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Data Processing

Data in its raw form is useless to any organization. Data processing occurs when data is collected and
translated into usable information.

Data processing starts with data in its raw form and converts it into a more readable format (graphs,
documents, etc.), giving it the form and context necessary to be interpreted by computers and utilized by
employees throughout an organization.

Data Processing Cycle

The data processing cycle consists of a series of steps where raw data (input) is fed into a processor (CPU)
to produce actionable insights (output). Each step is taken in a specific order, but the entire process is
repeated in a cyclic manner. The first data processing cycle's output can be stored and fed as the input for
the next cycle.

Generally, there are six main steps in the data processing cycle:

1 Collection

6. Storage 2. Preparation

Data Processing Cycle

5. Output 3. Input

4. Processing
Step 1: Collection-The collection of raw data is the first step of the data processing cycle. The type of raw
data collected has a huge impact on the output produced. Hence, raw data should be gathered from defined
and accurate sources so that the subsequent findings are valid and usable. Raw data can include monetary
figures, website cookies, profit/loss statements of a company, user behavior, etc.

Step 2: Preparation-Data preparation or data cleaning is the process of sorting and filtering the raw data to
remove unnecessary and inaccurate data. Raw data is checked for errors, duplication, miscalculations or
missing data, and transformed into a suitable form for further analysis and processing. This is done to ensure
that only the highest quality data is fed into the processing unit.

Step 3: Input-In this step, the raw data is converted into machine readable form and fed into the processing
unit. This can be in the form of data entry through a keyboard, scanner or any other input source.

Step 4: Data Processing-In this step, the raw data is subjected to various data processing methods
using machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to generate a desirable output. This step may
vary slightly from process to process depending on the source of data being processed (data lakes, online
databases, connected devices, etc.) and the intended use of the output.

Step 5: Output-The data is finally transmitted and displayed to the user in a readable form like graphs,
tables, vector files, audio, video, documents, etc. This output can be stored and further processed in the next
data processing cycle.

Step 6: Storage-The last step of the data processing cycle is storage, where data and metadata are stored for
further use. This allows for quick access and retrieval of information whenever needed, and also allows it to
be used as input in the next data processing cycle directly.

Types of Data Processing

There are different types of data processing based on the source of data and the steps taken by the
processing unit to generate an output. There is no one-size-fits-all method that can be used for processing
raw data.
 Batch Processing
Data is collected and processed in batches. Used for large amount of data e.g payroll system
 Real-time Processing
Data is processed within seconds when the input is given. Used for small amount of data e.g withdrawing
money from ATM
 Online processing
Data is automatically fed in to the CPU as soon as it becomes available. Used for continuous processing of
data e.g barcode scanning
 Multiprocessing
Data is broken down into frames and processed using two or more CPUs with a single computer system.
Also known as parallel processing e.g weather forecasting
Data Processing Methods
There are 3 main methods of data processing: manual, mechanical, and electronic.

Manual Data Processing: In this data processing method, data is processed manually. The entire
process of data collection, filtering, sorting, calculation and other logical operations are all done with human
intervention without the use of any other electronic device or automation software. It is a low-cost method
and requires little to no tools, but produces high errors, high labor costs and lots of time.

Mechanical Data Processing: Data is processed mechanically through the use of devices and machines.
These can include simple devices such as calculators, typewriters, printing press, etc. Simple data
processing operations can be achieved with this method. It has much lesser errors than manual data
processing, but the increase of data has made this method more complex and difficult.

Electronic Data Processing: Data is processed with modern technologies using data processing
software and programs. A set of instructions is given to the software to process the data and yield output.
This method is the most expensive but provides the fastest processing speeds with the highest reliability and
accuracy of output.

Examples of Data Processing

Data processing occurs in our daily lives whether we may be aware of it or not. Here are some real-life
examples of data processing:

 A stock trading software that converts millions of stock data into a simple graph

 An e-commerce company uses the search history of customers to recommend similar products

 A digital marketing company uses demographic data of people to strategize location-specific campaigns

 A self-driving car uses real-time data from sensors to detect if there are pedestrians and other cars on the

 Student’s examination results that has been sorted into pass mark and below pass mark.

 Group of patients BP record that has been sorted into below, normal and above normal.
Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from unauthorized access, corruption, or theft
throughout its entire lifecycle.
Data security is a set of standards and technologies that protect data from intentional or accidental destruction,
modification or disclosure.

Types of data security

Using an algorithm to transform normal text characters into an unreadable format, encryption keys scramble
data so that only authorized users can read it. File and database encryption solutions serve as a final line of
defense for sensitive volumes by obscuring their contents through encryption or tokenization. Most
solutions also include security key management capabilities.

Data Erasure.
More secure than standard data wiping, data erasure uses software to completely overwrite data on any
storage device. It verifies that the data is unrecoverable.

Data Masking.
By masking data, organizations can allow teams to develop applications or train people using real data. It
masks personally identifiable information (PII) where necessary so that development can occur in
environments that are compliant.

Data Resiliency.
Resiliency is determined by how well an organization endures or recovers from any type of failure – from
hardware problems to power shortages and other events that affect data availability. Speed of recovery is
critical to minimize impact.

Access Controls
This type of data security measures includes limiting both physical and digital access to critical systems
and data. This includes making sure all computers and devices are protected with mandatory login
entry, and that physical spaces can only be entered by authorized personnel.

Similar to access controls, authentication refers specifically to accurately identifying users before they
have access to data. This usually includes things like passwords, PIN numbers, security tokens, swipe
cards, or biometrics.

Backups & Recovery

Good data security means you have a plan to securely access data in the event of system failure,
disaster, data corruption, or breach. You’ll need a backup data copy, stored on a separate format such as
a physical disk, local network, or cloud to recover if needed.

Malware is any software intentionally designed to cause disruption to a computer server, client, or
computer network to leak private information, gain unauthorized access to information or systems,
deprive access to information and ultimately destroys the computer.

‘Malware’ is a short for Malicious Software and are designed by cybercriminal of hackers for its
purposes. Some common malware incudes; Trojan horse, adware, spyware, ransomware, viruses,
worms, Key-loggers, etc.


A computer virus is a malicious program that self-replicates by coping itself to another program. The
purpose of creating a computer virus is to infect vulnerable systems, gain admin control and steal
sensitive data. Computer viruses are created and designed by hackers with the intents to prey on online

How do Viruses spread?

1. Through Emails – by opening malicious attachments

2. Visiting infected website.
3. Clicking on an executable file.
4. Viewing infected advertisements.
5. Connecting to an already infected removable storage device.

Types of Computer Virus

Computer viruses come in different forms to infect the system in different ways. Some of the most
common viruses are;

1. Boot Sector Virus: This type of virus infects the master boot record and it is challenging and
complex task to remove this virus. Most times it requires the system to be formatted. BSV
spread mainly via removable devices.

2. Polymorphic Virus: This a type of virus that is capable of changing itself each time it is copied.
It self-replicates and changes itself, making it difficult for it to be identified and eliminated.

3. Macro Virus: This type of virus is designed to infect specific type of documents file such as MS
word and Excel files. A macro is an action or a set of actions that you can run as many times as
you want. Newer version of Microsoft software has a feature that allows users to deactivate the
use of macros thereby reducing the prevalence of macro viruses.

4. Browser Hijacker Viruses: these are viruses that are capable of hijacking a browser’s history,
settings and codes and re-direct it to a malicious site.

5. File Infector Viruses: This type of virus infect any program for which execution is requested
such as .exe, .css, .sys, etc. Whenever these file are executed, the virus is also activated.
6. Overwrite Viruses: These viruses are predominantly designed to destroy a file or application’s
data. As the name implies, after attacking the computer, it starts to overwrite files with its code
and also starts to spread to nearby files.

Are Malware and Viruses the same?

It is worthy of note that Viruses and malware are not the same. In everyday conversation in the media, we
often see the terms “virus” and “malware” used interchangeably.
Fortunately, most malicious programs today we hear of aren’t strictly viruses: pure computer viruses
comprise less than 10% of all malware we see.
A computer virus is a type of malware with a distinguishable feature that it needs to infect other files and
programs in order to operate, and it does so by having the ability to copy itself. Viruses can be transmitted
through internal networks, the internet or a USB drive. This makes computer viruses particularly hard to
Malware on the hand is programming that is intended to disrupt or deny operation, gather information or
gain access to system resources. Malware encompasses all types of malicious software and besides
computer viruses, there are worms, Trojans, ransomware, spyware, and many others. Because of this, many
anti-virus programs do not have the ability to detect and remove all malware.


Antiviruses are software that protects the computer from virus attacks. They are installed in the computer as
a software and permission is granted for them to run promptly.

What is antivirus software designed to do?

What exactly is antivirus software designed to do? We’re talking about a program or umbrella of programs
whose purpose is to scan for and eradicate computer viruses and other malicious software.
Antivirus software is a vital component of your overall online and computer security strategy in its protection
against data and security breaches along with other threats.
Antivirus software provides protection against threats by performing key tasks:

 Pinpointing specific files for the detection of malicious software

 Scheduling automatic scans
 Scanning either one file or your entire computer at your discretion
 Deleting malicious codes and software
 Confirming the safety of your computer and other devices

As cybercrime evolves and becomes more sophisticated, whether it’s your own PC or other devices on a larger
network, you don’t want to leave yourself or your network vulnerable. If you don’t have security software,
you could be opening the door for cybercriminals to gain access to your most sensitive information — and
potentially garner control over your computer and mobile devices.
What are the different types of antivirus protection?
Several types of antivirus programs have evolved over the years. When setting up your umbrella of protection,
it’s important to understand the more common antivirus programs available.

1. Malware signature antivirus

Malware signature antivirus software detects malware signatures, which are digital fingerprints of malicious
software. Antivirus protection can scan for specific malicious codes, identify specific viruses, and disable
these programs.
While malware signature antivirus protection is key for detecting and eradicating known viruses, one
limitation is its inability to address new viruses. The antivirus product simply doesn’t contain these new virus

2. System monitoring antivirus

This is where system monitoring antivirus software comes into play. This antivirus protection can monitor
software and computer systems for behavior that is suspect or atypical of the user.
For instance, alerts are created when a user connects to unfamiliar sites or attempts to access a large number
of files, or when there’s a significant increase in data usage.

3. Machine learning antivirus

Another form of protection can be machine learning techniques, which monitor “normal” computer or
network behaviors. The machine learning antivirus software is able to limit activities by programs or
computers if they look suspicious.
More specifically, machine learning detection implements algorithms to facilitate malware detection that is
broader in scope. This type of antivirus protection is beneficial because it works in tandem with other
antivirus applications to provide multiple layers of protection.
One example of machine learning is the design of Microsoft’s latest antivirus software, which can gather
data from more than 400 million computers running on Windows 10 to discover new malware.

What does antivirus software help protect us from?

The beauty of malware for hackers is its ability to gain access to or damage a computer without our
knowledge. It’s important to be aware of the many different types of malicious codes, or “malware,” against
which antivirus software is designed to protect:

 Spyware: stealing sensitive information

 Ransomware: extorting money
 Viruses.
 Worms: spreading copies between computers
 Trojans: promising one thing but delivering another
 Adware: advertising
 Spam: spreading unwanted email
The Windows Defender
Starting with Windows 8, Windows has built-in antivirus protection known as Windows Defender that is
enabled by default. But is it enough? The answer is “maybe” in that its efficacy isn’t certain due to its
reliance on several moving parts.
For instance, Windows Defender is a good defense against traditional viruses. But it may not detect threats
beyond regular viruses, and may not protect your devices against more sophisticated infiltrations such as
ransomware. So its effectiveness also depends on how careful you are as an individual. Are you going to
click on that link or email attachment from an unknown sender or website? In order to be safe, you likely
need an added layer of protection.


Preventing computer viruses from infecting your devices consists of cybersecurity best practices that can
also ensure you are decently protected against other types of malware as well. Below are my best 7 tips on
cyber security.
1. Keep your computer up to date
All operating systems on computers get frequent updates that enhance features but also include security
patches that will fill security holes before cyber criminals do. While we know that updates are a bit of a
pain, they are far less inconvenient that getting a virus on your computer. We encourage our clients to
enable automatic updates on their computers in addition to running updates for programs such as Adobe and
Java. Before you allow any updates, ensure that you are on a secured connection and not at a coffee shop for
2. Don’t use Internet Explorer
Old habits can die hard but we now live in an exciting time. We have so many browsers to choose from.
Whether you prefer Chrome, Firefox or Opera, any of those choices are safer than Internet Explorer. While
the newer versions of Internet Explorer are an improvement over the past versions, they are still a far cry
from the quality of Chrome or Firefox. We saw significant improvement in online security with our clients
with just switching to a different browser. And when you choose a better browser — keep it updated!
3. Backup your computer
As in our cautionary tale above, some computer viruses just keep coming back and are just impossible to
delete off of a computer. When this happens, there can be some of your own data removal involved. In other
times, a virus removal will cause damage to the operating system. At these times, we might suggest a
reinstall of the operating system. This shouldn’t really be a problem — if you have a backup strategy that is.
Without a backup, there would be no way to recover the lost data. With your data backed up, the process of
virus removal is quicker and more affordable. We recommend backing up all of your data, with sensitive
information having priority. Apps such as Google Drive available in Google Workspace offer cloud storage
with a large amount of space.
4. Anti-virus basics
Anti-virus software is the basis of computer virus protection — hence the name. While it’s important to
have a quality anti-virus installed on your computer, there are some best practices to have in mind. Having
more than one anti-virus solution on your network is a very unneeded and generally a bad idea. Computer
viruses and malware get created and discovered daily. Your anti-virus solution is only as effective as its
ability to be up-to-date on computer viruses that are a threat to you. For this reason, be sure your anti-virus
program updates automatically and at a reasonable time — not 3am on Wednesday nights… as its not likely
that your computer will be turned on during that time and not at 2pm when you are sure to be in numerous
meetings. This way the updates won’t be a hassle, and you will be sure you are protected against the most
sophisticated viruses out there.
5. Avoid suspicious web sites
There are over a trillion web pages online right now. We spend lots of time browsing the internet,
researching, shopping, communicating…and it all involves visiting different websites. While many
standards have come out that make sure you are the very least notified you are about to enter an insecure
and potentially dangerous website, cyber criminals have found ways to trick those standards and still show
up as a legitimate site. Sometimes it’s impossible to see right away if the website hosts malicious content.
But it is all in the details. Be sure to notice the URL of the web site, check on official sources if the website
is real and actually is what it presents like. While obvious, the lock icon next to a URL is one of the first
signs that you might be on a potentially malicious website.
6. Always scan email attachments
One of the oldest ways of infection, and one that made computer viruses so notorious in the early days of
the internet is through email. Some people send viruses to their friends and not even know that they did it.
At Altitude Integrations, we have encountered many situations where our clients have had their email
accounts hacked. Once hacked, the attackers would use that account to send malicious content to the entire
address book list. The most reliable way to make sure you are safe is to open an email attachment or click
on a link is to scan it with anti-virus software. Your mail provider or email service you are using should also
have some sort of email protection against viruses. In Gmail, for example, attachments are automatically
scanned for viruses. If a virus is present, the email will be rejected and you will be notified.
7. Use a malware scanner
Anti-virus is important and you should invest in a robust solution, there is still a possibility for the virus to
slip through the cracks and get downloaded to your computer. It can often lurk in your network, you being
unaware of its presence. In order to make sure viruses don’t get the opportunity to spread further through
your network and to minimize the damage, a weekly malware scan should be scheduled. Many of these
programs are easy, affordable and sometimes even free and they can be used in combination with a backup,
so to ensure no malicious files are backed up with your other files.
Symptoms of a computer virus
We can take all of the steps there are to prevent computer viruses, but an infection can sometimes just
happen, and they can slip past your defenses. And when they are in, they aren’t exactly rushing to tell you
that. There are however, some tell-tale signs that your computer has been infected with a computer virus:

 Computer has an unusually slow performance

 Unexpected and frequent crashes
 Increased number of pop-ups on seemingly normal websites
 Unfamiliar programs that prop up when you turn on your computer
 Changes to your homepage

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