Laundry Business Plan

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Chapter I: Executive Summary

Name of the Project : XXX Laundry Shop

Project Location : Brgy. Tagas, Tabaco City

Project Proponent : XXXXX

Nature of the Project : Service

Form of Business Organization : Sole Proprietorship

Project Description : The business will undertake to that will offer

laundry services like wash and fold, wash and press

and pressing

Mission : To cater to the laundry needs of Tabaquenos with the

outmost quality service at a competitive price.

Vision : To be laundry shop of choice by the Albayanos.

We are now living in a fast paced environment. Our time are being

consumed or allotted to the different activities which at times twenty four hours a day is

very short. There are people who are so called 24/7 wherein they are very much busy in

their own lives. That they can no longer attend to the different household chores like

laundry works. This is the reason why the proponent come up to the idea of introducing

laundry shop business considering that Tabaco City as its primary target market are now

booming in term of economic growth. People has been very busy with their job thus some

household chore are being outsource like that of the laundry works. This explain the

greater demand for the laundry service in the City of Tabaco. During the year 2013, the

demand for the laundry service reaches to 448,853 kgs which continuously increases. The

demand is promising considering that there is only few competitor whose total service

capacity total only to 112,000 kilograms. The results is a bigger gap of 336,853 kgs of

laundry unserved. This figures offers an opportunity for the proponent to engage in the

business which has a production capacity of 15, 120 kgs which only captures of about

4.49% of the market.

The business to operate efficiently needs machinery and equipment to be

used during the operation. It will need two laundry staffs and one manager. The supplies

to be used will be source-out in Tabaco City super markets.

The proposed initial capital for the project will be Php Php 132,456.93.

This will be used to buy the necessary tools, machinery and equipment and to finance for

the working capital and for the pre-operating expenses. The proposed undertaking earn

total sales of Php Php378,000.00 in the first year of operation and increases yearly. The

total net worth of business in the first year of operation will be Php174,537.46 and

continuously increases as the business continue to operate.

The payback period of the proposed business is 4.62 or 4 years and 7

months which is very realistic garner an ROI of 21.60% during the first year of


Chapter II: Company Overview

a. Name, Nature and Location of the Business.

The proposed business is an establishment that will offer like wash and fold, wash

and press and pressing. It will be named XXX Laundry Shop. The proposed business

belongs to a service industry which focuses on rendering laundry service.

The business will be located along Ziga, Avenue at barangay Tagas,Tabaco City.

The location is situated within the city proper and is near in the central business area of


b. Legal Business Description

i. Form of business organization

The proposed undertaking will be registered at the Department of Trade

and Industry as a sole proprietorship form of business organization. This form of business

organization gives the entire decision making to the owner. The proprietor enjoys all the

profit that the business gained.

ii. Licensing and Other requirements

The business to operate legally will be registered in the Department of

Trade and Industry-Legazpi City and will secure necessary permit to operate in the City

of Tabaco. It will apply for the Business Permit in the Business and Licensing Office of

the Local Government Unit of Tabaco. It will secure barangay business permit, mayors

permit, fire safety clearance, sanitary and health permit which is the pre-requisite in

securing the business permit.

iii. List of Owner

The business will be a sole proprietorship and will be managed by the

proponent, XXXX.

c. Management Team

i. Organizational Structure


Laundry Staff Laundry Staff

Figure 1
Organizational Structure

ii. List of Officers and Staff

Below are the people who will be in charge of the overall operation of the

proposed business;

Manager : XXXXX

Laundry Staffs : XXXX


iii. Job Specification


 Graduate of BSBA – Management

 Possesses leadership skills, flexible

 Knowledgeable in accounting

 Multi tasking

Laundry Staffs

 High School graduate or college level

 Trust worthy, honest and hardworking

 Customer Oriented

iv. Job Description

Manager - The manager will be the overall in charge of the

business operations: Marketing,

Administration, Procurement and Financing

and in charge of the bookkeeping function,

business registration and preparation of

government reportorial

Laundry Staffs - Will be in charge in the laundry shop’ daily

operation. In charge of the inventory and the

cleanliness of the store.

v. Compensation of Officer and Staffs

Table 1
Compensation Scheme

Position Monthly Rate Annual Rate

Manager Php 8,000.00 Php 96,000.00

Laundry Staffs 6,000.00 144,000.00

Chapter III: Service

a. Business Description

The proposed business is an establishment that will offer like wash and

fold, wash and press and pressing. The clothes to be washed will be weigh. All clothes of

the customers will be washed independently and separately. Detergent and conditioner

suited to client’s preference will be used. The laundered and pressed clothes, blankets,

pants, etc will be ready for pick up at the specified time agreed upon by the owner of the

business and the respective clients.

b. Importance of the Business

The proposed business will be very beneficial to those households,

professionals, office workers, and other productive workforce who has no more time in

doing laundry chores. This business will give convenience to these target clienteles for

the having an extra time for their family, friends and for their other social gathering by

not anymore attending to their laundry jobs.

c. Packaging, Labelling, and Branding

The laundered clothes will be packed by a thermal plastic. The customer’s

copy of the official receipts will be tape to the packed clothes and will be labelled with

the surname of the customer using the permanent pen marking.

Chapter IV: Market Analysis

a. Market Definition

i. Specific Target Market / Market Segmentation

The proposed business will be the household population of Tabaco

City residing in the urban barangays such as San Lorenzo, Salvacion, Fatima, Cabangan,

Cobo, Tagas, Basud, San Roque, Sto. Cristo, Quinale, Cormidal, Bacolod, San Juan,

Bombon, Pawa, San Carlos, Bankilingan, Panal, Baranghawon, and Guinobat.

b. Customer Profile

The target clientele of the proposed business are the mothers, the

bachelors, professionals, office workers, and other productive groups that who do not

have enough time in doing their laundry chores.

c. Competition

i. List of Potential Competitors

Based form the data gathered by the proponent at the licensing business

office of Tabaco City, there are three registered laundry business operating in the city: the

one that is owned by Aaron Bornilla which is located in Zaga, Avenue, Tayhi, Tabaco

City; the one that is owned by Jeorge Berces located in A.A. Berces St., San Juan,

Tabaco City; and the other one owned by Minerva Bilason located at A.A. Berces, Basud,

Tabaco City.

ii. List of Competitive Advantage of the Products/Business

The competitive advantage of the proposed business as compare with

these three existing laundry shop is that price is much lower compare to these three. The

staffs are customer focus and well experience in their work.

d. Demand and Supply

To determine the viability of any business undertaking it is very crucial to

establish first the demand, the supply, and make the analysis of the demand and supply


Table 2

Projected Demand of Laundry Service in Tabaco City

2013 14,847 1,336 336 448,853
2014 15,141 1,362 336 457,740
2015 15,441 1,389 336 466,804
See Appendix A
See Appendix B
Based from the Actual Interview

Table 3

Projected Supply of Laundry Service in Tabaco City

2013 112,000
2014 123,200
2015 134,400
See Appendix C

Table 4
Demand and Supply Gap Analysis


2013 448,853 112,000 336,853 15,120 4.49% 321,733
2014 457,740 123,200 334,540 15,120 4.52% 319,420
2015 466,804 134,400 332,404 15,120 4.55% 317,284

e. Risk

i. Identify Possible Threats and Risks

Every business is exposed to the different threat and risk. The proposed

business is not exempted to this one. One of the risks that might jeopardize the business

is that when the white clothes accidentally mixed with the color one the clothes will be

stained and customer complains will not be evadable. Another risk is power failure. Since

the machinery and equipment uses in the business are power dependent it will affect the

business operations.

ii. Identify solution to perceived risks

The solution to the problem or risk will be through promoting quality

control. Checking first the clothes and separate the white from the colored one before

laundering to avoid customer complaints. To avoid power interruption, the business will

buy generator equipment so that the business will not suffer in case of power block out.

Chapter V: Marketing Plan

a. Sales Strategy

The proposed business will engage in a laundry service. To come up with

targeted sales, the proponent will develop strategy to boost its sales retail business. The

proponent will do the direct marketing of the services offered to its clientele like business

establishment such as motel, hotel, hospital, and business offices. Customer focus and

customer orientation will be valued by the proposed undertaking.

b. Advertising and Promotion

The business will conduct flyers distribution to the different strategic

places in the city for the customer or target market to be aware of the existence of the

proposed business which is XXXX Laundry Shop. It will also use radio portal to

advertise the business. Signage will be placed in the store location.

c. Pricing and Pricing Policy

The price per kilo will be based on the existing market price. The

introductory price per kilo will be Php 25.00 which will increase by 5% annually to cope

up with the rising cost of the supplies.

Chapter VI. Technical Aspect

a. Service Process

The process of the business will be very simple as shown below.

1. The firm will accept the washable items/clothes from the customer excluding

under garments such as briefs, brassiers and panties.

2. White and colored items/clothes will be cleaned separately using washing

machine and also using hand to ensure the cleanliness of the clothes. It will be rinsed


3. After laundering it will be dried up using dryers of the washing machine.

4. The washed items will then be pressed using the electric flat iron and ironing


5. The dry cleaned clothes will then be folded to avoid crumpling in order to look


6. The clothes will be packed with the name of the nametag of customer which

owns it.

7. The clothes will be collected by the customer or shall be delivered by the

business with the additional charge to the customer were agreed upon.

b. Machineries and Equipment

Below are tools and Equipment to be used by the proposed undertaking on its

business operations.

Table 5
Tools and Equipment

2 Unit Washing Machine
1 Unit Water Pump
2 pieces Flat Iron
1 unit Exhaust Fan
2 pieces Ironing Board
1 pieces CFL
2 pieces Laundry Cart
5 pieces Laundry Tray
1 Unit Weighing Scale
c. Business Layout

The store layout is shown in the Figure 2 in the next page.

d. Business Location

The business will be located in Ziga Avenue, Brgy. Tagas, Tabaco City.

The place is accessible by the different mode of transportation. Figure 3 shows the

business location.

e. Business Schedule

The proposed business will be open daily from Monday thru Sunday. The

daily service capacity of the undertaking wills be 45 kilos. The table below shows the

service capacity.

Table 6
Service Capacity
(in Kilograms)

45 315 1,260 15,120

f. Inventory of Laundry Supplies

The table below shows the inventories of the laundry supplies.

Table 7
Laundry Supplies

Qty Unit Description Daily Weekly Monthly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

45 cups (powder) 109.00 654.00 2,616.00 31,392.00 32,961.60 34,609.68
135 cups Conditioner 160.00 960.00 3,840.00 46,080.00 48,384.00 50,803.20

TOTAL     269.00 1,614.00 6,456.00 77,472.00 81,345.60 85,412.88

g. Costing and Costing Method

The following are the schedules of expenses to be incurred in its three

years operations.

Schedule 1

Projected Sales

Year Service Capacity Service Charge Projected Sales

Year 1 15,120 25.00 378,000.00
Year 2 15,120 26.00 393,120.00
Year 3 15,120 27.00 408,240.00

Schedule 2


Qty Unit Description Price Amount

2 Unit Washing Machine 13,500.00 27,000.00
1 Unit Generator 35,000.00 35,000.00
1 Unit Electric Water Pump 8,500.00 8,500.00
TOTAL 70,500.00

Schedule 3

Packaging Expense

Qty Unit Description Unit cost Amount Weekly Monthly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

10 Pieces Plastic Bag 2.50 25.00 150.00 600.00 7,200.00 7,560.00 7,938.00

Schedule 4

Salary Expense

Position Quantity Total 2013 2014 2015
Staffs 1 5,000.00 5,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00 60,000.00

Manager 1 6,000.00 6,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00 72,000.00

TOTAL     11,000.00 132,000.00 132,000.00 132,000.00

Schedule 5

Fringe Benefits

Staffs 1 5,000.00 363.30 87.50 100.00 550.80 6,609.60

Manager 1 6,000.00 434.00 87.50 100.00 621.50 7,458.00

TOTAL     797.30 175.00 200.00 1,172.30 14,067.60

Schedule 6


Qty Unit Description Unit Cost Amount

4 Pieces Tarpaulin 250.00 1,000.00
1 unit Signage 500.00 500.00
Total 1,500.00

Schedule 7

Permit and Licenses

Fees/Charges Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Mayor's Permit 2,000.00 2,100.00 2,205.00
Fire Clearance 100.00 105.00 110.25
Sanitary Inspection 200.00 210.00 220.50
Health Certificate 100.00 105.00 110.25
Realty Tax Clearance 30.00 31.50 33.08
Garbage Collection 200.00 210.00 220.50
Service Fee 10.00 10.50 11.03
Other: Business Plate Number 350.00 367.50 385.88
Sticker 35.00 36.75 38.59
BIR 500.00 525.00 551.25
DTI 300.00 315.00 330.75
Total Cost 3,825.00 4,016.25 4,217.06

Schedule 8

Utilities Expense

Utilities Monthly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

y 2,818.66 33,823.87 35,515.07 37,290.82

Fuel 500.00 6,000.00 6,300.00 6,615.00

Total 2,818.66 39,823.87 41,815.07 43,905.82

Schedule 9

Renovation Cost

Description Amount
Lumber 5,500.00
Plywood 3,500.00
Constrution Supplies 1,500.00
Electrical Supplies 750.00
Paints 1,000.00
Labor Cost@300/day 3,000.00
Total 15,250.00

Schedule 10

Computation for Power Consumption

Weekly Monthly
wattag Power Rate per
Qty Hour Hour Monthly Annually
e Kilowatt Consumpt Kw Hour
Usage Usage
  Hour ion
2 510 0.51 36 144 73.44 9.10 668.304 8019.648

2 Flat Iron 1000 1.0 24 96 96 9.10 873.6 10483.2

2 350 0.35 48 192 67.2 9.10 611.52 7338.24

1 75 0.075 48 192 14.4 10.10 145.44 1745.28
1 Water 370 0.37 36 144 53.28 9.10 484.85 5818.176
3 CFL 20 0.02 48 192 3.84 9.10 34.94 419.33
Total 2,818.66 33,823.87

Schedule 11 - A
Miscellaneous Expenses

Quantity Unit Description Cost Monthly Year 1
Tools and Equipment      
2 pieces Flat Iron 450.00 900.00 900.00
1 unit Exhaust Fan 895.00 895.00 895.00
2 pieces Ironing Board 350.00 700.00 700.00
1 pieces CFL 120.00 120.00 120.00
2 pieces Laundry Cart 750.00 1,500.00 1,500.00
5 pieces Laundry Tray 200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00
1 Unit Weighing Scale 550.00 550.00 550.00
Total       5,665.00 5,665.00
Furniture and Fixture
1 set Working Table 750.00 750.00 750.00
3 set Chairs 200.00 200.00 200.00
1 set Office Table 800.00 800.00 800.00
1 set Office Chair 750.00 750.00 750.00
3 pieces Shelf 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00
Total       5,500.00 5,500.00
1 set Calculator 150.00 150.00 150.00
1 set Stapler 100.00 100.00 100.00
1 Piece Record Book 65.00 65.00 65.00
1 Pair Scissor 65.00 65.00 65.00
1 Piece Mops 115.00 115.00 115.00
1 Piece Soft Broom 50.00 50.00 50.00
1 Piece Trash Bin 65.00 65.00 65.00

1 Piece Dust Pan 50.00 50.00 50.00
5 Box Staple Wire 12.50 62.50 750.00
1 Piece Ballpen 5.00 5.00 60.00
1 Pack Rugs 33.00 33.00 396.00
2 Pack Pentel Pen 25.00 50.00 600.00
10 Pad Receipts 25.00 250.00 3,000.00
Total       400.50 5,466.00
Total         16,631.00
Schedule 11-B

Miscellaneous Expenses

Qty Unit Description Unit Cost Monthly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

1 set Calculator 150.00 150.00 150.00    

1 set Stapler 100.00 100.00 100.00    

1 Piece Record Book 65.00 65.00 65.00    

1 Pair Scissor 65.00 65.00 65.00    

1 Piece Mops 115.00 115.00 115.00    

1 Piece Soft Broom 50.00 50.00 50.00    

1 Piece Trash Bin 65.00 65.00 65.00    

1 Piece Dust Pan 50.00 50.00 50.00    

1 Box Staple Wire 12.50 12.50 150.00 157.50 165.38

1 Piece Ballpen 5.00 5.00 60.00 63.00 66.15

2 Pack Rugs 35.00 70.00 70.00 73.50 77.18

1 piece Pentel Pen 25.00 25.00 300.00 315.00 330.75

10 Pad Receipts 25.00 250.00 3,000.00 3,150.00 3,307.50

Total       362.50 4,240.00 4,452.00 4,674.60

Schedule 12


Description Monthly Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Expense 1,500.00 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
Chapter VII: Financial Plan

a. Financial Assumption

The following are the assumption in the preparation of the financial statements:

 Production capacity will remain the same for the next three years.

 Selling price increases by 4% annually.

 Salaries of staff and the rental expense will remain the same for the next

three years.

 Utility, miscellaneous, supplies, packaging, permit and licenses will

increase by 5% annually.

 Advertisement expense will only be for the initial year of operations.

 Contingency allowance will be 5% of the total cost of the assets, working

capital and the pre-operating expense.

b. Capital Requirement

The total capital requirement needed to start the proposed undertaking will be Php

132,456.93. This will be provided by the proponent through his parents. These will be

needed to buy the machinery and equipments. It will also be used for the working capital

and to use for the pre-operating expenses. A five per cent contingency are included in the

total project cost.

Table shows the total project cost of the proposed undertaking. This computation

is based on one month operations.

Table 8
XXXX Laundry Shop
Project Cost
(One Month Operation)
A. Assets Sub-Total Total
Machinery & Equipment Php 70,500.00  
Sub-total   Php 70,500.00
B. Working Capital    
Laundry Supplies 6,456.00  
Salaries 11,000.00  
Fringe Benefits 1,172.30  
Packaging Expense 600.00  
Utility Cost 2,818.66  
Miscellaneous Expense 11,527.50  
Sub-total   33,574.46
C. Pre-Operating Expense    
Permit and Licenses 3,825.00  
Advertising Expense 1,500.00  
Rental Expense 1,500.00  
Renovation Cost 15,250.00  
Total Pre-operating Expense   22,075.00
Total   126,149.46
D. Contingency Allowance (5%)   6,307.47
Php 132,456.93

c. Projected Financial Statements

The projected financial statements included in this study are the Income

statements, Cash Flow Statements and Balance Sheets Statements. These are shown in

the succeeding pages.

Table 9
XXXX Laundry Shop
Projected Income Statements
Accounts Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Sales Php378,000.00 Php393,120.00 Php408,240.00

Less: Operating Expenses      

Laundry Supplies 77,472.00 81,345.60 85,412.88

Salaries 132,000.00 132,000.00 132,000.00

Depreciation Expense-Machinery 10,150.00 10,150.00 10,150.00

Packaging Expenses 7,200.00 7,560.00 7,938.00

Utility Expense 39,823.87 41,815.07 43,905.82

Fringe Benefits 14,067.60 14,067.60 14,067.60

Miscellaneous Expense 16,631.00 4,452.00 4,674.60

Gross Profit from Sales 80,655.53 101,729.73 110,091.10

Less: Pre-Operating Expense      

Advertising Expense 1,500.00 - -

Rental Expenses 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00

3,825.00 4,016.25 4,217.06

Permit and Licenses
Renovation Cost 15,250.00 - -

Net profit before Tax 42,080.53 79,713.48 87,874.04

Provision for Income Tax (32%) 13,465.77 25,508.32 28,119.69

Net Income Php28,614.76 Php54,205.17 Php59,754.35

Table 10
XXXX Laundry Shop
Projected Cash Flow Statements

Accounts Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Cash Inflow      
Php132,456. Php114,187.4 Php190,585.
Cash Contribution 93 6 17
Cash Balance, Beg      
Add: Cash Sales 378,000.00 393,120.00 408,240.00
Total Cash Inflow 510,456.93 507,307.46 598,825.17
Less: Total Cash Outflow      
Equipment 70,500.00 - -
Fringe Benefits 14,067.60 14,067.60 14,067.60
Laundry Supplies 77,472.00 81,345.60 85,412.88
Salaries 132,000.00 132,000.00 132,000.00
Packaging Exp 7,200.00 7,560.00 7,938.00
Utilities Expense 39,823.87 41,815.07 43,905.82
Miscellaneous Expense 16,631.00 4,452.00 4,674.60
Advertising Expense 1,500.00    
Rental Expense 18,000.00 18,000.00 18,000.00
Permit and Licenses 3,825.00 4,016.25 4,217.06
Renovation Cost 15,250.00 - -
Provision for Income Tax   13,465.77 25,508.32
Total Cash Outflow 396,269.47 316,722.28 335,724.28
Cash Balance, End. Php114,187.46 Php190,585.17 Php263,100.90

Table 11
XXX Laundry Shop
Projected Balance Sheet Statements
Accounts Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Current Assets      
Php114,187 Php190,585 Php263,10
Cash .46 .17 0.90
Total Current Assets 114,187.46 190,585.17 263,100.90
Fixed Assets      
Equipment 70,500.00 70,500.00 70,500.00
Less: Accumulated
Depreciation 10,150.00 20,300.00 30,450.00
Total Fixed Asset 60,350.00 50,200.00 40,050.00
Php174,537 Php240,78 Php303,15
Total Assets .46 5.17 0.90
Tax Payable 13,465.77 25,508.32 28,119.69
Ariel Biron, Capital 132,456.93 161,071.69 215,276.86
Add: Net Income 28,614.76 54,205.17 59,754.35
Total Capital 161,071.69 215,276.86 275,031.20
Total Liability and Capital Php174,537.46 Php240,785.17 Php303,150.90

d. Exit and Payback Strategy

As shown from the financial statement presented in tables, the

return on investment of the undertaking will be 21.60 %.

The payback period tells the number of years the initial investment will

fully be recovered by the proponent. The payback period of the project, will be four years

and 7 months.

Return on Investment = Net Income


= Php 28,614.76
Php 132,456.93

= 21.60 %

Payback Period = Capital

Net Income

= Php 132,456.93
Php 28,614.76

= 4.62 or 4 year and 7 months

Chapter VIII: Conclusion

The proposed business venture are promising are depicted in the financial

statement and in the market study. There is bigger gap between the demand and the

supply and there is a continuous increase for the demand of this services considering that

Tabaco City is booming in terms of economic activity in the province.

Financial statements say positive outlook for the proposed business is

ensured. The income statement, balance sheets and cash flow statements speaks for it. So

the business is really feasible.

Chapter IX: Supporting Documents

The supporting documents are shown in the appendices. This is to support

all the entry provided in this study.

Appendix A

List of Household Population

Household Population
2012 2013 2014 2015
Bacolod 382 390 397 405
Bankilingan 878 895 913 931
Baranghawon 951 970 989 1,009
Basud 445 454 463 472
Bombon 398 406 414 422
Cobo 672 685 699 713
Cormidal 431 440 448 457
Divino Rostro 308 314 320 327
Fatima 828 844 861 878
Guinobat 190 194 198 202
Matagbac 1,004 1,024 1,044 1,065
Pawa 800 816 832 848
Panal 570 581 593 605
Quinale 314 320 327 333
Salvacion 549 560 571 582
San Carlos 678 691 705 719
San Juan 328 334 341 348
San Lorenzo 1,133 1,155 1,178 1,202
San Ramon 725 739 754 769
San Roque 856 873 890 908
Sto. Cristo 1,040 1,061 1,082 1,103
Tagas 449 458 467 476
Tayhi 630 642 655 668
TOTAL 14,559 14,847 15,141 15,441

***Source: CBMS-Community Based Monitoring Service-Tabaco City

Appendix B

Computation for the Target Market

2013 14,847 389 35 0.09 1336
2014 15,141 389 35 0.09 1362
2015 15,441 389 35 0.09 1389

Sample Size = n
1+ ne2

= 14,847
1+ (14,847*0.052)

= 14,847

= 389

Appendix C

Computation for the Supply

EASY LAUNDRY MART 60 420 1,680 20,160
BORNILLA LAUNDRY 80 560 2,240 26,880
BERCES LAUNDRY 60 420 1,680 20,160
TOTAL 200 1,400 5,600 67,200


EASY LAUNDRY MART 90 630 2,520 30,240
BORNILLA LAUNDRY 90 630 2,520 30,240
BERCES LAUNDRY 75 525 2,100 25,200
TOTAL 255 1,785 7,140 85,680


EASY LAUNDRY MART 120 840 3,360 40,320
BORNILLA LAUNDRY 100 700 2,800 33,600
BERCES LAUNDRY 80 560 2,240 26,880
TOTAL 300 2,100 8,400 100,800







2013 100800 + 11200 112,000
2014 112000 + 11 200 123,200
2015 123,200 + 11 200 134,400


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