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36. Waje, Gweneth Gabriele L.


“Earthsci Activity Two”

1. What is the significance of Earth's history? (10pts)
 Earth’s history is what molded us. It is an evidence of some events that occurred in the past that
we have to be aware of. Rare and catastrophic events have brought about great change in a short
period of time and mankind has only witnessed and recorded only a fraction of them. That is why
history is important, as we need it to understand the present. Up until this day, countless questions
are still presented without answers, but little by little, with the past records we have, they are
beginning to have an answer. History is very important because without it, there would be no
present or future.

2. How do we know how ancient the Earth is? (10 pts.)

 Determining the numeric age of rocks and fossils can help us know how ancient the Earth is by
using Radiocarbon dating that examines ratio in rocks between isotopes. The physical process of
radioactive decay has provided scientists, anthropologists, and evolutionary biologists the most
important way to determine the absolute age of rocks and other materials. This remarkable
technique, which relies on measuring the intrinsic properties of radioactive materials, is called
radioisotope geochronology, or simply "radiometric dating".

3. If you are to change anything in the Earth’s Timeline. What would be and why? (10 pts.)
 If I were to change anything in the Earth’s Timeline, I think I would be really amazed to see the
dinosaurs not being extinct. The movie Jurassic park really fascinated me. Having a park where
you can see different kinds of dinosaurs and actually seeing them up close. My little brother really
loves dinosaurs and I think I would love them too if they were still alive. Also, I am really amazed
on their bones and the artifacts in the museum.

4. If given the opportunity to travel across time on Earth. What would it be, and why do you think
you'd like it? (10pts.)
 If I was given the opportunity to travel across time on Earth, I think I would love it. I would want
to go back during the time of dinosaurs. I want to capture the beauty in which they hold and I
would love to really see one. Although not at close, but still, I want to tame one and befriend them
as I think that not all dinosaurs are bad. There was this one documentation that showed how not
all dinosaurs were extinct when the said event occurred, named “The Last Dragon”. Although it
was fake but it seemed realistic also. With the documentation I have watched I thought to myself
that what if, what if not all dinosaurs died because of the said event but died because of people.

5. How do fossils form? (10pts)

 As we all know, fossils are remnant or traces of organisms in the past geologic age. They are
usually preserved in sedimentary rocks. They are formed using the process of Fossilization.
Fossilization is the process or method which preserved the remains of animals and plants. Under
fossilization, we have per-mineralization, it is a process in which minerals will fill in the gaps in
36. Waje, Gweneth Gabriele L. 12/11/21
the bones of a deceased organism and form a stone-like appearance. Those minerals are calcium
carbonate and silica.

6. Compare and contrast relative and absolute ages of rocks. (10pts.)

 Relative dating includes place, events, or order of rocks in their occurrence, their chronological
sequence without knowing their actual age. There are merely based on the physical appearance
and cannot tell how many years have passed since it was made. It is the subjective truth and only
seeks to find the relative age. On the other hand, absolute dating is measured with numbers –their
age. It seeks to find the numeric age of rocks and fossils using radiometric dating that examines
the ration in rocks between isotopes. Thus, relative dating only assumes and identify who is the
youngest and oldest while absolute dating is based on calculations.

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