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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

Week 3 - Period 7 Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL

Class: Section 5: Skill 1
Teaching date:
At the end of the lesson students will be able to :
- Read for specific information about schools, and read e-mails and web pages.
- Talk about school activities, subjects, and what Ss do at school.
1. Knowledge
*Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous
* Vocabulary: School lexical items
2. Skills: speaking and reading
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner
1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…
1. Checkup attendance.
2. Checkup the old lesson
3. New lesson
Activity 1 : Warm-up (5’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

What do you like or dislikes about our * Chatting:


Activity 2 : Pre-reading (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

-T introduces the new works I.Vocabulary:

- Ss repeat in chorus and individually - Boarding school (n)

- Ss copy all the words - Kindergarten ['kində,gɑ:tnə] (n)
- Overseas [,ouvə'si:z] (adj, adv)
* Checking technique: Slap the board

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

- Equipment (n)
-T asks Ss to look at the three pictures - Join= take part in (v)
then give their ideas about the schools - Club (n)
in the pictures. Introduction.
-T encourages Ss to give as many ideas Eg:-In PLC Sydney school, I can see some
as possible. girls are practicing doing something. So I
think it is a comfortable school. It is a very
good school.
Activity 3: While-reading (20’)
Teacher’s and Ss’activities Content
-Let Ss read the three passages to check III.Practice
their ideas. 1. Read the text
-Ss do the task individually in 5 minutes
-Note some information.
-Ask Ss to read the passages again, then
find the words in the passages. Help Ss 2.Finding the meanings
to understand the meaning of the words: boarding surrounded
explaining or examples or the international creative
Vietnamese equivalent. -It is a boarding school: many students
-Ss should pay attention to the context study and live there.
of the words. -The school is surrounded by mountains
and fields.
-…international school…for Ss from year
1 to year 12, Ss learn English with foreign
-some creative students do drawings and
-Ask Ss to read the text again to find paintings in the art club.
words to finish the sentences. 3. Complete sentences.
-Let Ss note where they found the 1. Students study and live in a…
information that helped them complete They only go home at weekend.
sentences. 2. ……has an art club.

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

-Ss can discuss and compare with their 3. There are girls’ school in…..
friends. 4. Around An Lac school, there are fields
-Correct the answer then let Ss read and...
aloud the sentences in chorus then in 5. At Vinabrita School, Ss learn E with…
individual. Key:

-Check pronunciation and intonation. 1. boarding 2. Vinabrita 3. Australia

4. mountains 5. E speaking teachers

Activity 4: Post-reading (5’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
* Speaking. Ex4:Which school would you like to go.
-Allow Ss to complete the table. Name of Reasons you Reasons you
-Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss then school like it don’t like it
complete the table. (Ss can use the
background of the school).
-Ask some to talk to the class. Background of the schools.
-Discuss any common errors and -PLC Sydney: an international school for
provide further practice Ss: Some pairs girls from kindergarten to year 12 in
practice the model aloud. Sydney, Australia.
-T: Ask Ss to work in pairs to make -An Lac Lower Secondary School: a small
similar dialogues, use the pictures. school in a mountainous region in Son
Ss: Work in pairs (Close pairs and open Dong Dist, Bac Giang Province.
pairs) -Vinabrita School: an international school
- Some groups of three practice the for Ss from year 1 to year 12 in Ha Noi.
completed dialogues
Ss: Answer
4. Consolidation (3’)
- T gets students to retell what they have learnt.
5. Homework (2’)

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 1-My new school/Skills 2”

- Learn by heart all the new words

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

- Do Ex D1, 2, 3 (WB)

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

Week 3 - Period 8 Unit 1: MY NEW SCHOOL

Class: Section 6: Skill 2
Teaching date:
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Listen to get information about school activities.

- Write a webpage for their school, using correct punctuation
1. Knowledge
*Grammar: The simple present, the present continuous
* Vocabulary: School lexical items
2. Skills: speaking and reading
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner
1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…
1. Checkup attendance.
2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)
* Check the old lesson:
-T: Call pupils to go to the black board and give them some question:
Ss: Answer the teacher’s question.
3. New lesson
Activity 1: Warm-up (5’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
“The school you like”. *Chatting
- I like studying in a big school with good
-Ss discuss in their group
Activity 2: Listening (20’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
-Ask Ss to refer back to the reading: PLC 1. Listen and choose the correct
Sydney. Introduce Susie Brewer- a student at

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

PLC Sydney. answers.

-Then play the recording. 1. Susie ____being at a girl’s school.
- Ss listen only the first time. A. likes B. doesn’t like
-Allow Ss to read the exercise to guess the 2. Susie’ favorite teacher is
answer. her____teacher.
- Ss work in pairs, listen to the recording A. Maths B. science
again to choose the correct answers. 3. Today, susie ____.
- Let Ss listen sentence by sentence to check. A. is wearing her uniform
B. isn’t wearing her uniform
4. Susie sudies___for 3 hours a week.
A. English B. Vietnamese
5. Susie does her homework____.
A. at breaktime B. in the evening
Activity 3:Writing (15’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
-Tell the class the important of punctuation *Writing tip.
marks. *Capital letters for: starting sentences,
-Hang the poster of Writing tip on the board. names, days and months, the pronoun I
-Ss study the Writing tip and may ask some and places.
information. *Commas to separate long sentences
-Explain the new words and punctuation and lists of things.
marks. *Full stops, question marks or
exclaimation marks: put at the end of
- Ask Ss to correct the punctuation in the the sentences.
sentences in their notebooks. 2. Correct the punctuation in these
-After finishing, 5 Ss write the 5 sentences sentences.
on the board. 1. school stars on the 5th September.
-The class comment and check. 2. does he live in Ha noi?
- Give the correction. 3. I’m excited about the first day of the
4. are you doing your homework?

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

5. we’re having an English lesson in

-Allow Ss to correct and write in the class
notebooks. 3. Write the correct version.
-Go round and correct some. hi im phong and im from ho chi minh
- Give the key. city. i wear my uniform to school every
day. my favorite teacher is mr trung. he
-Hang the poster of questions on the board teaches me science.
then guide Ss to write a webpage. 4. Create a webpage for your school.
-Write a draft first, try to answer all the -Think of the title.
questions. -Write an introduction.
-Ss write a paragraph about 80 words about
their school, covering as many ideas as
possible of the answer to these questions.
-Tell Ss to pay attention to punctuation,
structural elements, linking words…
4. Consolidation (3’)
- T gets students to retell what they have learnt.
5. Homework (2’)
- Asks sts to learn vocabulary and structures by heart.
- Prepare “Unit 1-My new school/ Looking back &Project”

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

Week 5 - Period 13 Unit 2: MY HOME

Class: Section 4: Communication
Teaching date:

I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, ss will be talk about and describe houses,
rooms and furniture.
1. Knowledge
*Grammar: -Review wh-questions
- There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t
* Vocabulary: Type of house rooms and furniture
2. Skills: speaking
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner
1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…
1. Checkup attendance.
2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)
- Teacher asks whether students have any questions about the exercise in the
workbook or not.
3. New lesson
Activity 1 : Warm-up (5’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T: Where do you live, in a house or in * Chatting

a flat? - I live in a house.
T: How many rooms are there?

T: Do you have your own room? - There are.....

T: What are there in your room? - Yes, I do...
- Ss review the usage of there is and - There....

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

there are, preposition of place.

T: OK. Do you want to talk about

your house, your room? Please talk
about it during our lesson today.

T: But first, do you remember the

usage of there is and there are?

Activity 2 : Presentation (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
-T uses different techniques to teach I. Vocabulary
vocab (situation, realia)
- Town house (n
- Follow the seven steps of teaching
- country house (n)
- villa ['vilə](n)
* Checking technique: Slap the board
- stilt house (n)

-T asks Ss to look at the pictures and

II. Practice
do this task individually
1. Gap fill
-Ss work individually
Key: 1. country 2. are 3. is
- T gives feedback, gets Ss to pay 4. are 5. on 6. next to 7. On 8. is
attention to the sentences’ structures.
- Ss learn samples of description.
Activity 3: Practice (15’)
Teacher’s and Ss’activities Content

-T models the conversation with an 2. Finding differences

advanced student. Example:

- Have Ss work in pairs. T gets some T (look at Nick’s house): Nick lives in the
pairs to act out the conversation. country house. Where does Mi live?
S (look at Mi’s house): She live in a town

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

- T moves around to observe Ss T: How many rooms are there in Mi’s house?

working. S: There are six rooms. What about Nick’s

- Ss work individually to draw a house? How many rooms are there?...

simple plan of their houses. 3. Describe your house

- Ss work in pairs to tell each other Ss’ answers
about their house.
Activity 4: Production (5’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

- T calls some Ss to describe their 4. Describing your friend’s house

friend’s house to the class
(Ex4 P.21)
4. Consolidation (3’)
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
5. Homework (2’)
-Do exercise C1,2 workbook.
- Prepare “Unit 2-My home/Skill 1” for the next time.

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

Week 5 - Period 14 Unit 2: MY HOME

Class: Section 5: Skill 1
Teaching date:
I.OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Read for specific information about rooms and houses.
- Describe a room in the house
1. Knowledge
*Grammar: -Review wh-questions
- There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t
* Vocabulary: Furniture lexical items
2. Skills: speaking, reading
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner
1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…
1. Checkup attendance.
2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- T gets a student to describe the classroom to the class.

- T gives comments and marks
3. New lesson
Activity 1 : Presentation (15’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
* / Pre teach vocab: I. Vocabulary
+ Elicit from ss. - crazy ['kreizi] (adj)
+Write words on the boards. - messy ['mesi] (adj)
Ss: Listen, repeat, and copy down. - a CD player (n)
- T: Let ss practice new words. - Equipment (n)
Ss: practice in chorus- groups- - shape (n)
individual - Strange (adj)

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

* Prediction
-Ask Ss to look at the pictures on the
textbook, look at the title then make
prediction about the reading.
- Ask Ss to read the study skills box.
Ss quickly look at the text and answer
the questions.
Activity 2: Practice (15’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
-Let Ss read the text quickly again and II- Practice
check their idea. 1. Ex2
- Teacher gives feedback. 1. It’s an e-mail.
2. The title is “A room at the Crazy House
- Ss read the text in detail to answer Hotel, Da Lat”. The topic is Nick’s weekend
the questions, underline parts of the e- at the Crazy House Hotel.
mail that help them with the answers. 2. Ex3
1. No, he isn’t.
- Have Ss do the exercise individually 2. There are ten rooms.
then compare in pairs. 3. Because there is a big tiger on the wall.
- Teacher checks the answers. 4. It’s under the bed.
3. Ex3. Find things in the room.
A window  A sofa
A cupboard A shelf 
A lamp  A desk 
A poster A CD
A tiger  A cooker
Activity 3: Production (10’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
*Speaking. - Each student creates a new for the hotel and

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

draws a plan of the room.

- T goes around to observe Ss - Ss show the plan to a partner then describe
working. their rooms in pairs.
- Others listen and vote for the best.
- Ss keep their plans for the next lesson.
- T gets some Ss show their partners’ plans to the
4. Consolidation (3’)
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
5. Homework (2’)

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 2-My home/ Skills 2”

- Learn by heart all the new words

- Do Ex D1, 2, 3 (WB)

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

Week 5 - Period 15 Unit 2: MY HOME

Class: Section 6: Skill 2
Teaching date:

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson students will be able to:

- Listen to get information about rooms and houses.

- Write an e-mail to a friend.
- Vocab: Rooms and furniture lexical items
- Practise listening and writing skills.
1. Knowledge
*Grammar: -Review wh-questions
- There is/ there isn’t; there are/ there aren’t
* Vocabulary: Furniture lexical items
2. Skills: listening, writing
3. Attitude: pay attention, study in a serious and strict manner
1. Teacher: Textbook, board, pictures, tape, recorder.
2. Students: Textbook, notebook, pen…
1. Checkup attendance.
2. Checkup the old lesson (5’)

- Teacher gets one student to describe Nick’s room in the hotel.

- Teacher makes comments

3. New lesson
Activity 1 : Listening (15’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
-Ask Ss to look at the plan of the 1. Listen and draw the furniture in the
room and the furniture on page 23 correct place.
and guess where to put the furniture.

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

-Play the recording.

- Let Ss listen sentence by sentence to
check their guess.

Activity 2: Writing (15’)

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- Ask Ss to read the Writing tips box. 2. Correct the e-mail. Rewrite the correct
? How many parts are there in an e- version.
mail to your friend? From:
? What are they? To:
? What should you remember when Subject: My house
writing each part? Hi Sophia,
- Have Ss to read nick e-mail (P.22) Thanks for your e-mail. Now I’ll tell you
again and identify the parts in the e- about my house.
mail. I live with my parents and younger brother in
- Ask Ss to correct the e-mail in their a town house. It’s big. There are six rooms: a
notebooks. living room, a kitchen, two bedrooms and
-After finishing, compare in groups. two bathrooms. I like my bedroom best.
- Give the correction We’re moving to an apartment soon.
What about you? Where do you live? Tell me
in your next e-mail.
Best wishes,
Activity 3: Production (10’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- Get Ss to close their books. Write “P, 3. Write an e-mail to Nick.

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

D” and “C” on the board. - P: Plan

? What do these letters stand for? D: Draft
- Have Ss open their books and check. C: Check
- T explains the process of writing and From:
asks Ss to do this task individually, To:
encourages them to go through all the Subject: Crazy House Hotel
three steps. Dear Nick,
- Go around to observe. Thank you for your e-mail. Now I am writing
- Get one student to write the e-mail to tell you about my idea for the new room of
on the board. Other Ss and teacher the Crazy House Hotel.
comment on the e-mail. It is a Cat room. There is a big statue of a cat
- Collect some e-mail to correct at against the wall in the right corner of the
home. room. In the middle of the room, there is a
sofa and two armchairs. There is a table
between the sofa and the two armchairs. The
fridge stands in the left corner of the room.
Next to the fridge, there is a bed. Opposite the
bed, the is a shelf and the TV is on the shelf. I
love this room very much.
What about you? Please tell me about your
new room in your next e-mail.
4. Consolidation (3’)
-T: Ask ss to retell some important notes.
5. Homework (2’)

- Do Ex E1, 2 (WB).

- Prepare for the next lesson: “Unit 2-My home/Looking back & Project”.

- Learn by heart all the new words

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

Week : 7 - Period: 19
Teaching date: Section 3: A Closer Look 2

I. OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to:

- Ss wil be able to use the Present continuous tense for future.
- Review “Would you like to..?” to make and respond to a suggestion..
1. Knowledge
* Grammar: The present continuous
*Vocabulary: review
2. Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing
3. Attitude: To do the test in a serious and strict manner
1. Teacher: textbook, chalk…
2. Students: pen,notebook…
1. Organization: (1')
- Greeting
- Checking attendance
2. Check up the old lesson (3')
- Check the form and use of the present continuous tense.
Present continuous tense
S + am/is/are + V-ing
- asks Ss to make sentences with the present continuous
3. New lesson: (30')
Activity 1 : Vocabulary (10’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
-Let Ss listen to the part of the I. Grammar.
conversation again then find out the The present continuous tense for

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

sentences using the present continuous. future.

Be + V-ing
- They're coming over.
- This evening, we are working on our
school project.
- Explain The P Continuous can use for - I'm going to the judo club with my
future plans. brother
- I'm visiting my grandma and grandpa
=> We can use the P Continuous to talk
about the future plans.
1. I’m not coming tonight. I’m busy.
2. Tomorrow, I’m not play football with
my teacher.
3. This evening, they’re watching a film.
Activity 2 : Pronunciation (10’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- Ss work in pairs. II. Practice
-Go round and correct mistakes or give 1.Listen the conversation
help when necessary. 2.Underline the present continuous
Actions now Plans for future
They are -This evening, we’re
- Ss write the sentences individually then
coming over working on our
go to the board to write their sentences
- Other Ss and T feedbacks
3. Write sentences.
1. she (take) is taking a test.
- T asks Ss to read the 6 sentences to do
2. She isn't going to the cooking class.
the task.
3. She is visiting the museum.
- Ss compare their answers , then give
4. She is having a barbecue with her
teacher their answers.

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Vũ Thị Hồng Lương Trường THCS Ninh Phong

-Correct. friends.
4.Write N (now) or F (future)
1. N 2. F 3. N 4. F 5. F 6. N
Activity 3: Grammar (10’)
Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content
- Asks to choose the day of the week that 5. Game
they plan to: Would you like to go to my party?
+ have a party. Example:
+ prepare for the class project P1: Would you like to come to my party
+ go swimming on Friday?
P2: I'd love to
(Oh, I'm sorry I can't. I'm going ....

4. Consolidation (4’)
-Teacher gets students to retell the aims of the lesson.
5. Homework (2’)
- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3: Communication.
- Do exercise B5, B6(p.18) (Workbook).

Năm học 2022 - 2023

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