Rohlfs et al. 2005). all, only possible via attachment of spores to the gut
Although at the moment we cannot exclude any epithelium, since the physical conditions due to the
nutritional benefit from feeding on young fungal foraging and digging behaviour of the larvae in the
tissue to the insects, one interpretation of this feeding substrates appears to be unlikely to lead to
behaviour and its consequences for both the in- a durable spore–host contact that is long enough to
sect and the fungus is that it is part of an animal allow the fungal infection process to occur via the
defensive response to the harmful mould (Rohlfs larval exoskeleton. As indicated by the data shown
2005a). The clearly active interaction between the in Fig. 7.9, however, also infection via the larval gut
fungi and the animal antagonists indicates a does not seem to occur (for non-pathogenic effects
strong interference rather than exploitation com- of injection of A. fumigatus spores into adult flies,
petition. The latter signifies competition without see Chamilos et al. 2008). It seems to be a general
direct antagonistic contact between competitors. phenomenon that Drosophila is rather insuscepti-
However, organisms compete by capturing res- ble to fungal infections during the larval stage, even
ources faster than their competitors. if fungi are classified as entomopathogens, such as
Interestingly some fungi, such as A. flavus, are B. bassiana (Kraaijeveld et al. 2008).
still able to successfully invade resources and kill a Such non-pathogenic but competitive interac-
significant proportion of larvae in which the im- tions between fungi and insects may have far-
mature insects have already started feeding reaching consequences for trophic interactions
(Fig. 7.8). Since A. flavus and A. fumigatus have within the animal communities. For instance, in-
been described as opportunistic pathogens (see festation of larval insect feeding substrates with
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 145


Survival to adult stage +/-SE

Survival to pupal stage +SE
0.8 0.8 O


0.6 0.6


0 2 4 6 8
0.0 µg per 1ml fly medium





Fig. 7.10. Effect of sterigmatocystin at varying concentra-






tions on the survival of Drosophila melanogaster larvae to



the adult stage

Fig. 7.9. Survival to the pupal stage of Drosophila mela-
nogaster larvae as a function of continuous exposure to
spore of various Aspergillus species. For a period of one strategies. In the view of the severe direct effects
week, larvae were transferred each day to fresh medium on insect development, the insects are likely to be
containing new conidiospores ( one million). These data selected to resist the fungal competitor. Yet by
illustrate that Drosophila larvae are quite resistant to As- using the isofemale line technique Rohlfs (2006)
pergillus via the common way of infection, as described in
Sect. III.A, supporting the proposed competitive interac- demonstrated genetic variation in the ability of
tion between mould and saprophagous insects Drosophila to successfully develop in the presence
of A. niger. Heritable variation in the survival of
insect larvae ranged from less than 20% to almost
A. niger had a strong negative effect on Drosophila 100%, which reveals the potential of fungi to select
larvae carrying the eggs/larvae of a parasitic wasp for improved insect development when con-
(Rohlfs 2008). When parasitised Drosophila larvae fronted with the fungal competitor. From an adap-
were forced to develop on fungus-infested sub- tationist’s perspective, the fact that insect
strates, they suffered (depending on larval densi- populations display variation in the ability to re-
ty; see above) from higher mortality than healthy sist fungal competitors suggests that the animals
larvae. This could negatively influence the popu- have to ‘pay’ some cost for the increased resis-
lation growth of parasitic wasps. Moreover, forag- tance. Indeed replicated fly populations selected
ing wasps abandoned searching for host larvae for resistance to A. nidulans during the larval
significantly earlier on mould-infested patches stage show a reduced ability to withstand abiotic
than they did on mould-free substrate (Rohlfs stress and to fend off parasites (Rohlfs, Trienens,
2008), implying that the fungus allows the Dro- Wölfle, unpublished data).
sophila larvae to feed in a refuge which protects Given the diverse fatal but non-pathogenic
the larvae from parasite attacks. Interestingly, be- effects of mould on saprophagous insects, fungal
cause A. niger had significantly enhanced coni- secondary metabolites are prime candidates for
diospore production when the fungus was explaining the ecological and evolutionary impact
confronted not with unparasitised but with para- of fungi on Drosophila and vice versa. First evi-
sitised Drosophila larvae (Rohlfs 2008), antagonis- dence of a critical role of toxic secondary metabo-
tic processes within the insect communities have lites comes from various pharmacological tests.
the potential to control reproduction of the fungal Prominent mycotoxins, such as aflatoxin, patulin,
competitor and hence microbial community kojic acid (Reiss 1975; Dobias et al. 1977; Chinnici
structure. et al. 1979; Rohlfs 2008), and sterigmatocystin
Besides these immediate ecological effects of (Fig. 7.10) are toxic to Drosophila during larval
saprophytic mould on saprophagous insect com- development. Second, insect mortality drastically
munities, fungi can be expected to influence the increases with increasing age of fungal colonies
evolution of Drosophila behaviour and life history prior to larval settlement in a resource patch
146 Marko Rohlfs et al.

(Fig. 7.8). These strong priority effects (see above) successful evolutionary outcome. Yet the ecologi-
might be attributable to the positive relationship cal and evolutionary mechanisms that influence
between fungal development and toxic secondary or underlie this success still remain elusive. To
metabolite production (Calvo et al. 2002). Howev- resolve the interplay between fungal secondary
er, as for the pharmacological studies this inter- metabolite genes and the ecological process in
pretation is based on observations on correlative which secondary metabolite production is pro-
rather than causal relationships. For instance, posed to be involved, we suggest to apply the
pharmacological studies are confounded by the emerging field of evolutionary and ecological
altered ecological context and chemical milieu in functional genomics (Feder and Mitchell-Olds
which both insect and fungal resistance traits may 2003), which requires the simultaneous use of
evolve: fungi critically modify the resource (e.g. molecular, organismal, and ecological approaches
pH), secrete numerous extracellular enzymes (Jackson et al. 2002; Thomas and Klaper 2004).
(hydrolases), and occupy space on a limited re- The application of this perspective provides an
source patch that cannot be exploited by the integrative understanding of the interrelationship
insects. Moreover, fungi such as Aspergillus sp. of genes, the associated pathways, and the
are well known for producing many different sec- corresponding phenotypes involved in the ecolog-
ondary metabolites, which may lead to unforesee- ical process. We believe we have identified the
able synergistic effects (Creppy et al. 2004) that Aspergillus–Drosophila system as being suitable
may drive both the efficiency of the chemical to reveal the ecological and evolutionary impor-
defence and the evolution of resistance in compet- tance of fungal secondary metabolites, since both
ing insects. And the most exciting question in this organisms fulfil the basic prerequisite of
context is whether fungi are able to adjust their completely sequenced genomes for being models
chemical armoury to the corresponding ecological in genomics (Adams et al. 2000; Galagan et al.
challenge since biosynthesis of e.g. mycotoxins 2005). Also the rapid advances in developing
can be considered costly for the organism high-throughput microarrays enable global gene
(Shwab et al. 2007), or if temporal patterns in expression analyses in both fungi and insects
secondary metabolite production represent an in- (Gupta and Oliver 2003; Andersen et al. 2008)
flexible constitutive defence system that is main- and, from an ecological point of view, this offers
tained even in the absence of animal antagonists. the unique opportunity to study simultaneous
Even though fungi have been shown to possess the changes in gene expression in both competitors.
mechanistic prerequisites for regulating their A preliminary genome-wide screening for changes
chemical diversity, it has not yet been demon- in transcriptional activity in D. melanogaster
strated whether: (1) this machinery is capable of larvae confronted with A. nidulans indicates the
responding to e.g. competing fungi or predatory up-regulation of several genes, e.g. those involved
arthropods and (2) such proposed responses are in antimicrobial immune defence and insecticide
adaptive in terms of reducing the opponent’s im- resistance (Trienens and Rohlfs, unpublished
pact on fungal development. From a fungal mo- data). Likewise quantitative RT-PCR of RNA
lecular perspective, the major goal is to from A. nidulans confronted with D. melanogaster
understand whether genes and gene clusters larvae indicates the up-regulation of secondary
involved in secondary metabolite biosynthesis metabolite regulator genes (Fohgrub and Kemp-
function as ‘environmental response genes’ that ken, unpublished data). To our current knowl-
exhibit condition and temporal specific expres- edge, the possibilities of using expression
sion (c.f. Berenbaum 2002). profiling techniques for Aspergillus have not yet
been applied in the context of species interaction.
But for differentially expressed genes in A. fumi-
gatus in response to variation in vertebrate im-
IV. Melding Ecology and Molecular mune response, see Sugui et al. (2008); and for a
Biology recent review on microarray studies in filamen-
tous fungi, see Breakspear and Momany (2007).
Given the widespread ability to produce some of The second reason why organisms can become
the most potent toxins in the living world, second- models in genomics and hence ecological geno-
ary metabolite biosynthesis can be viewed as a mics is the possibility of genetic manipulation.
Evolutionary and Ecological Interactions of Mould and Insects 147

Being able to knock-out, down-regulate, or over- typical mould species and various insect groups.
express candidate genes against a genetic back- Independently of whether fungi and insects are
ground that is the same as that of the wild type engaged in parasitism, predation, or competition,
will be necessary to validate the causal relationship the production of secondary metabolites has been
between e.g. expression of secondary metabolites proposed to incur a key function within fungi in
genes in fungi and Drosophila larval development attacking insects or defending against them. Many
(van Straalen and Roelofs 2006; Kammenga et al. studies provide correlative or pharmacological ev-
2007). Transposon-based mutagenesis may be use- idence of such a role of mycotoxins. Future molec-
ful as an additional tool (Kempken 1999; Pöggeler ular genomic approaches in combination with
and Kempken 2004; Braumann et al. 2007). Based experimental evolutionary ecology will forge a
on a priori selection of the candidate gene laeA, mechanistic basis for fungus–insect interactions
Rohlfs et al. (2007) have already provided evidence that will be able to answer fundamental questions
of the usefulness of this approach in a fungus– regarding the biological significance of fungal sec-
fungivore system; however, this study did not dis- ondary metabolism. We are still at the stage of
tinguish between the causal agent(s) driving fun- having only vague arguments for fungal toxins
givore behaviour and unimportant secondary being part of a chemical defence system against
metabolite pathways, since laeA is a regulator of insects; but the use of carefully designed transgen-
many secondary metabolites (see above). Critical ic fungi coupled with biochemical analyses will
advances may be achieved by manipulating gene shed light on such a function of possibly still un-
expression based on differentially expressed fun- known secondary metabolites. An evolutionary
gal genes as stimulated by insect attack, and testing ecological genomic approach will also help us
whether transgenic fungi confirm the hypothe- proving that secondary metabolite production is
sised role of genes involved in secondary metabo- indeed costly to fungi and that the biosynthesis of
lite biosynthesis in the corresponding ecological e.g. mycotoxins is related to the ecological context,
setting. A comprehensive molecular toolbox is such as insect attacks. It remains an open question
available to achieve this goal in Aspergillus (Gold- whether the signalling of changes in environmen-
man and Osmani 2008). The same experimental tal condition in fungi, as controlled by oxylipins
strategy can be applied to the insects. By using the (Tsitsigiannis and Keller 2007), have its ecological
binary GAL4/UAS system to generate even tissue- analogy in plant–insect systems (Kessler et al.
specific post-transcriptional silencing of candidate 2004). To our knowledge the molecular regulatory
genes in Drosophila (Dietzl et al. 2007) will provide machinery of secondary metabolite synthesis and
unparalleled insights into the mechanistic basis of its proposed function in controlling the allocation
the role fungal defences against competing insects of limited resources to costly insecticidal mole-
and the animals’ counter-adaptations. Moreover, cules in relation to the threat of being attacked by
coupling this molecular approach with experimen- natural enemies have yet to be implemented. Hav-
tal evolution as described above will enable us to ing a good ecological model system at hand (e.g.,
thoroughly study the possible role of co-evolution- Aspergillus–Drosophila) will finally allow us to draw
ary processes in this ecological interaction. How- an evolutionary line between the organisation of
ever, such studies are currently still under fungal defence against natural enemies and viru-
development. As pointed out by Jackson et al. lence in invertebrate and vertebrate hosts.
(2002), integrating molecular and ecological re-
search calls for interdisciplinary approaches and Acknowledgement. The laboratory work of F.K. and M.R.
is funded by the German Research Council (DFG).
hence intensive collaboration between molecular
biologists and ecologists.

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8 Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites


CONTENTS C. Metabolites from Endophytic

Penicillium Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 1. Metabolites from Penicillium sp.
II. The Ecological Relevance from Aegiceras corniculatum L. . . . . . . . 170
of Endophytic Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 2. Metabolites from Penicillium
III. Metabolites Isolated from Host Plants chrysogenum from Cistanche
and Their Endophytic Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 deserticola . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
A. Taxol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 3. Metabolites from Penicillium spp.
B. Camptothecin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 from Prumnopitys andina . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
C. Ergot Alkaloids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 4. Penicidones from Penicillium sp.
D. Mycotoxins in Baccharis Species . . . . . . . . . . 157 from Quercus variabilis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
E. Hypericin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 D. Metabolites from Endophytic Alternaria
F. Podophyllotoxin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
IV. Metabolites from Endophytic Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . 159 1. Metabolites from Alternaria sp.
A. Metabolites from Endophytic from Polygonum senegalense . . . . . . . . . . 174
Xylariaceous Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 2. Metabolites from Alternaria spp.
1. 7-Amino-4-Methylcoumarin from from Vinca minor and
Xylaria sp. of Ginkgo biloba . . . . . . . . . . . 159 Euonymus europaeus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
2. Metabolites from Xylaria sp. from E. Xanthones from Emericella variecolor
Sandoricum koetjape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 from Croton oblongifolius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
3. Sesquiterpenoids from a F. Cyclopentenons from Dothideomycete
Xylariaceous Fungus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 sp. from Leea rubra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
4. Metabolites from Xylaria sp. . . . . . . . . . . 163 G. Metabolites from Endophytic
B. Metabolites from Endophytic Phomopsis Chaetomium Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
or Diaporthe Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 1. Metabolites from Chaetomium sp.
1. Lactones from Phomopsis sp. from from Nerium oleander L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
Azadirachata indica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 2. Cytochalasan Alkaloids from
2. Metabolites from Diaporthe sp. from Chaetomium globosum from
Camellia sinensis L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 Imperata cylindrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
3. Metabolites from Phomopsis sp. from H. Metabolites from Endophytic
Camptotheca acuminata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 Pestalotiopsis Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
4. Sesquiterpenoids from Phomopsis 1. Isopestacin from Pestalotiopsis
cassiae from Cassia spectabilis . . . . . . . . 166 microspora from Terminalia
5. Metabolites from Phomopsis spp. morobensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
from Erythrina crista-galli . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 2. Sesquiterpenes from Pestalotiopsis
6. Metabolites from Phomopsis sp. sp. from Pinus taeda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
from Eupatorium arnottianum . . . . . . . . 169 3. Metabolites from Pestalotiopsis
7. Cytosporone D from Phomopsis sp. foedan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
of Phytolacca dioica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 4. Metabolites from Pestalotiopsis
8. Xanthone Dimers from Phomopsis theae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
sp. from Tectona grandis L. . . . . . . . . . . . 170 J. Metabolites from Phyllosticta spinarum
9. Dicerandrols from Phomopsis from Platycladus orientalis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
longicolla from the Mint K. Metabolites from Endophytic
Dicerandra frutescens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 Fusarium Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
1. CR377 from Fusarium sp. from
Selaginella pallescens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
2. Lipopeptides from Fusarium sp.
Institute of Biotechnology and Drug Research, Erwin-Schröd- from Maackia chinensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
inger-Strasse 56, 67663, Kaiserslautern, Germany; present address: L. Epichlicin from Epichloe typhina from
MIP International Pharma Research GmbH, Mühlstrasse 50, Phleum pretense L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
66386 St. Ingbert, Germany; e-mail:

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
154 Daniela Weber

M. Metabolite from Colletotrichum dematium and xylem vessels within the plant, to more or less
from Pteromischum sp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 superficial colonization of peripheral, often dying
N. Hormonemate from Hormonema or dead tissues such as bark layers on plants with
dematioides from Pinus sp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 secondary growth (Petrini 1996). Ascomycetes,
O. Brefeldin A from Phoma medicaginis
from Medicago lupulina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
Basidiomycetes, Deuteromycetes, and Oomycetes
P. Phaeosphaerides from an Endophytic were isolated as endophytes (Sinclair and Cerkaus-
Fungus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 kas 1996); of these the Ascomycetes and imperfect
Q. Metabolites from Nodulisporium fungi constitute the largest group.
sp. from Junipercus cedre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 In some cases this fungus–plant interaction
R. Metabolites from Ascochyta sp. from
Meliotus dentatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
has mutualistic features. Enhanced rate of growth
S. Metabolites from Endophytic Fungi (Bradshaw 1959; Kackley et al. 1990; Hill et al.
from Garcinia Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 1991), resistance and toxicity against herbivores
T. Metabolites from Endophytic Fungi (Wallner et al. 1983; Read and Camp 1986), deter-
from Artemisia species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 rence of insects (Clay 1988b), resistance against
U. Metabolites from Endophytes from
Schinus molle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
nematodes (Kimmons et al. 1990; West et al. 1990)
V. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 and pathogens (White and Cole 1985; Yshihara
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 et al. 1985), and enhanced drought tolerance
(Read and Camp 1986; Arechavaleta et al. 1989;
West et al. 1993) are observed as advantages to the
host plants. The benefits for the fungal symbionts
can be greater access to nutrients, protection
I. Introduction against desiccation, insects, and parasitic fungi,
and competition from other microbes (White
Symbiosis is defined in the original sense as the et al. 2000). During the coevolution, endophytic
living together of different organisms (de Bary microbes improved the resistance of the host
1879). Perhaps two-thirds of the known species of plants to adverse conditions by secreting bioactive
fungi form intimate relationships with other living secondary metabolites (Ge et al. 2008).
organisms in parasitic, commensalistic, or mutual- Although the first discovery of an endophytic
istic symbiosis (Pirozynski and Hawksworth 1988). fungus was in 1902 by Freeman, little attention
There exist different fungus–plant interactions, was paid to this group of fungi until the recent
which range from mycorrhiza to plant pathogens. realization of their ecological relevance and their
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are ancient Zygomy- potential as source for new bioactive metabolites
cetes and are associated with the roots of about 80% (Gunatilaka 2006).
of plant species (Bonfante and Perotto 1995). This
fact supports the hypothesis of Pirozynski und Mal-
loch (1975) that the colonization of land and the II. The Ecological Relevance
evolution of plants were possible only through the of Endophytic Fungi
establishment of symbiotic association of a semi-
aquatic ancestral alga and an aquatic fungus. Two ecological groups of endophytes can be dis-
Of the estimated 1.5  106 fungal species on tinguished: grass endophytes and endophytes of
earth (Hawksworth 2001) about 1.30  106 species woody plants. Endophytic fungi were found in all
are estimated to live as endophytes in plants (Drey- woody plants examined for endophytes (Saikko-
fuss and Chapela 1994). So most of the fungi are nen et al. 1998). Despite the great diversity and
endophytes. They are ubiquitous, and probably all abundancy of endophytes in woody plants, these
vascular and non-vascular terrestrial plants harbor endophytes and their interaction with their host
them (Weber and Anke 2006). The term ‘‘endo- plants receive less attention than those of grass
phyte’’ includes all organisms that, at some time endophytes (Saikkonen et al. 1998). The produc-
of their life cycle, live symptomlessly within plant tion of alkaloids in infected grasses (in planta) can
tissue (Petrini 1996). This definition also includes cause intoxication of grazing livestock. Because of
pathogens with extended latency periods. Endo- this economic importance, endophytes of poa-
phyte association may range from intimate contact ceous grasses are the best-examined (Weber and
where the fungus inhabits the intercellular spaces Anke 2006).
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 155

In the family Clavicipitaceae there is a devel- xylariaceous species are collected from living or
opment from parasitic grass endophytes like Cla- dead angiospermous plants (Rogers 1979); most
viceps to mutualistic species like Acremonium members of the family are wood inhabitants but
(anamorphic form of Epichloë; Clay 1988a). Spe- representatives are also found in litter, soil, dung,
cies of the genus Claviceps cause local infections and associated with insects (Whalley 1996). The
of the inflorescences of grasses. Sclerotia develop greatest diversity of xylariaceous fungi can be
at the site of infection instead of seeds of the host found in the tropics (Petrini et al. 1995). Whalley
plant. The local infection evolved to a systemic (1996) distinguishes three groups: saprophytes,
infection, which can be found in Acremonium phytopathogens, and endophytes. Endophytic
species (Clay 1988a). Reduction of sexual repro- species, e.g. Hypoxylon and related genera, can
duction can be observed in this group of obligate colonize the xylem of host plants (Stone et al.
endophytic fungi (Saikkonen et al. 1998). The 2000). Other xylem-colonizing endophytes have
asexual or anamorphic form is transmitted verti- been identified as species of the Diaporthales (e.
cally by the growth of fungal hyphae into the host g. Phragmoporthe, Amphiporthe, Phomopsis),
plant’s seeds (Arnold et al. 2003). Vogl already Hypocreales (Nectria spp.), and a few Basidiomy-
discovered the mycelium of an endophytic fungus cetes (e.g. Coniophora; Stone et al. 2000).
in seeds of Lolium temulentum in 1898. Infection Water deficiency and drought in the host
of the inflorescenses by parasitic species results in plant can cause a change in the lifecycle of endo-
sexual sterilization of the host plant. This is in phytic species. Many plant-pathogenic species of
contrast to the loss of sexual reproduction of the Xylariaceae have typical characteristics of
endophytes in mutualistic symbiosis. In these endophytes; they live as ‘‘latent invaders’’. Water
cases propagation of the fungus is ensured by stress triggers the switch to the pathogenic phase
viable seeds of the host plant. of the fungus (Whalley 1996). A switch from the
The endophytic fungi of woody plants show a latent state to the saprophytic stage is observed in
high diversity and belong to different taxonomic Hypoxylon fragiforme when the colonized host
groups. These fungal endophytes are horizontally tissue dies. The death of the tissue is accompanied
transmitted via spores and are not known to by loss of water, which triggers the switch to the
grow into seeds and systemically infecting the saprophytic stage of fungus (Weber and Anke
plant following seed germination (Wilson 2000). 2006).
The infections are often highly localized within Some of the xylariaceous fungi have devel-
leaves, petioles, bark, or stems (Saikkonen et al. oped host specificity, e.g. Hypoxylon fragiforme
1998). is consistently isolated from healthy beech trees
Many endophytes of woody plants are closely in Europe and H. mammatum is isolated from
related to pathogenic species. Freeman and Rodri- aspen trees in the northeast of the United States
guez (1993) were able to show that the mutation at (Chapela and Boddy 1988; Chapela 1989). The
a single genetic locus can change an isolate of wide distribution of the Xylariaceae, as endo-
Colletotrichum magna from a pathogen to a non- phytes and as saprophytes and their ability to
pathogenic endophytic mutualist. The wild-type produce bioactive compounds (cytochalasins,
fungus and the mutant of the species (path 1) melleins, xylarin) suggest that these fungi have
were capable to infect the host plant and systemic an important ecological role (Petrini et al. 1995).
growth was observed. The host plants infected by Compounds from the bark of beech trees can
path 1 produced no visible effect on any plant and trigger the eclosion of Hypoxylon fragiforme
were protected from the wild-type fungus. Free- ascospores, which is a precondition for germina-
man and Rodriguez (1993) assumed that a portion tion of the spores (Chapela et al. 1993). This can
of the host defense system is activated by path 1 so partly explain the host specificity of H. fragiforme.
that, when exposed to the wild-type fungus, there The eclosion of the spores can be observed 10 min
was no delay in the defense response. after the addition of the beech extract (Webster
In contrast to the fungi of the Clavicipitaceae and Weber 2004). Two substances have been iden-
the endophytes of woody plants are not intensive- tified which trigger the release of the spores at
ly investigated. One exception is the family of the micromolar concentrations: the two monolignol
Xylariaceae, which attracts attention because of glucosides Z-syringin and Z-isoconiferin (Fig. 8.1;
its fruiting bodies and its host specificity. Most Chapela et al. 1991).
156 Daniela Weber




Z-Syringin Z-Isoconiferin




Taxol Camptothecin

Fig. 8.1. Structures of Z-syringyn, Z-isoconiferin, taxol, and camptothecin

III. Metabolites Isolated from Host andreanae, which was isolated from the inner
Plants and Their Endophytic Fungi bark of T. brevifolia, produced the antitumor
agent taxol. Since then, a variety of endophytic
A. Taxol fungi belonging to different categories isolated
from Taxus species have been reported to be ca-
Endophytes are a rich source for bioactive meta- pable of producing taxol and/or taxane derivates
bolites and therefore have opened an interesting in culture (Tan and Zou 2001).
field of natural product research (Strobel et al. Since pure cultures of endophytic fungi as well
2004; Ding et al. 2006). A well-known example is as cells of Taxus species accumulate taxol, both
the antitumor agent taxol (paclitaxel) which binds must have the genes for taxol synthesis in their
to b-tubulin and promotes the stabilization of genome. It seems unlikely that the biosynthesis of
microtubules by inhibiting depolymerization of an elaborate molecule like taxol developed repeat-
microtubules to soluble tubulin (Jennewein and edly during evolution (Kucht et al. 2004). So it is
Croteau 2001). Especially, the fast proliferation of assumed that a horizontal (lateral) gene transfer
tumor cells is inhibited by this mode of action. occurred (Kucht et al. 2004). Walker and Croteau
The original targeted diseases for taxol were ovar- (2001) isolated the genes specific to taxol biosyn-
ian and breast cancer, but now it is also used for thesis and noticed that the cDNA sequence of the
the treatment of other human tumors (Strobel taxadiene synthase includes a N-terminal target-
et al. 2004). The diterpenoid taxol (Fig. 8.1) was ing sequence for localization and processing in the
first isolated from the bark of the pacific yew plastids. This fact supports the hypothesis that
(Taxus brevifolia; Wani et al. 1971). All Taxus this gene is plant-derived rather than a fungal
species produce taxol, or related taxane diterpe- product (Cassady et al. 2004). Ge et al. (2008)
noids (taxanoids) and over 350 different taxoid assume that, during the long co-evolution of
structures are already known (Jennewein and Cro- endophytes and their host plants, endophytes
teau 2001; Strobel 2003). In 1993 Stierle and cow- have adapted themselves to their microenviron-
orkers reported that the endophyte Taxomyces ments by genetic variation, including uptake of
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 157

some plant DNA into their genomes. This could C. Ergot Alkaloids
lead to in the isolation of microbial metabolites
originally known as phytochemicals. Poisoning by the alkaloids of Claviceps species has
The ecologic relevance of taxol and its synthesis been an important problem in human history
can be deduced from its antifungal properties. (Schardl et al. 2004). These pathogenic fungi infect
Oomycetes like Phytophthora, Pythium, and Apha- grain, and especially rye is very susceptible because
nomyces, which can cause diseases in plants, are of its open-pollinated grain (Schardl et al. 2004).
extremely sensitive to taxol (Strobel 2003). So it is After the infection of the host floret the fungus
almost impossible to find Taxus species that show forms its sclerotium, commonly called an ergot
any infections caused by any of these Oomycetes (Schardl et al. 2006). Sclerotia are a rich source of
(Strobel 2003). Additionally, the production of secondary metabolites, e.g. ergot alkaloids like er-
taxol in a T. chinensis cell suspension culture was gotamine (Parker and Scott 2004). During the Mid-
stimulated by addition of a fungal homogenate dle Ages ergot contamination of rye flour caused
(Wang et al. 2001). Aspergillus niger, an endophytic mass ergot poisoning (ergotism). The human intox-
fungus isolated from the inner bark of a T. chinensis ication acquired by eating cereals infected with
tree, was used as an elicitor to stimulate the taxol ergot sclerotia, usually in the form of bread made
production. Taxol yield was increased to about from contaminated flour, is called ergotism or St.
seven times the amount obtained in the non- Anthony’s fire (Bennett and Klich 2003). Ergota-
elicited culture (Wang et al. 2001). This supports mine (Fig. 8.2) and its derivates share structural
the assumption that taxol is part of the plant similarities with the adrenergic, dopaminergic, and
defense against fungi. serotonergic neurotransmitters and therefore have
wide-ranging effects on the physiological processes
that they mediate (Silberstein and McCrory 2003).
Ergot was used in folk medicine as an abortifacient
and a drug to accelerate uterine contractions
B. Camptothecin
(Bennett and Klich 2003). Today ergotamine and
Another important antitumor agent is the penta- dihydroergotamine are used for the treatment
cyclic quinoline alkaloid camptothecin (Fig. 8.1). of migraine (Aktories et al. 2005). Other ergot deri-
Camptothecin, first isolated from Camptotheca vatives are used as prolactin inhibitors, in the
acuminata (Wall et al. 1966), has antineoplastic treatment of Parkinsonism and in cases of cerebro-
properties by inhibition of topoisomerases I. vascular insufficiency (Bennett and Klich 2003).
These enzymes relax DNA torsional strain gener-
ated during replication, transcription, recombina-
tion, repair, and chromosome condensation (Meng D. Mycotoxins in Baccharis Species
et al. 2003). Analogues of camptothecin are used to
treat ovarian, colorectal, and small-cell lung can- In some cases a direct contribution of the endo-
cers, and several second-generation analogues are phytic fungi to the metabolites of the host plant was
in clinical trials (Oberlies and Kroll 2004). observed. The shrubs Baccharis coridifolia and B.
The quinoline alkaloid was also isolated from artemisioides, which are widespread in Argentinia,
the Indian tree Nothapodytes foetida (formely cause toxic effects in livestock, particularly during
Mappia foetida; Govindachari et al. 1974). The the flowering season (Rizzo et al. 1997). Macrocy-
compound is available only in low concentrations clic thrichothecenes, roridins and verrucarins,
in the root of N. foetida, which requires uprooting are the reason for these toxic effects of healthy
of rare and 50- to 75-year-old trees (Puri et al. B. coridifolia plants (Busam and Habermehl
2005). In search of alternatives the endophytic 1982). These metabolites are mycotoxines (e.g.
fungi of the tree were investigated and a fungus miotoxin; Fig. 8.2) with cytotoxic properties,
producing camptothecin under culture conditions formerly known from different fungi, particularly
was identified (Puri et al. 2005). Molecular analy- of the genus Myrothecium. The isolation of
sis of the fungus revealed similarity to Entropho- endophytic fungi from B. coridifolia resulted in
sphora infrequens and other related taxa, e.g. the discovery of a new species, Ceratopycnidium
Rhizopus oryzae. This was the first report of a baccharidicola. One-third of C. baccharidicola
camptothecin-producing microorganism. from Argentinian plants produced roridin and
158 Daniela Weber




Ergotamine MiotoxinA





Hypericin Podophyllotoxin

Fig. 8.2. Structures of ergotamine, miotoxin A, hypericin, and podophyllotoxin

verrucarin toxins in pure culture (Rizzo et al. 1997). H. perforatum in both human and animal behav-
It can be assumed that the toxins are produced by ioral models of depression (Hashida et al. 2008).
the fungi in their host plants, accumulate in the Hypericin (Fig. 8.2) is one of the main consti-
plant tissue, and may protect both the plant and tuents of Hypericum species and was first isolated
the fungus against herbivores. from H. perforatum (Kusari et al. 2008). The com-
pound is responsible for photosensitivity of
patients during therapy with H. perforatum pre-
E. Hypericin parations (Roth et al. 1994) and has only been
available in the plants of Hypericum species
Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort) has been (Kusari et al. 2008). Recently, an endophytic fun-
used for centuries in the treatment of burns, gus was isolated from the stems of H. perforatum,
bruises, swelling, inflammation, and anxiety, as which produced the naphthodianthrone derivate
well as bacterial and viral infections (Hashida hypericin and the putative precursor emodin
et al. 2008). Traditional indications and uses (Kusari et al. 2008). An unequivocally identifica-
include enhancement of wound healing, anti- tion of the fungal endophyte was not possible, but
inflammatory, and analgesic activities (Miller molecular analysis revealed that it is related to
1998a). The medicinal plant H. perforatum is com- Chaetomium globosum (Kusari et al. 2008).
monly used for the treatment of mood disorders,
since its effectiveness in the therapy for mild to
moderate depression was claimed to have smaller F. Podophyllotoxin
side effects than the traditional antidepressant
medications (Hashida et al. 2008). Numerous The lignan podophyllotoxin (Fig. 8.2) is highly
studies have proven the clinical efficacy of valued as a precursor to clinically useful anticancer
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 159

drugs (Eyberger et al. 2006). The consequence of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antitumor activities
the destruction of the primary source Podophyllum (Bent et al. 2005; Chan et al. 2007).
emodi was an investigation of the endophytic fungi Recently, Liu and coworkers (2008) reported the
of Podophyllum species (Eyberger et al. 2006; Puri isolation of an endophytic Xylaria sp. from
et al. 2006). Recently, Puri et al. (2006) and Eyber- healthy twigs of G. biloba. Extracts of the fungal
ger et al. (2006) described the production of podo- culture fluid exhibited broad antimicrobial activity
phyllotoxin by Trametes hirsuta isolated from and bioactivity-guided purification yielded
P. emodi and Phialocephala fortinii from rhizomes 7-amino-4-methylcoumarin (Fig. 8.3; Liu et al.
of the plant Podophyllum peltatum, respectively. 2008). Strong antibacterial and antifungal activ-
ities of this coumarin derivate were observed
against several bacteria and fungi, respectively.
IV. Metabolites from 2. Metabolites from Xylaria sp. from
Endophytic Fungi Sandoricum koetjape

The review of Tan and Zou (2001) ‘‘Endophytes: a

Sandoricum koetjape Merr. is a medicinal plant widely
rich source of functional metabolites’’ gives an distributed in tropical areas of Asia (Ismail et al. 2003).
overview of endophytic metabolites characterized The bark and the whole plant are used in folk medicine as
before 2000. In the review ‘‘Natural products from a tonic after childbirth and for the treatment of colic and
plant-associated microorganisms: distribution, leucorrhea in Malaysia and Indonesia (Ismail et al. 2003).
structural diversity, bioactivity, and implications Phytochemical studies of this plant reported the isolation
of triterpenoids and limonoids from the heartwood, bark,
of their occurrence’’ of Gunatilaka (2006) 230 and seeds and the limonoids sandrapins A, B, and C from
metabolites from over 70 plant-associated micro- the leaves (Ismail et al. 2004). Anti-inflammatory, ichthyo-
bial strains are discussed. Since these two articles toxic, and anticarcinogenic effects were described for
give a broad and comprehensive overview of the extracts of S. koetjape and some of its constituents, respec-
metabolites from endophytic fungi, the com- tively (Ismail et al. 2004; Rasadah et al. 2004).
pounds from endophytic fungi in this article con-
centrate on publications of the past two years. Tansuwan and coworkers (2007) isolated the
The following presents metabolites produced endophytic fungus PB-30 from healthy leaves of
by endophytic fungi from medicinal plants and S. koetjape collected from Prachinburi Province
plants not used in medicine and describes the in Thailand. The ITS sequence suggests that this
medicinal plants and their traditional use in eth- endophytic fungus belongs to the genus Xylaria
nopharmacology. Table 8.1 gives an overview of (Tansuwan et al. 2007). Two novel benzoquinone
the discussed endophytes, their host plants, and metabolites, 2-chloro-5-methoxy-3-methylcyclo-
their metabolites. hexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione and 7-hydroxy-8-meth-
oxy-3,6-dimethyldibenzofuran-1,4-dione, named
xylariaquinone A, together with the known natural
A. Metabolites from Endophytic products 2-hydroxy-5-methoxy-3-methylcyclo-
Xylariaceous Fungi hexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione and 4-hydroxymellein
were obtained from extracts of fungal cultures
1. 7-Amino-4-Methylcoumarin from Xylaria (Fig. 8.3; Tansuwan et al. 2007). The antimalarial
sp. of Ginkgo biloba activity of the four compounds was tested against
Plasmodium falciparum. 2-Chloro-5-methoxy-
Traditional Chinese medicine uses the Ginkgo biloba
3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione and xylaria-
leaves for brain disorders, circulatory disorders, asthma, quinone A exhibited IC50 values of 1.84 mM and 6.68
and as an antiparasitic agent (Dugoua et al. 2006). G. mM, whereas the two known compounds were
biloba is commonly used for the treatment of dementia, inactive (Tansuwan et al. 2007). The cytotoxic activ-
but also for memory improvement, cerebrovascular and ity of the cyclohexa-diene-dione and xylariaquinone
aterial insufficiency, tinnitus, vertigo, asthma, and aller-
gies (Bent et al. 2005). The mode of action of this herb is
A against African green monkey kidney fibroblasts
not completely clear, it is believed to improve cerebral and was investigated by using a colorimetric method and
peripheral blood flow through nitric oxid-induced vasodi- the IC50 values were respectively determined as 1.35
latation (Bent et al. 2005). In addition, G. biloba possess mM and >184 mM (Tansuwan et al. 2007).
160 Daniela Weber

Table 8.1. Metabolites from endophytic fungi

Microbial strain Host plant; plant part or Metabolites

Alternaria sp. Polygonum senegalense; Alternariol 5-O-sulfate
fresh healthy leaves Alternariol 5-O-methyl ether-40 -O-sulfate
Alternariol 5-O-methylether
Tenuazonic acid
Altertoxin I
30 -Hydroxyalternariol 5-O-methylether
Alternaric acid
Alternariol 5-O-methyl ether
40 -Epialtenuene
Alternaria sp. (P 0506) Vinca minor; leaf Altersetin
Alternariol monomethylether
Tenuazonic acid
Alternaria sp. (P 0535) Euonymus europaeus; fruit Altersetin
Alternariol monomethylether
Tenuazonic acid
Ascochyta sp. (6651) Meliotus dentatus (4S)-(+)-Ascochin
Botryosphaeria mamane (PSU-M76) Garcinia mangostana; Botryomaman
leaves 2,4-Dimethoxy-6-pentylphenol
4,5-Dihydroxy-2-hexenoic acid
Botryosphaeria parva Schinus molle; small woody 2,7-Dimethoxy-6-(1-acetoxyethyl)-juglon
Chaetomium sp. Nerium oleander L. Phenolics (e. g. phenolic acids and their derivates)
Volatile and aliphatic compounds
Chaetomium globosum (IFB-E019) Imperata cylindrica; stem Chaetoglobosin U
Chaetoglobosin C
Chaetoglobosin F
Chaetoglobosin E
Penochalasin A
Colletotrichum dematium Pteromischum sp. Colutellin
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Artemisia mongolica Colletotric acid
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Schinus molle; leaves DW E01141-1
Coniothyrium sp. (7303) Artemisia maritima Massarilactone E
Massarilactone F
Massarilactone G
Massarilactone acetonide
Diaporthe sp.
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 161

Table 8.1. (continued)

Microbial strain Host plant; plant part or Metabolites

Camellia sinensis L.; young (+)-Epicytoskyrin
stems (+)-1,10 -Bislunatin
Dothiodeomycete sp. (LRUB20) Leea rubra; stem 2-Hydroxymethyl-3-methylcyclopent-2-enone
Asterric acid
Emericella variecolor Croton oblongifolius; Shamixanthone
mature petioles 14-Methoxytajixanthone-25-acetate
Taijixanthone methanoate
Tajixanthone hydrate
Endophytic ascomycete (related to Plant samples Phaeosphaeride A
Phaeosphaeria avenaria) Phaeosphaeride B
Epichloe typhina Phleum pretense L. Epichlicin
Fusarium sp. (CR377) Selaginella pallescens; stem CR377
Fusarium sp. (YG-45) Maackia chinensis; twig Fusaristatin A
segment Fusaristatin B
Hormonema dematioides Pinus sp.; needle base Hormonemate
Hypoxylon truncatum (IFB-18) Artemisia annua; stem Daldinone C
tissue Daldinone D
Altechromone A
Leptosphaeria sp. (IV403) Artemisia annua Leptosphaeric acid
Mitosporic, hyaline fungus E-3 Prymnopitys andina; wood 4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)phenol
pieces p-Hydroxybenzaldehyde Mellein
Nodulisporium sp. Junipercus cedre; twigs 3-Hydroxy-1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl)-butan-1-one
Nodulisporin A
Nodulisporin B
Nodulisporin C
Helicascolide A
Penicillium sp. (IFB-E22) Quercus variabilis; stem Penicidone A
Penicidone B
Penicidone C
Penicillium sp. (GQ-7) Aegiceras corniculatum L.; Penicillenol A1
inner bark Penicillenol A2
Penicillenol B1
Penicillenol B2
Penicillenol C1
Penicillenol C2
Phenol A acid
Phenol A
162 Daniela Weber

Table 8.1. (continued)

Microbial strain Host plant; plant part or Metabolites

Penicillium chrysogenum (No. 005) Cistanche deserticola; root Chrysogenamide A
Circumdatin G
2-[(2-Hydroxypropionyl) amino] benzamide
20 ,30 -Dihydrosorbicillin
(9Z,12Z)-2,3-Dihydroxypropyl octadeca-9,
Penicillium janczewskii K.M.Zalesky Prymnopitys andina; wood Peniprequinolone
pieces Gliovictin
Penicillium janczewskii K.M.Zalesky Prymnopitys andina Pseurotin A
Cycloaspeptide A
Penicillium paxilli (PSU-A71) Garcinia atroviridis; leaves Penicillone
Pyrenocine A
Pyrenocine B
Phoma medicaginis Medicago sativa, Brefeldin A
M. lupulina
Phomopsis sp. Camptotheca acuminata 8-O-Acetylmultiplolide A
8-O-Acetyl-5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxymultiplolide A
5,6-Dihydro-5,6-epoxymultiplolide A
3,4-Deoxy-3,4-didehydromultiplolide A
Multiplolide A
(4E)-6,7,9-Trihydroxydec-4-enoic acid
Phomopsis spp. Erythrina crista-galli; twigs, Clavatol
leaves Hydroxymellein
Mevinic acid
DW E02018-5
DW E02018-9
4-(2,3-Dihydroxypropoxy)benzoic acid
Compound 6
Phomopsis sp. Eupatorium arnotianum; Phomopsidone
leaves, stems Mellein
Phomopsis sp. Phytolacca dioica; twig Cytosporone D
Phomopsis sp. (BCC 1323) Tectonia grandis L.; leaf Phomaxanthone A
Phomaxanthone B
Phomopsis sp. (YM3111483) Azadirachate indica; fresh Multiplolide A
stems 8a-Acetoxy-5a-hydroxy-7-oxodecan-9-olide
7a-Acetoxymultiplolide A
8a-Acetoxymultiplolide A
Phomopsis cassiae Cassia spectabilis; leaves Two diastereoisomeric
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 163

Table 8.1. (continued)

Microbial strain Host plant; plant part or Metabolites

Phomopsis longicolla Dicerandra frutescens; stem Dicerandrol A
segment Dicerandrol B
Dicerandrol C
Phyllosticta spinarum Platycladus orientalis; (+)-(5S,10S)-40 -Hydroxymethylcyclozonarone
healthy foliage 3-Ketotauranin
Pestalotiopsis sp. Pinus taeda Pestalotiopsolide A
Pestalotiopsis foedan Unidentified tree Pestafolide A
Pestaphthalide A
Pestaphthalide B
Pestalotiopsis microspora Terminalia morobensis; Isopectacin
small tree stem
Pestalotiopsis theae Unidentified tree Pestalotheol A
Pestalotheol B
Pestalotheol C
Pestalotheol D
Xylaria sp. Ginkgo biloba; healthy 7-Amino-4-methyl-coumarin
Xylaria sp. Sandoricum koetjape; 2-Chloro-5-methoxy-3-methylcyclohexa-2,
healthy leaves 5-diene-1,4-dione
Xylariaquinone A
Xylaria sp. (no. 2508) Seed of angiosperm tree Xyloketal J
Xyloester A
Xyloallenolide B
Dihydrobenzofuran derivate
Xylariaceous endophyte (YUA-026) Twigs and petiols of plant Eremoxylarin A
samples Eremoxylarin B

3. Sesquiterpenoids from a Xylariaceous Fungus (12.5, 25.0 mg/ml), the gram-negative bacterium
Pseudomonas aeruginosa (6.25, 12.5 mg/ml), and
Shiono and Murayama (2005) isolated the xylar- the fungi Candida albicans and Aspergillus clava-
iaceous endophyte YUA-026 from twigs and tus (Shiono and Muranyama 2005). The MICs of
petiols of plant samples collected from Mount the two eremoxylarins against the two tested
Takadate in Japan. Two new eremophilane-type fungi were over 100 mg/ml (Shiono and Mura-
sesquiterpenoids, eremoxylarin A and B, were nyama 2005).
obtained from rice culture of the strain YUA-026
(Fig. 8.3; Shiono and Muranyama 2005). The pu-
rification of the metabolites was guided by their 4. Metabolites from Xylaria sp.
antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeru-
ginosa and analytical methods (Shiono and Mur- The ascomycete Xylaria sp. (2508) was isolated
anyama 2005). Using agar dilution methods, the from seed of an angiosperm tree in Mai Po man-
minimum inhibition concentration (MIC) of ere- grove, Hong Kong (Xu et al. 2008). Fermentations
moxylarins A and B were evaluated against the of fungus yielded three new metabolites, named
gram-positive bacterium Staphylococcus aureus xyloketal J, xyloester A, and xyloallenolide B,
164 Daniela Weber


Cl H
7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin methylcyclohexa-2,5- Xylariaquinone A


2-Hydroxy-5-methoxy- OH
3-methylcyclohexa-2,5 O
4-Hydroxymellein HO O


O Xyloketal J

Xyloester A

O H O OH Eremoxylarin A R=


O Eremoxylarin B R=

Fig. 8.3. Metabolites from endophytic xylariaceous fungi

along with the known substituted dihydrobenzo- flowers, and fruits are used for the elimination of intestinal
furan (Figs. 8.3, 8.4; Xu et al. 2008). The structures worms, and the bark is used as an analgesic and curative of
fever (Biwas et al. 2002). Neem preparations are used eco-
of all the compounds possess a substituted dihy- nomically as insecticides, pesticides, and agrochemicals
drobenzofuran unit (Xu et al. 2008). (Brahmachari 2004). Neem seed extracts provide a poten-
tial control of Anopheles larvae that could be complemen-
tary to other eradication methods (Gianotti et al. 2008).
B. Metabolites from Endophytic Phomopsis
or Diaporthe Species
Wu et al. (2008) isolated the endophytic fungus
1. Lactones from Phomopsis sp. from Phomopsis sp. YM311483 from fresh stems of an
Azadirachata indica apparently healthy Azadirachata indica collected
in Yunnana Province, China. Four new 10-
Neem (Azadirachata indica) is used as a traditional me-
membered lactones and the known lactone,
dicinal plant in India (Biswas et al. 2002). Each part of the multiplolide A (Fig. 8.4), were isolated from the
tree is used as traditional medicine, e.g. the leaves, twigs, culture broth of this Phomopsis strain. The new
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 165


Dihydrobenzofuran derivate Xyloallenolide B


Multiplolide A R1=R2=H
8a-Acetoxymultiplolide A R1=H, R2=Ac 8a-Acetoxy-5a-hydroxy- 7a,8a-dihydroxy-3,5-
7-oxodecan-9-olide decadien-10-olide
7a-Acetoxymultiplolide A R1=Ac, R2=H





Fig. 8.4. Metabolites from endophytic xylariaceous fungi and from endophytic Phomopsis and Diaporthe species

compounds were determined as 8a-acetoxy-5a- cultivated widely in China, India, Japan, and Indonesia
hydroxy-7-oxodecan-9-olide, 7a,8a-dihydroxy- (Brown 1999, Luper 1999). It is the production process
which makes the difference of the types of tea (Brown
3,5-decadien-10-olide, 7a-acetoxymultiplolide A, 1999). Consumption of tea (C. sinensis) is suggested to
and 8a-acetoxymultiplolide A (Wu et al. 2008). prevent cancer, heart disease, and other diseases
Antifungal activity against seven plant pathogens (Lambert and Yang 2003). Yang et al. (2001) describe
was examined using the paper disk diffusion tea as one of the few chemoprotective agents known to
method. All five metabolites showed weak anti- have protective effects at different stages of the carcino-
genic process. It is assumed that tea constituents (like
fungal activity, whereas 8a-acetoxymultiplolide A polyphenolic components) may inhibit this process by
was the most potent, with MIC values of 31.25– modulating signal transduction pathways leading to the
500.0 mg/ml (Wu et al. 2008). inhibition of cell proliferation and transformation and
enhancement of apoptosis (Yang et al. 2001). In addition,
2. Metabolites from Diaporthe sp. from hepatoprotective activity against a variety of toxic com-
Camellia sinensis L. pounds (e.g. alcohol) and detoxification activity by en-
hancement of glucuronidation in the liver are described
for tea (Luper 1999). The antimicrobial activity against
Green, black, and oolong teas are prepared from leaves a variety of bacterial species (Staphylococcus, Salmonella,
of Camellia sinensis L., a member of the family Theaceae Shigella, Vibrio, and others; Hamilton-Miller 1995) may
166 Daniela Weber

explain the observed reduction of incidence and severity 4. Sesquiterpenoids from Phomopsis cassiae
of caries by regular tea drinking in a limited number of from Cassia spectabilis
clinical trails in man (Hamilton-Miller 2001).
Several species of Cassia are widely used in tradi-
Agusta and coworkers (2005) isolted 35 filamen- tional medicine for their antimicrobial, laxative,
tous endophytic fungi from young stems of C. antiulcerogenic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory
sinensis collected in West Java, Indonesia. These properties (Viegas et al. 2008). The endophytic
fungi were classified into six species by morpho- fungus Phomopsis cassiae was isolated from leaves
logical considerations and RAPD analysis of the Leguminosae Cassia spectabilis collected in
(Agusta et al. 2005). One isolate, a Diaporthe Brazil (Silva et al. 2006). Bioassay-guided fraction-
sp., was able to transform catechins with a 2R- ation of crude extracts of the fungal strain resulted
phenyl substitution into the corresponding 3,4- in the isolation of the two diastereoisomeric
cis-dihydroxyflavan derivatives (Agusta et al. 3,9,12-trihydroxycalamenenes, 3,12-dihydroxyca-
2006). A second Diaporthe sp., closely related to lamenene, 3,12-dihydroxycadalene, and 3,11,12-
Diaporthe phaseolorum srain sw-93-13, produced trihydroxycadalene (Fig. 8.5; Silva et al. 2006). Of
two bisanthraquinones named (+)-epicytoskyrin these new cadinane sesquiterpenoids, 3,11,12-tri-
and (+)-1,10 -bislunatin (Fig. 8.4, Agusta et al. hydroxycadalene, was the most active against the
2006). (+)-Epicytoskyrin is an epimer of cytos- phytopathogenic fungi Cladosporium sphaeros-
kyrin A, which was isolated from an endophytic permum and C. cladosporioides (Silva et al.
Cytospora sp. isolated from Conocarpus erecta 2006). 3,12-Dihydroxycalamenene, 3,12-dihy-
(Brady et al. 2000b). (+)-1,10 -Bislunatin is a droxycadalene, and 3,11,12-trihydroxycadalene
homodimeric compound of lunatin joined to- exhibited cytotoxic activity against the human
gether at C-1 and C-10 and the relative structure cervical tumor cell line HeLa with IC50 values
of bislunatin has been reported from Verticillium of 100, 20, and 110 mmol/l, respectively (Silva
lecanii (Agusta et al. 2006). (+)-Epicytoskyrin et al. 2006).
and (+)-1,10 -bislunatin showed a moderate cyto-
toxic activity against KB cells, with an IC50 value
of 0.5 mg/ml and 3.5 mg/ml, respectively (Agusta 5. Metabolites from Phomopsis spp. from
et al. 2006). Erythrina crista-galli
Erythrina crista-galli (Fabaceae) is used in Argen-
tinean ethnopharmacology as anti-inflammatory
3. Metabolites from Phomopsis sp. from medication, narcotic, desinfectant, and for the
Camptotheca acuminata treatment of wounds. Anti-inflammatory (Miño
et al. 2002) and antibacterial (Mitscher et al.
The antitumor agent camptothecin was originally 1988) activities have been described for E. crista-
isolated from the medicinal plant Camptotheca galli. This Argentinean medicinal plant can be
acuminata. Lin et al. (2007) isolated 174 endo- found in the tropical and subtropical regions of
phytic fungi from this medicinal plant. From fer- America and is commonly used as an ornamental
mentations of one strain, which was identified by plant. In Argentina the wood is used in infusions
morphologic and genetic properties as Phomopsis or decoctions as astringent, narcotic, and sedative
sp., several new compounds were purified, includ- (Toursarkissian 1980).
ing the 10-membered macrolides 8-O-acetylmulti- The majority of the fungi isolated so far from
plolide A, 8-O-acetyl-5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxymulti- different collections of E. crista-galli belong to the
plolide A, 5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxymultiplolide A, genus Phomopsis (Weber et al. 2005). This genus
and 3,4-deoxy-3,4-didehydromultiplolide A, and comprises a multitude of species widely
their known parent compound multiplolide A distributed as pathogens, endophytes or even
(Figs. 8.4, 8.5), as well as the ansaturated fatty symbionts of plants (Uecker 1988). The metabo-
acid (4E)-6,7,9-trihydroxydec-4-enoic acid and its lites of 12 different Phomopsis isolates were
methyl ester (Fig. 8.5; Tan et al. 2007). The 10- investigated and from four strains metabolites
membered macrolides and multiplolide A exhihib- were isolated. Besides the known compounds
ited no evident antifungal activities against Candi- clavatol, hydroxymellein, mellein, mevalonolac-
da albicans. tone, mevinic acid, nectriapyrone, scytalone, and
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 167




8-O-Acetylmultiplolide A 8-O-Acetyl-5,6-dihydro-5,6- R=Ac 3,4-Deoxy-3,4-didehydro-

epoxymultiplolide A R=H multiplolideA
plolide A



(4E)-6,7,9-trihydroxydec-4-enoic acid R=H (-)-(7S,9S,10S)-3,9,12-

(4E)-6,7,9-trihydroxydec-4-enoate R=Me Trihydroxycalamenene



(-)-(7S,9R,10S)-3,9,12- 3,12-Dihydroxy 2,12-Dihydroxycadalene

Trihydroxycalamenene calamenene



3,11,12-Trihydroxycadalene Clavatol 4-Hydroxymellein Mellein

Fig. 8.5. Metabolites from endophytic Phomopsis species from Camptotheca acuminata, Cassia spectabilis, and
Erythrina crista-galli

tyrosol (Figs. 8.5, 8.6), the new compounds pho- Mellein was described from fermentations of
mol, two derivates of phomol, DW E02018-5 and Aspergillus melleus (Nishikawa 1933), Fusarium
DW E02018-9, phomopyronol, 3-phenylpropane- larvarum (Grove and Pople 1979), Cercospora tai-
1,2-diol, 4-(2,3-dihydroxypropoxy)benzoic acid, wanensis (Camarda et al. 1976), and many other
2-(hydroxymethyl)-3-propylphenol, 2-(hydroxy- fungi. The compound has phytotoxic, antibacter-
methyl)-3-(1-hydroxypropyl)phenol, compound ial, and antifungal activities (Takeuchi et al. 1992;
6, 8-(hydroxymethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-7-propylchro- Wenke 1993). Mellein and nectriapyrone were
man-3-ol, and (4E,10E)-trideca-4,10,12-triene- isolated by Claydon et al. (1985) from Phomopsis
2,8-diol were identified (Figs. 8.6, 8.7; Weber oblonga, commonly found on the bark of trees of
et al. 2004, 2005; Weber 2006). the genus Ulmus. Trees infected by P. oblonga are
168 Daniela Weber




Mevalonolactone Mevinic acid Nectriapyrone




Scytalone Tyrosol Phomol


DW E02018-5 DW E02018-9


Phomopyronol 3-Phenylpropane-1,2-diol

Fig. 8.6. Metabolites from endophytic Phomopsis species from Erythrina crista-galli

protected from the attack of insects of the genus intermediate in cholesterol biosynthesis. Mevinic
Scolytus (bark beetle; Webber 1981). acid is an inhibitor of HMG-CoA reductase, the
Moderate or no antimicrobial, nematicidal, or key enzyme of cholesterol biosynthesis (Endo and
cytotoxic activities were observed for the new Hasumi 1997). Derivatives are used as cholesterol-
compounds isolated from Phomopsis spp. lowering drugs. Phomol was the only fungal com-
(Weber et al. 2005; Weber 2006). In the mouse pound, which was detected in small amounts in
ear assay however, two compounds, mevinic plant extracts of E. crista-galli by HPLC-MS
acid and phomol, showed significant activities analysis and thus can contribute to the anti-
(Weber et al. 2004, 2005). Mevalonic acid is an inflammatory activity of the plant (Weber 2006).
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 169



4-(2,3-Dihydroxypropoxy)- 2-(Hydroxymethyl)-3- 2-(Hydroxymethyl)-3-

benzoic acid propylphenol (1-hydroxypropyl)phenol


OH (4E,10E)-Trideca-4,10,12-triene-2,8-diol

Compound 6


HO 8-(Hydroxymethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-
HO 7-propylchroman-3-ol






Cytosporone D Phomaxanthone A

Fig. 8.7. Metabolites from endophytic Phomopsis species from Erythrina crista-galli, Eupatorium arnottianum, Phyto-
lacca dioica, and Tectona grandis L.

6. Metabolites from Phomopsis sp. from Clavin et. al. 2000b), and antimicrobial activities (Penna et.
Eupatorium arnottianum al. 1997).

An endophytic Phomopsis was isolated from plant

Eupatorium arnottianum occurs in the northeast and cen- material collected in Argentina (Meister et al. 2007).
ter of Argentina and in the south of Bolivia and is used for Besides mellein and nectriapyrone (Figs. 8.5, 8.6),
the treatment of gastric pains (Iharlegui and Hurell 1992),
asthma, bronchitis, and colds (Girault 1987; Clavin et. al. cultures yielded phomopsidone, a novel depsidone
1999). Infusions of E. arnottianum showed analgesic (Cla- derivate (Fig. 8.7; Meister et al., 2007). The
vin et. al. 2000a), antiviral (against Herpes simplex type 1; new metabolite showed no antimicrobial, cytotoxic,
170 Daniela Weber

nematicidal, or phytotoxic activities (Meister ergochromes and secalonic acids and exhibited
et al. 2007). antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aure-
us and Bacillus subtilis as well as moderate activity
7. Cytosporone D from Phomopsis sp. against human cancer cell lines (A549 and HCT-
of Phytolacca dioica 116; Wagenaar and Clardy 2001).

Phytolacca dioica is used in ethnopharmacology as

a vulnerary, vermifuge, and antipyretic medicine (Quiroga C. Metabolites from Endophytic
et al. 2001). Aqueous and alcoholic extracts from P. dioica Penicillium Species
showed antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and
gram-negative microorganisms (Quiroga et al. 2001). Phy- 1. Metabolites from Penicillium sp. from
tolacca species are used as antirheumatics and have mol- Aegiceras corniculatum L.
luscicidal activity (Soliman et al. 2001).

Aegiceras corniculatum L. is used as a traditional medicine

The known metabolite cytosporone D was isolated for treatment of inflammation and liver injury (Roome
from an endophytic Phomopsis sp., isolated from a et al. 2008). Furthermore Dahdouh-Guebas and coworkers
twig of P. dioica (Fig. 8.7; Weber 2006). The anti- (2006) reported that the bark of A. corniculatum is con-
bacterial octaketide was already described from verted into a paste and used as a fish poison.
Cytospora sp. and Diaporthe sp., which were
isolated as endophytes from Conocarpus erecta Lin et al. (2008a) isolated the endophytic Penicil-
and Forsteronia spicata (Brady et al. 2000a). lium sp. GQ-7 from the inner bark of A. cornicu-
latum collected in China. They were able to purify
six new tetramic acids derivatives, along with the
8. Xanthone Dimers from Phomopsis sp. from mycotoxin citrinin, phenol A acid, phenol A, and
Tectona grandis L. dihydrocitrinin from ethyl acetate extracts of Pen-
The endophyte Phomopsis sp. BCC 1323 was icillium sp. (Fig. 8.9). The six new compounds
isolated from a teak leaf of Tectona grandis were named penicillenols A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and
L. collected in Northern Thailand. (Isaka et al. C2 (Fig. 8.8; Lin et al. 2008a). The cytotoxic activity
2001). The search for bioactive and diverse meta- of the penicillenols was tested against A-549, BEL-
bolites resulted in the isolation and identification 7402, P388, and HL-60 cells by the MTT method.
of two new xanthone dimers, phomaxanthones A Penicillenols C1 and C2 showed no cytotoxicity,
and B (Figs. 8.7, 8.8; Isaka et al. 2001). The two whereas the other four compounds exhibited
compounds exhibited activity against Plasmodi- cytotoxic activity with IC50 values ranging from
um falciparum (K1, multidrug-resistant strain) 0.76 mM to 16.26 mM against HL-60 cells (Lin et al.
and against Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37Ra 2008a).
strain) with IC50 values of 0.11–0.33 mg/ml and
0.50–6.25 mg/ml, respectively (Isaka et al. 2001).
The deacetylated derivate of phomaxynthone A 2. Metabolites from Penicillium chrysogenum
was inactive in all assays. from Cistanche deserticola
Species of the genus Cistanche are used in tradi-
9. Dicerandrols from Phomopsis longicolla tional medicine and are also known as ‘‘Ginseng
from the Mint Dicerandra frutescens of the desert’’. The Cistanche herbs are used as a
superior tonic for the treatment of kidney defi-
Dicerandra frutescens is a rare mint plant that ciency, impotence, female infertility, morbid leu-
showed to be free of injury from insects (Wagen- corrhea, profuse metrorrhagia, and senile
aar and Clardy 2001). A fungus identified as Pho- constipation (Jiang and Tu 2009). Cistanche deser-
mopsis longicolla by ITS sequencing was isolated ticola is a holoparasitic plant and a valuable tradi-
from a stem segment of D. frutescens (Wagenaar tional Chinese medicine (Dong et al. 2007).
and Clardy 2001). Bioassay-guided fractionation Penicillium chrysogenum No. 005 was isolated
yielded three related antibiotics, named diceran- from the root of Cistanche deserticola collected
drols A, B, and C (Fig. 8.8). These new nat- from Inner Mangolia in northwest China (Lin
ural products are structurally related to the et al. 2008b). A new member of the marcfortine
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 171


OAc O Dicerandrol A R1=R2=H
AcO OAc Dicerandrol B R1=Ac, R2=H
OAc Dicerandrol C R1=R2=Ac

Phomaxanthone B



OH Penicillenol A1 OH Penicillenol A2


H Penicillenol B2
Penicillenol B1



Penicillenol C1 Penicillenol C2

Fig. 8.8. Metabolites from endophytic Phomopsis species from Tectona grandis L. and Dicerandra frutescens and from
Penicillium sp. from Aegiceras corniculatum L.

alkaloids, named chrysogenamide A (Fig. 8.9), was showed a neurocyte-protecting effect against oxi-
isolated from the culture broth of P. chrysogennum dative stress-induced cell death in SH-SY5Y cells
005 (Lin et al. 2008b). In addition, four known (Lin et al. 2008b).
compounds were isolated and identified as cir-
cumdatin G, 2-[(2-hydroxypropionyl)amino]ben-
3. Metabolites from Penicillium spp. from
zamide, 20 ,30 -dihydrosorbicillin, and (9Z,12Z)-2,3-
Prumnopitys andina
dihydroxypropyl octadeca-9,12-dienoate by com-
parision of their spectroscopic data with literature Schmeda-Hirschmann and coworkers (2005)
data (Fig. 8.9; Lin et al. 2008b). Chrysogenamide A isolated two endophytic fungi from wood pieces
172 Daniela Weber


Citrinin Dihydrocitrinin




Chrysogenamide A
Circumdatin G








Fig. 8.9. Metabolites from endophytic Penicillium species from Aegiceras corniculatum L. and Cistanche deserticola

of Prumnopitys andina (Lleuque). The mitosporic as Penicillium janczewskii K.M. Zalessky. The
and hyaline fungus E-3, which could not be identi- metabolites from the fungus E-3 exhibited weak
fied, yielded 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol, p-hydroxy- activity against several gram-negative and -positive
benzaldehyde, and the isochromanone mellein bacteria (Schmeda-Hirschmann et al. 2005). The
(Fig. 8.10; Schmeda-Hirschmann et al. 2005). Peni- known compounds, peniprequinolone and
prequinolone and gliovictin were obtained from gliovictin, showed cytotoxic activity against AGS
the second fungus (Fig. 8.10), which was identified cells (IC50 = 89 mM, 475 mM) and fibroblasts
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 173




4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)- p-Hydroxybenz-
phenol aldehyde



Pseurotin A




Cycloaspeptide A

Fig. 8.10. Metabolites from endophytic Penicillium species from Prumnopitys andina

(IC50 = 116 mM, 681 mM) and antibacterial activity P. andina. The two known compounds have been
against Bacillus brevis and B. subtilis in the agar described for several other Penicillium species, like
diffusion assay (Schmeda-Hirschmann et al. 2005). the psychrotolerant species P. jamesonlandense or
Recently, Schmeda-Hirschmann and coworkers P. soppii (Frisvad et al. 2006). For pseurotin
(2008) reported the purification of pseurotin A A, which is known as a mono amine oxidase
and cycloaspeptide A (Fig. 8.10) from cultures of inhibitor, effective nematicidal activity against
P. janczewskii K.M. Zalessky isolated from Bursaphelenchus xylophilus was described, but it
174 Daniela Weber

did not show any nematicidal activity against Pra- the compounds was identified as (R,E)-5-(5,7-
tylenchus penetrans and Caenorhabditis elegans dimethoxy-3-oxo-1,3-dihydroisobenzofuran-1-yl)-
(Hayashi et al. 2007). Cycloaspeptide A exhibited 2-(prop-1-enyl)pyridin-4(1H)-one, shortly named
moderate activity (IC50 = 3.5 mg/ml) against Plas- penicidone A, and the two others penicidones B
modium falciparum (Dalsgaard et al. 2005). Pseur- and C (Ge et al. 2008). The penicidones exhibited
otin A exhibited moderate antimicrobial activity moderate cytotoxicity against SW1116, K562, KB,
and moderate cytotoxic activity against human and HeLa cells with IC50 values between 21.11 mM
lung fibroblasts with an IC50 value of 1000 mM, and 80.8 mM. The biosynthesis of the penicidones
whereas the IC50 value of cycloaspeptide A was is thought via a polyketide pathway together with
>1000 mM (Schmeda-Hirschmann et al. 2008). several biotransformations like cyclization and
transamination (Ge et al. 2008).
4. Penicidones from Penicillium sp. from
Quercus variabilis
D. Metabolites from Endophytic
The three new and cytotoxic g-pyridone alkaloids, Alternaria Species
penicidones A-C (Fig. 8.11), were isolated from
extracts of the endophytic fungus Penicillium sp. 1. Metabolites from Alternaria sp. from
IFB-E22 from the stem of Quercus variabilis Polygonum senegalense
(Ge et al. 2008). The three new compounds,
along with the known metabolites lumichrome, Polygonum species are known in traditional medicine for
physicion, and emodin-1,6-dimethylether, were their diuretic, cholagic, antihemorrhagic, and antiseptic
purified from the extracts (Fig. 8.11). One of properties (Aly et al. 2008). P. senegalense is a traditional



Penicidone A R=Me Penicidone C

Penicidone B R=H

Me N N O O Me

Me N


Lumichrome Physcion


O Me

Fig. 8.11. Metabolites from en-

dophytic Penicillium sp. from
Quercus variabilis Emodin-1,6-dimethylether
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 175

medicinal plant growing in Egypt which is used for the toxic for insects and ingestion of the fruits induces gastro-
treatment of skin diseases. intestinal discomfort in humans (Roth et al. 1994).

The endophyte Alternaria sp. was isolated from The two Alternaria species from V. minor and
fresh healthy leaves of P. senegalense collected E. europaeus produced similar secondary metabo-
near Alexandria, Egypt (Aly et al. 2008). In liquid lites in shake flasks and stirred fermentors (Hellwig
Wickerham medium this fungus produced new et al. 2002). A new metabolite, named altersetin was
sulfated derivatives of alternariol and its mono- produced together with the known metabolites alter-
methyl ethers (alternariol 5-O-sulfate and alter- nariol, alternariol monomethylether, and tenuazonic
nariol 5-O-methyl ether-40 -O-sulfate) besides the acid by both fungal strains (Fig. 8.12; Hellwig et al.
known compounds alternariol, alternariol 5-O- 2002). Altersetin exhibited antibacterial activity
methylether, altenusin, 2,5-dimetyl-7-hydroxy- against various human pathogenic bacteria in the
chromone, tenuazonic acid, and altertoxin I serial agar dilution assay (Hellwig et al. 2002).
(Fig. 8.12; Aly et al. 2008). From solid rice cultures
the four new compounds 30 -hydroxyalternariol 5- E. Xanthones from Emericella variecolor from
O-methylether, desmethylaltenusin, alterlactone, Croton oblongifolius
and alternaric acid together with alternariol, alter-
nariol 5-O-methyl ether, altenusin, talaroflavone, Emericella variecolor was isolated from mature
and a new stereoisomer of altuene, named 40 - petioles of the Thai medicinal plant Croton oblon-
epialtenuene, were obtained (Aly et al. 2008). gifolius (Pornpakapul et al. 2006). Four xanthones
The cytotoxic activity of the isolated compounds were isolated from the mycelium of the endophytic
was tested against L5178Y mouse lymphoma cells. fungus. The metabolites were identified by spectro-
Alternariol was the most active compound and scopic analysis as shamixanthone, 14-methoxyta-
exhibited an EC50 value of 1.7 mg/ml, whereas jixanthone-25-acetate, taijixanthone methanoate,
alternariol 5-O-sulfate and alternariol 5-O-methyl and tajixanthone hydrate (Fig. 8.13). The cytotoxic
ether showed EC50 values of 4.5 mg/ml and 7.8 mg/ activitiy of the four compounds was tested
ml, respectively (Aly et al. 2008). Alternariol 5-O- against several human tumor cell lines and only
methyl ether, altenusin, and alternariol were tajixanthone hydrate exhibited modest activity
detected in crude MeOH extracts of the host against all tested cell lines including gastric carci-
plant P. senegalense by LC-MS (Aly et al. 2008). noma (KATO3; IC50 = 10.9 mM), colon carcinoma
(SW620; IC50 = 13.6 mM), breast carcinoma (BT474;
IC50 = 12.3 mM), human hepatocarcinoma (HEP-
2. Metabolites from Alternaria spp. from G2; IC50 = 16.4 mM), and lung carcinoma (CHAGO;
Vinca minor and Euonymus europaeus IC50 = 11.6 mM; Pornpakapul et al. 2006).

The endophytic Alternaria species P 0506 and P

0535 were isolated from a leaf of Vinca minor and F. Cyclopentenons from Dothideomycete
from a fruit of Euonymus europaeus, respectively sp. from Leea rubra
(Hellwig et al. 2002).
The endophyte Dothideomycete sp. LRUB20 was
The species of the genus Vinca are well known because of the isolated from the stem of the Thai medicinal plant
isolation of the vinca alkaloids, e.g. vincristine or vinblastine. Leea rubra (Chomcheon et al. 2006). Two new
These alkaloids bind specifically to tubulin, and therefore the natural products, 2-hydroxymethyl-3-methylcy-
polymerization of the microtubli and the formation of the clopent-2-enone (synthetically known) and cis-
spindle apparatus are blocked, resulting in an inhibition of
mitosis (Aktories et al. 2005). The vinca alkaloids are used for 2-hydroxymethyl-3-methylcyclopentanone, and
the treatment of various tumors like malign lymphomas or the known compound asterric acid were isolated
acute leukemia. from extracts of the culture broth of the endo-
Several species of the genus Euonymus are used as phyte (Fig. 8.13; Chomcheon et al. 2006). In the
traditional medicinal plants, e.g. E. hederaceus or E. alatus microplate Alamar Blue assay 2-hydroxymethyl-
(Hu et al. 2005; Park et al. 2005). E. alatus has been used
for the treatment of diabetes and tumors in China and 3-methylcyclopent-2-enone and asterric acid
Korea (Kim et al. 2006; Fang et al. 2008). E. europaeus is exhibited weak antimicrobial activity against
the sole representative of this genus in central and western Mycobacterium tuberculosis with a MIC value of
Europe (Descoins et al. 2002). The fruits of the plant are 200 mg/ml (Chomeon et al. 2006).
176 Daniela Weber


R 2O


R1=H, R2=H, R3=SO3H Altenusin R=CH3

Alternariol 5-O-sulfate
R =H, R =SO H, R =CH Desmethylaltenusin R=H
Alternariol 5-O-methylether-4´-O-sulfate 1 2 3 3 3
Alternariol R1=H, R2=H, R3=H
R1=H, R2=H, R3=CH3
Alternariol 5-O-methylether R1=OH, R2=H, R3=CH3
3´-Hydroxyalternariol 5-O-methylehter




2,5-Dimethyl-7-hydroxychromone Tenuazonic acid Altertoxin I

Alterlactone Alternaric acid Talaroflavone



4´-Epialtenuene R1=H, R2=OH
Altenuene R1=OH, R2=H Altersetin

Fig. 8.12. Metabolites from endophytic Alternaria species

G. Metabolites from Endophytic therapeutically and as an instrument of suicide since the

Chaetomium Species antiquity (Langford and Boor 1996). The pink oleander,
Nerium oleander, is one of the principle oleander repre-
sentatives (Langford and Boor 1996). Certain parts of the
1. Metabolites from Chaetomium plant are used in Chinese folk medicine (Huang et al.
sp. from Nerium oleander L. 2007). N. oleander is supposed to have cardiotonic, anti-
bacterial, antileprotic, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and
antiplatelet aggregation activities, insecticidal activity,
Oleanders (Apocynaceae), which contain the inotropic mammalian cytotoxicity, and act as a depressant of the
cardenolides (e.g. oleanderin), have been exploited central nerve system (Huang et al. 2007).
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 177



Shamixanthone 14-Methoxytajixanthone-25-acetate



Tajixanthone methanoate Tajixanthone hydrate




2-Hydroxymethyl-3-methyl- cis-2-Hydroxymethyl-3- Asterric acid

cyclopent-2-enone methylcyclopentenone

Fig. 8.13. Metabolites from endophytic Emericella variecolor and Dothideomycete sp.

Huang and coworkers (2007) isolated, among 42 were not able to find the same compounds in the
endophytic fungi, a Chaetomium sp. with the host plant and its endophytic fungi.
strong antioxidant capacity from N. oleander.
The main bioactive metabolites from the fungal 2. Cytochalasan Alkaloids from Chaetomium
cultures were phenolics (e.g. phenolic acids and globosum from Imperata cylindrica
their derivates) and volatile and aliphatic com-
pounds which were detected by LC-ESI-MS and The endophyte Chaetomium globosum IFB-E019
GC-MS (Huang et al. 2007). Huang et al. (2007) was isolated from the stem of Imperata cylindrica
178 Daniela Weber

O human nasopharyngeal epidermoid tumor KB cell
line. Chaetoglobosin U was the most cytotoxic,
with an IC50 value of 16 mM, whereas the four
known compounds exhibited moderate activity
Me with IC50 values of 34–52 mM (Ding et al. 2006).

H. Metabolites from Endophytic
H Pestalotiopsis Species
Chaetoglobosin U
1. Isopestacin from Pestalotiopsis
microspora from Terminalia morobensis

Me Species of the genus Terminalia are used as medicinal

plants, e.g. the bark of Terminalia arjuna has a long history
of use as a cardiac tonic and is indicated for the treatment
of coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypercholesterol-
O emia, and for relief of anginal pain (Miller 1998b).
Strobel and coworkers (2002) isolated an endo-
Chaetoglobosin C R=O
Chaetoglobosin F R=OH phytic Pestalotiospis microspora from a small
tree stem of Terminalia morobensis collected on
the north coast of Papua New Guinea. Isopecta-
Me OH cin (Fig. 8.15), an isobenzofuranone, was
obtained from the culture broth of the fungal
Me isolate (Strobel et al. 2002). The compound
H possessed antioxidant activity against a variety
Me of free radicals and a moderate antimycotic ac-
O tivity against the plant pathogen Pythium ulti-
O O mum (Strobel et al. 2002).

Chaetoglobosin E
2. Sesquiterpenes from Pestalotiopsis sp.
from Pinus taeda
Pestalotiopsis sp. was the predominant endo-
phyte in a collection of microorganisms from
Me Pinus taeda from São Paulo State in Brazil
Me (Magnani et al. 2003). Three new highly oxidized
caryophyllene sequiterpenes, named pestalotiop-
solide A, taedolidol, and 6-epitaedolidol, were
HN purified from liquid culture of this endophytic
fungus (Fig. 8.15; Magnani et al. 2003). The car-
bon skeleton of pestalotiopsolide A is similar to
that of pestalotiopsin C (Magnani et al. 2003).
Phenochalasin A The pestalotiopsins A, B, and C were originally
described from endophytic Pestalotiopsis species
Fig. 8.14. Cytochalasan alkaloids from Chaetomium glo-
bosum from Imperata cylindrica isolated from Taxus brevifolia (Pulici et al. 1996,
1997). Pestalotiopsin A exhibited immunosup-
(Ding et al. 2006). The new cytotoxic cytochalasan- pressive and cytotoxic activity in preliminary
based alkaloid chaetoglobosin U and four known assays (Johnston et al. 2003). The pestalotiopsins
analogues chaetoglobosins C, F, E, and penochala- were not isolated by Magnani and coworkers,
sin A were isolated from exracts of the fungal but they assume that these compounds could be
biomass (Fig. 8.14; Ding et al. 2006). The cytotoxic precursors of pestalotiopsolide A, taedolidol, and
activity of all five compounds was tested against the 6-epitaedolidol.
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 179





Isopectacin Pestalotiopsolide A



Taedolidol 6-Epitaedolidol




Pestafolide A Pestaphthalide A Pestaphthalide B

Fig. 8.15. Metabolites from endophytic Pestalotiopsis species

3. Metabolites from Pestalotiopsis foedan pestaphthalide A was active against C. albicans,

and pestaphthalide B showed antifungal activity
The endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis foedan was against G. candidum (Ding et al. 2008).
isolated from an unidentified tree (Ding et al.
2008). Bioassay-guided fractionation led to the
4. Metabolites from Pestalotiopsis theae
isolation of three new metabolites, a reduced
spiro azaphilone derivative named pestafolide The endophytic Pestalotiopsis theae was isolated
A, and the two isobenzofuranones pestaphtha- from an unidentified tree by Li et al. (2008). Four
lides A and B (Fig. 8.15; Ding et al. 2008). The new compounds, pestalotheols A–D (Fig. 8.16),
antifungal activity of the three compounds were purified from fungal rice cultures by bioas-
was investigated against Candida albicans, say-guided fractionation (Li et al. 2008). It is as-
Geotrichum candidum, and Aspergillus fumiga- sumed that the chromenones pestalotheols A, B,
tus in agar diffusion assays. Pestafolide A exhib- and C are derived from two units of isoprenoids
ited antifungal activity against A. fumigatus, and a polyketide, whereas pestalotheol C could be
180 Daniela Weber


O Pestalotheol A R=OH Pestalotheol C

Pestalotheol B R=H



Pestalotheol D



Tauranin R1=H2, R2=H Phyllospinarone H
3-Ketotauranin R1=O, R2=H R N O
3a-Hydroxytauranin R1=a-CH,b-H, R2=H
12-Hydroxytauranin R1=H2, R2=OH


Fusaristatin A R= NH2

Fusaristatin B R=
CR377 O

Fig. 8.16. Metabolites from endophytic Pestalotiopsis theae, Phyllosticta spinarum from Platycladus orientalis, and
Fusarium sp.

their biosynthetic precursor. Of these four com- J. Metabolites from Phyllosticta spinarum
pounds pestalotheol C showed an inhibitory effect from Platycladus orientalis
on HIV-1 replication in C8166 cells, but none of
the compounds exhibited noticeable antimicrobial Platycladus orientalis (Cupressaceae) is a traditional Chi-
activity (Li et al. 2008). nese herb and food additive used for the treatment of gout,
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 181

rheumatism, diarrhea, and chronic tracheitis (Lu et al. 2006). et al. 2007). The plant material was collected in the
The plant is also cultivated as an ornamental in southeastern botanical garden in Göttingen, Germany. From
Arizona (Wijeratne et al. 2008).
fungal rice cultures two new cyclic lipopeptides,
The fungal endophyte Phyllosticta spinarum was fusaristatins A and B, were obtained (Fig. 8.16;
isolated from healthy foliage of Platycladus Shiono et al. 2007). These two compounds did
orientalis collected in Arizona (Wijeratne et al. not exhibit antimicrobial activity at a concentra-
2008). Five new sesquiterpene quinones and tion of 100 mg/ml against Staphylococcus aureus
related derivates, (+)-(5S,10S)-40 -hydroxymethyl- NBRC 13276, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC
cyclozonarone, 3-ketotauranin, 3a-hydroxytaura- 15442, Candida albicans ATCC 2019, and Asper-
nin, 12-hydroxytauranin, and phyllospinarone, gillus clavatus F 318a (Shiono et al. 2007). Since
together with tauranin were isolated from cultures the fusaristatins are structurally related to
of P. spinarum (Fig. 8.16; Wijeratne et al. 2008). the DNA topoisomerase inhibitor, topostatin, the
The in vitro antiproliferative activity of the six inhibitory effect on topoisomerases was investi-
compounds was tested against five cell lines: gated: fusaristatin B showed a moderate inhibition
NCI-H460, MCF-7, SF-268, PC-3M, and MIA Pa of topoisomerase I and II with an IC50 value of 73
Ca-2. Only tauranin showed antiproliferative ac- mM and 98 mM, respectively (Shiono et al 2007).
tivity against the cancer cell lines tested; all other Fusaristatin A and B exhibited cytototoxic activity
compounds were found to be inactive at concen- against the human lung cancer cells LU 65 with an
trations up to 5 mM (Wijeratne et al. 2008). IC50 value of 23 mM and 7 mM, respectively, where-
as no activity could be detected against the colon
cancer cells COLO 201 up to a concentration of
K. Metabolites from Endophytic 100 mM (Shiono et al. 2007).
Fusarium Species
1. CR377 from Fusarium sp. from L. Epichlicin from Epichloe typhina
Selaginella pallescens from Phleum pretense L.

Species of the genus Selaginella are used in traditional Chi- Infection by the choke disease endophytic fungus,
nese medicines, e.g. S. tamariscina and S. uncinata (Ma et al. Epichloe typhina (Pers. Ex. Fr.) Tul., whose imma-
2003; Cheng et al. 2008). S. unicata is used to treat infectious ture form is Acremonium typhinum, in Phleum
diseases and tumors and ethanol extracts of the whole plant pretense induces resistance of leaf spot disease
show significant inhibitory activities against respiratory
syncytial virus (Ma et al. 2003). S. tamariscina is a medicinal
caused by the pathogen, Cladosporium phlei
plant used for the treatment of advanced cancer in the Orient (Gregory) de Vries (Seto et al. 2007). In order to
(Ahn et al. 2006) and for the therapy of chronic tracheitis explain the beneficial mutual relatioship between
(Yang et al. 2007). The plant exhibits antitumor and vaso- fungus and host plant, Seto et al. (2007) investi-
relaxant activity (Kang et al. 2004; Yang et al. 2007). gated the metabolites of E. typhina, since culture
broth of the endophytic fungus was able to inhibit
CR377, a Fusarium species, was collected in the the spore germination in C. phlei. So they were
Guanacaste Conversation Area in Costa Rica and able to isolate the germination inhibitor epichlicin
isolated from a piece of a stem from another (Fig. 8.17). This novel cyclic peptide with the
Selaginella species, S. pallescens (Brady and amino acid sequence 3-amino tetradecanoic acid
Clardy 2000). A new pentaketide, CR377 (b-amino acid), L-Asn, D-Tyr, L-Asn, L-Gln, L-
(Fig. 8.16), was isolated from the culture broth of Ser, L-Asn, and D-Pro is a diastereomer of mixirin
this Fusarium strain CR377. The compound A (Seto et al. 2007). Spore germination of C. phlei
showed potent antifungal activity against strains was inhibited by epichlicin with an IC50 value of
of Candida albicans in the agar diffusion assay 22 nM (Seto et al. 2007).
(Brady and Clardy 2000).

2. Lipopeptides from Fusarium sp. from Maackia M. Metabolite from Colletotrichum dematium
chinensis from Pteromischum sp.
Fungal strain Fusarium sp. YG-45 was isolated Colletotrichum dematium was isolated from a
from a twig segment of Maackia chinensis (Shiono Pteromischum sp. growing in a tropical forest in
182 Daniela Weber

O HN (CH2)10CH3


Epichlicin H O


Brefeldin A

Hormonemate O O


Phaeosphaeride A Phaeosphaeride B

Fig. 8.17. Structures of epichlicin, brefeldin A, hormonemate, and phaeospaerides A and B

Costa Rica (Ren et al. 2008). The fungus pro- cyclosporine A in the same test yielded a value
duced a novel antimycotic peptide, colutellin A, of 61.8 nM (Ren et al. 2008).
which contains residues of Ile, Var, Ser, N-meth-
yl-Val, and beta-aminoisobutryic acid in nomi-
nal molar ratios of 3:2:1:1:1 (Ren et al. 2008). N. Hormonemate from Hormonema
Colutellin A is assumed to have potential im- dematioides from Pinus sp.
munosuppressive activity, since it inhibited
CD4(+) T-cell activation of interleukin 2 produc- The fungal strain E99156 was isolated as a symp-
tion with an IC50 value of 167.3 nM, wherease tomless endophyte from the needle base of a Pinus
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 183

species collected in Portugal (Filip et al. 2003). The inhibited STAT3, with an IC50 value of 0.61 mM,
endophyte was identified as Hormonema dema- whereas the diastereomer, phaeosphaerid B,
tioides by microscopic and genetic characteristics. exhibited no activity against STAT3 (Manoley
The new metabolite hormonemate was isolated et al. 2006). Phaeosphaeride A is an inhibitor of
from submerged cultures of the endophytic fun- STAT3 signaling and selective for STAT3 over
gus (Fig. 8.17; Filip et al. 2003). The compound other STAT proteins (Manoley et al. 2006).
exhibited cytotoxic acitivity against the tested
cancer cell lines COLO 320, DLD-1, HT-29, Jurkat,
and HL-60 cells, with IC50 values of 3.5 mg/ml and
Q. Metabolites from Nodulisporium sp. from
3.75 mg/ml, and induced apoptosis in COLO-320
Junipercus cedre
cells (Filip et al. 2003).
The fungus Nodulisporium sp. 7080, belonging to
the Xylariaceae, was isolated from twigs of the plant
O. Brefeldin A from Phoma medicaginis Juniperus cedre (Dai et al. 2006). Searching for
from Medicago lupulina biologically active compounds from endophytic
fungi, Dai and coworkers (2006) found that the
Phoma medicaginis was the dominating endophyte crude extracts of Nodulisporium sp. 7080 exhibited
in Medicago sativa and M. lupulina (Weber et al. antimicrobial and algicidal activities. Seven new
2004). The macrocyclic lactone brefeldin A natural products, 3-hydroxy-1-(2,6-dihydroxyphe-
(Fig. 8.17), an inhibitor of protein trafficking in nyl)-butan-1-one, 1-(2-hydroxy-6-methoxyphenyl)
the endomembrane system of mammalian cells butan-1-one, 2,3-dihydro-5-methoxy-2-methyl-
(Nebenführ et al. 2002), was isolated from pure chomen-4-one, the dimeric naphthalenes noduli-
fungal cultures and detected in infected and artifi- sporin A and B, the first naturally occurring
cially inoculated plant material of M. sativa (Weber dimeric indanone nodulisporin C, and (4E,6E)-
et al. 2004). Brefeldin A was not found in freshly 2,4,6-trimethylocta-4,6-dien-3-one, and ten known
harvested plant material, so the authors assumed compounds were isolated by bioassay guided
that this secondary metabolite is produced to de- fractionation (Fig. 8.18; Dai et al. 2006). The
fend the dead plant against other saprophytic known compounds were identified by NMR
organisms after the switch from the endophytic to spectroscopy as 1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl)butan-
the saprotrophic phase, following the death of 1-one, 5-hydroxy-2-methyl-4H-chromen-4-one,
infected host tissue (Weber et al. 2004). 2,3-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-methylchomen-4-one, 8-
methoxynaphthalen-1-ol, 1,8-dimethoxynaphtha-
lene, daldinol, helicascolide A, the eudesmane
P. Phaeosphaerides from an derivative (1S,4S,4aS,6R,6aR)-decahydro-1,4-di-
Endophytic Fungus methyl-6-(prop-1-en-2-yl)naphthalene-1-ol, ergos-
terol, and 5a,8a-epidioxyergosterol (Fig. 8.18, 8.19;
Maloney and coworkers (2006) isolated endophyt- Dai et al. 2006). 1-(2-Hydroxy-6-methoxyphenyl)
ic fungi from plant samples collected in the Arch- butan-1-one and 1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl)butan-1-
bold Biological Station, a 5000-acre (20.2 km2) one exhibited biological activity at a concentration
preserve in Lake Placid in Florida. The endophyte of 0.25 mg/filter in the agar diffusion assay against
FA 39, having 97% identity to the ascomycete the fungi Microbotryum violaceum and Septoria
Phaeosphaeria avenaria, exhibited interesting ac- tritici and the green alga Chlorella fusca (Dai et al.
tivity against STAT3 (Maloney et al. 2006). Two 2006).
compounds, phaeosphaeride A and B, were pu-
rified from fungal material and have a new carbon
skeleton related to the fungal curvupallides R. Metabolites from Ascochyta sp. from
and the lipid-lowering spirostaphylotrichins/ Meliotus dentatus
triticones (Fig. 8.17; Maloney et al. 2006). These
three families share the functional group O-meth- The endophytic fungus Ascochyta sp. 6651 was
yl hydroxamic acid (Maloney et al. 2006). In isolated from the plant Meliotus dentatus (Krohn
an ELISA-based screening phaeosphaeride A et al. 2007b). The plant material was collected at the
184 Daniela Weber

Fig. 8.18. Metabolites from Nodu- O
lisporium sp. from Junipercus
cedre – part 1

3-Hydroxy-1-(2,6-di- 1-(2-Hydroxy-6-methoxy- 2,3-Dihydro-5-methoxy-

hydroxyphenyl)-butan-1-one phenyl)butan-1-one 2-methylchromen-4-one


Nodulisporin A

Nodulisporin B


1-(2,6-Dihydroxyphenyl)- HO O
Nodulisporin C



5-Hydroxy-2-methyl- 2,3-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-
4H-chromen-4-one 2-methylchromen-4-one 8-Methoxynaphthalene

shores of the Baltic Sea. Two new compounds, (4S)- the alga Chlorella fusca in the agar diffusion test at a
(+)-ascochin and (S,S)-(+)-ascodiketone, and three concentration of 0.5 mg/filter (Krohn et al. 2007b).
known compounds, (3R,4R)-()-4-hydroxymel-
lein, ent-a-cyperone, and (3S,4R)-()-dihydroxy- S. Metabolites from Endophytic Fungi from
(6S)-undecyl-a-pyranone, were purified from Garcinia Species
fungal cultures of Ascochyta sp. 6651 (Fig. 8.20;
Krohn et al. 2007b). Ascochin, 4-hydroxymellein,
Species of the genus Garcinia are used in ethnopharma-
and dihydroxy-undecyl-pyranone showed activity cology, e.g. Garcinia mangostana L. (mangosteen) is a tree
against the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus mega- widespread in Southeast Asian countries with medicinal
sterium, the fungus Microbotryum violaceum, and properties (Suksamrarn et al. 2003). The fruit hulls are
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 185



1,8-Dimethoxynaphthalene Daldinol



hydro-1,4-dimethyl-6-(prop- Helicascolide A


Ergosterol 5a,8a-Epidioxyergosterol

Fig. 8.19. Metabolites from Nodulisporium sp. from Junipercus cedre – part 2

used in Thai folk medicine for the treatment of skin infec- G. mangostana collected in Thailand (Pongchar-
tions, wounds, and diarrhea (Suksamrarn et al. 2003) and oen et al. 2007). A new dihydrobenzofuran,
as an anti-inflammatory drug (Chen et al. 2008). Pedraza-
Chaverri et al. (2008) reported that the pericarp (peel, rind,
botryomaman, was isolated along with six
hull, or ripe) of G. mangostana is used in traditional known compounds, 2,4-dimethoxy-6-pentylphe-
medicine for the treatment of abdominal pain, diarrhea, nol, (R)-()-mellein, primin, cis-4-hydroxymel-
dysentery, infected wound, suppuration, and chronic lein, trans-4-hydroxymellein, and 4,5-dihydroxy-
ulcer. Experimental studies demonstrated that extracts of 2-hexenoic acid (Figs. 8.20, 8.21 Pongcharoen
the plant have antioxidant, antitumoral, antiallergic, anti-
inflammatory, antibacterial, and antiviral activities (Ped-
et al. 2007). Pongcharoen and coworkers (2007)
raza-Chaverri et al. 2008). assumed that botryomaman is derived from the
condensation of the demethylated 2,4-dimethoxy-
The endophytic fungus Botryosphaeria mamane 6-pentylphenol and 4,5-dihydroxy-2-hexenoic
PSU-M76 was isolated from the leaves of acid. Primin exhibited the best activity against
186 Daniela Weber


O (CH2)11 O


(S)-(+)-Ascochin (S,S)-(+)-Ascodiketone (3R,4R)-(-)-4-Hydroxymellein


O (CH2)9

ent-(-)-a-Cyperone (3S,4R)-(-)-Dihydroxy-(6S)-undecyl-a-pyranone



Botryomaman 2,4-Dimethoxy-6-pentyl phenol



R2 R1

(R)-(-)-Mellein R1=R2=H
cis-4-Hydroxymellein R1=H, R2=OH
Primin trans -4-Hydroxymellein R1=OH, R2=H

Fig. 8.20. Metabolites from Ascochyta sp. from Meliotus dentatus and from endophytic fungi from Garcinia species

Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin-resitant S. pyrenocines A and B were obtained from extracts
aureus, with MIC values of 8 mg/ml, while all the of fungal fermentations (Fig. 8.21; Rukachaisirikul
other compounds were inactive, with MIC values et al. 2007). Pyrenocine B showed mild antifungal
>128 mg/ml (Pongcharoen et al. 2007). activity against the human pathogenic fungus Micro-
The endophyte Penicillium paxilli PSU-A71 was sporum gypseum with a MIC value of 32 mg/ml,
isolated from leaves of G. atroviridis collected in whereas penicillone and pyrenocine A were much
Thailand (Rukachaisirikul et al. 2007). A new pyrone less active with MIC values of 64 mg/ml and 128 mg/
derivative, penicillone, together with paxilline and ml, respectively (Rukachaisirikul et al. 2007).
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 187





4,5-Dihydroxy-2-hexenoic acid Penicillone



Paxilline Pyrenocine A



Pyrenocine B Leptosphaeric acid




Daldinone C Daldinone D

Fig. 8.21. Metabolites from endophytic fungi from Garcinia and Artemisia species

T. Metabolites from Endophytic Fungi from and inflorescences (Woerdenbag et al. 1990). Artemisinin
Artemisia species and its derivatives are a potent new class of antimalarials
(Balint 2001), since artemisinin is effective against both
drug-resistant and cerebral malaria caused by strains of
Artemisia species are widespread in nature and are fre- Plasmodium falciparum (Abdin et al. 2003).
quently used for the treatment of malaria, hepatitis, can-
cer, inflammation, and infections by fungi bacteria and
viruses (Tan et al. 1998). The endoperoxides sequiterpene The endophyte Leptosphaeria sp. IV403 was isolated
lactone artemisinin was isolated from A. annua. The high- from the plant Artemisia annua. Liu and coworkers
est artemisinin concentrations can be found in the leaves (2003) purified a metabolite, leptosphaeric acid
188 Daniela Weber



Altechromone A


Colletotric acid Massarilactone E


Massarilactone F Massarilactone G Massarilactone acetonide




DWE01141-1 2,7-Dimethoxy-6-(1-acetoxyethyl)-juglon

Fig. 8.22. Metabolites from endophytic fungi from Artemisia species and Schinus molle

(Fig. 8.21), with a novel carbon skeleton and unre- daldinone D, and the known metabolites altechro-
lated to artemisin from extracts of the culture of the mone A and (4S)-5,8-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-a-tet-
endophyte. ralone were isolated from extracts of a solide
The endophytic Hypoxylon truncatum IFB-18 culture of the fungal strain (Figs. 8.21, 8.22; Gu
was isolated from symtomless stem tissue of A. et al. 2007). Daldinones C and D exhibited cyto-
annua by Gu et al. (2007). Two new benzo[j]fluor- toxic ativity against the SW1116 cell line with IC50
anthene-based natural products, daldinone C and values of 49.5 mM and 41.0 mM (Gu et al. 2007).
Endophytic Fungi, Occurrence and Metabolites 189

Biosynthetically these compounds could be is an orange pigment described from Henderso-

derived from a polyketide precusor. nula toruloidea (Fig. 8.22; van Eijik and
Artemisia mongolica is known to be strongly Roeymans 1978) and Kirschsteiniothelia sp.
resistant to insects and pathogens (Zou et al. 2000). (Poch et al. 1992).
From apparently healthy plants the fungus
Colletotrichum gloeosporioides was isolated (Zou
et al. 2000). From the culture liquid of this fungus V. Conclusion
a new metabolite, named colletotric acid (Fig. 8.22),
was isolated. C. gloeosporioides is known as a host- Endophytic fungi are still an interesting source for
specific pathogen causing anthracnose of host new natural products. New metabolites together
plants and some strains are of value for biological with already known compounds are isolated from
control of weeds (Zou et al. 2000). Antimicrobial cultures of endophytic fungi. This confirms the
bioassays revealed that colletotric acid was anti- hypothesis of Seymour et al. (2004) that endo-
bacterial to Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, phytic isolates which are genotypically similar
and Sarcina lutea, with MICs of 25, 50, and 50 mg/ show considerable metabolite variability. The as-
ml and antifungal to Helmithosporium sativum sessment of the potential metabolic diversity of a
with a MIC of 50 mg/ml (Zou et al. 2000). fungal species cannot be adequately performed by
The fungal isolate 7303, a Coniothyrium investigating a single ‘‘representative’’ isolate
species, was isolated from the halotolerant plant (Seymour et al. 2004). Fungal species possess an
Artemisia maritima (Krohn et al. 2007a). The interesting potential for secondary metabolic var-
plant material was collected from Mandø in Den- iation.
mark. Three new metabolites, massarilactones E- There is an increasing number of reports of
G and massarilactone acetonide (Fig. 8.22), named endophytic fungi that produce metabolites origi-
according to related metabolites from the fresh- nally known from their host plants. This was first
water fungus Massarina tunicata, were isolated described for taxol produced by Pestalotiopsis
from extracts of fungal cultures (Krohn et al. andreanae and Taxus brevifolia. It can be as-
2007a). sumed that there occurred a horizontal gene
transfer, but the details of this gene transfer are
still unknown. These new publications support
the hypothesis that endophytic fungi adapt to the
U. Metabolites from Endophytes from microenvironment in the host plants and are able
Schinus molle to uptake plant DNA into their genome.
The isolation of endophytes from plants is
The genus Schinus comprises 30 species, which are origi- described in various publications. In the past
nally widespread from Mexico to Argentina (Roth et al. years many authors reported in detail the isolation
1994). S. molle is used in ethnopharmacology as a vulner- of endophytic fungal communities from host
ary and anti-inflammatory agent (Quiroga et al. 2001) and plants (Kumar and Hyde et al. 2004; Nalini et al.
the fruits are used as spice. Extracts of S. molle showed
antifungal activities against several fungi (Quiroga et al. 2005; Raviraja 2005; Tejesvi et al. 2005; Gond et al.
2001). The oil of S. molle exhibited fungitoxic activity 2007; El-Zayat et al. 2008) or the screening of
against some common storage and animal pathogenic crude extracts of endophytic fungi for bioactivity
fungi (Dikshit et al. 1986). (Wiyakrutta et al. 2004; Li et al. 2005). Since it is
often mentioned that the isolation is performed in
Artemisia new compound, DW E01141-1, was order to investigate the secondary metabolites of
isolated from an endophytic Colletotrichum the endophytic fungi, it can be expected that the
gloeosporioides, isolated from leaves of S. molle literature on natural compounds from endophytes
(Fig. 8.22; Weber 2006). 2,7-Dimethoxy-6-(1-acet- will increase constantly in the next years.
oxyethyl)-juglon was purified from Botryo-
sphaeria parva, which was isolated from small
woody twigs of S. molle (Weber 2006). DW References
E01141-1 exhibited no antimicrobial, cytotoxic,
phytotoxic, or nematicidal activities (Weber Abdin MZ, Israr M, Rehman RU, Jain SK (2003) Artemi-
2006). 2,7-Dimethoxy-6-(1-acetoxyethyl)-juglon sinin, a novel antimalarial drug: biochemical and
190 Daniela Weber

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9 Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous
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CONTENTS which are also called secondary metabolites – are

I. The Ecological Role of Natural Products . . . . . . 197 characteristic of a limited number of microbial or
II. The Symbiosis Between Poaceae and plant taxa, e.g. an order, a family, a species or even
Clavicipitaceous Fungi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 a subspecies only. Many of the natural products
III. Epibiotic Clavicipitaceous Fungi Associated exhibit physiological activities which is the basis
with Convolvulaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
A. Identification of Clavicipitaceous Fungi . . . . 199 for their use in medical applications (Clardy and
1. Microscopic and Electron Walsh 2004).
Microscopic Characterisation . . . . . . . . . 199 The high physiological activities of many nat-
2. Phylogenetic Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 ural products triggered a now historical dispute
B. Fungicidal Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 about the role of natural products in the produc-
C. Plant Growth Under Germ-Free
Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 ing organism. It was proposed that ‘‘the multiplic-
D. Biosynthesis and Accumulation of ity of natural products is caused by random
Ergoline Alkaloids in the Fungus/Plant processes of mutations, i.e. it reflects the gambling
Symbiotum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 of nature rather than a sophisticated strategy’’
E. Seed Transmittance of Epibiotic Fungi (Mothes 1981; Mothes et al. 1985).
Colonizing Convolvulaceae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
IV. Additional Fungus/Plant Symbiota in This hypothesis, however, neglects the possi-
Dicotyledonous Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 bility that mutations may turn out to be detrimen-
V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 tal or advantageous to the mutated organism. In
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 the former case a mutated organism may be elimi-
nated, or in the latter case may benefit from an
increased fitness and a better chance to survive in
a certain ecological setting (Zenk 1967). Today the
Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Detlef Gröger on the occa- ecological role of natural products is well accepted
sion of his 80th birthday in the scientific community (Eisner 2003; White
Jr. et al. 2003; Harborne 2004).
Natural product research entered a new era
I. The Ecological Role of Natural when it was discovered that plants and fungi ela-
Products borated during evolution another way to acquire
natural products: Not only may they be formed in
biosynthetic processes by one particular organism
Microorganisms and plants have one thing in
itself, but a host organism may instead harbor a
common: both are equipped with a frequently
natural product-producing microorganism: A
elaborate biosynthetic machinery responsible for
plant may be associated with a bacterium (Piel
the formation of an almost unlimited variety of
2004; Strobel 2004; Gunatilaka 2006) or a fungus
natural products. Typically, natural products –
(Strobel 2004; Puri et al. 2005; Gunatilaka 2006),
while a fungus may harbor a bacterium (Partida-
Institut für Pharmazeutische Biologie, Rheinische Friedrich Martinez and Hertweck 2005).
Wilhelm-Universität Bonn, Nussallee 6, 53115 Bonn, Germany;
It is remarkable that three important and fre-
Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften und Ressourcenschutz
quently used cytostatic compounds employed in
(INRES), Rheinische Friedrich Wilhelm-Universität Bonn, Nus- today’s tumor therapy apparently are synthesized
sallee 9, 53115 Bonn, Germany; e-mail: by plant-associated microorganisms: Vincristine

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
198 Eckhard Leistner and Ulrike Steiner

is produced by Fusarium oxysporum associated related taxa. It was therefore assumed that during
with Catharanthus roseus (Zhang et al. 2000; evolution a horizontal transfer of genes responsi-
cited by Gunatilaka 2006), camptothecin, a lead ble for ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis might have
compound in cancer research and therapy is pro- occurred from fungi to higher plants (Groeger and
duced by a fungal endophyte present in Nothapo- Floss 1998; Tudzynski et al. 2001; Clay and Schardl
dytes foetida (Puri et al. 2005) and paclitaxel is 2002). Alternatively it was discussed that ergoline
believed to be formed by different fungi such as alkaloid biosynthesis was repeatedly invented
Taxomyces andreanae and different Taxus spe- during evolution (Mothes et al. 1985). In a recent
cies, including T. brevifolia (Strobel et al. 2004; review in this series Keller and Tudzinsky (2002)
Leistner 2005). The latter case, however, may not dealt with the pharmacological aspects, biochem-
yet be setteled because the genes in Taxomyces istry, genetics and biotechnology of ergoline alka-
andreanae have not yet been reported whereas loids in fungi associated with Poaceae. We show in
they are well known from the Taxus brevifolia the present review that neither the horizontal
plant (Croteau et al. 2006). transfer of genes encoding the ergoline alkaloid
At present it is unclear whether these natural biosynthesis, nor the repeated invention of a rather
products and their biosynthetic machinery occur complicated biosynthetic pathway took place dur-
exclusively in the associated microorganism or in ing evolution, but rather that clavicipitaceous fungi
both the microorganism and the host plant. In not only live on different grasses but also colonize
such associations both organisms may be part of plant species of the dicotyledonous family of Con-
a symbiotum in which the associated microorgan- volvulaceae (Kucht et al. 2004; Steiner et al. 2006;
ism benefits by receiving nutrients, protection, Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007; Markert et al. 2008;
reproduction and dissemination, whereas the Steiner et al. 2008). This indicates that ergoline
host takes advantage of physiologically active alkaloids are components in a fungus/plant symbio-
compounds which may promote plant growth, tum characterized by mutual defense.
herbivore deterrence and/or increased fitness
(Arnold et al. 2003; White Jr. et al. 2003; Saikko-
nen et al. 2004).
A point in case is the beneficial activity of II. The Symbiosis Between Poaceae
ergoline alkaloids which are products of clavicipi- and Clavicipitaceous Fungi
taceous fungi (Clay and Schardl 2002; White Jr.
et al. 2003; Schardl et al. 2006) colonizing grasses A rather well investigated experimental system
like Poaceae, Juncaceae and Cyperaceae. consists of clavicipitaceous fungi which colonize
In the current literature (including our own Juncaceae, Cyperaceae and Poaceae plants. In
publications) two different adjectives for the these symbiota ergoline alkaloids play an impor-
fungi described herein are used: These are ‘‘cla- tant role (Keller and Tudzynski 2002). The symbi-
vicipitaceous’’ and ‘‘clavicipitalean’’. The former otic fungi belong either to the tribe Clavicipeae or
term refers to the family Clavicipitaceae but the Balanseae within the family Clavicipitaceae (Bacon
latter to the old order of Clavicipitales. Since the and Lyons 2005). The morphological associations
family Clavicipitaceae is now generally accepted of the fungi with grasses is either epicuticular,
to belong to the order Hypocreales (Sung et al. epibiotic or endophytic (Bacon and Lyons 2005).
2007) only the term ‘‘clavicipitaceous’’ should In epiphytic growth the fungal mycelium is con-
be used. We are grateful to Dr. Chris Schardl centrated on the surface of young leaves, buds,
(Lexington, Kentucky, USA) for bringing this to meristematic regions and reproductive structures
our attention. (Clay and Schardl 2002). The association between
Ergoline alkaloids, however, are also present fungi and their plant hosts is likely to be an exam-
in higher dicotyledonous plants of the family Con- ple of host-symbiont codivergence (Schardl et al.
volvulaceae (Hofmann 1961, 2006). This disjoint- 2008).
ed occurrence of a group of natural products in The fungus may be asexual belonging to the
evolutionarily unrelated taxa (fungi, Convolvula- group of fungi imperfecti, show a sexual lifestyle or
ceae plants) seemed to contradict the generally switch between sexual and asexual propagation. In
accepted principle of chemotaxonomy that similar the sexual lifestyle fungi parasitize a wide range of
or even identical natural products are present in grasses where they form infections of single grass
Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous Plants (Convolvulaceae) 199

florets and replace the seed with individual scler- III. Epibiotic Clavicipitaceous Fungi
otia (Clay and Schardl 2002). Associated with Convolvulaceae
The asexual fungi are vertically transmitted
through seeds. They have never been known to
A. Identification of Clavicipitaceous Fungi
produce infectious spores and rely entirely on seed
transmission. Especially the asexual fungi exhibit 1. Microscopic and Electron Microscopic
high host specificity. Most interestingly, sexual and Characterization
asexual fungi may interact in parasexual processes
contributing to a high diversity of fungal asexual The infestation of the clavicipitaceous fungi
endophytes (Tsai et al. 1994). on members of the family Convolvulaceae is sys-
In general, grasses are poor producers of natu- temic. Evidence of systemic infection came from
ral products that assist other plants in their long- demonstrations that the fungi are seed transmit-
term strategy to gain an ecological advantage. ted, that surface-sterilized seeds grown in vitro
Grasses, however, have the ability to compensate and under germ-free conditions result in plantlets
for this deficiency by acquiring fungi notorious for which are colonized exclusively by the respective
their poisonous natural products. In some cases clavicipitaceous fungi and that they are transmit-
fungi can be considered the lifestock of grasses. ted through vegetative propagation (Steiner et al.
Fungi associated with plants may produce dif- 2008). It is an unusual type of systemic infection
ferent classes of alkaloids among which toxic in that there are no signs of penetration into the
ergoline alkaloids are an important group host tissue and growth on the host plant is super-
(Schardl et al. 2004, 2007). The main ecological ficial. Attempts made to visualize the fungus with-
roles of ergoline alkaloids in nature are probably in the stem and leaf tissue, using methodologies
to protect the fungi from consumption by verte- commonly employed to detect endophytes in
brate and invertebrate animals (Schardl et al. grasses (Bacon and White Jr. 1994), were not suc-
2006). Ergoline alkaloids benefit the fungus by cessful. Up to now the fungi have proved to be
protecting the health and productivity of the non-detectable using these procedures. Among
host (Schardl et al. 2006). Other benefits include the Clavicipitaceae, Atkinsonella hypoxylon,
growth of the plant, competitive abilities, resis- Balansia cyperi, B. pilulaeformis and Myriogenos-
tence to drought (Malinowski and Belesky 2000), pora atramentosa are examples of epibiotic spe-
pests and fungal pathogens (Brem and Leucht- cies that grow on the meristematic tissues of host
mann 2002; White Jr. et al. 2003). In some cases plants (Luttrell and Bacon 1977; Rykard et al.
clavicipitaceous fungi are culturable in vitro 1985; Leuchtmann and Clay 1988, 1989; Clay and
(Keller and Tudzynski 2002). This helped to iden- Frentz 1993). The clavicipitaceous fungi coloniz-
tify the fungus as the producer of ergoline alka- ing members of the Convolvulaceae inhabit an
loids and revealed that the host plant is not the site epibiotic niche and thus seem most comparable
of ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis. to the epibiotic members of the grass borne Cla-
It was therefore somewhat unexpected when vicipitaceae. The mutualistic endophyte Neothy-
Hofmann (1961, 2006) found that dicotyledonous phodium typhinum also forms a stable external
plants belonging to the family Convolvulaceae mycelial net on the leaves of the host plant (Moy
contained ergoline alkaloids and that these alka- et al. 2000). This suggested a possible alternative
loids were responsible for the hallucinogenic pathway of fungal dispersal and transmission to
properties enjoyed by Meso- and South American hosts, i.e. through epiphyllously produced conidia.
indians in religious ceremonies. The clavicipitaceous fungi form colonies on
The idea that a fungus could be responsible the upper surfaces of young unfolded leaves
for the alkaloid occurrence was discussed but no which are visible to the naked eye, as shown
evidence for the presence of such a fungus was for Turbina corymbosa (Fig. 9.1A) and Ipomoea
found (Hofmann 2006). This seemed to be in asarifolia. They are also detectable by molecular
agreement with the notion that plant tissue cul- biological techniques in seeds of I. violacea
tures which are believed to be germ-free, i.e. (Ahimsa-Müller et al. 2007). On T. corymbosa
devoid of any microbes, were reported to produce colony distribution mainly follows the veins
ergoline alkaloids (Dobberstein and Staba 1969; of the leaves (Fig. 9.1A, B), in contrast to the
see below). distribution on I. asarifolia which is more
200 Eckhard Leistner and Ulrike Steiner



500 µm



20 µm c

E hy F


hy scc c

500 µm 10 µm 1 µm

Fig. 9.1. Colonization of Turbina corymbosa with the the cavity between the halves of the leaf. D Close associa-
clavicipitaceous fungus (provisionally named TcorF01). tion of secretory cells (gsc) on the adaxial leaf surface with
A Colonies formed by white mycelium on the adaxial hyphae (hy) which often encircle the peltate glandular
surface of a young unfolded leaf. Preferential development trichomes of the plants. E Cross-section of a peltate glan-
on the veins is visible with the naked eye. B Aggregated dular trichome composed of basal cell (bc), stalk cell (sc)
hyphae differentiating typical mycelium mats (mm) con- and secretory cells (gsc) showing the epiphytic develop-
sisting of several layers which cover leaf areas with peltate ment of mycelium embedded in a mucilage matrix con-
glandular trichomes and are adhered to the cuticle. C centrated on the cuticle over a subcuticular oil storage
Cross-section of a closed leaf bud showing that the fungus cavity. F Electron microscopic view of secretory cells
is well established on the adaxial leaf surfaces at this early with hyphae outside and inside of the subcuticular oil
stage of plant development. The mycelium is formed by storage cavity (scc) bordered by the cuticle (c, arrow). No
tightly packed hyphae as a mycelium layer (ml, arrows) in evidence for direct penetration of the plant cells is visible
Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous Plants (Convolvulaceae) 201

random. These colonies differ in size and myceli- terpenes for ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis from
um density, and depending on the developmental the oil. The fungi inhabit the epibiotic niche of
stage, the fungi produce synnemata-like struc- glandular cells on the upper surface of leaves. This
tures. No stromata with perithecia and ascospores observation is supported by showing hyphae of
were detected in the mycelium mats. Maybe the the clavicipitaceous fungus on T. corymbosa both
environmental conditions are not suitable for the outside of the subcuticular oil storage cavity and
development of the sexual stage of the fungi, or inside of this compartment embedded in an elec-
they lost the ability to reproduce sexually, or the tron-dense matrix (Fig. 9.1F). The localization of
mating type is lacking. No traces of mycelium mycelium with the glandular cells ensures the
were detected on the lower side of the leaves. close association between fungus and host tissues.
Visual inspection of leaf buds which were opened A continuous maintenance of the symbiotic rela-
by manipulation showed that the fungus was well tionship requires that the fungus derives energy
established as dense white mycelial layers on the from the host plant. In clavicipitaceous epibiotic
adaxial leaf surfaces of both I. asarifolia and fungi, substrate utilization depends on the avail-
T. corymbosa plants (Fig. 9.1C) at this early stage ability of organic material from the waxy cuticle
of plant development. The mycelium is formed by covering the plant surface and exuded com-
tightly packed hyphae in the cavity between the pounds, lipids, amino acids and vitamins. The
leaf halves. Sections through colonized tissue main energy-yielding compounds are simple
revealed that the fungal mycelium is entirely sugars that in the case of endophytic mycelia are
superficial. The hyphae measured approximately derived from the apoplasm through intercellular
1.0–1.5 mm across, were hyaline, thin-walled fungal hyphae (White and Morgan-Jones 1996). In
and septated. Chlamydospore-like structures are clavicipitaceous fungi present on I. asarifolia and
produced. As indicated by the intense mycelium T. corymbosa, superficial fungal hyphae have been
development, the space between the upper sur- observed with tip enlargements tightly adherent
faces of folded leaves probably offer a refuge of to the glandular cells as well as to the cuticle.
protection to the fungus. As leaves expand and Probably, mechanisms for a selective and efficient
mature the hyphae are evident as isolated clumps transfer of carbohydrates to the fungus could be
only visible microscopically, often near or around present.
peltate glandular trichomes, and the ends of the Physiological changes paralleled by morpho-
hyphae often appeared broken (Fig. 9.1D). logical adaptations of the host have been de-
The epibiotic fungi of I. asarifolia and T. corym- scribed for some endophytic associations (Bacon
bosa (Fig. 9.1D, E) are closely associated with secre- and White Jr. 2000). In M. atramentosa, plant host
tory glands on the adaxial leaf surface, an anatomic changes in the epidermal cell size and shape sug-
feature which may be essential for ergoline alkaloid gest the activity of growth regulatory substances
biosynthesis in the epibiotic fungus/plant associa- which are either produced by the fungus or secret-
tion (Steiner et al. 2008). In cell cultures which har- ed into the host or are produced by the host in
bor the fungus no ergoline alkaloids are synthesized response to the fungal symbiont (Bacon and
and no secretory glands are developed. White Jr. 2000).
Members of the Convolvulaceae like I. asar- The epiphytic proliferation of hyphae on the
ifolia and T. corymbosa (Fig. 9.1E) form peltate cuticle may be additionally enabled through deg-
glandular trichomes, which consist of one basal radation of the cuticular layers of the leaf surfaces.
cell, one stalk cell, up to eight glandular secretory Previous ultrastructural studies of the host–
cells and a subcuticular oil storage cavity that is fungus interfaces of the clavicipitaceous fungi on
derived from the cuticle of the secretory cells. I. asarifolia and T. corymbosa revealed progres-
Metabolites are released after rupture of the cu- sive cuticular disintegration. Substrate utilization
ticle. As indicated by staining with the lipophilic studies have shown that epiphytic members of the
dye Nile red these specialized structures contain Balansiaceae such as Atkinsonella hypoxylon, pos-
essential oils (Kucht et al. 2004). The secretory sess the capacity to colonize and degrade paraffin
glands and their specific metabolites may be the wax droplets (White Jr. et al. 1991). A. hypoxylon
basis of a metabolic dialog between fungus and grows superficially on young leaves of grasses as
plant (Steiner et al. 2008). The fungi may feed an epiphyte, perhaps degrading wax in the cuticle
on the volatile oil and derive precursors like to obtain nutrients for epiphytic growth (White Jr.
202 Eckhard Leistner and Ulrike Steiner

et al. 1991). Leaves and inflorescence primordia Lewis et al. 2002; Bischoff and White Jr. 2005;
within the stroma never develop a cuticular layer Sung et al. 2007). Removal of fungal mycelium
that would impede flow of nutrients and moisture from the leaf surface of convolvulaceous plants
to the fungus. Through these modifications of the was possible by ultrasonic treatment. After DNA
host tissues, the endophyte removes the barriers from the fungus was extracted and sequenced
which obstruct nutrient flow into the mycelium. phylogenetic trees were constructed from
Very similar to this situation, the cuticle covering 18SrDNA and internal transcribed spacer. This
the glandular cells of the Convolvulaceae appears showed that the fungus clustered with clavicipi-
thinner and therefore more permeable than the taceous fungi. Confirmation was obtained by par-
cuticle on epidermal cells. tial sequencing with phylogenetic analysis of the
Clavicipitaceous fungi have evolved to survive gene (partially) responsible for the committed
both as saprophytes, degrading organic material, step in ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis encoding
and as biotrophs of plants, fungi, nematodes and the 4-[g,g-dimethylallyl]tryptophan synthase.
insects. They are described to have become Essentially the same results were observed
particularly successful as endophytes and epi- when the fungi associated with I. asarifolia (red
bionts of grasses. The associations between clavi- variety), T. corymbosa, and I. violacea were inves-
cipitaceous fungi and their hosts constitute unique tigated (Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007). This showed
biotrophic symbioses where the stages of physio- that our observations are not restricted to one
logical adaptation to the plant host may yield an single plant taxon (I. asarifolia, white blooming)
understanding of how evolution among these and its associated fungus IasaF13 but are of a
fungi and their hosts has progressed (Schardl broader significance at least within the family Cla-
et al. 2008). The detection on Convolvulaceae of vicipitaceae. The clavicipitaceous fungi present on
clavicipitaceous fungi able to synthesize ergoline representatives of the four convolvulaceous taxa
alkaloids known to play a role in enhanced resis- turned out to be not identical, although closely
tance to diseases, pests and tolerance to drought has related. In-depth investigation of the biosynthetic
shown that such associations have evolutionary pathway leading to ergoline alkaloids in the fungus
value not only in grass hosts but also in dicots. present on I. asarifolia (white blooming) provided
The colonization of a unique plant niche, the cla- further evidence for the clavicipitaceous nature of
vicipitaceous fungi on Convolvulaceae, represents the fungus IasaF13 (Markert et al. 2008).
a novel finding among beneficial plant–fungus
symbioses in non-graminaceous plants.
B. Fungicidal Treatment
2. Phylogenetic Trees
Discovery of the fungus on the adaxial leaf surface
The unusual colony-forming fungus (provisionally was a surprise. The hypothesis that an associated
named IasaF13) on the leaf surface of I. asarifolia fungus was responsible for the presence of
(white blooming) was found to belong to the family alkaloids in Convolvulaceae had been tested but
Clavicipitaceae. Proof, however, was not possible the fungus was not found for unexplained reasons
by conventional techniques because all attempts to (Hofmann 2006).
cultivate the fungus on synthetic media usually The presence of the clavicipitaceous fungus
supporting fungal growth were negative. This indi- alone, however, was not evidence enough to pos-
cates that the leaf material contains factors or tulate the fungal origin of ergoline alkaloids in the
structures essential for growth of the fungus symbiotic association. Twelve endophytic fungi
IasaF13. All experiments to characterize these had been isolated from the I. asarifolia Roem. et
fungi in terms of taxonomy are therefore based Schult plant and an epibiotic fungus – provision-
on molecular biological techniques (Steiner et al. ally named IasaF13 – was discovered. Not only
2006). was it possible that one of the fungi colonizing
Construction of phylogenetic trees has been the plant (Steiner et al. 2006) would have been
repeatedly and successfully employed in the sys- responsible for the occurrence of alkaloids in
tematic classification of grass-borne clavicipitac- Convolvuaceae plants, it was also possible that
eous fungi (Spatafora and Blackwell 1993; Glenn the plant itself was the synthesizing organism.
et al. 1996; Kuldau et al. 1997; Reddy et al. 1998; To clarify this situation I. asarifolia and T.
Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous Plants (Convolvulaceae) 203

corymbosa (L.) Raf (syn. Rivea corymbosa (L) Microscopic examination, single-strand confor-
Hall. f.) plants were treated with four different mation polymorphism (SSCP) and sequencing of
fungicides in a regime with two-week intervals. the internal transcribed spacer revealed the pres-
After 18 weeks, microscopic inspection and alka- ence in the cell culture of the epibiotic fungus
loid analysis of plants belonging to both species (IasaF13) previously detected on the leaf surface
revealed that systemic azole fungicides were most of I. asarifolia. Fungi contaminating plant tissue
effective in the removal of both epibiotic fungus cultures usually cause plant cells to react in a
and ergoline alkaloids. Simultaneously, the vola- hypersensitive response.
tile oil present in I. asarifolia was isolated by This, however, was not observed in our cultures
steam destillation, and as opposed to ergoline where the fungus coexisted asymptomatically and
alkaloids, was found not to be removed during undetected by the naked eye in association with the
the fungicide treatment (Kucht et al. 2004). Thus, plant cells. Other endophytic fungi which had been
the removal of alkaloids is a specific process and isolated from intact I. asarifolia plants were not
the fungicide does not interfer with the supply of detectable by SSCP within the callus and cell suspen-
hemiterpenoid biosynthetic building stones which sion culture (Steiner et al. 2006).
are precursors of both ergoline alkaloids (Groeger When a callus culture was subjected to a new
and Floss 1998; Keller and Tudzynski 2002) and hormone regime (the amount of benzylaminopur-
terpenoid compounds. This result is a frequent ine was lowered from 2.0 mg/l to 0.01 mg/l) a
observation: ergoline alkaloids and the epibiotic plantlet regenerated from the callus. This plantlet
fungus always cooccur because they are both part was colonized by the fungus and contained ergo-
of a functional entity (Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007). line alkaloids (Steiner et al. 2006, 2008).
These observations show also that an intact
I. asarifolia plant colonized by the fungus IasaF13
C. Plant Growth Under Germ-Free Conditions is required for the successful synthesis of ergoline
alkaloids and gives an idea about the extreme
The notion that fungicides eliminate ergoline specificity in the interaction between the epibiotic
alkaloids from the plant is a clear indication that fungus and the I. asarifolia plant (Steiner et al.
ergoline alkaloids in Convolvulaceae plants are of 2008). It is in line with these conclusions that we
fungal origin. This observation is somewhat un- were hitherto unable to grow the fungus IasaF13
usual because it had been reported that ergoline in vitro (Steiner et al. 2006). Apparently the plant
alkaloids are produced by plant cell cultures contains some kind of component essential for
established from different Convolvulaceae plants fungal growth. The specificity between the plant
(Dobberstein and Staba 1969). Plant cell cultures and its associated fungus is also evident from the
are usually germ-free; they should not contain any fact that different plant taxa within the Convolvu-
microbes and can therefore be used as a test system laceae (I. asarifolia, I. violacea, T. corymbosa) are
to probe the biosynthetic capacities of plant cells. colonized by related but different clavicipitaceous
Numerous attempts, however, to reproduce fungi (Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007).
this result (Dobberstein and Staba 1969) and to This raises the question as to how the specific
find a plant cell culture raised from Ipomoea interaction between the fungus and the host plant
asarifolia, Turbina corymbosa and I. violacea is brought about (Steiner et al. 2008). Interesting-
(L) (Convolvulaceae) showing ergoline alkaloid ly, the fungus apparently has a very high affinity to
production were unsuccessful in our hands the secretory glands on the adaxial leaf surface
(Hussein 2004; Kucht et al. 2004). Indeed, thin- (Kucht et al. 2004).This seems to be unusual be-
layer chromatography combined with vanUrk’s cause essential oils may have an antifungal activity
spray reagent were used by Dobberstein and (Chang et al. 2008). It is conceivable that during
Staba (1969) to detect ergoline alkaloids, techni- evolution clavicipitaceous fungi were able to over-
ques which are of limited reliability in the identi- come this barrier and to take advantage of volatile
fication of natural products (Jenett-Siems et al. oil components, using these compounds as med-
1994; Kucht et al. 2004). iators of specificity and even as substrates to feed
Again, it was a surprise when we found that upon.
the epibiotic fungus lived together with the plant The volatile oil of I. asarifolia consists of
cells in the callus and cell suspension culture. many minor but five major components, the latter
204 Eckhard Leistner and Ulrike Steiner

of which are sesquiterpenes (Kucht et al. 2004). thentic sample. No alkaloid was detectable when a
Sesquiterpenes play an important role in ecologi- mycelial sample from I. asarifolia was checked in
cal interactions between plants and insects the same way (W. Boland, personal communica-
(Schnee et al. 2006; Gershenzon and Dudareva tion). When the leaf material was analyzed for
2007). Our observations raise the question wheth- ergoline alkaloids after removal of the mycelium
er this class of terpenoids is also essential for the by ultrasonic treatment, alkaloids were qualita-
interaction between different Convolvulaceae spe- tively and quantitatively detected in the plant
cies and their associated clavicipitaceous fungi. material, showing that the plant leaf material
contained almost all alkaloids whereas the pro-
ducing fungus provisionally named TcorF01 con-
D. Biosynthesis and Accumulation of Ergoline tained only a trace of agroclavine (Markert et al.
Alkaloids in the Fungus/Plant Symbiotum 2008).
Thus, biosynthesis of alkaloids takes place
Ergoline alkaloids are natural products of high in the mycelium; however, ergoline alkaloids
physiological activity. They are likely to confer accumulate in the host plant. We have to postulate
drought resistance, herbivore deterrence and fit- a transport system that translocates ergoline alka-
ness to the host plant (Malinowski and Belesky loids from the mycelium into the plant tissue.
2000; White Jr. et al. 2003; Bacon and Lyons 2005; In an experimental system similar to the one dis-
Gershenzon and Dudareva 2007). This raises the cussed here transport was postulated to occur
question as to how this may be brought about when through the apparently intact cuticle (Smith et al.
plant-associated clavicipitaceous fungi are the site 1985).
of ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis. Indeed, Convol-
vulaceae plants do not seem to have the biosynthet-
ic capacity to produce ergoline alkaloids: neither E. Seed Transmittance of Epibiotic Fungi
the genes nor the enzymic machinery were detect- Colonizing Convolvulaceae
able in the shoots. The genetic material responsible
for ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis was clearly found The genus Ipomoea comprises 600–700 pantropi-
in the associated fungi present on I. asarifolia cal species. Over half of them are concentrated in
and T. corymbosa (Markert et al. 2008). The the Americas. The American species are mostly
determinant step in ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis native but a few have been introduced (Austin and
is the prenylation in the 4 position of tryptophan Huáman 1996). The classification of Ipomoea spe-
catalyzed by 4-[g,g-dimethylallyl] tryptophan cies is still under discussion (Amor-Prats and
synthase (DmaW; Groeger and Floss 1998; Keller Harborne 1993; Austin and Huáman 1996).
and Tudzinski 2002). The encoding gene – which There may be multiple reasons for this: Some
has different synonyms, i.e. dmaW or cpd1 species are only endemic and the description of
(Schardl et al. 2006) or fgaPT2 (Unsöld and species is incomplete, especially those native to
Li 2005) – is clearly present in the fungus and is Brazil. Many have not been validly described
part of a cluster in which the ergoline alkaloid or are even undiscovered. The genus Ipomoea
genes are oriented. This is found in Claviceps but consists of three subgenera, i.e. subgenus Erios-
is different from Aspergillus and Neotyphodium permum, subgenus Ipomoea and subgenus Qua-
species (Markert et al. 2008). A reverse genetics moclit. Amor-Prats and Harborne (1993)
experiment showed that the fungus is also the site attempted to find chemotaxonomic support for
of transcription of the dmaW gene (Markert et al. an infrageneric classification of the genus Ipo-
2008). moea by analyzing seeds from 43 species
Initial attempts to detect ergoline alkloids in for their ergoline alkaloid content. The alkaloid-
the fungal mycelium present on I. asarifolia and T. bearing species fall, however, into each of the
corymbosa failed although two different analytical taxonomically defined subgenera.
approaches were used (Markert et al. 2008). When Hence, there is no clear relationship between the
a sample of the mycelium found on T. corymbosa distribution of alkaloids and the infrageneric classi-
was directly placed into the injection port of a GC/ fication of the genus Ipomoea. The whole problem is
MS system a trace of agroclavine was detectable clouded by the inability to reproduce published
and clearly identified by comparison with an au- analytical data in many cases. Consequently, Eich
Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous Plants (Convolvulaceae) 205

(2008) lists ergoline positive versus ergoline nega- around bases of trichomes (Clark 1992). The fun-
tive reports and Amor-Prats and Harborne (1993) gus apparently produces trichothecenes and pro-
believe that ‘‘the methods of analysis varied leading tects the host plant against infection by
to some uncertainty’’. pathogenic F. oxysporum f. sp. batatas (Wollenw.)
The reason for the inconsistent picture very W.C. Snyder & H.N. Hans. However, the asso-
likely depends on the (until recently unknown) ciated F. lateritium may also be the cause of chlo-
presence of clavicipitaceous fungi on convolvula- rotic leaf distortion (CLD) disease mediated by
cous plants and within seeds (Kucht et al. 2004; trichothecenes (Clark 1994). After light activation
Steiner et al. 2006; Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007) of trichotecenes during prolonged exposure of the
and the capacity of these fungi to synthesize plant to sunlight CLD occurs. Plants usually re-
ergoline alkaloids (see below). cover when cloudy weather prevails. Thus, the
A freshly harvested and surface-sterilized seed associated fungus may exert a beneficial and a
grown under germ-free conditions gives a plant detrimental effect on the host plant and in both
colonized by the epibiotic clavicipitaceous fungus. cases trichothecenes are likely to be the causative
This plant contains ergoline alkaloids. The epibio- agent.
tic fungus is the only fungus that is detectable by Two new clavicipitaceous fungi belonging to a
SSCP on this particular plant. Such a fungus is newly established genus (Hyperdermium) were
detectable in seeds of I. asarifolia and I. violacea isolated from an unidentified Asteraceae plant
(Steiner et al. 2006; Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007). (genus Bernonia).The fungi were named H. berto-
This shows that the fungus is seed-transmitted nii (Speg.) J. White, R. Sullivan, G. Bills et
and points to the host specificity typical of asexual N. Hywel-Jones and H. pulvinatum J. White, R.
clavicipitaceous fungi (see above). Sullivan, G. Bills et N. Hywel-Jones. As with the
The viability of the seed-transmitted fungus clavicipitaceous fungi described in Sect. III, the
very likely is limited and depends on seed age and fungi are epibiotic. They belong to the subfamily
storage (Schardl 1994) as well as moisture and Cordycipitoideae (Sullivan et al. 2000).
storage temperature (Welty et al. 1987). An An entirely superficial mycelium was ob-
I. violacea plant devoid of ergoline alkaloids and served on a South American Asteraceae plant,
derived from an alkaloid- and clavicipitaceous Baccharis coridifolia D.C. The endophyte belongs
fungus-containing seed was recently described to the Hypocreales, an order which accommodates
(Ahimsa-Mueller et al. 2007). In this particular also the family Clavicipitaceae. The fungus occurs
case the viability of the seed exceeded the viability not only epibiotically but also in meristematic
of the inhabiting fungus. tissue of leaf primordia. No reproductive struc-
It follows that the presence in a convolvulac- tures were detectable. The plant is toxic and it was
eous plant of ergoline alkaloids may be an unsuit- assumed that the epibiont is a trichothecene pro-
able character for taxonomic classifications. ducer. Since this fungus and graminaceous Clavi-
cipitaceae (Sect. II) are not closely related,
colonizations (that must have occurred during
evolution) were assumed to be distinct events
IV. Additional Fungus/Plant Symbiota (Bertoni et al. 1997).
in Dicotyledonous Plants The same conclusion was drawn for a Mentha
piperita L. plant colonized by a pyrenomycete
An interesting association consisting of Ipomoea which is also associated with glandular trichomes
batatas (L.) Lam. (i.e. sweet potato; Convolvula- (Mucciarelli et al. 2002), a striking observation
ceae) and Fusarium lateritium Nees: Fr has also which led to speculations about the possible func-
been reported. As described for our clavicipitac- tion of the secretory glands and trichomes in the
eous fungi (Sect. III) F. lateritium is primarily establishment of a symbiotic association: it may
located between the halves of young unfolded be that the glandular trichomes are entry gates for
leaves of the I. batatas plant (Hyun and Clark the fungus in its attempt to establish a molecular
1998). Yet there is another feature of this fungus/ dialog with the host plant (Steiner et al. 2008).
plant association which we also observed in our Another interesting fungus/plant association
system (Sect. III): The fungus is associated on the has been described for locoweed plants belonging
phylloplane with pearl glands and is located to the family Fabaceae. Astragalus molissimus,
206 Eckhard Leistner and Ulrike Steiner

Oxytropis lambertii and O. sericea are collectively fungi spread within the plant. Despite repeated
called locoweed and are colonized by endophytes attempts to localize hyphea, spores or propagules
which seem to be closely related to the genus within the host plants, endophytic structures of the
Embellisia. Locoism, as observed in cattle intoxi- fungi have remained undetected until now.
cated by locoweed plants, is a neurological disease Some of these observations parallel those
resulting in a staggering walk and lack of muscu- made with fungus/plant associations occurring
lar coordination. The causative agent seems to be in the plant families Asteraceae and Fabaceae
the indolizidine alkaloid swainsonine. This alka- and in the plant species I. batatas, as outlined in
loid is also known to be a product of in vitro Sect. IV. In each case the associated fungus is the
grown Rhizoctonia leguminicola cultures. Again producer of poisonous natural products (tri-
there are observations that parallel those de- chothecenes, swainsonine) which may benefit
scribed in Sect. III: and protect the host plant.
1. Some collections of host plants were devoid of
natural products.
2. The fungus and the alkaloid do not occur in the
root system.
Ahimsa-Mueller MA, Markert A, Hellwig S, Knoop V,
3. The alkaloid exerts an ecological function in Steiner U, Drewke C, Leistner E (2007) Clavicipitac-
protecting the fungus against insects and ani- eous fungi associated with ergoline alkaloid-contain-
mal feeding (Braun et al. 2003). ing Convolvulaceae. J Nat Prod 70:1955–1960
Amor-Prats D, Harborne JB (1993) New sources of ergo-
line alkaloids within the genus Ipomoea. Biochem
Syst Ecol 21:455–461
V. Conclusions Arnold AE, Mejia LC, Kyllo D, Rojas EI, Maynard Z,
Robbins N, Herre EA (2003) Fungal endophytes
limit pathogen damage in a tropical tree. Proc Natl
The data described in Sect. III solve a historical Acad Sci USA 100:15649–15654
mystery and explain why ergoline alkaloids occur Austin DF, Huáman Z (1996) A synopsis of Ipomoea (Con-
in disjointed taxa, clavicipitaceous fungi and con- volvulaceae) in the Americas. Taxon 45:3–38
volvulaceous plants. They dispute the possibility Bacon CW, Lyons P (2005) Ecological fitness factors for fungi
that during evolution a horizontal transfer of within the Balansiae and Clavicipiteae. In: Dighton J,
White JF Jr, Oudemans P (eds) The fungal community,
genes responsible for the synthesis of ergoline alka- its organisation and role in the ecosystem, 3rd edn. CRC
loids occurred from fungi to plants. They also show Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, pp 519–532
that there is no necessity to invoke a repeated Bacon CW, White JF Jr (1994) Stains, media, and proce-
invention of the ergoline alkaloid biosynthetic dures for analyzing endophytes. In: Bacon CW, White
pathway during evolution. In fact genes present in JF Jr (eds) Biotechnology of endophytic fungi of
grasses. CRC, Boca Raton, pp 47–58
IasaF13, TcorF01, Claviceps purpurea, C. fusiformis, Bacon CW, White JF Jr (2000) Microbial endophytes.
Balansia obtecta, Neotyphodium coenophialum as Dekker, New York, pp 341–388
well as Asperillus fumigatus involved in the biosyn- Bertoni MD, Romero N, Reddy PV, White JF Jr (1997) A
thesis of ergoline alkaloids share a high similarity hypocralean epibiont on meristems of Baccharis cor-
(Markert et al. 2008). It is now evident that clavici- idifolia. Mycologia 89:375–382
Bischoff JF, White JF Jr (2005) Evolutionary development
pitaceous fungi do not only colonize Poaceae and of the Clavicipitaceae. In: Dighton J, White JF Jr,
related monocots but also Convolvulaceae. It is also Oudemans P (eds) The fungal community – its orga-
clear that the association between fungus and con- nisation and role in the ecosystems, 3rd edn. CRC
volvulaceous plant is asymptomatic and that a mo- Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton, pp 505–518
lecular dialog occurs between associated fungi and Braun U, Romero J, Liddell C, Creamer R (2003) Produc-
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and accumulation of ergoline alkaloids is spatially of endophyte infected vs uninfected plants in two
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ciated organisms. One of the unsolved questions Chang H-T, Cheng Y-H, Wu C-L, Chang S-T, Chang T-T,
Su Y-C (2008) Antifungal activity of essential oil
is whether there are also sexual forms of these and its constituents from Calocedrus macrolepis var.
vertically transmitted asexual clvicipitaceous formosana Florin leaf against plant pathogenic fungi.
fungi. It is also unknown how the plant-associated Bioresour Technol 99:6266–6270
Fungal Origin of Ergoline Alkaloids Present in Dicotyledonous Plants (Convolvulaceae) 207

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10 Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes


Fomitella fraxinea
(Polyporaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 d) Grifola frondosa
II. Secondary Metabolites and Their Biological (Polyporaceae s. lat.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 e) Leucopaxillus gentianeus
A. Terpenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 (Tricholomataceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
1. Sesquiterpenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 f ) Clavariadelphus truncatus
a) Resupinatus leightonii (Clavariaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
(Tricholomataceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 B. Polyketides, Fatty Acid Derivatives . . . . . . . . 220
b) Conocybe siliginea a) Boreostereum vibrans
(Bolbitiaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 (Stereaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
c) Ripartites tricholoma and b) Junghuhnia nitida
R. metrodii (Paxillaceae) . . . . . . . . . . 212 (Steccherinaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
d) Omphalotus olearius, O. nidiformis c) Ceriporia subvermispora
(Omphalotaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 (Polyporaceae s. lat.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
e) Radulomyces confluens d) Suillus luteus (Boletaceae) . . . . . . . . 221
(Corticiaceae s. lat.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 e) Hygrophorus spp.
f) Gloeophyllum sp. (Hygrophoraceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
(Gloephyllaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 f) Trametes menziesii
g) Bovista sp. (Lycoperdaceae) . . . . . . 214 (Polyporaceae s. lat.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
h) Marasmius sp. g) Gerronema sp.
(Tricholomataceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 (Tricholomataceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
i) Dichomitus squalens h) Imperfect Basidiomycete
(Polyporaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Strain 96244 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
j) Macrocystidia cucumis i) Pterula sp. (Pterulaceae),
(Tricholomataceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 Mycena spp. (Tricholomataceae) . . . 222
k) Creolophus cirrhatus j) Terphenyls from Thelephora
(Hericiaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 aurantiotincta, T. terrestris,
l) Coprinus sp. (Coprinaceae) . . . . . . . 216 Hydnellum caeruleum,
m) Dacrymyces sp. Sarcodon leucopus, S. scabrosus
(Dacrymycetaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 (all Thelephoraceae), and Paxillus
n) Limacella illinita curtisii (Paxillaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
(Amanitaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 C. Compounds of Unclear Biogenetic
o) Boletus calopus (Boletaceae) . . . . . 217 Origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
p) Russula lepida (Russulaceae) . . . . 217 a) Tremella aurantialba
2. Diterpenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 (Tremellaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
a) Sarcodon scabrosus b) Stereum hirsutum (Stereaceae) . . . . 223
(Thelephoraceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 c) Antrodia serialis (Polyporaceae
b) Mycena tintinnabulum s. lat.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
(Tricholomataceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 d) Aporpium caryae
3. Triterpenoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 (Tremellaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
a) Irpex sp. (Steccherinaceae) . . . . . . . 218 e) Bondarzewia montana
b) Favolaschia spp. (Bondarzewiaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
(Favolaschiaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 f) Cortinarius sp. (Cortinariaceae) . . . 224
g) Chamonixia pachydermis
(Boletaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
h) Serpula himantoides
(Coniophoraceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff-Forschung e.V./Institute i) Pholiota spumosa
for Biotechnology and Drug Research, Erwin-Schroedinger-Strasse (Strophariaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany; e-mail:

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
210 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

D. Amino Acid Derivatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 entities among the metabolites of actinomycetes

a) Aporpium caryae and other bacterial sources. This was furthered by
(Tremellaceae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 the recent progress in cultivation techniques and
III. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 the development of fast methods for the isolation
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
and structural determination of natural com-
pounds. The following chapter mainly deals with
compounds described from 1998 on and focuses
on biologically active metabolites. Some classes of
I. Introduction fungal metabolites which presently are used as
medical, veterinary, or agricultural antibiotics
Basidiomycetes, a major class of higher fungi were dealt with in the chapter “Non-b-Lactam
adapted to many different climates, habitats, and Antibiotics” of The Mycota, Vol. X (2002). For
substrates have developed a rich and very diverse earlier reviews on bioactive natural products of
secondary metabolism. Its products differ in bio- basidiomycetes and bioactive sesquiterpenes of
genetic origin and structure remarkably from the fungi the reader is referred to Lorenzen and
metabolites of ascomycetes or other prolific pro- Anke (1998), Abraham (2001), and Liu (2005).
ducers of secondary metabolites like actinomy-
cetes or myxobacteria. There are, however, some
similarities to the products of plants, especially
with regard to some polyketides, acetylenes, and II. Secondary Metabolites and Their
sesquiterpenoids. The first systematic investiga- Biological Activities
tions of basidiomycete metabolites originated
after the discovery and introduction into clinical Basidiomycetes like other saprophytic or soil-inha-
practise of penicillin, the first antibiotic not biting microorganisms are prolific producers of
derived by chemical synthesis. Its great success secondary metabolites. Their mycelia and fruiting
initiated a real “gold rush” in the search for new bodies are exposed to a number of predators or
antibiotics and prospective producers. From 1940 competitors, which in some cases can explain the
until the early 1950s mycelial cultures or fruiting production of antibiotics, insecticides, or feeding
bodies of more than 2000 basidiomycetes were deterrents. Among the antibiotics the a-methylene
screened for the production of antibiotics by the lactones and ketones have a very broad and unspe-
pioneering groups of M. Anchel, A. Hervey, F. cific action against prokaryots and eukaryots while
Kavanagh, W. J. Robbins, and W. H. Wilkins (for others are highly selective with regard to their
reviews, see Florey et al. 1949; Wilkins and Harris biochemical targets and organisms. As demon-
1944). Their investigations resulted in the discov- strated for the producers of antifungal strobilurins,
ery of pleuromutilin, the lead compound for the antibiotic production can be stimulated severalfold
semisynthetic tiamulin used in veterinary practise in the presence of other, possibly competing, fungi
and recently also in humans (Kavanagh et al. 1951; (Kettering et al. 2004). In many cases, however, a
Högenauer 1979; Daum et al. 2007). This system- possible benefit for the producing fungus is not
atic search came to an end after Waksman’s dicov- obvious. This is especially true for secondary meta-
ery of the streptomycetes as the most prolific bolites for which up to now no antibiotic or other
producers of antibiotic metabolites. These soil biological activities have been detected. According
bacteria are easily obtained and can be grown in to Zähner et al. (1983) these could be part of a
simple media in large fermenters which greatly still ongoing “evolutionary playground” providing
facilitates the discovery and production process. new chemical solutions for an improved fitness of
Meanwhile the basidiomycetes and mainly their the producing organisms. This contribution covers
fruiting bodies attracted the interest of natural metabolites derived from basidiomycetes and their
products chemists as a source of toxins (Bresinsky biological activities published from 1998 until
and Besl 1985), hallucinogens (Schultes and Hof- 2008. The compounds are arranged by their pre-
mann 1980), and pigments (Gill and Steglich 1987; sumed biogenetic origin and the producing fungi.
Gill 1999). A systematic screening of mycelial cul- Synthetic approaches are included when they have
tures only regained interest when it became in- contributed to elucidate the (absolute) configura-
creasingly difficult to discover new chemical tion or structure–activity studies.
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 211

A. Terpenoids isolated in different screenings because of their

unusually high antibiotic and cytotoxic activities.
Terpenoids are among the prominent metabolites These are often due to a high chemical reactivity
of basidiomycetes. Most of these have structures which, however, makes these compounds less de-
not encountered elsewhere in nature, with the sirable as possible lead structures.
notable exception that some sesquiterpenes have
ring structures also found in higher plants, e.g.
caryophyllanes and acoranes (Lorenzen and Anke a) Resupinatus leightonii (Tricholomataceae)
1998; Abraham 2001). Geosmin (Fig. 10.1), with its 1(10),4-Germacradiene-2,6,12-triol, a new germa-
characteristic musty-earthy odor and first de- crane sesquiterpene, and 1,6-farnesadiene-3,10,
scribed as a typical streptomycete metabolite, 11-triol, a known nerolidol derivative, were isolated
has now been identified as responsible for the from submerged cultures of Resupinatus leightonii.
characteristic odor of Cortinarius herculeus (Cor- Both compounds (Fig. 10.1) inhibited the cAMP-
tinariaceae), Cystoderma amianthinum (Agarica- induced appressorium formation in Magnaporthe
ceae), and Cy. carcharias (Breheret et al. 1999). grisea and showed cytotoxic activity. The forma-
tion of melanized appressoria is a prerequisite for
the invasion of host plants by M. grisea. Inhibitors
1. Sesquiterpenoids are considered to be valuable tools for investigating
the mechanisms and pathways leading to infection
Basidiomycetes are prolific producers of sesqui- and could contribute to the lead finding process for
terpenoids. Many of these are readily detected and novel fungicides. 1(10),4-Germacradiene-2,6,12-

Geosmin 1(10),4-Germacradiene-2,6,12-triol 1,6-Farnesadiene-3,10,11-triol



Conocenol A Conocenol B Conocenol C



Conocenolide A Conocenolide B 5-Demethylovalicin



Riparol A Riparol B Riparol C

Fig. 10.1. Sesquiterpenoids from Resupinatus leightonii, Conocybe siliginea, and riparols A–C from Ripartites spp.
212 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

triol and 1,6-farnesadiene-3,10,11-triol are the first metrodii. As so far no secondary compounds have
natural compounds interfering with the cAMP- been described from the genus Ripartites a closer
mediated signal transduction leading to look at the metabolites seemed to be warranted.
appressorium formation in M. grisea. Antifungal Three new compounds, the illudane riparol A, the
or antibacterial activities were not detected, but illudalane riparol B and the protoilludane riparol
moderate cytotoxic activities were described (Eil- C (Fig. 10.1), together with 13-oxo-9(Z),11(E)-
bert et al. 2000). octadecadienoic acid (a compound of sunflowers),
psathyrellon A, 5-desoxyilludosin (Fig. 10.2), the
b) Conocybe siliginea (Bolbitiaceae) illudane compound 8 (Fig. 10.2), and 5-demethy-
Six new tremulane sesquiterpenes, conocenols A–C lovalicin (Fig. 10.1) were isolated by Weber et al.
(Fig. 10.1) and D, conocenolide A, and conoceno- (2006). 5-Demethylovalicin was first described by
lide B (Fig. 10.1), have been isolated from cultures Ito et al. (1999). Its production by Chrysosporium
of a Chinese collection of Conocybe siliginea (Liu luchnowense was reported by Son et al. (2002). It
D-Z et al. 2007). So far no biological activities have is a sesquiterpene and inhibits the human methi-
been reported for these compounds. The first tre- onine aminopeptidase-2 and the growth of human
mulanes have been reported from the wood-rotting endothelial cells. 5-Demethylovalicin was the first
Phellinus tremulae by Ayer and Cruz (1993). ovalicin derivate reported from a basidiomyete.
Psathyrellon A (illudin C) is a constituent of
c) Ripartites tricholoma and R. metrodii Psathyrella pseudogracilis (Bastian 1985) and Cli-
(Paxillaceae) tocybe illudens (Omphalotus olearius; Arnone
In a screening for new metabolites antibiotic and et al. 1991). 5-Desoxyilludosin and compound
cytotoxic activities were detected in extracts of 8 were also described from a Bovista sp. (Rasser
mycelial cultures of Ripartites tricholoma and R. et al. 2002). Riparol C exhibits weak antibacterial



Gloeophyllol A Gloeophyllol B Gloeophyllol C


Gloeophyllol D Gloeophyllone 1-Hydroxy-3-sterpurene



Bovistol Psathyrellon B Dimer of Psathyrellon B



Fig. 10.2. Sesquiterpenoids 5-Desoxyilludosin, R=H
from Omphalotus olearius, O. 13-Hydroxy-5-desoxyilludosin, R=OH
nidiformis, Mycena leaiana,
Radulomyces confluens, and the
synthetic ()-irofulven Drimene-2,11-diol Compound 8
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 213

and antifungal activities while riparol A inhibits phase II clinical trials and demonstrated activity in
the growth of MDA-MB-231 (human breast ade- ovarian, gastrointestinal, and non-small cell lung
nocarcinoma) and MCF-7 (human breast adeno- cancer. As compared to the natural product, iro-
carcinoma) cells at concentrations of 1 mg/ml. fulven has a much better therapeutic index and
pharmacological profile (Paci et al. 2006). Leaiana-
fulven (Fig. 10.3), a natural product of Mycena
d) Omphalotus olearius, O. nidiformis
leaiana (Harttig et al. 1990), shares high cytotoxic
activities and a preferential inhibition of nucleic
Omphalotus olearius (syn. Clitocybe illudens, O.
acid synthesis with irofulven. O. nidiformis is
illudens) is a rich source of sesquiterpenoids with
native to Australia and usually found in eucalypt
carbon skeletons named after the original producer
forests. From submerged cultures of this species
(e.g. illudane, protoilludane, illudalane). To these a
three new iludins (illudin F, G, H; Fig. 10.3) so far
new sesquiterpenoid, omphadiol (Fig. 10.3), with a
not found in the North American species have been
carbon skeleton and also found among the meta-
isolated (Burgess 1999).
bolites of the soft coral Lemnalia africana and the
ascomycete Leptographium lundbergii was added
recently (McMorris et al. 2000). It is highly remark- e) Radulomyces confluens (Corticiaceae s. lat.)
able that a synthetic analog of illudin S, ()-iroful- Radulone A, radulone B, and radudiol, the illuda-
ven (Fig. 10.3; Mc Morris et al. 2004), has entered lane radulactone and the illudane radulol


Omphadiol (-)-Irofulven Leaianafulven



Illudin F Illudin G Illudin H


Radulone A Radulone B Radudiol


Radulactone Radulol

Fig. 10.3. Sesquiterpenes from Gloeophyllum sp., Bovista sp., and 5-desoxyilludosin and compound 8 from Riparti-
tes spp.
214 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

(Fig. 10.3) were isolated from fermentations of was isolated from fermentations of a tropical Mar-
Radulomyces confluens (Fabian et al. 1998). Radu- asmius species. Caryophyllane sesquiterpenoids
lone A is a potent inhibitor of human and bovine have been described as widespread constituents
platelet aggregation stimulated by different ago- of several plants, e.g. Jasminum, Lavendula, and
nists, inhibiting preferentially the aggregation of Juniperus, and basidiomycetes. 6,9-Dihydroxy-3
human platelets induced by ADP with an IC50 (15)-caryophyllen-4,8-dione showed strong cyto-
value of 2 mM. In addition, radulone A exhibits toxic activities on L1210 (mouse lymphocytic
cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities. The other leukemia) and HL-60 (human promyelocytic leu-
four compounds show weak antimicrobial and kemia) cells with IC50 values of 1.9 mM and 3.8 mM
cytotoxic activities. but no antimicrobial activity. The aggregation of
human thrombocytes stimulated with ADP or col-
f) Gloeophyllum sp. (Gloephyllaceae) lagen was inhibited with IC50 values of 47 mM
Six new sesquiterpenoids, four rearranged illuda- while no inhibition of thrombin induced aggrega-
lanes, one rearranged protoilludane, and one ster- tion was observed (Fabian et al. 1999).
purane (Fig. 10.2), were isolated from fermentations
of a Gloeophyllum species (Rasser et al. 2000). The i) Dichomitus squalens (Polyporaceae)
strain was isolated from fruiting bodies collected From mycelial cultures of a Chinese collection of
from a mangrove in Florida, United States. The Dichomitus squalens three new sesquiterpenes
sporophores showed the characteristics of the dichomitol (dichomitin A), 2b,13-dihydroxyledol
genus (Jülich 1984). The morphological character- (dichomitin B), and dichomitone (dichomitin C)
istics of the sporophores closely resembled G. were described by Huang et al. (2004). The struc-
sepiarium for which, however, an occurrence on ture of dichomitol is interesting because C-15 is
mangrove wood was considered unlikely. Gloeo- attached to C-6 instead of C-4 as in other hirsutane
phyllol A, gloeophyllol D, and gloeophyllone did sesquiterpenes. Dichomitol is the first example of
not exhibit antibacterial or antifungal activity. 1,10-seco-2,3-seco-aromandendrane sesquiter-
Gloeophyllols B and C showed weak antifungal ac- penes. The nomenclature of the compounds is
tivity, while 1-hydroxy-3-sterpurene showed weak confusing because in the same paper the three
antifungal, antibacterial, and cytotoxic activities. compounds were given two different names each
(above in brackets; Fig. 10.4). Of the three com-
g) Bovista sp. (Lycoperdaceae) pounds 2b,13-dihydroxyledol exhibited nematici-
Mycelial cultures of Bovista sp. 96042 were dal activity against Bursaphelenchus xylophilus,
derived from tissue plugs of a young fruiting a Pinus pathogen with a LC50 of 35.6 mg/ml.
body. The saprophytic soil inhabiting species
showed all characteristics of the genus; the species j) Macrocystidia cucumis (Tricholomataceae)
however could not be identified. The strain Eight new triquinane-type sesquiterpenoids were
yielded several cytotoxic sesquiterpenoids (Rasser isolated from fermentations of Macrocystidia cucu-
et al. 2002). Besides the known illudane psathyr- mis (Hellwig et al. 1998). Cucumins A–D are highly
ellon B (illudin C3) and protoilludane armillol, 5- unsaturated hirsutanes while cucumins E–G pos-
desoxyilludosin and 13-hydroxy-5-desoxyilludo- sess a novel carbon skeleton for which the name
sin, two new secoprotoilludanes, the illudane cucumane is proposed. Cucumin H is a new cera-
compound 8 and drimene-2,11-diol, the novel topicane (Fig. 10.4). Three further metabolites
hexacyclic metabolite bovistol were obtained were identified as cyclo(phenylalanylprolyl), cyclo
(Fig. 10.2). This can formally be regarded as a (leucylprolyl), and arthrosporone. Cucumin A exhi-
triterpene, but appears to be formed from bits high antibiotic activity against Bacillus subtilis,
psathyrellon B by a heteroatom Diels–Alder di- Nematospora coryli, and Mucor miehei at minimal
merization. Indeed, the spontaneous dimerization inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of 1–10 mg/ml,
of psathyrellon B in methanol resulted in the while cucumin C preferentially inhibits the growth
formation of the expected dimer (Fig. 10.2). of N. coryli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The anti-
bacterial and antifungal activities of cucumin B are
h) Marasmius sp. (Tricholomataceae) very weak. However, all three compounds are high-
6,9-Dihydroxy-3(15)-caryophyllen-4,8-dione ly cytotoxic with IC100 = 0.5–1.0 mg/ml. As is the
(Fig. 10.4), a new caryophyllane sesquiterpene, case with other sesquiterpenes the biological
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 215

6,9-Dihydroxy-3(15)- Dichomitol 2ß,13-Dihydroxyledol


H OH Cucumin A Cucumin B


Cucumin C Cucumin D Cucumin E


Cucumin F Cucumin G Cucumin H



Creolophin A Creolophin B Creolophin C

Creolophin D Creolophin E Neocreolophin

Fig. 10.4. Sesquiterpenes from Marasmius sp., Dichomitus squalens, Macrocystidia cucumis and Creolophus cirrhatus
216 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

activities are closely correlated to their reactivity l) Coprinus sp. (Coprinaceae)

towards nucleophiles like cysteine. Coprinol, a new cuparane (Fig. 10.5), was isolated
from fermentations of a wood inhabiting Coprinus
k) Creolophus cirrhatus (Hericiaceae) sp. (Johansson et al. 2001). The new antibiotic
Five new norhirsutanes with 14 carbon atoms, exhibited activity against Gram-positive multiresis-
instead of 15 as in the hirsutanes, were isolated tant strains, including penicillin-resistant pneumo-
from fermentations of Creolophus cirrhatus iso- cocci (PRSP), methicillin- and quinolone-resistant
lated from a fruiting body collected in France staphylococci (MRSA, QRSA), vancomycin-
(Opatz et al. 2007; Birnbacher et al. 2008). Creolo- resistant enterococci (VREF), and vancomycin
phins A–E (Fig. 10.4) were isolated together with intermediate-resistant staphylococci (VISA). Copri-
the known hirsutane complicatic acid. Only creo- nol exhibited no activity against Gram-negative
lophin E and its dimer neocreolophin (Fig. 10.4B) bacteria and fungi.
which forms as an artefact during purification
showed antibiotic and cytotoxic activity. In con- m) Dacrymyces sp. (Dacrymycetaceae)
trast to creolophins A–D, which exhibit no antibi- Two new antibiotic metabolites, the eremophilane
otic and cytotoxic activities, creolophin E and its dacrymenone and VM 3298-2 (Fig. 10.5) were
dimer possess a highly reactive exomethylene ke- isolated from fermentations of a Dacrymyces sp.
tone moiety which readily reacts with nucleo- collected in La Réunion, France (Mierau et al.
philes like cysteine, resulting in a complete loss 2003). Dacrymenone inhibits the growth of bacte-
of activity (Birnbacher et al. 2008). ria with MIC values of 25-100 mg/ml (86–343 mM).

Coprinol VM 3298-2



PR-Toxin H Petasol 11-Desoxyeleganthol

Limacellone Illitinone A Illitinone B
Fig. 10.5. PR toxin, petasol, and H
sesquiterpenes from Coprinus
sp., Dacrymyces sp., Limacella O O
illinata, Boletus calopus, and
Russula lepida O-Acetylcyclocalopin A Cyclocalopin A Lepidamine
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 217

VM 3298-2 exhibits weak antifungal activity B. peckii) O-acetylcyclocalopin A (Fig. 10.5) was
against yeasts and filamentous fungi, with the identified as the main bitter principal by Hellwig
highest activity on Candida parapsilosis at 25 mg/ et al. (2002). It was accompanied by the slightly
ml (110 mM) and S. cerevisiae at 10 mg/ml (44 mM). bitter cyclocalopin A and a number of other meta-
PR toxin (Fig. 10.5) from Penicillium roquefortii is bolites. Interestingly, no calopins could be
described to have strong cytotoxic, fungicidal, and detected in extracts of the bitter bolete Tylopilus
bactericidal properties (Moulé et al. 1977). The felleus, a look-alike of B. edulis.
greatly reduced antibiotic activities and the lack
of cytotoxicity of dacrymenone are likely due to p) Russula lepida (Russulaceae)
the lack of the aldehyde group and the oxirane A number of new terpenoids have been isolated
rings present in PR toxin. VM 3298-2 is cytotoxic from fruiting bodies of Russula lepida. Among
towards Colo-320 (human colon adenocarcino- them are lepidamine (Fig. 10.5), the first natural
ma) with IC50 values of 10 mg/ml (44 mM) and 5 aristolane-type sesquiterpene alkaloid (Tan et al.
mg/ml (22 mM) for HL-60 and L1210 cells. Related 2003), and among other triterpenoids lepidolide
eremophilans, e.g. petasol (Fig. 10.5), produced by (Tan et al. 2002) a cucurbitane (Fig. 10.6). No data
fungi and plants have phytotoxic effects (Suga- on biological activity are available.
wara et al. 1993). When tested in an assay using
leaf cuts of Hordeum sativum, concentrations as 2. Diterpenoids
low as 1 mM dacrymenone produced green islands
(20 mm2) and necrotic lesions on leafs, whereas in Diterpenoids are less frequently encountered
a similar assay petasol was reported to produce among the basidiomycete metabolites. However
green islands on monocot leafs at much higher some of them have interesting ring systems so
concentrations (10–20 mM; Sugawara et al. 1993). far not found elsewhere. A semisynthetic pleuro-
mutilin has even become a product used in veteri-
n) Limacella illinita (Amanitaceae) nary medicine.
In a search for new bioactive compounds from basi-
diomycetes, four new compounds (Fig. 10.5) were a) Sarcodon scabrosus (Thelephoraceae)
isolated from fermentations of Limacella illinita The cyathins and striatins are prominent products
(Gruhn et al. 2007). Limacellone has a new C15 of Cyathus spp. Some of them have very high cyto-
carbon skeleton. Limacellone and illinitones A and toxic activities. Interesting recent additions to this
B share large parts of the carbon skeleton and are class of compounds are the sarcodonins (Shibata
therefore considered to be biogenetically related. et al. 1998) and the scabronines (Kita et al. 1998;
11-Desoxyeleganthol belongs to a group of sesqui- Ohta et al. 1998; Ma et al. 2004) from Sarcodon
terpenes which have been described from higher scabrosus. The sarcodonins (e.g. sarcodonin A;
plants, but are quite rarely isolated from fungi. It is Fig. 10.6) have a bitter taste, antiinflammatory and
similar to eleganthol from Clitocybe elegans antibacterial activities (Shibata et al. 1998; Hirota
(Arnone et al. 1993). Illinitone A exhibits weak phy- et al. 2002; Kamo et al. 2004). Interesting pharma-
totoxic and moderate nematicidal activities against cological activities have been reported for scabro-
Caenorhabditis elegans, illinitone B is moderately nines. Scabronines A and G (Fig. 10.6) have been
cytotoxic, while limacellone exhibits weak cytotoxic shown to promote the secretion of neurotrophic
and phytotoxic activities. 11-Desoxyeleganthol was factors, including nerve growth factor from
found to be inactive in all assays. No biological 1321N1 (human astrocytoma) cells, causing the en-
activities have been described for eleganthol so far, hancement of differentiation (neurite outgrowth) of
which is in accordance with our findings. PC-12 (pheochromocytoma of rat adrenal medulla)
cells (Obara et al. 1999). Obara et al. (2001) sug-
o) Boletus calopus (Boletaceae) gested that scabronine G and its methylester would
Bitter tasting boletes are a nuisance to all mush- enhance the secretion of neurotrophic factors from
room hunters and gourmets who inadvertently 1321N1 cells by activation of protein kinase C-z.
add a fruiting body of, e.g. Boletus calopus, to a
meal of B. erythropus or B. edulis. In fruiting b) Mycena tintinnabulum (Tricholomataceae)
bodies of B. calopus and closely related mush- Fruiting bodies and mycelia of Mycena tintinnabu-
rooms (B. radicans, B. coniferarum, B. rubripes, lum grown in complex media or on oak wood
218 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

Fig. 10.6. Diterpenoids and tri-
terpenoids from Sarcodon scab-
rosus, Mycena tintinnabulum, OH H O H O
Russula lepida, and Irpex sp.

Sarcodonin A Scabronine G Scabronine G methylester




Tintinnadiol O Lepidolide





contained antifungal strobilurins, whereas tintin- signal transduction pathways (Silberborth et al.
nadiol (Fig. 10.6), a new sphaeroane diterpene, was 2000). Both pathways play major roles in inflamma-
isolated only from the fruiting bodies. Tintinnadiol tion and cancer. The irpexans consist of a triterpe-
exhibited cytotoxic activities towards HL-60 cells noid chain with an attached mannose moiety.
(IC50 = 10 mg/ml) and L1210 cells (IC50 = 40 mg/ml). 14-acetoxy-15-dihydroxyirpexan (Fig. 10.6) inhib-
In the agar diffusion assay, the compound showed ited the phorbol ester induced expression of an
neither antifungal nor antibacterial activity at con- AP-1 or NF-kB dependent reporter gene with
centrations up to 50 mg/disc (Engler et al. 1998). IC50 values of 6–7 mg/ml followed by 14,15-irpexan-
oxide, 14,15-dihydroxyirpexan (Fig. 10.6) and
3. Triterpenoids whereas irpexan exhibited no activity. All isolated
compounds showed no antibacterial or antifungal
Basidiomycetes are prolific producers of triterpe-
activity. Cytotoxic effects were observed starting at
noids, among them many with interesting biological
20 mg/ml.

a) Irpex sp. (Steccherinaceae) b) Favolaschia spp. (Favolaschiaceae)

The irpexans were isolated in the course of a screen- The genus Favolaschia is a rich source of biolog-
ing for new inhibitors of AP-1 and NF-kB mediated ically active compounds. Among them are
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 219

strongly antifungal strobilurins and oudeman- c) Fomitella fraxinea (Polyporaceae)

sins (Zapf et al. 1995; Wood et al. 1996; Nicholas 3b-Hydroxylanosta-8,24-dien-21-oic acid and fomi-
et al. 1997), (+)-10a-hydroxy-4-muurolen-3-one, tellic acids A–D (Fig. 10.7 7), four new lanostanes,
an inhibitor of leukotriene biosynthesis (Zapf were isolated from the mycelia of Fomitella fraxinea
et al. 1996), favolon A (Anke et al. 1995), and in a search for new inhibitors of DNA polymerases
laschiatrion (Anke et al. 2004). Laschiatrion (Tanaka et al. 1998). All five metabolites inhibited
(Fig. 10.7), a new antifungal antibiotic, was calf DNA polymerase a and rat DNA polymerase b
isolated from fermentations of Favolaschia sp. at concentrations of 35–75 mM and 90–130 mM
87129. It possesses a new steroid skeleton. Laschia- respectively. Data on other biological activities are
trion exhibits broad in vitro antifungal activity not given.
against Candida albicans, Cryptococcus neofor-
mans, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium verticillioides, d) Grifola frondosa (Polyporaceae s. lat.)
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Microsporum Many different biological activities have been
gypseum at concentrations of 10–50 mg/ml. No ascribed to the common fungal metabolite ergos-
antibacterial and cytotoxic activities could be terol, its oxidation products as well as some deri-
detected. By comparison, favolon A, an antifungal vatives. New to the list are inhibitory activities of
triterpenoid with a different ring system and ergosterol and ergostra-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one
substitution pattern exhibits higher activities at (Fig. 10.8) on cyclooxygenase-1 and -2 at rather
concentrations starting from 1 mg/ml. Recently, high concentrations (250 mg/ml). Both com-
favolon B (Fig. 10.7) was isolated from a Chilean pounds were isolated from cultured mycelia of
Mycena species (Aqueveque et al. 2005). It differs Grifola frondosa by Zhang et al. (2002).
from favolon A in the replacement of favolon’s
epoxide group in the B ring by a double bond. It e) Leucopaxillus gentianeus (Tricholomataceae)
shares the high antifungal activities of the parent The cucurbitanes leucopaxillones A and B (Fig.
compound. 10.8) have been isolated from fruiting bodies of


Laschiatrion Favolon B


H Fomitellic acid A H Fomitellic acid B



H Fomitellic acid C HO Fomitellic acid D

O Fig. 10.7. Triterpenoids from
Favolaschia sp. and Fomitella
O O fraxinea
220 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

Fig. 10.8. Triterpenoids from

Grifola frondosa, Leucopaxillus O O
gentianeus, Clavariadelphus
truncatus, and vibralactones HO
from Boreostereum vibrans

Ergostra-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one Leucopaxillone A



Clavaric acid
Leucopaxillone B

Vibralactone R = CH2OH Vibralactone B 1,5-Secovibralactone
Acetyl-vibralactone R = CH2OAc
Vibralactone C R = CHO

Leucopaxillus gentianeus, together with cucurbi- B. Polyketides, Fatty Acid Derivatives

tacin B, a known plant metabolite (Clericuzio et al.
2004). When tested for cytotoxic activities to- a) Boreostereum vibrans (Stereaceae)
wards the cell lines A549 (human lung carcino- The vibralactones (Fig. 10.8), unusual fused b-
ma), CAKI 1 (human kidney carcinoma), Hep-G2 lactone-type metabolites were isolated from cul-
(human liver carcinoma), and MCF-7 both leuco- tures of Boreostereum vibrans (syn. Stereum
paxillones compared unfavorably with the known vibrans; Liu et al. 2006; Jiang et al. 2008).Vibra-
cytotoxic activities of cucurbitacin B. lactone is a potent inhibitor of pancreatic lipase
with an IC50 value of 0.4 mg/ml. A structurally
f) Clavariadelphus truncatus (Clavariaceae) closely related metabolite, percyquinnin, had pre-
Lingham et al. (1998) identified clavaric acid viously been isolated from fermentations of Ster-
(24,25-dihydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl) eum complicatum as a potent lipase-inhibitor
anostan-3-one; Fig. 10.8) as a novel metabolite (Hopmann et al. 2001). It later turned out to be
of Clavariadelphus truncatus. The compound identical with vibralactone. Four new related
exhibits very interesting activities. It inhibits metabolites, 1,5-secovibralactone, vibralactone B,
selectively human farnesyl-protein transferase vibralactone C, and acetylated vibralactone have
(FPTase) with an IC50 value of 1.3 mM without now been described from the same fungus. Inhi-
interfering with geranylgeranyl-protein transfer- bitors of pancreatic lipase like orlistat, a derivative
ase-I (GGPTase-I) or squalene synthase activity. of the streptomycete metabolite lipstatin (Weibel
It is competitive with respect to Ras and is a et al. 1987) are now medications for obese patients
reversible inhibitor of FPTase. (Bray and Greenway 2007). Its mode of action was
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 221

elucidated by Hadvary et al. (1991). Tetrahydro- silencing and high stability against oxidative deg-
lipstatin binds covalently to the putative active radation by OH radicals.
site serine by means of the b-lactone moiety. The
inhibitory activity of vibralactone may be due to d) Suillus luteus (Boletaceae)
the same mechanism. Suillumide, (2R)-N-[(3S*,4S*,5R*)-5-dodecyl-4-
canamide, (Fig. 10.9), was isolated from fruiting
b) Junghuhnia nitida (Steccherinaceae)
bodies of Suillus luteus collected in Colombia
Many polyacetylenes have been described from
(Léon et al. 2008). So far, ceramides with a tetrahy-
basidiomycetes. Nitidon (Fig. 10.9), a highly oxi-
drofuranyl ring have been found only in fungi. Suil-
dized pyranone derivative produced by Junghuh-
lumide inhibits the growth of SK-MEL-1 (human
nia nitida, exhibits antibiotic and cytotoxic
melanoma) cells with an IC50 value of 10 mM.
activities and induces morphological and physio-
logical differentiation of tumor cells at nanomolar
concentrations (Gehrt et al. 1998). At a concentra- e) Hygrophorus spp. (Hygrophoraceae)
tion of 100 ng/ml (0.46 mM) nitidon induces the The hygrophorones (e.g. hygrophorones D12, F12,
differentation of 25–30% of the HL-60 cells into A12; Fig. 10.10), new acylpentenones, were isolated
granulocyte-monocyte-like cells and a differenta- from fruiting bodies of Hygrophorus latitabundus,
tion of 20% of the U-937 cells (human histiocytic H. olivaceoalbus, H. persoonii, and H. pustulatus
leukemia) into monocyte-like cells. The biological (Lübken 2006; Lübken et al. 2004, 2006). All hygro-
activity of nitidon is at least in part due to its high phorones exhibited modest antifungal activity
chemical reactivity. Addition of cysteine yielded against Cladosporium cucumerinum.
adducts which were almost devoid of differentia- Chrysotriones A and B (Fig. 10.10) were
tion inducing activity. isolated from the fruiting bodies of the H. chryso-
don (Gilardoni et al. 2007). Both compounds are
new 2-acylcyclopentene-1,3-dione derivatives. The
c) Ceriporia subvermispora (Polyporaceae s. lat.) chrysotriones exhibited modest antifungal activity
Ceriporia subvermispora is a white rot fungus against the phytopathogen Fusarium verticillioides.
which degrades lignin without substantially dam-
aging the remaining cellulose. This bears implica- f) Trametes menziesii (Polyporaceae s. lat.)
tions, e.g. for the cellulose and paper industry. The The trametenamides A and B (Fig. 10.11), two new
reason for this selective degadation of lignin was ceramides were isolated from fruiting bodies of
investigated by Watanabe’s group (Ohashi et al. Trametes menziesii collected in Columbia. The
2007). They found that alkylitaconic acids, e.g. absolute stereochemistry of trametamide B was
ceriporic acid B (Fig. 10.9), suppress the produc- determined by total synthesis. Acetyl-trameta-
tion of hydroxyl radicals by the Fenton reaction mide A was cytotoxic towards SK-MEL-1 cells
(Rahmawati et al. 2005) even in the presence with an IC50 value of 8 mM by induction of
of reductants for Fe3+. The alkyl side-chain and apoptosis measured by DNA fragmentation,
the two carboxyl groups are essential for redox poly-(ADP-ribose) polymerase cleavage, and


Ceriporic acid B
O O Nitidon
NH Fig. 10.9. Nitidon, ceriporic acid
B, and suillumide from Jun-
O ghuhnia nitida, Ceriporia sub-
OH vermispora, and Suillus luteus
222 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

Fig. 10.10. Hygrophorones and O
chrysotriones from Hygrophorus
spp. OH
Hygrophorone D12 O OH

O Chrysotrione A

Hygrophorone F12 O OH

O Chrysotrione B

4,6-Di-O-acetyl hygrophorone A12

procaspase-9 and -8 processing (Léon et al. 2006). line Hep-G2 as well as the J774 mouse macrophage
Ceramides are thought to play a role in the induc- cell line. The compounds induce morphological and
tion of apoptosis by permeabilization of the mito- physiological differentiation of HL-60 cells into
chondrial membrane, allowing the exit of granulocytes, which subsequently die by apoptosis.
proapoptotic factors like cytochrome c. Both compounds show no antibacterial or antifun-
gal activity. Interestingly 5-(20 -oxoheptadecyl)-res-
g) Gerronema sp. (Tricholomataceae) orcinol was reported from rye grains (Kozubek and
The gerronemins (Fig. 10.11) were isolated from Tyman 1995) and both compounds are suggested to
fermentations of a Gerronema species collected in be produced by rice (Suzuki et al. 1996).
the United States (Silberborth et al. 2002). They
are composed of a C12–C16 alkane or alkene sub- i) Pterula sp. (Pterulaceae), Mycena spp.
stituted at both ends by 2,3-dihydroxyphenyl (Tricholomataceae)
groups. The gerronemins blocked the inducible A new antifungal (E)-b-methoxyacrylate, norou-
expression of a human COX-2 and iNOS promoter demansin A (Fig. 10.12), was isolated from cul-
driven reporter gene with IC50 values of 1–5 mg/ tures of Pterula sp. 82168. As compared to
ml. In addition, cytotoxic activities were observed oudemansin A, its antifungal activities are much
which were due the inhibition of cellular macro- lower (Engler-Lohr et al. 1999). Strobilurin N
molecular syntheses. (Fig. 10.12) was isolated from fruiting bodies of
Mycena crocata (Buchanan et al. 1999). Interest-
ingly, strobilurin N is the first strobilurin without
h) Imperfect Basidiomycete Strain 96244 antifungal activity. The new antifungal strobilur-
5-(20 -Oxoheptadecyl)-resorcinol and 5-(20 -oxono- ins I from Agaricus sp. 89139 and K from M.
nadecyl)-resorcinol (Fig. 10.12) were isolated from tintinnabulum (Fig. 10.12) are 3,4-dihydro-2H-
fermentations of an imperfect basidiomycete (Filip benzo[b](1,4)dioxepin derivatives (Hellwig et al.
et al. 2002). This was obtained from pieces of a 1999). Both compounds strongly inhibit yeasts
pinkish mycelium covering a piece of rotting wood and filamentous fungi.
in Provence, France. The mycelia bore clamp con-
nections but neither basidia nor conidia could be j) Terphenyls from Thelephora aurantiotincta,
found. Both resorcinols exhibit cytotoxic effects T. terrestris, Hydnellum caeruleum, Sarcodon
against the human colon tumor cell lines Colo-320, leucopus, S. scabrosus (all Thelephoraceae), and
DLD-1 and HT-29 and the human promyeloid leu- Paxillus curtisii (Paxillaceae)
kemia cell line HL-60, the human leukemia T cell Terphenyls are derived from the shikimate–chor-
JURKAT, the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell ismate pathway and are among the frequently
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 223

R O Fig. 10.11. Trametamides and

Trametamide A R = H, R1 = H
gerronemins from Trametes men-
C17H35 NH OR1 ziesii and Gerronema sp.
Acetyltrametamide A R = H, R1 = Ac
OH C17H35 Trametamide B R = OH, R1 = H


Gerronemin A OH


Gerronemin B

Gerronemin C OH


Gerronemin D

OH Gerronemin E

OH Gerronemin F

encountered basidiomycete pigments (Gill and (Tateishi et al. 2005). Sarcodonin (Fig. 10.13), a
Steglich 1987; Gill 1999; Liu 2006). More recent very interesting nitrogen-containing terphenyl
additions are the thelephantins (e.g. A and H; derivative with a modified diketopiperazine at-
Fig. 10.13) from Thelephora aurantiotincta and tached to it was isolated from fruiting bodies of
Hydnellum caeruleum (Quang et al. 2003a, b, Sarcodon leucopus (Geraci et al. 2000). S. scabrosus
2004), terrestins from T. terrestris (Radulović collected in China yielded sarcodonin d (Fig. 10.13;
et al. 2005), and curtisians (e.g. A and C; Ma and Liu 2005).
Fig. 10.13) from Paxillus curtisii which has inhibi-
tory activity against lipid peroxidation with IC50
values of 0.15, 0.17, 0.24, and 0.14 mg/ml (Yun C. Compounds of Unclear Biogenetic Origin
et al. 2000). A number of biological activities
have been ascribed to members of this group. The- a) Tremella aurantialba (Tremellaceae)
lephoric acid (Fig. 10.13), the characteristic pig- Tremellin (Fig. 10.14), a simple, highly symmetric
ment of many Thelephoraceae, is claimed to be an structure was isolated from fruiting bodies of Tre-
antitumor (Kawai et al. 2005) and antiallergic agent mella aurantialba, an edible mushrooms (Ding
224 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke



5-(2'-Oxoheptadecyl)-resorcinol OH




Noroudemansin A Strobilurin N O


Strobilurin I Strobilurin K

Fig. 10.12. Resorcinols, noroudemansin A and strobilurins from an imperfect basidiomycete, Pterula sp., and
Mycena spp.

et al. 2002). No biological activities have been d) Aporpium caryae (Tremellaceae)

reported so far. The aporpinones (Fig. 10.14), four furanones
containing an acetylene moiety, were isolated
from cultures of Aporpium caryae (Levy et al.
b) Stereum hirsutum (Stereaceae)
2003). Aporpinone B and its acetyl derivative
Scavengers of free radicals are considered as pos-
exhibited modest antibacterial activity against
sible protectants of cells and tissues against oxi-
Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, and
dative damage and resulting diseases. In a search
Escherichia coli.
for new antioxidants Yun et al. (2002) isolated
sterins A and B (Fig. 10.14) from fermentations
of a strain of Stereum hirsutum collected in Korea. e) Bondarzewia montana (Bondarzewiaceae)
Sterin A was found to inhibit lipid peroxidation in When exposed to aqueous KOH the root of Bon-
an assay using rat liver microsomes at concentra- darzewia montana turns bright yellow. The main
tions of 8 mg/ml. In the same assay vitamin E was chromogen was isolated and turned out to be a
ten times more effective. new compound which was named montadial
(Fig. 10.14). When tested for biological activity
montadial exhibited weak phytotoxic and stron-
c) Antrodia serialis (Polyporaceae s. lat.) ger cytotoxic activities, the latter starting from
Serialynic acid (Fig. 10.14) was isolated from agar 5 mg/ml (Sontag et al. 1999).
cultures of Antrodia serialis in a screening for new
antifungal compounds (Kokubun et al. 2007).
Phenols with an isopentenyne side-chain like sic- f) Cortinarius sp. (Cortinariaceae)
cayne (Kupka et al. 1981) are sometimes produced Cortamidine oxide (Fig. 10.14), an interesting
by both ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. Serialynic asymmetrical disulfide metabolite, was isolated
acid has been found to be weakly active against from the fruiting bodies of a Cortinarius sp.
some phytopathogenic fungi. collected in New Zealand (Nicholas et al. 2001).
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 225




Thelephantin A Thelephantin H

Curtisian A HO Curtisian C

Thelephoric acid


Sarcodonin R1 = Ac R2 = H
Sarcodonin d R1 = H R2 = CH3

Fig. 10.13. Terphenyls from Thelephora aurantiotincta, T. terrestris, Hydnellum caeruleum, Sarcodon leucopus,
S. scabrosus, and Paxillus curtisii

Cortamidine oxide has both significant antimicro- h) Serpula himantoides (Coniophoraceae)

bial and cytotoxic activity. Other compounds The himanimides (Fig. 10.15) were isolated from
containing a pyridine N-oxide functionality have fermentations of a Serpula himantoides strain col-
been reported from Cortinarius species before, lected in Chile (Aqueveque et al. 2002). All four
namely, the toxin orellanine. compounds are succinimide and maleimide deri-
vatives, of which two are N-hydroxylated. Only
himanimide C exhibits broad antibacterial, anti-
g) Chamonixia pachydermis (Boletaceae) fungal, and cytotoxic activity, suggesting a link to
An unusual oxalylated tetramic acid, pachyder- the N-hydroxylated maleinimide moiety.
min (Fig. 10.15), was isolated from the gastromy-
cete Chamonixia pachydermis collected in New i) Pholiota spumosa (Strophariaceae)
Zealand (Lang et al. 2006). When tested for anti- (R)-2-hydroxyputrescine dicinnamamide and (2R)-
bacterial activity pachydermin did not exhibit an- 2-[(S)-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryloxy]putrescine-
tibiotic activity. dicinnamamide (Fig. 10.15), two new cinnamic
226 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke


Tremellin Sterin A Sterin B

Serialynic acid Aporpinone A


4'-Hydroxyaporpinone A Aporpinone B 1"-Acetylaporpinone B


HO O N+ S N N+
OH O- H O-
Montadial Cortamidine oxide

Fig. 10.14. Tremellin from Tremella aurantialba, sterins from Stereum hirsutum, serialynic acid from Antrodia serialis,
aporpinones from Aporpium caryae, montadial from Bondarzewia montana, and cortamidine oxide from Cortinarius sp.

acid were isolated from fruiting bodies of Pho- methyl ester (Fig. 10.16), two metabolites of
liota spumosa in addition to the known mayte- mixed biogenetic origin (Levy et al. 2000). Both
nine (N1,N8-dicinnamoyl spermidine) by metabolites exhibited modest antifungal activities
Clericuzio et al. (2007). Both compounds exhibit against Cladosporium cucumerinum.
modest cytotoxic activities. Unfortunately, the
second compound was named pholiotic acid, a
name earlier given to another (illudalane) me- III. Conclusions
tabolite of P. destruens (Becker et al. 1994).
As can be deduced from the numerous new struc-
tures, interest in basidiomycete secondary metab-
D. Amino Acid Derivatives olism has gained momentum. The biological
activities are interesting and may help to define
Basidiomycetes produce a number of cyclopep- new lead compounds offering structures not easily
tides with very interesting biological activities. detected by the random screening of libraries
These are being dealt with in Chap. 13. derived from combinatorial chemical synthesis.
The availability of basidiomycete metabolites is
a) Aporpium caryae (Tremellaceae) facilitated by important progress in fermentation
A culture of Aporpium caryae yielded isolates of technologies and genetics, opening access to tem-
1H-indole-3-carboxylic acid, 1-(1,1-dimethyl-2- plates for chemical syntheses and providing new
propenyl) methyl ester, and 1H-indole-3-carbox- chemical approaches to yet unexplored biological
ylic acid, 1-(2,3-dihydroxy-1,1-dimethylpropyl) targets.
Secondary Metabolites of Basidiomycetes 227

OH Fig. 10.15. Himanimides, dicin-

namamides, and pachydermin
OH from Serpula himantoides, Pho-
O O liota spumosa, and Chamonixia

Himanimide A Himanimide B



Himanimide C Himanimide D


(R)-2-Hydroxyputrescine dicinnamamide
O Cl
methylglutaryloxy]putrescine dicinnamamide}
(pholiotic acid) Pachydermin



1H-indole-3-carboxylic acid, 1-(1,1- 1H-indole-3-carboxylic acid, 1-(2,3- Fig. 10.16. Amino acid deriva-
dimethyl-2-propenyl) methyl ester dihydroxy-1,1-dimethylpropyl) methyl ester tives from Aporpium caryae
228 Anja Schüffler and Timm Anke

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11 Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi


CONTENTS with regard to fungicide targets and available

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 fungicides and the outlook for the development
II. Currently Deployed Fungicides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 of novel fungicides, with special focus on the ap-
III. What Are the Ideal Attributes plication of the ‘omics’ technologies in the drug
of the Fungicides of the Future? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 development process. The availability of these ge-
IV. The Role of Traditional Screening Approaches
Used in Fungicide Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 nome-wide technologies represents a major new
V. Determining the Mode of Action opportunity to identify novel fungicide targets
of an Anti-Fungal Compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 within pathogenic fungi. Even within the best
VI. Genome-Wide Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 studied pathogenic fungi there is still a great deal
A. Transcriptomics: Microarrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 to learn about how disease is established and
B. Studying Genome-Wide Transcriptional
Changes Which Accompany maintained. A major challenge for drug develop-
Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238 ment today is how best to employ the new genome-
C. Cross-Species Comparisons: Comparative wide technologies to indentify which metabolic
Genomic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 pathways and gene products are critical for disease
D. Identifying Possible Drug Targets by establishment and progression and thus to increase
Comparison of the Transcriptome of
Mutant and Wild-Type Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239 the probability of finding novel fungicide tar-
E. Exploring Drug Resistance Using gets. This chapter therefore reviews genome-wide
Transcriptome Analysis: Candida approaches that have emerged in the post-genomics
albicans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 era, e.g. comparative genomics and gene expres-
F. MPSS and SAGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 sion profiling experiments, including technologies
G. Transcriptomics: Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
H. Other ‘omics’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242 such as microarray-based transcriptional profiling,
VII. Conclusions/Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 SAGE, and MPSS. It also reviews results of the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243 application of such projects to date in the field.

II. Currently Deployed Fungicides

I. Introduction
The frequent occurrence of resistance to commonly
Fungicides have become an extremely important deployed anti-fungals necessitates a continued
means to combat problems caused by fungal search for novel fungicides. Ideally new compounds
pathogens both within the agricultural and medic- should have a novel mode of action, have a minimal
inal fields. Although a number of very effective risk in terms of resistance development, and show a
fungicides have been developed, the emergence of high degree of specificity towards the target organ-
resistance has brought a constant need for the ism. These compounds must also satisfy the current
identification of new fungicide targets and for stringent regulations regarding ecotoxicity and user
novel agents which act against these targets. safety prior to registration.
This chapter discusses the current situation The most successful fungicides on the market
today act relatively broadly by targeting fungal
1 vegetative growth and thus the entire fungal life
Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoff-Forschung e.V./
Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research, Erwin-Schrödin- cycle. Examples of a successful mode of action
ger-Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany; e-mail: foster@ classes interfering with biochemical processes, essential in fungi include compounds targeting

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
234 Andrew J. Foster and Eckhard Thines

respiration and sterol biosynthesis. An example of Fungicides interfering with these targets, such as
the former mode of action class is given by com- tricyclazole, phthalide, pyrochilon, and capropa-
pounds which target mitochondrial electron mid have been successfully used in plant protec-
transport within the respiration chain. Fungicides tion (Nakasako et al. 1998; Thompson et al., 2000).
of the strobilurin class have this mode of action. Such inhibitors of melanin biosynthesis prove
These compounds are structurally based on natu- effective against the rice blast fungus Magna-
ral products and interfere with the ubiquinol- porthe grisea where penetration of this species is
cytochrom C oxidoreductase of the cytochrome prevented by blocking the formation of the
bc1 in complex III (Becker et al. 1981; Anke and appressorial melanin layer required for building
Steglich 1999). A number of fungicides whose turgor pressure within this cell (Howard and Fer-
mode of action is the inhibition of sterol biosyn- rari 1989). A good degree of specificity for the
thesis have been developed. The sterol biosynthet- target organism is achieved in this case because
ic pathway includes several drugable targets, such these inhibitors specifically target enzymes
as a 3-keto reductase of an enzyme complex of the involved in the production of melanin from a
sterol C-4 demethylation, the squalene epoxidase, pentaketide precursor while melanin in other
D14-reductase and/or D8!D7-isomerase, and ste- organisms uses alternative biosynthetic pathways
rol 14a-demethylation, which is inhibited by azole not affected by such agents (Thines et al. 2004).
fungicides (Köller et al. 1992; Debieu et al. 2001). The differentiation process of appressorium
Although both respiration and sterol biosynthesis formation itself may offer novel targets for mod-
have proved good targets for which very success- ern plant protection strategies. Inhibitors interfer-
ful fungicides have been produced, resistance ing with the formation of infection structures
against such fungicides develops rapidly resulting might be found which do not interfere with myce-
in a high demand for new targets and fungicides. lial growth. One example for such a protective
Furthermore, several fungicides with a broad fungicide is quinoxyfen, a compound which pre-
range of activity have side-effects on benign fun- vents appressorium formation in Blumeria grami-
gal species, animals, or plants which cannot be nis. The mode of action of quinoxyfen is still
excluded. For this reason there is a need for new unclear; however it was proposed recently that
types of fungicides which exhibit novel modes of quinoxyfen interferes with signalling (Wheeler
action. et al. 2003) and studies of quinoxyfen-resistant
mutants recently implicated inhibition of a serine
esterase (Lee et al. 2008).
The disadvantage of fungicides with high
III. What Are the Ideal Attributes specificity is their low range of application, which
of the Fungicides of the Future? makes them an unattractive commercial proposi-
tion for companies. Considering the high costs
Novel targets can be located either in biochemical incurred during the development and registration
or signalling pathways essential for vegetative of a novel fungicide, companies must have to
growth or for pathogenic development of the fun- opportunity to recover the enormous costs of
gus. Targets with high specificity can thereby be development; fungicides active only against a nar-
expected in pathways involved in adhesion, host- row range of species are obviously much less likely
recognition/pre-penetration processes, host colo- to bring a profit to the developer.
nisation, and the final reproductive differentiation
processes during pathogenic development. An at-
tractive proposition is the development of fungi-
cides interfering with pathogenic development
IV. The Role of Traditional Screening
but not with vegetative growth. Such a strategy Approaches Used in Fungicide
could prevent or cure infections by fungal patho- Development
gens without affecting neutral or benign species.
Within the melanin biosynthetic pathway en- In recent decades traditional screening approaches
zymes such as tetra- or trihydroxynaphthalene with compounds derived from chemical synthesis
reductase and sytalone dehydratase have been or natural products in greenhouses were very suc-
identified as targets for non-fungitoxic fungicides. cessful and led to a generation of very effective
Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi 235

fungicides with toxicologically favourable profiles. it must be further established whether the target is
Therefore screening on living organisms/plants drugable in vivo.
will play an important role in the future of plant Once a target has been validated, target-based
protection research. However, the drawback of ultra-high throughput biochemical screening sys-
this traditional approach is that large numbers of tems can be established in which hundreds of
compounds must be tested in order to get to a hit. thousands of compounds can be tested daily.
To overcome this, target-based screening plat- The challenge for modern agrochemical research
forms and virtual molecular modelling systems is to convert the in vitro activity of compounds
have been developed in which large numbers of identified in such screening systems to products
molecules can be tested. active in vivo.
The post-genomics era is now truly upon us.
More than 50 different fungal genome sequences
are now publicly available and more fungal
V. Determining the Mode of Action sequencing projects are either planned or in prog-
of an Anti-Fungal Compound ress. More than half of the finished genomes are of
pathogenic species and cover the most important
Determining whether a new compound has a fungal pathogens of humans as well as many of the
novel mode of action is a critical step in the drug most devastating fungal pathogens of commer-
development process and this must be achieved at cially important crops (Table 11.1). These
an early stage. To this end in vitro screening resources open the door to genome-wide analysis
systems targeting distinct biochemical reactions/ within these species. Recently developed technol-
pathways can also be used to identify the mode of ogies allow the analysis of mRNA (transcrip-
action of compounds showing good antifungal tomics), protein (proteomics), and metabolite
activity during in vivo screening experiments. (metabolomics) profiles. We focus here largely
New compounds for which the mode of action is on transcriptomics and proteomics.
not known can initially be assessed in simple
biochemical tests, such as inhibition of respiration
or sterol biosynthesis. Furthermore fungicide-re- A. Transcriptomics: Microarrays
sistant mutants have successfully been used to
identify which protein is likely targeted by the Microarrays were first employed within fungi
agent. When the mode of action of fungicidal more than ten years ago (DeRisi et al. 1997) and
compounds cannot be identified by such ap- microarray technology has since been widely used
proaches, novel methods such as metabolome, to study a broad array of processes within fungi
proteome, or transcriptome analysis can provide (reviewed by Breakspear and Momany 2007). The
signature patterns which can be compared to pat- technology itself is a logical development from
terns obtained from experiments with known Southern/Northern blotting and, very basically,
compounds and may indicate whether or not it the microarray itself is a series of spots of nucleic
is likely that the drug has a novel mode of action. acids (cDNAs or oligonucleotides) which are
known as features or probes and which are at-
tached to a solid support. cDNA or cRNA samples
(somewhat confusingly these are known as targets
VI. Genome-Wide Approaches in this context) can then be hybridised to the
microarray and, following high stringency washes,
Genome-wide technologies, e.g. gene expression the degree of probe to target annealing at each
profiling and comparative genomics, lead to the spot can be quantified and, by comparison of the
identification of a large number of potential can- signal under different conditions, the relative
didate genes encoding factors essential either for abundance of the target within two different sam-
invasive growth and development or for vegeta- ples can be assessed. Microarray technology is
tive growth. However, these potential targets have described in detail elsewhere (e.g. see Heller
to be validated by gene deletion or gene-silencing 2002). Several applications of microarray technol-
experiments. Even if deletion of the gene is lethal ogy have emerged in recent years; however
or the mutant shows a non-pathogenic phenotype, here we confine our discussion largely to the
236 Andrew J. Foster and Eckhard Thines

Table 11.1. Fungal species whose genome sequence has been determined or for which a sequence release is imminent.
The latest status for ongoing projects and links to finished genomes are available at

Species Division Important features of the fungus Responsible body

Agaricus bisporus Basidiomycota Common edible button or table Joint Genome Institute
Alternaria Ascomycota Plant pathogen (Brassica dark leaf WUSTL (access also via Broad Institute)
brassicicola spot of Brassica species)
Amanita bisporigera Basidiomycota Common deadly mushroom Michigan State University
(Destroying Angel)
Ashbya gossypii Ascomycota Plant pathogen (cotton) Broad Institute
Aspergillus fumigatus Ascomycota Human pathogen, especially in the Sanger Centre/TIGR
A. oryzae Ascomycota A species widely used in National Institute of Technology and
biotechnology Evaluation
A. nidulans Ascomycota A model filamentous fungus; Broad Institute
widely studied
A. terreus Ascomycota Opportunistic human pathogen Broad Institute
A. niger Ascomycota Common contaminant of food Joint Genome Institute
A. clavatus Ascomycota A rare opportunistic human TIGR
Batrachochytrium Chytridiomycota Causes the amphibian disease Broad Institute/Joint Genome Institute
dendrobatidis chytridiomycosis (two different strains sequenced)
Botrytis cinerea Ascomycota Plant pathogen with broad host Broad Institute
Candida albicans Ascomycota Opportunistic human pathogen; Broad Institute
dimorphic yeast
C. dubliniensis Ascomycota Opportunistic human pathogen; Sanger Centre
close relative of C. albicans
C. glabrata Ascomycota Opportunistic pathogen (non- Sanger (finishing), Génolevures
C. guilliermondii Ascomycota A xylitol producer Broad/Génolevures
C. lusitaniae Ascomycota Opportunistic pathogen Broad Institute
(amphotericin B-resistant)
C. parapsilosis Ascomycota Opportunistic human pathogen; Sanger
forms biofilms
C. tropicalis Ascomycota Opportunistic human pathogen Broad Institute
Chaetomium Ascomycota Causes infections of human nails Broad Institute
globosum and skin; allergen
Coccidioides immitis Ascomycota Human pathogen; causes Valley Broad Institute (four different strains
fever sequenced)
C. posadsii Ascomycota Human pathogen Broad Institute
Colletotrichum Ascomycota Plant pathogen (causes Broad Institute (still in progress)
graminicola anthracnose diseases of
Coprinus cinereus Basidiomycota Model basidiomycete ‘ink cap’ Broad Institute/Duke University
Cryptococcus Basidiomycota Human pathogen; serotypes A and Broad Institute
neoformansa B have been sequenced
C. gattii Basidiomycota Human pathogen (cryptococcosis) Broad/British Columbia Genome
Sequencing Centre
Debaryomyces Ascomycota A cryotolerant, marine yeast Génolevures
Fusarium Ascomycota Plant pathogen (wheat head Broad Institute
graminearum blight)
F. oxysporum Ascomycota Plant pathogen (wilt diseases of Broad Institute
many species of plants)
F. verticillioides Ascomycota Plant pathogen (‘foolish seedling’ Broad Institute
disease of rice seedlings)
Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi 237

Table 11.1. (continued)

Species Division Important features of the fungus Responsible body

Heterobasidion Basidiomycete Plant pathogen; causes root and Joint Genome Institute
annosum butt rot to conifers
Histoplasma Ascomycota Causes histoplasmosis; NAm1 and Broad Institute
capsulatum G186AR strains
Kluyveromyces lactis Ascomycota Industrial and model yeast species Génolevures
K. marxianus Ascomycota Yeast species/commercial Génolevures
producer of lactase
K. thermotolerans Ascomycota Yeast species associated with fruits Génolevures
K. waltii Ascomycota Yeast species Génolevures
Lacazia loboi Ascomycota Causal agent of lobomycosis Broad Institute
(human skin disease)
Laccaria bicolor Basidiomycota Ectomycorrhizal fungus Joint Genome Institute
Lodderomyces Ascomycota Closely related to Candida Broad Institute
elongisporus parapsilosis
Magnaporthe grisea Ascomycota Plant pathogen (rice blast); model Broad Institute
cereal pathogen
Malassezia globosa Basidiomycota Associated with dandruff Commercial (available through NCBI)
M. restricta Basidiomycota Associated with dandruff Commercial (available through NCBI)
Microsporum Ascomycota Human pathogen Broad Institute
gypseum (Dermatophytes)
Moniliophthora Basidiomycota Plant pathogen (causes cacao Unicamp
perniciosa disease)
Mycosphaerella Ascomycota Plant pathogen (banana Black Joint Genome Institute
fijiensis Sigatoka)
M. graminicola Ascomycota Plant pathogen (Septoria tritici Joint Genome Institute
blotch of wheat)
Nectria Ascomycota Human and plant pathogen Joint Genome Institute
Neosartorya fischeri Ascomycota Aspergillus species causes food TIGR
spoilage/pathogenic (rare)
Neurospora crassa Ascomycota Model filamentous fungus for Broad Institute
basic research
Paracoccidioides Ascomycota Dimorphic; causal agent of Broad Institute (strains Pb01, Pb03, Pb18)
brasiliensis paracoccidioidomycosis
Paxillus involutus Basidiomycota Common ectomycorrhizal fungus Joint Genome Institute
Penicillium marneffei Ascomycota Human pathogen/thermally TIGR
dimorphic species
P. chrysogenum Ascomycota Industrially important source of Commercial (available through NCBI)
several b-lactam antibiotics
Phanerochaete Basidiomycota White rot fungus, used for Joint Genome Institute
chrysosporium bioremediation
P. carnosa Basidiomycota White rot fungus Joint Genome Institute
Pichia angusta Ascomycota Methylotrophic yeast species with Génolevures
biotechnological uses
P. stipitis Ascomycota Yeast species; used for xylose Joint Genome Institute/Génolevures
P. farinosa Ascomycota Yeast species; emerging human Génolevures
(sorbitophila) pathogen
Phycomyces Zygomycota Model zygomycete; widely studied Joint Genome Institute
Phytophthora Oomycete Plant pathogen; potato blight Sanger Centre
Postia placenta Basidiomycota Wood-rooting fungus; causes Joint Genome Institute
brown rot
Puccinia graminis Basidiomycota Plant pathogen; rusts of cereals Broad Institute
Pyrenophora tritici- Ascomycota Plant pathogen; yellow leaf spot Broad Institute
repentis of cereals and grasses
Rhizopus oryzae Zygomycota Human pathogen Broad Institute
238 Andrew J. Foster and Eckhard Thines

Table 11.1. (continued)

Species Division Important features of the fungus Responsible body

Sclerotinia Ascomycota Plant pathogen (root, crown, stem Broad Institute
sclerotiorum rots; varied hosts)
Saccharomyces Ascomycota Baker’s yeast; a leading model Broad Institute and others (several strains
cerevisiaeb organism in research sequenced)
S. bayanus Ascomycota Yeast species; used in wine making Broad Institute
S. castellii Ascomycota Yeast species WUSTL
S. kluyveri Ascomycota Yeast species WUSTL
S. kudriavzevii Ascomycota Yeast species WUSTL/Stanford
S. mikatae Ascomycota Yeast species Broad Institute/Stanford
S. paradoxus Ascomycota Yeast species Broad Institute/Stanford
Schizophyllum Basidiomycota Common fungus; causes white rot Joint Genome Institute I (near
commune completion)
Schizosaccharomyces Ascomycota Fission yeast species; grows Broad Institute
octosporus filamentously
S. japonicus Ascomycota Fission yeast species Broad Institute
S. pombe Ascomycota Fission yeast, very widely studied Sanger Centre
model fungus
Stagonospora Ascomycota Plant pathogen, blotch disease of Broad Institute
nodorum wheat
Trichoderma reesei Ascomycota Industrially important fungus Joint Genome Institute
T. virens Ascomycota Used in biocontrol against fungal Joint Genome Institute
Uncinocarpus reesii Ascomycota A close relative of Coccidioides Broad Institute
Ustilago maydis Basidiomycota Plant pathogen (corn smut Broad Institute
disease); model organism
Verticillium dahliae Ascomycota Cause of wilt diseases in important Broad Institute
crop species
V. albo-atrum Ascomycota Cause of wilt diseases in important Broad Institute
crop species
Three different strains of Cryptococcus neoformans have been sequenced: C. neoformans var. neoformans JEC21 (TIGR), C. neoformans
var. neoformans B-3501A (Stanford University) and C. neoformans var. grubbii H99 (Duke/FGI)
Several strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been sequenced or are being sequenced. For further details, see

application of microarrays to the study of tran- transcript abundance of 3500 features (cDNAs
script abundance and how microarray analysis with some redundancy) during infection-related
might be exploited to assist in the identification morphogenesis to investigate appressorium for-
of novel fungicide targets. A number of different mation (Takano et al. 2003).
examples to illustrate the different potential appli- A whole genome microarray of M. grisea is
cations of microarrays are given below. now commercially available from Agilent Bio-
technologies and has been used to identify genes
important for appressorium formation (Oh et al.
B. Studying Genome-Wide Transcriptional 2008). Genes responding to nitrogen starvation, a
Changes Which Accompany Differentiation situation believed to mimic the nutritional state of
the fungus post-penetration and which is purport-
Within plant pathogenic fungi, early studies used ed to induce infection-related development, have
sub-genome-wide technologies, often derived also been studied using these commercially avail-
from the results of EST sequencing projects, to able microarrays (Donofrio et al. 2006). One gene
study development (See Breakspear and Momany which responds to nitrogen starvation, SPM1, is
2007 and references therein). In investigations of predicted to encode a vacuolar serine protease. It
the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea, for ex- was deleted and shown to be required for normal
ample, the first microarray experiments used levels of virulence (Donofrio et al. 2006). Novel
cDNA-based technology to investigate the relative gene products which are critical for appressorium
Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi 239

formation have been uncovered by microarray- fungus responsible for the human disease histo-
based analyses, including a subtilisin-like prote- plasmosis. Microarray analysis using genomic
ase and a NAD-specific glutamate dehydrogenase DNA-derived targets has identified genes specifi-
(Oh et al. 2008). These studies clearly illustrate the cally expressed in the pathogenic yeast form
potential of genome-wide technologies to potenti- (Hwang et al. 2003). Again significant follow-up
ate the identification of potential new fungicide experiments are required to test whether any of
targets by narrowing the search for possible path- the products of these genes are essential for viru-
ogenicity factors. lence but, in terms of identifying potential novel
In Fusarium graminearum, a whole genome targets, such studies offer valuable new hypoth-
microarray has been used to investigate which eses which will no doubt lead to the identification
pathways are induced during the germination of of novel drug targets which could prove valuable
conidia, an important first step in the establish- in future years.
ment of disease (Seong et al. 2008). Clearly some
of these differentially regulated genes might prove
C. Cross-Species Comparisons:
attractive as targets for drug intervention, although
Comparative Genomic
obviously with such an analysis significant follow-
up experiments would be required in order to Where significant similarity exists between closely
identify which genes are essential for the process related fungal species there is a possibility to con-
studied, as these are likely only a small subset of the duct cross-species comparisons using microar-
total number identified. rays. A good example of such an application is
Further commercially produced whole-ge- provided by the study of Moran and co-workers
nome microarrays are in development for other (2004) who exploited Candida albicans-based ge-
plant pathogenic fungi, including Botrytis cinerea nomic microarrays to compare the genome of this
and Mycosphaerella graminicola. It can be antici- species to the very closely related but less virulent
pated that the range of microarrays available and species C. dubliniensis. Although the vast majority
their application within plant pathology will ex- of genes were found to be highly conserved, sev-
pand greatly in the future. Whether the applica- eral hundred genes were identified which were
tion of these microarrays will eventually reveal either absent in C. dubliniensis or whose sequence
fungicide targets which are conserved across a was poorly conserved between these two species.
broad range of species is open to question; how- This study not only generated several testable
ever there is no doubt about the potential of this hypotheses which might shed light on the differ-
technology to generate new experimental hypoth- ence in virulence between these two species but
esis which could greatly facilitate the identifica- also provided a great deal of information about
tion of novel targets for drug control within the C. dubliniensis gene repertoire in the absence
individual species. of a genome sequence. Interestingly several of the
Extensive microarray-based analysis can also genes poorly conserved between the two species
proceed in the absence of a whole-genome se- studied are predicted to encode transcription fac-
quence. An example is the study of Both and co- tors and it would therefore be of significant inter-
workers (2005), who looked at more than 2000 est to extend these analyses by comparing the
Blumeria graminis genes from an infection time- transcriptome of the two species.
course and revealed how several genes previously
implicated in disease progression as well as many
new unknown genes were expressed during infec- D. Identifying Possible Drug Targets
tion-related development. Some of the genes iden- by Comparison of the Transcriptome
tified during this study might be potential of Mutant and Wild-Type Cells
candidates for fungicide targets, although proving
this is not straightforward in an obligate pathogen Using whole-genome microarrays to study a major
such as Blumeria graminis. developmental switch such as germination or ap-
The application of microarrays to the study of pressorium formation, several hundred to
fungal pathogens of humans is also becoming thousands of genes have been found to be differen-
increasingly commonplace. For example, Histo- tially expressed (e.g. Oh et al. 2008; Seong et al.
plasma capsulatum is an ascomycete dimorphic 2008). An alternative route to identify the genes
240 Andrew J. Foster and Eckhard Thines

involved in a particular process is to examine a identification. Mutant generation will continue to

mutant blocked at that developmental stage. With be a decisive experiment in this process for years
a view to drug development, this may be a more to come. Any means by which it is possible to
attractive route, as the number of target genes narrow the search for new targets is obviously
identified by this approach is more likely in the attractive. Much research in the past few decades
tens rather than in the hundreds. Such an applica- in the academic world has focused on signal trans-
tion of microarrays is nicely illustrated by a recent duction and, although it is questionable whether
study of the human pathogen Cryptococcus neofor- any of the proteins identified by such studies are
mans (Cramer et al. 2006). These workers identified themselves good targets, the mutants generated by
genes which are transcriptionally down-regulated such studies could be exploited to identify down-
in a mutant which lacks a component of the cAMP stream components of which a small subset are
signalling pathway which is required for capsule likely to be essential for the process and which
formation, a critical determinant of virulence. One may include useful targets for drug intervention.
of these genes was found to encode a transcription
factor with similarity to yeast transcription factor
Nrg1p. A C. neoformans strain lacking this tran-
scription factor was generated and was also found E. Exploring Drug Resistance Using
to be deficient in capsule formation. Microarrays Transcriptome Analysis: Candida albicans
were then used to identify genes transcriptionally
dependent on the product of NRG1 and among the A further application for microarrays within the
71 genes identified was UGD1, a gene whose prod- field of drug development is in the study of resis-
uct was previously implicated in capsule formation tance to fungicides. Such an approach has already
in this fungus (Moyrand and Janbon 2004). been adopted by a number of groups attempting
Although this gene had previously been identified, to understand the transcriptional response to fun-
this study illustrates the potential of the combina- gicide treatment. In this respect by far the best
tion of microarray analysis and specific mutations studied species within fungi is the opportunistic
to uncover potentially drugable targets. In a similar fungal pathogen of humans Candida albicans.
manner, Odenbach and co-workers (2007) used Two of the most commonly deployed drugs in
microarrays to identify approximately 100 Magna- the treatment of diseases caused by C. albicans
porthe grisea genes whose transcription depends are the polyene fungicide amphotericin B (AMB)
on the Con7p transcription factor during germina- and fungistatic azole compounds such as flucona-
tion of spores of this fungus. These included a zole. Although the mode of action of these drugs
chitin synthase encoding gene CHS7 which, like differs, resistance to both drugs within clinical
the con7 mutant, is affected in the formation of isolates is often associated with induction of
the appressoria (Odenbach et al. 2007, 2009). Again drug efflux transporter activity and/or alterations
chitin synthase is already considered a potential to the ergosterol biosynthetic enzymes (reviewed
target for drug intervention in human disease, so by Akins 2005). This is not surprising, as both
although this is not a novel fungicide target, this drugs are thought to ultimately impact on mem-
study nicely illustrates the potential of using micro- brane integrity. A broader understanding of the
arrays in combination with specific mutants to resistance mechanisms to these and other drugs
identify potential drug targets. In a similar manner has come from several microarray-based studies
using a human pathogenic fungus, Ngugen and Sil which have examined transcript profiles within
(2008) identified a Histoplasma capsulatum regula- amphotericin B-resistant isolates or drug-treated
tor Ryp1p which is required for yeast phase gene wild-type strains. These studies both confirmed
expression and identified several genes controlled previous reports which suggested induction of
by this transcription factor by comparing tran- drug efflux transporter activity and/or alterations
script profiles of mutant and wild-type cells. to the ergosterol biosynthetic enzymes and also
Identification of novel fungicide targets is led to the identification of further genes which are
ultimately a process of elimination. Eliminating induced specifically on treatment with drugs of a
which factors are not good targets from the likely specific class or which seem to be part of a more
comparatively small number which are useful general response to drug challenge. Several genes
(drugable) targets is an important step in target whose transcription is altered by drug treatment
Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi 241

are otherwise uncharacterised and their participa- Examples of the application of these technol-
tion in drug response may therefore be the first ogies are studies conducted using the plant patho-
clue to their function. Furthermore the specific gens Magnaporthe grisea (Irie at al. 2003) and
transcript profile induced by treatment with a Blumeria graminis (Thomas et al. 2002). Several
particular drug might also be used as a ‘finger- genes dependent on cAMP were revealed using
print’ for drugs of that type and might assist in SAGE in Magnaporthe, including a number
assigning a tentative mode of action to a drug which have already been shown to be essential
whose targets is unknown or unclear. C. albicans for pathogenicity (Irie et al. 2003). In B. graminis,
is also known to commonly form biofilms which an obligate pathogen, several thousand SAGE tags
show increased resistance to commonly deployed were sequenced and more than 100 genes differ-
antifugals (Chandra et al. 2001; Ramage et al. ential transcribed during infection-related devel-
2001). Farnesol, a quorum-sensing molecule, was opment were highlighted (Thomas et al. 2002).
shown to prevent biofilm at high concentrations This study highlights one great advantage of
and is considered a possible novel Candida con- these technologies: they can be applied to any
trol agent (Ramage et al. 2002). Microarray analy- organism irrespective of whether a genome se-
sis subsequently shed some light on the mode of quence is available or not. A further application
action which was previously not known, suggest- for such technologies is in determining which of
ing that the compound might in part prevent fila- the predicted genes within an annotated genome
mentous growth by inducing the transcription of is really transcribed. Thus in the case of M. grisea,
the TUP gene which encodes a repressor of hyphal a large number of the genes predicted to exist in
development (Cao et al. 2005). Again this study the genome by automated annotation were subse-
highlights the utility of microarray experiments in quently shown to be really transcribed using SAGE/
understanding drug response and mechanisms of MPSS (Gowda et al. 2006). In fact the same study
resistance. indicted the existence of several thousand addition-
The response to azole fungicides has also been al transcripts which do not correspond to any
studied in Aspergillus fumigatus where, as is the annotated gene and has therefore expanded the
case for C. albicans, resistance to clinically deployed M. grisea gene repertoire.
drugs of this class is increasingly problematic. SAGE has also been used to study protein ki-
Several thousand genes were found to be differen- nase A (PKA)-dependent gene expression in the
tially regulated in response to voriconazole (da corn smut pathogen Ustilago maydis (Larraya
Silva Ferreira et al. 2006). Up-regulated genes in- et al. 2005). By analysis of transcript profiles
cluded several transporters of ABC and MFS type based on the sequences of at least 40 000 tags for
which might play a role in drug efflux. the wild type and two mutants in the PKA pathway,
The use of microarrays for the study of resis- the authors were able demonstrate novel functions
tance to drug treatment can be expected to lead to for PKA signalling in this organism, including a
valuable insights into what are the critical deter- link to phosphate metabolism. Because PKA sig-
minants of resistance and increasing application nalling is critical for virulence in this species, such
in this field as well as in determination of mode of analyses pinpoint downstream targets of PKA
action is anticipated in the future. signalling which may well include potential new
targets for fungicide control of corn smut.
Within fungi which are pathogenic to humans,
F. MPSS and SAGE SAGE has been employed for transcriptome anal-
ysis most extensively in Cryptococcus neoformans.
Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE; Velcu- One comparison used 49 224 SAGE tags from each
lescu et al. 1995) and massively parallel signature of two protein kinase A (PKA) pathway mutants
sequencing (MPSS; Brenner et al. 2000) are related and a wild-type control under conditions known
technologies which yield short sequence signa- to induce capsule formation in this species (Hu
tures derived from mRNAs. By comparison of et al. 2007). Among the 599 tags exhibiting altered
the relative abundance of these signatures within abundance between these SAGE libraries were
libraries derived from different mRNA popula- several corresponding to genes whose products
tions, a semi-quantitative measure of transcript might play a role in secretion. Furthermore,
abundance in a sample is obtained. using inhibitors of secretion, the authors were
242 Andrew J. Foster and Eckhard Thines

able to demonstrate that capsule formation is new questions but no real answers. The real power
inhibited at drug concentrations which do not of genome wide analysis of transcript abundance
affect growth in culture. This indicates that, as will only be realised in combination with other
one might anticipate, secretion plays an important approaches which address the response of the or-
role in capsule formation. These results not only ganism at other levels and by genetic manipula-
expand the understanding of the targets of PKA tions to address the question as to whether the
signalling but also highlight the potential of tar- observed alteration in transcript abundance has
geting components of the secretion machinery in any meaningful consequences for the test organ-
order to control this species. ism. Genetic manipulation of most fungal patho-
In conclusion SAGE and MPSS are powerful gens remains the major bottleneck in moving from
means to obtain a semi-quantitative assessment of the results of genome-wide studies of transcript
relative transcript abundance under different con- abundance to establishing that the product of a
ditions. There is no doubting the value of these particular gene is really important or essential in
technologies in providing information which establishing disease (and therefore a potential drug
could suggest which pathways or enzymes are target).
likely to be activated under specific conditions.
Additionally these technologies have been suc-
cessfully employed in fungal species which have H. Other ‘omics’
not yet been completely sequenced. As with
microarrays, these technologies could readily be The ultimate targets of most known fungicides are
employed to suggest possible new targets for proteins and there is some logic to working direct-
drug intervention; however, in comparison to ly at the level of the protein. Additionally there are
microarrays, MPSS and SAGE have been much many examples where the major level of control
less broadly applied experimentally and it is there- which determines protein abundance is post-tran-
fore probable that their application in future drug scriptional. For these reasons proteome profiling
development will also be peripheral. represents an attractive approach to identify po-
tential new fungicide targets. Proteome profiling
studies in Aspergillus species have been used to
G. Transcriptomics: Outlook identify proteins expressed during various physi-
ological states of the cell (for a review, see Kim
Microarrays and related technologies have unques- et al. 2008). Especially in the opportunistic human
tionably provided the researcher aiming to study pathogenic fungus Aspergillus fumigatus, compar-
plant–pathogen interactions with powerful tools ative proteome studies have been conducted in
which is are now very broadly accepted and in- order to identify proteins involved in virulence
creasingly widely used. It is likely that with ever or essential for mycelial growth that may serve
improving technologies and decreasing prices such as targets for antimycotic therapies. Bruneau and
forms of analysis will become available to most co-workers focussed on surface proteins thereby
researchers in the coming years. Nevertheless it is identifying glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored
important to be aware that transcript abundance membrane proteins which had previously been
does not always correlate well with protein abun- shown to be involved in cell wall biosynthesis
dance. It has been common to extrapolate from the (Mouyna et al. 2000). It was shown that, out of
results of such analyses and suggest that certain five proteins with unknown function, the Ecm33
pathways are activated in response to certain de- protein influences the conidial cell wall biosynthe-
velopmental or environmental conditions or as a sis/cell wall morphogenesis (Chabane et al. 2006).
result of certain mutations. Although this is likely A proteome study conducted by Asif and co-
to be true in the majority of cases, these technolo- workers (2006) led to the identification of 26 co-
gies should at best be viewed as a very elegant nidial cell surface proteins as potential vaccine
means to generate hypotheses in the absence of candidates. Several of the proteins identified had
any preconceptions of the experimental outcome. no known function and may therefore be novel
Although it is easy to be blinded by the power of targets for therapeutic approaches.
this technology, any study which reports only In proteome studies using mutants it was re-
microarray data is likely to provide very many cently shown that enhanced PKA activity results in
Identification of Fungicide Targets in Pathogenic Fungi 243

the activation of stress-associated proteins, enzy- high-throughput analysis using this technology
mes involved in protein biosynthesis, and glucose show great promise for the future (Nguyen et al.
catabolism. Enzymes involved in nucleotide and 2008). A collection of mutants deleted for all of the
amino acid biosynthesis and enzymes involved in predicted genes, as has been developed for Saccha-
catabolism other than glucose were down-regu- romyces cerevisiae, is an attractive resource; how-
lated by PKA signalling (Große et al. 2008). It was ever the generation of such a resource is a major
furthermore found that septin and b-tubulin were undertaking and it is likely that the intelligent use
down-regulated by enhanced PKA signalling, indi- of transcription profiling combined with mutation
cating that cAMP/PKA signalling is involved in the of a subset of likely candidates is a more economical
regulation of fungal morphogenesis and may there- way to identify novel fungicide targets. Although
fore be of relevance for virulence. These findings the targets of most of the currently deployed fungi-
are backed by mutant studies showing the rele- cides were discovered by more traditional
vance of PKA/cAMP signalling in Aspergillus fumi- approaches, it is important to remember that ge-
gatus (Liebmann et al. 2004). nome-wide technologies are relatively new and that
Proteomic analysis has also been carried out it may be several years before they yield their first
in the fungal human pathogen Candida glabrata, fruits in terms of identification of new drug targets.
where a recent study using mutants lacking the
Ace2 transcription factor which have an increased
ability to cause disease. The types of proteins References
identified suggested that this factor controls the
transcription of genes involved in cell wall biogen- Akins RA (2005) An update on antifungal targets and
esis in this species (Stead et al. 2005). mechanisms of resistance in Candida albicans. Med
In conclusion proteome analysis must been Mycol 43:285–318
regarded as powerful tool to identify proteins re- Anke T, Steglich W (1999) Strobilurins and oudemansins.
In: Grabley S, Thiericke R (eds) Drug discovery from
quired for structural integrity of the cells or for nature. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 320–334
pathogenicity and it is likely that this approach Asif AR, Oellerich M, Amstrong VW, Riemenschneider B,
might find application in the search for suitable Monod M, Reichard U (2006) Proteome of conidial
targets for therapeutic approaches. surface associated proteins of Aspergillus fumigatus
reflecting potential vaccine candidates and allergens.
J Proteome Res 5:954–962
Barker KS, Rogers PD (2005) Application of deoxyribonu-
cleic acid microarray analysis to the study of azole
VII. Conclusions/Outlook antifungal resistance in Candida albicans. Methods
Mol Med 118:45–56
Genome-wide studies typically yield large numbers Becker WF, von Jagow G, Anke T, Steglich W (1981)
Oudemansin, strobilurin A, strobilurin B and myx-
of candidate genes of which it is likely that only a othiazol: New inhibitors of the bc1 segment of the
small subset will be essential for the process stud- respiratory chain with a E-ß-methoxyacrylate system
ied. So for example, of several genes identified as as common structural element. FEBS Lett 132:329–
differentially regulated during infection-related 333
morphogenesis in Magnaporthe grisea only three Boddu J, Cho S, Kruger WM, Muehlbauer GJ (2006) Tran-
scriptome analysis of the barley–Fusarium grami-
out of 16 selected for mutation were found to be nearum interaction. Mol Plant Microbe Interact
essential for pathogenicity. In order to fully exploit 19:407–417
the results of genome-wide analysis there is a clear Both M, Eckert SE, Csukai M, Müller E, Dimopoulos G,
need for streamlined strategies for high-through- Spanu PD (2005) Transcript profiles of Blumeria gra-
put analysis of gene function. Given that a subset of minis development during infection reveal a cluster
of genes that are potential virulence determinants.
genes may be essential for viability, an attractive Mol Plant Microbe Interact 18:125–133
approach to investigate whether a particular Breakspear A, Momany M (2007) The first fifty microarray
gene represent a useful fungicide target would be studies in filamentous fungi. Microbiology 153:7–15
gene silencing because inducible gene silencing Brenner S, Johnson M, Bridgham J, Golda G, Lloyd DH,
might then allow the analysis of essential genes. Johnson D, Luo S, McCurdy S, Foy M, Ewan M, Roth
R, George D, Eletr S, Albrecht G, Vermaas E, Williams
Again taking Magnaporthe as an example, gene SR, Moon K, Burcham T, Pallas M, DuBridge RB,
silencing has been shown to be effective in this Kirchner J, Fearon K, Mao J, Corcoran Ka (2000)
fungus (Kadotani et al. 2003) and tools for Gene expression analysis by massively parallel
244 Andrew J. Foster and Eckhard Thines

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12 Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi


CONTENTS phosphorylation (Saraste 1999). Electrons gener-

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 ated from NADH and FADH2 pass through com-
II. Inhibitors of Complex I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250 plexes I–IV to produce a proton gradient, which is
III. Inhibitors of Helminth Complex I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 harnessed by complex V (Fig. 12.1).
A. NADH-Fumarate Reductase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Inhibitors of electron transport and oxidative
B. Nafuredin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
1. Producing Strain and Fermentation . . 251 phosphorylation enzymes are used to study the
2. Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 mechanism of energy conversion. Some of them
3. Enzyme Inhibition and Biological have been developed into antifungal, insecticidal,
Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253 antiparasite and other anti-infectious agents. For
4. Nafuredin-g and its Analogs . . . . . . . . . . . 254 example, carboxin (1, complex II inhibitor) and
C. Paecilaminol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
D. Verticipyrone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 azoxystrobin (2, complex III inhibitor) are used
E. Ukulactones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 against plant-pathogenic fungi, fenpyroximate (3,
IV. Inhibitors of Complex II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 complex I inhibitor) and chlorfenapyr (4, uncou-
A. Atpenins and Harzianopyridone . . . . . . . . . . . 258 pler) are used to combat insects or acari, and
1. Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258 bithionol (5, complex II inhibitor) and atova-
2. Enzyme Inhibition and Biological
Activity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 quone (6, complex III inhibitor) are used against
B. Other Complex II Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261 various parasites (Fig. 12.2). Though they are syn-
V. Other Electron Transport Inhibitors . . . . . . . . . . 262 thetic compounds, several are derived from natu-
A. Inhibitors of Complex III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 ral compounds. Compound 2 is an analog of
B. Inhibitors of Complex V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 strobilurin A (Fig. 12.3, 7) produced by a basidio-
C. Uncouplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
VI. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 mycete (Sauter et al. 1999), and the origin of 6 is
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 dioxapyrrolomycin (Fig. 12.3, 8), produced by
Streptomyces spp. (Addor et al. 1992).
Many electron transport inhibitors and oxida-
tive phosphorylation enzyme inhibitors have been
I. Introduction isolated from natural origins (Lardy 1980; Degli
Esposti 1998; Ueki et al. 2000). A famous complex
I inhibitor, rotenone (Fig. 12.4, 9), is a plant me-
The electron transport chain is present in mito-
tabolite and used effectively as an insecticide.
chondria (eukaryotes) or plasma membrane
Piericidin A (Fig. 12.4, 10) and antimycin A3a
(prokaryotes) and is linked with oxidative phos-
(Fig. 12.4, 11) are produced by Streptomyces spp.
phorylation to produce ATP. The chain consists of
and widely used as complex I and complex III
complex I (NADH-ubiquinone reductase), com-
inhibitors respectively. Siccanin (Fig. 12.4, 12),
plex II (succinate-ubiquinone reductase), complex
also produced by a fungus, inhibits complex II
III (ubiquinol–cytochrome-c reductase, cyto-
and is used against surface mycosis.
chrome bc1 complex), complex IV (cytochrome-c
During the course of screening for anthel-
oxidase) and complex V (ATP synthase, FOF1-
mintic antibiotics, some new compounds isolated
ATPase) which culminates in ATP via oxidative
from the culture broths of fungi were found to
be NADH-fumarate reductase (NFRD) inhibi-
The Kitasato Institute for Life Sciences and Graduate School of tors (Shiomi and Ōmura 2004; Kita et al. 2007;
Infection Control Sciences, Kitasato University, 5-9-1 Shirokane, Ōmura and Shiomi 2007). Among them, some
Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8641, Japan; e-mail: masuma@lisci.kita-,
compounds show specific inhibition against

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
248 Rokuro Masuma et al.

Fig. 12.1. Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria


Carboxin (1) Azoxystrobin (2) Fenpyroximate (3)

N Cl
Cl S Cl O
Cl Cl OH

Chlorf enapyr (4) Bithionol (5) Atovaquone (6)

Fig. 12.2. Structures of practically used electron transport inhibitors

Fig. 12.3. Structures of strobi- Cl
lurin A and dioxapyrrolomycin Cl

O Cl N H

O Cl

Strobilurin A (7) Dioxapyrrolomycin (8)

Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 249


Rotenone (9) Piericidin A (10)

H3 C O CH3 H3C O

Antimycin A3a(11) Siccanin (12)

Fig. 12.4. Popular natural electron transport inhibitors

Table 12.1. Electron transport and oxidative phosphorylation inhibitors produced by fungi

Compound Producer Biological activity

Complex I inhibitors
Cochlioquinones A (16) and B (17) Cochliobolus miyabeanus Anthelmintic, phytotoxic, etc.
Isocochlioquinone A (18) Bipolaris bicolor Phytotoxic
Stemphone A (19) Stemphylium sarcinaeforme Phytotoxic, antibacterial
Pterulone (20) and pterulinic acid (21) Pterula sp. Antifungal
Nafuredin (22) Aspergillus niger Anthelmintic
Paecilaminol (33) Paecilomyces sp. Anthelmintic, insecticidal
Verticipyrone (37) Verticillium sp. Anthelmintic, insecticidal
Ukulactones A (52) and B (53) Penicillium sp. Anthelmintic
Complex II inhibitors
Harzianopyridone (58) Trichoderma harzianum Antifungal
Atpenins A4 (59) and A5 (60) Penicillium sp. Antifungal
Siccanin (12) Helminthosporium siccans Antifungal
Anhydrofulvic acid (71) Penicillium spp. Antifungal
Complex III inhibitors
Strobilurin A (7) Strobilurus tenacellus Antifungal
Ilicicolin H (64) Cylindrocladium ilicicola Antifungal, cytotoxic
Funiculosin (65) Penicillium funiculosum Antifungal, antiviral
Sambutoxin (66) Fusarium sambucinum Platelet aggregation inhibitor
Oudemansin A (74) Oudemansiella mucida Antifungal
Complex V inhibitors
Aurovertin B (77) Calcarisporium arbuscula Apoptosis inducer
Citreoviridin (78) Penicillium citreoviride Neurotoxic
Asteltoxin (79) Aspergillus stellatus Toxic
Efrapeptin D (80) Tolypocladium niveum Antimalarial, antifungal, insecticidal
Tentoxin (81) Alternaria tenuis Chloroplast F1-ATPase Inhibitor, phytotoxic
ACR-toxin I (82) Alternaria citri Phytotoxic
Leucinostatin A (83) Penicillium lilacinum Antifungal, antimalarial

complex I of anaerobic helminths. One com- phosphorylation inhibitors of fungal origin, in-
pound, atpenin A5, inhibited complex II potently. cluding the NFRD inhibitors. These inhibitors
Here, we review electron transport and oxidative are summarized in Table 12.1.
250 Rokuro Masuma et al.

II. Inhibitors of Complex I inhibitor binding pocket in the hydrophobic part

of complex I.
Complex I (NADH-ubiquinone reductase) is a rela- Many natural complex I inhibitors have been
tively massive enzyme. In mammals, complex I con- reported, especially from plants and myxobac-
sists of 45 different subunits with a combined teria, whereas the number of reported fungal com-
molecular mass approaching 1 MDa, together with plex I inhibitors is very small.
noncovalently bound FMN and eight iron–sulfur Cochlioquinones (Fig. 12.6) are isolated from
clusters (Carroll et al. 2006). Electrons from NADH Cochliobolus miyabeanus and some other fungi
are accepted by ubiquinone through complex I, (Carruthers et al. 1971). They have a structure of
ubiquinone being reduced to ubiquinonol. In this benzoquinone joined to a sesquiterpene and they
process, protons are transferred from the mitochon- show various biological activities, such as nema-
drial matrix to the intermembrane space, thus pro- tocidal (against Caenorhabditis elegans), phyto-
ducing the electrochemical proton gradient. This is toxic and anti-angiogenic properties and
the first step of the electron transport system. competitive inhibition of specific [3H]ivermec-
All known high-affinity inhibitors of complex tin-binding (Schaeffer et al. 1990). Inhibitory
I act at the terminal electron transfer step (qui- activities (IC50 values) of cochlioquinones A (16)
none-binding site). They are classified into two or and B (17), isocochlioquinone A (18) and stem-
three groups (Friedrich et al. 1994; Degli Esposti phone A (19) against bovine heart NADH oxidase
and Ghelli 1999; Okun et al. 1999). Type A (class I) (complexes I+III+IV) were 115, 83, 56 and 160
inhibitors, including piericidin A (10) and fenpyr- nmol/mg of protein, respectively (Lim et al.
oximate (3), are quinone antagonists and inhibit 1996). Compound 17 inhibited complex I at an
in a partially-competitive manner with regard to IC50 value of 370 nmol/mg of protein. It did not
ubiquinone. Type B (class II) inhibitors, including inhibit the other complexes, which indicated 17
rotenone (9), aureothin (Fig. 12.5, 13) and phe- was a specific complex I inhibitor. The inhibition
noxan (Fig. 12.5, 14), are semiquinone antagonists against NADH is uncompetitive but inhibition
and inhibit in a noncompetitive fashion (Washizu against quinone changes from noncompetitive to
et al. 1954; Kunze et al. 1992). Aureothin is pro- competitive when the exogenous quinone concen-
duced by Streptomyces sp. and 14 is produced by tration increases. A similar complicated inhibition
myxobacteria. Type C inhibitors are quinol anta- against complex I was reported for capsaicin (15),
gonists, such as capsaicin (Fig. 12.5, 15), a pun- a type C inhibitor of complex I (Yagi 1990).
gent principle of chili peppers (Shimomura et al. Pterulone (Fig. 12.6, 20) and pterulinic acid
1989; Yagi 1990). However, this classification does (Fig. 12.6, 21) are produced by the submerged
not mean the existence of two or three distinct culture of the basidiomycete Pterula sp. (Engler
inhibitors and quinone-binding sites. Okun et al. et al. 1997). They have a 1-benzoxepin ring
(1999) proposed the existence of only one large with chloromethylidene. Though 20 is a single E

H 3C CH3 CH3
H 3C CH3
Aureothin (13) Phenoxan (14)


Capsaicin (15)

Fig. 12.5. Structures of aureothin, phenoxan, and capsaicin

Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 251


R2 O O
H 3C H3C H3C
R1 R2
Cochlioquinone A (16) OH OCOCH3 Isocochlioquinone A (18) Stemphone A (19)
Cochlioquinone B (17) H =O

CH2 Cl

Pterulone (20) Pterulinic acid (21)

Fig. 12.6. Structures of complex I inhibitors produced by fungi

isomer, 21 is a 5:1 mixture of E:Z that cannot be complex II (rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase).

separated from each other. The compounds inhib- Therefore, the anaerobic complex II catalyzes the
it the growth of fungi. The IC50 values of 20 and 21 reverse reaction of aerobic complex II (succinate-
against bovine heart NADH oxidase were 36 and ubiquinone reductase). The end-products of this
450 mM, respectively, while they did not inhibit glucose catabolism are volatile fatty acids, such as
succinate oxidase (complexes II+III+IV). There- 2-methylpentanoate. This anaerobic electron trans-
fore, they may be complex I inhibitors. port system can provide ATP in the absence of
Since complex I reduces ubiquinone and com- oxygen. Rhodoquinone is used for this anaerobic
plex III oxidizes ubiquinol, both complexes have respiration. Having a lower redox potential than
quinone-binding sites. Therefore, some inhibitors ubiquinone enables rhodoquinone to be used for
targeting quinone-binding sites of complex I in- the reverse reaction of aerobic complex II. NFRD,
hibit complex III and vice versa (Degli Esposti composed of the above complex I and complex II,
et al. 1993). Strobilurin A (7) inhibits complex plays an important role in the anaerobic respiratory
III potently (see Sect. V.A) and reportedly inhibits system. Therefore, NFRD inhibitors have been
bovine heart complex I weakly (15.5% inhibition sought from microbial origin to produce anthel-
at 3.3 mM; Degli Esposti et al. 1993). mintics and some helminth-specific complex I inhi-
bitors have been discovered.

III. Inhibitors of Helminth Complex I

B. Nafuredin
A. NADH-Fumarate Reductase 1. Producing Strain and Fermentation
Energy metabolism in many adult helminths Nafuredin (Fig. 12.8, 22) was isolated as an NFRD
differs from that in larvae and host (Kita et al. inhibitor (Ōmura et al. 2001; Ui et al. 2001). The
2001; Komuniecki and Tielens 2003). They produce producing fungal strain, FT-0554, was isolated from
ATP in low oxygen concentration using a special a marine sponge collected in the Palau Islands, Re-
respiratory system (Fig. 12.7). Phosphoenolpyr- public of Palau. The strain FT-0554 was identified as
uvate produced via an anaerobic glycolytic pathway Aspergillus niger from morphological characteris-
is converted to oxalacetate by phosphoenolpyr- tics. A. niger is well known as a terrestrial fungus, so
uvate carboxykinase, and oxalacetate is metabo- the effect of seawater concentration in a culture
lized to malate and then to fumarate. Electrons medium on fungal growth and nafuredin produc-
from NADH are accepted by rhodoquinone tion was studied (Masuma et al. 2001).
through complex I (NADH-rhodoquinone reduc- The mycelial growth and the production of
tase) and then transferred to fumarate through 22 were evaluated in different natural seawater
252 Rokuro Masuma et al.

Fig. 12.7. Difference of energy

metabolism between aerobic
mammals and anaerobic hel-

CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 22 is composed of nine acetates and four methio-
CH3 nines (branched four methyl carbons).
Many natural d-lactones have been reported.
HO d-Decalactone (Fig. 12.9, 23) is found in several
Nafuredin (22) kinds of foods and it is also produced by fungi
(Nago et al. 1993). It is used for flavoring and
Fig. 12.8. Structure of nafuredin fragrance. With the exception of the simple lac-
tones, natural alkenyl-d-lactones are usually very
cytotoxic. Leptomycin B (Fig. 12.9, 24) and kazu-
concentrations (0–100%) after incubation at 25 C samycin A (Fig. 12.9, 25), produced by Streptomy-
for 7 days on potato-dextrose agar or broth. The ces spp., are antitumor and antifungal compounds
mycelial growth of strain FT-0544 increased with (Hamamoto et al. 1983; Umezawa et al. 1984).
natural seawater concentration, and the addition of They inhibit nuclear export signal-dependent nu-
natural seawater (25–100%) enhanced the produc- clear export of proteins (Wolff et al. 1997). Fos-
tion of nafuredin. The strain FT-0554 also grew triecin (Fig. 12.9, 26) and pironetin (Fig. 12.9, 27)
abundantly on medium containing 4% of sodium are also antitumor compounds produced by Strep-
chloride. Generally, the growth of terrestrial fungi tomyces spp. (Tunac et al. 1983; Kobayashi et al.
tends to be suppressed in the presence of natural 1994). The former inhibits protein phosphatase
seawater. Therefore, A. niger FT-0554 is suggested 2A (Roberge et al. 1994) and the latter causes
to be adapted to the marine environment. microtubule disassembly (Kondoh et al. 1999).
After the isolation of 22, more than five fungal Aurovertins, citreoviridin and asteltoxin are fun-
strains have been found as producers of 22 during gal metabolites possessing alkenyl-d-lactones.
the screening of NFRD inhibitors. It is interesting They are mycotoxins and inhibit F1-ATPase of
that all strains were terrestrial fungi, and more- complex V (see Sect. V.B). ACR-toxin I is a fungal
over, all were Trichoderma spp. phytotoxin produced by Alternaria spp. It is an
uncoupler (as shown in Sect. V.C).
Natural compounds having a b,g-epoxy-d-lac-
2. Structure
tone moiety have only been found in clerodane
The structure of 22 was elucidated by NMR and furanoditerpene group, such as palmarin (Fig.
mass spectra analysis (Ui et al. 2001). The total 12.9, 28), isolated as a bitter component of
synthesis of 22 revealed its absolute configuration Calumba root (Wessely et al. 1936), but their
(Takano et al. 2001a, b). It has a b,g-epoxy-d- d-lactones are parts of fused rings (Yonemitsu
lactone ring with an alkenyl side chain. The bio- et al. 1989). Therefore, 22 is the first natural com-
synthesis study by Ui et al. (2001) suggested that pound having nonfused b,g-epoxy-d-lactone.
Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 253


d-Decalactone (23) Leptomycin B (24) CH3
Kazusamycin A (25) CH2OH



Fostriecin (26) Pironetin (27) Palmarin (28)

Fig. 12.9. Structures of d-lactones produced by microorganisms

3. Enzyme Inhibition and Biological Activity complex I. From a kinetic study against NADH-
rhodoquinone reductase of adult A. suum, 22
The screening for NFRD inhibitors was carried out revealed competitive inhibition with rhodoqui-
using Ascaris suum (roundworm) mitochondria. none and noncompetitive inhibition with NADH,
Compound 22 inhibited NFRD at an IC50 value of which indicated that the site of inhibition of 22 is
12 nM (Table 12.2; Ōmura et al. 2001). Since NFRD the quinone-binding domain in complex I.
consists of NADH-rhodoquinone reductase (com- Haemonchus contortus (barberpole worm) is
plex I) and rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase (com- reported to have an NFRD system (Van Helle-
plex II), inhibitory activity against each enzyme of
mond et al. 1995). Therefore, in vivo anthelmintic
A. suum was evaluated. As shown in Table 12.2, 21
activity of 22 was evaluated using H. contortus-
potently inhibited complex I (IC50 = 24 nM) and
infected sheep (Ōmura et al. 2001). As shown in
the inhibition against complex II was very weak
(IC50 = 80 mM). It is interesting that 22 inhibited Table 12.3, 22 (2 mg/kg p.o.) significantly reduced
not only anaerobic adult complex I of A. suum the number of fecal eggs of infected sheep. This
(NADH-rhodoquinone reductase) but also larval anthelmintic activity may be due to the inhibition
complex I (NADH-ubiquinone reductase), which of complex I, because 22 also inhibits the enzyme
has an aerobic energy metabolism like that of of H. contortus (Table 12.2). Moreover, 22 was
mammals. The IC50 value against larval complex I effective in mice infected with dwarf tapeworm,
was 8.9 nM. Therefore, 22 is a complex I inhibitor. Hymenolepis nana. There were no signs of any
However, 22 only inhibited rat liver complex I at side-effects and no loss of body weight during
very high concentration (IC50 = 10 mM). Therefore, tests in either sheep (2 mg/kg p.o.) or mice (50
22 seems to be a selective inhibitor of helminth mg/kg p.o. and i.p.).

Table 12.2. Effects of nafuredin on electron transport enzymes of nematodes and rat. NT Not tested

Enzyme Complex IC50 (nM)

Ascaris suum Ascaris Haemonchus Rat liver
(adult) suum (L2) contortus (adult)
NADH-fumarate reductase I+II 12 NT NT 1000
NADH-ubiquinone reductase I 8 8.9 86 10 000
NADH-rhodoquinone reductase I 24 9.0 195 >100 000
Rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase II 80 000 NT NT NT
Succinate-ubiquinone reductase II >100 000 NT NT >100 000
254 Rokuro Masuma et al.

Table 12.3. Effects of treatment with nafuredin on fecal some analogs (Fig. 12.11). The inhibitory activities
egg counts in sheep infected with Haemonchus contortus. of the 2-deoxy derivative (30) and C4 epimer (31)
Nafuredin (2 mg/kg) was given orally at day 0. Values are
means of three experiments (treated animals) or two
against NFRD of adult A. suum were similar to
experiments (controls)  SD that of 29. Therefore, the enol (or 2-ketone) func-
tionality and the C4 stereochemistry of 29 are not
Number of eggs per gram of feces responsible for the inhibitory activity. However,
Treated Control the NFRD inhibitory activity of the C5 epimer (32)
Day 1 5689  1120 5200  754 was weakened 20-fold, which suggests that
Day 4 1489  655 5100  424 the stereochemistry of the C5 hydroxy group is
Day 11 289  214 4034  801 important for the inhibitory activity of 29.

4. Nafuredin-g and its Analogs

C. Paecilaminol
During total synthesis of 22, it was found to convert
into a novel g-lactone derivative, named nafuredin- Paecilaminol (Fig. 12.12, 33) was produced by a
g (Fig. 12.10, 29), under mild basic conditions fungus, Paecilomyces sp. FKI-0550, isolated from a
(Nagamitsu et al. 2003; Shiomi et al. 2005). The soil sample collected on Miyakojima Island,
epoxide of 22 opens and the d-lactone recyclizes Okinawa Prefecture, Japan (Ui et al. 2006a). The
to form g-lactone with keto–enol tautomerism. structure of 33 was elucidated by NMR and mass
Compound 29 inhibited NADH-rhodoquinone re- spectra as 2-amino-14,16-dimethyl-3-octadeca-
ductase of adult A. suum with an IC50 value of 2.3 nol. Compound 32 inhibited the growth of
nM, and did not inhibit bovine liver NADH-ubi- free-living nematode C. elegans and brine shrimp
quinone reductase at 10 mM. It showed anthelmin- Artemia salina at the MIC values of 20 mg/ml and
tic activity against H. contortus using treatment 5 mg/ml, respectively.
with two oral doses each of 2 mg/kg. Thus, 29 has The adult Ascaris suum NFRD inhibitory
similar enzyme inhibitory and anthelmintic activ- activity of 33 was moderate (IC50 = 5.1 mM), but
ities as those of 22. Though 22 was converted the inhibition was about four times more potent
into 29 in basic condition, only a part of 22 was than that of bovine heart NADH oxidase
converted in neutral buffer. Therefore, it is not (complexes I+III+IV, IC50 = 19.8 mM). The IC50
likely that 21 was converted into 29 and showed values of 33 against NADH-rhodoquinone reduc-
inhibitory activity. Both 22 and 29 may inhibit tase (complex I) and rhodoquinol-fumarate reduc-
complex I directly. tase (complex II) of A. suum were 23 mM and 35 mM,
Since the lactone moiety synthesis of 29 is respectively. The values against NADH-ubiquinone
simpler than that of 22, 29 is useful for studying reductase (complex I) and ubiquinol–cytochrome-c
structure-activity relationships. The total synthe- reductase (complex III) of bovine heart were 16 mM
sis of 29 has been achieved (Nagamitsu et al. and 20 mM, respectively. However, 33 does not
2003), and Nagamitsu et al. (2008) prepared inhibit bovine succinate-ubiquinone reductase

CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 – CH3

HO MeOH, r.t. HO

Naf uredin (22)

Naf uredin - g (29)

Fig. 12.10. Proposed mechanism of the conversion of nafuredin to nafuredin-g

Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 255

3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3
1 CH3 CH3
O 5 6 10 16 O
Nafuredin-g (29) 2-Deoxynafuredin-g (30)
IC50 = 6 nM IC50 = 8 nM


(4S)-Nafuredin-g (31) (5S)-Nafuredin-g (32)
IC50 = 7 nM IC50 = 120 nM

Fig. 12.11. NADH-fumarate reductase inhibitory activities of nafuredin-g analogs





Paecilaminol (33) Sphingosine (34)



Fumonisin B1 (35) 2-Decanol (36)

Fig. 12.12. Structures of paecilaminol and its related compounds

(complex II) at 100 mM. Therefore, 33 shows similar alcohol produced by the fungus Fusarium monili-
inhibitory activities against complexes I, II and III forme (Gelderblom et al. 1988), did not inhibit
of A. suum and bovine heart, except bovine com- NFRD at 100 mM. Desai et al. (2002) reported
plex II. It is not common for electron transport that fumonisins inhibited ceramide synthase
inhibitors to show such low selectivity. The only (sphingosine N-acyltransferase). A simple alcohol
group that show such wide inhibitions are 2-alkyl- 2-decanol (Fig. 12.12, 36) also showed no inhibi-
4,6-dinitrophenols, with their inhibitory activities tion against NFRD at 100 mM.
against complex II also being weaker than that for
complexes I and III (Tan et al. 1993). The low
selectivity of 33 may be due to its linear structure, D. Verticipyrone
because both amino and hydroxy groups can freely
rotate and be attached to enzymes. Verticipyrone (Fig. 12.13, 37) was produced by a
Compound 33 is an amino alcohol. The NFRD fungus, Verticillium sp. FKI-1083, isolated from
inhibitory activity of a similar amino alcohol a soil sample collected on Yakushima Island,
sphingosine (Fig. 12.12, 34), a long-chain base of Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan (Ui et al. 2006b).
sphingolipids, was weaker (IC50 = 28 mM) than 33. The structure was shown to be (E)-2-
However, Fumonisin B1 (Fig. 12.12, 35), an amino methoxy-3, 5-dimethyl-6-(3-methyl-2-undecenyl)
256 Rokuro Masuma et al.


Verticipyrone (37): IC50 = 4.1 nM 38: IC50 = 2.0 nM


39: IC50 = 4.7 nM 40: IC50 = 4.8 nM


41: IC50 = 0.65 nM 42: IC50 = 0.30 nM



43: IC50 > 100 nM 44: IC50 > 100 nM

Fig. 12.13. NADH-fumarate reductase inhibitory activities of verticipyrone and its analogs

-4H-pyran-4-one by NMR and mass spectra showed no NFRD inhibition. Therefore, 3,5-di-
studies. MIC values of 37 against Caenorhabditis methyl groups on the g-pyrone moiety may be
elegans and A. salina were 20 mg/ml and 2.0 mg/ essential for NFRD inhibition. The g-pyrone 44
ml, respectively. showed no NFRD inhibition, which suggests
Compound 37 inhibited NFRD from A. suum that the long side chain is also important for the
with an IC50 value of 4.1 nM and the inhibition inhibition.
was specific to NADH-rhodoquinone reductase Among the analogs, 41 showed >20-fold more
(complex I) as shown in Table 12.4. However, its potent inhibition against Ascaris complex I com-
inhibitory activity against NADH-ubiquinone re- pared with that of 37, whereas inhibition of 41
ductase (complex I) from bovine heart was similar against bovine heart complex I was four times
to that of A. suum complex I. less potent than that of 37 (Table 12.4). Therefore
The total synthesis of 37 has been accom- 41 is a selective inhibitor of Ascaris complex I.
plished and some analogs of 37 were prepared Alveolar echinococcosis caused by larval Echi-
(Shimamura et al. 2007), as shown in Fig. 12.13. nococcus multilocularis is a life-threatening parasit-
Olefin isomers 38 and 39 and alkyl side chain ic zoonosis. Recently, E. multilocularis was found to
analog 40 showed Ascaris NFRD inhibitory activ- use an anaerobic NADH-fumarate reductase system
ities similar to 37, which suggests that the olefin in for its energy metabolic pathways (Matsumoto et al.
the side chain is not important. The two alcohols 2008). Therefore, the efficacy of 42 (the most potent
41 and 42 showed much potent NFRD inhibitory NFRD inhibitor among the analogs of 37) against
activities than 37 suggesting the newly introduced larval E. multilocularis was evaluated. The viability
hydroxy group on the side chain may contribute of the E. multilocularis protoscolex was progres-
to the inhibition. However, 43 (didemethyl 41) sively reduced during in vitro treatment of the
Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 257

Table 12.4. Effects of verticipyrone and its analog 41 on electron transport enzymes

Enzyme Complex IC50 (nM)

Verticipyrone 41
Ascaris suum NADH-fumarate reductase I+II 4.1 0.65
NADH-rhodoquinone reductase I 49 2.0
Rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase II >100 000 >100 000
Bovine heart NADH oxidase I+III+IV 1.3 20
NADH-ubiquinone reductase I 46 200
Succinate-ubiquinone reductase II >100 000 >100 000
Ubiquinol–cytochrome-c reductase III 26 000 80 000

parasites with 42, and more than 90% of the para- Island, Hawaii, United States (Ōmura et al. 2007).
sites were eliminated on days 5 and 18 when 42 was They have the same planar structure, with 2-oxa-
used at 50 mM and 5 mM, respectively (Matsumoto bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-3,5-dione and 5,6-dihydro-
et al., unpublished data). 2H-pyran linked by pentaene. The configurations
Compound 37 has the structure of 2-methoxy- at C2 of the pyran (junction of the pyran and the
3,5-dimethyl-g-pyrone with a side chain at C6. pentaene) are opposite between 52 and 53. The
Aureothin (13) produced by Streptomyces thio- absolute configurations of 52 and 53 have not yet
luteus has the same skeleton and inhibits complex been elucidated. Compound 52 inhibited the
I as shown in Sect. II. Neoaureothin (spectinabilin; growth of parasite nematode Nippostrongylus bra-
Fig. 12.14, 45), an analog of 13 produced by Strep- siliensis at 1 mg/ml in vitro.
tomyces spp. (Cassinelli et al. 1966), was found to Compound 52 inhibited Ascaris NFRD (Table
inhibit Ascaris NFRD with an IC50 value of 15 nM 12.5) and is an NADH-rhodoquinone reductase
(Ui et al. 2006b). (complex I)-specific inhibitor (IC50 = 55 nM). Its
Some g-pyrones with a side chain at C6 have inhibition against bovine heart NADH-ubiqui-
been also isolated from the culture broths of fungi. none reductase (complex I) was about 500 times
Himeic acid A (Fig. 12.14, 46), produced by Asper- weaker (IC50 = 28 mM) than that of Ascaris com-
gillus sp. (Tsukamoto et al. 2005) inhibited plex I. The inhibitions against bovine complexes
ubiquitin-activating enzyme (E1). Carbonarone II and III were also weak. Therefore, 52 is a
A (Fig. 12.14, 47) produced by Aspergillus carbo- selective inhibitor of Ascaris complex I, compa-
narius (Zhang et al. 2007) showed moderate cyto- rable to nafuredin (22). The difference between
toxicity. The producing strains of 46 and 47 52 and 53 is the configuration of only one carbon.
were both marine-derived fungi. Funicone (48), However, the inhibition of 53 against Ascaris
deoxyfunicone (49) and vermistatin (50) have NFRD was about 200 times weaker than that of
(E)-propenyl side chains at C6 of the g-pyrone 52 (Table 12.5). Thus, the configuration at C2 of
(Fig. 12.14). They were produced by Penicillium the pyran may be very important for the inhibi-
funiculosum, P. vermiculatum and some other tory activity.
fungi (Merlini et al. 1970; Fuska et al. 1979; Sassa Recently, demethyl 52 compound, prugosene
et al. 1991). Compounds 48 and 49 showed anti- A1 (Fig. 12.15, 54), was isolated from the surface-
fungal activities and 50 showed cytotoxicity. Com- cultured mycelium of a marine sponge-derived
pounds 49 and 50 also potentiated the antifungal Penicillium rugulosum by Lang et al. (2007). Com-
activity of miconazole against Candida albicans pound 54 had no antimicrobial activity. Dong et al.
(Arai et al. 2002). 2,3,5-Trimethyl-6-(3-oxobutan- isolated 195-A (Fig. 12.15, 55) from the culture
2-yl)-4H-pyran-4-one (Fig. 12.14, 51), produced broth of Talaromyces wortmannii. The pentaene
by Aspergillus sydowi isolated from the deep sea, moiety of 54 is altered to tetraene at 55. 2-Oxabicy-
was not cytotoxic (Li et al. 2007). clo[2.2.1]heptane-3,5-dione is also found in
the structure of shimalactone A (Fig. 12.15, 56)
E. Ukulactones produced by the marine fungus Emericella varieco-
lor (Wei et al. 2005). Compound 56 induced neur-
Ukulactones A and B (Fig. 12.15, 52 and 53) were itogenesis against neuroblastoma cells. Compounds
produced by a fungus, Penicillium sp. FKI-3389, 52 and 53 have an (all-E)-2,10-dimethyldodeca-2,
isolated from a soil sample collected on Hawaii 4,6,8,10-pentaene moiety, which is also found in
258 Rokuro Masuma et al.


H 3C CH3 H3C CH3

Aureothin (13) Neoaureothin (Spectinabilin, 45)



Himeic acid A (46) Carbonarone A (47)


Funicone (48) OH Vermistatin (50)
Deoxyf unicone (49) H


2,3,5-Trimethyl-6-(3-oxobutan-2-yl)-4H-pyran-4-one (51)

Fig. 12.14. Structures of verticipyrone related g-pyrones

phenalamide A2 (57) produced by the myxobacter- not been studied (Dickinson et al.1989; Cutler and
ium Myxococcus stipitatus (Trowitzsch-Kienast Jacyno 1991). Structurally similar antifungal anti-
et al. 1992). It suppressed HIV-1 replication in cell biotics, atpenins A4, A5 and B (Fig. 12.16, 59–61),
cultures and inhibited NADH-ubiquinone reduc- have been isolated from the culture broth of the
tase (complex I) potently (Friedrich et al. 1994). fungus Penicillium sp. (Ōmura et al. 1988; Kuma-
It is interesting that mammalian complex I was gai et al. 1990) before the report of 58. Since 61
inhibited potently by 57, but not by 52 and 53. was suggested to inhibit the ATP-generating sys-
tem (Oshino et al. 1990), the effects of 58 together
with atpenins on the inhibitory activities of elec-
tron transport enzymes were examined and were
IV. Inhibitors of Complex II revealed to be potent and selective complex II
(succinate-ubiquinone reductase) inhibitors, as
A. Atpenins and Harzianopyridone shown below.
Though the structure of 58 is depicted as 2-
1. Structures
pyridone and the structures of 59-61 are depicted
Harzianopyridone (Fig. 12.16, 58), produced by as 2-pyridinol in Fig. 12.16, structures in the figure
the fungus Trichoderma sp. was isolated during only reflect those of the original papers. 2-Pyri-
screening for NFRD inhibitors (Miyadera et al. done and 2-pyridinol are tautomers, and they may
2003). It was originally isolated from T. harzia- be equivalent. The other compounds having the
num and showed antifungal, antibacterial and same chromophore are WF-16775 A1 and A2
herbicidal activities, but its mode of action had (Fig. 12.16, 62, 63), isolated from the fungus
Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 259


CH3 H 3C

Ukulactone A (52) Ukulactone B (53)



Prugosene A1 (54) 195-A (55)


Shimalactone A (56) Phenalamide A2 (57)

Fig. 12.15. Structures of ukulactones and their related compounds

Table 12.5. Effects of ukulactones on electron transport enzymes. NT Not tested

Enzyme Complex IC50 (nM)

Ukulactone A Ukulactone B
Ascaris suum NADH-fumarate reductase I+II 2.4 470
NADH-rhodoquinone reductase I 55 NT
Rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase II >100 000 NT
Bovine heart NADH oxidase I+III+IV 9000 16 000
Succinate–cytochrome-c reductase II+III 68 000 30 000
NADH-ubiquinone reductase I 28 000 NT
Succinate-ubiquinone reductase II >100 000 NT
Ubiquinol–cytochrome-c reductase III 32 000 NT

Chaetasbolisia erysiophoides (Otsuka et al. 1992), (Fig. 12.17, 67), produced by Aspergillus flavipes
and they display potent angiogenetic activity. (Findlay and Radics 1972), shows antibacterial
Fungi also produce some 2-pyridone com- and fungicidal activities, and apiosporamide
pounds. Ilicicolin H (Fig. 12.17, 64) was isolated
(Fig. 12.17, 68), produced by Apiospora montag-
by Hayakawa et al. (1971). Funiculosin
(Fig. 12.17, 65) and sambutoxin (Fig. 12.17, 66) nei (Alfatafta et al. 1994), possesses antifungal
are N-methyl-2-pyridones (Ando et al.1969; activity. Militarinone D (Fig. 12.17, 69), isolated
Kim et al. 1995). Compounds 64–66 inhibit from the culture broth of Paecilomyces militaris
complex III (as shown in Sect. V.A). Flavipucine (Schmidt et al. 2003), exhibits cytotoxicity.
260 Rokuro Masuma et al.

OH 3

Harzianopyridone (58) Atpenin A4 (59) Atpenin A5 (60)

N OH 3 H3CO N OH 3 N OH 3

Atpenin B (61) WF-16775 A1 (62) WF-16775 A2 (63)

Fig. 12.16. Structures of atpenins and their related compounds

Fig. 12.17. Structures of 2-pyridones produced by microorganisms

As for Actinomycetes, most 2-pyridone-type an antibacterial antibiotic and inhibits protein

products belong to the kirromycin (Fig. 12.17, 70) synthesis interfering with transpeptidation by act-
group. Kirromycin (mocimycin), produced by ing on elongation factor Tu (Parmeggiani and
Streptomyces collinus (Wolf and Zähner 1972), is Nissen 2006).
Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 261

2. Enzyme Inhibition and Biological Activity ubiquinone-binding site (Q-site). This can explain
the observation that atpenins also affected the
The effects of 58–60 on electron transport enzymes succinate dehydrogenase activity of bovine heart
are shown in Table 12.6 (Miyadera et al. 2003). complex II (Table 12.6).
Though they inhibited NFRD as potently as nafur- Compound 60 was co-crystallized with E. coli
edin (22), verticipyrone (37) and ukulactone A (52), succinate-ubiquinone reductase and analyzed in
they did not inhibit complex I. However, they inhib- detail by X-ray crystallography (Horsefield et al.
ited Ascaris rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase and 2006). Yankovskaya et al. (2003) observed that the
bovine heart succinate-ubiquinone reductase. interaction between ubiquinone at the Q-site
Therefore, they are specific complex II inhibitors appeared to be mediated solely by hydrogen
and not just selective for helminths. The inhibition bonding between the carbonyl oxygen (O1) of
against mammalian complex II is more potent than ubiquinone and the hydroxy group of tyrosine
that of helminth complex II. Atpenins inhibited 83 in SdhD (Q1-site). The co-crystallization study
complex II more potently than 58, and 60 exhibited of complex II and 60 showed that 60 existed in the
the most potent inhibition. Carboxin (1) is known same hydrophobic pocket as ubiquinone but
as a potent complex II inhibitor (Mowery et al. deeper within the pocket (Q2-site). The protein–
1977). However, the IC50 value against bovine ligand docking model of complex II and ubiqui-
heart succinate-ubiquinone reductase was 1.1 mM, none was analyzed in silico, and it revealed that
which is 300 times weaker than that for 60. There- ubiquinone docked at the Q2-site of complex II.
fore, atpenins may be useful tools for clarifying the At the Q2-site, ubiquinone can interact with com-
biochemical and structural properties of complex II plex II via additional hydrogen bonds between
(Martens et al. 2005; Adebiyi et al. 2008). carbonyl oxygen (O4) and the hydroxy group of
X-ray crystallographic analyses of Escherichia serine 27 in SdhC and between 4-methoxy group
coli and porcine heart complex II have been and the imidazole of histidine 207 in SdhB. These
reported (Yankovskaya et al. 2003; Sun et al. interactions were observed in the co-crystalliza-
2005). Each complex is composed of four subu- tion result of complex II and 60. The above results
nits, FAD-containing flavoprotein (Fp or SdhA), support the proposition that the Q1-site may be
iron-sulfur protein (Ip or SdhB) and two mem- the initial binding site and the Q2-site may be the
brane anchor subunits, CybL (SdhC) and CybS catalytic site.
(SdhD). The succinate dehydrogenase catalytic
portion is formed by Fp and Ip. The membrane
anchor subunits are required for electron transfer B. Other Complex II Inhibitors
to ubiquinone. Ubiquinone binds to complex II
at the interface between Ip and the membrane Only a few complex II inhibitors have been found
anchor subunits. Kinetic analyses of atpenins in microbial metabolites. Siccanin (Fig. 12.18, 12),
revealed that they exhibited mixed inhibition produced by the fungus Helminthosporium
with ubiquinone (Ki = 1.0 nM, Ki0 = 5.9 nM siccans, showed antifungal activity, and it is used
for 60; Miyadera et al. 2003). This indicated that clinically for dermatophytosis as an ointment (Ishi-
atpenins may block electron transfer between bashi 1962; Ishibashi et al. 1970). The structure can
the enzyme and ubiquinone by binding to a region be regarded as derived from a cis-fused drimane
that partly overlaps with the physiological condensed with orcinol. It showed 66% inhibition

Table 12.6. Effects of harzianopyridone and atpenins on electron transport enzymes

Enzyme Complex IC50 (nM)

Harzianopyridone Atpenin A4 Atpenin A5
Ascaris suum NADH-fumarate reductase I + II 1600 110 14
NADH-quinone reductase I >100 000 >100 000 >100 000
Rhodoquinol-fumarate reductase II 360 220 12
Bovine heart NADH–cytochrome-c reductase I + III 420 000 140 000 82 000
Succinate-ubiquinone reductase II 17 11 3.6
Succinate dehydrogenase II 80 9.2 5.5
262 Rokuro Masuma et al.


Siccanin (12) Anhydrofulvic acid (71)



2-n-Heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (72)

Fig. 12.18. Structures of complex II inhibitors produced by microorganisms

against the succinate dehydrogenase of a fungus, ubiquinol and passes them to cytochrome c,
Trichophyton mentagrophytes, at 0.09 mM (Ishiba- thereby transferring protons from mitochondrial
shi et al. 1970; Nose and Endo 1971). Siccanin is a matrix to intermembrane space. Mammalian
species-selective succinate dehydrogenase inhibi- complex III is a dimer with a molecular mass
tor, and it was effective against succinate dehydro- of 490 kDa, and each monomer consists of 11
genases of P. aeruginosa, P. putida, rat and mouse subunits containing cytochrome b, cytochrome
mitochondria but ineffective or less effective against c1 and an iron–sulfur protein. Cytochrome b has
those of E. coli, Corynebacterium glutamicum and two quinone-binding sites, an ubiquinol oxidation
porcine mitochondria (Mogi et al. 2009). Anhydro- site, Qo site (QP site), and a ubiquinone reduction
fulvic acid (Fig. 12.18, 71) was produced by Penicil- site, Qi site (QN site). Most complex III inhibitors
lium spp. and showed antifungal activity (Wrigley bind to either site.
et al. 1994; Fujita et al. 1999). It exhibited 67% The most famous Qi site inhibitor is antimycin
inhibition against succinate oxidase (complexes II A3a (11) produced by Streptomyces spp. As for
+III+IV) of a fungus, Candida utilis, at 1.3 mM, but fungal complex III inhibitors, funiculosin (Fig.
inhibited NADH oxidase (complexes I+III+IV) only 12.19, 65) produced by Penicillium funiculosum
weakly (18%) at 86 mM, which suggests 71 may be a (Ando et al. 1969) and ilicicolin H (Fig. 12.19, 64)
complex II inhibitor (Fujita et al. 1999). produced by Cylindrocladium ilicicola (Hayakawa
As for bacteria, 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline et al. 1971) are Qi site inhibitors (Rotsaert et al.
N-oxide (HQNO; Fig. 12.18, 72) was isolated from 2008) and possess antifungal activities. While 65
the culture broth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa inhibits both yeast and bovine heart complex III at
(Hays et al. 1945) and reported to inhibit bacterial IC50  10 nM (Rotsaert et al. 2008), the IC50 values
complex II. It inhibited succinate-menaquinone of 64 against yeast and bovine heart complex III
reductase from Bacillus subtilis at the Ki value of were 3–5 nM and 200–250 nM, respectively (Gutier-
0.2 mM (Smirnova et al. 1995). Compound 72 is well rez-Cirlos et al. 2004). These results suggest a high
known as a complex III inhibitor (Izzo et al. 1978). degree of specificity in the determinants of ligand-
binding at the Qi site. Sambutoxin (Fig. 12.19, 66) is
structurally related to 64 and 65 and produced by
V. Other Electron Transport Inhibitors Fusarium sambucinum (Kim et al. 1995). It was also
reported to inhibit complex III (Kawai et al. 1997)
A. Inhibitors of Complex III and may be a Qi site inhibitor. As shown in Sect. IV.
B, HQNO (72) inhibits both complexes II and III. It
Complex III (ubiquinol–cytochrome-c reductase, is a Qi site inhibitor, but the Kd against bovine heart
cytochrome bc1 complex) accepts electrons from mitochondria was about 3 orders of magnitude
Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 263

higher than that of antimycin (von Jagow and Link such as azoxystrobin (2), are commercially used
1986). for crop protection against phytopathogenic fungi
The common Qo site inhibitor, myxothiazol (Sauter et al. 1999). Compounds having the same
(Fig. 12.19, 73), is produced by the myxobacterium a-substituted methyl (E)-b-methoxyacrylate moie-
Myxococcus fulvus (Gerth et al. 1980). It has an E- ty as 7 and 74 were isolated from the myxobacteria
b-methoxyacrylamide moiety. Similar E-b-meth- Cystobacter armeniaca and Archangium gephyra in
oxyacrylate moieties are found in some fungal 2003 (Sasse et al. 2003). They are named cyrmenins,
metabolites, such as strobilurin A (mucidin, 7), and cyrmenin B1 (Fig. 12.19, 75) was shown to
and oudemansin A (Fig. 12.19, 74) produced by inhibit complex III.
basidiomycetes. Compound 7 was originally iso- As described in Sect. II, some inhibitors target-
lated from culture broths of Oudemansiella ing quinone-binding sites of complex I inhibit
mucida (Musilek et al. 1969) and Strobilurus tena- complex III. Compound 7 inhibited bovine heart
cellus (Anke et al. 1977) and 74 from Oudeman- complex I weakly (15.5% inhibition at 3.3 mM)
siella mucida (Anke et al. 1979). All proved to be although the inhibition of 73 was more potent
antifungal antibiotics. Their production and prop- (84.0% inhibition at 3.0 mM). However, 2.9 mM of
erties have been reviewed by Anke and Erkel 65 showed no inhibition against complex I, and Qo
(2002) in The Mycota, Vol. X. Compounds 7 and site inhibitors may affect complex I more potently
74 inhibited bovine heart complex III at IC50 than Qi site inhibitors (Degli Esposti et al. 1993).
values of 65 nM and 290 nM, respectively (Brandt
et al. 1988), and their targets are also Qo site (von
Jagow and Link 1986). While 7 inhibits both mam- B. Inhibitors of Complex V
malian and fungal complex III, its toxicity against
mammals is very weak. Therefore, many analogs The electrochemical proton gradients produced
of 7 have been synthesized, and some of them, by the electron transport chain drive complex V

Ilicicolin H (64) Funiculosin (65)


Sambutoxin (66) Myxothiazol A (73)


Strobilurin A (7) Oudemansin A (74) Cyrmenin B1 (75)

Fig. 12.19. Structures of complex III inhibitors produced by microorganisms

264 Rokuro Masuma et al.

(ATP synthase, FOF1-ATPase) to produce ATP in synthesizes ATP. The F1 domain is also called F1-
the critical process of oxidative phosphorylation. ATPase because it can hydrolyze ATP to ADP as
Mammalian complex V is suggested to be a dimeric the reverse reaction of ATP synthesis.
protein, with each 600-kDa monomer consisting of The name of FO is derived from the oligomy-
15 different protein subunits (Wittig and Schägger cin-sensitive factor (Racker 1963). Oligomycin A
2008). The monomer can be separated into the FO (Fig. 12.20, 76), produced by Streptomyces diasta-
domain and F1 domain. The FO domain is inserted tochromogenes, inhibits proton transport through
in the membrane and translocates protons, while the FO domain and is suggested to bind subunits a
the F1 domain protrudes into the matrix and and c of the FO domain (Devenish et al. 2000).

Fig. 12.20. Structures of complex V inhibitors produced by microorganisms

Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 265

The subunit composition of the F1 domain is inhibitors. The KD value of efrapeptins (major
a3b3g1d1e1, and X-ray analysis of the bovine heart components were 80 and efrapeptins E, F and G)
mitochondrial F1 domain revealed its structure against bovine heart ATPase was 0.014 mM (Cross
(Abrahams et al. 1994). Three b-subunits are cat- and Kohlbrenner 1978). The co-crystallization
alytic. An ADP binds to the first subunit (bDP study of F1-ATPase and efrapeptins revealed that
subunit), and an ATP binds to the second subunit efrapeptins made hydrophobic contact with the a-
(bTP subunit). No nucleotide binds to the third helical structure in the g-subunit, which traversed
subunit (bE subunit), and the three catalytic sub- the cavity, and with the bE subunit and the two
units interconvert through the cycle of conforma- adjacent a subunits (Abrahams et al. 1996).
tions. Tentoxin (Fig. 12.20, 81) was isolated from a
As for F1-ATPase inhibitors, at least five in- still culture broth of the fungus Alternaria tenuis
hibitory sites have been identified: nonhydrolysa- as a chlorosis-inducing toxin (Saad et al. 1970). It
ble NTP analog-binding site (catalytic site), is a cyclic tetrapeptide composed of N-methyl-L-
aurovertin B-binding site, efrapeptin-binding alanine, L-leucine, (aZ)-a,b-didehydro-N-methyl-
site, natural inhibitor protein IF1-binding site and phenylalanine and glycine. It inhibits chloroplast
rhodamine 6G-binding site (Gledhill and Walker F1-ATPases (CF1s) in sensitive species (e.g. let-
2005). A mycotoxin, aurovertin B (Fig. 12.20, 77), tuce) but not in insensitive species, such as radish
has been isolated from culture mycelia of the (Linnett and Beechey (1979). It has no effect on
ascomycete Calcarisporium arbuscula (Osselton bacterial and mitochondrial F1-ATPases. The KD
et al. 1974) and the basidiomycete Albatrellus con- value of 81 against lettuce CF1 was 3–5 nM. The
fluens (Wang et al. 2005). The KD value of 77 co-crystallization study of spinach CF1 and 81
against bovine heart-soluble ATPase was 0.10 revealed that 81 bound to the ab interface of the
mM (Linnett and Beechey 1979). The co-crystalli- CF1 in a cleft (Groth 2002). Single molecule studies
zation study of F1-ATPase and 77 revealed that 77 of the a3b3g complex of a cyanobacterium, Ther-
binds to bovine F1 at two equivalent sites in the mosynechococcus elongatus, with beads attached
bTP and bE subunits in a cleft between the nucleo- on the g subunit suggested that 81 inhibited
tide binding and C-terminal domains (van Raaij ATPase reaction after substrate binding to the bE
et al.1996). subunit by keeping the catalytic site in a closed
Compound 77 has a 4-methoxy-5-methyl-2- conformation with bound 81 (Meiss et al. 2008).
pyrone with a triene side chain at C-6. The same
moiety is found in two other mycotoxins: citreo-
viridin (Fig. 12.20, 78), produced by the fungus
Penicillium citreoviride (Sakabe et al. 1964), and C. Uncouplers
asteltoxin (Fig. 12.20, 79), produced by the fungus
Aspergillus stellatus (Kruger et al. 1979). The KD Respiration-dependent ATP synthesis is abolished
value of 78 against bovine heart soluble ATPase by 2,4-dinitrophenol without inhibiting respira-
was 3.1 mM (Linnett and Beechey 1979). The IC50 tion itself. Compounds with this ability are called
value of 79 against rat liver F1-ATPase was about “uncouplers”, and they selectively prevent utiliza-
0.5 mM (Kawai et al. 1997). tion of electrochemical proton gradients derived
Efrapeptin D (Fig. 12.20, 80) is produced by from respiratory electron transport for net phos-
the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum (Jackson et al. phorylation of ADP to ATP (Heytler 1979).
1979). Efrapeptins are a-aminoisobutyric acid (a- To date, some fungal uncouplers have been
Aib)-rich peptides with acetylated N-terminus reported. ACR-toxin I (ACRL toxin I, Fig. 12.21,
(Gupta et al. 1992). They are similar to fungal 82) is a phytotoxin produced by Alternaria citri
peptaibols (Whitmore and Wallace 2004) but (Gardner et al. 1985) and A. alternata (Kohmoto
their C-terminus is different. Instead of the et al. 1985). It is a d-lactone, like nafuredin (22),
amino alcohol C-terminus of peptaibols, efrapep- and 1 mg/ml (2.8 mM) of 82 causes uncoupling of
tins have pyrrolo[1,2-a]pyrimidine moiety at the oxidative phosphorylation and changes in mem-
C-terminus. Efrapeptins are mycotoxins and their brane potential in mitochondria from leaves of the
antifungal, insecticidal and antimalarial activities susceptible rough lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.,
have been reported (Krasnoff et al. 1991; Nagaraj Akimitsu et al. 1989). Ohtani et al. (2002) discov-
et al. 2001). Efrapeptins are potent F1-ATPase ered the ACR-toxin sensitivity gene (ACRS) in
266 Rokuro Masuma et al.

rough lemon mitochondrial DNA. Though ACRS the crystal structure of the hydrophilic domain
was present in the genome of both toxin-sensitive from a bacterium, Thermus thermophilus. Co-
and–insensitive citrus, the ACRS transcripts of crystallization studies of the complexes and inhi-
insensitive plants were shorter than those of sen- bitors clarified the mechanisms of both inhibition
sitive plants. It is suggested that the gene product and electron transport.
of ACRS may be a pore-forming transmembrane Over the past few decades, mitochondria
receptor of 82 which leads to uncoupling. have attracted interest due to their relationship
Leucinostatin A (Fig. 12.21, 83) is a nonapeptide with various diseases; Leigh syndrome, paragan-
produced by Penicillium lilacinum (Arai et al. 1973) glioma, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s dis-
and some other fungi. It showed an uncoupling ease, Alzheimer disease and so on (Eng et al.
effect against rat liver mitochondria at concentra- 2003; Wallace 2005). Oxidative phosphorylation
tions above 0.3 mM (Shima et al. 1990). However, 83 generates reactive oxygen species as toxic bypro-
also inhibits ATPase activity at a lower concentra- ducts and they are suggested to cause a wide
tion (0.2 mM). It facilitates the transport of monova- range of age-related disorders and various
lent and divalent cations with a half-maximal effect forms of cancer. The electron transport and oxi-
concentration in the range of 0.2–0.8 mM (Csermely dative phosphorylation inhibitors are extremely
et al. 1994). This ionophoric property of 83 may valuable tools for use in studies of mitochondria-
cause its uncoupling effect. associated diseases.
Recent research on the respiratory chain of
the helminth Ascaris suum has shown that the
mitochondrial NADH-fumarate reductase system
VI. Conclusions has an important role in the anaerobic energy
metabolism of adult parasites. Nafuredin (22) is
Many inhibitors of electron transport and oxida- a potent and selective inhibitor of complex I in
tive phosphorylation enzymes have been isolated this system, and it showed anthelmintic activity
from fungal cultures. Some of them, or their ana- against Haemonchus contortus in an in vivo study.
logs, are used as medicines or agrochemicals. The A verticipyrone analog (42) was effective against
inhibitors are also highly valuable for elucidating Echinococcus multilocularis in vitro. Such hel-
the mechanism of electron transport and oxida- minth-specific complex I inhibitors may be good
tive phosphorylation systems. Specific inhibitors lead compounds for anthelmintic drugs. A crystal
are used as important tools to study the systems. of adult A. suum complex II (fumarate reductase),
Recently, the X-ray crystallography structures of another component of the NADH-fumarate re-
mitochondrial complexes II, III and IV and the F1 ductase system, was obtained recently (Shimizu
domain of complex V have been reported. As for et al. 2007), and analysis of parasite-specific
complex I, Sazanov and Hinchliffe (2006) reported factors in the enzyme is now in progress. This



ACR-toxin I (82)


O 3C CH 3 O OH3C CH3
Leucinostatin A (83)

Fig. 12.21. Structures of uncouplers produced by fungi

Helminth Electron Transport Inhibitors Produced by Fungi 267

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13 Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi


CONTENTS dines, promising antifungal drugs against aspergil-

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 losis and candidiasis (Denning 2002; Johnson and
II. Occurrence of Cyclic Peptides and Perfect 2003; Pasqualotto and Denning 2008).
Depsipeptides Within the Kingdom Eumycota Caspofungin derived from pneumocandin and
(True Fungi) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 micafungin derived from FR901379 are examples
1. Siderophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
2. Diketopiperazines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 of those novel drugs targeting fungal cell wall syn-
3. Cyclic Peptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 thesis, e.g. biosynthesis of 1,3-b-glucan (Odds et al.
4. Cyclic Depsipeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 2003; Butler 2004). For a recent review, see
III. Chemical and Biological Diversity of Cyclic Hashimoto (2009). Emodepsin, a semi-synthetic
Peptides and Depsipeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 depsipeptide, is used in veterinary medicine against
1. Diversity of Building Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
2. Diversity of Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 helminths (von Samson-Himmelstjerna et al. 2005).
3. Diversity of Biological Activities . . . . . . . . . . . 287 The drug is derived from PF1022A, a metabolite of
IV. Ecological Role of Cyclic Peptides an endophytic fungus from Camellia japonica
and Depsipeptides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 (Sasaki et al. 1992; Scherkenbeck et al. 2002). As
V. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 these groups of compounds are well covered in the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
literature, they are not addressed here in detail.
The biosynthesis of cyclic peptides and depsi-
peptides has attracted the interest of biochemists
I. Introduction since the mid1960s (Gevers et al. 1968). Today, the
focus has shifted from enzymology to genetics,
Cyclic peptides and depsipeptides are widely e.g. the biosynthetic genes and their regulation.
distributed in nature. They are found in plants Therefore Chap. 15 is dedicated to this topic, to
(Gournelis et al. 1998; Tan and Zhou 2006), which the reader is referred.
sponges and other lower sea animals (Bertram A special group of cyclopeptides are the dike-
and Pattenden 2007), cyanobacteria (Welker and topiperazines, which consist of two amino acids
von Döhren 2006), bacteria and fungi alike and linked by two peptide bonds. In the related epipo-
their bioactivities range from antimicrobial, lythiodioxopiperazines the 6-ring is bridged by
insecticidal, nematicidal, antiviral, hepatotoxic, one to four sulfur atoms. The structural diversity
cytotoxic/cytostatic to immunosuppressive and of diketopiperazines (more than 100 different
other pharmacological properties (Kleinkauf and compounds are known from fungi; Buckingham
von Döhren 1997; Pomilio et al. 2006). 2008) is matched by their biological activities.
Some of the peptides and depsipeptides Recently published reviews are available (Cole
produced by fungi have gained entrance into and Schweikert 2003; Gardiner et al. 2005). Inter-
the pharmaceutical market, like cyclosporins estingly, functions in the producing organisms
(Kürnsteiner et al. 2002), ergopeptides (Keller and have been detected for some of these compounds,
Tudzynski 2002), penicillins (Demain and Elander e.g. gliotoxin and related compounds play a role
1999) and cephalosporins (Schmidt 2002), or are as virulence factors in invasive aspergillosis
currently undergoing clinical trials, like the can- (Sugui et al. 2007) and coprogens in host invasion
of plant-pathogenic fungi (Oide et al. 2006;
Hof et al. 2007). The reported biological activities
Institute for Biotechnology and Drug Research, IBWF e.V.,
of gliotoxin are very broad and diverse. Anti-
Erwin-Schroedinger-Strasse 56, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany;
bacterial, antifungal, antiviral, amoebicidal and

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
274 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

immunosuppressive properties have been de- Cryptococcus neoformans (teleomorph Filobasi-

scribed (see below). Most of these activities are diella; Howard 1999; Haas et al. 2008). The inves-
based on interactions with essential thiol groups tigation of basidiomycetes is difficult because
in proteins (Waring and Beaver 1996). Iron che- iron-free media, which upregulate the biosynthe-
lators like dimerumic acid, rhodotorulic acid, sis of siderophores, often hardly support mycelial
coprogen and its derivatives are involved in iron growth, requiring incubation times of eight to ten
uptake (Winkelmann and Drechsler 1997; weeks (Welzel et al. 2005). In contrast, modern
Renshaw et al. 2002; Antelo et al. 2006), while analytical techniques like HPLC-MSn are sensitive
other siderophores, e.g. the hexapeptides ferri- enough to allow the detection and characteriza-
chrome or ferricrocin, in addition to iron trans- tion of very small amounts (mg/l of culture). In
port or storage functions act as virulence factors addition, as more fungal genomes and NRPS
in some human and plant pathogens similar to genes and products become available, it is clear
coprogens (Howard 1999; Haas et al. 2008). that siderophores and iron metabolism are impor-
The group of peptaibiotics, a constantly tant virulence determinants (Eichhorn et al. 2006;
growing family of linear a-aminobutyric acid Oide et al. 2006; Haas et al. 2008).
(Aib)-containing linear peptides has been It is remarkable that extracellular and intra-
enlarged by a small group of cyclic peptides also cellular siderophores are not identical and that the
containing Aib, now called cyclopeptaibiotics. synthesis of intracellular siderophores is often not
Whereas the linear group comprises more than iron-dependent.
800 compounds, only nine cyclic compounds
have been reported to date. These are seven tetra- As an example, most Trichoderma species excrete copro-
gen-type siderophores and ferricrocin for the capture
peptides structurally related to chlamydocin and transport of iron and use palmitoylcoprogen located
(Degenkolb et al. 2008) and the scytalidamides, within the mycelia as storage compound. In T. pseudo-
two heptapeptides containing Aib residues (Tan koningii and T. longibrachiatum however, palmitoylco-
et al. 2003). progen was not detected, but these two species excrete
fusigen-type siderophores in addition to coprogen and
fericrocin (Anke et al. 1991). Magnaporthe grisea uses
intracellular ferricrocin for iron storage and under iron
deprivation excretes four coprogen derivatives (Hof et al.
II. Occurrence of Cyclic Peptides and 2007). In other plant-pathogenic fungi like Fusarium
Depsipeptides Within the Kingdom graminearum, F. culmorum, F. pseudograminearum,
Eumycota (True Fungi) Cochliobolus heterostrophus and Gibberella zeae ferricro-
cin has also been reported as intracellular siderophore
(Oide et al. 2007; Tobiasen et al. 2007). The situation in
A. Siderophores the human pathogen Aspergillus fumigatus is similar.
Ferricrocin is located in the mycelia, a hydroxylated
The occurrence and distribution of siderophores derivative in the conidia and triacetylfusigen is excreted
among the taxonomic groups of fungi is very well (Schrettl et al. 2007).
covered by the reviews of Renshaw et al. (2002)
and Haas et al. (2008). Zygomycetes very rarely The structures of several iron-free siderophores,
produce cyclic peptide or depsipeptide sidero- e.g. rhodotorulic acid, 2-N-methylcoprogen, pal-
phores. Up to now the hexapeptide ferrichrysin mitoylcoprogen, ferricrocin and ferrichrome are
seems to be the only example. It is produced by given in Fig. 13.1.
Cunninghamella blakesleeana (Patil et al. 1995).
The production of diketopiperazine and hexapep-
tide siderophores is common among asco- and B. Diketopiperazines
basidiomycetes (Renshaw et al. 2002). The fact
that members of some orders have not yet been Simple diketopiperazines may be detected in fer-
reported to produce siderophores reflects a lack of mentations of many fungi. Sometimes it is diffi-
investigation rather than presence. There are a cult to decide whether these are degradation
few fungi, however, which do not produce products of proteins and peptides or synthesized
siderophores: the ascomycetous yeasts Saccharo- de novo (Prasad 1995). In the future, this problem
myces cerevisiae and Candida albicans or might be solved by molecular genetics, since the
Geotrichum candidum and the basidiomycete presence of the relevant biosynthetic genes can be
Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 275

O Fig. 13.1. Structures of some

N intracellular and extracellular
HO siderophores produced by fungi


Desferripalmitoylcoprogen O

Desferritriacetylfusigen O
Rhodotorulic acid


Desferriferrichrome Desferriferricrocin

proof of de novo synthesis (Chap. 15). The recently and neoechinulin from an marine Aspergillus
demonstrated behavioral effects and occurrence in species (Li et al. 2004). As in many other cases,
humans of cyclo(His-Pro) stimulated research on the simple alkaloid is the biogenetic precursor of
such compounds which are easily accessible by the other two compounds. With antimicrobial,
chemical synthesis. However, cyclo(His-Pro) has cytotoxic, phytotoxic, insecticidal and other test
not yet been reported from fungi. This may be due systems which have been extensively used in
to the fact that its bioactivities, e.g. inhibition of screenings for bioactive natural products, simple
food intake and inhibition of prolactin secretion diketopierazines are less frequently detected. One
or modulation of pain perception (Prasad 1995) example is the fungistatic mactanamide from a
are not suited for a screening of microbial cul- marine Aspergillus species (Lorenz et al. 1998).
tures. Usually these compounds are detected dur- Simple diketopiperazines have been described
ing the isolation of other metabolites and from hetero- and homobasidiomycetes, for
described as side-products. A recent example is example Ustilago cynodontis, Entoloma haastii
L-alanyl-L-tryptophan anhydride isolated together and Stereum hirsutum (Turner and Aldridge
with golmaenone, a radical scavenger compound, 1983), ascomycetes like Rosellinia necatrix,
276 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

Claviceps species, Eurotium and Emericella spe- recently described sulfur-containing gliovictin was
cies, Leptosphaeria species including their ana- obtained from an endophytic Penicillium janczewskii
(Gunatilaka 2006) and diketopiperazine-derived rostra-
morphs, Aspergillus, Phoma and Coniothyrium tins from a marine Exserohilium rostratum (Tan et al.
species (Turner and Aldridge 1983; Cole and 2004). To the long list of Penicillium species producing
Schweikert 2003; Blunt et al. 2006). diketopiperazines, P. dipodomyis, P. nalgiovense, P. fell-
utanum and P. simplicissimum were recently added
Aspergillus and Penicillium species are very prolific pro- (Lewis 2002).
ducers of cyclic dipeptide-derived mycotoxins like fumi-
tremorgins, verruculogens or roquefortine C, while Examples for structures of simple and complex
sporidesmins, mycotoxins that cause facial eczema in diketopiperazines are found in Fig. 13.2.
grazing sheep, are produced by Pithomyces chartarum From cultures of a number of fungi produc-
(Betina 1989). From several Penicillium species, mycelia-
namide, one of the very “old” diketopiperazines, has been ing cyclic depsipeptides, e.g. Beauveria bassiana,
known since 1931. This compound was detected during dipeptides composed of the amino acids
early screenings after the discovery of penicillin G. The occurring in the depsipeptides have been

Mactanamide L-Alanyl-L-tryptophan anhydride H


Neoechinulin A
Mycelianamide O N
Fumitremorgin A
Verruculogen O

HN Ergovaline
Roquefortin C

Fig. 13.2. Structures of some diketopiperazines

Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 277

isolated. Other insect pathogens like Verticillium Epipolythiopiperazines with more than 60
species and Metarhizium anisopliae as well as members, gliotoxin being the most prominent,
plant-pathogenic fungi, e.g. Colletotrichum are widely distributed in nature. Their pro-
gloeosporioides, Exserohilum holmi, Gliocladium ducers are mainly found among the ascomycete
deliquenscens, Alternaria and Trichoderma pro- genera Aspergillus, Penicillium, Gliocladium, Ver-
duce dipeptides. An unidentified endophyte from ticillium, Chaetominum, Emericella, Acrostalag-
mangrove leaf produces two cyclic depsipeptides mus (syn. Verticillium), Pithomyces, Bionectria,
and three diketopiperazines (Huang et al. 2007). Leptosphaeria, Hyalodendron, Trichoderma, Siro-
The role of the compounds, dipeptides and desmium (syn. Coniosporium), Epicoccum, Ara-
depsipeptides, in insect and plant-pathogenicity chniotus and Pseudallescheria (Turner and
has not yet been completely elucidated. As mo- Aldridge 1983; Betina 1989; Takahashi et al.
lecular tools become more easily available, 1994; Gardiner at al. 2005; Li et al. 2006; Zheng
this question might be addressed or even an- et al. 2007). There is one report on the occurrence
swered in the near future, especially since the of an epipolythiopiperazine in lichens, e.g.
elucidation of the ecological function of second- Xanthoparmelia scabrosa (Ernst-Russell et al.
ary metabolites for the producers becomes more 1999). As is true for many lichen metabolites,
interesting (see below). it may be also in this case the ascomycetous fungal

O Sporidesmin A
Gliotoxin OH
Epicorazine C O
Scabrosin S N N
N OH Chaetocin

O N N (S)4 N
Vertihemiptellide A Leptosin I

Fig. 13.3. Structures of some epipolythiopiperazines

278 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

partner which is responsible for the production C. Cyclic Peptides

of scabrosin. The production of epicorazine C by
Stereum hirsutum, a basidiomycete, seems a bit Cyclic peptides are mainly produced by ascomy-
questionable since related epicorazines are pro- cetes and their anamorphs. Among cyclic pep-
duced by Epicoccum nigrum and E. purpurascens tides, the immunomodulating cyclosporins
(Kleinwachter et al. 2001). Overlaps between constitute the largest group with 46 members.
metabolites from basidiomycetes and ascomy- The producing organisms are found mainly in
cetes are fairly rare but do occur occasionally. the ascomycetous families Hypocreaceae and
Other examples may be beauvericin and Clavivipitaceae and their anamorphs Tolypocla-
chlamydocin (see below). The structures of glio- dium inflatum, T. tundrense and T. terricola. In
toxin, epicorazines, scabrosin, vertihemiptellide A addition, three soil-borne insect pathogens, Neo-
and other epipolythiopiperazines are given in cosmospora vasinfecta, Acremonium luzulae, a
Fig. 13.3. Cyclindrotrichum species, Stachybotrys chartarum,





Cycloaspeptide A N

Malformin C

Fig. 13.4A. Structures of some simple cyclopeptides

Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 279

– +

α-Amanitin HO

Omphalotin A
O N Cl Cl

O N Cyclochlorotine

Omphalotin C

Fig. 13.4B. Structures of some complex cyclopeptides.

Trichoderma viride, a Leptostroma anamorph of mycotoxins even so they are rarely found in food or feed
Hypoderma eucalyptii, Chaunopycnis alba and an
unidentified mycelium sterilium have been The antifungal echinocandins comprising differ-
reported to produce cyclosporins (Matha et al. ent compounds (aculeacin A, echinocandin B,
1992; Traber and Dreyfuss 1996). The structure of pneumocandins, mulundocandins, FR901379,
cyclosporin A is found in Fig. 13.4C. Figure. 13.4A WF11899A, B, C, FR227673, FR190293, etc.) have
been reported from several Aspergilli, Coleo-
shows examples of simpler cyclospeptides.
phoma empetri, C. crateriformis, Chalara species,
The malformins, a group of nine phytotoxic compounds,
Tolypocladium parasiticum and Zalerion arbori-
are only found within the Aspergillus niger group (Kobbe cola (Iwamoto et al. 1994b; Anke and Erkel 2002;
et al. 1977). Some authors classify the compounds as Denning 2002; Kanasaki et al. 2006a, b, c,).
280 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo



Serinocyclin A


Cyclosporin A Psychrophilin A

Fig. 13.4C. Structures of other complex cyclopeptides

The Zalerion strain producing echinocandin B was later “2221” from Castaniopsis fissa (Yin et al. 2005). More than
reclassified as Glarea lozoyensis, a new anamorph genus 450 cyclic peptides are known from plants (Tan and Zhou
and species within the Leotiales (Bills et al. 1999). The 2006); some of these actually may be produced by endophyt-
fungus producing arborcandins (Ohyama et al. 2000), has ic fungi in planta.
not been identified. In recent years, marine habitats have drawn much
interest as ecological niches for producers of novel bioac-
The structures of some of these compounds can tive metabolites. The unguisins were isolated from a ma-
be found in Fig. 13.5. rine-derived strain of Emericella unguis (Malstrom 2002).
Producers of various cyclic peptides are found Among cyclic peptides from obligate marine ascomycetes
are the highly cytotoxic trapoxin A produced by Corollos-
in many other families and genera, for example pora intermedia (Daferner 2000) or scytalidamides from a
Diheterospora, Gliocladium, Cylindrocarpon, Scytalidium species from a marine alga (Tan et al. 2003).
Clonostachys, Cochliobolus and Fusarium (Lewis JM47, structurally related to HC-toxins and trapoxin, was
2002; Adachi et al. 2005; Weber et al. 2006; isolated together with enniatin from a marine-derived
Degenkolb et al. 2008). Fusarium species (Jiang et al. 2002). Trapoxins are also
known from terrestrial fungi, e.g. Helicoma ambiens, the
As endophytic fungi have recently come anamorph of Thaxteriella pezicula (Itazaki et al. 1990)
into focus as producers of bioactive natural com- and structurally related metabolites have been described
pounds, it is not astonishing that also novel cyclic from the phytopathogenic Cyclindrocladium scorparium
peptides have been reported from these fungi. (teleomorph Calonectria morganii) and Cochliobolus car-
bonum (Degenkolb et al. 2008).
A pentapeptide was isolated from an unidentified endophyte
from the seed of Avicinnia marina (Gunatilaka 2006), other For structures see Fig. 13.6.
cyclopeptides from endophytic Fusarium species (Shiono The only cyclopeptides, besides the sidero-
et al. 2007), Epichloe typhina (Seto et al. 2007) or endophyte phores, known from submerged cultures of basi-
Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 281

Pneumocandin D0 O O

Echinocandin B O OH
WF11899 C OH O

H FR901469


Fig. 13.5. Structures of some b-1,3-glucan synthase inhibitors

diomycetes are the omphalotins from Omphalotus Huguenin 1974) and V. coccosporum (Gupta
olearius (Büchel et al. 1998a,b), amanitins from et al. 1994). Interestingly, the omphalotins
Amanita exitialis (Zhang et al. 2005) and chlamy- produced by a monokaryotic strain differ from
docins from a Peniophora strain isolated from those found in the dikaryotic parental strain (Lier-
soil (Tani et al. 2001). The chlamydocins are mann et al. 2009). However, all O. olearius strains
tetrapeptides with Aib and an unusual amino irrespective of their geographical origin produce
acid. Most of these are produced by ascomycetes, omphalotin derivatives (Anke et al., unpublished
e.g. Diheterospora chlamyydosporia (Closse and data). In fruiting bodies omphalotins could not
282 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

Fig. 13.6. Structures of some

histone deacetylase inhibitors


Chlamydocin FR235222 O



Trapoxin A HC-toxin I



be detected, contrary to Amanita exitialis anamorphs Helminthosporium and Bipolaris,

carpophores which contained tenfold more a- Calonectria and its anamorph Cyclindrocladium,
and b-amanitin as compared to the slow growing as well as Fusarium and Alternaria), insect patho-
mycelial cultures (Zhang et al. 2005). For recent gens (Aschersonia, Beauveria, Cordyceps, Diheter-
surveys of Amanita toxins from fruiting bodies ospora, Fusarium, Hirsutella, Isaria, Metharizium,
see Li and Oberlies (2005), Liu (2005) and Pomilio Paecilomyces, Verticillium) and others (Zimmer-
et al. (2006). Figure 13.4B shows the structures of mann 2007a, b; Buckingham 2008). For a compi-
omphalotins and a-amanitin. lation of beauvericins and enniatins produced by
Cordyceps species and their anamorphs as well as
other insect pathogens see Isaka et al. (2005a, b).
D. Cyclic Depsipeptides Figure 13.7 gives the structures of some cyclodep-
Most depsipeptides are metabolites from ascomy- Up to now the pteratides (Fig. 13.7C) are
cetes and their anamorphs. They are widespread the only depsipeptides reported from basidio-
in phytopathogens (e.g. Cochliobolus with mycetes, namely from the fruiting bodies of a
Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 283

Destruxin A AM toxin I


Icosalide A1
H Beauverolide II

Isariin A Beauvericin


Bassianolide Enniatin I

Fig. 13.7A. Structures of some simple cyclodepsipeptide

Pterula species (Chen et al. 2006). From zygomy- strains of Beauveria fellina (Lira et al. 2006),
cetes none have been described. One report on Verticillium sp. FKI-1033 (Monma et al. 2006),
the production of beauvericin by Laetiporus sul- Aspergillus carneus (Capon et al. 2003),
fureus (Badan et al. 1978) could not be confirmed Torrubiella luteorostrata and its anamorph Paeci-
by other groups. In our cultures from L. sulfureus lomyces cinnamomeus (both isolated from a scale
from different locations we could only detect insect; Isaka et al. 2007), Verticillium hemipteri-
laetiporic acid and its derivatives (Davoli et al. genum (Supothina et al. 2004), an Aureobasidium
2005). species from the tropical rain forest (Boros et al.
Since the review of Anke and Sterner (2002), 2006), an unidentified endophytic fungus (Huang
additional producers of bioactive depsipeptides et al. 2007) and a soil-borne Phoma species
have been reported, for example marine-derived (Aoyagi et al. 2007). Pseudodestruxins have been
284 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

Sansalvamide A

Pestahivin O N O

H Petriellin A

O Aureobasidin A

Fig. 13.7B. Structures of some complex cyclodepsipeptides

reported from Nigrosabulum globosum (Che et al. One of the few aquatic fungi investigated
2001) and reviews on destruxins and the produc- for secondary metabolite production is Clavar-
ing organisms have been published by (Pedras iopsis aquatica from which the antifungal cla-
et al. 2002) and Zimmermann (2007b). variopsins A and B were isolated (Kaida et al.
The endophyte-producing PF1022A (and 2001).
related anthelmintic cyclooctadepsipeptides) iso- Analogues of the lipopeptides with 1,3-b-glu-
lated from leaves of a camellia has been identified can synthase inhibitory activity are the lipodepsi-
based on its 18S rRNA gene sequence as a mem- peptides FR901469 or LL15G256g (see Fig. 13.5).
ber of the Xylariaceae close to Xylaria polymorpha The former is produced by an unidentified fungus,
and Rosellinia necatrix (Miyado et al. 2000). the latter (identical to arthrichitin from Arthrinum
Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 285

N Glomosporin

Verticilide O

H O Stevastelin B
Clavariopsin A O N


Pteratide I

Fig. 13.7C. Structures of other complex cyclodepsipeptides

spaeospermum) by Hypoxylon oceanicum (Abba- structural diversity. This diversity is brought

nat et al. 1998; Fujie et al. 2000). upon by the different building blocks in the ring:
proteinogenic amino acids including their D-iso-
mers, nonproteinogenic amino acids, branched or
III. Chemical and Biological Diversity unbranched lipoamino acids and hydroxylated
of Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides short-, medium- and long-chain fatty acids. The
diversity of the building blocks can be deduced
A. Diversity of Building Blocks from Tables 13.1–13.3, which give a compilation
of unusual building blocks (Table 13.1 unusual
Cyclic peptides and depsipeptides constitute a amino acids, Table 13.2 unusual fatty acids) and
class of natural compounds with an enormous various modifications (Table 13.3).
286 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

Table 13.1. Diversity of amino acid building blocks in cyclic peptides and depsipeptides

Amino acid Example Figure Reference

a-Aminoadipic acid Argadin 13.4B Arai et al. (2000)
Prolyl-homoserine Argadin 13.4B Arai et al. (2000)
b-Keto tryptophan LL15G256g 13.5 Abbanat et al. (1996)
Propylleucine Pestahivin 13.7B Hommel et al. (1996)
Dehydroalanine AM-toxin I 13.7A Ueno et al. (1975)
a-Amino-p-methoxyphenylvaleric acid AM-toxin I 13.7A Ueno et al. (1975)
N5-Hydroxyornithine Siderophores 13.1 Renshaw et al. (2002)
4-Methylproline FR-235222 13.6 Mori et al. (2003)
2-Butenyl-4-methylthreonine Cyclosporin A 13.4C Rüegger et al. (1975)
a-Aminobutyric acid Cyclosporin A 13.4C Rüegger et al. (1975)
3-Hydroxyhomotyrosine WF-11899C 13.5 Iwamoto et al. (1994b)
5-Hydroxyornithine WF-11899C 13.5 Iwamoto et al. (1994b)
Dichloro-proline Cyclochlorotine 13.4B Yoshioka et al. (1973)
b-Phenyl-b-aminopropionic acid Cyclochlorotine 13.4B Yoshioka et al. (1973)
b-Alanine Destruxin A 13.7A Rees et al. (1996)
b-Aspartic acid Argifin 13.4C Arai et al. (2000)
a-Aminoisobutyric acid Chlamydocin 13.6 Closse and Huguenin (1974)
Isovaline FR-235222 13.6 Mori et al. (2003)
1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid Serinocyclin A 13.4C Krasnoff et al. (2007)
Pipecolinic acid Trapoxin A 13.6 Itazaki et al. (1990)
Anthranilic acid Psychrophilin D 13.4C Dalsgaard et al. (2005)
2-Amino-8-oxo-9-hydroxydecanoic acid JM47 13.6 Jiang et al. (2002)
2-Amino-9,10-epoxy-8-oxodecanoic acid HC-toxin I 13.6 Gross et al. (1982)

Table 13.2. Diversity of hydroxyacid building blocks in cyclic depsipeptides

Acid Example Figure Reference

2-Hydroxyisovaleric acid Clavariopsin A 13.7C Kaida et al. (2001)
3,4-Dihydroxy-4-methylhexadecanoic acid Glomosporin 13.7C Ishiyama et al. (2000)
2-Hydroxy-3-methylpentanoic acid Enniatin I 13.7A Nilanonta et al. (2003)
2-Hydroxyheptanoic acid Verticilide 13.7C Monma et al. (2006)
2-Hydroxy-4-metylpentanoic acid Sansalvamide A 13.7B Belofsky et al. (1999)
Phenyllactic acid PF1022A 13.7B Sasaki et al. (1992)
Lactic acid PF1022A 13.7B Sasaki et al. (1992)
3-Hydroxydodecanoic acid Isariin A 13.7A Wolstenholme and Vining (1966)
3-Hydroxy-4-methyldecanoic acid Beauverolide II 13.7A Mochizuki et al. (1993)
3-Hydroxydecanoic acid Icosalide A1 13.7A Boros et al. (2006)
3,5-Dihydroxy-2,4-dimethylstearic acid Stevastelin B 13.7C Morino et al. (1994)
2-Hydroxy-4-cyanobutyric acid Pestahivin 13.7B Hommel et al. (1996)
2-Hydroxy-4-enoylpentanoic acid Destruxin A 13.7A Rees et al. (1996)
2,4-Dimethyl-3-hydroxydodecanoic acid LL15G256g 13.5 Abbanat et al. (1996)

B. Diversity of Structures Cyclic peptides including the cyclosporins are

asymmetric, as are the echinocandins. The num-
Additional variations are due to the different ber of building blocks in cyclic peptides varies
numbers of building blocks, their arrangement from two in the diketopiperazines, some of
(e.g. sequence in the ring) and their linkage (e.g. which are symmetric if composed of two residues
amide and ester bonds). Some depsipetides like of the same amino acid, to 12 in the omphalotins,
the enniatins, beauvericins, bassianolide or verti- which are at present the largest cyclopeptides
cilide show a symmetric arrangement in the ring. known from fungi. In addition, the omphalotins
The majority however are asymmetric, like the are an example of modifications after ring closure.
destruxins, beauverolides, isariins or Alternaria Omphalotins B, C and D are derived from ompha-
toxins (Fig. 13.7A,C). lotin A by hydroxylation followed by acylation to
Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 287

Table 13.3. Modifications in cyclic peptide and depsipeptides

Modification/substitution Example Figure Reference

O-Methyl Clavariopsin A 13.7C Kaida et al. (2001)
N-Methyl Omphalotin A 13.4B Sterner et al. (1997)
Methoxy Pestahivin 13.7B Hommel et al. (1996)
Acetyl Omphalotin C 13.4B Büchel et al. (1998a)
3-Hydroxy-methylbutanoyl Omphalotin C 13.4B Büchel et al. (1998a)
Palmitic acid WF-11899C 13.5 Iwamoto et al. (1994b)
3-Hydroxypalmitic acid FR 901469 13.5 Fujie et al. (2000)
Linoleic acid Echinocandin B 13.5 Keller-Juslen et al. (1976)
Sulfate WF-11899C 13.5 Iwamoto et al. (1994b)
Nitro Psychrophilin A 13.4C Dalsgaard et al. (2005)
Halogenation Sporidesmin A 13.3 Fridrichsons and Mathieson (1962)
Isoprenyl Roquefortine C 13.2 Scott et al. (1979)
Prenyl Fumitremorgin A 13.2 Eickman et al. (1975)
Geranyl Mycelianamide 13.2 Birch et al. (1956)
N-Methylcarbamoyl Argifin 13.4C Arai et al. (2000)
3-Hydroxyvaline Omphalotin C 13.4B Büchel et al. (1998a)
4,5-Dihydroxyornithine Echinocandin B 13.5 Keller-Juslen et al. (1976)
3,4-Dihydroxyhomotyrosine Echinocandin B 13.5 Keller-Juslen et al. (1976)
2,6-Dihydroxyphenylalanine Mactanamide 13.2 Lorenz et al. (1998)
3,4-Dihydroxyproline Pneumocandin D0 13.5 Morris et al. (1994)

the corresponding esters and formation of addi- N-hydroxylations followed by an acylation

tional ring structures (Büchel et al. 1998). (Glinski et al. 2001; Chap. 15). In many cases how-
ever it is not clear at which step the modifications
Novel omphalotins were recently isolated from a mono- occur. The low substrate specificity of the NRPS
karyotic strain. The elucidation of their structures was enzymes allows the incorporation of modified ring
greatly hampered by their instability (Liermann et al. components. In fact, Zocher and his group have
2009). These omphalotins bear additional hydroxyl
groups, thus bringing the number of known cyclic pep-
made use of this to produce novel enniatin deriva-
tides from O. olearius to 11. A second hydroxylation at the tives in vitro (Feifel et al. 2007).
tryptophan leads to a novel ring system (Fig. 13.4B).
HPLC-MS spectra of enriched extracts indicate the pres-
ence of additional members of the group. The psychrophi-
lins are nitropeptides with unusual structures (Fig. 13.4A). C. Diversity of Biological Activities
The compounds are produced by several psychrotolerant
Penicillium species (Dalsgaard et al. 2004a, b; 2005). The structural diversity of diketopiperazines,
Cyclochlorotine, a mycotoxin from P. islandicum contains cyclopeptides and -depsipeptides is matched by
a dichloroprolyl residue (Betina 1989). the diversity of their biological activities. To list
all activities and compounds would be beyond of
The depsipeptides start with four building blocks the scope of this chapter. An overview on
(angolide, beauverolides) up to 12 in the antibiotic biological activities of diketopiperazines is given
FR901469 (a member of the 1,3-b-glucan synthase by Martins and Carvalho (2007), cyclic depsipep-
inhibitors; Fujie et al. 2001) and 13 in petriellin A tides and their biological activities are reviewed
(Lee et al. 1995). The latter contains b-phenyllactic by (Sarabia et al. 2004), while insecticidal and
acid, a building block not often found in cyclopep- other biological activities of destruxins, isariins,
tides and -depsipeptides. Further modifications enniatins, and beauverolides are reviewed by
of cyclic peptides and depsipeptides include Anke and Sterner (2002) and by Zimmermann
N-methylation, hydroxylations, acylation, isopre- (2007a, b). Some of the compounds exhibit rath-
nylation and the introduction of sulfate-, nitro- er selective activities like the antifungal, 1,3-b-
chloro- or cyano- groups. These modifications glucan synthesis inhibitors (see below) whereas
can occur at the beginning of biosynthesis, like others like gliotoxin show a broad spectrum of
N-methylations, or after cyclization, e.g. C- and activities. While the former (due to fewer side-
288 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

effects) generally have a higher potential to be on bleomycin-induced G2 arrest, thus potentiat-

developed into drugs or pesticides, the latter ing its DNA-damaging action, a mode of action
might be of interest as biochemical tools or that might be useful for the treatment of cancer
chemical building blocks. In the following, we (Hagimori et al. 2007).
attempt to give an overview on the different Cyclosporins are not the only immunomodu-
biological activities exhibited by fungal cyclopep- lating fungal metabolites. Many epipolythiodiox-
tides and -depsipeptides. opiperazines, in addition to other biological
Gliotoxin, already isolated in 1932, recently activities, are immunosuppressants.
regained interest not only due to its immunosup-
pressive and apoptosis-inducing activities (Waring Sevastelins, cyclodepsipeptides with a lipophilic
side-chain, from a Penicillium species blocked human T
et al. 1988) but moreover due to its occurrence in cell activation in vitro and showed low acute toxicity in
the blood of aspergillosis patients and its effects on mice (Morino et al. 1994). HUN-7293 acts as inhibitor of
various human cells among them an inhibition of cytokine-induced expression of vascular cell adhesion
cell adherence in macrophages (Amitani et al. 1995; molecule-1 on human endothelial cells (Hommel et al.
1996). It is structurally identical to pestahivin.
Kamei and Watanabe 2005). The plethora of
biological activities is evident from the number of The depsipeptide aureobasidin A has an interest-
papers published on gliotoxin and related epipo- ing mode of action, the inositol phosphoceramide
lythiodioxopiperazines (Waring and Beaver 1996; synthase (IPS). The fungal enzyme is considered to
Hume et al. 2002; Gardiner et al. 2005). be an attractive target for novel fungicides. Further
development of aureobasidin A was hampered by
The vertihemiptellides A and B and their S-methylated its inhibitory effects on ABC transporters in yeasts
monomers exhibit antimycobacterial and cytotoxic effects and humans (Fostel and Lartey 2000). The pleo-
(Isaka et al. 2005b). Sirodesmin PL produced by Lepto-
sphaeria maculans has phytotoxic, antibacterial and insec-
fungins from a Phoma species showed antifungal
ticidal properties (Rouxel et al. 1988; Boudart 1989) and activity towards Candida albicans, Cryptococcus
the leptosins inhibited the proliferation of P388 lympho- neoformans and A. fumigatus with minimal inhib-
cytic leukemia cells with an ED50 of 1.1–1.3 mg/ml (Taka- itory concentrations in the range of 1 mg/ml or
hashi et al. 1994). lower (Yano et al. 2007). The compounds inhibited
the A. fumigatus IPS with IC50 values of 1 ng/ml
The HC-toxins, host-specific toxins from Coch- (Aoyagi et al. 2007).
liobolus carbonum (anamorph Helminthosporium Neoechinulin A has protective activity in
carbonum), are cyto- and phytotoxic and inhibitors PC12 cells against lethal effects of peroxynitrite
of histone deacetylase (Taunton et al. 1996). and against 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine, a neuro-
toxin capable of inducing neurodegeneration in
Structurally related tetrapeptides (Fig. 13.6) like apicidin
from a Fusarium species (Darkin-Rattray et al. 1996; Singh
humans (Kajimura et al. 2008). The cyclic tetra-
et al. 2002), JM47 from a marine Fusarium species (Jiang peptide CJ-15,208 is a kappa opinoid receptor
et al. 2002), FR235222 from an Acremonium species (Mori antagonist (Saito et al. 2002) and four depsipep-
et al. 2003) or the chlamydocins from Diheterospora chla- tides were reported to be selective and competitive
mydosporia (Closse and Huguenin 1974) and Peniophora human tachykinin receptor antagonsits (Hedge
sp. (Tani et al. 2001) have been reported to exhibit anti-
protozoal activity, to induce apoptosis, to have immuno-
et al. 2001).
suppressive effects or to retard plant growth (de Schepper Among nine beauverolides tested for acyl-CoA:
et al. 2003). cholesterol acyltransferase (ACAT) inhibitory ac-
Due to their toxic effects in animal and humans and tivity in CHO-cells expressing ACAT1 or ACAT2,
their occurrence in food and feedstuff, fumitremorgins, beauverolides I and III inhibited ACAT1 rather
verruculogens, roquefortins C and D, sporidesmins, chae-
tocin, cyclochlorotine and malformins were classified as
selectively, no antimicrobial or cytotoxic activities
mycotoxins (Betina 1989). For their different biological were detected and beauvericin was cytotoxic (Mat-
activities the reader is referred to the vast online literature suda et al. 2004; Ohshiro et al. 2007). ACAT is
on this group of fungal products. discussed as a target for new antiatherosclerotic
agents (Roth 1998; Namatame et al. 2004).
Malformin C (Fig. 13.4), despite its antibacterial, The outstanding anthelmintic activity of
plant-deforming and fibrinolytic activities, recently PF1022A combined with its mode of action, e.g.
aroused some interest due to its inhibitory effects binding to the latrophilin-like receptor of
Cyclic Peptides and Depsipeptides from Fungi 289

Haemonchus contortus (Conder et al. 1995; Saeger leukaemia cells with an IC50 value of 10 mg/ml
et al. 2001) and low toxicity led to the develop- (Dalsgaard et al. 2005), while the icosalides inhibit
ment of emodepsin, a novel drug used in animal the replication of MDCK cells with LD50 of 5–10
health. mg/ml (Boros et al. 2006). The aspergillicins are
Antiparasitic properties have been reported weakly cytotoxic with LD99 of 25–50 mg/ml (Capon
for cycloaspeptides A and D (Dalsgaard et al. et al. 2003).
2004b). Verticilide, a cyclic depsipeptide isolated As inhibitors of 1,3-b-glucan synthesis have
from the culture broth of Verticillium sp. FKI- high potential as antimycotic drugs (Fostel and
1033, inhibits the binding of ryanodine to the Lartey 2000), fungi have been intensively screened
receptor (RyR) and has insecticidal activity for the production of inhibitors of cell wall syn-
(Monma et al. 2006). Serinocyclin A isolated thesis and cyclic peptides as well as cyclic depsi-
from M. anisopliae condia produced a sublethal peptides have been found.
locomotory defect in mosquito larvae (Krasnoff The antimycotic drugs already on the market
et al. 2007). Argifin and argadin, two cyclopenta- (caspofungin, micafungin, anidulafungin) are
peptides from a Gliocladium and a Clonostachys derived from lipopeptides (Butler 2004; Morrison
species, are potent inhibitors of chitinase B from 2006). Their spectrum of activity is mainly re-
Serratia marcescens (Houston et al. 2002). When stricted to Candida and Aspergillus species. Cryp-
injected into cockroach larvae, the moult was tococcus neoformans, Trichosporon and Fusarium
arrested. Besides cyclopeptides and -depsipep- species or Zygomycetes are not affected (Denning
tides fungi also produce other peptides with 2003), although the glucan synthase from C. neo-
insecticidal activities, recent examples are the formans is sensitive to echinocandins (Maligie
neofrapeptins from Geotrichum candidum and Selitrennikoff 2005).
(Fredenhagen et al. 2006). Selective nematicidal
properties have been reported only for the
omphalotins with high inhibitory activity towards
Meloidogyne incognita and low activity towards IV. Ecological Role of Cyclic Peptides
Caenorhabditis elegans (Mayer et al. 1997, 1999; and Depsipeptides
Sterner et al. 1997). The nematicidal properties of
the hydroxylated omphalotins are higher than Many secondary metabolites play a crucial role for
those of the parent compound, but unfortunately fungi in their natural habitats. Endophytic fungi
they are not stable (Büchel et al. 1998a, Liermann of grasses belonging to the genera Neotyphodium/
et al. 2009). Epichloe confer protection from mammalian and
Antiviral properties have been reported for insect herbivores, or enhanced resistance against
sansalvamide A, a cyclodepsipeptide from a ma- nematodes and phytopathogenic fungi (Schardl
rine Fusarium, which inhibits viral topoisomer- et al. 2004; Panaccione et al. 2006). Some of these
ase-catalyzed DNA relaxation (Hwang et al. 1999). beneficial effects are due to NRPS products. Ergo-
The clavariopsins, cyclic depsipetides from valine has been identified among the fungal meta-
Clavariopsis aquatica, show selective antifungal bolites in the plant host. Malformins have been
activity, bacteria are not affected and mice tolerate detected in onion scales after infection with
100 mg/kg of clavariopsin A. As mode of action, A. niger (Curtis et al. 1974).
an inhibition of cell components was proposed The role of siderophores in plant and human
(Kaida et al. 2001). Glomosporin from a Glomos- pathogens is currently elucidated by many re-
pora species is a lipophilic depsipeptide with search groups (for a review see Haas et al. 2008).
antifungal activity (Sato et al. 2000). Whether Additional functions of siderophores for the pro-
this compound also inhibits cell wall synthesis ducing organism are acquisition and storage of
was not reported. Antifungal and cytotoxic activ- iron as well as regulation of asexual and sexual
ities were reported for petriellin A (Lee et al. development and protection against oxidative
1995). Cytotoxic activities are exhibited by many stress (Einsendle et al. 2006; Hof et al. 2009).
cyclopeptides and -depesipeptides. The destrux- Nonproducing organisms like Saccharomyces cer-
ins have been intensively investigated (Vey et al. evisiae are able to use, e.g. transport iron-side-
2002; Skrobek and Butt 2005). Psychrophilin rophore complexes, thus the compounds might
D is weakly cytotoxic towards P388 mouse also play a role in fungus–fungus interactions.
290 Heidrun Anke and Luis Antelo

In plant-pathogenic fungi cyclic peptides like be developed as biopesticides. For both agriculture
HC-toxins in Cochliobolus carbonum, AM toxins in and pharmacology bioactive natural compounds
Alternaria alternata, sirodesmin PL in Lepto- may lead to novel targets and serve as lead
sphaeria maculans (anamorph Phoma lingam) or structures.
enniatins in Fusarium species act as putative viru-
lence factors. In some cases this has already Acknowledgements. Work in our Institute was supported
by the State of Rhineland–Palatinate, BASF SE, Bayer AG,
been proven, when gene deletions result in apatho- BMBF and the DFG.
genic strains or strains with reduced virulence
(Ahn and Walton 1998; Pedley and Walton 2001;
Elliott et al. 2007). Likewise the insecticidal depsi-
petides of insect pathogens have the same function. References
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14 Fungal Genome Mining and Activation of Silent Gene Clusters


CONTENTS ue to be, a leading source of molecules for drug

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 discovery, but new technologies are required to
II. Fungal Genome Mining and Activation increase the probability of identifying new entities
of Silent Gene Clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 (McAlpine et al. 2005).
A. Genetic Potential for Secondary
Metabolism Biosynthesis of Fungi . . . . . . . . . 297
B. Genome Mining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
C. Activation of Silent Gene Clusters . . . . . . . . . 299
III. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 II. Fungal Genome Mining
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
and Activation of Silent
Gene Clusters
I. Introduction A. Genetic Potential for Secondary Metabolism
Biosynthesis of Fungi
The metabolism of all organisms can be divided
into two parts: primary metabolism provides the A literature survey covering more than 23 000
cells with energy and chemical precursors that are bioactive microbial products, i.e. antifungal, anti-
essential for growth and reproduction of the bacterial, antiviral, cytotoxic and immunosup-
organisms; secondary metabolism seems to pos- pressive agents, shows that the producing strains
sess no obvious function for cell growth in the are mainly from the fungal kingdom (ca. 42%),
laboratory (Bennett and Bentley 1989). However, followed by strains belonging to the genus Strep-
these compounds remain a constant source of tomyces (32.1%; Lazzarini et al. 2000). Hence,
drug leads with more than 40% of new chemical fungi represent one of the most promising sources
entities reported since 1981 from microbial of bioactive compounds (Bhatnagar et al. 2002).
sources (Clardy and Walsh 2004; Khosla 1997; Despite the large number of known fungal
Sieber and Marahiel 2005). Even more remarkable metabolites, the biosynthetic potential of these
is the fact that more than 60% of anticancer agents organisms is greatly underestimated by an order
and 70% of anti-infectives currently in clinical use of magnitude. Analyzing the increasing number of
are natural products or natural product-based sequenced genomes indicates that fungi encode
compounds (Yin et al. 2007). Secondary metabo- the genetic information for the biosynthesis
lites from microorganisms have been, and contin- of many more yet unknown compounds (e.g.
Bergmann et al. 2007; Chiang et al. 2008; Peric-
Concha and Long 2003). This information can be
gained bioinformatically by scanning the genome
for the presence of characteristic biosynthesis
genes. Many biologically active compounds are
Molecular and Applied Microbiology, Leibniz Institute for Natu- produced by multifunctional enzymes, namely
ral Product Research and Infection Biology (HKI), and Friedrich polyketide synthases (PKSs) and nonribosomal
Schiller University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a, 07745 Jena, Germany;
peptide synthetases (NRPSs). PKSs and NRPSs
Biomolecular Chemistry, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product utilize simple malonyl (PKS) or amino acid
Research and Infection Biology (HKI), and Friedrich Schiller (NRPS) building blocks, respectively. They fol-
University, Beutenbergstrasse 11a, 07745 Jena, Germany low very similar strategies for their assembly.

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
298 Axel A. Brakhage et al.

Although they utilize different classes of sub- typical secondary metabolite biosynthesis genes.
strates, both PKSs and NRPSs show striking simi- Systematic mining of the genomes has uncovered
larities in the architecture and mechanism of the the occurrence of cryptic biosynthesis genes in
modularized assembly lines. Each module is re- actinomycetes (McAlpine et al. 2005; Lautru
sponsible for one or more chain-elongation steps et al. 2005; Zazopoulos et al. 2003; Challis 2007),
and can be subdivided into domains controlling myxobacteria (Wenzel et al. 2005; Bode and Mull-
the choice of the extender unit and connection er 2005), Pseudomonas (Brendel et al. 2007; Gross
with the growing peptide chain. A typical NRPS et al. 2007) and Burkholderia (Nguyen et al. 2008).
module minimally consists of an adenylation (A) Recently the genomes of various filamentous
domain responsible for amino acid activation, a fungi, including Aspergillus nidulans,
condensation (c) domain, connecting the acti- A. fumigatus and A. oryzae, have been sequenced
vated amino acid with the growing chain, and a (
thiolation (T) domain – also known as peptidyl aspergillus_group/MultiHome.html).
carrier protein (PCP) that serves as an anchor for The analysis of deduced gene products sug-
the growing peptide chain. Additionally, a variety gests that A. nidulans has the potential to generate
of optional [e.g. methyltransferase (MT) or epi- up to 32 polyketides, 14 nonribosomal peptides
merisation (E)] domains may be present (Walsh and two indole alkaloids; similar predictions can
et al. 2001). Similarly, three domains are the basic be made from the A. fumigatus and A. oryzae
equipment of most PKS elongation modules: an genome data (Table 14.1). Interestingly, there
acyltransferase (AT) domain for extender unit appear to be almost no orthologs among these
selection and transfer, an acyl carrier protein genes across the three species, thus representing
(ACP) for extender unit loading and a ketoacyl a loss of synteny to a degree not seen in other
synthase (KS) domain for decarboxylative con- regions of the genomes (Bok et al. 2006). This high
densation of the extender unit (usually malonyl- number of putative metabolites is greater than the
CoA) with an acyl thioester. The resulting b-keto known metabolites ascribed to these species, and
thioester may subsequently be processed by it may be a reflection of incomplete natural prod-
b-ketoacyl reductase (KR) domains, dehydratase uct analysis in these species or failure of many
(DH) domains, enoyl reductase (ER) domains and clusters to be expressed, at least under the culture
MT domains (Cane et al. 1997). Modular PKS and conditions commonly used in laboratories
NRPS systems can also closely cooperate to form (Scherlach and Hertweck 2006). For example, the
so-called hybrid products (Cane and Walsh 1999; aflatoxin gene cluster is not expressed in A. oryzae
Paitan et al. 1999; Silakowski et al. 1999; Wenzel (van den Broek et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2004; Bok
et al. 2005). Typically, the nascent polyketide or et al. 2006). It is apparent that this vast number of
peptide backbone is further modified by tailoring predicted fungal biosynthesis genes is not
enzymes in post-PKS or post-NRPS steps of the reflected by the metabolic profile observed under
pathway, such as oxygenases and glycosyltrans- standard fermentation conditions. Apparently, in
ferases or other transferases, in order to imbue the absence of a particular trigger these gene loci
additional structural functionalities to the final nat- remain silent.
ural product. One of the major challenges is to understand
the physiological meaning of the many secondary
metabolites for the producing microorganism
B. Genome Mining
The conserved features within these PKS and Table 14.1 Putative secondary metabolism gene types.
NRPS Nonribosomal peptide synthetase, PKS polyketide
NRPS machineries have been cornerstones of the synthase, DMAT dimethylallyl tryptophan synthase
genomic-guided discovery of natural products (Brakhage et al. 2008)
(Ikeda et al. 2003; Liu et al. 2002; Menzella et al.
2005; Yin et al. 2007). In all cases known to date, Putative Aspergillus A. fumigatus A. oryzae
genes codings for PKS and NRPS are part of a gene nidulans
cluster containing additional genes for modifying NRPS 14a 14a 17
enzymes. With the genome sequence at hand, it is PKS 32a 14a 28
possible to estimate the biosynthetic potential DMAT 2 7 2
for a given organism by in silico screening for Includes one hybrid PKS/NRPS.
Fungal Genome Mining and Activation of Silent Gene Clusters 299

E n viro n m e n ta l S ig n a ls Fig. 14.1. Scheme of the pro-

cesses involved in the activation
of fungal secondary metabolism
gene clusters in a fungal cell
S ig n a l tra n s d u c tio n
C yto p la s m
N u c le a r im p o rt

T ra n s c rip tio n fa c to rs

N u c le u s

S e c o n d a ry
m e ta b o lis m
g e n e c lu s te r

N a tu ra l p ro d u c ts

E ffe c ts ?

(Fig. 14.1). As long as this is not understood it is numerous disadvantages. The method requires
often not possible to directly activate gene clusters the availability of genetic techniques for the par-
under natural conditions and to predict the regu- ticular organism. Furthermore, many fungi only
latory circuits involved in the regulation of their show a very low frequency of homologous recom-
biosyntheses. Notably, in many fungal PKS gene bination, which hampers promoter exchange. In
clusters genes encoding transcription factors can addition to the cumbersome handling of large
be found, while such genes are scarce in NRPS gene constructs, another drawback is that over-
gene clusters. expression of a single gene of a cluster often leads
to limitation of another gene product of the same
cluster. Finally, gene expression and, as in the
C. Activation of Silent Gene Clusters lovastatin pathway, the functioning of enzymes
may be context-dependent (Bergmann et al. 2007).
For the functional analysis of cryptic or orphan One solution of this problem is: (iii) the
genes, gene inactivation would only provide an expression of pathway-specific regulatory genes,
option if the metabolite was constitutively pro- which are present in many secondary metabolite
duced by the strain. This method is clearly not gene clusters (Fig. 14.2c). This approach is ren-
applicable for gene clusters that are silent under dered feasible by the fact that all of the genes
standard fermentation conditions, and thus tools encoding the large number of enzymes required
are needed to assign their biosynthetic role. In for the synthesis of a typical secondary metabolite
general, several strategies would be conceivable: are clustered and that in some cases a single regu-
gene expression could be induced, for example (i) lator controls the expression of all members of a
by heterologous expression under the control of gene cluster to a certain extent (McAlpine et al.
defined promoters (Fig. 14.2a) or (ii) by promoter 2005). Consequently, only a small gene needs to be
exchange within the genome (homologous expres- handled. Furthermore, ectopic integration of sim-
sion; Fig. 14.2b). The latter method would be fea- ple gene cassettes would be sufficient, bypassing
sible in particular for bacterial gene clusters with all limitations of homologous recombination.
polycistronic gene organization. In the case of Most conveniently, this strategy would allow for
fungal secondary metabolism gene clusters, pro- the concerted expression of all pathway genes.
moter exchange can be cumbersome and is usually Recently, we developed the latter strategy for
employed for individual genes only (Kennedy and the successful induction of a silent metabolic
Turner 1996). Obviously the latter approach has pathway in the fungal model organism A. nidulans.
300 Axel A. Brakhage et al.



heterologous host

: Promoter
TF : Transcription factor


Fig. 14.2. Molecular methods to induce silent gene clusters. (a) Expression of gene clusters in a heterologous host.
(b) Promoter exchange of individual genes of a cluster using strong, regulatable promoters. (c) Overexpression of
transcription factors using strong inducible promoters

By mining the A. nidulans genome for cryptic (or located. The deduced gene product of apdR is
orphan) gene clusters potentially coding for the related to a putative C6 transcription factor of A.
biosynthesis of polyketides or polypeptides, we fumigatus and to a putative regulator with a GAL4-
noted the presence of a putative hybrid PKS- type Zn2Cys6 binuclear cluster DNA-binding do-
NRPS gene (apdA) (Table 14.1, Fig. 14.3). The main from A. flavus. To prove the concept that the
deduced gene product shows typical motifs of homologous overexpression of a regulatory gene
PKS and NRPS domains, as well as an additional can lead to activation of a silent gene cluster the
C-terminal reductase domain. It obviously repre- putative activator gene apdR was amplified from
sents a rare fungal PKS-NRPS hybrid. Despite genomic DNA and cloned into an expression vector
the large number of metabolic data available for carrying the promoter of the alcohol dehydroge-
A. nidulans the role of this gene was obscure. To nase of A. nidulans (Fig. 14.3). This promoter can
date, only a few fungal PKS-NRPS hybrid synthases be induced by the addition of cyclopentanone to
have been attributed to metabolic functions. Gene the medium and repressed by the use of glucose as
inactivation experiments revealed that two related the carbon source (Waring et al. 1989).
ones are involved in the biosynthesis of the tetra- Transformants of A. nidulans carrying the
mic acid derivatives equisetin and fusarin in Fusar- alcAp-apdR gene fusion ectopically integrated
ium heterosporum and F. fujikuroi, respectively into the genome were checked for transcription
(Sims et al. 2005; Song et al. 2004). The cryptic of genes of the cluster by Northern blot analysis.
PKS-NRPS-encoding gene in the A. nidulans Whereas the transcripts were completely absent in
genome is flanked by upstream genes coding for the wild type under both non-inducing and induc-
several putative oxidoreductases: two cytochrome ing conditions, in the transformant strain under
P450-monooxygenases (ApdB, ApdE), an FAD- inducing conditions strong mRNA signals were
dependent monooxygenase (ApdD) and an enoyl detected for the genes of the cluster including
reductase (ApdC). Downstream of apdA the puta- the PKS-NRPS hybrid (Fig. 14.4). This observation
tive exporter apdF and activator apdR genes are further confirmed that under the conditions
Fungal Genome Mining and Activation of Silent Gene Clusters 301

apd B C D E A F R G

alcAp apdR



OH O *
* *
H Wildtype
R= H: aspyridone A 20 22 24 26 28
R= OH: aspyridone B time [min]

Fig. 14.3. Activation of a silent gene cluster in Aspergillus nidulans by overexpression of the transcription factor gene
apdR using the inducible promoter of the alcohol dehydrogenase gene alcA of A. nidulans. This leads to the production of
a mixed PKS-NRPS encoded by the apdA gene and the production of the novel natural products aspyridone A and B
under inducing conditions which is shown by the HPLC profile (Bergmann et al. 2007). New metabolites are labeled by

apdB apdC apdD apdE

wt transformant wt transformant wt transformant wt transformant

apdA apdF apdR apdG

wt transformant wt transformant wt transformant wt transformant

Fig. 14.4. Northern blot analysis demonstrating the activation of the silent gene cluster under inducing conditions in the
transformant strain encoding the extra copies of the inducible trancription factor apdR. R repressing conditions;
I inducing conditions with cyclopentanone in the medium; apdR transcription factor gene (Bergmann et al. 2007)

applied this gene cluster was silent without induc- inducing conditions, the transformant strain pro-
tion. Furthermore, it also helped to confine the duced novel compounds called aspyridones
borders of the gene cluster (Bergmann et al. 2007). (Fig. 14.3). They are similar, but not identical
The culture extracts were analysed by to a variety of other pyridones isolated from
HPLC coupled to DAD and MS detectors. Under fungi, such as militarinone D and tenellin
302 Axel A. Brakhage et al.

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15 Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi


CONTENTS Myxobacteria) and filamentous fungi. Secondary

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 metabolites are compounds that are not directly
II. Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases . . . . . . . . . . 306 involved in processes indispensable to life but
A. Structure of NRPSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 often have potent physiological activities. Al-
B. Module Arrangement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 though chemically diverse, all secondary metabo-
C. Domain Types of Non-Ribosomal
Peptide Synthetases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 lites are produced by a few common biosynthetic
1. Adenylation Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 pathways, including non-ribosomal peptide syn-
a) Functions of Adenylation thesis (Keller et al. 2005).
Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Fungal and bacterial NRPs are a structurally
b) Substrate Specificity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 very diverse family of natural products which dis-
2. Thiolation Domains and
4’-Phosphopantetheine play a wide variety of biological activities. The most
Transferases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 famous non-ribosomally produced peptide is peni-
3. Condensation Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 cillin which was discovered by Alexander Fleming’s
4. Modifying Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 observation on the inhibition of bacterial growth
a) N-Methylation Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 by Penicillium notatum (Fleming 1929). This anti-
b) Epimerization Domains and
Amino Acid Racemases . . . . . . . . . . 314 biotic gained importance during World War II
5. Termination Domains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 when penicillin was used as a “miracle drug” and
a) Thioesterase Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 saved countless lives. Hence many NRPs (e.g. pen-
b) Reductase Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 icillin, cyclosporin, ergotamine) have tremendous
c) Condensation Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 importance as pharmaceutically relevant agents.
III. Distinctions Between Fungal and Bacterial
NRPSs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Many peptides with structures unique to fungi are
IV. Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthesis known, including siderophores of the ferrichrome
in Basidiomycetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 and coprogen type, cyclodepsipeptides and peptai-
V. Physiological Significance of Peptides . . . . . . . . . 318 bols. Biosynthesis of these compounds is indepen-
VI. Examples for NRPS Gene Clusters dent of ribosomes and mRNA but is catalyzed by
and Cluster Evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
A. Penicillin and Cephalosporin Biosynthesis . . 320 large multifunctional enzymes called non-ribosom-
B. Ergot Alkaloid Biosynthetic Gene Clusters . . 321 al peptide synthetases (NRPSs) which are discussed
VII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 here. NRPSs are the largest enzymes known in
A. Approaches to Identify New NRPSs . . . . . . . 323 nature. Peptides produced by NRPSs show peculiar
B. Combinatorial Biosynthesis of New NRPs . . 324 features compared to traditional proteins. They
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
contain not only standard amino acids but also
non-proteinogenic amino acids. Peptides can be
linear, but there also exist cyclic and bran-
I. Introduction ched NRPS configurations. The amino acids
incorporated can be modified by N-methylation,
Non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs) are a class of epimerization or can be reduced. Sizes of the
secondary metabolites produced by bacteria non-ribosomally produced peptides range from
(Bacilli, Streptomyces, some Pseudomonades and two to 40 amino acids (for reviews see for example
Stachelhaus and Marahiel 1995; Kleinkauf and von
Döhren 1996; Schwarzer and Marahiel 2001;
Institute of Biotechnology and Drug Research, Erwin-Schrödin- Schwarzer et al. 2003; Finking and Marahiel 2004;
ger-Strasse 56, 67663Kaiserslautern, Germany;
von Döhren 2004).

Physiology and Genetics, Ist Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
306 Katrin Eisfeld

Protein data show that NRPSs exhibit a mod- them appear to be discontinuously distributed,
ular structure, with one module being a semi- while most are not conserved from one species to
autonomous unit that recognizes, activates and another (Turgeon et al. 2008). This implies that a
modifies a single residue of the final peptide. The lot of unknown NRPS products exhibiting poten-
modules themselves are organized in domains tially interesting properties still await discovery.
with specific catalytic functions, thereby defining
the amino acid sequence and structure of the
products (Smith et al. 1990; Zocher and Keller II. Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases
1997; Konz and Marahiel 1999). Some non-ribo-
somal peptide synthetases (including enniatin A. Structure of NRPSs
synthetase, PF1022 synthetase, beavericin synthe-
tase) have been purified and enzymatically char- NRPSs have been proposed to operate via a
acterized (Zocher et al. 1982; Peeters et al. 1988; thiotemplate mechanism with a pantotheine
Weckwerth et al. 2000). Biochemical investiga- “swinging arm” transferring activated amino
tions reveal that these enzymes consist of one acids to the condensation domain of the enzyme
single polypeptide chain which comprises all cat- (Stein et al. 1996). A multimodular arrangement of
alytic functions necessary for peptide synthesis, NRPSs was confirmed by the isolation and charac-
i.e. ATP-dependent substrate activation, thiola- terization of genes encoding NRPSs from bacterial
tion reactions, N-methylation and condensation and fungal origin. One module is responsible for
of the covalently bound substrates. To date, far the introduction of one amino acid. Each module
more peptides which are supposed to be produced consists of several domains with defined functions
non-ribosomally are known than the genes that (Stachelhaus and Marahiel 1995; Marahiel 1997;
encode their corresponding NRPSs. Table 15.1 Schwarzer and Marahiel 2001; Weber and Marahiel
gives a summary of NRPs from ascomycetes 2001; Mootz et al. 2002a, b). Usually the order of
whose biosynthetic pathways have been fully modules and domains of a fungal NRPS is collinear
characterized (fungal siderophore synthetases to the sequence of the synthesized product. Unlike
are not included; they were reviewed very recently in bacteria, fungal non-ribosomal peptide synthesis
by Johnson 2008). is mostly catalyzed by one enzyme. These enzymes
In genome sequencing projects a great num- can reach an enormous size; for example, the Tri-
ber of new NRPS genes have been identified while choderma virens PES gene which is responsible for
the products of the NRPSs they encode have not peptaibol production comprises a 62.8-kb continu-
been detected. For example, in Aspergillus fumi- ous open reading frame and the peptide synthetase
gatus a total of at least 14 NRPS genes have been consists of 18 modules (Wiest et al. 2002).
discovered, but only four of them can be asso- A minimal module for incorporation of one
ciated with their NRPS products: the gliotoxin amino acid into the growing peptide chain con-
synthetase gene (gliP), the ferricrocin synthetase sists of an adenylation (A) domain, a thiolation
gene (sidC), the gene encoding fusarinine synthe- (T) or peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) domain
tase (sidD) and the brevanamide synthetase gene and a condensation (C) domain. The A domain
ftmA (Nierman et al. 2005; Reiber et al., 2005; is responsible for substrate recognition and
Balibar and Walsh 2006; Cramer et al. 2006; activation, the T/PCP domain binds a 40 -phospho-
Maiya et al. 2006; Schrettl et al. 2007; Stack et al. pantetheine cofactor to which the activated amino
2007). Other fungi of the genus Aspergillus also acid is tethered and the C domain is required for
produce a considerable variety of non-riboso- peptide bond formation. Besides the domains
mally produced peptides. However, although being essential for the elongation of the peptide
conserved orthologous NRPS genes exist, the chain there are optional domains including
products of most of the NRPSs remain unknown. domains for N-methylation (N-MTase domain),
In A. terreus for example, only four of a total of 20 epimerization (E domain) and heterocyclic ring
NRPS genes can be assigned to a hypothetical formation which are inserted at specific locations
function by means of homology comparison within the module. Furthermore, besides protei-
(Cramer et al. 2006). Cross-genome comparisons nogenic amino acids often unusual amino acids
indicate that most filamentous ascomycetes or carboxylic acids are incorporated. Further
carry many genes encoding NRPSs. Some of variability is achieved through cyclization of the
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 307

Table 15.1. Summary of characterized NRPSs, their products and properties

Producer NRPS/Structure Product Properties

Penicillium ACV synthetase (ACVS) Tripeptide Precursor of penicillin and
chrysogenum (ATC)2ATETe cephalosporin
and others
Fusarium Enniatin synthetase Cyclo-hexadepsipeptide Ionophore; inhibitor of acyl-
oxysporum and CATCAMTTC CoA-cholesterol
others acyltransferase and of
phosphodiesterase; potential
anticancer compound.
Beauveria nivea, Cyclosporin synthetase 11-Cyclopeptide Immunosuppressive: antifungal;
Tolypocladium CAT(CAMT)4CAT anti-inflammatory
Claviceps purpurea Ergotamin synthetases Acyl-tripeptides Aeurotoxic;
ATC and ATCATCATCyc vasoconstrictor
Cochliobolus HC-toxin synthetase (HTS1) Cyclo-tetrapeptide Inhibitor of histone-
carbonum ATEC(ATC)3 deacetylases: maize-
Alternaria alternata AM-toxin synthetase(ATC)4 4-Peptidolactone Phytotoxic
Trichoderma virens Peptaibol synthetase Acylpeptides (18, 14 or 11 fungicidal
KSa-ACb-C(ATC)17 AT-DHc amino acids)
Leptosphaeria Sirodesmin synthetase SirP Diketopiperazine Phytotoxin mycotoxin;
maculans (ATC)2 epipolythiodioxopiperazin antibacterial activity
Aspergillus Gliotoxin synthetase(ATC)2T Cyclodipeptide Induces apoptosis;
fumigatus and immunosuppressive
A. fumigatus Brevianamide F synthetase Diketopiperazine Precursor of fumitremorgins
Epichloe festucae Peramine synthetase perA Pyrrolopyrazine Repellent to insects
A. nidulans TdiA Bisindolebenzoquinone Precursor of terrequinone
Xylaria sp. BCC1067 Bassianolide synthetase Cyclooctadepsipeptide Pathogenic to insects
KS = Ketoacyl synthase.
AC = Acyltransferase.
DH = b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.

peptide or modifications that take place after the type (Stachelhaus and Marahiel 1995; Konz and
assembly of the peptide chain (Stachelhaus and Marahiel 1999). These motifs are similar in bacte-
Marahiel 1995; Marahiel 1997; Schwarzer and ria and fungi but differ to some extend. Table 15.2
Marahiel 2001; Weber and Marahiel 2001; Mootz displays a comparison of bacterial and fungal
et al. 2002a, b; Samel and Marahiel 2008). NRPS core motifs.
Two types of modules can be distinguished:
the initiation or starting module lacks the C do-
main and therefore is A–T. Elongation or extend-
ing modules are –C–A–T–. Methylation domains B. Module Arrangement
are located within A-domains, while epimeriza-
tion domains are inserted between T– and Originally, many linearly organized NRPS
C-domains. The products are released at thioes- enzymes were discovered. This led to the develop-
terase-like domains, reductive domains or ment of the co-linearity rule: the order in which
specialized C-domains. Fig. 15.1 shows the do- the amino or hydroxyl acids are combined into
main composition within one module. the peptide product is normally determined by the
Comparison of bacterial and fungal NRPSs led arrangement of the A domains within the multi-
to the identification of conserved sequence motifs domain NRPS enzyme. However, in the meantime
(“core motifs”) characteristic for each domain many NRPSs with alternative synthesis patterns
308 Katrin Eisfeld

1 2

A adenylation domain

domains C condensation domain

SH SH T thiolation domain

Fig. 15.1. The amino acid sequence of NRPSs, deriving substrate and the condensation (C) domains are the
from the gene, allows identification of the modules site for peptide bond formation. Modules lacking a
responsible for amino acid activation. Modules can be C domain are used for initiation of peptide synthesis,
subdivided into domains. Adenylation (A) domains while those harboring a C domain are elongation modules
are responsible for substrate recognition and activation, (from Finking and Marahiel 2004)
thiolation (T ) domains covalentely bind the activated

Table 15.2. Conserved sequence motifs of NRPS domains

Domain Motif Sequence in bacteria Sequence in C. heterostrophus Sequence in O. olearius

(Stachelhaus and Marahiel (ascomycete; Lee et al. 2005) (basidiomycete; Eisfeld,
1995) unpublished results)
A4 FDxS FDxSxxE FDxxxx(ED)
C C1 Not listed PxxPxQ PxxPxQ
C2 RHExLRTxF xxxxLRTxx xxxxLR(TS)xF
C4 YxD)FY)AVW xxxxAAWA /
E E1 xxxPIQxWF PLxPIQxxF PLxxxQxxx
E3 DxLLxAxG Not listed xxLxxxG
E4 EGHGRE Not listed ExHGRx
E6 PxxGxGYG Not listed PxxGxxYx
E7 FNYLG(QR) Not listed FNxLGx

and hence different strategies of biosynthesis have A typical linear NRPS template has the do-
been identified. Mootz et al. (2002a, b) proposed main organization A–T–(C–A–T)n1–TE/C with
classifying the known NRPS systems into three n being the number of amino acids that form the
groups according to their biosynthetic logic: linear peptide. Modification domains can be inserted
(type A), iterative (type B) and non-linear NRPSs into the respective modules. In linear NRPSs, pre-
(type C). Examples for the three groups can be dictions can be made about the products being
found not only in bacterial systems but also in fungi. synthesized. Examples for fungal linear NRPS are
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 309

A T C A T C A T C A T C Fig. 15.2. Examples for linear,

AM toxin synthetase
iterative and non-linear NRPSs
in fungi
HC toxin synthetase A T E C A T C A T C A T C

Enniatin synthetase C A T C A M TT C
SidC A T C A T C A T C T C T C

Pes1 A T E C A C A C A T E C T C T
Pso3 C A T A T C A T E C A T E

ACV synthetase, peptaibol synthetases, and cyclo- 1995; Guenzi et al. 1998; Stachelhaus et al. 1999). Another
sporin synthetases (Fig. 15.2). example for a type C NRPS is myxochelin synthesis where
one C domain catalyses the formation of two amide bonds
Iterative NRPSs use their modules or domains (Silakowski et al. 2000). Non-linear NRPSs are also often
repeatedly during the assembly of a product. found to incorporate free soluble molecules without prior
For example, in enniatin synthesis, the cyclo-hex- binding to a thioester, as in vibriobactin or bleomycin
adepsipeptide is synthesized by repeated use of two synthesis (Butterton et al. 2000; Keating et al. 2000a, b;
modules which activate D-hydroxy-isovaleric acid Wyckoff et al. 2001). By now, in Ascomycetes only three
NRPSs belonging to type C are described: the A. fumigatus
and N-methylvaline (Glinski et al. 2002). PF1022A NRPS Afpes1 has the domain organization ATC-CA-ATC-A
synthetase most likely exhibits the same domain (Neville et al. 2005). The Alternaria brassicae NRPS
architecture as enniatin synthetase and also pro- Abrepsy1 consists of five complete modules and an initia-
duces a cyclo-hexadepsipeptide which is assembled tion lacking the A domain (TEC-ATC-ATEC-ATC-ATEC-
by successive condensations of dipeptidol building TC), similar to yersiniabactin synthetase. Therefore Guil-
lemette et al. (2004) suggested the presence of a second
blocks (Weckwerth et al. 2000). Fungal siderophore NRPS with at least one A domain. Stand-alone adenylation
synthetases of the ferrichrome type combine three domains can be found performing Blast searches in many
small amino acids (Gly, Ala or Ser) and three acy- fungal genomes (Eisfeld, unpublished data). Also, the basid-
lated L-5-hydroxy-ornithines but contain only three iomycete O. olearius NRPS Pso3 has an unusual domain
A domains. These hexapeptides are also expected to arrangement (CAT-ATC-ATEC-ATE; Eisfeld et al., unpub-
lished data). Unfortunately, the products of these fungal
be produced iteratively, mediated by additional non-linear NRPSs have not been identified so far. Thus, no
truncated modules lacking the adenylation statement about the strategy of synthesis can be made.
domains (Haas et al. 2003; Schwecke et al. 2006).
This architecture is also found at the C-terminus of
the enniatin synthetase Glinski et al. 2002). Mootz
et al. (2002a, b) suggested that iterative NRPSs can C. Domain Types of Non-Ribosomal Peptide
be regarded as linear NRPS with an iterative activity Synthetases
at the C-terminus (Fig. 15.2). 1. Adenylation Domain
The architecture of non-linear NRPSs differs
from that of type A NRPSs and the domain a) Functions of Adenylation Domains
interaction is more complex. Their possible pro- The core element of NRPS modules is the adeny-
ducts can not be predicted. An unusual domain lation domain (A-domain). This domain is about
arrangement is found at a large number of bacte- 550 amino acids in size and fulfils two functions:
rial NRPSs while most fungal NRPSs described so the selection and the activation of the cognate
far are of the linear or iterative type. substrate. The substrate to be activated is an
amino acid, an imino acid, a hydroxyl acid or a
For example, in syringomycin and yersiniabactin biosynthe-
carboxy acid that will subsequently be added to
sis occurs in trans aminoacylation. In yersiniabactin synthe- the growing peptide chain (von Döhren 2004). The
sis one A domain loads three different PCPs (Zhang et al. activation step is ATP dependent, consuming one
310 Katrin Eisfeld

ATP and generating one PPi (Dieckmann et al. droxybenzoic acid activating domain DhbE which sup-
1995; Stachelhaus and Marahiel 1995; Mootz and ported the findings that A domains share a very similar
fold. Both adenylation domains consist of two major sub-
Marahiel 1997). It has been studied by the ATP- domains, a smaller C-terminal subdomain of about 100
PPi exchange assay which was developed to mea- residues and a larger N-terminal subdomain of about 400
sure the substrate specificity for an A domain residues.
(Santi et al. 1974; Konz et al. 1999; Mootz and
Marahiel 2002). b) Substrate Specificity
Adenylation domains catalyze a two-step re- The study of the specificity of A domains was
action. The first step is the adenylation of greatly facilitated by the determination of the
the substrate resulting in the formation of an crystal structures of PheA and DhbE (Conti et al.
acyl-AMP. The second step is the formation of 1997; May et al. 2002). Based on the crystal struc-
a covalent binding via a thioester bond to the ture of PheA, Conti et al. (1997) determined the
40 phosphopantetheine (Ppant) cofactor at the amino acid residues that are crucial for substrate
PCP domain (Fig. 15.3). binding. Adenylation domain sequence align-
A set of conserved sequence motifs for recog- ments identified ten sequence positions which lie
nition and binding of the substrates is character- in a 100 amino acid stretch between core motifs
istic for A domains (Fig. 15.4). These motifs are A4 and A5 and are lining the binding pocket
highly conserved and almost all of them are locat- (Fig. 15.4). This allowed the correlation with
ed around the active sites where the substrates are known substrates and the proposal of a non ribo-
bound (Marahiel et al. 1997). somal specificity-conferring code. The crystal
structure of DhbE allowed the adaptation of a
The activation reaction is analogous to the first reaction specificity conferring code for aryl acid activating
performed by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases on ribosomes
(Arnez and Moras 1997). Crystal structures exist for two domains (Stachelhaus et al. 1999). Challis et al.
bacterial adenylation domains, PheA (Conti et al. 1997) (2000) presented a more detailed analysis allowing
and DhbE (May et al. 2002). PheA is the L-phenylalanine- the prediction of the specificity of adenylation
activating domain of the Bacillus brevis gramicidin S syn- domains of unknown function. The predictive
thetase GrsA. Conti et al. (1997) found that this A-domain structure-based models permit the prediction of
shares no homology with tRNA synthetases but shows low
(16%) sequence homology with acyl-CoA ligases and fire- amino acid specificity in NRPS of unknown func-
fly luciferases, which also belong to the superfamily of tion but derive largely by systematic comparative
peptide synthetases and adenylate-forming enzymes and analysis of bacterial A domains. However, these
these enzymes exhibit an almost identical fold. May et al. models are not fully applicable for all fungal A
(2002) solved the structure of the stand-alone 2,3-dihy- domains. For example, while the three adenylation
domains of ACV synthetases have identical
amino acid residues at the positions defining the
+ Mg2+ +
non-ribosomal code, no other valine specificity
H3N H3N domains correlate. The D-alanine-specific
-PPi R
domains of cyclosporin synthetase and HC-toxin
synthetase have identical residues, but the pre-
Fig. 15.3. The adenylation domain catalyzes the activation dicted specificity-conferring residues for alanine
of a carboxy acid by hydrolysis of ATP and proline show wide variations in fungi (von

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10

A3 interaction with pyrophosphate leaving group

A4 interaction with amino group
A7 interaction via hydrogen bonds with oxygen atoms of nucleoside ribose moiety
A8 essential for adenylation
A10 binds to substrate and ribose oxygens

Fig. 15.4. Position and function of conserved motifs of the adenylation domain
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 311

Döhren 2004). Siderophore synthetases of the fer- acid at position 2, alanine at position 8). Interest-
richrome type are restricted to fungi and Schwecke ingly, the specificity of the cyclosporin synthetase
et al. (2006) analyzed the codons derived from code system differs in vivo and in vitro (Lawen and
positions in detail, as they did not match available Traber 1993). Most sites of the related peptolide
specificities. The authors found three different SDZ 214-103 synthetase appear to be more specific
codes for glycine activating domains and three than those of cyclosporine synthetase (Lawen and
major groups of adenylation domains for orni- Traber 1993).
thine-derived substrates. Rausch et al. (2005)
Isolated A domains of ACV synthetase which synthesizes
invented a new support vector machine-based ap- the penicillin precursor do not discriminate between L-a-
proach to predict substrate specificity using 1230 amino-adipic acid (Aad) and valine. In didomain con-
NRPS A domains and were able to predict the structs with the cognate carrier proteins however, both
specificity for 18% more sequences than Stachel- substrates were activated at similar levels but only Aad
haus et al. (1999) and Challis et al. (2000). For 2.4% was detected as an acid-stable thioester, which suggests a
role in selection of the carrier domain (von Döhren et al.
of the sequences no prognosis was possible, a large 1999). There also exist various natural enniatins caused by
ratio of them of fungal origin. Therefore, eukaryot- a lowered substrate specificity of the A domain of the
ic A domains might have developed a differing second module (EB) of the enniatin synthetase which
domain architecture of the substrate binding sites activates the branched chain N-methyl-L-amino acid
or an alternative selection of the residues lining the (Madry et al. 1984). The first module of the enniatin
synthetase (EA; activation of a-D-hydroxyisovaleric acid)
binding pocket might define slightly different con- also has a relaxed substrate specificity (Krause et al. 2001;
tacts (Rausch et al. 2005; Schwecke et al. 2006). Feifel et al. 2007), but a highly specific dehydrogenase
Furthermore, in contrast to aminoacyl-tRNA supplies the enzyme exclusively with D-Hiv (Lee et al.
synthetases, A domains of peptide synthetases 1992) and is found in most enniatin synthesizing strains.
often do not display unique substrate specificity. Therefore a high conservation in this position is preserved.
Feifel et al. (2007) demonstrated, that the enniatin synthe-
Many non-ribosomally formed peptides display tase has substrate tolerance towards a variety of different a-
both highly conserved and variable amino acid D-hydroxy acids and furthermore permits the synthesis of
positions. Wiest et al. (2002) suggested that the various new enniatins with versatile functional groups.
multiplicity of products of one NRPS is a result of
the ability of the A domain to bind multiple sub- Peptaibols are synthesized by various fungi, includ-
strates. Both in phylogenetic analysis and using the ing fungi of the genera Acremonium, Paecilomyces,
signature sequences proposed by Challis et al. Emericellopsis and several species of Trichoderma
(2000) the A domains of peptaibol synthetases (reviewed by Daniel and Filho 2007). Peptaibols are
from Trichoderma/Hypocrea display a high diversi- linear oligopeptides which self-assemble into oligo-
ty and prediction of amino acids bound by mers forming pores or channels across the plasma
these modules often was impossible (Komon- membrane of their target organisms (Chugh and
Zelazowska et al. 2007). These variations lead to a Wallace 2001). They typically occur as mixtures of
wide range of peptide families. For example, more isoforms and more than 300 peptaibols have been
than 30 analogues of cyclosporin A have been de- found to date (Whitmore and Wallace 2004; http://
scribed (Billich and Zocher 1987; Lawen et al. 1989; A special charac-
Traber et al. 1989; Kleinkauf and von Döhren 1995; teristic of peptaibols is that they are produced as
Eckstein and Fung 2003; Wei et al. 2004). Cyclo- families of similar peptides, often differing in one
sporin A is a cyclic undecapeptide with various or a few amino acids and displaying similar
biological properties including antifungal, antipar- biological activities. Particularly noticeable, howev-
asitic, anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive er, is that most positions are conserved while
activities (Borel 1986) and is widely used in human others are less stringently controlled. Two exam-
transplantation surgery (Kahan 1984) and in the ples are shown in Fig. 15.5.
treatment of autoimmune diseases (Talal 1988).
The cyclosporin synthetase of Beauveria nivea 2. Thiolation Domains and 40 -
exhibits a broad spectrum of activities. Incorpora- Phosphopantetheine Transferases
tion of amino acids ranges from highly specific sites
(e.g. sarcosine at position 3, methylleucine at posi- Following selection and activation, the substrate is
tions 4, 6, 9) to very unspecific ones (e.g. butenyl- covalently attached to the 80-amino-acid thiola-
methythreonine at position 1, L-a-aminobutyric tion (T) or peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) domain
312 Katrin Eisfeld

Antiamoebins (Lehr et al. 2006)

I Ac-Phe-Aib-Aib-Aib-D-Iva-Gly-Leu-Aib-Aib-Hyp-Gln-D-Iva-Hyp-Aib-Pro-Phe-OH
II Ac-Phe-Aib-Aib-Aib-Aib-Gly-Leu-Aib-Aib-Hyp-Gln-D-Iva-Hyp-Aib-Pro-Phe-OH
XVI Ac-Leu-Aib-Aib-Aib-D-Iva-Gly-Leu-Aib-Aib-Hyp-Gln-D-Iva-Hyp-Aib-Pro-Phe-OH

Ampullosporin A and analogues (Kronen et al. 2001)

A Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Aib-Aib-Gln-Leu-Aib-Gln-Leu-OH
B Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Ala-Aib-Gln-Leu-Aib-Gln-Leu-OH
C Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Aib-Ala-Gln-Leu-Aib-Gln-Leu-OH
D Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Aib-Aib-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Leu-OH
E1 Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Ala-Ala-Gln-Leu-Aib-Gln-Leu-OH
E2 Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Ala-Ala-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Leu-OH
E3 Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Aib-Aib-Ala-Gln-Leu-Ala-Gln-Leu-OH
E4 Ac-Trp-Ala-Aib-Aib-Leu-Aib-Gln-Ala-Ala-Aib-Gln-Leu-Aib-Gln-Leu-OH

Fig. 15.5. Examples for similar peptides of the peptaibol family. Less conserved positions are shaded in gray

O O In Aspergillus fumigatus and in A. nidulans, the

H3N+ H3N+ npgA/cwfA PPTases have been characterized and
shown to contribute to penicillin biosynthesis,
R R pigmentation, lysine and siderophore biosynthe-
sis and biosynthesis of other polyketides and
T peptides (Kim et al. 2001; Mootz et al. 2002a, b;
Keszenman-Pereyra et al. 2003; Oberegger et al.
Fig. 15.6. Aminoacyl adenylate substrates of the elongat-
ing peptide chain are covalently attached to the 40 Ppant 2003; Márquez-Fernández et al. 2007). It was sug-
cofactor of the T domain gested that a single PPTase is responsible for the
activation of all PKSs and NRPSs in A. nidulans
(Márquez-Fernández et al. 2007).
located at the C terminus of an A domain. This
domain accepts the activated amino acid and acts T domains exhibit a conserved structure consisting of a
as a transport vehicle (Stachelhaus et al. 1996; four-helix bundle fold (Weber et al. 2000). Helix 2 contains
the site of recognition for other protein partners (includ-
Weber et al. 2000; Fig. 15.6). Before this occurs, ing AcpS, A-domains, C-domains, E-domains; reviewed by
the T domain has to be post-translationally con- Finking and Marahiel 2004).
verted to the active form by the covalent attach-
ment of a 4’ Ppant cofactor derived from In T domains of NRPSs the core motif is LGG
coenzyme A (Lambalot et al. 1996; Reuter et al. (HD)S(LI). The motif encloses a highly conserved
1999). This modification is catalyzed by a member serine residue whose hydroxyl group functions as
of a special class of phosphopantetheinyl trans- attachment site for Ppant. The activated amino
ferases (the carrier protein superfamily) which acid is transferred onto the thiol moiety of Ppant
also activate acyl carrier proteins of fatty acid and a thioester bond is formed. The cofactor acts
synthases and polyketide synthases. according to the swinging arm mechanism de-
scribed for fatty acid synthesis to allow the
Bacterial Ppant transferases (PPTases) are subdivided into bound substrate to travel between different cata-
three groups according to their primary sequences and
their substrate specificities (Lambalot et al. 1996). The bac-
lytic centers (Finking and Marahiel, 2004; Stachel-
terial AcpS-type PPTases are usually associated with pri- haus et al. 1996; Stein et al. 1996).
mary metabolism while a second group of eukaryotic Alignments of carrier domains of NRPSs led
PPTases are integral domains of fatty acid synthases. to clustering that correlates with function (i.e.
Ppant transferases of the third class (sfp type; surfactin interaction with their protein partners and accept-
phosphotransferase) often are associated with NRPS gene
clusters (Nakano et al. 1992; Lambalot 1996). These enzy-
ed amino acid; Dieckmann and von Döhren 1997)
mes modify a variety of carrier proteins and domains in- and localization of the T domain within a module
cluding PCPs of NRPSs and acyl-carrier proteins (ACPs) of (Linne et al. 2001). In bacteria, thiolation domains
fatty acid synthases and polyketide synthases in bacteria. interacting with epimerization domains contain
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 313

O O Fig. 15.7. The condensation do-

R1 O
+ –H2O H main catalyzes peptide bond
H3N H2N N formation between the acyl
+ groups of activated substrates
R1 R2 O R2 attached to the T domains of
adjacent modules

the conserved motif LGGDSL, while interaction tion/pantetheinylation step. However, by means
with condensation domains requires the motif of mischarged donor and acceptor aa-S-Ppant T
LGGDSI. Again, the assumption that an aspara- domains Belshaw et al. (1999) demonstrated that
gine residue is essential for the epimerization re- there is also a selectivity of the C domain at the
action is not fully applicable to fungi, as fungal T acceptor site. Both donor and acceptor site exhibit
domains contain most frequently an isoleucine strong stereoselectivity while the acceptor site also
residue in the presence and in the absence of an shows significant side-chain selectivity (Lautru
E domain (von Döhren 2004). and Challis 2004). Rausch et al. (2007) recently
reviewed the current knowledge of subtypes of
the C domain. LDL-catalysts catalyze the conden-
3. Condensation Domains sation of two L-amino acids. DCL-catalysts
are C-domains that are located immediately
The condensation (C) domain consists of 450 downstream of epimerization domains and
amino acids and is the third domain type, being are D-specific for the upstream donor and L-
essential for elongation of the peptide chain in specific for the downstream acceptor, and there-
non-ribosomal peptide synthesis. The C domain fore form a peptide bond between a D- and
catalyzes the peptide bond formation between the an L-residue (Clugston et al. 2003). Dual
aminoacyl substrates attached to T domains of ad- epimerization/condensation (E/C) domains are
jacent modules (Stachelhaus et al. 1998). According DCL catalysts with epimerase activity, which cata-
to the thiotemplate model (Stein et al. 1996), C lyze the epimerization of an L-residue and subse-
domains comprise a donor and an acceptor site. quently promote the condensation of this amino
The latter binds the aminoacylated cofactor which acid with the amino acid attached to the upstream
acts as nucleophile while the donor harbors the module. E/C-domains exhibit a second His-motif
cofactor of the upstream module which is loaded (HH(I/L)xxxGD) which is located near the N-
with an aminoacyl or peptidyl group. The C domain terminus (Balibar et al. 2005). Heterocyclization
catalyzes the nucleophilic attack which results in the (Cyc) domains catalyze peptide bond formation
formation of a peptide bond between the activated and subsequent cyclization of cysteine, serine and
acyl group and the free amino (or imino or hydroxyl) threonine which results in formation of a five-
group of a second amino acid (de Crécy-Lagard et al. membered heterocyclic ring (Sieber and Marahiel
1995; von Döhren et al. 1997; Fig. 15.7). During 2005). Cyc domains are related to C-domains but
assembly of the peptide chain in an N- to C-terminal the active site motif is replaced by the motif
direction the intermediates remain bound to the DxxxxD in which the aspartate residues are criti-
enzyme (Roskoski et al. 1970). cal for both reactions performed by this domain
The C domains appear to be enzymes to be (Keating et al. 2002).
found exclusively in NRPSs. Solely the highly con-
served core motif HHxxxDG (C3; see Table 15.2) 4. Modifying Domains
resembles the active site motif of acyl transferases
(de Crécy-Lagard et al. 1995; Marahiel et al. 1997). Typically NRPs contain unusual or modified amino
Mutation of the second histidine residue in this acids. Fungal non-ribosomal peptides often con-
motif abolishes the condensation reaction (Sta- tain modifications such as N-acylation and C-
chelhaus et al. 1998). terminal reduction (peptaibols), N-methylations
As described above, the specificity of an NRPS (cyclosporin, enniatin) and site-specific epimeriza-
module is principally controlled at the adenyla- tions. N-methylations and epimerizations are con-
314 Katrin Eisfeld

ducted by particular domains while the latter can I II/Y IV V

also be conducted by distinct enzymes. Here,

N-methylation (N-MTase) domains and epimeriza-
tion (E) domains are described.
a) N-Methylation Domain II/Y SYVGLDPS AdoMet binding activity
N-Methylated peptides produced by fungi include IV DLVVFNSVVQVFTPPEYL
pharmacological interesting peptides such as cy-
closporin, members of the enniatin family and Fig. 15.8. Position and function of conserved motifs of the
aureobasidin A. The genes encoding cyclosporin methylation domain
synthetase, enniatin synthetase and peramine syn-
thetase have been studied (see Table 15.1), but
N-methylated amino acids are also found in
VL(D/E)GxGxG), which is similar to the SAM-
PF1022, beauvericin, tentoxin, cyclopeptin and binding site of the heteologous class of cosub-
omphalotins and there are predicted N-methyla- strate-dependent methyltransferases (Hacker
tion domains in genomes of e.g. Magnaporthe et al. 2000; Fig. 15.8). Aside from structural fea-
grisea, Aspergillus flavus, A. nidulans and Phaner- tures typical of other AdoMet-dependent methyl-
ochaete chrysosporium (Peeters et al. 1988; Lieber- transferases, N-MTase domains of NRPS share
mann and Ramm 1991; Sterner et al. 1997; only weak sequence similarity to other methyl-
Weckwerth et al. 2000; Eisfeld, unpublished transferases (Billich and Zocher 1987; Burmester
data). N-Methylation of peptides contributes to et al. 1995; Hacker et al. 2000).
their biological activity and to peptide bond stabi-
lization against proteolytic cleavage (Marahiel b) Epimerization Domains and Amino Acid
et al. 1997). Racemases
N-Methylation of amino acids during non- Besides N-methylation, incorporation of D-amino
ribosomal peptide synthesis occurs at the thioe- acids is also a common feature of non-ribosomal
ster stage prior to peptide bond formation peptide syntheses in fungi. The corresponding
(Zocher et al. 1983, 1986; Schauwecker et al. NRPSs mostly contain an epimerization (E) do-
2000; Weckwerth et al. 2000). The N-methyltrans- main. These domains are about 420 amino acids
ferase activity is determined by N-MTase domains in size. E domains strongly resemble condensa-
(420 amino acids) which are inserted between tion domains but can be distinguished by the
core motifs A8 and A9 of the corresponding presence of seven signature sequences character-
A domains (Fig. 15.4, Table 15.2). The 40 -phos- istic for these domains (Table 15.2). In a linear
phopantetheine-bound amino acids are substrates NRPS, E domains are located at the C-terminus of
for the corresponding methyltransferase. the respective module’s T domain. Two types
S-Adenosyl-methionine (SAM) serves as methyl of E domains can be distinguished: E domains
donor. The N-MTase domains of NRPSs catalyze originating from elongation modules (peptidyl-
the transfer of the methyl residue onto the cova- E domains) and E domains of initiation modules
lentely bound aminoacyl (or peptidyl) group, (aminoacyl-E domains). Epimerization of ami-
releasing S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy) noacyl and peptidyl intermediates takes place at
as a reaction product (Lawen and Zocher 1990; the thioester stage. The reaction is reversible, thus
Dittmann et al. 1994; Zocher and Keller 1997; an equilibrium of both isomers is established
Glinski et al. 2002). Recently, Hornbogen et al. (Stachelhaus and Walsh 2000). The condensation
(2007) demonstrated that AdoHyc acts as a regu- reaction is involved in the control of stereospecif-
lator of enniatin synthesis by inhibiting the for- ity by catalyzing solely the elongation of the
mation of desmethyl enniatin. However, in the D-isomer (Belshaw et al. 1999; Clugston et al.
absence of SAM, non-methylated products form 2003). However, the active site of the E domain
at a reduced rate (Glinski et al. 2001), indicating selectively stabilizes the D-isomer in the E domain
that N-methylation is not obligatory for the follow- of gramicidin S synthetase. Therefore, stereospe-
ing condensation reaction. cifity is not only controlled in the subsequent
N-MTase domains contain four signature core reaction but also at the epimerization stage
motifs including a glycine-rich sequence (motif I; (Stachelhaus and Walsh 2000).
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 315

Incorporation of a D-amino acid may also be b) Reductase Domain

determined by the specificity of the A domain. A terminal aldehyde or alcohol group has been
In this case, an external racemase provides the found in various non-ribosomally produced
D-amino acid. Well known examples in fungal peptides, for example peptaibols. These result
peptide synthesis are alanine residues in cyclo- in liberation of the nascent peptide from its
sporin and HC toxin. Hoffmann et al. (1994) covalent linkage to the enzyme by a reductase
characterized the racemase involved in cyclo- (R) domain. R domains (400 amino acids in
sporin formation. The enzyme catalyzes the re- size) share homology with NAD(P)H-dependent
versible racemization of alanine and requires reductases, e.g. in the yeast biosynthetic pathway
pyridoxal phosphate as the exclusive cofactor. for lysine synthesis (Guo et al. 2001; von Döhren
In Cochliobolus carbonum, the TOXG gene en- 2004).
codes the alanine racemase required for synthe-
sis of D-Ala for incorporation into HC toxin c) Condensation Domain
(Cheng and Walton 2000). In fungi, most NRPSs carry a C-terminal conden-
sation domain which results in cyclization of the
peptide product. Chain termination in this case is
accomplished by amide bond formation. For ex-
5. Termination Domains
ample, in cyclosporin synthesis the terminal C
The final step in non-ribosomal peptide synthesis domain has been assumed to couple the free
is the release of the covalentely bound peptide amino group of D-Ala1 to the carboxyl group of
from the enzyme. This step is catalyzed by L-Ala11. However, there is neither direct evidence
specialized C-terminal domains which on the for this reaction nor a lack of evidence for an acyl-
one hand must accept the mature product and O-C domain intermediate (Keating et al. 2001).
on the other hand must recognize the full-length Enniatin synthesis, HC-toxin synthesis and the
peptide chain to prevent hydrolysis of incomplete synthesis of PF1022A are predicted to follow an-
peptides (Schneider and Marahiel 1998). In other mechanism. In analogy to acyl transferase 1,
bacteria, C-terminal thioesterase (TE) domains a direct nucleophilic attack on the thioester bond
commonly release the final product. However, was suggested (Scott-Craig et al. 1992; Haese et al.
termination of non-ribosomal peptide synthesis 1993; Pieper et al. 1995; Shaw-Reid et al. 1999;
may also be catalyzed by reductase (R) domains Weckwerth et al. 2000). The enniatin synthetase
or condenation domains. The latter are found carries a terminal didomain T-C module replacing
mainly in fungal NRPSs (Keating et al. 2001). the TE domain and allowing the successive accu-
mulation of oligomeres on the T domain prior to
the cyclization mediated by the C-domain (Feifel
a) Thioesterase Domain et al. 2007).
In bacterial NRPSs, the release of the nascent In LPS1, the ergotamine synthetase of Clavi-
peptide is mostly catalyzed by a thioesterase ceps puprurea, a domain with limited similarity to
(TE) domain which comprises about 250 amino both, C and cyclization domains of NRPS is locat-
acids. This domain has homology to thio- ed at the carboxy terminal side. This domain dif-
esterases found in the fatty acid metabolism fers in the highly conserved motif C3, suggesting a
(Pazirandeh et al. 1991). After transfer of the special mechanism in the final step of the D-lyser-
peptidyl intermediate onto a catalytic serine or gyl-peptide lactam synthesis where a diketopiper-
cysteine the TE domain leads to the release of azine is formed from the Phe and Pro moieties
the nascent peptide by hydrolysis, cyclization (Walzel et al. 1997).
or oligomerization (Samel et al. 2006). Most fun-
gal NRPSs, however, lack TE domains (Walton
2004). One exception is the ACV synthetase III. Distinctions Between Fungal
which is highly conserved between bacteria and and Bacterial NRPSs
fungi. There is also a terminal TE domain in an
uncharacterized Phanerochaete chrysosporium Although fungal and bacterial NRPSs share the
NRPS and in A. nidulans TdiA (see Table 15.1; domain architecture typical for these enzymes,
Balibar et al. 2007). there are some characteristics of fungal peptide
316 Katrin Eisfeld

synthetases that differ from those of bacterial ori- Non-ribosomal peptide synthesis has been
gin. As described above, conserved sequence studied mainly in bacteria and at lot of infor-
motifs strongly resemble each other in bacteria mation about bacterial NRPSs is available. Apart
and fungi, but also differ to some extend and the from that, these enzymes have been described
“non-ribosomal code” established with sequence mostly for filamentous ascomycete fungi. As
data from bacterial NRPSs cannot be (fully) ap- described above, many ascomycetes produce
plied to fungal systems (von Döhren 2004; NRPs which are useful in medicine (penicillin,
Schwecke et al. 2006). cyclosporine), or are involved in pathogenesis
The most obvious difference between fungal (enniatin, HC toxin, AM toxin, gliotoxin),
and bacterial NRPSs is that most fungal peptide act as siderophores for iron acquisition or in
synthetases consist of one polypeptide chain while iron storage or possess yet unknown activities
bacterial NRPSs in most cases consist of more (Stachelhaus and Marahiel 1995; Kleinkauf and
than one protein (Weber et al. 1994). Initially, von Döhren 1996; Schwarzer and Marahiel 2001;
this was thought to be characteristic for fungal Haas 2003; von Döhren 2004). The first fungal
NRPSs and still applies to most of them. The NRPS genes examined (e.g. ACV synthetase,
ergot peptide system, however, operates with two HC toxin synthetase, cyclosporin synthetase and
interacting multienzymes, lysergyl peptide syn- others) were large genes which contained no
thetase 1 (Lps1) and lysergyl peptide synthetase introns (Smith et al. 1990; Gutierrez et al. 1991;
2 (Lps2; Riederer et al. 1996). A model of two Scott-Craig et al. 1992; Weber et al. 1994). There-
interacting NRPSs has also been proposed for fore, it was suggested, that these genes derived
ampullosporin synthesis in Sepedonium ampul- from horizontal gene transfer from bacteria. The
losporum (Reiber et al. 2003). fact, that fungal NRPS genes are intron-less is
Most bacterial NRPSs carry a TE domain at still true for many NRPS genes but meanwhile
the C-terminus (Keating et al. 2001). In fungi, TE also many NRPS genes have been discovered
domains are rare and mostly a C-terminal C do- that bear introns. Some examples are shown in
main is found. A TE domain is found in the ACV Table 15.3. The first NRPS gene identified which
synthetase, but this enzyme is an exception as it is interrupted by at least two introns was a
shares a very high homology to bacterial ACV peptide synthetase gene in Metarhizium aniso-
synthetases. It has been suggested that the peni- pliae (Bailey et al. 1996). However, the number
cillin biosynthetic gene cluster derived from pro- of introns in ascomycetous NRPS genes ranges
karyotic origin and has been transmitted by from one to seven which still is a very low
horizontal gene transfer (Aharonowitz et al. intron content, considering the enormous size
1992). Furthermore, typical for fungal NRPSs is of the genes and compared to other genes.
that they often contain D-amino acids, but the However, in A. fumigatus, ten out of the 14
corresponding NRPSs contain no epimerization NRPS sequences identified contain introns with
domain (Doekel and Marahiel 2001). In these NRPS1 having the most with six (Cramer et al.
cases, external epimerases catalyze the formation 2006).
of the D-amino acid which is then incorporated by
an adenylation domain with substrate specificity
for the D-isomer (see above). External epimerases Table 15.3. Selected NRPS genes of ascomycetes and the
have not yet been described for bacterial NRPSs number of introns contained
where this reaction is typically carried out in cis.
A lot of modifications carried out subsequent to Producer NRPS Number of
gene introns
the assembly of the peptides have been described
for bacterial NRPs. These reactions include halo- Claviceps purpurea CPPS2 2
genations, hydroxylations and glycosylations. Neotyphodium lolii lpsA 2
Metarhizium anisopliae PESA 2
The chemical modifications of the peptides are Alternaria brassicae AbrePsy1 7
catalyzed by enzymes which are associated with Aspergillus nidulans SIDC 1
the corresponding gene cluster (reviewed by A. fumigatus SIDC 1
Samel and Marahiel 2008). Such enzymes as- Schizosaccharomyces SIP1 1
sociated with fungal NRPSs have not yet been pombe
Magnaporthe grisea SSM1 1
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 317

IV. Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthesis high levels of similarity to siderophore synthe-

in Basidiomycetes tases of ascomycetes.
Interestingly, FSO1 is interrupted by a total of 48
introns (Welzel et al. 2005). Although a high number
Most fungal NRPSs described so far derive from
of introns is very unusual for NRPS genes, basidio-
ascomycetes. Basidiomycetes are also well known
mycete genes generally are interrupted by many
as producers of interesting natural compounds
introns (Larrondo et al. 2004; Martinez et al. 2004).
and possess a manifold secondary metabolism
Two more NRPS genes have been identified in O.
(Lorenzen and Anke 1998). Peptides produced
olearius: PSO3 and PSO4 (Welzel 2005; Eisfeld, un-
by basidiomycetes include for example the toxic
published data). Both NRPSs have unusual domain
amanitines and phalloidines (Amanita sp.; Vetter
architectures and contain a relatively high number
1998), the immunosuppressive cycloamanides
of introns. PSO4 consists of one minimal module
(Amanita phalloides; Chiang et al. 1982) and the
and an additional C domain at its N-terminus
nematicidal omphalotins (Omphalotus olearius;
(CATC). PSO3 is displayed in Fig. 15.2. The 15 656-
Sterner et al. 1997). However, there is not much
bp gene is disrupted by 25 introns. Noticeably,
information about non-ribosomal peptide synthe-
introns often interrupt conserved sequence motifs.
sis in basidiomycetes.
Attempts to identify the products of these NRPSs
have been unsuccessful so far.
The bicyclic amatoxins and phallotoxins are octapeptides
and heptapeptides, respectively. These peptides were
The recent annotation of several basidiomycete genomes
thought to be produced non-ribosomally. However, se- facilitates the search for NRPS genes in these fungi. In U.
quencing of Amanita bisporogena revealed that this fun- maydis, besides the siderophore synthetases a partial open
gus contains no NRPS genes but two genes, AMA1 and reading frame that contains the N-terminal fragment of an
PHA1, which directly encode a-amanitin and phallacidin. NRPS was identified (um10543) which has the predicted
Both peptides are synthesized as proproteins from which domain architecture ATC-ATC-ATC and contains at least
they are predicted to be cleaved by a prolyl oligopeptidase 12 introns (Bölker et al. 2008). The Coprinus cinerea ge-
(Hallen et al. 2007). Hallen et al. suggested that fungi of the nome seems to comprise one NRPS gene, CC1G_04210,
Amanita sp. have a broad capacity to synthesize cyclic with a length of 7782 bp, which is interrupted by 14 introns
peptides ribosomally as AMA1 and PHA1 are also present (Blast searches at the Broad Institute). The truncated mod-
in other toxic species. Amanita virosa produces virotox- ules (TC) suggest that the deduced peptide synthetase
ins, toxic peptides which are solely found in this fungus. belongs to the iterative NRPSs (Fig. 15.9). CC1G_04210 is
The structure of viroisin, the main virotoxin, is in part the clustered with an L-ornithine monooxygenase gene, there-
same as in phallotoxins but contains D-serine instead of L- fore this NRPS is likely to encode a siderophore synthetase. L-
cysteine and two unnatural amino acids (2,3-trans-3,4- Ornithine monooxygenases comprise the first step in syn-
dihydroxy-L-proline and 2’-(methylsulfonyl)-L-trypto- thesis of siderophores of the hydroxamate type. The domain
phan). It remains to be elucidated whether this toxin also architecture resembles more that of NRPSs of the coprogen
is synthesized ribosomally. type than that of the ferrichrome type which in ascomycetes
is mostly ATC-TC or ATC-TTC (Oide et al. 2006). In O.
olearius and in several ascomycetes the siderophore synthe-
However, NRPS genes have been found in other tase genes are also clustered with the L-ornithine monoox-
basidiomycetes. Siderophore biosynthesis has ygenase-encoding gene (Haas 2003; Welzel et al. 2005).
Phanerochaete chrysosoprium was predicted to con-
been investigated in the ustilaginomycete Ustilago tain seven NRPS genes (Martinez et al. 2004). However,
maydis and in the homobasidiomycete Omphalo- Blast searches at NCBI or JGI could only identify one
tus olearius. U. maydis produces ferrichrome and NRPS. This gene encodes a dimodular NRPS with the
ferrichrome A (Budde and Leong 1989). The first module comprising an N-MTase domain. Interesting-
ly, a terminal Te domain is found in this NRPS (Fig. 15.9),
corresponding siderophore synthetases have which is rare in fungal NRPSs. In silico analyses lead to the
been identified. SID2 and FER3 encode the ferri- assumption that the P. chrysosporium NRPS gene is inter-
chrome synthetase and the ferrichrome A synthe- rupted by at least five introns (Eisfeld, unpublished data).
tase, respectively (Yuan et al. 2001; Eichhorn et al. In the genome of the stem rust fungus, Puccinia graminis,
one monomodular NRPS (ATC) can be identified
2006). A putative ferrichrome A synthetase gene performing Blast searches at NCBI and this gene is inter-
has also been found in O. olearius. The NRPS gene rupted by three predicted introns. In the Laccaria bicolor
encoding the ferrichrome A synthetase in this genome no NRPS-encoding gene could be identified so far.
fungus (FSO1) was the first NRPS gene described
in a higher basidiomycete. The basidiomycete fer- Comparison of conserved sequence motifs in
richrome-type siderophore synthetase possesses basidiomycete NRPSs reveals, that sequences show
318 Katrin Eisfeld

O. olearius Fso1



C. cinerea CC1G_04210

P. chrysosporium n.a. A M T C A TTe

U.maydis Sid2 A TC A TC A TCTC


UMO5245.1 A TC A TC A TC

P. graminis n.a. A TC

Fig. 15.9. NRPSs in basidiomycetes

Table 15.4. Selected NRPS genes of basidiomycetes and long, occurred at an early stage in evolution at
the number of introns contained least 500106 years ago (Taylor and Berbee
Producer NRPS gene Number of 2006). According to the “intron early theory” a
introns near intron-less state of diverse eukaryotes seems
to be due to the massive loss of ancestral introns,
Puccinia graminis Not annotated 2 (in silico
analysis) also bolstering the idea of complete intron loss in
Ustilago maydis SID2 0 prokaryotes (reviewed by Roy and Gilbert 2006).
FER3 1 This might be also reflected in the intron content
UMO5245.1 8 of fungal NRPS genes.
Coprinus cinerea CC1G_04210 14 (predicted)
Phanerochaete Not annotated
Omphalotus olearius FSO1 48
PSO3 25 V. Physiological Significance of Peptides
PSO4 3
The activities of peptide products with respect
to interactions with other organisms have been
much more variations than those of bacterial origin, extensively studied. For example, the mode of
even within one species (Eisfeld, unpublished data). action of cyclosporin and penicillin and their deri-
While amplification of NRPS gene fragments using vatives is very well documented. However, inter-
degenerate primers deduced from core motifs often organismal activities mostly are not the primary
is successful in bacteria and in ascomycetes, se- function of NRPs and the physiological signifi-
quence variations may hamper or even impede the cance of most of the peptides is unknown
amplification of yet unknown NRPSs in basidiomy- (Turgeon et al. 2008). Among the few well studied
cetes using this approach. functions of small peptides is the function as
It is particularly noticeable that the homoba- siderophores in complexing Fe3+. Siderophores
sidiomycete NRPS genes are interrupted by a of the ferrichrome and of the coprogen type have
higher number of introns than those of U. maydis been described in many fungi as for example
and P. graminis. The P. graminis NRPS-encoding A. fumigatus, A. nidulans, U. maydis, O. olearius,
gene seems to be interrupted by two introns S. pombe, and various phytopathogenic fungi
(Table 15.4). The divergence of ustilaginomycetes (M. grisea, C. heterostrophus, F. graminearum,
(including U. maydis and P. graminis) from hyme- Alternaria brassicicola, etc.) and an additional role
nomycetes, to which the homobasidiomycetes be- as pathogenicity factor has been demonstrated for
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 319

some of them (Eisendle et al. 2003, 2006; Hof et al. to various stresses. Deletion of NPS4 led to loss
2005; Welzel et al. 2005; Oide et al. 2006, 2007; of hydrophobicity, a phenotype also described
Schwecke et al. 2006). The functions of sidero- for the homologous genes in A. brassicicola
phores were reviewed very recently by Johnson (AbNPS2) and G. zeae (Kim et al. 2007; Turgeon
(2008) and Haas et al. (2008), and Schwecke et al. 2008). Turgeon et al. (2008) speculated that
et al. (2006) compared peptide synthetases of the the corresponding NRPS produces a metabolite
ferrichrome type. In brief, siderophores play very similar to acuminatum, a cyclodepsipeptide which
diverse roles. Their primary function is the acqui- has surfactant properties or a peptide that regulates
sition of iron under iron limited conditions and the production of hydrophobins (Tobiasen et al.
the storage of iron. Some siderophores are also 2007). In A. brassicicola, deletion of the homolo-
required for resistance to oxidative stress, asexu- gous gene led not only to a decreased hydrophobi-
al/sexual development or virulence. city phenotype but also to an abnormal spore cell
There are more non-ribosomally synthesized wall morphology and decreased spore germination
peptides which act as virulence factors during rates, indicating that AbNPS2 plays an important
plant pathogenesis. These peptides include AM role in development and virulence (Kim et al.
toxin from Alternaria alternata (Panaccione et al. 2007). Consequently, these studies showed that
1992; Johnson et al. 2000) which causes the apple NRPs may play a role in basic biological processes
pathotype, and the maize pathogenic HC toxin such as nutrient acquisition and sexual and asexual
from Cochliobolus carbonum (Scott-Craig et al. development. However, the physiological function
1992; Jones and Dunkle 1995), and also enniatin of many of them still remains to be elucidated.
from Fusarium spp. (Herrmann et al. 1996). A
possible function for petaibols as virulence factor
has also been described. Peptaibol-producing fungi
of the genus Sepedonium infect fruiting bodies of VI. Examples for NRPS Gene Clusters
basidiomycetes of the order Boletales. The peptai- and Cluster Evolution
bols are thought to facilitate the invasion process
by damaging host tissues in the basidiomycetes In contrast to genes involved in primary metab-
and also in insect invasion processes (Matha et al. olism, in fungi secondary metabolite genes are
1992; Engelberth et al. 2001). often organized in gene clusters (Keller and
Endophyte toxins may play a protective role Hohn 1996). These genes are located adjacent to
for their hosts. Peramine for example is a potent one another and are co-regulated. This is also the
insect feeding deterrent. This pyrrolopyrazine case for those pathways involved in non-ribo-
is the product of a two-module NRPS and is somal peptide synthesis (Walton 2000; Gardiner
synthesized by Epichloë/Neophytodium mutual- et al. 2004; Haarmann et al. 2005; Cramer et al.
istic endophytes (Tanaka et al. 2005). Some 2006; Zaleta-Rivera et al. 2006; Johnson et al.
perennial ryegrass/Neotyphodium sp. symbiota 2007). Models to explain this phenomenon in-
accumulate ergovaline which reduces the appeal clude the suggestion that these genes derived
to rabbits. Rabbits prefer plants that are endo- from horizontal gene transfer from prokaryotes.
phyte-infected but free of ergot alkaloids over More recent evidence suggests regulatory mech-
endophyte-free plants. Therefore, the accumu- anisms as evolutionary driving force. Also, the
lation of ergot alkaloids seems to counteract clustering increases the probability of co-mobili-
the added appeal of endophyte-infected plants zation. Thus, there is a selective advantage to the
(Panaccione et al. 2006). gene cluster itself (Walton 2000; Hoffmeister and
In order to characterize the function of all non- Keller 2006). There are some examples of hori-
ribosomally produced peptides in one fungus, Tur- zontal transfer of fungal nuclear genes, and hori-
geon et al. (2008) deleted each of the 12 NRPS genes zontal gene transfer has often been suggested as
in C. heterosprophus. Four of the genes are con- an explanation for the discontinuity in distribu-
served in ascomycete genomes, and these genes tion of some fungal secondary metabolite genes
were also the only ones yielding phenotypes. Two when they are present only in some isolates of a
of the genes (NPS6, NPS2) are siderophore synthe- species and are absent from others (Walton
tases. Deletion of NPS10 led to an alteration in the 2000). The horizontal transfer of an entire chro-
morphology of the colonies and hypersensitivity mosome between two vegetative incompatible
320 Katrin Eisfeld

isolates of the same species has been demon- comycete lineages (Patron et al. 2007). In M. grisea, the
strated by He et al. (1998). This may explain the avirulence gene ACE1 which codes for a hybrid PKS-NRPS
is organized in a cluster of 15 genes. Related clusters were
origin of supernumerary chromosomes in fungi found in several other ascomycetes, e.g. Chaetomium glo-
which has been observed in several species. For bosum and A. clavatus, which appear to have obtained
example, Wang et al. (2003) demonstrated that a the cluster by horizontal gene transfer form a donor close-
dispensable (CD) chromosome exists in the in- ly related to M. grisea (Khaldi et al. 2008).
sect pathogenic fungus, M. anisopliae. The genes
conferring the ability to produce destruxin are
most likely located on this chromosome (Wang
et al. 2003). The cyclic peptide synthetase gene A. Penicillin and Cephalosporin Biosynthesis
encoding the AM toxin synthetase in Alternaria
Penicillins and cephalosporins are b-lactam con-
alternata also resides on a CD chromosome. Loss
taining antibiotics produced both of prokaryotes
of this chromosome leads to loss of AM toxin
and eukaryotes. Penicillin G production is de-
production and pathogenicity (Johnson et al.
scribed solely for fungi (e.g. P. chrysogenum,
2001). The O. olearius peptide synthetase gene
P. nalgiovenese, P. griseofulvum, P. dipodomys,
PSO3 also is located on a CD chromosome
P. flavigenum, A. nidulans). Cephalosporin is
(Eisfeld, unpublished data).
produced by both bacteria and fungi, for exam-
Some NRPS gene clusters are widely distributed in differ- ple the Ascomycetes Acremonium chrysogenum
ent ascomycete lineages. For example, putative epipo- and Kallichroma thetys and the Actinomycetes
lythiodioxopiperazine (ETPs) gene clusters are present in Streptomyces clavuligerus, Streptomyces lipmanii
14 ascomycete taxa. The gene content of the homologous and Nocardia lactamdurans. Biosynthesis and
clusters is not identical but common genes were identified
in these 14 species. The ETP gene clusters appear to have a gene clusters for b-lactam antibiotics and the
single origin and have been inherited relatively intact control of their expression were recently
rather than assembling independently in the different as- reviewed by Brakhage et al. (2005) and Liras

a-aminoadipic acid + cysteine + caline

ACV synthetase

IPN cyclase

O Isopenicillin N

Acyl- PenN epimerase cefD

transferase DAOC synthase, DAC hydroxylase cefE, cefEF
penDE Carbamoyl-transferase cmcH
Acetyl-transferase cefG
H S H 2N H S

Penicillin G Cephalosporin C

Fig. 15.10. Biosynthetic pathways of b-lactam antibiotics (modified from Liras and Martin 2006)
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 321

pcbAB pcbC penDE

Penicillium chrysogenum

Penicillium verrucosum
pcbAB pcbC penDE
Aspergillus nidulans

cefT pcbAB pcbC cefD2 cefD1

Acremonium chrysogenum

pcbC pcbAB
Strepromyces clavuligerus

pcbC pcbAB
Lysobacter lactamgenus

Fig. 15.11. Excerpt of penicillin/cephalosporin gene cluster of several fungi and bacteria. The NRPS gene is indicated as a
black arrow. The arrows indicate the orientation of transcription (modified from Liras and Martin 2006)

and Martı́n (2006). In brief, the first two enzymat- It was suggested that the b-lactam gene cluster
ic steps are common to all b-lactam producers. has bacterial origin and was transmitted by hori-
First, a NRPS (ACV synthetase, encoded by zontal gene transfer (Weigel et al. 1988; Aharono-
pcbAB) catalyzes the formation of the tripeptide witz et al. 1992). This theory is supported by the
d-(L-a-aminoadipyl)-L-cysteinyl-D-valine which in fact that the structure and orientation of the genes
the second step is converted to the bicyclic iso- in the penicillin gene cluster is the same in both
penicillin N by the action of isopenicillin N (IPN) Aspergillus (MacCabe et al. 1990) and Penicillium
synthase (also named ACV cyclase), encoded by (Laich et al. 1999). Furthermore, high homologies
the pcbC gene (Fig. 15.10). This is the branch exist between the bacterial and fungal genes that
point for various penicillin and cephalosporin are shared in both groups (ACV synthetase, IPN
pathways. Fungal penicillin producers contain a synthase, CefE, CefF) and which exceed those of
third gene, penDE, which encodes an isopenicillin genes belonging to primary metabolism. In addi-
N acyltransferase that leads to the formation of tion, introns are lacking in pcbAB, pcbC and
penicillin G by hydrolyzation of the a-aminoadi- cefEF, while genes absent in bacterial clusters do
pic sidechain of isopenicillin N and introduction contain introns (Liras and Martı́n 2006). There-
of phenylacetyl-CoA. For cephalosporin C synthe- fore, horizontal gene transfer of pcbAB and pcbC
sis, a set of genes is needed which encode the either took place about 370106 years ago, before
enzymes responsible for isomerization of isopeni- the split between Aspergillus and Penicillium
cillin N (cefD), conversion of the thiazolidine ring occurred or multiple gene transfer events took
of penicillin N to a dihydrothiazine ring and hy- place (Weigel et al. 1988; Aharonowitz et al.
droxylation at C-3 (cefEF in fungi, cefE and cefF in 1992). Laich et al. (2002) found a cluster of genes
bacteria) and acetylation (cefG). almost identical to that in P. chrysogenum in
The genes responsible for b-lactam biosynthe- several other Penicillium spp. (P. nalgiovense,
sis are clustered in all producers (pro- and eukar- P. griseofulvum) while a truncated cluster
yotes). Figure 15.11 shows the structure and (consisting of pcbAB and lacking pcbC and
orientation of some of the genes. The pcbC and penDE) is present in P. verrucosum. Therefore,
pcbAB genes are always located next to each other. the penicillin gene cluster or just parts of the
In penicillin-producing fungi, the penDE gene is cluster as in P. verrucosum may have been lost
directly adjacent. The epimerization reaction to throughout the evolution from a common ances-
form the D-isomer penicillin N in Acremonium is tor (Fig. 15.11).
encoded by two genes, cefD1 and cefD2 (while in
bacteria only one gene, cefD, is necessary for this
reaction). cefEF and cefG, whose gene products
B. Ergot Alkaloid Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
are involved in the final steps of cephalosporin
synthesis, are linked and located on a different The ergot alkaloids and their synthesis have been
chromosome. extensively studied and were recently reviewed, for
322 Katrin Eisfeld

zynski et al. (1999) cloned additional genes,

DMAPP + tryptophane
providing evidence for an ergot alkaloid gene
dmaW cluster which now comprises 14 genes in a geno-
mic region of 68.5 kb (Correia et al. 2003; Haar-
DMAT mann et al. 2005; Lorenz et al. 2007). Besides
dmaW, the function of cloA (conversion of ely-
moclavine to paspalic acid) and others has been
functionally analyzed by heterologous expression
clavine alkaloids
or gene replacement approaches (Tsai et al. 1995;
Correia et al. 2003; Haarmann et al. 2006). The
pathway leading to two different ergot alkaloids is
depicted (simplified) in Fig. 15.12.
The ergot alkaloid gene cluster in C. purpurea
D-Lysergic acid comprises four NRPS genes. The lysergyl peptide
synthetase is a complex consisting of two NRPSs,
lpsB + lpsA1 lpsB + lpsA2 LpsB and one of two different versions of LpsA
which are encoded by lpsA1 and lpsA2, respectively.
LpsA from an ergocristine-producing isolate of C.
purpurea differs from that of a previously char-
ergotamine ergocristine
acterized ergotamine-producing isolate con-
Fig. 15.12. Biosynthetic pathway of ergot alkaloids in cerning the signature sequences in the first
Claviceps purpurea (modified from Haarmann et al. 2005) module leading to the recognition of different
amino acid substrates by the adenylation
domains. The function of the fourth NRPS in
the ergot alkaloid gene cluster of C. purpurea,
example by Lorenz et al. (2007) and Schardl et al. lpsC, is still unknown (Haarmann et al. 2005).
(2006). Ergot alkaloids share a four-membered The LpsA-encoding gene of Neotyphodium
ergoline ring but differ in the number, type and lolii was also analyzed and compared to that of
position of the side-chains. These pharmacological C. purpurea. Both fungi produce different ergo-
interesting mycotoxins are among others pro- peptines as most abundant ergot alkaloids. In
duced by fungi of the relatively distant taxons N. lolii ergovaline is produced. Damrongkool
Clavicipitaceae and Epichloë endophytes of et al. (2005) found that a copy of the NRPS
grasses and A. fumigatus. gene was present which at the 5’ end encodes a
As ergoline alkaloids which are synthesized by partial condensation domain in N. lolii. This
epibiotic fungi present on different plant species truncated C domain is missing in C. purpurea
is the topic of Chap. 9, this chapter focuses on the LpsA. Both NRPSs have similar signature se-
peptide synthetases involved in ergot alkaloid quences in modules one and three but diverg-
synthesis and the evolution of the gene cluster. ent signature sequences in module two. This
The first ergot alkaloid gene cluster analyzed was finding is consistent with the amino acid found
that in Claviceps purpurea. The first enzyme at the corresponding position in the major
identified was dimethylallyl-tryptophan synthase alkaloids of these fungi. The LpsA-encoding
(DMATS) which catalyzes the first step in the genes in N. lolii and C. purpurea both are inter-
pathway (prenylation of tryptophan with forma- rupted by two introns. The position of the
tion of dimethylallyltryprophan; DMAT; see introns is conserved and, furthermore, located
Figs. 15.12, 15.13; Gebler et al. 1992). The gene at the same point preceding the first and third
encoding this protein, dmaW, was identified in module of the NRPSs. The latter finding sup-
C. purpurea (Tsai et al. 1995; Tudzynski et al. ports the hypothesis that multimodular NRPS
1999) and also characterized in A. fumigatus genes arose by duplication of an ancestral mono-
(Coyle and Panaccione 2005), Claviceps fusiformis modular NRPS-encoding gene (Damrongkool
(Tsai et al. 1995), and Neotyphodium sp. strain et al. 2005).
Lp1 (Epichloë typhina x N. lolii; Wang et al. Claviceps fusiformis and A. fumigatus are rel-
2004). Using this gene as a starting point, Tud- atively distant taxons but both produce clavines.
Non-Ribosomal Peptide Synthetases of Fungi 323

lpsC easA lpsB cloA easC easD easE easF easG dmaW easH lpsA1 lpaA2


ap lpsB easA cloA easC easD easE easF easG dmaW


easH easA easG easF easE lpsB


easH easA easG easK easL easD easM easN easC dmaW easE easF


Fig. 15.13. Schematic comparison of the ergot alkaloid gene clusters of C. purpurea (Cp), C. fusiformis (Cf ), Neotypho-
dium lolii (Nl ) and A. fumigatus (Af ). NRPS genes in the species are indicated by black arrows. The arrows indicate the
orientation of transcription (modified from Fleetwood et al. 2007; Lorenz et al. 2007)

Therefore, the NRPSs and cloA are dispensable in VII. Conclusions

these organisms. Coyle and Panaccione (2005)
investigated whether the ergot alkaloids of Identification of new NRPS products with poten-
A. fumigatus have a common biosynthetic origin tially interesting biological effects has been
with those of the clavicipitaceous family. dmaW facilitated by genome sequencing projects. Knowl-
was identified and could be complemented with edge of regulators of secondary metabolism help
the corresponding C. purpurea gene after it had to identify transcriptionally active clusters and
been deleted. Besides this, five further genes which also to specifically manipulate their expression.
are proposed to encode steps in the ergot alkaloid Furthermore, silent or cryptic gene clusters may
pathway were detected, but orientation and posi- be activated leading to new compounds. Genetic
tions of several genes differed. This is also the case engineering using combinatorial biosynthesis
for C. fusiformis. In this fungus, nine homologues may also lead to novel NRPs.
of genes identified in the C. purpurea gene cluster
were identified. Interestingly, C. fusiformis con-
tains homologues of cloA and lpsB, but both are A. Approaches to Identify New NRPSs
pseudogenes which contain frameshifts and stop
codons. These findings support the proposal that Identification of pharmaceutically interesting nat-
the ergot alkaloid gene cluster evolved from a ural products has been merely achieved by screen-
more complex cluster and that during evolution ing technologies. This strategy has been even
some genes were lost or inactivated due to muta- more successful with the advent of high-through-
tions and rearrangements. In an ergovaline- put screening (Wilkinson and Micklefield 2007).
producing Neotyphodium lolii strain, the ergot However, evidence is emerging that the genomes
alkaloid gene cluster was analyzed and homolo- of fungi are richer in genes that are likely to be
gues to all genes found in the C. purpurea involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites
cluster were identified except for two genes and many of these metabolites have not been
(Fleetwood et al. 2007). Despite conservation discovered yet. The capacity to produce NRPs in
of gene sequences, gene order is substantially some fungi is very high, as information about
different between the N. lolii, A. fumigatus and fungal genomes revealed. The conservation of
C. purpurea gene clusters (Fig. 15.13). In N. lolii, DNA and protein sequences greatly facilitates
several long terminal repeat retrotransposons and identification of NRPS genes in the completed
non-autonomous transposable elements were genomes. For example, Aspergilli genomes com-
identified in intergenic regions of the cluster prise 14 or more NRPS genes (Cramer et al. 2006),
which could be the reason for rearrangement C. heterosptrophus contains 11 NRPS genes (Lee
events in the overall structure of the cluster et al. 2005) and Fusarium graminearum 15 NRPS
(Fleetwood et al. 2007). genes (Varga et al. 2005; Tobiasen 2007). The
324 Katrin Eisfeld

genes were identified by in silico analyses and the domains and modules at the genetic level, for
ongoing growth of DNA sequence data will lead to example by exchanging A-T units, artificial fusion
the discovery of more natural-product biosynthe- of modules, module swaps and deletions. These
sis pathway genes. applications have been successful in bacterial sys-
The number of putative NRPSs is much greater tems especially by work with Streptomyces spp.,
than the known peptides described for these reviewed by Sieber and Marahiel (2005). A recent
species. One reason for this might be that these chemoenzymatic approach combines synthetic
compounds are not produced under laboratory peptide synthesis with TE domain cyclization
conditions (Bok et al. 2006; Brakhage et al. 2008). (reviewed by Kopp and Marahiel 2007). However,
These “silent” or cryptic biosynthetic genes may combinatorial biosynthesis has not yet been ap-
encode the information for potentially useful plied to fungal systems to a large extend. The
metabolites that still await discovery. Silent gene establishment of fungal systems for domain ex-
clusters can be activated for example by heterolo- change requires a more profound knowledge of
gous expression under the control of a defined the domain interactions, A domain specificity and
promoter or promoters of biosynthesis genes linker regions between the domains, as identified
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16 Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides


CONTENTS body of knowledge exists on bacterial polyketide

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 biosynthesis, the corresponding fungal systems
II. Ecological Importance and Pharmaceutical are far less explored. Not until 1990 did scientists
Use of Fungal Polyketides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331 clone and sequence the first fungal polyketide
III. Biosynthesis of Polyketides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 synthase (PKS) gene, encoding 6-methylsalicylic
IV. Fungal Polyketide Synthase Classes . . . . . . . . . 334
A. Non-Reducing PKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 acid synthase (6-MSAS; Beck et al. 1990). While
B. Partially Reducing PKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 the product (6-MSA) has a relatively simple struc-
C. Highly Reducing PKS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 ture, some highly complex polyketides are also
D. Polyketide Synthase–Non-Ribosomal produced by fungi, for example T-toxin (Yang
Peptide Synthetase Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339 et al. 1996) and the cytochalasins (Binder and
V. Post-PKS Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
VI. Phylogeny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Tamm 1973). The derivatisation or total synthesis
VII. Functional Analysis and Engineering of such compounds can be cumbersome or ineffi-
of Fungal Polyketide Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . 344 cient, making pathway engineering approaches
A. Inactivation of PKS Genes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 attractive. In the era of whole-genome sequencing
1. Knockout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 we have an insight into the biosynthetic potential
2. Knockdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
B. Heterologous Expression of PKS Genes . . 346 of fungi. Even so, yet very few of those identified
C. PKS Pathway Regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 PKS genes have been linked to natural products.
VIII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347 Thus, the improvement of fungal molecular and
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 genetic techniques is leading to enormous prog-
ress in understanding and manipulating fungal
polyketide biosynthesis. This review focuses on
I. Introduction the ecological and medical aspects of polyketide
biosynthesis in fungi, the mechanisms involved
in polyketide assembly and approaches to mani-
Fungal secondary metabolism is a rich source
pulate the pathways.
of biologically active compounds. Besides non-
ribosomal peptides and terpenoids, fungi are
known as producers of structurally diverse poly-
ketides. Many of these metabolites are infamous II. Ecological Importance
toxins, such as aflatoxin (Minto and Townsend
and Pharmaceutical Use
1997) and fumonisin (Chu 1991; Sweeney and
Dobson 1999), pigments or virulence factors like of Fungal Polyketides
melanin (Perpetua et al. 1996; Fig. 16.1). However,
fungal polyketides may also be pharmaceutically Polyketides are a class of secondary metabolites
relevant, like the cholesterol-lowering agent lova- that exhibit a broad spectrum of relevant activi-
statin (Hendrickson et al. 1999). While a large ties. Fungal polyketides may serve as precursors
to toxins that have adverse effects on animals or
against plants. Important examples are lovastatin
from Aspergillus terreus (Hendrickson et al. 1999),
Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection
citrinin from Monascus purpureus (Shimizu et al.
Biology, HKI, Beutenbergstrasse 11a, 07745 Jena, Germany; 2005), fumonisin from Gibberella fujikuroi
e-mail: (Proctor et al. 1999), T-toxin from Cochliobolus

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
332 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck


Orsellinic acid 6-MSA Citrinin Zearalenone



Squalestatin HOOC COOH

Norsolorinic acid Aflatoxin B1 R = CH3: Lovastatin
(R = H: Compactin)



Fig. 16.1. Structures of selected fungal polyketide metabolites

heterostrophus (Yang et al. 1996) and aflatoxin G. fujikuroi. Fumonisins cause several mycotoxi-
produced by Aspergillus parasiticus (Feng and coses, like leucoencephalomalacia in horses, pul-
Leonard 1995). These compounds, among others, monary oedema in pigs and liver cancer in rats
are infamous for causing severe damage in food (Nelson et al. 1993). Their chemical structure
industry, agriculture and human health. Aflatox- resembles sphingosine. Fumonisins are competi-
ins are potent animal and human pathogens tive inhibitors of sphingosine N-acetyltransferase.
(Eaton and Groopman 1994). They show immuno- They block complex sphingolipid biosynthesis
suppressive, mutagenic, teratogenic and hepato- and lead to the accumulation of sphingosine
carcinogenic properties. Aflatoxins are produced (Moss 1998). G. fujikuroi MP-A is one of the
by several species of Aspergillus, contaminating most common pathogens of maize. It is associated
commodities, corn, peanuts, cotton seed and with diseases of the roots, stalk and ears but addi-
tree nuts. The production of aflatoxins probably tionally the fungus is frequently present in appar-
protects the producer strain from feeding ently healthy maize tissues (Munkvold and
competitors. Desjardins 1997).
A similar function in habitat defence but Cytochalasins comprise a miscellaneous
also in plant destruction might be due to fumoni- group of fungal polyketides with an impressing
sins, produced by a number of cereal-pathogenic variety of biological activities. Beside cytotoxic
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 333

activities various members have antibiotic, anti- 1980, 1981; Kono et al. 1983). They are involved in
inflammatory, antitumoral and antiviral activities. virulence on maize (Yoder 1980; Yoder et al. 1997;
They can affect glucose transport, release of thy- Turgeon and Lu 2000).
roid and growth hormones and inhibit cholesterol Various fungal polyketides are medicinally
synthesis. Because of their defined binding of important or have served as lead structure for
actin filaments cytochalasins are used as tools in the development of therapeutics. Lovastatin and
cell and molecular biology (Binder and Tamm the related compound compactin, also known as
1973; Steglich et al. 1997; Lodish et al. 2001). mevinolin and mevastatin, are used to lower
According to Deacon and others, cytochalasin serum cholesterol (Endo et al. 1976; Alberts et al.
production by insect pathogenic fungi, such as 1980). Compactin produced by Penicillium spe-
Metarhizium anisopliae, can lead to a lethal toxifi- cies differs from lovastatin only in the absence of
cation of insects (Deacon 2001). Cytochalasins the C-12 methyl group (Brown et al. 1976). Both
have also been implicated as virulence factors compounds efficiently inhibit mammalian hydro-
produced by the plant-pathogenic fungus Phoma xymethylglutaryl (HMG)‐CoA reductase. Another
exigua (Scott et al. 1975). Saprophytic fungi like potent pharmaceutical against elevated serum
Penicillium expansum or Xylaria spp. might pro- cholesterol is squalestatin from Phoma sp. and
duce cytochalasins in order to defend their habitat other filamentous fungi (Dawson et al. 1992).
and secure their nutrial resources, e.g. wood, leafs, Squalestatin is an inhibitor of mammalian squa-
fruits or seeds. lene synthase and shows curative activity against
Polyketides may also function as pigments prion-infected neurons (Bate et al. 2004).
like melanin (Perpetua et al. 1996) and bikaverin
(Linnemannstons et al. 2002), or as pathogenicity
factors, e.g. reported for melanin (Perpetua et al.
1996). The pentaketide 1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxy- III. Biosynthesis of Polyketides
naphthalene (THN) plays a key role in the mela-
nisation of various fungi (Butler and Day 1998). Polyketide biosynthesis is closely related to fatty
THN is reduced to further intermediates such as acid biosynthesis (Birch and Donovan 1953). Iso-
1,8-diydroxynaphthalene (DHN), which under- tope labelling experiments showed that repetitive
goes polymerisation to DHN-melanin (Fig. 16.2). Claisen condensations of an acyl-coenzyme A
For plant pathogens, e.g. Colletotrichum lagenar- (CoA) starter unit with malonyl-CoA elongation
ium or Magnaporthe grisea, melanin may support units form the carbon backbone of fatty acids and
apressorium formation and penetration of plant polyketides (Fig. 16.3). Fatty acid synthases (FAS)
cells (Howard et al. 1991). DHN-melanin likely and PKS contain an obligatory set of ketosynthase
plays a protective role in human pathogenic (KS), acyltransferase (AT) and acyl carrier protein
fungi like Wangiella dermatitidis, Sporothrix (ACP) domains. A conserved serine of the apo-
schenckii or Aspergillus fumigatus (Langfelder ACP needs to be post-translational modified with
et al. 2003). There is strong evidence that melanin a CoA-derived 4-phosphopantetheine (PP) arm
protects the fungus from the host immune system, that is transferred by means of a PP transferase
e.g. through scavenging reactive oxygen species, (Keszenman-Pereyra et al. 2003). The ACP
and that it stabilises fungal hyphae for penetration domains serve as an anchor for both the malonyl
of host tissue. extender units and transiently the growing acyl
T-toxins are a family of C35 to C49 polyke- chain. The Claisen condensation is catalysed by
tides produced by C. heterostrophus (Kono et al. the KS while the AT transfers acyl groups from

1 Acetyl-CoA
4 Malonyl-CoA

1,3,6,8-THN 1,8-DHN

Fig. 16.2. Schematic mechanism of fungal melanin biosynthesis according to Butler et al. (1998)
334 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

R S Enz
- CO2 n
S S SH a S
O O Claisen O
R condensation
O O (poly)phenolics
Enz Enz Enz
R S Enz
HO partially or highly
R R R b-keto procession reduced polyketides

Fig. 16.3. Basic mechanisms of fungal polyketide biosynthesis

CoA onto the KS and ACP domains. While FAS 2001; Cox 2007). The factors governing this varia-
reduce every newly formed b-ketothioester to a bility are largely unknown.
saturated chain while attached to the ACP, there is
greater flexibility in the PKS systems. Consequently,
fungal PKS can be classified according to the degree IV. Fungal Polyketide Synthase Classes
of reduction (or more exactly b-keto processing) of
the products into non-reducing, partially or highly Polyketide synthases are classified according to
reducing PKS. Several additional domains are their protein architecture and way of action. In
involved in b-keto processing: First a b-ketoreduc- analogy to multidomain type I FAS, type I PKS are
tase (KR) reduces the keto group to a secondary large enzymes that contain all necessary enzymatic
alcohol. Then elimination by a dehydratase (DH) activities on a single protein. In contrast, type II
leads to an unsaturated thioester before an enoyl PKS form a complex of single proteins with sepa-
reductase (ER) produces a saturated ester. rated enzyme activities. While bacteria possess
As soon as the polyketide chain has reached both non-iterative type I PKS containing indi-
its final length, a thioesterase (TE) hydrolyses the vidual modules with all necessary domains for
thioester and releases the carbon chain from every single elongation step and iterative type II
the enzyme. Notably, TE domains are not found PKS, in fungi mainly iterative type I PKS were
in every PKS. Fungal PKS C-terminal domains can found. They repeatedly use their enzymatic activi-
also have cyclisation activity and release products ties to elongate the growing acyl ester. An excep-
through intramolecular ring formation (Fujii et al. tion are lovastatin diketide synthase (LDKS) from
2001). A. terreus (Kennedy et al. 1999) and compactin
Fungal PKS can possess another intrinsic diketide synthase (CDKS) from Penicillium citri-
domain for C-methyl transfer (CMeT). Unlike O- num (Abe et al. 2002). These type I PKS catalyse
and N-methylations, which are performed by only a single elongation to synthesise a reduced
“post-PKS” enzymes after polyketide assembly, diketide product. Type III PKS were found
fungal methylation of the polyketide carbon in plants, bacteria and fungi. They are simple KS
backbone takes place during chain formation proteins producing chalcones, stilbenes and small
(Hutchinson et al. 2000; Nicholson et al. 2001). aromatic compounds (Staunton and Weissman
Although the multidomain enzymes usually 2001; Seshime et al. 2005).
act in an iterative fashion, interestingly the degree As mentioned above, fungal type I PKS are
of reduction can vary in each extended unit. further classified according to the degree of reduc-
b-Keto processing domains KR, DH, ER are tion of their products into non-reducing (NR)
optionally used in every extension round and PKS, partially reducing (PR) PKS and highly
therefore lead to a large variability in polyketides reducing (HR) PKS (Bingle et al. 1999; Nicholson
not only in chain length (Staunton and Weissman et al. 2001). A particular type of HR PKS is a
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 335

hybrid synthetase composed of a HR-PKS that is Several NR PKS genes have been characterised
fused to a non-ribosomal peptide synthetase that are involved in the biosynthesis of norsolorinic
(NRPS) module. These PKS-NRPS systems pro- acid in A. parasiticus (Minto and Townsend 1997),
duce polyketides that are fused to an amino acid A. nidulans (Minto and Townsend 1997) and
by an amide bond (Song et al. 2004). Dothistroma septosporum (Bradshaw et al. 2006)
Phylogenetic studies have shown that the pro- and in the formation of pigment precursors like
gramming of polyketide assembly and degree of YWA1 from A. nidulans (Watanabe et al. 1999) and
reduction is reflected in the KS gene and deduced A. fumigatus (Watanabe et al. 2000). Another im-
amino acid sequences (Kroken et al. 2003). Bingle portant example is tetrahydroxyl naphthalene
et al. (1999) designed degenerated primers based (THN) synthase from C. lagenarium (Takano
on conserved DNA sequences of KS domains to et al. 1995) and W. dermatitidis (Feng et al. 2001).
selectively amplify fragments of the fungal NR Labelling experiments revealed that some fun-
type (WA type) and PR PKS (MSAS type). In a gal NR PKS can use short-chain fatty acids as
subsequent study Nicolson et al. (2001) comple- starter units instead of acetyl-CoA (Minto and
mented this set with selective degenerated primers Townsend 1997; Kroken et al. 2003). Norsoloronic
targeting KS domains of HR PKS (lovastatin type), acid, a precursor of aflatoxin, is biosynthesised
KR domains and CMeT domains, respectively. from a hexanoate starter unit. Two genes of the
These genetic tools were successfully used to aflatoxin biosynthesis gene cluster from A. para-
identify various fungal PKS genes like citrinin siticus, fas-1 and fas-2, are related to fungal FAS
synthase from M. purpureus (Shimizu et al. genes and were shown to be involved in hexanoate
2005), squalestatin synthase from Phoma sp. synthesis (Hitchman et al. 2001; Watanabe and
C2932 (Cox et al. 2004) and chaetoglobosin syn- Townsend 2002). Zearalenone biosynthesis in
thetase from P. expansum (Schuemann and Gibberella zeae requires two PKS genes that code
Hertweck 2004). for one HR and one NR PKS (Gaffoor and Trail
2006). The HR PKS (ZEA2p) likely generates a
hexaketide starter unit that is loaded onto the
A. Non-Reducing PKS NR PKS (ZEA1p) SAT domain and then under-
goes three further elongations (Fig. 16.4).
Orsellinic acid is the simplest known fungal poly- The PT domain is a yet little understood region
ketide because it is formed through the cyclocon- of about 350 residues. Sequences of known PT
densation of a non-reduced tetraketide. Four domain regions group according to the chain length
decades ago it was shown that a cell-free extract of their products. This suggests that they have a
from Penicillium madriti is capable of producing similar function in the determination of extension
orsellinic acid in vitro, thus representing the first number like the KSb (or chain length factor, CLF)
observed PKS activity (Gaucher and Shepherd component of bacterial type II PKS (Keatinge-Clay
1968). However, the nature of the PKS is et al. 2004; Cox 2007). Deconstruction experiments
still unknown. NR PKS generally lack domains by domain dissection and reassembly of the
for b-keto processing. They possess N-terminal A. parasiticus PksA revealed the function of PT in
starter unit acyl transferase (SAT) domains, re- product formation (Crawford et al. 2008). During
sponsible for loading a starter unit, followed by aflatoxin biosynthesis PT was shown to drive aro-
the typical KS, AT and ACP domains necessary for matisation chemistry to irreversibly form rings A
chain elongation (Crawford et al. 2006). Another and B and to increase the flux of the norsoloronic
conserved region has been identified between AT acid precursor from the PKS enzyme.
and ACP, named product template (PT) domain. TE domains are the most common N-terminal
Crawford et al. (2008) showed that this domain is processing domains found in NR PKS. They can
involved in correct cyclisation chemistry of ACP- operate as thioesterases or as Claisen cyclases
bound polyketides and increased product release (CYC) as shown by Ebizuka and others (Watanabe
from the enzyme. Some known NR PKS feature et al. 1998; Watanabe et al. 1999; Fig. 16.5). Heter-
additional processing activities like cyclase ologous expression of the A. nidulans YWA1
(Watanabe et al. 1998), methyl transferase synthase (WAS) gene wA in full-length and
(Shimizu et al. 2005), reductase domains (Cox truncated variants thereof showed that the CYC/
2007) or additional ACPs (Fujii et al. 2001). TE is not necessarily required for the release of the
336 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

Fig. 16.4. Biosynthesis of zeara- 1 Acetyl-CoA

lenone by NR-PKS ZEA1p and 5 Malony-CoA


3 Malonyl-CoA









polyketide product. Nonetheless, a conserved his- hexaketide product showing that the deletion of
tidine and a serine residue are crucial for CYC/TE TE or mutation of conserved residues influences
activity (Fujii et al. 2001). A similar CYC/TE do- the polyketide chain length (Takano et al. 1995;
main occurs in A. nidulans sterigmatocystin Watanabe and Ebizuka 2004).
synthase PKSst (Yu and Leonard 1995). Some fungal NR PKS contain multiple ACP
Another function of C-terminal TE domains is domains. A. nidulans WAS (Watanabe et al.
the determination of chain length. C. aegenarium 1999), NSAS (Minto and Townsend 1997) and
PKS1 naturally produces the pentaketide THN C. lagenarium THNS (Takano et al. 1995) contain
(Takano et al. 1995). Mutants of the PKS1 TE two ACPs and D. septosporum NSAS even three
domain resulted in production of mainly a copies (Bradshaw et al. 2006). The additional
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 337

CLC Fig. 16.5. Structure of WAS and

/TE HO OO biosynthesis model


6 Malonyl-CoA


ACPs are not required for biosynthesis, but all gene (pks2) was discovered in Glarea lozoyensis
ACP domains are functional and exchangeable (Lu et al. 2005).
even among different species (Fujii et al. 2001; P. patulum and A. terreus MSAS are both
Watanabe and Ebizuka 2002). supposed to form homotetramers. Fujii and co-
Kroken et al. (2003) identified a group of workers studied the recombination of functional
NR PKS containing a CMeT domain downstream MSAS complexes from deletion mutants of the
of ACP. The only known sequence that is corre- A. terreus atX gene (Moriguchi et al. 2006). They
lated with a secondary metabolite is the citrinin expressed two copies of atX in S. cerevisiae simul-
synthase (CitS) gene from M. pupureus. CitS taneously. This allowed them to mutate indepen-
likely elongates a reduced diketide starter unit to dently and to cross-complement mutants. Almost
citrinin (Shimizu et al. 2005). In this case CMeT all combinations of truncated MSAS proteins were
must act twice but it is not clear how the point functional, showing that all truncations can be
in time for methylation is programmed (Hajjaj complemented by another functional copy of
et al. 1999). the protein. Only one short 122-amino-acid region
Sequence analyses show that M. pupureus CitS of the core domain was necessary for comple-
possesses a C-terminal thioester reductase. In a mentation. Probably this region codes for a
mechanism similar to NRPS systems, the CitS motif required for subunit–subunit interaction.
reductase domain might be involved in the release A similar core sequence was found in other fungal
of the product as an aldehyde or primary alcohol PR PKS and in bacterial PKS. Also, mammalian
(Shimizu et al. 2005; Cox 2007). FAS possess a core region with similar function
in enzyme assembly (Witkowski et al. 2004).
However, no sequence similarities were found
between fungal MSAS and mammalian FAS core
B. Partially Reducing PKS regions.

Fungal PR PKS differ from NR PKS in that they

contain an N-terminal KS, followed by AT, DH, a C. Highly Reducing PKS
core domain (core), KR and a C-terminal ACP.
There are no SAT, PT or TE domains. Only three HR PKS differ from NR and PR PKS by an extended
fungal genes coding for PR PKS have been set of domains. The N-terminal KS domain
matched to secondary metabolites, although is followed by AT, DH, ER, KR domains, and a C-
many more fungal PR PKS genes are known. terminal ACP domain. In some cases, however,
These three studied genes code for fungal the protein lacks a conserved ER domain, in lieu
6-MSAS (Fig. 16.6). One was isolated from harbouring a region without known function.
P. patulum (MSAS; Beck et al. 1990), one from These PKS apparently utilize a free-standing
A. terreus (atX; Fujii et al. 1996) and another ER in trans. In addition to the full set of b-keto
338 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

Fig. 16.6. Architecture of the

MSAS and model for the biosyn- KS AT DH Core KR ACP 6-MSAS
thesis of 6-MSA
3 Malonyl-CoA
3 SAM () OH 6-MSA

processing domains, many HR PKS possess a transfers the diketide onto C-10 hydroxyl of mon-
CMeT domain following a DH. acolin J to assemble lovastatin (Kennedy et al.
Genes linked to known highly reduced meta- 1999). Xie et al. (2006) showed that LovD, pro-
bolites are involved in the biosynthesis of lovastat- duced in E. coli, can transfer various acyl-CoA
in produced by A. terreus (Kennedy et al. 1999), residues onto monacolin J.
compactin from P. citrinum (Abe et al. 2002), zear- Squalestatin tetraketide synthase (SQTKS)
alenone from G. zeae (Gaffoor and Trail 2006), was cloned from Phoma sp. (Cox et al. 2004). It
squalestatin produced by Phoma sp. (Cox et al. shows high similarity to LDKS but produces a
2004), T-toxin from C. heterostrophus (Yang et al. tetraketide chain. Squalestatin is assembled from
1996; Baker et al. 2006) and fumonisin from G. two methylated polyketide chains, a hexaketide
fujikuroi (Proctor et al. 1999). and a tetraketide chain. Notably, the hexaketide
Lovastatin and compactin are both biosyn- chain is synthesised from an unusual benzoate
thesised by two separate PKS. Genes lovB and starter unit (Jones et al. 1992).
lovF (Hendrickson et al. 1999; Kennedy et al. T-toxin is a very long, linear C41 polyketide
1999) encode lovastatin nonaketide synthase produced by the maize pathogen C. heterostro-
(LNKS) and lovastatin diketide synthase (LDKS), phus (Kono and Daly 1979). It was one of the
respectively, that are involved in lovastatin first compounds linked to a defined PKS gene
biosynthesis (Fig. 16.7). Compactin nonaketide (Yang et al. 1996). Later it turned out that two,
synthase (CNKS; encoded by mlcA) and compac- not clustered genes are involved in T-toxin bio-
tin diketide synthase (CDKS; encoded by mlcB) synthesis (Baker et al. 2006). Genes pks1 and pks2
assemble compactin (Abe et al. 2002). Isotope code for T-toxin synthases TTS1 and TTS2, which
feeding experiments suggested the synthesis of a both represent typical HR PKS. Interestingly,
reduced nonaketide chain that would undergo a TTS1 possesses a CMeT domain although
Diels–Alder reaction to form dihydromonacolin L T-toxin does not show any methyl branches.
(Moore et al. 1985; Witter and Vederas 1996). The mycotoxin fumonisin B1 causes several
LNKS has an inactive ER domain and requires human and animal diseases (Nelson et al. 1993). It
the assistance of the separately encoded ER LovC contains a methylated nonaketide chain, esterified
for correct function. The involvement of a trans- to two unusual C7 tricarboxylic acids. Fumonisin
acting ER was supposed for CNKS as well. synthase (FUMS) appears to be a typical HR PKS
Surprisingly, LNKS possesses a C-terminal trun- with a functional ER domain. It is encoded by
cated condensation (C) domain typical for NRPS. fum1 in G. fujikuroi (Proctor et al. 1999).
It is not clear whether this domain has a function The plant pathogen Alternaria solani pro-
in offloading or if it is just a relict of truncation. duces numerous polyketides, for example solano-
LDKS is a HR PKS with KS, AT, CMeT, ER, KR pyrone A and alternaric acid (Fig. 16.8). PCR
and ACP domains. Notably, this is not an iterative screening with primers for conserved PKS
PKS; in order to synthesise a diketide only a single sequences led to the identification of two PKS
elongation step is required. Acyl transferase LovD genes (Fujii et al. 2005). One gene (alt5) codes
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 339


ER LovC O Lov B only

8 Malonyl-CoA
SAM ( ) OH

O O enzymatic

Heptaketide pyrone


Hexaketide pyrone
Dihydromonacolin L


O Malonyl-CoA
O SAM ( )
Lov D

Monacolin J

Fig. 16.7. Lovastatin biosynthesis involving LovB and LovF

for a HR PKS (PksN) and another (pksA) for a NR D. Polyketide Synthase–Non-Ribosomal Peptide
PKS. Heterologous production of PksN in Asper- Synthetase Hybrids
gillus oryzae led to the production of the methy-
lated decaketide alternapyrone. Two more HR Many structurally intriguing fungal metabolites
PKS sequences (pksF, pksK) were identified with remarkable biological activities feature a poly-
through gene probing of the Aspergillus solani ketide backbone fused to an amino acid. The bio-
genome. Both PKS genes lack a CMeT region synthesis of such hybrid metabolites is well studied
(Kasahara et al. 2006). PksK was inactive when in bacteria, e.g. biosynthesis of the siderophore and
expressed in A. oryzae. However, the heterologous virulence factor yersiniabactin from Yersinia pestis
expression of PksF produced two mayor com- (Miller et al. 2002). Fungal PKS-NRPS hybrids have
pounds, aslanipyrone and aslaniol. Both are poly- a highly reducing PKS region containing an N-
unsaturated suggesting that the ER domain is terminal KS, AT, DH, CMeT, inactive ER, KR and
inactive. ACP domains. The ACP is flanked by domains of a
340 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

prefusarin, which is then transformed into fusarin

C by various tailoring enzymes.
Biosynthesis of the HIV-1 integrase inhibitor
O equisetin has been examined by Schmidt and col-
OH O leagues (Sims et al. 2005). Equisetin synthetase
(EqiS) has the same overall domain architecture as
HO COOH fusarin synthetase (FUSS). It differs from FUSS in
Solanayrone Alternaric acid the formation of a methylated oktaketide chain that
is linked to serine. Another gene cluster containing
OH a PKS-NRPS gene was identified within the genome
of the plant pathogen M. grisea (Böhnert et al.
2004). The product of the encoded hybrid enzyme
O O is yet unknown. It was shown that the gene cluster
is expressed only during appressorium formation
Alternapyrone during penetration of the rice plant. Böhnert et al.
O (2004) could further show that production of the yet
O OH unknown fungal compound leads to resistance of
the rice plant to further fungal penetration.
The yellow pigment tenellin from the insect
Aslanipyrone pathogen B. bassiana is produced by the PKS-
OH NRPS TENS (Eley et al. 2007). A dimethylated
pentaketide fused to tyrosine is synthesised
to build pre-tenellin after reductive release. Tai-
loring reactions performed by two putative P450
Aslaniol monooxygenases and rearrangements probably
Fig. 16.8. Compounds produced by Alternaria solani PKS convert the precursor into tenellin. The hypothe-
sis that tenellin might be involved in the pathoge-
nicity of B. bassiana was ruled out by the fact that
a direct knockout of TENS did not significantly
typical NRPS module: condensation (C), adenyla- reduce pathogenicity towards wax moth larvae.
tion (A) and peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) A genome mining approach identified the
domains. Furthermore, the hybrid systems feature only gene cluster of the A. nidulans genome con-
an additional C-terminal domain that might either taining a silent PKS-NRPS hybrid gene (Bergmann
function as a thioester reductase (R) or cyclase et al. 2007). Promoter exchange of the only clus-
domain (Song et al. 2004). Like in lovastatin bio- tered regulator gene led to the production of novel
synthesis, a trans ER may be required for the cor- polyketide-amino acid hybrid compounds
rect PKS function (Halo et al. 2008). (Fig. 16.10). Aspyridone synthetase ApdA likely
PKS-NRPS hybrid synthetases are involved in produces a dimethylated tetraketide and fuses it
the biosynthesis of fusarin C in Fusarium monili- to a tyrosine moiety. A reductive downloading
forme (Song et al. 2004), equisetin from F. hetero- mechanism might release an amino aldehyde
sporum (Sims et al. 2005), tenellin produced in that could undergo cyclisation to a pyrrolinone.
Beauveria bassiana (Eley et al. 2007), aspyridone The involvement of oxidative tailoring reactions
from A. nidulans (Bergmann et al. 2007), chaeto- towards tetramic acid intermediates and ring rear-
globosin produced by P. expansum (Schuemann rangements probably form the moderately cyto-
and Hertweck 2004) and pseurotin A from toxic aspyridones A and B. Aspyridone
A. fumigatus (Maiya et al. 2007) (Fig. 16.9). biosynthesis seems to be closely related to tenellin
Biosynthesis of the mycotoxin fusarin C starts biosynthesis reported by Eley et al. (2007).
with the assembly of a tetramethylated heptake- Cytochalasin (chaetoglobosin) biosynthesis
tide that is fused to homoserin (Song et al. 2004). was investigated in the fungus P. expansum
The reductive release of the hybrid product (Schuemann and Hertweck 2004). Screening a
and subsequent cyclisation putatively forms genomic library of P. expansum led to the
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 341

O Fig. 16.9. PKS-NRPS hybrid me-

N H tabolites

Equisetin Fusarin C


Tenellin Aspyridone A: R = H
Aspyridone B: R = OH

Chaetoglobosin A: R = OH, C21-C22 Pseurotin A
Chaetoglobosin C: R = O, C21=C22

identification of a gene cluster encoding a PKS- A. fumigatus led to the absence of pseurotin A,
NRPS (CheA; Fig. 16.11). A RNA-silencing meth- while overexpression led to accumulation of the
od proved that CheA is involved in chaetoglobosin hybrid metabolite (Maiya et al. 2007). Pseurotin A
production in P. expansum. It was suggested that is a compound with unusual heterospirocyclic
CheA produces a trimethylated nonaketide that is gamma-lactame structure and is a competitive
then fused to a tryptophan moiety (Fig. 16.12). inhibitor of chitin synthase and inducer of nerve-
After reductive release of the hybrid product, cat- cell proliferation (Bloch et al. 1976; Komagata
alysed by the C-terminal R domain, cyclisation to et al. 1996).
a pyrrolinone product likely occurs. This would
act as a dienophile and undergo a Diels–Alder
reaction with the diene moiety of the polyketide
chain. Tailoring reactions seem to be carried out V. Post-PKS Modifications
by the putative cytochrome P450 monooxy-
genases CheD and CheG and by the encoded The large structural diversity of polyketides
FAD-dependent monooxygenase CheE to yield results not only from varying chain lengths, de-
chaetoglobosin A and C. A Diels–Alder-like cycli- gree of b-keto processing and cyclisation, but also
sation mechanism was also proposed for lovastat- from post-PKS modifications of the carbon chain
in and equisetin biosynthesis (Oikawa and by alkylation, acylation or oxygenation.
Tokiwano 2004; Sims et al. 2005). Oikawa and An impressive set of post-PKS modifications
Tokiwano proposed the involvement of enzymatic is involved in aflatoxin biosynthesis (Fig. 16.13).
Diels–Alderases for cyclisation of natural product Aflatoxins, produced by some Aspergillus species,
precursors, e.g. polyketides. It is conceivable that are a group of structurally related polyketide-
PKS–NRPS synthetases enzymatically catalyse this derived furanocoumarins. In a 70-kb gene cluster
reaction under physiological conditions or that they at least 25 genes are involved in a complex biosyn-
act as an entropic trap. thetic pathway. Beside the PKS gene (pksA) and
A single PKS-NRPS hybrid gene was identified two FAS genes (fas-1, fas-2) they code for cyto-
within the sequenced genome of A. fumigatus. chrome P450 monooxygenases, dehydrogenases,
Deletion of the hybrid gene named psoA in methyltransferases, pathway regulators and a
342 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

apdB apdC apdD apdE apdA apdF Reg apdG


ectopic integration of regulator gene

apdB apdC apdD apdE apdA apdF Reg apdG Reg


tailoring R
regulatory genes N O
Aspyridone A: R = H
P inducible promoter Aspyridone B: R = OH

Fig. 16.10. Activation of the silent aspyridone gene cluster via ectopic integration of inducible regulator copy

transporter. Fifteen of those genes catalyse oxida- PKS fall into three main clades; two of these
tive reactions. Most of the clustered genes are contain exclusively fungal sequences and corre-
regulated by a single Zn2Cys6-type transcription late with their products reduction: reducing PKS
factor AflR and by the co-regulator AfkJ. In total and non-reducing PKS. They are mainly charac-
about 21 enzymatic steps are required for aflatox- terised by the presence or absence of b-keto pro-
in biosynthesis (Minto and Townsend 1997; cessing domains (DH, ER, KR). Each main fungal
Bhatnagar et al. 2003). clade is further divided into four groups with
Treatment of fungal cultures with inhibitors characteristic domain sets resulting from loss
of post-PKS enzymes can significantly affect the of ancestral domains or from gain of novel ones
product spectrum. For example, Chaetomium sub- (e.g. NRPS domains). The ancestral type I PKS
affine, producer of chaetoglobosin A, was incu- domain structure is supposed to be: KS, AT, DH,
bated with the cytochrome P450 inhibitor CMeT, ER, KR, ACP. The first main fungal clade
metyrapone (Oikawa et al. 1991). Chaetoglobosin contains PKS that are involved in the production
A production was reduced while accumulation of of reduced, mainly linear polyketides like
less oxidised precursor compounds was observed, precursors of toxins (e.g. lovastatin, fumonisin,
thus providing an insight into the final biosyn- T-toxin). The second main fungal clade includes
thetic steps. PKS that synthesise unreduced, cyclic polyke-
In post-PKS reactions polyketides can also tides, such as toxins (e.g. aflatoxin) and pigments
be fused to further polyketide chains. Acyl trans- (e.g. melanin). Two more fungal clades were
ferase Lov D transfers a methylbuturyl side chain found both nested into the bacterial type I PKS
onto the lovastatin precursor monacolin J in order clade. One contains 6-MSA-type PKS. The
to fully assemble lovastatin (Hendrickson et al. other consists of a single sequence, the C. hetero-
1999; Kennedy et al. 1999). strophus PKS24 probably a PKS-NRPS hybrid.
Orthologous PKS genes, producing nearly identi-
cal polyketides, were found among closely related
VI. Phylogeny but also distant species. Due to the diversity and
distribution of fungal PKS it was speculated that
In an extensive phylogenetic study Kroken et al. gene duplication, divergence and differential gene
(2003) compared the amino acid sequences of loss are responsible for generation and mainte-
mainly fungal KS domains. Fungal type I PKS nance of this diversity. Horizontal gene transfer is
sequences form a major clade together with bac- not necessarily involved (Kroken et al. 2003).
terial type I PKS. This clade is clearly sister to In contrast, horizontal gene transfer was pro-
animal FAS and also bacterial type II PKS. Type I posed as one way for the evolution of virulence
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 343

cheC cheB cheA cheD cheE cheF cheG

2 kb
mRNA (cheA) regulatory genes
* Chaetoglobosins

mRNA (cheA)

antisense mRNA
X CheA

alcAp cheA fragment

Fig. 16.11. Organisation of the chaetoglobosins gene cluster. (a) P. expansum wild type producing chaetoglobosins (*)
and (b) silencing mutant with reduced chaetoglobosin synthesis



8 Malonyl-CoA N N H O
3 SAM ( ) H R

R - H2O



HN 22
Chaetoglobosin A: R = OH, C21-C22
Chaetoglobosin C: R = O, C21=C22

Fig. 16.12. Architecture of the chaetoglobosin synthetase CheA and model for biosynthesis
344 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

norB cypA aflT pksA nor-1 fas-2 fas-1 aflR aflJ

37 kb

estA ver-1
adhA norA verA avnA verB avfA omtB omtA ordA vbs cypX moxYordB hypA
70 kb

polyketide biosynthesis fatty acid synthase

tailoring unknown
regulatory genes transporter


Norsolorinic acid Averufin

MeO O absent in O O
A. nidulans
Aflatoxin B1 Sterigmatocystin Versicolorin B

Fig. 16.13. Aflatoxin biosynthetic gene cluster and biosynthesis model according to Bhatnagar et al. (2003)

genes in filamentous fungi, e.g. the PKS-NRPS They clustered in two clades of Schmitt’s align-
encoding gene ACEI from M. grisea (Böhnert ment. Amino acid sequence of KS domains from
et al. 2004). While phylogenetic analyses reveal 15 Leconora species, three other lichen species
complex duplication events for the evolution of and other non-lichenised fungi were compared.
ACEI-like clusters in Chaetomium globosum and Leconora PKS sequences clustered mainly with
M. grisea, horizontal gene transfer is proposed PKS producing complex aromatic compounds,
from a relative of M. grisea into an ancestor of with non-lichen-derived PKS producing precur-
Aspergillus clavatus (Khaldi et al. 2008). sors of DHN-melanins and in another clade
Additional phylogenetic analysis of the hybrid without relationship to known fungal PKS.
synthetase EqiS indicate that fungal PKS-NRPS
have likely diversified by point mutation and
deletion (Sims et al. 2005). This is in contrast to VII. Functional Analysis
bacterial PKS systems, which use module and
domain swaps to generate structural diversity
and Engineering of Fungal
(Crosa and Walsh 2002). Polyketide Biosynthesis
Phylogenetic studies were also carried out on
KS sequences of NR PKS from Pertusariales Engineering fungal polyketide biosynthesis genes
(lichenised fungi) and other NR PKS sequences or gene clusters could be an efficient way to diver-
(Schmitt et al. 2005). In alignments the sequences sify metabolite structures and their biological
grouped in 18 clades containing only lichenised activities (Burkart 2003; Reeves 2003; Schuemann
taxa, only non-lichenised taxa or sequences from and Hertweck 2006).
both. Interestingly, clades could not be associated From the gene loci that have been investigated
with secondary metabolism classes. Another study it appears that nearly all genes necessary for fungal
concerned sequence comparison of mainly Leco- polyketide biosynthesis, post-PKS processing, regu-
nora spp. PKS sequences (Grube and Blaha 2003). lation and resistance are clustered, as exemplified
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 345

for the lovastatin (Kennedy et al. 1999) and aflatoxin led to the discovery of the lovastatin biosynthesis
biosynthesis gene clusters (Yu et al. 1995; Bhatnagar gene cluster including both PKS genes lovB and
et al. 2003; Fig. 16.13). This organisation is an adva- lovF (Fig. 16.7). Further directed gene disruptions
ntage for identification and handling of gene cas- proved the involvement of lovC and lovD in lova-
settes or even whole gene clusters. statin biosynthesis (Kennedy et al. 1999). Similar
Pathway engineering towards novel com- knockout experiments in P. citrinum correlated
pounds has been intensely explored in bacteria gene mlcA with compactin production (Abe et al.
(Cane et al. 1998; Walsh 2002; Weber et al. 2003), 2002).
but in fungi such combinatorial biosynthesis Targeted gene knockout experiments also
approaches have been far more challenging from revealed the function of PksA from A. parasiticus
a biotechnical point of view. The incidence of (Chang et al. 1995). The corresponding gene pksA
introns in fungal genes can be problematic for is similar to the A. nidulans wA gene and converts
heterologous expressions and also the directed hexanoyl-CoA into norsolonic acid, an intermedi-
integration of DNA into fungal genomes is not ate in sterigmatocystin and aflatoxin biosynthesis
guaranteed and may be cumbersome. (Trail et al. 1995; Brown et al. 1996; Bennett et al.
1997; Minto and Townsend 1997; Bhatnagar et al.
A. Inactivation of PKS Genes Directed gene replacement proved the function
of pks1, a gene coding for a PKS involved in DHN-
1. Knockout
melanin synthesis in G. lozoyensis. Knockout
The disruption or replacement of PKS genes is a mutants were achieved by double crossover recom-
common approach for their functional analyses. bination via Agrobacterium-mediated transforma-
However, the efficiency of targeting a genetic tion (Zhang et al. 2003).
locus can vary significantly between fungal spe- Directed knockout experiments in F. monili-
cies. Apart from challenges regarding selection forme and F. venenatum correlated a PKS-NRPS
markers and introduction of DNA into the fungus, hybrid gene with fusarin C biosynthesis (Song
the integration of transformed DNA can occur in a et al. 2004; Fig. 16.14). Likewise, a gene knockout
homologous or non-homologous manner. by homologous recombination in F. heterosporum
The lovastatin biosynthesis genes were identi- revealed that equisetin biosynthesis requires the
fied by screening mutants of the producer strain gene product of pks2 (Sims et al. 2005).
A. terreus in 1999 (Hendrickson et al. 1999; In 2007 the PKS-NRPS hybrid gene psoA was
Kennedy et al. 1999). Several mutants were inves- associated with pseurotin A production in A. fumi-
tigated that were unable to produce lovastatin or gatus by deletion and overexpression (Maiya et al.
that yielded polyketide shunt products only, which 2007).

wild type

Fusarin C

knock out mutant

no fusarin production

hph hygromycin-resistance cassette

Fig. 16.14. Gene knockout of the F. moniliforme gene fusA

346 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

The generation of random mutations through In contrast to bacterial genes, fungal genes
restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI; mostly contain introns that require a strain-
Brown et al. 1998), UV-mutagenesis (Jahn et al. specific splicing mechanism. Introns are hard
1997) or transposon mutagenesis (Kempken et al. to remove and impair gene expression in non-
1998; Kempken and Kuck 2000; Brakhage and eukaryotic systems. In addition, apo-ACP domains
Langfelder 2002) has been successfully used to need to be post-translationally 4-phosphopan-
target fungal genes. The REMI procedure was tetheinylated, thus making co-expression of a spe-
used to identify a PKS gene involved in T-toxin cific PPTase essential. Beside fungal hosts (e.g.
production in the fungal pathogen C. heterostro- A. nidulans), yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae),
phus (Yang et al. 1996). bacteria (Actinomycetes) and plants (tobacco)
have proven suitable for PKS gene expression
(Pfeifer and Khosla 2001).
2. Knockdown The first successful expression of a fungal PKS
Another genetic tool to study PKS gene functions gene in bacteria was reported in 1995 (Bedford
in fungi is RNA-mediated gene silencing. In this et al. 1995). Bedford et al. (1995) expressed the
post-transcriptional down-regulation method 6-MSAS gene from P. patulum in Streptomyces
double-stranded RNA triggers the degradation of a coelicolor CH999. Extensive modification of the
sequence homologous mRNA. With this method expressed gene was necessary. The intron was
Nakayashiki et al. (2005) successfully silenced removed, a Shine–Dalgarno sequence was cloned
specific genes in Magnaporthe oryzae and in the 30 region and four codons were adapted into
C. lagenarium. more frequently used ones in Streptomycetes
RNA silencing is an attractive method to ana- (Wright and Bibb 1992). The 6-MSAS gene was
lyse lethal knockouts or cases when directed gene expressed under control of the S. coelicolor acti-
disruptions failed due to a low efficacy of homol- norhodin actI promoter.
ogous integration events in the fungal genome. One year later the 6-MSAS encoding gene atX
This method was successfully applied in the inves- from A. terreus was identified and expressed in
tigation of chaetoglobosin biosynthesis in the fungal host A. nidulans (Fujii et al. 1996). For
P. expansum (Schuemann and Hertweck 2004). successful expression the atX gene was cloned
All efforts to disrupt the proposed PKS-NRPS downstream the amyB promoter of the Taka-
gene cheA of the sequenced gene cluster failed. amylase A gene.
Finally, cheA RNA-silencing resulted in a signifi- In 1999 the expression of the LNKS gene in
cant decrease in chaetoglobosin production, A. nidulans using the alcA promoter for expres-
which proved the involvement of the targeted sion control was reported by Kennedy et al.
gene in metabolite biosynthesis (Fig. 16.11). (1999). Apparently LNKS alone was malfunction-
Sequence similar genes can be silenced simul- ing and synthesised polyunsaturated pyrones only
taneously. A disadvantage is that silencing not (Fig. 16.7). Enoyl reduction and ketoreduction
necessarily leads to a null phenotype. This may had not occurred and the polyketide chain was
be crucial for the down-regulation of non-major released prematurely. Sequence analysis revealed
activity enzymes (like tailoring enzymes), which that the NADPH binding pocket and this for ER
might have no detectable effect on metabolite activity of LNKS was dysfunctional. Co-expres-
production level (Thierry and Vaucheret 1996; sion of the separately encoded and trans-acting
Baulcombe 1999). ER LovC complemented ER activity and led to the
production of the expected dihydromonacolin L.
Squalestatin tetraketide synthase from Phoma
B. Heterologous Expression of PKS Genes sp. was introduced into A. oryzae, and the trans-
formant produced detectable amounts of the tetra-
A general expression system for fungal PKS genes is ketide side-chain of sqalestatin S1 (Cox et al. 2004).
preferable in order to engineer metabolite biosynthe- The only successful expression of a fungal PKS
sis and improve yields. The use of native polyketide in Escherichia coli and additionally in S. cerevisiae
producers is often hampered by a high background was reported by Kealey et al. (1998). They
of metabolites, sub-optimal growth conditions or co-expressed the gene coding for 6-MSAS together
low production of the desired polyketide. with the gene encoding Bacillus subtilis PPTase Sfp
Biosynthesis of Fungal Polyketides 347

in both hosts. Using suitable promoters, alcohol from the griseusin PKS (Zawada and Khosla
dehydrogenase 2 (ADH2) promoter and T5 RNA 1999) and second ring cyclase OxyN (Zhang
polymerase promoter, respectively, high produc- et al. 2007) resulted in anthraquinone products.
tion levels were achieved in yeast (twofold higher These experiments impressively show how fungal
than in the wild type), while 6-MSA production was PKS can be complemented with trans-acting
just detectable in E. coli (Kealey et al. 1998). domains and tailoring enzymes even from distinct
The 6-MSAS gene from P. patulum was also families of PKS.
expressed in tobacco, showing that plants could
also serve for the production of fungal PKS. Inter-
C. PKS Pathway Regulation
estingly, the plant PPTase seemed to convert fungal
apo-ACP into the holo enzyme (Yalpani et al. 2001). For several reasons it might be attractive to regu-
Ebizuka and co-workers demonstrated the late the activity of a whole biosynthesis gene clus-
expression of three HR PKS genes from A. solani ter in order to increase, decrease or temporally
in A. oryzae (Kasahara, Fujii et al. 2006). While control metabolite production. Methodologies to
PksK was non-functional, production of PksN alter fungal secondary metabolic synthesis involve
and PksF led to the production of the octamethy- varying environmental factors such as nutrients or
lated decaketide alternapyrone and aslanipyrone/ temperature. The marine fungus Phomopsis aspar-
aslaniol, respectively (Fujii et al. 2005; Fig. 16.8). agi was treated with the F-actin inhibitor jasplaki-
Halo et al. (2008) succeeded in expressing the nolide in order to turn on pathways (Christian
tenellin synthetase gene tenS in A. oryzae. Heter- et al. 2005). The Phomopsis genus is a rich source
ologous expression of the PKS-NRPS hybrid for secondary metabolites. Incubation of P. aspar-
synthetase-encoding gene tenS without the sepa- agi with jasplakinolide, first isolated from the
rately encoded ER gene led to the production of sponge Jaspis splendens, resulted in the production
acyl tetramic acids, albeit their structure elucida- of three new biological active chaetoglobosins.
tion revealed errors in polyketide assembly. Mining the genome of A. nidulans, an orphan
A correctly built polyketide could be achieved by PKS gene cluster was identified (Bergmann et al.
co-expression of tenS with orf3, coding for the 2007). Analyses revealed the presence of one PKS‐
trans-acting ER of the tenellin biosynthesis gene NRPS gene, one gene encoding an ER, four
cluster. putative tailoring genes, one gene coding for an
In 2007 the iterative, non-reducing bikaverin exporter and one single regulator gene named
PKS, PKS4 from G. fujikuroi, was expressed at apdR. All efforts to cultivate this fungus under
high levels in E. coli, purified and reconstituted conditions that lead to the production of a poly-
to in vitro activity (Ma et al. 2007). In the presence ketide-non-ribosomal peptide related product
of malonyl-CoA PKS4 synthesised the precursor failed. The gene cluster remained silent under
of bikaverin as main product, demonstrating the test conditions. A novel activation method was
functionality of the bacterial expressed fungal established in order to identify the encoded natu-
PKS. This work provides a basis for enzymatic ral product biosynthesis pathway. A copy of the
in vitro synthesis of fungal polyketide compounds. regulator gene apdR, coding for a C6 transcription
Mutations of the G. fujikuroi PKS4 C-terminal factor, was cloned and expressed under control of
thioesterase/Claisen cyclase (TE/CYC) domain the inducible alcA promoter from A. nidulans
were performed by Ma et al. (2008). The mutant (Fig. 16.10). Induction of the regulator induced
PKS were disabled in correct cyclisation of the the transcription of all biosynthesis genes and
nascent polyketide, proving the involvement of finally led to the production of new polyketide-
TE/CYC in the folding of bikaverin. Complemen- non-ribosomal peptide products in A. nidulans.
tation of the mutant PKS4 with a standalone TE/ New members of pyridone alkaloids were isolated,
CLC domain restored the regioselective cyclisa- the aspyridones.
tion steps. In further in vitro experiments disso-
ciated bacterial tailoring enzymes were added to
the reconstituted PKS4. Addition of the S. coelico- VIII. Conclusions
lor actinothodin KR led to the C9 reduced and
shortened oktaketide mutactin. The addition of Fungal PKS are highly specialised programmed
first ring aromatase/cyclase (GRIS ARO/CYC) nanomachines. With a simple set of active
348 Julia Schuemann and Christian Hertweck

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17 Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis


CONTENTS plant-pathogenic Fusarium species, fumonisins

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 also produced by Fusarium species, patulin pro-
II. Ochratoxin A-Producing Fungal Species . . . . 353 duced mainly by Penicillium species and ochra-
III. Structure and Biosynthesis of toxin A produced by Aspergillus and Penicillium
Ochratoxin A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 species. Especially ochratoxin A attracted much
IV. Physiological Conditions for Production
and Occurrence of Ochratoxin A . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 attention in recent time which led to a consider-
V. Molecular Biology of Ochratoxin A able progress in the knowledge about this sec-
Biosynthesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 ondary metabolite. Ochratoxin is mainly a
VI. Regulation of Expression of Ochratoxin nephrotoxic mycotoxin but has also hepatotoxic,
A Biosynthesis Genes in Penicillium immunotoxic and teratogenic activities (Pfohl-
in Relation to Environmental Factors . . . . . . . 363
VII. Regulation of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis Leszkowicz and Manderville 2007). Ochratoxin
in Penicillium in Relation to Light . . . . . . . . . . 368 A is considered to be a human carcinogen of
VIII. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371 the 2B class (Petzinger and Weidenbach 2002).
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 It is discussed that ochratoxin A is implicated in
an endemic disease in certain areas of the Bal-
kan, the so-called Balkan endemic nephropathy.
I. Introduction The symptoms which develop during that disease
very much resemble the symptoms of ochratoxin
A toxicity (Pfohl-Leszkowicz et al. 2002). For that
Ochratoxin A was first described as a toxic me-
reason statutory limits were recently set by the
tabolite produced by Aspergillus ochraceus, giv-
European Union. The biological background of
ing this secondary metabolite its name (van der
aflatoxin, trichothecene and fumonisin biosyn-
Merwe et al. 1968). Secondary metabolites of
thesis is well elucidated; however despite of the
filamentous fungi can be more or less artificially
importance of ochratoxin A, surprisingly not that
divided in antibiotics (toxic for microorgan-
much is known about this secondary metabolite.
isms), phytotoxins (toxic for plants) and myco-
This chapter tries to summarize the current
toxins (toxic for humans and animals). About
knowledge about the biology of ochratoxin bio-
300–400 secondary metabolites, which are cate-
gorized as mycotoxins, are known; however most
of them do not have an impact on the health of
human and animal beings, simply because they
do not occur in substantial amounts in foods and II. Ochratoxin A-Producing Fungal
feeds. The most important mycotoxins from that
respect are the aflatoxins, which were the first Species
mycotoxins discovered, because of the death of
100 000 turkeys in Great Britain, described Ochratoxin A was first discovered from a culture
by Asao et al. (1963). Other important mycotox- of A. ochraceus (van der Merwe et al. 1965). These
ins are trichothecenes produced by several authors analyzed the toxicity of five strains of A.
ochraceus. This species is a saprophyte which
often occurs on decaying plant material. However
Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute of Nutrition
and Food, Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 9, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany;
A. ochraceus can also grow on stored wheat, as
e-mail:, Markus.Schmidt-Heydt@MRI. long as the moisture content is above 16%. It was also reported as a contaminant of “katsuobushi” a

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
354 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

traditional Asian fermented fish. Of the analyzed A. carbonarius strains isolated from the natural
five strains, three caused the death of test animals environment are able to produce ochratoxin A
after feeding; and an LD50 of 0.5 mg/g was ob- (Abarca et al. 2003), which is therefore a very
served. This work described the formula of ochra- consistent feature in this species. Recently Sam-
toxin for the first time. A. ochraceus has long been son et al. (2004) updated the taxonomic situation
regarded as a major ochratoxin A-producing or- of the ochratoxin A-producing species within
ganism on plant commodities like coffee beans, Section Nigri and described new ochratoxigenic
cocoa, grapes and spices. This species belongs to species, two of them (A. lacticoffeatus, A. sclero-
Aspergillus, Section Circumdati. However, after tioniger) produces high amounts of ochratoxin
detailed examination of the taxonomic relation- A. According to these authors, four of the 15
ships, new ochratoxin A-producing species within accepted species within this section are ochra-
this section were recently described (Frisvad et al. toxin producers, namely A. carbonarius, A. niger,
2004). According to these authors eight species of A. lacticoffeatus and A. sclerotioniger. The taxon-
this section consistently produce large amounts of omy with section Nigri is not yet completely
ochratoxin A, in particular A. cretensis, A. floccu- solved (Abarca et al. 2004). For this reason occa-
losus, A. pseudoelegans, A. roseoglobulosus, sionally members of this group, like A. japonicus
A. westerdijkiae, A. steynii, A sulphorosus and and A. foetidus (which are usually not regarded as
Neopetromyces muricatus. Two other species pro- ochratoxigenic species), have been reported
duce moderate amounts of ochratoxin A, but to produce ochratoxin A. Recently two new mem-
less consistently, e.g. A. ochraceus, the original bers of this section were described, A. uvarum
ochratoxin-producing species, and A. sclero- (Perrone et al. 2008) and A. ibericus (Serra et al.
tiorum. Four other species produce only very 2006), but neither produces ochratoxin A. Accensi
inconsistently ochratoxin A to a very low amount, et al. (1999) described an RFLP of the ITS 1 region
in particular A. melleus, A. ostianus, A. petrakii which can distinguish between potential
and A. persii. In the Aspergillus Nigri section two ochratoxin A-producing A. niger strains (N-type
very important ochratoxin-producing species are pattern) and the highly related, but non-ochra-
well known: (i) A. carbonarius is a strong toxigenic A. tubingensis strains (T-type pattern).
and consistent ochratoxin A producer and (ii) Other described ochratoxin A-producing Asper-
A. niger produces inconsistently lower amounts gillus species are A. alliaceus, A. sulphurus,
of ochratoxin. A. niger is a GRAS organism (gen- A. albertensis, A. auricomus and A. wendtii
erally recognized as safe) which is used extensive- (Varga et al. 1996).
ly for biotechnological processes like the In contrast only two species of Penicillium
production of citric acid, hydrolytic enzymes like which produce ochratoxin A are known: P.
pectinases, proteases and amylases. However in verrucosum and P. nordicum. Before the clear
1994 it was shown for the first time that this clarification of the taxonomic status of ochra-
species is also able to produce ochratoxin A toxin A-producing Penicillium species by Pitt
(Abarca et al. 1994). These authors analyzed 19 (1987), ochratoxin A-producing Penicillia were
strains of A. niger isolated from feed and identi- assigned to the species P. viridicatum. Ciegler
fied two strains which were able to produce ochra- et al. (1973) first described three subgroups with-
toxin A. Both strains produced low amounts of in P. viridicatum, based on the production of
ochratoxin A, in particular 0.21 mg/g and 0.36 mg/ ochratoxin A and other metabolites; two of
g. Generally only about 6% of the naturally these subgroups which were able to produce
isolated strains of A. niger are able to produce ochratoxin A now form P. verrucosum (Pitt
ochratoxin A (Schuster et al. 2002). These facts 1987) or P. nordicum. P. verrucosum has long
must be taken into account when strains of A. been regarded as the sole Penicillium species
niger are selected for biotechnological purposes. able to produce ochratoxin A. However it was
However, because of the low incidence of ochra- recently demonstrated by chemotaxonomical
toxinogenic strains within this species, it should and molecular methods that P. nordicum is clear-
not be a problem to select suitable technological ly a separate species with characteristics distinct
strains. The situation with A. carbonarius is from P. verrucosum (Larsen et al. 2001; Castella
completely different. According to many reports et al. 2002). P. verrucosum and P. nordicum are
in the literature >90% (up to 97%) of the morphologically very similar. That is the reason
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 355

why most P. nordicum strains were formerly Table 17.1. Occurrence of ochratoxin A-producing fungi
identified as P. verrucosum by morphological
Habitat/product Species
means. However nowadays rapid and objective
molecular diagnostic methods exist to differenti- Cereals Penicillium verrucosum
ate between the two species (Bogs et al. 2006). Salt-rich, dry-cured P. nordicum
meat, cheese
Also both species exhibit a different chemotype Grapes, wine Aspergillus niger, A. carbonarius,
after analysis of the produced secondary meta- A. ochraceus
bolites. P. nordicum for example is able to pro- Coffee, spices A. ochraceus, A. carbonarius,
duce anacines, sclerotigenin and ochratoxin A, A. niger, A. westerdijkiae,
whereas P. verrucosum synthesizes ochratoxin A, A. steynii
verrucines and citrinin. In addition both species
differ considerably in their genome organization, grapes spices or cocoa. Penicillia grow better at
because they showed consistent clearly distin- moderate temperatures, e.g. between 20 C and
guishable RAPD and AFLP profiles (Castella 25 C. Therefore they can be isolated mainly
et al. 2002). Generally most strains of P. nordi- from sources of the northern hemisphere. Espe-
cum produce high amounts of ochratoxin, where- cial problems with this fungus have the north
as the incidence of ochratoxin A production in P. European countries like Denmark, Sweden or
verrucosum is much less pronounced. From a the United Kingdom (Frisvad 2005). Until now
natural population of P. verrucosum only 66% only a few isolates have been found in locations
were able to produce ochratoxin A (Frisvad with higher temperature, like Italy, Spain, Portu-
et al. 2005). Moreover most strains produce gal, Nicaragua and Bulgaria (Frisvad et al. 2005).
only moderate amounts of the toxin. However, P. nordicum is a special case because it rarely
because of their frequent occurrence in certain occurs on plant material. It is rather adapted to
plant commodities, P. verrucosum plays an im- man made environment. That is the production
portant role as an ochratoxin A-producing con- plants of salt-rich, dry-cured foods like cheeses
taminant. and meats. It is a moderate xerophilic species and
The Aspergilli and Penicillia able to produce likes a certain concentration of salt. It even shows
ochratoxin A are generally not plant pathogens, increasing growth rates at concentrations of
but rather saprophytes or maximally opportunis- more than 40g/L NaCl per liter growth medium.
tic pathogens which can colonize wounds or Beside the temperature preferences also the
plant material already disturbed by more serious substrate directs the species which can grow.
pathogens or insects. This is especially true for Table 17.1 shows the typical occurrence of ochra-
the Aspergilli, which can for example colonize toxin A-producing Aspergilli and Penicillia.
bunches of grapes and produce ochratoxin A in
that environment (Battilani et al. 2003; Varga and
Kozakiewicz 2006). The ochratoxigenic Penicillia
in contrast are not regarded as pathogens, but as III. Structure and Biosynthesis
so-called storage fungi, colonizing the product of Ochratoxin A
only after harvest. That is especially the case for
cereals. This plant product is frequently colo- Ochratoxin is a composite mycotoxin consisting
nized by P. verrucosum. In fact P. verrucosum is of a polyketide part and the amino acid phenylal-
the only confirmed ochratoxin A-producing spe- anine. Chemically ochratoxin A is the pentaketide
cies in this habitat. Occasionally found Aspergilli 3,4-dihydro-3-R-methyl-isocoumarin linked via
do not contribute to ochratoxin A biosynthesis in its 12-carboxyl group by an peptide bond to the
this environment (Frisvad et al. 2005). Generally amino acid phenylalanine (Steyn 1993) The
the geographical habitats differ between ochra- full nomenclatural name is L-phenylalanine-
toxin A-producing Aspergilli and Penicillia. N-[5-chloro-3,4-dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-methyl-
Aspergilli are more adapted to warmer tempera- 1-oxo-1H2-benzopyran-7-yl]carbonyl-R-isocou-
tures. Some of them have their growth optimum marin (Chemical Abstracts, No. 303-47-9).
between 30 C and 37 C. For this reason they Ochratoxin A is chlorinated at position 5 of the
mainly occur on plants growing in regions with polyketide. Various other forms have been identi-
tropical and subtropical climate like coffee, fied, including ochratoxin B, which carries a
356 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

multifunctional enzyme, the ochratoxin A polyke-

tide synthase. Acetate or malonate precursors are
added in a stepwise head to tail addition until the
pentaketide is formed. Intermediates of this reac-
tion have not been detected. Huff and Hamilton
(1979) proposed mellein as an end-product of the
polyketide pathway.

Harris and Mantle (2001) identified the transitory pro-

duction of mellein during the biosynthesis of ochratoxin
A in liquid medium, but not during biosynthesis of
ochratoxin A on solid medium. For this reason the
authors were not sure whether mellein plays an impor-
tant role during the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A.
According to the scheme of Huff and Hamilton (1970)
7-carboxymellein is further methylated via S-adenosyl-
methionine at position 7 to synthesize 7-carboxymellein
or ochratoxin b. This reaction might be carried out
through the action of a methyltransferase domain from
the polyketide synthase as it is the case with the related
mycotoxin citrinin (Shimizu et al. 2005). In fact the
polyketide moiety of citrinin is very similar to that of
ochratoxin b. Both polyketides differ only in the pres-
ence (citrinin) or absence (ochratoxin A) of the methyl
groups. As a next step, Huff and Hamilton (1979) sug-
gested a chloroperoxidase reaction for the addition of the
chlorine to position 5 of the isocoumarin ring system.
The chlorine is part of the structure of ochratoxin A and
Fig. 17.1. Structural formulas of ochratoxin A, B and C ochratoxin C. According to Harris and Mantle (2001),
(from top to bottom) either ochratoxin b (7-carboxymellein) or ochratoxin B
can be chlorinated to give rise to ochratoxin A. These
authors suggest a major pathway from ochratoxin b to
hydrogen atom instead of chlorine at position 5. ochratoxin a to ochratoxin A with a possible branch
Ochratoxin C is the ethylester of ochratoxin A from b to B. This would explain the frequent occurrence
of ochratoxin B which can be found in fungal cultures.
(Fig. 17.1). Ochratoxins a and b respectively also However ochratoxin B can also be generated from ochra-
differ in the chlorination at position 5, however in toxin A non-specifically. No clear evidence was found if
contrast to ochratoxin A and B, they are not linked this conversion is true to a biotransformation process.
to phenylalanine. (Harris and Mantle 2001). However in this case ochra-
Ochratoxin A is the most abundant end-prod- toxin a is not needed for the biosynthesis, but it can be
identified naturally. According to the results of these
uct synthesized by strains isolated from nature, authors mellein per se seems not to be involved in the
followed by ochratoxin B. The a and b forms are biosynthesis pathway. Wei et al. (1971) showed that
obviously precursors during the biosynthesis of chlorine-36 is most effectively incorporated into ochra-
ochratoxin A (Harris and Mantle 2001); however toxin A, when added to the cultures at day two or three.
they are not produced as end-products. Until According to this experiment only ochratoxin A is
labelled by the precursor. In a similar experiment Searcy
today the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A has not et al. (1969) showed that radiolabeled phenylalanine-
been completely described in detail. Three major 1-14C was readily incorporated into the end-product
steps must be involved in ochratoxin A biosynthe- ochratoxin A and also sodium acetate-2-14C. Both are
sis: i.e. (i) biosynthesis of the polyketide, (ii) pep- the expected main precursors of the pathway.
tide formation between the polyketide and the
amino acid phenylalanine, which is derived from In the scheme of Huff and Hamilton (1979), the
the shikimic acid pathway and (iii) chlorination to next step is the joining reaction between the
ochratoxin A. Today the order of this reactions is amino acid phenylalanine and the polyketide
still not completely clear. Huff and Hamilton dihydroisocoumarin. Huff and Hamilton (1979)
(1979) proposed a pathway based on feeding stud- described an ochratoxin A synthetase as the enzy-
ies with labeled precursors. The dihydroisocou- matic function performing these step. This ochra-
marin polyketide moiety is synthesized by a single toxin synthetases is probably a non-ribosomal
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 357

peptide synthetase which ligates the amino acid to A. sulphurus and P. verrucosum. More natural
the polyketide and forms the amid bond between model media (e.g. rice meal, oat meal, corn grits)
the amino group of phenylalanine and the carboxy supported ochratoxin A biosynthesis to a much
group of 7-carboxymellein. However the ethyles- lesser extent. The same could be shown for
ter of phenylalanine seems to be involved in this P. nordicum. Also with this species YES was the
reaction. The esterification of the carboxy group most supportive medium for ochratoxin A bio-
of phenylalanine may be important for protection synthesis (Geisen 2004). Two other media with
purposes (Harris and Mantle 2001). This reaction strong regulatory influence on ochratoxin A bio-
would result in ochratoxin C in which the carboxy synthesis gene expression have been developed
group is still esterified. In a later step this ester can (Geisen et al. 2004). Both are minimal media
be hydrolyzed to form ochratoxin A. Ochratoxin C with the same composition. Only differences in
has been isolated from A. ochraceus cultures. the carbon and nitrogen sources exist. One medi-
Taken the published facts together, the penta- um (MMp) contains NH4+ as nitrogen source and
ketide ochratoxin b and its chlorinated derivative glycerol as carbon source and is fully supportive
ochratoxin a are methylated via the polyketide for ochratoxin A biosynthesis, whereas the other
synthase reaction. Feeding experiments have medium (MMr) contains the combination NO3–/
shown that ochratoxin a can be converted into glucose and nearly completely represses the
ochratoxin A, but ochratoxin b can be converted toxin biosynthesis, albeit growth is still possible.
to ochratoxin A and B. That means that the chlor- Expression analysis of ochratoxin A biosynthesis
inating step is intermediate and prior to the liga- genes revealed that, after growth in the supportive
tion of the polyketide to the amino acid medium with glycerol and NH4+, ochratoxin
phenylalanine. This is described for A. ochraceus, transcript levels are several-fold higher compared
however new molecular evidence obtained in the to the non-supportive medium (Geisen et al. 2006).
case of Penicillium suggests a slightly different These results indicate that glucose represses and
order of reactions, with the chlorination as the NH4+ activates ochratoxin A biosynthesis in Peni-
last reaction before excretion. This is described cillium. The effect of glucose on the expression of
below (Fig. 17.2). secondary metabolite genes is well known. For
example the biosynthesis of the antibiotic actino-
mycin is tightly regulated by catabolite repression
IV. Physiological Conditions (Gallo and Katz 1972; Yu and Keller 2005). Catabo-
for Production and Occurrence lite repression is mediated via the creA zinc finger
of Ochratoxin A DNA binding factor (Dowzer and Kelly 1991)
which binds to a consensus sequence located in
Like all mycotoxins, ochratoxin A is only pro- front of regulated promoters, thereby down-regu-
duced under certain growth conditions and is lating transcription of the respective gene. Accord-
influenced by growth phase, substrate, tempera- ing to the results described above, this seems to be
ture, water activity and pH. Moreover the produc- the case for the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A. In
tion profiles of mycotoxins are species-specific media containing glucose as sole carbon source,
and may even vary from strain to strain. Despite ochratoxin A biosynthesis is strongly inhibited.
these variability, data about the influence of envi- Binding sites for the CREA protein have been de-
ronmental parameters on the biosynthesis of scribed in Penicillium (Diez et al. 2005).
ochratoxin A are important for estimating the
In contrast to the situation of ochratoxin A, the biosynthe-
activation of mycotoxin biosynthesis under a sis of aflatoxin seems not to be regulated by carbon catab-
given situation. Because of this aspect, a wealth of olite repression. According to Bhatnagar et al. (2006)
literature data is available describing ochratoxin A aflatoxin biosynthesis by A. flavus and A. parasiticus is
biosynthesis under a given set of conditions. activated by simple carbon sources like glucose and su-
One of the most important influences is the crose, but not by peptone or complex carbohydrates like
starch. Interestingly in case of aflatoxin a hexose utiliza-
growth substrate. Skrinjar and Dimic (1992) tion gene cluster is located just adjacent to the aflatoxin
showed that the nutrient rich YES medium was biosynthesis gene cluster, indicating a possible relation-
an adequate medium for the biosynthesis of ship. Generally the regulation of aflatoxin biosynthesis by
ochratoxin A for A. ochraceus, A. sclerotiorum, simple carbon sources is not well understood. In contrast
358 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt


HC C S Enzyme O
Polykctide synthasc 2
CH2 C S CoA 2
H2 H2






O Chloroperoxidase O O



H H H2
2 2

Shikimic Acid Pathway NH2 NH2


H2 H2
Peptide synthetase O


Ochratoxin C



Ochratoxin A

Fig. 17.2. Proposed biosynthesis pathway according to the literature data mentioned above. The molecular data of
Penicillium imply that the chlorine atom is incorporated during the very last reaction, shortly before the excretion of the
molecule into the environment

to the regulation of many other secondary metabolites, promoters, which explains the independence from carbon
aflatoxin biosynthesis is activated by these simple carbo- catabolite repression. However CREA may play a role in
hydrates. Most of the aflatoxin biosynthesis genes studied the regulation of the expression of an antisense transcript
so far do not have CREA binding sites in front of their of the regulatory factor aflR (Bhatnagar et al. 2003).
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 359

Ehrlich et al. (2002) reported a few putative CREA sites Orvehed et al. (1988) described the inhibiting
identified in the intergenic region between the nor-1– effect of NaNO3 on alternariol biosynthesis by
pksA genes of A. nomius, A. bombycis, A. pseudotamarii
and A. flavus strain SBG. These are all less important and
Alternaria alternata. The biosynthesis of the
“atypical” aflatoxin-producing species. According to secondary metabolite gibberellin by G. fuji-
present evidence, CREA regulation seems not to play an kuroi is strongly suppressed by high amounts
important role during aflatoxin biosynthesis, which is of nitrogen (e.g. ammonium, glutamate, gluta-
in contrast to the results found for ochratoxin A biosyn- mine, nitrate). For this fungus it has been
thesis in Penicillium, in which CREA seems to play a role.
Tudzynski et al. (2000) characterized the creA genes
shown that AREA controls expression of the
from two plant-pathogenic fungi, in particular from Gib- gibberellin biosynthesis genes. The expression
berella fujikuroi and Botrytis cinerea, the former produc- of the gibberellin biosynthesis genes in mutants
ing the secondary metabolite gibberellin (Tudzynski et al. of the areA-Gf gene is strongly reduced, indi-
2000). cating its involvement in regulation (Tudzynski
Also the nitrogen source plays a prominent role in
These examples pinpoint the importance of
regulating mycotoxin biosynthesis. In the case of
AREA regulation on the transcription of second-
Penicillium, NH4+ increases and NO3– decreases
ary metabolites including mycotoxins. Recently
the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A. This is also the
an areA/nmrC homologue was identified in P.
case for aflatoxin biosynthesis. Ehrlich and Cotty
nordicum, which is upregulated under NO3– and
(2002) described that a strain of A. flavus SBG
downregulated under NH4+ growth condition.
produced 20-fold lower amounts of aflatoxin in
Therefore all experimental evidence suggest that
buffered nitrate medium than in ammonium salts
a similar mechanism is responsible for nitrate
medium. This effect was not true for a changed
suppression of ochratoxin A biosynthesis in
expression of the regulatory gene aflR, but the
these fungi.
expression of the coregulatory gene aflJ was re-
Another external factor which plays an impor-
duced by a factor of two. The promoter region of
tant role on ochratoxin A biosynthesis is the pH.
the aflJ genes carries some potential AREA bind-
Arroyo et al. (2003) reported that the biosynthesis
ing sites. AREA is a global regulatory protein
of ochratoxin A increases in A. ochraceus when
which can regulate expression of certain genes in
the pH drops to a range of 6.0–4.5. O’Callaghan
response to the presence (repressed) or absence
et al. (2006) also found at the phenotypical and
(induced) of NH4+ (Marzluf 1997).
molecular level that biosynthesis gene expression
and ochratoxin A biosynthesis was higher at low
According to Price et al. (2005), organic nitrogen sources pH values (down to pH 4.0) than at neutral or
induce, while inorganic sources retard aflatoxin biosyn- slightly alkaline conditions. This is in contrast to
thesis. According to these authors, nitrate repression may
occur due to an altered redox state in the cell. By micro-
the situation in Penicillium. P. nordicum shows
array analysis during aflatoxin production conditions, a highest production at neutral to slightly alkaline
potential regulon was identified, which was upregulated conditions, e.g. between pH 6.0 and pH 8.0 (Geisen
under growth on nitrate medium. One gene of this regulon 2004), whereas production is reduced under acidic
may be involved in heme biosynthesis. Heme is a structur- conditions (<pH 5.0). In case of aflatoxin biosyn-
al component of nitrate reductase, which is the first en-
zyme in the catabolic pathway leading from nitrate to
thesis also acidic conditions favor toxin biosyn-
ammonia. This observation might constitute a link to the thesis (Bhatnagar et al. 2006). Aflatoxin
nitrate repression of many mycotoxin biosynthesis path- biosynthesis by A. flavus is highest at a pH range
ways. Other genes of the regulon code for proteins between 3.4 and 5.5. Keller et al. (1997) found a
involved in the electron transport system, which might five- to tenfold increase of aflatoxin biosynthesis
play a role during reduction of nitrate to ammonia. Also,
the genes in this regulon carry AREA binding sites in their
in A. parasiticus and sterigmatocystin synthesis
promoters, indicating their coregulation. Bhatnagar et al. in A. nidulans, when cultures were grown at
(2006) also described AREA binding sites in the promoter pH 4.0–5.0 versus pH 8.0. These authors also ana-
elements of aflJ and aflR. The recognition site has the lyzed the expression of certain key genes of the
GATA consensus motive. Certain strains of A. flavus biosynthesis pathways of these secondary meta-
which respond differentially to nitrate had differences in
the number of GATA sites within the promoter region of
bolites and showed that stcU (a gene of the ster-
aflJ. According to Bhatnagar et al. (2006), the direct cause igmatocystin pathway) and ver-1 (a gene of the
of nitrogen regulation is still not clear, but it could be aflatoxin pathway) were upregulated under acidic
mediated by AREA. conditions.
360 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

Interestingly the influence of pH on the biosynthesis of to the other important mycotoxins like aflatoxin,
ochratoxin A is clearly detectable but much less pro- trichothecenes or the fumonisins. In contrast the
nounced than the influence of temperature and water
activity. This might be true because of the presence of a
situation in Penicillium is somewhat further elu-
pH controlled system which in turn regulates downstream cidated.
genes, e.g. the pacC/palA, B, C, F, H, I system as elucidated Generally the genes for the biosynthesis of
in A. nidulans. The pacC gene codes for a transcription mycotoxins are organized in clusters (Proctor
factor, which acts downstream of the six pal genes. The et al. 2003; Yu et al. 2004; Brown et al. 2005).
products of these genes are components of a signal trans-
duction pathway. PALI and PALH are potential plasma
One or two regulatory genes (regulated by global
membrane pH sensors. PACC can either activate or re- regulatory factors as mentioned above) control
press downstream genes (Arst and Penalva 2003). In a the expression of the mycotoxin biosynthesis
microarray expression analysis of genes upregulated structural genes and activate these genes under
under aflatoxin-producing conditions in A. flavus, Price permissive conditions (Fig. 17.3).
et al. (2005) found genes with creA, areA and pacC tran-
scription factor binding sites in their promoter regions,
Recently a polyketide synthase responsible for
indicating the involvement of this mechanism in the bio- the biosynthesis of ochratoxin A in A. ochraceus
synthesis of the mycotoxin aflatoxin. was partly characterized (O’Callaghan et al. 2003).
These authors identified a DNA fragment of 1.4 kb
Ehrlich et al. (2002) analyzed the expression of which shared 28–35% identity to acyl transferase
pksA an acid-expressed gene, involved in the regions from fungal polyketide synthases. Expres-
biosynthesis of aflatoxin in A. flavus. Regulation sion analysis of this gene revealed that it is only
of acid- or alkaline-regulated genes is a process activated under conditions which are supportive
involving the proteolytic degradation of the for ochratoxin A biosynthesis by A. ochraceus.
PACC protein, giving rise to the active form The expression could also only be found at the
that supports the expression of alkaline-activated early phases of ochratoxin A biosynthesis. More-
genes and represses the expression of acid-acti- over a transformant in which the pks gene was
vated genes. Since the biosynthesis of aflatoxin is inactivated by integration was no longer able to
high under acidic conditions, but repressed produce ochratoxin A, giving evidence for the
under neutral and alkaline conditions, this mech- involvement of this gene in ochratoxin A biosyn-
anism seems to act negatively on genes of the thesis. The authors used an SSH-PCR approach
pathway containing PACC binding sites. This (suppressive substractive hybridization PCR) to
was confirmed by the fact that a deletion of one identify the pks gene, by using permissive cDNA
or more of the PACC binding sites in the pro- as tester and restrictive cDNA as driver. Before
motor region of pksA mimics acid conditions. identifying the correct pks gene, the authors
Albeit no molecular evidence is available yet for cloned three other pks genes which were actively
ochratoxin A biosynthesis in Penicillia, just the transcribed, but were not involved in ochratoxin
opposite seems to be true for that fungal species. biosynthesis. This indicates that A. ochraceus con-
The ochratoxin A biosynthesis genes seems to tains several polyketide synthases, as was also
be regulated positively by PACC under alkaline found in other fungi like for example G. zeae
conditions, indicating that these genes are (Gaffor et al. 2005). The work by Atoui et al.
alkaline-activated. Fusarium oxysporum, another (2006) clearly shows that the two ochratoxin A-
mycotoxin-producing fungus, also contains a producing species A. ochraceus and A. carbonarius
characterized homologue of the pacC gene carries several pks genes. These authors used sev-
(Caracuel et al. 2003) which is involved in eral primer sequences specific for ketosynthase
virulence regulation. (KS) domains from pks genes and could identify
nine different KS domain sequences in A. ochraceus
and five in A. carbonarius. In a phylogenetic tree
V. Molecular Biology of Ochratoxin based on the similarity of the DNA sequences of
A Biosynthesis the domains, the identified gene fragments were
distributed over five different similarity clusters,
Despite the importance of ochratoxin A as a my- indicating different functions of these enzymes.
cotoxin for human health, not much is known No hint for the involvement of any of these
about the genetical background of ochratoxin A genes in ochratoxin A biosynthesis was given in
biosynthesis, especially in Aspergillus, compared this report. Based on one of these pks genes, a
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 361

regulatory gene Gene cluster

Global transcription factors

responsive against changes in

water activity

Fig. 17.3. Organization of a typical secondary metabolite gene cluster. The arrows indicate the hierarchical regulation of
global versus specific transcription factors. Global factors are responsive to environmental changes

molecular detection system to specifically identify et al. 2006). Figure 17.4 shows the information
A. carbonarius on infected grapes was described currently available about the gene cluster in
(Atoui et al. 2007). Beside the polyketide synthase P. nordicum.
of A. ochraceus, whose expression is correlated Interestingly the presence of homologues of
with the production of ochratoxin A (O’Callaghan the genes has also been demonstrated for P.
et al. 2003), the same authors identified two p450 verrucosum, the closely related species. All the
monooxygenase genes, in particular p450-H11 genes seem to be very similar, except the polyke-
and p450-B03 which had a very similar expression tide synthase which differs considerably between
profile compared to the polyketide synthase gene the two species. Part of a polyketide synthase from
(O’Callaghan et al. 2006). For this reason the P. verrucosum CBS 302.48, obviously involved in
authors conclude that both gene products might ochratoxin A biosynthesis, was deposited in Gen-
be involved in ochratoxin A biosynthesis. These eBank under accession number EF527420. This
three genes have been identified using an SSH fragment covers the acyltransferase domain of
approach, with which 152 genes, upregulated the polyketide synthase of P. verrucosum and has
under ochratoxin A-producing conditions have only limited homology to the respective domain of
been found. In a later analysis the same authors P. nordicum (similarity index 13.7, after the Mar-
compared the sequences of the ochratoxin A pks tinez/Needleman_Wunsch DNA alignment). If
gene of A. ochraceus, with that of other known pks this dissimilarity between the two polyketide
genes (O’Callaghan 2006b). They found that the synthases of the two related species is due to the
ochratoxin A pks gene has a high homology, espe- fact that P. verrucosum is also able to produce
cially in the ketosynthase domain, with pks genes citrinin, another polyketide mycotoxin is not yet
of the MSAS type (methyl salicylic acid synthase). clear. It is speculated that the P. verrucosum poly-
That is in nice agreement with the otapksPN gene ketide synthase might be involved in the biosyn-
identified in P. nordicum (see below), which also thesis of both toxins. The identified genes of
shows high homology to MSAS type pks genes P. nordicum involved in ochratoxin A biosynthe-
(Karolewiez and Geisen 2005). sis are a polyketide synthase (otapksPN), a non-
Another report of the cloning of an adjacent ribosomal peptide synthetase (otanpsPN), a gene
fragment of the same gene was given by Dao et al. with some homology to chlorinating enzymes
(2005). They used the identified DNA fragment for (otachlPN; which is thought to be involved in the
the development of primers specific for ochra- chlorination step) and a gene with high homology
toxin A-producing fungi. These primers were to the organic anion transporter (oat) from rat
used in diagnostic PCR reactions to identify po- kidneys (otatraPN). The gene product of the rat
tential ochratoxin A-producing organisms in en- gene is described to be involved in the export of
vironmental samples. ochratoxin A from kidney cells. This gives a
In the case of P. nordicum the gene cluster strong indication that the P. nordicum gene
responsible for ochratoxin A biosynthesis is partly might be involved in the transport of ochratoxin
elucidated (Karolewiez and Geisen 2005; Geisen A out of the fungal cell. Until now no gene or gene
362 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

P. nordicum high amounts of OTA

otanpsPN otapksPN otachlPN otatraPN

P. verrucosum moderate amounts of OTA, citrinin

otanpsPV otapksPV otachlPV otatraPV

P. nalgiovense no OTA detectable

otanpsPNa otapksPNa otachlPNa otatraPNa

Fig. 17.4. Schematic drawing of the ochratoxin A gene clusters in P. nordicum, P. verrucosum and P. nalgiovense. For the
dotted line no sequence information is available yet

product involved in the regulation of ochratoxin A and 44% identity to the otapksPN gene from
has been described. The regulation of activation of P. nordicum. However until now it has not
the identified genes very congruently fits to the been ultimately shown that this pks gene from
phenotypic production of ochratoxin A; and gene A. carbonarius is involved in ochratoxin A biosyn-
inactivation approaches demonstrate the involve- thesis. The original report about the identification
ment of three of the identified genes in ochratoxin of the otapksPN gene also described highest
A biosynthesis. Transformation of P. nordicum homology to the MSAS-like pks genes from A.
with either internal fragments of the otapksPN, terreus, Byssochlamys nivea and P. griseofulvum
the otanpsPN or the otachlPN genes revealed (Karolewiez and Geisen 2005). As can be seen
strains unable to produce ochratoxin A, in con- from Fig. 17.4, another species could be found
trast to the wild type. Interestingly, in the case of which obviously carries homologues of the ochra-
inactivation of the otachlPN gene, the respective toxin A biosynthesis genes. This species is P. nal-
transformant produced mainly ochratoxin B in- giovense, which is known as a biotechnological
stead of ochratoxin A. This indicates the possible production culture for dry-cured, salt-rich foods,
involvement of the gene product in the chlorina- especially meats. This is the same habitat in which
tion step. P. nordicum nearly exclusively occurs. Until now,
Very unexpectedly homologues of these genes P. nalgiovense has never been described to pro-
have not yet been identified in the major ochra- duce ochratoxin A. Comparison of part of the pks
toxin A-producing Aspergilli, indicating a conver- gene homologue in P. nalgiovense revealed high
gent evolution of the non-homologous gene homology with P. nordicum. Only two nucleotide
clusters, rather than separation from a common exchanges were found over a stretch of about 460
ancestor. Convergent evolution of secondary me- nucleotides for each of the two analyzed P. nalgio-
tabolite pathways is also suggested by Frisvad vense sequences (Bogs et al. 2006). However a
et al. (2008), trying to explain the presence of subsequent expression analysis revealed silent
similar secondary metabolites in phylogenetically otapksPNa genes (at least under the conditions
unrelated species. The P. nordicum otapksPN is a applied) in the two analyzed P. nalgiovense
polyketide synthase of the MSAS type (methyl strains, compared to a very active gene in case of
salicylic acid synthetases), leading to partially re- P. nordicum.
duced polyketides, which fits very well with the
structure of ochratoxin A. Atoui et al. (2006) This looks like a situation similar to the A. flavus/A.
oryzea or A. parasiticus/A. sojae species pairs. In these
found a pks gene in A. carbonarius, whose acyl- cases the two former species are potent aflatoxin produ-
transferase domain has about 47% identity to the cers, whereas the two latter species are regarded as domes-
PKS responsible for the biosynthesis of methyl ticated forms of the two former ones. Interestingly the
salicylic acid (MSA) by A. terreus and P. patulum latter species are used for food fermentations in Asian
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 363

countries and have never been reported to produce afla- VI. Regulation of Expression
toxin. The reason for its non-aflatoxigenicity has been well
elucidated in the case of A. sojae (Chang et al. 2007). In of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis
this species the interaction between the two regulatory Genes in Penicillium in Relation
proteins AFLR and AFLJ is disturbed, leading to a non-
aflatoxigenic phenotype. This effect is caused by an early
to Environmental Factors
termination of the translation of the AFLR protein. In this
case an AFLR variant is formed with a reduced ability for Ochratoxin A is produced in the secondary me-
transcription activation. In addition this variant form is tabolism of the fungus. The distinction between
no longer able to interact with AFLJ. Other mutations are
primary and secondary metabolism is more or
responsible for the inactivation of aflatoxin biosynthesis
in A. sojae. For example the pksA gene, a polyketide less historical; however from the viewpoint of
synthase involved in aflatoxin biosynthesis, is defective expression kinetics secondary metabolism is acti-
because it contains a pretermination stop codon which vated at later growth phases. Historically trans-
leads to a truncated product of 1847 amino acids. In the mission of the culture from the actively growing
case of A. oryzea this effect has not been shown yet.
trophophase state to the more static stationary
However Tominaga et al. (2006) recently compared the
aflatoxin gene cluster of A. flavus with that of A. oryzea. phase is regarded as a signal for induction of
Generally they found a high homology of 97–99% between secondary metabolite biosynthesis. However re-
both clusters. However three genes showed more pro- cent detailed analysis showed that the production
nounced differences. The aflT gene of A. oryzea had a of mycotoxins, although it does not take place
deletion of 257 bp and there was a frame shift mutation in
from the very beginning of growth, can start very
nor-A and a base pair substitution in verA. In addition two
substitutions in the promotor region of the aflR gene could early and at any case before reaching the idio-
be identified: one in an AREA binding site and one in a phase. This means that signals other than the
FACB binding site. Obviously these mutations are respon- shift from tropho- to idiophase must trigger acti-
sible for the aflatoxin negative phenotype of A. oryzea. vation of mycotoxin biosynthesis. The exhaustion
of a nutrient, very often nitrogen, is regarded as
Until now nothing has been known about the one signal for secondary metabolite activation
reason for the non-ochratoxin A phenotype of (Bennett and Christensen 1983). Shortage of a
P. nalgiovense. Similar mutations could be re- nutrient can be regarded as some kind of nutri-
sponsible for this feature, but it is not absolutely tional stress caused by unfavorable nutrient com-
ruled out that P. nalgiovense may be able to pro- position of the substrate. This may be occur quite
duce ochratoxin under certain growth conditions. fast after growth on solid agar medium, when the
Recently a systematic analysis of the occur- diffusion of nutrients plays a role. Likewise on
rence of P. nordicum on salt-rich, dry-cured pro- natural substrates the overall nutrient amount is
ducts isolated a set of strains which were partly high, but nevertheless nutrient limitations in the
able to produce low amounts of ochratoxin A and microenvironment may also occur due to diffu-
which carried homologues of the ochratoxin A sion problems.
biosynthesis genes of P. nordicum. Also the pks As shown above, several external parameters
genes were similar to those of P. nordicum. How- like substrate, temperature, water activity, pH,
ever the morphology and RAPD types differed light, preservatives and fungicides do have an
from those of P. nordicum, P. nalgiovense and important influence on the biosynthesis of myco-
P. verrucosum. In comparison, P. nordicum pro- toxins. Mycotoxin biosynthesis genes are not con-
duced high amounts of ochratoxin, whereas this stitutively expressed, but are induced under
group of strains produced very low amounts favorable conditions and growth phases. This
of ochratoxin A, if at all. These preliminary results situation implies that these external effects have
indicate that possibly a third species (as yet unde- an influence on gene transcription. This was
scribed) occurs in this limited habitat of salt- demonstrated for ochratoxin A biosynthesis by
fermented foods. That is a very interesting fact O’Callaghan et al. (2006), who showed that the
which means that two (plus one unidentified) of composition of the growth medium has a strong
four species now known to carry the ochratoxin effect on the expression of the ochratoxin A pks
A biosynthesis genes occur in this limited habitat gene of A. ochraceus. After growth on potato
of salt-rich, dry-cured foods. This points to dextrose medium, and on potato dextrose medi-
the intriguing idea that ochratoxin A might be um supplemented with casamino acids, they
involved in salt stress adaptation by Penicillia. observed a very low expression of the pks gene
364 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

and two additional cytochrome monooxygenase This situation indicated the sometimes complex mechan-
genes, thought to be involved in ochratoxin A isms controlling regulation of mycotoxin biosynthesis
biosynthesis. In contrast, after growth on yeast genes by environmental factors. This microarray study
could also reveal a possible influence of changes in pH on
extract medium, expression of these genes were
aflatoxin biosynthesis. The authors identified a set of
39-fold higher. The same authors showed that the 27 genes coordinately up-regulated with increasing pH.
effect of external pH on ochratoxin A biosynthe- This group of genes also includes pkaA, a phosphokinase
sis is also exerted at the transcriptional level. At involved in regulation of aflatoxin biosynthesis. The
low pH values (pH 3–4) when the biosynthesis of activity of pkaA inhibits aflatoxin biosynthesis.
ochratoxin A by A. ochraceus was high, the tran-
script levels also were high, albeit only minor For the regulation of ochratoxin A biosynthesis in
influences on the produced biomass could be Penicillium such an in depth description of the
observed. The transcript level of the pks gene molecular mechanisms behind the phenotypic
was about twofold higher at low pH values (pH influences cannot be given yet, nevertheless de-
3) compared to high pH values (pH 10). In con- tailed and systematical analysis of ochratoxin A
trast, the transcript accumulation of the glyceral- gene expression have been performed. It can be
dehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene was shown as expected that the polyketide synthase
similar in all cultures, with about the same copy gene from P. nordicum is regulated and not con-
number at all conditions. stitutively expressed (Geisen et al. 2004). The first
induction of the otapksPN gene can be observed
By microarray O’Brian et al. (2007) analyzed the after 3–4 days of growth on YES medium. The
expression pattern of an aflatoxin-producing strain of A.
maximum of expression is reached between day
flavus. During this approach the authors analyzed 5000
genes, from which 144 where differentially expressed be- 5 and day 8. After that time-point expression
tween the two analyzed temperatures (28 C, 37 C). It was declines sharply. In contrast, expression of a
already known from phenotypical analysis that the pro- house-keeping gene remains constant over the
duction optimum for aflatoxin is 28 C, whereas 37 C is whole observation period of 10 days. The pheno-
the growth optimum. Very low amounts of aflatoxin are typic production of ochratoxin A by P. nordicum
produced at the growth optimum. From the 144 differen-
tially expressed genes 103 were more highly expressed at
completely fits to the expression pattern of the
28 C. About 25% of theses genes were related to second- otapksPN gene. Low amounts of ochratoxin A
ary metabolism. As expected, the authors demonstrated can be detected by HPLC after 4–5 days of incuba-
that all aflatoxin biosynthesis genes are much more tion, i.e. more than 24 h after induction of the gene
expressed at 28 C compared to 37 C. This decrease in took place. As long as the otapksPN gene is
expression at elevated temperatures explains the very low expressed, e.g. until day 8, the concentration of
to undetectable amounts of aflatoxin produced by A.
flavus at optimal growth conditions of 37 C. However ochratoxin A increased. After the decline of
on other substrates (e.g. ground nuts) the temperature otapksPN gene expression, the ochratoxin A con-
profile of aflatoxin biosynthesis may be completely differ- centration remains constant over the observation
ent. Interestingly some pathway genes (aflR, aflJ, aflS) period (oscillates around a certain level, as dis-
showed no differential expression between the two tem- cussed later). The expression behavior of the
peratures. For this reason the authors concluded that the
temperature per se does not have an influence on gene
otapksPN gene very much resembles the pattern
expression, but that less product of the aflR gene is of the citrinin polyketide synthase of Monascus
produced under elevated temperatures. The aflR gene is purpureus (Shimizu et al. 2005). Also this pks
the regulatory gene of the aflatoxin biosynthesis pathway. gene has an expression optimum after 3–6 days
According to another suggestion by the authors, the which is followed by citrinin production. The fact
AFLR protein might also be non-functional at higher that the expression of both genes is well correlated
temperatures. In another analysis, Price et al. (2005)
used a whole genome microarray to study the influence with the production of the respective secondary
of ammonia and pH on aflatoxin gene expression. They metabolite demonstrates that both can be
showed that beside the aflatoxin biosynthesis cluster regarded as key enzymes of the pathway. The
other regulons are coregulated, indicating accessory in- transcription activation of mycotoxin biosynthe-
volvement in aflatoxin biosynthesis. The authors stated sis genes are not necessarily direct correlated to
for example that, for a carbon source to support both
toxin biosynthesis. In a detailed analysis, Scherm
growth and aflatoxin production, it must be accessible to
both the hexose monophosphate and glycolytic pathways. et al. (2005) showed that the expression pattern of
In the current analysis genes upregulated in response to only certain genes of the aflatoxin biosynthesis
sucrose and aflatoxin biosynthesis could be identified. pathway in A. flavus fits well the phenotypic
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 365

aflatoxin production, in particular nor-1, omtB

Fig. 17.5. Timely coordinated expression of the putative ochratoxin A biosynthesis genes. The expression kinetics of each gene is shown. The optima are marked by
and omt-1. Also a detailed analysis of the known
ochratoxin A-related genes of P. nordicum

revealed different expression kinetics in correla-

tion to ochratoxin A biosynthesis (Geisen et al.

2006). According to this analysis there seems to be

Time [d]
a timely consecutive occurrence of expression

optima in the ochratoxin A-related genes. The

first gene, whose activation can be detected after
3–4 days and whose optimum is at 5–8 days, is the

otapksPN gene, followed by the otanpsPN (activa-


tion from day 5 to day 7; optimum days 8–9), the









otachlPN (optimum days 8–9) and the otatraPN

gene (optimum day 9; Fig. 17.5).
As mentioned above, the expression pattern of

the otapksPN gene fits most to the phenotypical


production of ochratoxin A. In addition the


expression of the b-actin gene of P. nordicum


Time [d]

remains constant over the whole observation pe-


riod. It is intriguing to speculate that the consecu-


tive occurrence of expression optima of the


various genes is a hint for the consecutive enzy-


matic reactions during ochratoxin A biosynthesis.


According to this order the otapksPN gene would








be activated first, which is logical from the biosyn-

thesis point of view, as its gene product first

synthesizes the polyketide moiety dihydroisocou-


marin. The second active gene, the otanpsPN


gene, after activation adds the amino acid phenyl-


Time [d]

alanine, which apparently originates from the shi-


kimic acid pathway. The gene product of the


otanpsPN gene is a non-ribosomal peptide synthe-


tase, whose activity leads to the formation of a


peptide bond between phenylalanine and the

polyketide moiety. This reaction gives rise to





ochratoxin B. The toxicity of ochratoxin B is by

a factor of 10 to 100 less than the toxicity of
ochratoxin A. At the molecular level ochratoxin

A is a competitive inhibitor of the phenylalanine


t-RNA synthetase. This might also be the case in



the producer strains. A late chlorination and an


Time [d]

immediate excretion might greatly reduce the


toxic effect of ochratoxin A on the producer cell.


Interestingly the otachlPN and the otatraPN genes


have their expression optimum at the latest, which


ideally fits with this hypothesis. This putative

order of reactions would include a self-protection







mechanism against the toxicity of ochratoxin A.


Expression [copy number/mg] The most toxic compounds are formed very late
during biosynthesis and seem to be excreted just
after formation.
366 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

A self-protection mechanism is also known in the biosyn- parameters, one major peak of expression at
thesis of trichothecenes by Fusaria. The toxicity of tri- near optimal growth conditions and a smaller
chothecenes is also exerted at the level of translation. In
this case the gene tri101 codes for an acetyl transferase,
peak at conditions which lead to reduction, but
which acetylates intracellularly the produced trichothe- not to a stop of growth. Obviously the influence of
cenes and thereby reducing their toxic activities (Kimura external abiotic factors, which leads to cellular
et al. 2007). This gene was originally identified as a clone in stresses activate ochratoxin A biosynthesis. This
Schizosacharomyces pombe that conferred resistance to T- microarray expression profile was found for all
2 toxin, a type A trichothecene, when expressed in the
heterologous host. Later however it was shown, that F.
three species mentioned above, again indicating
sporotrichioides strains in which this gene was inactivated the general importance of this profile. The occur-
were not lethal, but produced another set of trichothecene rence is interpreted as some kind of stress re-
end-products (McCormick et al. 1999). For this reason the sponse triggered by environmental parameters
authors conclude that the gene product is involved in reaching unfavorable conditions for growth. The
additional tasks within the biosynthesis of trichothecenes
besides the self-protection effect. By transgenic expression
major peaks at optimum growth conditions at a
of this gene in either tobacco (Muhitch et al. 2000) or first glance do not look like stress adaptation.
wheat (Okubara et al. 2002), the resistance of these crops However P. verrucosum produces high amounts
against the toxic action of the trichothecenes has been of ochratoxin A on solid agar medium. P. verru-
increased. A second self-protection mechanism in Fusari- cosum grows very slowly and in a very compact
um is exerted by the tri12 gene product. This protein is an
efflux pump which excretes the toxin out of the cell. This
form, producing quite high biomass per defined
activation might be analogous to the activity of the ota- surface area. This growth morphology leads to the
traPN gene. situation that high amounts of nutrients are need-
ed during the trophophase. On a growth medium
The influence of external abiotic factors like tem- like agar plates, where diffusion plays a role, this
perature, water activity and pH on the expression situation might lead to a shortage of nutrients, for
of the otapksPN gene of P. nordicum (Geisen 2004) example nitrogen, whose exhaustion is known to
or the otapksPV gene of P. verrucosum have been induce mycotoxin biosynthesis (Bennet and
extensively studied. Generally after continuously Christensen 1988). It was shown that moderate
changing a single parameter the growth rate has a growth conditions, e.g. at conditions where
clear optimum at a certain value and decreases growth is not optimal (but not yet retarded by
when the parameter (for example temperature) unfavorable conditions) produced the lowest
approaches suboptimal conditions. This is true amounts of ochratoxin A. This fact again demon-
for all parameters analyzed (temperature, pH, strates that certain kinds of stress, either exerted
water activity). In contrast to this behavior, by abiotic factors or by nutritional constraints
expression of the otapksPV gene has several activate ochratoxin A biosynthesis. It is also
peaks of induction (Schmidt-Heydt et al. 2008): known that suboptimal amounts of fungicides
one major peak at or near the optimal growth or preservatives, which retard but still allow
conditions and one minor peak under conditions growth, lead to an increase in mycotoxin biosyn-
which impose mild stress to the fungus. This is thesis. Ochiai et al. (2007) constructed a Fusari-
indicated by the fact that, under these conditions, um graminearum reporter strain, with a GFP
P. verrucosum shows a reduced growth. The phe- protein under the control of the tri5 promotor.
notypic production of ochratoxin A by P. verru- TRI5, a trichodiene synthase, is the key enzyme
cosum completely follows this expression of the trichothecene biosynthesis pathway. They
behavior (Fig. 17.6). used this strain to analyze the influence of vari-
This typical expression profile was not only ous fungicides on the activation of trichothecene
found in the case of water activity, but also at biosynthesis genes. According to their results,
changing temperature or pH values. Moreover triazol fungicides transcriptionally activate the
the trichothecene-producing Fusarium culmorum tri5 gene under sublethal conditions. Similar
and aflatoxin-producing Aspergillus flavus strains results were described by Schmidt-Heydt et al.
also exhibited the same profile, demonstrating (2007). During this work the influence of suble-
that this profile seems to be a general one. Also thal amounts of the preservatives sodium propi-
after microarray analysis of the whole known onate and potassium sorbate on the expression of
ochratoxin A cluster of genes the same expres- the P. verrucosum ochratoxin polyketide synthase
sion profile was found in relation to changing gene was analyzed. At certain sublethal concen-
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 367

6 Fig. 17.6. Growth kinetics (top),

otapksPV expression profile
5 (middle) and ochratoxin A-pro-
duction kinetics (bottom) of
Colony growth [cm]

4 P. verrucosum at a changing sin-

gle parameter (water activity).
The major peak of ochratoxin
biosynthesis arose at a water ac-
tivity of 0.98, the minor peak at
2 0.93, which completely follows
the respective gene expression

0.99 0.98 0.95 0.93
Gene expression [copy number]





0.99 0.98 0.95 0.93
Toxin biosynthesis{ng/g]




0.99 0.98 0.95 0.93
Water activity

trations of both preservatives the gene was highly A similar behavior was described for patulin biosynthesis
activated, which was paralleled by a higher pro- by P. expansum (Baert et al. 2007). Also, in the case of P.
expansum, limited stress conditions (e.g. low temperature,
duction of ochratoxin A. This induction however low oxygen content) induced patulin biosynthesis, where-
was only observed if the concentration of the as the application of higher stress factors stopped patulin
preservative did not exceed a certain level. biosynthesis. An activation of mycotoxin biosynthesis
When the concentration was too high, growth genes by stress was also demonstrated for fumonisin pro-
was still possible, but ochratoxin production duction in F. verticillioides (Jurado et al. 2008). These
authors found an activation of the fum1 gene by reduction
was reduced. This means that only mild stress, of the temperature or application of water stress. In con-
obviously irrespective of the kind of stress, trast to the increase in fumonisin biosynthesis, these con-
induces ochratoxin A biosynthesis, whereas ditions lead to a reduction in the growth rate, indicating
more extreme conditions leads to an inactivation mild stress for the fungus. In the case of aflatoxin biosyn-
of the biosynthesis. thesis by Aspergillus, it was shown that oxidative stress
368 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

induces toxin biosynthesis (Jayashree and Subramaniam clearly activate toxin production. This again indi-
2000). The aflatoxin production by A. flavus on pistachio cates that the role of various mycotoxins in stress
kernel agar can be increased by a factor of about two by
applying oxidative stress by the addition of 100 mM tert-
adaptation seems to be different.
butyl hydroperoxide (Kim et al. 2006). The addition of a
certain concentration of antioxidants nearly completely
counteract the induction of aflatoxin biosynthesis because
these substances reduce the external oxidative stress. The VII. Regulation of Ochratoxin
authors speculate, because of the fact that the precursors A Biosynthesis in Penicillium
of aflatoxin are phenolic compounds with predictable
antioxidative activities, that they contribute to the allevia-
in Relation to Light
tion of the oxidative stress. This counter-action against the
negative effects of oxidative stress by inducing aflatoxin It has long been recognized that light can have a
biosynthesis might be an evolutionary advantage over profound effect on the development, morphology
species unable to produce the toxin. The same group
(Kim et al. 2005) developed a model system in S. cerevisiae
and secondary metabolite production of various
to analyze the stress response in relation to aflatoxin fungi. Already in 1955 two German scientists de-
biosynthesis. This work identified 43 genes of A. flavus scribed the influence of light on mycelium and
which are activated during stress responses and which are conidium formation in Alternaria brassicae
possibly linked to aflatoxin biosynthesis. (Witsch and Wagner 1955). Since that time a
wealth of information has been gleaned on this
Because of the fact that obviously several myco- topic. An important biological feature with this
toxins (aflatoxin, ochratoxin A, patulin, trichothe- respect is the molecular clock described in detail
cenes, fumonisins) are activated under stress in N. crassa (Dunlap and Loros 2006). A well
conditions, an involvement of these mycotoxins studied rhythm also exists in the Zygomycete
in stress adaptation seems evident. It seems also Pilobolus. However most details about the molec-
likely that the role of the different mycotoxins ular components of the circadian clock stems
during stress adaptation is different. The involve- from N. crassa. Recently a circadian rhythm was
ment of aflatoxin in the inhibition of negative detected in a mycotoxin-producing fungus, in
oxidative stress activities seems reasonable. The particular in A. flavus (Greene et al. 2003). A
biosynthesis of ochratoxin A is activated under a typical expression behavior was described for cer-
set of different stresses (probably all stresses), tain genes which were under the control of a
which indicates a general role in stress adaptation. biological clock. However no circadian regulation
Environmental stresses must somehow be of aflatoxin biosynthesis genes was described in
recognized by the cell and the signal must be this work, instead an oscillation of the glyceralde-
transduced to the nucleus to alter gene expression. hyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase was found. In
Until now not much is known about the connec- addition the development of sclerotia was clock-
tion between signal transduction pathways, stress regulated. During this work the typical molecular
response and mycotoxin gene activation. Recently components of a fungal biological clock was also
Ochiai et al. (2007b) connected the activity of an identified: these consist of the gene frequency
osmosensor histidine kinase and other osmotic (frq) which is the endogenous oscillator and
stress-activated protein kinases to the regulation entrains (synchronizes) the clock in relation to
of trichothecene biosynthesis in F. graminearum. the light/dark period. Two other components are
Deletion mutants in several of the kinase genes the white collar1 (WC-1) and white collar2 (WC-
(MAPK) resulted in strains unable to produce 2) proteins. Both proteins can form a dimer which
trichothecenes, albeit other secondary metabolites in turn can regulate downstream genes, the so-
like the red pigment aurofusarin were still pro- called clock-controlled genes or ccgs. These are
duced. In parallel the expression of two genes of often conidiation-related genes, but the mating-
the trichothecene biosynthesis pathway were related genes, glyceraldehyde-3-phospahate dehy-
markedly reduced in particular tri4 (a p450- drogenase, copper methallothionine or trehalose
monooxygenase) and tri6 (a transcription activa- synthase are also controlled by the clock. This set
tor). Interestingly salt stress completely inhibits of known ccgs suggests that the biological clock of
toxin biosynthesis in the case of the trichothe- Neurospora regulates biological functions such as
cenes. This is in sharp contrast to ochratoxin metabolism and stress responses not related to
A biosynthesis in which higher salt concentrations conidiation (Lakin-Thomas and Brody 2004).
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 369




Transcription of ccg’s
(clock controlled genes)
e.g OTA genes

Fig. 17.7. Model of the circadian clock from N. crassa according to Lakin-Thomas (2000)

The regulation of ccgs often differs from gene to (e.g. b-actin). This oscillation was much more
gene, so general predictions cannot be made. symmetrical when a constant light/dark rhythm
The frq gene is regulated by a feedback loop was ensured. After incubation under constant
acting negatively on its own transcription. This dark conditions, the oscillation became rapidly
negative feedback is supported by activities of non-symmetrical and less regulated. This typical
the WC-1 and WC-2 proteins (Lakin-Thomas deregulation of the oscillation was also shown for
and Brody 2004). A complex of the two WC pro- N. crassa. In contrast to this, the expression of a
teins (white collar complex; WCC) is required housekeeping gene, e.g. the b-actin gene stayed
for full transcriptional regulation of frq. The more or less constant over the observation period.
FRQ protein itself positively regulates the levels Figure 17.8 shows the oscillating expression of the
of the WC proteins and negatively regulates the otapks gene of Penicillium.
activity of the WCC. The frq gene has two light According to the profile, expression increases
responsive elements (LREs) in its promoter during the night and decreases during daytime.
region, suggesting that light regulation is Similar observations were described by Stinnett
mediated via transcription of the frq gene. Also et al. (2007). These authors described that also
one of the transcription factors, WC-1, can sense in A. parasiticus the production of versicolorin,
light at a specific wavelength, as it can act as a blue a precursor of aflatoxin is higher in the dark
light receptor (Lakin-Thomas and Brody 2004). A than in the light (Calvo et al. 2004). This is due,
simple model of the circadian clock of Neurospora beside the activity of the circadian clock, to a
is shown in Fig. 17.7. global regulatory protein velvet A (veA) which is
Until now mycotoxin biosynthesis has not needed for the activation of secondary metabolite
been described to be under circadian regulation. biosynthesis.
However first evidence for a circadian regulation
of the ochratoxin A biosynthesis in P. nordicum
and P. verrucosum came from variabilities in the The product of veA is required for expression of aflR and
aflJ two regulatory and activating proteins of the aflatox-
expression data of ochratoxin A biosynthesis in biosynthesis pathway in A. parasiticus and A. flavus.
genes, when the samples were taken at variable This gene is also involved in fungal development in that
day times. A systematical analysis of this phenom- it affects cleistothecial development in A. nidulans or
enon revealed that the expression kinetics of sclerotial development in A. parasiticus (Calvo et al.
ochratoxin A biosynthesis genes (otapks) in P. 2004). Light negatively influences the activity of this
gene, which leads to the reduced formation of cleisthote-
nordicum and P. verrucosum exhibit a day/night cia and secondary metabolites. A deletion of this gene
oscillation of transcript levels, which was not leads to a complete loss of transcription of genes involved
the case for any analyzed housekeeping gene in aflatoxin biosynthesis, like the two regulatory-activating
370 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt



Toxin biosynthesis [ng/g]




6:00 8:00 10:00
12:00 14:00
16:00 18:00 dark
20:00 22:00 light-dark
0:00 2:00
Time [h] 4:00 6:00

Fig. 17.8. Circadian regulated expression of the otapksPV gene of P. verrucosum. The expression kinetics is a smooth
curve under alternating dark/light conditions, whereas the expression kinetics under constant dark conditions is rapidly
deregulated. Highest expression and biosynthesis was found during the dark

genes aflR and aflJ and the two cluster genes pksL1 and functional. Both genes are conversely regulated.
ver1. This indicates the strong dependence of aflatoxin When the frq transcript level is high, the transcript
biosynthesis on a functional veA gene product. The veA
product is imported into the nucleus by the action of
level of wc-1 is low and vice versa, leading to a
importin a. This migration to the nucleus is light-depen- reversed oscillation of transcription of both genes,
dent. In the dark VEA is located mainly in the nucleus, as also shown for Neurospora (Dunlap and Loros
whereas in the light VEA can mainly be found in the 2006). Unequivocal evidence that the circadian
cytoplasm (Stinnet et al. 2007). It could also be shown clock of Penicillium is involved in ochratoxin A
that various wavelengths of light have different effects.
Blue light most prevents accumulation of VEA in the
biosynthesis comes from the fact that a gene-inac-
nucleus. tivation mutant of the wc-1 gene of P. verrucosum
had a completely altered pattern of ochratoxin A
Recently homologoues of the veA gene regulation in response to light. Interestingly and
were identified in P. verrucosum and P. nordicum, unexpectedly the mutant produces more ochra-
named vePV and vePN. These genes were identified toxin under light conditions compared to the wild
by heterologous PCR with primers deduced from type. That indicates that WC-1 has a negative ac-
A. parasiticus. A PCR fragment from P. verrucosum tivity on transcription of ochratoxin A biosynthesis
or P. nordicum was sequenced and resulted in genes under light conditions whereas vePV has a
sequences homologous to the veA gene of A. para- positive activity and acts as an antagonist for the
siticus, indicating the conservation of this gene. WC complex.
After inactivation of the gene in P. verrucosum a
phenotype arose which corresponds to the veA– Purschwitz et al. (2008) recently analyzed the physical
interactions between blue and red light sensors in A. nidu-
phenotype of A. parasiticus (Calvo et al. 2004) in lans. They found that a phytochrome component (FPHA)
that the P. verrucosum mutant was no longer able is part of a protein complex containing LREA (WC-1) and
to produce ochratoxin A or citrinin. In addition the LREB (WC-2). It was shown for A. nidulans that FphA
components of the molecular clock could also be represses sexual development and mycotoxin (sterigmato-
identified by the same approach. Homologues of cystin) formation, whereas LreA and LreB stimulate both.
FPHA seems to interact with LREB and VeA, which was
the frq and the wc-1 and wc-2 genes could be described already to be involved in light/dark-regulated
identified in P. verrucosum, demonstrating the mo- mycotoxin biosynthesis. During this analysis it was shown
lecular basis of a circadian clock in this fungus. that blue light repressed mycotoxin biosynthesis to a level
Analysis of the expression kinetics of the frq and similar to white light, which indicates that the blue light
the wc-1 gene demonstrated that this clock is receptor (LreA) might in addition have a negative
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 371

influence on mycotoxin biosynthesis under certain condi- that ochratoxin A has a DNA photocleavage activ-
tions. According to these authors LreA and LreB act posi- ity under certain light conditions. So the decrease
tively and light inhibition on mycotoxin biosynthesis is
mediated by negatively acting FphA.
in ochratoxin A concentration during the day may
be due to an absorption of the blue light compo-
nents of daylight, thereby protecting the fungus
In Penicillium this regulation seems not be
from these growth-inhibiting wavelengths, or al-
completely identical, as an inactivation of a wc-1
ternatively the ochratoxin A might be actively
homologue increases ochratoxin A biosynthesis
degraded by peptidases, which cleave the peptide
drastically. It might be possible that the inactiva-
bond between phenylalanine and the polyketide
tion of wc-1 prevents interaction of a putative
moiety, until an ochratoxin A concentration is
FphA protein with the WC complex and thereby
reached, which is no longer toxic for the fungus
ceases the negative action of the red light receptor,
under light conditions due to the photocleavage
allowing increased mycotoxin biosynthesis.
effect. Stander et al. (2000) demonstrated that
Another important hint for differences in light
hydrolytic enzyme mixtures containing potential
regulation in Penicillium and Aspergillus comes
proteases and amidases are able to cleave ochra-
from the fact that, although blue light has a nega-
toxin A in ochratoxin a and phenylalanine. Varga
tive impact on the biosynthesis of sterigmatocys-
et al. (2000) demonstrated that different Asper-
tin by A. nidulans, this effect is not stronger than
gilli, including A. niger, which itself is able to
the effect of white light (Purschwitz et al. 2008). In
produce ochratoxin A, can degrade ochratoxin A
Penicillium white light has a negative effect on to ochratoxin a and phenylalanine. The authors
ochratoxin A biosynthesis too, but blue light suggested a carboxypeptidase is responsible for
completely blocks mycotoxin biosynthesis or the degradation. Figure 17.9 summarizes the in-
even growth if applied at higher light intensities. fluence of light/dark alterations on ochratoxin
A similar observation has been made by Hägg- biosynthesis by Penicillium.
blom and Unestam (1997). They described that
blue light reduced the production of alternariol
and alternariol-monomethylether by Alternaria
alternata by 69% and 77% respectively. Red light VIII. Conclusions
had no effect on toxin levels. That is similar to the
situation in Penicillium, where it also has been Current knowledge of the physiology, molecular
shown that red light had nearly no reducing effect biology and genetics of ochratoxin A biosynthesis
on ochratoxin A biosynthesis. in Penicillia has been described. The reported
There is another effect of light/dark altera- results imply that the ochratoxin A biosynthesis
tions on the steady-state level of ochratoxin A is activated under unfavorable growth conditions
produced by Penicillium. It has been stated al- which suppose mild stress conditions to the fun-
ready that gene activation and biosynthesis is gus. Obviously various stress conditions exerted
increased under dark conditions and reduced dur- by different parameters (like temperature, water
ing light. However, in addition to the drop in activity, pH, suboptimal amounts of preservatives
ochratoxin A biosynthesis under light conditions, or fungicides or unfavorable wavelengths of light)
the already produced ochratoxin A seems to be lead to the same biological answer, e.g. the pro-
partly degraded. This results under stationary duction of ochratoxin A to elevated levels. This
conditions also in an oscillation of the ochratoxin suggests that the activation of ochratoxin A
A concentration itself, beside the oscillation at the biosynthesis is correlated to stress adaptation
transcript level. The level of ochratoxin A oscil- (Fig. 17.10).
lates around a fixed value. Ochratoxin A is pro- The biosynthesis of ochratoxin A might sim-
duced during the night and partly degraded ply be coregulated with the stress-adaptive re-
during the day. The reason for this oscillation is sponse without having defined functions in
not completely clear yet. However Gillmann et al. stress adaptations. However, ochratoxin A might
(1998) showed that the toxin is susceptible to light be a component of the stress adaptation. It is
and decomposes over time. Their experiments known that ochratoxin A binds to proteins. For
showed that especially blue light degrades ochra- this reason it may have some kind of protective or
toxin A. The same authors however also showed stabilizing functions which increase the activity
372 Rolf Geisen and Markus Schmidt-Heydt

Fig. 17.9. Scheme of the influ-

ence of light/dark rhythms on
ochratoxin A biosynthesis by

Growth parameter


Signal transduction


Parameter controlled expression
Metabolic/circadian oscillation
Temporal controlled expression


Mycotoxin production

Fig. 17.10. Model of the influence between environment and the fungal cell leading to the activation of ochratoxin
biosynthesis genes

window of proteins with respect to enzymatic or (for example temperature) reveals two growth
other activities. This of course should lead to an peaks, a major peak of the growth rate at the
increased fitness under conditions which lead to well known conditions of 20–25 C (depending
an activation of the ochratoxin A biosynthesis on the strain) and a minor peak at the conditions
genes. Indeed a very careful analysis of the growth which are exactly the mild stress conditions and
rate of ochratoxin A-producing Penicillia under which leads to the induction of ochratoxin A bio-
constantly changing environmental conditions synthesis (for example 15 C). The minor peak can
Physiological and Molecular Aspects of Ochratoxin A Biosynthesis 373

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rate is coupled. Similar increases in growth rate Atoui A, Mathieu F, Lebrihi A (2007) Targeting a
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served after changing other parameters like salt quantification and ochratoxin A assessment in grapes
concentration, indicating that this might be a gen- using real-time PCR. Int J Food Microbiol
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It is tempting to speculate according to these toxin-producing fungi and ochratoxin A occurrence
recent results, that the biosynthesis of ochratoxin in grape. Eur J Plant Pathol 109:715–722
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increases and at the same time the growth rate (2006) Understanding the genetics of regulation of
accelerates in a later growth phase when ochra- aflatoxin production and Aspergillus flavus develop-
ment. Mycopathologia 162:155–166
toxin A is produced. However it is not clear at this Bogs C, Battilani P, Geisen R (2006) Development of a
stage whether the activation of ochratoxin A bio- molecular detection and differentiation system for
synthesis is the cause or consequence of growth ochratoxin A producing Penicillium species and its
acceleration. Further research in connecting stress application to analyse the occurrence of Penicillium
responses and ochratoxin A biosynthesis at the nordicum in cured meats. Int J Food Microbiol
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18 Genetic and Metabolic Engineering in Filamentous Fungi


CONTENTS mutagenesis techniques. The development of

I. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377 recombinant DNA technologies for filamentous
II. Fungal Genomics: Advances fungi, shown for the first time in 1979 for Neuros-
in Exploring Sequence Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378 pora crassa, was a milestone in obtaining insights
III. Post-Genomic Approaches to Unravel into the molecular basis of product formation and
the Metabolism of Filamentous Fungi . . . . . . 379
A. Transcriptomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 to improve traditional fungal fermentations by
B. Proteomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380 genetic engineering.
C. Metabolomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 The industrial relevance of filamentous fungi
IV. Metabolic Engineering: Finding the is based on their high capacity to produce primary
Optimum Genetic Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 and secondary metabolites as well as for secreting
A. Choosing the Right
Transformation Technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 proteins, having a wide spectrum of activity
V. Enhancing Gene-Targeting Efficiency . . . . . . . 383 such as hydrolases and proteases (Conesa 2001;
A. RNA-Based Tools for Metabolic Engineering 383 Punt et al. 2002). Additionally, the fungal glyco-
VI. Concluding Remarks and Prospects . . . . . . . . . 386 sylation machinery is capable of providing a more
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 ‘mammalian-like’ glycosylation pattern to pro-
teins compared to the commonly used yeast
hosts (Karnaukhova et al. 2007; Nevalainen et al.
I. Introduction 2005; Ward et al. 2004), making filamentous fungi
very attractive for the production of proteins used
The groundwork for modern fungal biotechnology in medical applications. Secretion is, in particular,
was laid in the beginning of the twentieth century, related to fungal morphology as it is thought to
accompanied by advances in microbiology, bio- take place at the growing fungal tip (Fischer et al.
chemistry and fermentation technology. The pio- 2008; Khalaj et al. 2001; Torralba et al. 1998).
neering works of Jokichi Takamine (production of One focus of current research is thus on fungal
amylase from koji mold Aspergillus oryzae, 1894), morphology to improve the secretory capacity of
James Currie (development of fungal fermentation industrially used fungi (Grimm et al. 2005; Meyer
for citric acid production, 1917) and Alexander et al. 2008; Papagianni et al. 2003).
Fleming (discovery of penicillin production by The following three sections are devoted to
Penicillium notatum, 1928) stimulated scientists three important areas of research of genetic engi-
to further explore fungal metabolic capacities neering in filamentous fungi, all aiming at the
and, moreover, prompted engineers to develop improved application of these organisms in bio-
large-scale and controlled production processes technology.
for filamentous fungi. Improvements of fungal Section II summarizes current genomic
capacities to produce metabolites of interest approaches for filamentous fungi and discusses
were, however, mainly restricted to classic their benefit for the identification of new commer-
cially interesting products.
Section III highlights the progress made in the
University of Technology Berlin, Department of Microbiology post-genomic era, concerning new omic techni-
and Genetics, Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25, 13355 Berlin, Germany; ques as well as related challenges and future per-
e-mail:, spectives.
Leiden University, Institute of Biology, Research Group for
Section IV deals with genetic and metabolic
Molecular Microbiology, Wassenaarseweg 64, 2333 AL Leiden,
The Netherlands
engineering tools applicable nowadays in

Physiology and Genetics, 1st Edition

The Mycota XV
T. Anke and D. Weber (Eds.)
© Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009
378 Jochen Schmid et al.

filamentous fungi and highlights the progress (Lopez and Edens 2005) and a protease used for
made for different transformation techniques the production of sport drinks (Edens et al. 2005).
and gene knockout/knockdown approaches.
Detailed analysis of the A. niger genome combined with
the reconstruction of the metabolic networks identified
II. Fungal Genomics: Advances in many gene duplications, transporters and intra- and ex-
Exploring Sequence Data tracellular enzymes, providing new insights into the effi-
cient citric acid production by A. niger (Pel et al. 2007).
The A. oryzae genome was found to be extremely rich in
Identification of putative new and industrial appli- genes involved in biomass degradation and primary and
cable enzymes or secondary metabolites, e.g. of secondary metabolism (Abe et al. 2006; Kobayashi et al.
medical interest, requires evaluation of the genetic 2007). New a-amylases and a-glucosidases were found.
potential of a given organism. Sequence data has to The genome sequence revealed 134 peptidase genes, in
contrast to 18 peptidases hitherto known (Kobayashi
be screened for genes coding for desired enzymes et al. 2007). Comparative genomics led to improved func-
involved in the pathway of interest. To meet the tional annotation of the genome of A. nidulans and deeper
demand for sequence information, more and more insights in pathway modelling (David et al. 2008).
fungal genomes have been sequenced since the first
genome of the yeast model organism Saccharomyces Furthermore, the so-called ‘genome-based strain
cerevisiae was published (Goffeau et al. 1996). reconstruction’, based on a comparison of high-
Generally, genome sequencing projects con- producing strains with the wild-type strain, led to
tinue to unravel the genetic capabilities of many reconstructed strains superior to former produc-
organisms, resulting in more than 800 fully tion strains (Adrio and Demain 2006; Ohnishi
sequenced genomes currently being available, 25 et al. 2002).
of which are fungal genomes. More than 2500 An absolute novelty decrypted by genome
sequencing projects are ongoing, including more data and first metabolic approaches was the iden-
than 300 fungal projects (http://www.genomeson tification of (silent) gene clusters for mycotoxin, whereby industrial production in fungal strains which have been
and medically interesting fungi are mainly in the regarded to be safe for many years. Species such
focus of genome sequencing projects (Table 18.1). as A. oryzae, A. niger and A. sojae were shown to
produce or have the opportunity of mycotoxin
These genomes have been partially or completely
sequenced, or they are currently being re-sequenced. How-
synthesis dozing in the genome (Jones 2007; Pel
ever, even fully sequenced genomes such as for S. cerevisiae et al. 2007). Dependent on sequencing results,
are still undergoing correction with regard to sequence these facts indicate that using these fungi (and
details, splicing or improved annotation (Jones 2007). other species) could be more risky than initially
Comparative genomics is a very useful tool to compare thought and might thus require new risk assess-
less well-studied species with better understood model
organisms and to clarify hypothetical genes by computa-
ments (Abe et al. 2006).
tional annotation. Furthermore, they help to identify dif- ‘Metagenomics’ or ‘environmental sequenc-
ferences between closely related species as regards ing’ involves the sequencing of whole ecosystems,
pathogenicity, secondary metabolism or other properties independent of specific organisms. This boosts
(reviewed by Jones 2007). For example, the genome of the amount of sequence data available (Raes
Trichoderma reesei is considered to be a promising candi-
date for biofuel production from cellulose fibers. It should
et al. 2007). Metagenomics can be used to identify
eventually become a monosaccharide-producing factory and analyze fungal communities (O’Brien et al.
through the use of rational metabolic engineering (Marti- 2005), explicitly for chosen proteins (mostly poly-
nez et al. 2008). saccharide-modifying enzymes, proteases, nitri-
lases; Blackwood et al. 2007; Streit and Sehmitz
‘Gene mining’ as a tool for unravelling new pro- 2004), or to sequence fungi which cannot yet be
teins masked in fungal genomes is an approach grown in culture and therefore cannot be analyzed
which focuses on the industrial exploitation of by traditional means. Environmental sequencing
currently unknown proteins and enzymes. For ex- will play a major role in the decryption of complex
ample, over 200 new proteases have been identified communities and synergisms among different
during annotation of the A. niger genome, of organisms in their natural habitats.
which two have already been commercialized – ‘Functional sequencing’ allows insight into the
a protease preventing chill-haze in beer real natural behavior over and above the limiting
Genetic and Metabolic Engineering in Filamentous Fungi 379

Table 18.1 Genome sequencing status of selected filamentous fungi

Organism Strain Remark Relevance URL

Aspergillus clavatus NRRL 1 Annotated Medical
A. flavus NRRL 3357 Annotated Medical
A. fumigatus Af293 Annotated Medical
A. nidulans FGSC A4 Annotated Model organism
A. niger ATCC 1015 Annotated Industrial
A. niger CBS 513.88 Annotated Industrial
A. oryzae RIB40 Annotated Industrial
A. terreus NIH 2624 Annotated Medical
Coprinus cinereus 7#130 Annotated Model organism
Fusarium oxysporum FGSC 4286 Annotated Plant pathogen
Laccaria bicolor S238N-H82 Annotated Symbiotic
Magnaporthe grisea 70-15 Annotated Plant pathogen
Neosatorya fisheri NRRL 181 Annotated Medical
Neurospora crassa OR74A Annotated Model organism
Phanerochaete RP-78 Draft assembly Industrial
chrysosporium whiterot1.home.html
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 1980 Annotated Plant pathogen
Trichoderma reesei QM6a Annotated Industrial
Ustilago maydis 521 Annotated Plant pathogen

conditions of cultivating strains under laboratory These tools can be used to explore new commer-
conditions and provides excellent opportunities cially interesting products and to improve meta-
to identify new and as yet unknown proteins and bolic fluxes by rational design. The main
enzymes. characteristic of the so-called ‘post-genomic’ era
is the need for methods and tools to analyze the
huge amount of data produced. The suffix ‘omics’
was created in the 1990s in the field of bioinfor-
III. Post-Genomic Approaches matics and marks the realization of the impor-
to Unravel the Metabolism tance of information processing in biology;
of Filamentous Fungi omics is a general term for a broad discipline of
science and engineering analyzing the interaction
New ‘omic’ tools allow fast and easy decryption of of biological information in various ‘omes’. These
fungal genomes and the metabolites produced. include the genome, transcriptome, proteome,
380 Jochen Schmid et al.

metabolome, expressome, interactome and many identification of new enzymes or even strains. In a former
more defined fields, such as glycome, ionome, publication the authors described the use of transcriptome
data to perform metabolic network modelling in A. niger,
lipidome or even physiome and reactome. which is explained in detail in Sect. III.C (Andersen et al.
In most cases, genomics, transcriptomics and proteomics
together with metabolomics are used to identify theoreti-
cal knockout events or metabolic fluxes in pathways of SSH and SAGE approaches also helped to under-
interest. The main focus is on gathering information for stand the infection process of plant pathogen
engineering metabolic networks to manipulate the reg- fungi and mycoparasitic fungi. (Carpenter et al.
ulatory mechanisms of the entirety of biological processes.
2005; Gowda et al. 2006; Larraya et al. 2005;
Matsumura et al. 2005; Salvianti et al. 2008;
The term ‘systems biology’ is often used in com- Schulze Gronover et al. 2004; Yu et al. 2008).
bination with omics and is the ‘biology’ that fo- Furthermore, transcriptomic analysis of different
cuses on complex systems in life. It is a holistic culture conditions will help to identify genes
approach which allows analysis of the topology of involved in product formation and may lead to
biochemical and signalling networks involved in overproducing strains which are ‘debugged’ with
cellular responses; in addition it is able to capture respect to bottlenecks or unnecessary genes
the dynamics of the response. While different (Foreman et al. 2003). Also, insights in energy
omics deliver only a piece of the puzzle, it is and primary metabolism have been achieved by
hoped that systems biology will eventually map transcriptional analysis (Maeda et al. 2004). The
the complete picture (Siliang Zhang 2006). method of transcriptional profiling has also
been used to reveal previously unknown, but
relevant pathways (Rautio et al. 2006; van der
A. Transcriptomics Werf 2005).
RNA-based technologies have been developed
enormously in the past few years, whereby two B. Proteomics
different strategies have emerged: (i) strategies
based on the knowledge of DNA sequences Transcriptomic approaches are mostly based on
(microarrays) and (ii) strategies which do not the straightforward development of microarray
require any sequence information, such as sup- chips, whereas proteomic fields require analytical
pression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and techniques such as mass spectrometry (MS) or
serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE Break- nuclear magnetic field resonance. The latest
spear and Momany 2007). The first 50 fungal review of Aspergillus proteomics provides a sum-
microarrays were reviewed by Breakspear and mary of all recent information on this technique
Momany (2007), describing the development of (Kim et al. 2008).
fungal array approaches. Interestingly, they high-
light the lack of basidiomycete microarray experi- In 10 different studies using Aspergillus proteomics, a total
of 28 cell surface proteins, 102 secreted and 139 intracellu-
ments (only three have been performed to date). lar proteins were identified. A proteome map highlighting
Comparative transcriptional analysis of proteins identified in major metabolic pathway is summar-
A. oryzae using DNA microarrays indicated the ized by Kim et al. (2008).
potential of new proteins identified; and it is as a
tool which can be used to develop industrial sys- For Phanerochaete chrysosporium, more than
tems (Abe et al. 2006). Anderson et al. (2008b) 1100 intracellular and 300 mitochondrial proteins
used a comparative transcriptomic approach were resolved in 2D gels and the metabolic flux
where one Gene Chip was developed for transcrip- shift was determined by comparative proteomics
tome analysis of triplicate batch cultivations of for growth on vanillin. By using vanillin, which is
A. nidulans, A. niger and A. oryzae. the decomposition product of lignin, the lignin
degradation by white rot fungi can be studied.
They were able to identify 23 genes conserved across Many more proteomic approaches have been per-
Aspergillus spp. (mainly sugar transporters and enzymes)
and 365 genes which were differently expressed in only formed using fungi to identify new products for
two of the Aspergilli. Thus, such a cross-species study industrial applications, as recently reviewed by
based on transcriptome analysis can be used for the Kim et al. (2007).
Genetic and Metabolic Engineering in Filamentous Fungi 381

C. Metabolomics direction reactions within the cell allow dynamic analysis

of metabolites in the cell (Kummel et al. 2006).
It is assumed that around 10 000 secondary meta-
bolites may be produced by fungi, examples of Mainly, metabolic flux analysis (MFA) has become
which are found in Aspergillus and Penicillium; a fundamental tool in metabolic engineering to
however, less than 10% are known (Smedsgaard elucidate the metabolic state of the cell and has
and Nielsen 2005). Much understanding of the been applied to various biotechnological processes
central metabolism and regulation in less-studied (Spegel et al. 2007). ‘Conventional MFA’ is based
filamentous fungi can be learned from compara- on mass balances using stoichiometric constraints
tive metabolite profiling and the metabolomics of coupled to extracellular product formation rates
yeast and filamentous fungi (Smedsgaard and and is a widely used technique (Vallino and Ste-
Nielsen 2005). Metabolomics is considered to be phanopoulos 2000).
more sensitive than transcriptomics or proteo- Applying the full range of omics technologies
mics due to the measuring of metabolite concen- for strain improvement, it would be desirable if
trations caused by environmental perturbations the ‘concept of sample’ was shared among these
that may not affect transcription or protein levels, technologies (in particular, to focus on a
an example being enzyme activity levels (Oliver biological sample that is prepared for use in a
et al. 1998). The use of metabolomics means that specific omics assay; Morrison et al. 2006). A
methods are available that can simultaneously common data file format should be found to en-
determine over 1000 charged metabolites using able fast and secure file sharing and to reduce
capillary electrophoresis-MS (Soga 2007). Even redundant data and the potential for errors. The
techniques which simulate the whole cell metabo- main issue as regards combining the analysis of
lism have been developed (Ishii et al. 2004). metabolomics data with other omics results is the
data integration problem (Mendes 2006).
A. nidulans represents an important model organism for There is also the call for standards in sample
studies of cell biology and gene regulation. Kouskoumve-
kaki et al. (2008) initiated a metabolomics approach in collection and processing to obtain reliable results
recombinant Aspergilli for clustering and classification. and to avoid significant error in omics data. It is
More than 450 detected metabolites were analyzed and essential to use the same biological sample when
resulted in the identification of seven putative biomarkers confronted with diverse omic approaches
by which classification into genotype was possible. Thus, (Martins et al. 2007; Weckwerth et al. 2004).
metabolite profiling is a powerful tool for the classification
of filamentous fungi as well as for the identification of
This has resulted in many omics standardization initia-
targets for metabolic engineering (Kouskoumvekaki et al.
tives aiming at the development of new concepts to over-
come the problems of data confusion and sample
correlation (Jones et al. 2007; Morrison et al. 2006).
A metabolic model integration of the bibliome, Also claimed is the necessity to develop common data-
genome, metabolome and reactome was con- bases for storage of metabolomics data (Kouskoumvekaki
structed for A. niger (Andersen et al. 2008). et al. 2008).
A complete metabolic network was presented
which shows great potential for expanding the
use of A. niger as a high-yield production platform. IV. Metabolic Engineering: Finding
By the multi-omic approach, the use of precursors the Optimum Genetic Strategy
was identified to increase productivity. In order to
combine the knowledge of the underlying meta- For successful optimization of a fungal metabo-
bolic system and the analysis of the data, novel lism, several issues of engineering strategy have to
computational approaches and methods that go be taken into account. Every approach depends on
beyond commonly used statistical techniques are the organism of choice, the target to be engineered
required (Van Dien and Schilling 2006). and the aim of the intervention. From various
genetic engineering tools available nowadays for
Progress has been made using methods for analyzing
quantitative metabolomics data in the context of the filamentous fungi, the most suitable has to be
entire network. Methods based on Gibbs energies of for- chosen in order to specifically and efficiently
mation, the second law of thermodynamics and on known improve the strain of interest.
382 Jochen Schmid et al.

A. Choosing the Right Transformation Biolistic transformation was introduced in

Technique 1987 (Klein et al. 1992; Sanford 1987) and has
been applied to a number of filamentous fungi
Highly sophisticated genetic methods are avail- (Ruiz-Diez 2002). This method is especially bene-
able nowadays for filamentous fungi; however, ficial for those organisms which cannot be trans-
safe and suitable transformation techniques are formed by AMT. The use of A. tumefaciens as a
fundamental prerequisites for genetic engineering mediator of foreign DNA into fungal cells is a tool
approaches. Different transformation techniques which has been adapted for many different fungal
enable scientists to design and develop rational organisms in the past few years (Michielse 2005).
metabolic engineering strategies for industrially The transformation rate is up to 100–1000 times
important fungal species. Linear DNA or plasmids higher than with protoplastation and can be used
are transferred into the fungal cell, either by for most fungi which cannot be transformed by
chemical treatment of protoplasts using Ca2+ and other methods or where protoplasts do not regen-
polyethylene glycol (PEG; Spegel et al. 2007), by erate sufficiently (Casas-Flores et al. 2004; MacK-
physical treatment such as electroporation and enzie 2004; Meyer et al. 2003). However, even this
biolistic procedures or by using Agrobacterium method is not suitable for all fungi. There are also
tumefaciens-mediated transformation (AMT; reports on less successful attempts, for example in
Casas-Flores et al. 2004; Meyer 2008; Michielse A. niger (Michielse 2005).
2005; Ruiz-Diez 2002; reviewed by Fincham 1989).

Historically, PEG-mediated transformation of protoplasts AMT and all other transformation techniques cannot be
was the first transformation technique established in 1978 used for every fungal organism without first being
for the budding yeast S. cerevisiae (Hinnen et al. 1978). adapted. This may be explained by major differences
This method was afterwards used in filamentous fungi found in fungal genomes such as A. nidulans (Galagan
(Fincham 1989; Punt et al. 1987; Ruiz-Diez 2002; Stahl et al. 2005), A. oryzae (Machida et al. 2005) and A. fumi-
1987). Progress in the past few decades was achieved in gatus (Nierman et al. 2005). Analysis of their genomes
establishing alternative transformation methods to over- shows that there is only 68% of amino acids identity
come the limits related to protoplast formation, which is shared by all three species (Galagan et al. 2005), an evolu-
highly dependent on the quality of the cell wall-degrading tionary distance comparable to that between human and
enzyme preparation and often only leads to low transfor- fish (Dujon et al. 2004; Fedorova et al. 2008). Roughly 70%
mation rates (Michielse 2005). of A. nidulans genes could be mapped to a syntenic block
with either A. fumigatus or A. oryzae, with about 50% of A.
In most cases, asexual spores such as conidia or nidulans in conserved synteny across all three species
sporangiospores are used as they are considered (Galagan et al. 2005), suggesting that this could be one
reason for the observation that each transformation meth-
to be the most favorable constituent for transfor- od has to be adapted and optimized for every single spe-
mation. However, if these are not available, the cies and even strain.
whole mycelium has to be transformed, making
the procedure more difficult and laborious. In Apart from transformation approaches, sexual
addition, the multinuclear state of some conidia, crossing is a useful tool to improve the pheno-
mycelia and protoplasts hampers the selection of type of filamentous fungi. Unfortunately, most
transformants and makes the selection process medically or industrially interesting fungi lack
tedious (Deed 1989; Farina et al. 2004). When a sexual cycle, precluding them from classic ge-
comparing the transformation rates of yeast and netics. However, insights into the genome of
filamentous fungi, it becomes evident that trans- A. fumigatus and A. oryzae revealed that both
formation of yeast is usually much more efficient are potentially capable for sexual reproduction
(Ruiz-Diez 2002). (Dyer and Paoletti 2005; Galagan et al. 2005;
New systems such as electroporation have Paoletti et al. 2005), suggesting that classic
been developed. This is actually a method often genetic tools can also be established for these
used for the transformation of filamentous fungi fungi. These findings challenge the whole taxon
(reviewed by Ruiz-Diez 2002). There are three of fungi imperfecti and even highlight the power
possible fungal structures that can be transformed of genome analysis for taxonomical (re-)classifi-
by means of electroporation: protoplasts, conidia cation.
or young germlings (Chakraborty et al. 1991; A very important and interesting question as
Ruiz-Diez 2002). regards the different transformation systems is
Genetic and Metabolic Engineering in Filamentous Fungi 383

the fate of the introduced DNA. DNA which has fungi unattractive for many industrial applica-
been introduced will be either maintained auton- tions.
omously (occurs rarely) or integrated into the However, advances in fungal gene targeting
genome via homologous or heterologous recom- were recently achieved by suppressing the NHEJ
bination. Homologous recombination targets the pathway (for a review, see Meyer 2008). As sum-
foreign DNA to regions showing sufficient homol- marized in Table 18.2, a dramatic increase in HR
ogy, whereby the DNA becomes integrated into efficiency was reported when strains were used in
the genome as a single or tandem copy. In con- which the NHEJ pathway was inactivated (Goins
trast, heterologous recombination events occur et al. 2006; Ishibashi et al. 2006; Kooistra et al.
randomly, resulting in single or multi-copy 2004; Krappmann et al. 2006; Meyer et al. 2007;
integrations (de Groot et al. 1998; Malonek and Nayak et al. 2006; Ninomiya et al. 2004; Poggeler
Meinhardt 2001; Mullins and Kang 2001). and Kuck 2006; Takahashi et al. 2006).
Phenotypic analysis of defective NHEJ strains
In the case of AMT, mainly single-copy integration events revealed that these strains showed higher sensi-
occur, whereas mainly multi-copy integrations are ob-
served after transformation by PMT. This observation
tivity to various toxins and irradiation (da Silva
can have an important impact on the choice of a suitable Ferreira et al. 2006; Meyer et al. 2007; Ninomiya
transformation system for the design of a metabolic engi- et al. 2004). Therefore, some unexpected growth
neering strategy. AMT can be the method of choice for behavior could appear, and the more elegant solu-
targeted integration into the genome and PMT can be used tion would be a transient silencing of the NHEJ
for ectopic and multi-copy integration to improve protein
expression in the strain of interest (Meyer 2008). The latter
pathway, as recently reported for Candida glab-
strategy has indeed been shown to be a powerful tool for rata and A. nidulans (Nielsen et al. 2008; Ueno
protein overexpression in Aspergillus and Trichoderma et al. 2007).
(Askolin et al. 2001; Lee et al. 1998; Verdoes JC 1995).

In addition, it was found that AMT can increase A. RNA-Based Tools for Metabolic Engineering
homologous recombination frequency, for example
in A. awamori (Michielse et al. 2005). This obser- RNA technology is an attractive alternative to
vation pointed to new application opportunities of DNA-based methods to silence gene expression
AMT as a suitable method for directed and inser- post-transcriptionally and thereby to control
tional mutagenesis (Betts et al. 2007; Lee and unwanted metabolic pathways. Different RNA
Bostock 2006; Michielse 2005; Sugui et al. 2005). techniques such as antisense RNA, RNAi and
hammerhead ribozymes have been shown to be
valuable tools for filamentous fungi (Table 18.2).
These methods provide the advantage of not de-
V. Enhancing Gene-Targeting Efficiency leting a gene, thereby bypassing the possibility of
lethal or other unwanted effects on the organism.
Metabolic engineering can be used to delete genes RNA-based methods are especially valuable
of unwanted side-pathways, thereby redirecting when: (i) gene-targeting approaches fail, (ii) mul-
the metabolic flux to the required product- tiple copies of a gene of interest are present in the
forming pathway. In addition, targeted integra- genome or (iii) isogenes might compensate for the
tion of genes to a genomic locus known to knockout of the deleted gene (Akashi et al. 2005).
strengthen transcription is one strategy to en- For example, silencing a whole gene family using
hance protein expression and thereby to improve only a single antisense RNA construct has been
productivity of an industrial process. Besides, described for A. oryzae (Yamada et al. 2007). An-
gene targeting is also the method used for func- other advantage of the RNAi mechanism is its
tional genomics. The mode of integration of for- locus independence due to its mediation by a
eign DNA is determined by two competing mobile trans-acting signal in the cytoplasm. Con-
processes – homologous recombination (HR) sequently, this mechanisms can be used in fungi
and the non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) which have multi-nuclear hyphae or a low target-
pathway (Dudasova et al. 2004; Krogh and ing efficiency, even in heterokaryotic fungal
Symington 2004). The low rates of HR events strains, RNA-based downregulation of genes is
usually observed can render some filamentous possible (de Jong et al. 2006; Nakayashiki 2005).
384 Jochen Schmid et al.

Table 18.2. Genetic tools applicable to filamentous fungi for gene targeting and silencing

Organism References Efficiency

Aspergillus awamori
Antisense RNA Moralejo et al. (2002), Lombrana et al. (2004) 80%
Aspergillus flavus
RNAi McDonald et al. (2005) <90%
Improved gene targeting Chang (2008) 96%
Aspergillus fumigatus
RNAi Bromley et al. (2006), Henry et al. (2007) 80%
Improved gene targeting da Silva Ferreira et al. (2006), Krappmann et al. (2006) 75–96%
Aspergillus giganteus
Ribozyme Mueller et al. (2006) 20–100%
Aspergillus nidulans
RNAi Khatri and Rajam (2007) 40%
Antisense RNA Bautista et al. (2000), Hoffmann et al. (2000), >50–90%
Herrmann et al. (2006)
Improved gene targeting Hammond and Keller (2005) 90%
Aspergillus niger
RNAi Nayak et al. (2006), Barnes et al. (2008) 21–82%
Antisense RNA Ngiam et al. (2000) 60–70%
Improved gene targeting Meyer et al. (2007), Barnes et al. (2008) 80%
Aspergillus oryzae
RNAi Yamada et al. (2007) 90%
Antisense RNA Zheng et al. (1998), Kitamoto et al. (1999) 75–80%
Improved gene targeting 63–87%
Aspergillus parasiticus
RNAi McDonald et al. (2005) 90%
Improved gene targeting Chang (2008) 96%
Aspergillus sojae
Improved gene targeting Kadotani et al. (2003), Nakayashiki (2005) 64–75%
Coprinopsis cinereus
RNAi Walti et al. (2006) 90%
Cryphonectria parasitica
Improved gene targeting Lan et al. (2008) 80–96%
Fusarium solani
RNAi Ha et al. (2006) >98%
Magnaporthe oryzae
RNAi Kadotani et al. (2003), Nakayashiki et al. (2005), 70–90%
Caracuel-Rios and Talbot (2008)
Antisense RNA Kadotani et al. (2003), Nguyen et al. (2008)
Improved gene targeting Villalba et al. (2008) >80%
Neurospora crassa
RNAi Cogoni et al. (1996), Goldoni et al. (2004), 11–49%
Choudhary et al. (2007)
Antisense RNA Tentler et al. (1997), Kramer et al. (2003), Fecke (2008) 50–80%
Improved gene targeting Ishibashi et al. (2006) 91–100%
Penicillium expansum
RNAi Schumann and Hertweck (2007) 95%
Antisense RNA Garcia-Rico et al. (2007) 95%
Podospora anserina
RNAi El-Khoury et al. (2008) 100%
Schizophyllum commune
RNAi de Jong et al. (2006) 80%
Trichoderma harzianum
RNAi Cardoza et al. (2007) 71–98%
Trichoderma reseei
Antisense RNA Wang et al. (2005) 65%
Genetic and Metabolic Engineering in Filamentous Fungi 385

Antisense RNA gene silencing is performed by 2003; Isaacs et al. 2006). Mueller et al. (2006)
using single-stranded RNA which is complemen- recently provided a proof of principle for filamen-
tary to an mRNA strand transcribed within the tous fungi.
cell. Formation of a complementary mRNA hybrid
Congruent to other systems, it has been shown that ribo-
physically blocks the translation machinery and zymes, targeting the 5’ region of a substrate mRNA can
thereby stops translation of the endogenous lead to complete gene silencing in A. giganteus, whereas
mRNA. ribozymes targeting the 3’ region only lead to a partial
reduction (about 20–50%).
Successful gene silencing using artificial antisense con-
structs have been reported for different filamentous fungi RNA interference (RNAi) is a naturally occurring
(Bautista et al. 2000; Blanco and Judelson 2005; Kitamoto
et al. 1999; Lombrana et al. 2004; Ngiam et al. 2000; Zheng
post-transcriptional gene-silencing phenomenon,
et al. 1998). For example, antisense silencing of the prote- first described in Caenorhabditis elegans and
ase aspergillopepsin B resulted in a reduction of 10–70% of thereafter in other organisms such as N. crassa
protease levels and a 30% increase in heterologous thau- (quelling; Romano and Macino 1992), plants
matin production in A. awamori (Moralejo et al. 2002). (‘co-suppression’; Napoli et al. 1990) and animals
(‘RNA interference’; Elbashir et al. 2001a). The
However, antisense-mediated reduction of concept of RNAi can be used for artificial gene
gene expression to zero levels has not been silencing in nearly all organisms, even in filamen-
reported to date. Nevertheless, exactly this phe- tous fungi. By this method, double-stranded RNA
nomenon can be used for knocking-down gene (dsRNA) trans-genetically delivered to the fungal
expression instead of knocking it out. interior, is cleaved by Dicer (type-III-ribonucle-
ase) into 21–26 nt small interfering RNA (siRNA).
For instance, the wide-domain transcription factor CreA,
the key component of carbon catabolite repression in
Dicer is always associated with Argonaute pro-
Aspergillus (Dowzer and Kelly 1991; Ruijter and Visser teins (which bind targeted si/mRNA) and acts by
1997; Shroff et al. 1997), negatively regulates a number of generating siRNA molecules which in turn target
industrially important enzymes. Bautista et al. (2000) mRNAs to be silenced. Dicer cleaving products get
reported partial suppression of creA expression in A. nidu- incorporated into the ribonucleoprotein complex
lans by its antisense molecule (about 50% reduced expres-
sion was estimated) yielding a partial alleviation of glucose
(RISC; Bernstein et al. 2001; Hammond et al. 2000).
repression and thereby a substantial increase of the pro- Homologous mRNAs are subsequently recognized
ductivities of intra- and extracellular glucose-repressible and degraded via complementary base pairing by
enzymes. means of incorporated siRNA in the RISC (Elba-
shir et al. 2001b; Zamore et al. 2000). In some
Another RNA-based technology for filamentous organisms, a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
fungi is the use of catalytic RNA molecules, termed (RdRP) can use the antisense siRNA to prime the
ribozymes. The spliceosome and ribosomes are conversion of endogenous mRNA into dsRNA
two examples for naturally occurring ribozymes. amplifying the silencing signal (Forrest 2004).
The so-called hammerhead ribozyme is the smal- The most effective way of post-transcriptional
lest and best-studied class of catalytic RNAs gene silencing in filamentous fungi can be
(Akashi et al. 2005; Mueller et al. 2006). The ham- achieved using ectopically integrated RNAi con-
merhead ribozyme and other ribozymes are anti- structs which usually code for ‘double-stranded
sense RNA molecules. They function by binding to RNA’ molecules. These molecules are self-comple-
the target RNA moiety through Watson–Crick base mentary hairpin RNAs, formed by an inverted
pairing and inactivate it by cleaving the phospho- repeat which is interrupted by a spacer sequence,
diester backbone at a specific cutting site. The and are identical to part of the endogenous se-
substrate-recognition arms of hammerhead ribo- quence being targeted (Mouyna et al. 2004). Inser-
zymes are engineered so that the arms are rendered tion of an intron in the spacer sequence greatly
complementary to any chosen RNA, enabling increases the silencing efficiency in N. crassa, pos-
the ribozyme to bind to its target. The functionality sibly due to an enhanced export of the hairpin
of hammerhead ribozymes as a tool for RNA-based from the nucleus during splicing (Goldoni et al.
technology on gene expression has been shown 2004). Remarkably, some fungal strains, e.g.
for bacterial, yeast, plant and mammalian Ustilago maydis, Candida albicans and S. cerevi-
systems (Akashi et al. 2005; Bussiere et al. siae lack components of the RNAi-silencing
386 Jochen Schmid et al.

machinery, indicating that this tool is not applica- the possibility to analyze cellular processes and
ble for these organisms (Nakayashiki 2005). As responses on different levels, including DNA,
summarized in Table 18.2, specific inhibition of RNA, protein and metabolite levels (Shulaev
gene expression by RNAi has been shown to be et al. 2008).
suitable for a multitude of filamentous fungi, such By integrated analysis of these levels, several
as A. nidulans (Hammond and Keller 2005; Khatri important features of metabolic regulation has
and Rajam 2007), A. fumigatus (Bromley et al. been and will be identified (Le Lay et al. 2006;
2006; Henry et al. 2007), A. oryzae (Yamada et al. Shulaev et al. 2008). Future strategies will combine
2007), Coprinus cinereus (Namekawa et al. 2005; all fields of omics and will allow the unravelling of
Walti et al. 2006), Fusarium solani (Ha et al. 2006), the dynamics of cellular metabolic activities in
Magnaportae oryzae (Caracuel-Rios and Talbot various filamentous fungi. The identification of
2008; Kadotani et al. 2003; Nakayashiki et al. new proteins, enzymes, pathways and their
2005), N. crassa (Goldoni et al. 2004) and Schizo- involvement in metabolic networks as well as
phyllum commune (de Jong et al. 2006). Similar to ‘classic genetic’ techniques and new metabolic
antisense strategies, RNAi-induced silencing of engineering approaches will eventually enable
fungal gene expression was most often found to scientists to develop optimum production strains.
be incomplete (maximal reduction up to 10% of The use of the new and highly sophisticated omic
wild-type level) and full knockout phenotypes methods developed in the fungal post-genomic
were seldom observed. era will open the floodgates towards high-
throughput analysis and efficient rational meta-
A striking disadvantage of RNAi-based gene silencing is the bolic engineering approaches. The knowledge
instability of the silencing construct and the possibility of
co-silencing unwanted genes (‘off targets’), showing partial
gained leads to the improvement of industrial
sequence homology to the target gene. Many transformants biotechnological processes and will help to meet
lose the RNAi construct after prolonged cultivation. the increasing need for sustainable fungal bio-
products. In order to avoid bottlenecks in the
Chimeric constructs with two genes in tandem post-genomic era, standardized methods and pro-
can result in very different silencing efficacies tocols have to be established for sampling, sample
(Goldoni et al. 2004; Henry et al. 2007; Nakaya- processing, sample collection, sample handling
shiki et al. 2005). In the case of A. fumigatus, it has and integration into databanks.
been reported that approximately 50% of the
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or part of it after prolonged cultivation (Henry References
et al. 2007). One possible explanation for this
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Biosystematic Index

Absidia glauca, 88 Arthrinum spaeospermum, 285

Acremonium Ascaris suum, 253–257, 259, 261, 266
A. luzulae, 278 Aschersonia, 282
Achlya, 4 Ascochyta, 160, 183–184, 186
Acrostalagmus, 277 Ascomycetes, 81, 85, 87, 89, 135, 306, 309, 316–318, 320
Aegiceras corniculatum, 161, 170–172 Ascomycetous, 81, 87, 88, 94
Agaricales, 12, 13 Ascomycota, 7–9
Agaricomycetes, 12, 13 Ascospores, 19–21, 23, 25, 32–34
Agaricomycetidae, 13 Asellariales, 7
Agaricomycotina, 2, 9, 11–13 Ashbya gossypii, 236
Agaricus, 222 Aspergillus, 9, 91, 93, 204, 249, 251, 257, 259, 380, 381, 383
A. bisporus, 85, 91, 94, 236 A. awamori, 383, 385
Agrobacterium tumefaciens, 382 A. carbonarius, 257, 354, 355, 360–362
Albatrellus confluens, 265 A. carneus, 283
Albugo, 4 A. clavatus, 236, 344, 379
Allomyces macrogynus, 88 A. flavipes, 259
Alternaria, 160, 174–176 A. flavus, 86, 91, 132, 133, 135–137, 141, 144, 300, 314,
A. alternata, 265, 290, 307, 319 379
A. brassicae, 290 A. fumigatus, 48–50, 56, 65, 67, 87, 132, 133, 135–137,
A. citri, 249, 265 140, 141, 143, 144, 236, 274, 288, 298, 300, 307,
A. solani, 338, 340 309, 312, 316, 318, 322, 323, 333, 379, 382, 386
A. tenuis, 249, 265 A. giganteus, 68, 91, 385
Amanita A. nidulans, 48, 50, 51, 67–70, 86, 89, 133, 135–138,
A. bisporigera, 236 142, 143, 145, 146, 236, 298–302, 307, 312, 314–
A. exitialis, 281, 282 316, 318, 320, 324, 378–383, 386
A. muscaria, 89, 92 A. niger, 86, 135, 143, 145, 236, 249, 251, 279, 289,
A. phalloides, 317 354, 355, 371, 378–382
Amoebozoa, 3 A. ochraceus, 353–355, 357, 359–361, 363, 364
Antrodia serialis, 224, 226 A. oryzae, 133, 236, 298, 339, 346, 347, 377–380, 382–
Apiospora montagnei, 259 384, 386
Aporpium caryae, 224, 226, 227 A. parasiticus, 133
Apothecium, 9 A. sojae, 378, 384
Arabidopsis thaliana, 55, 67, 93 A. stellatus, 249
Arachniotus, 277 A. steynii, 354, 355
Archangium gephyra, 263 A. sydowi, 257
Archiascomycetes, 7 A. terreus, 132, 236, 331, 334, 337, 338, 345, 346, 379
Ariolimax columbianus, 95 A. westerdijkiae, 354, 355
Artemisia annua, 161, 187, 188 Assembling the fungal tree of life (AFTOL), 2, 5, 8, 10,
Artemisia maritima, 160, 189 12, 13
Arthoniomycetes, 9 Atheliales, 13
394 Biosystematic Index

Atkinsonella hypoxylon, 199, 201 C. tropicalis, 47, 51, 52, 236

Aureobasidium, 283 Cantharellales, 12, 13
Auricularia, 12 Cassia spectabilis, 162, 166, 167
Auriculariales, 12 Castaniopsis fissa, 280
Avicinnia marina, 280 Catharanthus roseus, 198
Azadirachata indica, 162, 164–165 Caulochytrium, 6
Ceratobasidium, 12
B Ceratocystis, 89
Baccharis artemisioides, 157 C. fagacearum, 86
Baccharis coridifolia, 157 C. ulmi, 86
Bacillus subtilis, 346 Ceriporia subvermispora, 221
Balansia cyperi, 199 Chaetasbolisia erysiophoides, 259
Balansia pilulaeformis, 199 Chaetominum, 277
Basidia, 11, 12 Chaetomium, 160, 176–178
Basidiocarps, 12 C. globosum, 158, 160, 177–178, 236, 344
Basidiomycete(s), 81–85, 87–90, 92, 97, 317–319 C. subaffine, 342
Basidiomycota, 6, 7, 9–13 Chaetothyriales, 9
Basidiospores, 11, 12 Chalara, 279
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, 48, 49, 51, 52, 236 Chamonixia pachydermis, 225, 227
Beauveria Chaunopycnis alba, 279
B. bassiana, 67, 68, 140, 141, 144, 276, 340 Chlamydocins, 281, 288
B. fellina, 283 Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, 51
B. nivea, 307, 311 Chrysosporium luchnowense, 212
Beetle(s), 94 Chromista, 4
Bionectria, 277 Chytridiomycota, 5, 6, 88
Bipolaris, 282 Chytrid(s), 4–6
Blastocladiomycota, 6 Cis boleti, 94
Blumeria graminis, 239, 241 Cistanche deserticola, 162, 170–172
Boletales, 12, 13 Classification, 1, 2, 4–6, 8–10, 13
Boletus, 216, 217 Clavariadelphus truncatus, 220
Bondarzewia montana, 224, 226 Clavariopsis aquatica, 289
Boreostereum vibrans, 220 Claviceps, 204, 276, 290
Botryosphaeria mamane, 160, 185 C. puprurea, 315
Botryosphaeria parva, 160, 189 Clavicipitaceae, 198, 199, 202, 205, 278, 322
Botrytis cinerea, 48, 49, 92, 95, 122, 236, 239 Clavicipitaceous fungi, 198–206
Bovista, 212–214 Cleistothecium, 9
Brachypodium sylvaticum, 94 Clitocybe elegans, 217
Burkholderia, 298 Clitocybe faccida, 94
Clitocybe illudens, 213
C Clitopilus prunulus, 94
Caenorhabditis elegans, 385 Clonostachys, 280, 289
Calcarisporium arbuscula, 249, 265 C. lusitaniae, 236
Calocera, 12 Coccidioides immitis, 236
Calonectria Coccidioides posadsii, 236
C. morganii, 280 Cochliobolus
Camellia japonica, 273 C. carbonum, 288, 290
Camellia sinensis L., 161, 165–166 C. heterostrophus, 274
Camptotheca acuminata, 157, 162, 166, 167 C. carbonum, 307, 315, 319
Candida, 7, 73, 241 C. heterostrophus, 332
C. albicans, 67, 69, 84, 86, 91, 110, 123, 236, 239–241, C. miyabeanus, 249, 250
274, 288, 385 Coelomomyces stegomyiae, 51, 52
C. dubliniensis, 236, 239 Coleophoma
C. glabrata, 236, 243, 383 C. crateriformis, 279
C. guilliermondii, 236 C. empetri, 279
C. noadenis, 108 Collembolan, 90, 94
C. parapsilosis, 236 Colletotrichum, 8, 85
Biosystematic Index 395

C. dematium, 160, 181–182 Dothideomycetidae, 9

C. gloeosporioides, 69–71, 160, 189, 277 Dothistroma septosporum, 335
C. graminicola, 236 Drosophila, 143–147
C. lagenarium, 335, 336, 346 D. melanogaster, 55, 143, 145, 146
C. magna, 155
C. trifolii, 65 E
Coniosporium, 277 Echinococcus multilocularis, 256, 266
Coniothyrium, 160, 189, 276 Ectomycorrhiza, 13
Conocybe siliginea, 211, 212 Embellisia, 206
Convolvulaceae, 197–206 Emericella
Coprini, 83 E. purpurascens, 278
Coprinopsis cinerea, 48, 81–84, 88–91, 95 E. unguis, 280
Coprinopsis cinereus, 69, 70 E. nidulans, 89
Coprinus, 216 E. variecolor, 161, 175, 177, 257
C. cinereus, 236, 379, 386 Endogonales, 6
Cordyceps, 282 Entoloma haastii, 275
Corollospora intermedia, 280 Entomophthorales, 6
Corticiales, 13 Entomophthoromycotina, 6
Cortinarius, 211, 224–226 Entorrhizales, 9, 11
Creolophus cirrhatus, 215, 216 Entorrhizomycetes, 11
Croton oblongifolius, 161, 175 Entylomatales, 11
Cryptococcus aquaticus, 113 Epichloe, 322
Cryptococcus gattii, 236 Epichloe¨ typhina, 94, 161, 181, 280
Cryptococcus humicola, 108 Epicoccum
Cryptococcus neoformans, 46–49, 56, 83, 84, 120, 121, E. nigrum, 278
236, 241, 274 Epinotia tedella, 94
Cunninghamella blakesleeana, 274 Eriospermum, 204
Cyathus, 217 Erysiphales, 9
Cyclindrocladium Erythrina crista-galli, 162, 166–169
C. scorparium, 280 Escherichia coli, 338, 346, 347
Cyclindrotrichum, 278 Euascomycetes, 7
Cylindrocarpon, 280 Euonymus europaeus, 160, 175
Cylindrocladium ilicicola, 249, 262 Eupatorium arnottianum, 169–170
Cystobacter armeniaca, 263 Eupenicillium shearii, 290
Cystobasidiales, 11 Euplotes raikovi, 83
Cystobasidiomycetes, 11 Eurotiales, 9
Cystoderma, 211 Eurotiomycetes, 9
Cystofilobasidiales, 12 Eurotium, 276
Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum, 113 Exidia, 12
Exobasidiales, 11
D Exobasidiomycetes, 11
Dacrymyces, 12, 216 Exserohilium rostratum, 276
Dacrymycetes, 12 Exserohilum holmi, 277
Debaryomyces hansenii , 47, 50–52, 108, 111, 122, 236
Debaryomyces robertsiae, 113, 117, 119 F
Diaporthe, 160, 164–170 Favolaschia, 218, 219
Dicerandra frutescens, 163, 170, 171 Filobasidiales, 12
Dichomitus squalens, 214, 215 Filobasidiella, 274
Dictyostelium discoideum, 51 Filobasidium capsuligenum, 108
Diheterospora Flavolus arcularius, 92
D. chlamyydosporia, 281 Folsomia candida, 142
Dikarya, 7 Fomitella fraxinea, 219
Dikaryophase, 19 Fungi incertae sedis, 88
Doassansiales, 11 Fungi, 297–299, 301, 302
Dothideomycete, 175–177 Fusarium, 161, 167, 180, 181, 319
Dothideomycetes, 9 F. culmorum, 274
396 Biosystematic Index

F. graminearum, 67, 69, 236, 239, 274 H. mammatum, 155

F. heterosporum, 300 Hormonema dematioides, 161, 182–183
F. lateritium, 205 Hyalodendron, 277
F. moniliforme, 255, 340, 345 Hyaloraphidium, 6
F. oxysporum, 67, 68, 198, 236, 379 Hydnellum caeruleum, 222, 223, 225
F. pseudograminearum, 274 Hygrophorus, 221, 222
F. sambucinum, 249, 262 Hymenochaetales, 13
F. solani, 384, 386 Hymenophore, 12
F. verticillioides, 236 Hyperdermium pulvinatum, 205
Hypericum perforatum, 158
G Hyphochytriomycota, 4
Galleria mellonella, 141 Hypocreaceae, 278
Garcinia mangostana, 160, 184, 185 Hypoderma eucalyptii, 279
Geastrales, 13 Hypodermium bertonii, 205
Gelasinospora cerealis, 91 Hypoxylon fragiforme, 155
Geoglossaceae, 8, 9 Hypoxylon oceanicum, 285
Geoglossum, 8 Hypoxylon truncatum, 161, 188
Georgefischeriales, 11 Hysterangiales, 13
Geotrichum candidum, 274, 289
Geosiphon, 7 I
Gerronema, 222, 223 Idiomorph(s), 20
Gibberella fujikuroi, 132, 133, 331 Imperata cylindrica, 160, 177–178
Gibberella zeae, 89, 274 Ipomoea, 204
Gigaspora, 92 I. asarifolia, 199, 201–204
Ginkgo biloba, 159, 163 I. batatas, 205, 206
Glarea lozoyensis, 280, 337, 345 I. violacea, 199, 202, 203, 205
Gliocladium deliquenscens, 277 Irpex, 218
Gloeophyllales, 13 Isaria, 282
Gloeophyllum, 213, 214
Glomeromycota, 92 J
Glomerella, 8
Junghuhnia nitida, 221
Glomerellaceae, 8
Junipercus cedre, 161, 183–185
Glomospora, 289
Glomus, 92
Glomus mossae, 43
Glycine max, 92 Karyogamy, 18, 19
Gomphales, 13 Kickxellales, 7
Grifola frondosa, 219, 220 Kickxellomycotina, 7
Gymnothecia(l), 9 Kluyveromyces, 112
K. lactis, 69, 113, 117–119, 122, 237
H K. marxianus, 237
Haemonchus contortus, 253, 254, 266 K. thermotolerans, 237
Hanseniaspora uvarum, 113, 116, 122 K. waltii, 108, 112, 237
Haptoglossa, 5
Helicobasidiales, 10 L
Helicobasidium, 11 Labyrinthulales, 4
Helicoma ambiens, 280 Labyrinthulomycota, 4
Helminthosporium Lacazia loboi, 237
H. carbonum, 288 Laccaria bicolor, 83, 84, 97, 237, 379
H. siccans, 249, 261 Laccaria laccata, 83
Helotiales, 9 Laetiporus sulfureus, 283
Hemiascomycetes, 7 Lecanoromycetes, 9
Heterobasidiomycetes, 12, 13 Leccinium aurantiacum, 86
Heterobasidion annosum, 237 Leea rubra, 161, 175–176
Hirsutella, 282 Leiodes cinnamomea, 94
Histoplasma capsulatum, 48–50, 56, 85, 237, 240 Lenzites betulinus, 82
Biosystematic Index 397

Leotiomycetes, 9 Neosartorya fenelliae, 48, 49

Leptographium lundbergii, 213 Neosatorya fisheri, 237, 379
Leptosphaeria, 161, 187 Neotyphodium, 204
L. maculans, 288, 290 Neotyphodium/Epichloe, 289
Leptostroma, 279 Neotyphodium typhinum, 199
Leucopaxillus gentianeus, 219, 220 Nerium oleander, 160, 176–177
Lichen(s), 9 Neurospora crassa, 46, 71, 81, 89, 237, 377, 379, 384–386
Lichen, 344 Nigrosabulum globosum, 284
Limacella illinita, 217 Nodulisporium, 161, 183–185
Littoraria irrorata, 94 Nothapodytes foetida, 198
Lodderomyces elongisporus, 237
Lordithon lunulatus, 94 O
Lower fungi, 5, 7 Olpidium, 6
Olpidium brassicae, 6
M Omphalotus nidiformis, 212, 213
Maackia chinensis, 161, 181 Omphalotus olearius, 212, 213, 281, 317, 318
Macrocystidia cucumis, 214, 215 Onygenales, 9
Magnaporthaceae, 8, 9 Oomycete, 79
Magnaporthe, 8 Oomycota, 4, 5
M. grisea, 73, 237, 238, 241, 243, 274, 314, 316, 318, Orbiliomycetes, 9
320, 333, 340, 344, 379 Oudemansiella mucida, 249, 263
M. oryzae, 346
Malassezia globosa, 237 P
Malassezia restricta, 237 Paecilomyces
Malasseziales, 11 P. cinnamomeus, 283
Marasmius, 214, 215 P. militaris, 259
Medicago lupulina, 162, 183 Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, 48, 49, 121, 237
Megaselia halteria, 94 Parasitella parasitica, 88
Meiosis, 17–20, 25, 28, 29 Paxillus curtisii, 222, 223, 225
Meliotus dentatus, 160, 183–184, 186 Paxillus involutus, 237
Metarhizium anisophilae, 141, 333 Penicillium, 9, 91, 161, 170–174, 249, 258, 333, 381
Metharizium P. chrysogenum, 48, 49, 67, 68, 162, 170–171, 237
M. anisopliae, 277, 289, 290 P. citreoviride, 249, 265
Microbotryales, 11 P. dipodomyis, 276
Microbotryomycetes, 11 P. expansum, 333, 335, 340, 341, 343, 346
Microsporum gypseum, 237 P. fellutanum, 276
Monascus purpureus, 331, 335 P. funiculosum, 249, 257, 262
Moniliophthora perniciosa, 237 P. islandicum, 287
Mortierellales, 6 P. janczewskii, 162, 172, 173, 276
Mucoromycotina, 6, 88 P. lilacinum, 249, 266
Mucorales, 6 P. madriti, 335
Mycena, 212, 213, 217–219, 222, 224 P. marneffei, 237
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, 50, 56 P. nalgiovense, 276, 362, 363
Mycosphaerella graminicola, 239 P. notatum, 87, 377
Mycorrhiza, 7, 13 P. paneum, 85
Mycosphaerella, 94 P. paxilli, 162, 186
M. fijiensis, 237 P. roquefortii, 217
M. graminicola, 237 P. rugulosum, 257
Myriogenospora atramentosa, 199, 201 P. simplicissimum, 276
Myxococcus fulvus, 263 P. vermiculatum, 257
Myxotrichum, 9 P. verrucosum, 354, 355, 357, 361–363, 366, 367, 369, 370
Peniophora, 281, 288
N Perithecium, 9
Nectria haematococca, 89, 237 Peronospora, 4
Neocosmospora vasinfecta, 278 Peronosporales, 4
Neolecta, 7 Peronosporomycetes, 5
398 Biosystematic Index

Pestalotiopsis foedan, 163, 179 Polygonum senegalense, 160, 174–175

Pestalotiopsis theae, 163, 179–180 Polymyxa, 4
Pezizales, 9 Polyporales, 13
Pezizomycetes, 9 Polypores, 94
Pezizomycotina, 7–9 Polyporus dryophilus, 82–83
Phaeosphaeria, 94 Postia placenta, 237
Phaeosphaeria nodorum, 51, 52 Proisotoma minuta, 94
Phanerochaete carnosa, 237 Protomyces, 7
Phallales, 13 Protozoa, 7, 13
Phallomycetidae, 13 Prumnopitys andina, 161, 162, 171–174
Phanerochaete chrysosporium, 48, 237, 314, 315, 317, 318, Psathyrella pseudogracilis, 212
379, 380 Pseudallescheria, 277
Phellinus tremulae, 212 Pseudogymnoascus, 9
Phleum pretense, 161, 181 Pseudomonas, 298
Pholiota spumosa, 225, 227 P. aeruginosa, 91, 262
Phoma Pteromischum, 160, 181–182
P. lingam, 290 Pterula, 222, 224, 250, 283
P. exigua, 333 Puccinia graminis, 85, 237
P. medicaginis, 162, 183 Pucciniales, 10
Phoma sp., 333, 335, 338, 346 Puccinia monoica, 93
Phomopsis, 155, 162, 164–171 Pucciniomycetes, 10
P. asparagi, 347 Pucciniomycotina, 2, 9–11
P. cassiae, 162, 166 Pyrenomycetes, 9
P. longicolla, 163, 170 Pyrenophora triticirepentis, 48, 49, 237
Phorid fly, 94 Pyrenulales, 9
Phycomyces blakesleeanus, 237 Pyronema domesticum, 91
Phyllosticta spinarum, 163, 180–181 Pythiales, 4
Phylogenetic, 1–13 Pythium, 2, 4
Phylogenomics, 13
Phytolacca dioica, 162, 169, 170 Q
Phytophthora infestans, 237 Quamoclit, 204
Phytophthora ramorum, 52 Quercus variabilis, 161, 174
Phytophthora, 2, 4
Pichia, 7, 69, 110–112 R
P. acaciae, 113, 117, 119
Radulomyces confluens, 212–214
P. angusta, 237
Resupinatus leightonii, 211
P. anomala, 108, 110, 112, 120–123
Rhizoctonia, 11
P. farinosa, 108, 111, 116
R. leguminicola, 206
P. farinosa (sorbitophila), 237
R. oryzae, 81
P. inositovora, 113, 117–119
P. kluyveri, 108, 111 Rhizopus oryzae, 237
P. membranifaciens, 108, 111, 114, 122 Rhizophlyctis, 6
P. stipitis, 237 Rhodotorula, 11
Pinus, 161, 182–183 R. glutinis, 86
Pithomyces Ripartites metrodii, 212
P. chartarum, 276, 278 Ripartites tricholoma, 212
Platycladus orientalis, 163, 180–181 Rosellinia necatrix, 275, 284
Plasmodiophora, 2–5 Rozella, 5, 6
Plasmodiophora brassicae, 3 Rozella allomycis, 5, 6
Plasmopara, 2 Russula lepida, 216–218
Pleosporomycetidae, 9 Russulales, 13
Pleurotus ostreatus, 90 Rust fungi, 10
Pneumocystis, 7
P. nordicum, 354, 355, 357, 359, 361–364, 366, 369, 370 S
Podophyllum emodi, 159 Saccharomyces bayanus, 238
Podospora anserina, 50–52, 69–73, 89 Saccharomyces cariocanus, 47, 53
Biosystematic Index 399

Saccharomyces castellii, 238 Suillus luteus, 221

Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 41, 42, 46, 47, 50, 52–57, 65, Synechocystis sp., 45, 55
66, 69, 71, 73, 85, 107–116, 118, 119, 121–124, 238, 274,
337, 346, 378, 382 T
Saccharomyces kluyveri, 238 Talaromyces wortmannii, 257
Saccharomyces kudriavzevii, 238 Taphrina, 7
Saccharomyces mikatae, 238 Taphrinomycotina, 7
Saccharomyces paradoxus, 238 Taxomyces andreanae, 156, 198
Saccharomycetales, 84 Taxonomy, 1–13
Saccharomycotina, 7 Taxus, 198
Saitoella, 7 T. brevifolia, 156, 178, 189
Sandoricum koetjape, 159–163 Tectona grandis, 162, 169–171
Sarcodon, 217, 218, 222–223 Thaxteriella pezicula, 280
Saprolegnia, 4 Thelephora, 222–223, 225
Saprolegniales, 4 Thelephorales, 13
Schinus molle, 160, 188, 189 Thraustochytriales, 4
Schizophyllum commune, 81, 82, 238, 384, 386 Tilia Americana, 93
Schizosaccharomyces, 7 Tilletiales, 11
S. japonicus, 238 Tilletiopsis, 11
S. octosporus, 238 Tolypocladium
S. pombe, 46, 238 T. inflatum, 265, 278
Schwanniomyces, 108, 117 T. parasiticum, 279
Sclerosporaceae, 4 T. terricola, 278
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, 238, 379 T. tundrense, 278
Scytalidium, 280 Torrubiella luteorostrata, 283
Sebacinales, 12, 13 Trametes gibbosa, 94
Selaginella pallescens, 161, 181 Trametes menziesii, 221
Sepedonium, 319 Trechisporales, 13
Septobasidiales, 11 Tremella, 12
Serpula himantoides, 225, 227 T. aurantialba, 223, 226
Sirodesmium, 277 Tremellales, 12
Smut fungi, 11 Tremellomycetes, 12
Sordariaceae, 21, 22 Trichoderma, 86, 92, 93, 383
Sordaria macrospora, 17–36, 89 T. atroviride, 92
Sordariomycetes, 9 T. harzianum, 249
Spartina alterniflora, 94 T. longibrachiatum, 274
Spiromyces aspiralis, 51, 52 T. pseudokoningii, 274
Spizellomyces punctatus, 48, 49 T. reesei, 238, 378, 379, 384
Spodoptera littoralis, 141 T. virens, 238
Sporidiales, 11 T. viride, 279
Sporobolomyces, 11 Trichoderma/Hypocrea, 311
Sporothrix schenckii, 333 Trichoglossum, 8
Spongospora, 4 Tricholoma matsutake, 86, 94
Stachybotrys chartarum, 278 Tricholoma robustum, 85
Stagonospora nodorum, 238 Trichomycetes, 6, 7
Stereum, 220 Trichosporon pullulans, 113, 117
Stereum hirsutum, 224, 226, 275, 278 Tuber borchii, 93
Sterigmatocystin, 133–139, 145 Tuberculina, 11
Straminipila, 4, 5 Tuber melanosporum, 94
Straminipilous fungi, 4 Tulasnella, 12
Streptomyces, 92, 247, 250, 262, 297 Turbina corymbosa, 199–204
S. coelicolor, 346 Tylopilus felleus, 217
S. collinus, 260
S. diastatochromogenes, 264 U
S. thioluteus, 257 Ultrastructure
Strobilurus tenacellus, 249 septum, 9, 11
400 Biosystematic Index

Uncinocarpus reesii, 238 Williopsis, 107–110

Urocystales, 11 W. californica, 108, 110
Uromyces fabae, 93 W. saturnus, 108–110, 120
Uromyces phaseoli, 85 W. saturnus var. mrakii, 108–110, 112, 121
Ustilaginales, 11 Wingea robertsiae, 69
Ustilaginomycetes, 9, 11
Ustilaginomycotina, 9, 11
Ustilago cynodontis, 275
Xanthoparmelia scabrosa, 277
Ustilago maydis, 48, 113, 116, 123, 238, 241, 317, 318,
Xylaria, 159–164, 333
379, 385
Xylaria polymorpha, 284
Verrucariales, 9 Y
Verticillium, 249, 255 Yeast(s), 7, 11, 12
V. albo-atrum, 238 Yersinia pestis, 339
V. dahliae, 238
V. coccosporum, 281
V. hemipterigenum Z
Zalerion arboricola, 279
Vinca minor, 160, 175
Zoopagomycotina, 6
Vitis vinifera, 122
Zygomycota, 5–7, 13
Zygosaccharomyces bailii, 47, 53, 113, 116, 120
Wangiella dermatitidis, 333, 335
Subject Index

A Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, 80, 92

Acetyl transferase, 366 Argadin, 279, 289
Argifin, 280, 289
A ACR-toxin I, 252, 265, 266
Aculeacin A, 279 Armillol, 214
Adaptation, anti-predator, 143 Arthrichitin, 284
Arthrosporone, 214
Adenylation (A) domain(s), 306, 308–311
Ascocarp, 89
Adenylyl cyclase, 32–33
Aflatoxin, 91 (4S) (+)-Ascochin, 184
(S,S)-(+)-Ascodiketone, 184
AFTOL, 2, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13
Ascogenous hyphae, 19
Agroclavine, 204
Alkaloids, ergotamine, 132 Ascogonia, 18, 22, 87
Altechromone A, 188 Ascogonium, 19
Ascospore, 86, 94
Altenusin, 175
Alternaric acid, 175 Asexual development, 139
Alternariol, 175 Aspergillicins, 289
Aspyridones, 301
Altertoxin I, 175
Alveolata, 4 Asteltoxin, 252, 265
Amanitins, 281 ATP citrate lyase, 34
Atpenin(s), 249, 258–261, 267
A mating type, 81
Aureobasidin A, 284, 288
Amino acid(s), 305, 306, 308–315, 317, 322
7-Amino-4-methylcoumarin, 159 Aureothin, 250, 257, 258
Aurovertin B, 265
Ammonia, 85
Aurovertins, 252
AM toxin(s), 290, 316, 320
Amylase, 377, 378 Autoinhibitors, 85
Anastomosis, 80, 81, 88 Autoselection, 119, 123
Autotropism, positive, 80
Angolide, 287
Anhydrofulvic acid, 262
Anidulafungin, 289 B
Antagonistic interactions, 140 Bacterial intein-like sequences (BILs), 44
Antagonists, 146 Basal fungi, 5–7
Antimycin A3a, 247, 249 Basidifferquinone, 92
Antioxidants, 368 Basidiomycetes, ectomycorrhizal, 92, 93
Antisense RNA, 383, 385 Bassianolide, 283, 286
apdR transcription factors, 300 Beauvericins, 282, 286
Apicidin, 278, 288 Beauverolides, 286–288
Apiosporamide, 259 Biomass loss, 142
Apoptosis, 63–74, 86 Biotyping, 123
Aporpinones, 224, 226 b-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase, 26,
Appressorium formation, 234, 238 34, 35
Arborcandins, 280 (+)-1,10-Bislunatin, 166
402 Subject Index

Botryomaman, 185 bacteria, 79, 84, 91–92, 95, 96

Bovistol, 212, 214 cells, 79–81, 83, 85–89, 92–94, 96
Brefeldin A, 182, 183 chemical nature, 79
courtship, 87
C cross-kingdom, 84, 91
extracellular, 80, 81, 83, 89
Calopins, 217
cAMP, 81 functions, 83, 85, 93, 95, 96
Camptothecin, 156, 157, 166, 198 fungus–animal, 93
Capsaicin, 250 fungus–plant, 93
Capsule formation, 240–242 humans, 94
Carbonarone A, 258 individuals, 79–81, 83, 84, 96
Carbon source, 357, 364 insects, 93–95
Carboxypeptidase, 371 intercellular, 79
b-Carotene, 88 interkingdom, 79
Caspofungin, 273, 289 interspecies, 79, 83, 84
Catabolite repression, 357, 358 intra-species, 79, 83, 91
CATs male-female, 89
conidial anastomosis tubes, 81 mammals, 94
C8-compounds, 85 quorum sensing, 84, 91
Cell killing, 111, 112, 118, 120 sexually determined, 83, 88
Cellular death, 81 signalling molecules, 80, 81, 84, 86, 91, 94, 96
Cephalosporin, 320–321 signals, 79, 82, 93, 96
Cercozoa, 4, 5 species, 79–97
Ceriporic acid, 221 vegetative, 80–87, 89
cfs1, 91 Comparative genomics, 378
Chaetocin, 277 Competition, 147
Chaetoglobosins, 178 Complex, 261, 265
Chemo-attractant, 81 Complex I, 247, 249–258, 261–263, 266
Chlamydocins, 281, 288 Complex II, 247, 249, 251, 253–255, 258–262, 266, 267
Chlamydospore, 201 Complex III, 247, 250, 251, 254, 255, 259, 262–263,
2-Chloro-5-methoxy-3-methylcyclohexa-2,5-diene-1, 266
4-dione, 159 Complex IV, 247, 250–252, 254, 263–266
Chloroperox idase, 356 Complex V, 247, 251
Chromalveolata, 4, 5 Complicatic acid, 216
Chromatin structure, 138 Compound 8, 212–214
Chrysogenamide, 171 Condensation (C) domain(s), 306, 308, 313, 315, 322
Chrysotriones, 221, 222 Conditional protein splicing (CPS), 55
Cinnamic acid, 225 Conidia, 81, 85–87, 91, 382
Circadian rhythm, 368 Conidial anastomosis tubes (CATs), 81
Citreoviridin, 252 Conidiation, 86, 89, 91
Citrinin, 355, 356, 361, 364, 370 Conidiogenone, 87
CJ-15,208, 278, 288 Conocenol(s), 211, 212
Clamp cells, 87 Conocenolide, 211, 212
Clavaric acid, 220 Convergent evolution, 362
Clavariopsins, 289 Coprinol, 216
Cleisthothecia, 89 Coprogen(s), 273, 274, 305, 317, 318
Clock-controlled genes, 368 Cortamidine oxide, 224–226
CO2, 85 Creolophins, 216
Cochlioquinone(s), 250, 251 Cross-species microarray hybridizations, 30
Co-evolution, 96 Cucumins, 214
Colletotric acid, 189 Cucurbitacin, 220
Colutellin A, 182 Curtisians, 223
Combinatorial biosynthesis, 323, 324 Cyathin(s), 217
Communication Cyclo(His-Pro), 275
arthropods, 94 Cyclo(leucylprolyl), 214
Subject Index 403

Cyclo(phenylalanylprolyl), 214 E
Cycloaspeptide A, 173, 174 Echinocandins, 279, 286, 289
Cycloaspeptides, 289 Ecology, 96
Cyclochlorotine, 279, 287, 288 Ecosystem, 96
Cyclopentenons, 175–176 Ectomycorrhizal, 6
Cyclopropane fatty acid synthase, 91 Efflux pump, 366
Cyclosporin A, 311 Efrapeptin D, 265
Cyclosporins, 273, 278, 279, 286, 288, 305, 314–316, 318 Efrapeptins, 265
Cyrmenin B1, 263 EGFP, 25, 28, 29
Cyrmenins, 263 Eleganthol, 217
Cytochrome c, 64–66 Elicitors, 92, 93
Cytochrome P450, 91 eln2, 91
Cytosporone D, 170 eln3, 91
Elongation/extending modules, 307
D Emodepsin, 289
Emodin-1,6-dimethylether, 174
Dacrymenone, 216, 217
Endomycorrhizae, 92
Daldinone C, 188
Endonuclease, 41–44, 46, 48–54, 57
Daldinone D, 188
Enniatins, 282, 286, 287, 290
-Decalactone, 252, 253
Entomopathogenic, 141
Decomposer communities, 141
Environment factors, 135
Defence chemicals, 96
Epialtenuene, 175
5-Demethylovalicin, 211, 212
Epibiotic fungus, 201–203
3,4-Deoxy-3,4-didehydromultiplolide A, 166
Epibiotic niche, 199, 201
Deoxyfunicone, 257, 258
Epichlicin, 181, 182
5-Desoxyilludosin, 212, 213
Epicorazines, 278
Destruxins, 284, 286, 287, 290
(+)-Epicytoskyrin, 166
Epimerization domains, 313–315
fruiting body, 88–91, 93
6-Epitaedolidol, 178
sexual, 83, 87, 89
Equisetin, 300
Dicerandrols, 170
Eremoxylarin, 163
Dichomitol, 214, 215
Ergoline alkaloid, 197–206
Dichomitone, 214, 215
Ergoline alkaloid biosynthesis, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204
Differential expression, 364
Ergopeptides, 273, 290
5,6-Dihydro-5,6-epoxymultiplolide A, 166
Ergosterol, 219
2,3-Dihydro-5-methoxy-2-methylchomen-4-one, 183
Ergostra-4,6,8(14),22-tetraen-3-one, 219, 220
3,12-Dihydroxycadalene, 166
Ergot alkaloids, 157, 319, 321, 322
3,12-Dihydroxycalamenene, 166
Ergovaline, 276
6,9-Dihydroxy-3(15)-caryophyllen-4,8-dione, 214, 215
EST sequencing, 238
2b,13-Dihydroxyledol, 214, 215
Eukaryotic toxins, 120
Dikarya, 7
Evolution, 96
Dimargaritales, 7
Excavata, 2
Dimerumic acid, 274
Export, 361
2,7-Dimethoxy-6-(1-acetoxyethyl) juglon, 189
Expression analysis, 357, 360, 362
Dimethylallyltryprophan (DMAT), 322
Expression optima, 365
4-[g,g-Dimethylallyl]tryptophan synthase, 202
Expression pattern, 364, 365
Dimorphism, 86–87
Dioxapyrrolomycin, 247, 248
C-extein, 41, 43–45, 56
Dispensable (CD) chromosome, 320
N-extein, 41, 43–45
DNA binding factor, 357
DNA-mediated transformation, 24, 26–27
Dominant marker, 26 F
Drimene-2,11-diol, 212, 214 False truffles, 94
Drug development, 240 1,6-Farnesadiene-3,10,11-triol, 211
DsRed, 28 Farnesol, 69, 85, 86, 91, 241
dsRNA, 107, 112–116, 119, 121 Fatty acids, 86
404 Subject Index

fatty acid biosynthesis, 333 tip-to-side, 82

fatty acid synthase (FAS), 133, 333 tip-to-tip, 82
Favolon(s), 219 vegetative, 81–84
Fericrocin, 274
Ferrichrome, 274, 275, 305, 309, G
Gametangia, 88
Ferrichrysin, 274
Gametes, 88
Ferricrocin, 274
Fertilization, 87, 89
cluster(s), 316, 319–324
Fitness parameters, 140
expression, 357, 359, 364, 367, 368
FKI-1033, 283
mining, 378
Flagellum, 4, 6
targeting, 383–386
Flavenoids, 92
transcription, 363
Flavipucine, 259
Genetic engineering, 377, 381, 382
Fluorescence microscopy, 27–30
Genome mining, 297–302, 340
Fluorescent dyes, 27, 29
Genome sequencing, 378, 379
Fomitellic acid, 219
Genomic(s), 146, 147
Food choice, 143
Geosmin, 211
Fostriecin, 253
1(10),4-Germacradiene-2,6,12-triol, 211
FR190293, 279
Germination, 84–86, 92–94, 239
FR227673, 279
Gerronemins, 222, 223
FR235222, 282, 288
Glandular cell, 201, 202
FR901379, 273, 279
Gliotoxin, 67, 273, 277, 287, 288
FR901469, 281, 284, 287
Gliotoxin gene cluster, gliZ, 135
Fruiting body
Gliovictin, 172, 273, 277, 287, 288
aroma, 94, 95
Gloeophyllols, 214
ascomycetes, 89
Gloeophyllone, 212, 214
basidiomycete, 88, 90
Glomosporin, 285, 289
development, 17–19, 21, 22, 27, 30, 34
a-(1,3)-Glucan, 85
induction, 89, 92, 93
Glutamate dehydrogenase, 239
primordium, 89
Glycosylation, 377
stipe elongation, 91
Glycosyltransferase, 91
Fumitremorgins, 276, 288
Golmaenone, 275, 276
Fumonisin B1, 255
G proteins, 31–33
Functional genomics, 383
Green fluorescent protein (GFP), 55
Fungicide(s), 203, 363, 366, 371
amphotericin B, 240
density-dependent, 84, 85
azole, 234, 240, 241
pseudohyphal, 86
strobilurin, 234
Growth phase, 357, 363, 373
voriconazole, 241
Fungivore(s), 142, 147
Fungivory, 139, 141 H
foraging strategies, 142 Hammerhead ribozymes, 383, 385
Fungus/plant symbiotum, 204 Hartig net, 89, 93
Funicone, 257, 258 Harzianopyridone, 258, 261
Funiculosin, 259, 262, 263 HC-toxin(s), 280, 288, 290, 310, 315, 316, 319
Fusarin, 300 Hedgehog, 43, 44, 46
Fusaristatins, 181 Helminth, 247–267
Fusigen, 274 Helminth complex I, 251–258
Fusion Helminth complex II, 261–267
frequencies, 81, 82 Helper bacteria, 92
hyphal, 80–83, 87 2-n-Heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide, 262
mating type, 83, 87 Heterokaryon incompatibility, 81
peg-to-peg, 82 Heterokaryosis, 81
tip-to-peg, 82 Heterologous expression, 299, 345–347
Subject Index 405

Heterothallic, 18–22, 31, 36, 87, 89, 94 GLT intein, 11

Himanimides, 225, 227 inhibitory agents, 56
Himeic acid A, 257, 258 large intein(s), 43, 46, 47, 50, 51, 53
1H-indole-3-carboxylic acid, 226, 227 mini-intein, 43, 46, 47, 49–51
Histone deacetylase (HDAC), 138 PRP8 intein, 46–50
HO gene, 41, 52, 54 split intein, 45, 55, 56
Homing, 42–44, 46, 51–54 structures, 43
attraction, 81 VMA1 inteins, 46, 49, 52–54
hyphal, 80 Internal transcribed spacer (ITS), 202, 203
interspecies, 83 Introns, 41, 42, 49, 51–53, 316–318, 320, 322
spores, 81, 83 Irofulven, 212, 213
Homologous recombination (HR), 22, 27, 299, 383 Irpexans, 218
Homothallic, 18–22, 31, 89 Isariins, 286, 287
Horizontal gene transfer, 342–344 Isocochlioquinone A, 250, 251
Hormonemate, 182–183 Isopestacin, 178
Hormones, 86 Isovaleric acid, 85
Host specificity, 199, 205 Iterative NRPSs, 309, 317
HUN-7293, 288
195-A, 257, 259 J
Hybrid product(s), 298
JM47, 280, 282, 288
Hydroperoxy fatty acids, 86
Hydroxamic acid, 85
3-Hydroxy-1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl)-butan-1-one, 183
3b-Hydroxylanosta-8,24-dien-21-oic acid, 219 K1, 109, 111, 112, 114–116, 120–122
Hydroxymellein, 159, 166, 184, 185 K28, 112, 114–116, 120, 124
7-Hydroxy-8-methoxy-3,6-dimethyldi-benzofuran-1, Kazusamycin A, 253
4-dione, 159 3-Ketotauranin, 181
1-(2-Hydroxy-6-methoxyphenyl) butan-1-one, 183 Killer, 107–124
(+)-(5S,10S)-40-Hydroxymethyl-cyclozonarone, 181 Killer toxin-like antibodies, 121
(+)-10a-Hydroxy-4-muurolen-3-one, 219 Kinase, 368
Hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HQNO), 262 Kirromycin, 260
1-Hydroxy-3-sterpurene, 212, 214 Knockout, 340, 345–346
3a-Hydroxytauranin, 181 ku70, 25, 27
12-Hydroxytauranin, 181
Hygrophorones, 221, 222 L
Hygromycin B, 26 b-Lactam, 320, 321
Hypericin, 158 LaeA, 324
Hyphal fusion, 29, 34–36 L-alanyl-L-tryptophan anhydride, 275, 276
Hyphal interference, 83 Laschiatrion, 219
Leaianafulven, 213
I Lepidamine, 216, 217
ich1, 91 Lepidolide, 217, 218
Illinitones, 217 Leptomycin B, 252, 253
Illudin, 212–214 Leptosins, 288
Immunity phenotype, 120 Leptosphaeric acid, 187
Immunofluorescence, 28, 29 Leucinostatin A, 266
Importin a, 370 Leucopaxillone, 219, 220
Indolizidine alkaloid, 206 Lifespan, 71–74
Induction, 363, 364, 366–368, 372 Light, 363, 368–371
Inhibitor, competitive, 365 Lignin, 380
Initiation/starting module, 307 Limacellone, 216, 217
Insect feeding deterrent, 319 Linear dsDNA plasmids, 116
Insect mortality, 145 Linear NRPS, 308, 309
Intein(s) Lipoxygenases, 86
activity, 49–52 LL15G256g, 281, 284
evolution, 53–54, 57 Llicicolin H, 259, 262, 263
406 Subject Index

Locoism, 206 Mycotoxin(s), 140, 147, 157–158, 378

LpsA, 322 Mycotoxin patulin, 91
Lumichrome, 174 Myxobacteria, 250, 263
Myxothiazol, 263
Myxothiazol A, 263
Mactanamide, 275, 276
Malformins, 279, 288, 289
Massarilactones, 189 N-acyl homoserine lactones, 91
Massively parallel signature sequencing (MPSS), NADH-fumarate reductase (NFRD), 247, 249, 251–258,
241–242 261, 266
Mating Nafuredin, 251–254, 257, 265, 266
A mating type, 81 Nafuredin-g, 254, 255
basidiomycetes, 81, 87 Natural product(s), 297, 298, 301, 302, 331, 341
bipolar species, 81, 87 Necrosis, 135
B mating types, 81, 82 Neoaureothin, 257, 258
(+) mating type, 88 Neocallimastigomycota, 6
() mating type, 88 Neoechinulin, 275, 276, 288
mating type loci, 81, 87 Neofrapeptins, 289
mating type locus, 81, 82, 87 Nitidon, 221
switching, 52, 54 Nitrogen, 36, 363
tetrapolar species, 81, 87 Nitrogen source, 357, 359
transcription factors, 87 N-methylation domain, 314
type, 18, 20–22, 31, 33 Nodulisporin A, 183
Maytenine, 226 Non-linear NRPS(s), 308, 309
Melanin, 234 Non-ribosomal peptides (NRPs), 305, 313, 335,
Mellein, 166, 167, 169, 172, 185 339–341, 347
Messenger molecules, 84, 96 cephalosporin, 132
Metabolic profile, 298 cyclosporine, 132, 133
Metabolomics, 235, 380, 381 gliotoxin, 132
Metacaspase(s), 65, 66, 70, 72–74 b -lactam antibiotics, 133
Metagenomics, 378 penicillin, 132
14-Methoxytajixanthone-25-acetate, 175 Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs), 132, 133,
Methyl salicylic acid synthase, 361 298, 305, 324
Methyltransferase, 138, 356 Nourseothricin, 26
Mevinic acid, 166 Nucleus, 368, 370
Micafungin, 273, 289
Microarray(s), 30, 146, 233, 235–242, 360, 364, O
366, 380
Microsporidia, 5, 6 8-O-acetyl-5,6-dihydro-5,6-epoxymultiplolide A,
Militarinone, 301 166
Militarinone D, 259 8-O-acetylmultiplolide A, 166
Mitochondria, 63–66, 70 Occhratoxin A, biosynthesis, 353–373
Mode of action, 233–235, 240, 241 3-Octanol, 86, 95
Module(s), 306–309, 311–315, 319, 322, 324 3-Octanone, 86, 94
Molecular clock, 368, 370 1-Octen-3-ol, 85, 86, 91, 93–95
Montadial, 224, 226 Oligomycin A, 264
Morphogens, 89 O-methyltransferase, 91
Mucidin, 263 Omics, 379–381, 386
Multiplolide A, 164, 166 Omphadiol, 213
Mulundocandins, 279 Omphalotins, 281, 282, 286, 287, 289
Mutagenesis, 22, 26 Ostreolysin, 90
Mycelianamide, 276 Oudemansin, 222
Mycocines, 107 Oudemansin A, 263
Mycophagy, 94 13-Oxo-9(Z),11(E)-octadecadienoic acid, 212
Mycorrhiza, 7, 13 Oxylipins, 1-octen-3-ol, 86
Subject Index 407

P Phomaxanthones A, 170
Pachydermin, 225, 227 Phomol, 167, 168
Paclitaxel, 198 Phomopsidone, 169
Paecilaminol, 249, 254–255 Phomopyronol, 167
Palmarin, 252, 253 40 -Phosphopantetheine transferas, 311–313
Parasitism, 147 Photocleavage, 371
Partially reducing PKS, 337 Phyllospinarone, 181
PaT, 119, 120 Phylogenetic tree, 202
Pathogenic, 141 Phylogeny, 6, 342–344
Pathogenicity, 133 Physicion, 174
Pathogens, 80, 92 Piericidin A, 247, 249, 250
Pathway regulation, 347 Pigment(s)
Pathway-specific regulatory genes, transcription bikaverin, 333, 347
factors, 299 melanin, 331, 333, 342, 345
Paxilline, 186 Pironetin, 252, 253
Peltate glandular trichome, 200, 201 PKS-NRPS hybrid, 300
Penicidones, 174 Plant–fungus symbioses, 202
Penicillenols, 170 Pleofungins, 288
Penicillin, 305, 311, 312, 316, 318, 320–321, PNa, 362
324, 377 Pneumocandin, 273, 279, 281
Penicillin G, 276 Podophyllotoxin, 158–159
Penicillone, 186 Polyketide(s), 355–357, 360–366, 371
Peniprequinolone, 172 aflatoxin B1, 132
Penochalasin A, 178 aflatoxins, 133
Peptaibols, 311, 313, 315 classification, 334
Peptides highly reducing PKS, 337–339
pheromone-like, 83, 84 lovastatin, 132, 133
QSP1, 84, 85 non-reducing PKS, 335–337, 342
synthetase, 357, 361 polyketide biosynthesis, 333–334
Peptidyl carrier protein (PCP) domain, 306, 311 polyketide synthase (PKS), 334–341
Per5, 23, 34, 35
post-PKS modification, 341–342
Percyquinnin, 220
Polyketide synthase(s), 133, 297
Perithecia, 89, 91
citrinin, 356, 361, 364
Pestafolide A, 179
40 Ppant cofactor, 312
Pestahivin, 284, 288
Predation, 147
Pestalotiopsolide A, 178
Preservatives, 363, 366, 367, 371
Pestaphthalides, 179
Primin, 185
Petasol, 216, 217
pro1, 22, 30, 34, 35
Petriellin A, 284, 287, 289
pro4, 34, 35
PF1022A, 273, 284, 288
pro11, 30, 34
PH, 357, 359, 360, 363, 364, 366, 371
pro22, 30, 34, 35
Phaeosphaeride(s), 183
ppro40, 28, 34, 35
Phenalamide A2, 258, 259
pro41, 28, 30, 34, 35
Phenoxan, 250
Promoter(s), 357–360, 369
Phenylalanine, 355–357, 365, 371
Promoter exchange, 299, 300
Pheromones, 31, 32, 66, 69, 70
Protein–protein interactions, 46, 54, 55
autocrine functions, 83
Protein purification, 45, 54, 56
lipo-peptide, 84
paracrine functions, 83 Protein splicing, 41–46, 50, 55–57
peptide, 83, 84, 96 Proteome profiling, 242
pheromone-like peptides, 83, 84 Proteomics, 235, 243, 380
receptor(s), 31, 32 Protists, 2, 4
non-mating-type, 83 Prp8 gene, 46, 49, 57
PR toxin, 216, 217
seven-transmembrane Gprotein-coupled
Prugosene A1, 257, 259
type, 83, 87
408 Subject Index

Psathyrellon, 212, 214 RNA polymerases, 46, 51

Pseudodestruxins, 283 RNA-silencing, 341, 346
Pseudo-flowers, 93 Roquefortins, 288
Pseurotin A, 173 Rotenone, 247, 249, 250
psi, 86, 89 RT-PCR, 146
psiAa, 86
psiBa, 86 S
psiCa, 86 S-Adenosyl-methionine (SAM), 314
Psychrophilins, 280, 289 Sambutoxin, 259, 262, 263
Pteratides, 282 Sansalvamide A, 284, 289
Pterulinic acid, 250, 251 Saprophytic, 141
Pterulone, 250, 251 Saprotrophs, 85, 93
Pyrenocines, 186 Sarcodonins, 217
Scabronines, 217
Q Scabrosin, 277, 278
Quorum sensing Sclerotia, 86
cell-density, 84 Sclerotium, 199
cross-kingdom, 84, 91 Scytalidamides, 274, 280
inhibitor, 91 Secondary metabolism, 297–299
population response, 84 Secondary metabolite biosynthesis, 298
Quorum sensing inhibitor (QSI), 91 Secondary metabolite cluster
aft A-Y, 137
silent, 139
Secondary metabolite clusters
Racemase(s), 314–315 aflatoxin/sterigmatocystin gene clusters, 133
Radudiol, 213 aflR, 133
Radulactone, 213 Secondary metabolites, 142, 305, 323
Radulol, 213 aflatoxin B1, 132, 141
Radulones, 213, 214 aflatoxins, 132, 133, 135
Rapamycin, 55 cephalosporin, 132
Receptor cyclosporine, 132, 133
blue light, 370 epipolythiodioxopiperazines (ETP), 135, 138
red light, 371 fumonisins, 132
Reductase domain, 315 gibberellin GA3, 132
Regulation gliotoxin, 132, 135, 138, 141
epigenetic, 138 lovastatin, 132, 135
global, 135 penicillin, 132, 135
LaeA, 139 regulator genes, 146
pathway-specific, 135 sterigmatocystin, 135, 145
VeA, 138 Secreted factor, 82
VelB, 138 Secretion, 377
Regulator Secretory glands, 201, 203, 205
LaeA, 135, 138, 142 Seed-transmitted fungus, 205
Regulatory gene(s), 359, 360, 364 Self-inhibitors, 85
Remote sensing, 80 Self-protection mechanism, 366
Reporter strain, 366 Sensors, light, 370
Reproduction Septa, 9, 12
asexual, 86–87 Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE), 233,
sexual, 87, 88 241–242
Resistance, 233, 234, 240–241 Serialynic acid, 224, 226
Responsive elements, 369 Serine protease, 238
Restriction enzyme-mediated Serinocyclin A, 280, 289
integration (REMI), 346 Sesquiterpene(s), 85, 88, 93, 94, 96, 204
Rhodotorulic acid, 274, 275 Sevastelins, 288
Riparols, 211 Seven-trans-membrane G protein-coupled receptors,
RNA interference (RNAi), 383, 385, 386 83, 87
Subject Index 409

Shamixanthone, 175 Substrate, 355, 357, 363, 364

Shearamide A, 290 Suillumide, 221
Shimalactone A, 257, 259 Surface-active compounds, 90
Siccanin, 247, 249, 261, 262 Symbiotum, 198, 204, 206
Siderophores, 85, 305, 317–319 Synnemata, 201
Signals System biology, 380
attraction, 93 Systemic infection, 199
autoregulatory, 84
bioelectrochemical, 79 T
Ca2+-mediated, 92 Taedolidol, 178
chemical, 81, 92 Taijixanthone, 175
electrical fields, 79 Talaroflavone, 175
extracellular, 80, 81 Tauranin, 181
1-octen-3-ol, 93 Taxol, 156–157, 189
repellence, 93 Taxonomy, 1, 2, 5, 6, 11, 13
volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 86, 91 Teaching, 1, 2, 6, 13
Signal transduction, 368 Teliospores(s), 11
heterotrimeric G protein, 138 Temperature(s), 355, 360, 363, 364, 366,
protein kinase A, 138, 139 367, 371–373
Silage, 122 Tenellin, 301
Silent gene cluster(s), 324 Tentoxin, 265
Sirenin, 88 Tenuazonic acid, 175
Sirodesmin PL, 135 Terpenes, 87, 132, 133, 201
Slime moulds Gibberellin GA3, 132
acrasids, 2 Terphenyls, 222, 225
dictyostelid, 3 Terrestin(s), 223
myxogastrid, 3 Tetrad analysis, 25–26, 36
protostelid, 3 Thallus, 4, 6
Soil fauna, 141 Thelephantins, 223
Species interaction, 139 Thelephoric acid, 225
Specificity conferring code, 310 Thioesterase domain, 315
Sporangiospores, 6 Thiolation (T), 308
Spores Thiolation domains, 311–313
germination, 85, 92 Thiotemplate mechanism, 306
meiotic, 83, 90 Tintinnadiol, 218
mitotic, 83 a-Tomatine, 68
Sporidesmins, 276, 288 Toxin(s)
18SrDNA, 202 aflatoxin, 332, 335, 341, 342, 344, 345
Stemphone A, 251 citrinin, 331, 335
Sterigmatocystin, 91 compactin, 333, 334, 338, 345
Sterigmatocystin clusters cytochalasin, 331, 333, 340
and aflatoxin clusters, 135 fumonisin, 338, 342
aflJ, 135 lovastatin, 331, 338, 342
aflR, 135 squalestatin, 338
Sterins, 224, 226 sterigmatocystin, 336, 345
Sterol biosynthesis, 234, 235 T-toxin, 331, 333, 338, 342, 346
Storage fungi, 355 zearalenone, 335
Stress Trametenamides, 221
adaptation, 363, 366, 368, 371 Transcriptional level, 364
oxidative, 367, 368 Transcriptional regulation, 369
responses, 368, 373 Transcription factor(s), 33–34, 87, 135, 299–301
Striatin(s), 30, 34, 217 Transcriptomics, 380, 381
Strigolactones, 92 Transformation
Strobilurin A, 247, 248, 251, 263 Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated, 382
Strobilurins, 210, 218, 219, 224 electroporation, 382
Subcuticular oil storage cavity, 201, 202 protoplasts, 382
410 Subject Index

Trapoxins, 280 VMA1 gene, 41, 46, 52, 54, 57

Tremellin, 223, 226 Volatile oil, 201, 203
Triacetylfusigen, 274, 275 Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 85, 86, 89,
Trichogynes, 87 91–96
3,11,12-Trihydroxycadalene, 166
3,9,12-Trihydroxycalamenenes, 166
(4E)-6,7,9-Trihydroxydec-4-enoic, 166 W
(4E,6E)-2,4,6-Trimethyloacta-4,6-dien-3-one, 183
2,3,5-Trimethyl-6-(3-oxobutan-2-yl)-4H-pyran-4-one, Water activity, 357, 363, 366, 367
257, 258 WD40 repeat protein, 34, 35
Trisporic acid, 88 WF11899, 279, 281
TRNA-cleaving toxins, 124 WF-16775, 258, 260
TRNase, 118–120 White collar1, 368
T-RNA synthetase White collar2, 368
phenylalanine, 355–357, 365, 371 Wine, 110, 112, 121–123
Truffles, 93, 94 Woronin body, 28, 34
Tyrosol, 84 WWdomain protein, 34


Ukulactones, 249, 257–259 Xyloallenolide B, 163

Uncoupler, 252, 265–266 Xyloester A, 163
Uncoupling, 265, 266 Xyloketal J, 163
Unguisins, 280
UV-mutagenesis, 346 Y
Yeast, 65, 66, 69–73
V Yeast cells, 65, 70, 72
Vegetative incompatibility, 81 Yoghurt, 122
Velvet A, 369
Vermistatin, 257, 258 Z
Verruculogens, 276, 288
Verticilide, 285, 289 Zinc cluster, 34
Verticipyrone, 255–257, 261, 266 Zinc finger transcription factor, 34
Vertihemiptellide(s), 277, 278, 288 Zoospore(s), 3–6
Vibralactones, 220 Zygomycetous, 6
Virulence, 331, 333, 339, 342 Zygospore(s), 6, 88
Virulence factor(s), 319 Zygotropism, 88
VM 3298-2, 216, 217 Zymocines, 107, 112, 117–120, 122

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