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About What Matters

A short, pointed play between

two figures.

By Jennie Webb

DOGGED: I don’t understand.

CURLED-UP: What don’t you understand?

DOGGED: What was it he said?

CURLED-UP: You don’t understand what he said?

DOGGED: No, I understand what it was, it’s just...

How could he say that?

CURLED-UP: Because he’s an asshole?

DOGGED: No. Assholes don’t fuck with reality

like that.

CURLED-UP: Some assholes do.

DOGGED: But what did he say?

CURLED-UP: I told you.

DOGGED: Tell me again.

CURLED-UP: You know what he said. What does it


DOGGED: It matters to me.


DOGGED: Please.

CURLED-UP: “That conversation never took place.”


DOGGED: That conversation never took place.

How could he say that?

CURLED-UP: I don’t know, because he’s an—

DOGGED: — But he wasn’t part of the
conversation, right? The conversation
was between you and someone else,
right? So how can he say the
conversation never took place? He
has no right saying that. He can’t
know, it wasn’t his conversation, he
wasn’t there! He wasn’t there, was he?

CURLED-UP: He wasn’t there.

DOGGED: Not that that really matters. Because

he’s saying the conversation never
took place. Ever. You two never, ever
had the conversation. Even outside of
his presence or knowledge. That
conversation never actually
happened. That’s what he’s saying.

CURLED-UP: I know.

DOGGED: Where did he come up with that?

CURLED-UP: I’ve no idea.

DOGGED: It’s incredible.

CURLED-UP: I do have an idea. I told you. He’s an—

DOGGED: — Think about it! This asshole feels

like he can erase the existence of an
entire conversation.

CURLED-UP: I guess he’s just that way.

DOGGED: And that makes it all right?

CURLED-UP: No, that makes him — exactly who he

is and there’s nothing I can do about
the kind of... person he chooses to be.

DOGGED: Well, I would be furious.

CURLED-UP: I’ve moved past it.

DOGGED: I wouldn’t be able to. My anger would

keep me rooted. “That conversation
never took place.” It wasn’t his

CURLED-UP: It wasn’t your conversation, either.

DOGGED: But I’m not telling you it never took


CURLED-UP: It doesn’t matter.

DOGGED: It does matter! How long have you

been coming here? This guy’s
obviously some kind of
megalomaniac who likes to pull
people’s rugs of reality right out from
under ‘em. His world is the world, and
if he says it, it’s so. Oh! I know people
like this guy. I’ve married people like
this guy. This is a dangerous guy and
we can’t let him get away with this!

CURLED-UP: It’s almost over, how ‘bout I just stay

out of it.

DOGGED: It’s not that easy. That conversation

never took place, that night never
happened, I never did that, you don’t
feel that way...

CURLED-UP: It actually is that easy. Or almost that

easy. It’s out of his hands now, so we
move on. Even if I run into him again,
he doesn’t matter.

DOGGED: He doesn’t matter, or it doesn’t



DOGGED: Because it’s two different things. Yes,


CURLED-UP: The validation is what matters. The

stamp, the seal, the

DOGGED: The permission?

CURLED-UP: Yes. And he doesn’t matter, the

conversation doesn’t matter, nothing
else matters. Ha! That’s done.

DOGGED: The conversation doesn’t matter?


DOGGED: You said the conversation doesn’t


CURLED-UP: None of it matters.

DOGGED: Which conversation?


DOGGED: Which conversation doesn’t matter?

CURLED-UP: What are you talking about?

DOGGED: That’s what I’m asking you. Which

doesn’t matter: the conversation with
someone else that supposedly never
took place, or this conversation?

CURLED-UP: Are you hungry? I’m hungry.

DOGGED: The reason I ask is because I’m not

sure you really give yourself enough
credit. Your feelings, your
experiences, your self.

CURLED-UP: Do you want a Cappuccino?

DOGGED: I worry about you. The fact that you let

this man dictate what did and didn’t
happen in your life, is very disturbing
to me. And then to say “It doesn’t
matter, it’s over, I’ve moved past it?”
How can you move past something if
it never happened? That’s of great

CURLED-UP: Did we have lunch?

DOGGED: I’m telling you this is not right,
something is not right and as such
cannot be moved past — If indeed it
took place — so you need to take a
look at it and ask yourself really hard
questions like “How?” and “Why?”
and “It does matter!’’ It matters a great
deal, god damn it.

CURLED-UP: That last isn’t even a question.

DOGGED: “How?” and “Why?” are questions.

CURLED-UP: I agree.

DOGGED: Wait a minute! What if he was told by

someone else that the conversation
never took place.

CURLED-UP: What? The conversation did take


DOGGED: Oh, I know that. But maybe he didn’t

know that. But what if he was told by
someone it never took place? How
was he to know it took place?

CURLED-UP: There were witnesses.


DOGGED: To the conversation?

CURLED-UP: Yes. There were at least three

witnesses. I know for a fact that…
Vicki heard the conversation.

DOGGED: But did he ever talk to… Vicki?

CURLED-UP: Of course, he talked to Vicki.

DOGGED: Yes, yes. I mean, I know he talked to

Vicki. I mean, did she had a
conversation with him?

CURLED-UP: Yes. I guess this must be his mantra,
how he lives, how he gets by, how he
rationalizes his actions, or non-
actions. “This conversation never took

DOGGED: Those exact words again?

CURLED-UP: Or close. About an entirely different

conversation! And you know, he also
said it over the phone yet another

DOGGED: A third conversation?

CURLED-UP: Yes! One conversation, two

conversations, three conversations.

DOGGED: And none of these conversations took


CURLED-UP: According to him! Unbelievable, isn’t

it? Doesn’t he know how this makes
him look? It’s crazy. God will I be glad
when I’m through with this.

DOGGED: It is difficult when stories don’t match




DOGGED: Well, there are two sides to every

story. Yes, yes.

CURLED-UP: No, no. There are no “stories.” We’re

talking about facts. Things that
happened, stuff that was done,
conversations he had.

DOGGED: “Took place...”

CURLED-UP: Yes. Took place! Conversations that...

What is going on here?

DOGGED: Nothing’s going on here!

CURLED-UP: What are you trying to do?

DOGGED: I’m not trying to do anything! Like I
said, like you said, the whole story is
laughable and I’m just trying to see
both sides—

CURLED-UP: — There’s no both sides! There’s only

one side! The side that took place! My
side! Do you see me laughing?

DOGGED: Calm down! I didn’t mean to get you

upset! Of course! You’re right! I’m
sorry! I’m really, really sorry!

CURLED-UP: I’m sorry.

DOGGED: No, it was me. It was my fault. You

said you were done with this and I
dredged it all up again.

CURLED-UP: No, I’m sorry.

DOGGED: I know. I’m sorry.

CURLED-UP: I feel like this has been going on

forever and it takes a lot for me to be
able to move past it, you know.

DOGGED: I know. I’m sorry.

CURLED-UP: It catches me off guard.

DOGGED: Right. Yes, yes.

CURLED-UP: Right. No, no.

DOGGED: And who cares what anyone else says

or believes! You’re the one who knows
what actually happened!

CURLED-UP: Right. I know. I know a lot about


DOGGED: I know.

CURLED-UP: And Vicki. She knows.

DOGGED: Vicki knows!

CURLED-UP: And the other witnesses know.

DOGGED: Of course! The other witnesses! To
the conversation!


And the other conversations?


CURLED-UP: The other conversations?

DOGGED: The other conversations. Were there

witnesses to the other conversations?
The other conversations that never
took place?


Not that it matters.


CURLED-UP: No. It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter

one bit.

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