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UVILLARES METALS Garantia de um Desempenho Superior Guarantee of a Superior Performance AGQOS ESPECIAIS PARA COMPONENTES AUTOMOTIVOS SPECIAL STEELS FOR AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS. PROCESSO DE FABRICACAO PRODUCTION PROCESS AQOS DE ALTA LIGA HIGH ALLOYED STEELS TITER rrctsrco once Electrle Arc Fumace LIGAS A BASE DE NIQUEL (NICKEL - BASE ALLOYS: Forno de indu¢do a Vacuo Refine a Vécuo Vacuum induction melting Vacuum Refining Foo Panela cs eA Ladle Furnace Refusdo sob f Eletro-escéria 5k) ctrosiag ¥ §Soaciomenta Lingotamento Continuo Continuous Casting Convencional Conventional Casting >\ Vv 3h Laminador et feReWel = Acabacor See heheheh finishing ) Laminador Rolling Mill 1 Desbastador Prensa de Forjamento Blooming Mil ‘Matriz Aberta Open Die Press By ». O : Acabamento Tratamento Térmico Finishing Heat Treatment AUTOMOTIVE COMPONENTS Among the speciatty alloys and steels manufactured by Vilares Metats, used in automotive applications, stand out the valve steels and the nickel-base alloys. Vatve steels are basically used in the manufacturing of internal combustion engines. The major characteristics of these steels are: great resistance to corrosion and high mechanical resistance, especialy, resistance to creep at high temperatures in adattion to abrasive wear resistance. Such characteristics are Important as vaives are subjected fo temperatures of up to 870°C in contosive environments generated by combustion gases and are permanently under tensile stress. Such properties gre given by the adaltion of alloy elements such as chrome, nickel. molybdenum, slicon, manganese, nitrogen, efc, and by the application of sultable heat treatments. Valve steels can be classified by thelr microstructure as martensitic and austenitics. Martensitic steels have carbon levels of up fo 0.85% and of chrome of up to 22%, plus other alloy elements fo aitain the best manufacturing and use properties. They can also be hardened by quenching, generating a martensic structure and giving high resistance fo the material of abrasive use. In general, martensitic steels are used in intake valves. but can also be used for the manufacturing of exhaust vaives when the temperature does not exceed 650°C. The microstructure of these steels fs fundamentally austenitic. mainly due to the presence of austenttizing elements such as nickel. manganese and nitrogen. Austenitic steels with high levels of carbon and nitrogen are subjected to hardening by precipitation of carbide and nitrites obtained by solution heat treatment and aging. Austenitic steels can be employed in the production of medium and high power engine exhaust valves exposed to a maximum service temperature of 870°C, Usually, such alloys are used as base material in coated valves where extreme resistance is emanded. Another important material class used in valve manufacturing for combustion engines are nickel-base alloys. Such alloys contain nickel as main element in their composition and other elements such as chrome, titanium, aluminum, molybdenum, lron, ete. This class of materials presents mechanical properties and resistance to corrosion much greater than valve steel and is therefore used in high-performance engines which usually work in very high temperatures with very high mechanical and comesion resistance demands. Vilares Metals also produce many other special steels and alloys used in the automotive industry, with highlight given to special stainless steels that can be used for the manufacturing of components such as: body injector, housings used in fuel galleries, high speed steels used in fuel injection systems (injector nozzle needle, rollers and cam rings), and nickel base alloys applied in spark plug electrod The Research & Development Center of Vilares Metals is prepared fo develop other special alloys and steels to cater the ‘mechanical and corrosion resstance demanas for each automotive application. Pee eee oe Dire Ue Ura oer |= Core eee ee a ee ee Ek Ee eee ee eee eee eee ee eee _cri set hat kcoas good mechanical and cerasenresonco up 0 OC Cee ee ee ee eet eae CERT pe ced aera eee ee eee tates Ce ee Le eee Porter od Rou ea raz zu) eee eee ee eed et eee aay ee eee eee eee ae eee eee Pray Cr APPLICATION AND PROPERTIES Enrica See Denes Coed Pye Ur CTs oT) locate adeeb ete rereesaniet cote ee ee ee eee ee COMPONENTES AUTOMOTIVOS Entre as ligas © 08 acos especiais fabricados pela Villares Metals utllzados em arp! superligas 4 icagdes automotivas, destacam-s se de niquel Os ages vaivula sG0 basicamente utlizados na fabricagda de valvulas para motores de As principais caracteristicas destes agos so a grande resisténcia mecGnica e & corosdo, em especial & fluéncia, s altas temperaturas © ao desgaste abrasivo. Tals caracteristicas sd importantes uma vez que as valvulas s6o submetidas a temperaturas da ordem de 870°C em atmosferas corrosivas geradas pelos gases resultantes da combustdo © estdo constantemente sob esforcos de tracdo. Tals propriedades sao conferidas através da a: elementos de liga como cromo, nique, molibdénio, silicic, manganés, nitrogénio, etc. e pela aplicacdo de tratamentos térmicos adequados. Q8 a¢os véivula podem ser classiicacios pela sua microestrutura em agos martensiticos e austeniticos Qs aces martensitices possuem teores de carbone até 0.85% e de cromo até 22%, além de outros elementos de ligas para obten¢ao de melhores propriedades na fabricagdo © no uso. Eles também podem ser endurecidos através de témpera, gerando uma esirutura martensitica e conferindo ao material alta resisténcia ao desgasie abrasive, Em geral, os agos martersitices séo utlizade vulas de admissGo, entretanto podem também ser utllizados para fabricacdo de valvulas de exausiGe quando a temperatura ndo ultrapassa 650°C. A mictoestrutura destes agos 6 fundamentalmente austenitica devido, principaimente, @ presonga de elemen ‘austenitisantes © niquel, © manganés e © nitrogénio. Os acos austeniticos com altos teores de cart de endurecimento por precipitagao de carbonetos e nitretos. que sdo obtidos p tratamentos térmicos de solubllizagao e envelhecimento, Os agos austeniticos podem ser empregados na produgde de valvulas de exaustde de motores de média e alta poténcia que estejam expostas a uma temperatura maxima de servico da ordem de 870°C. Geraimente tais ligas sac Utlizacdas como material base om valvulas revestidas que exijam extrema ressténcia, (Outra classe importante de materiais empregados na fabricagdo de vélvulas para motores 4 combustdo, sdo as ligas 4 base de niquel. Tals ligas possuem o niquel come principal elemento em sua composi¢do, além de outros como como, titanic, aluminio, molibdénio, ferro, etc, Esta classe de materials apresenta propriedades mecénicas © fesisténcia & corrosde muito superiotes dos a¢os vaivula ©, portanto, sGo empregados em motores de alto desempenho que, geralmente, trabalham em temperaturas muita elevadas, cujas exigéncias mecdnicas € de resistencia & comosdo sejam muito elevadas A Villares Metals também produz varios outros ages e ligas especiais utllzados na indistria automotiva, com destaque Para 0s ages inoxidéveis especiais, que podem ser utllizados para a fabricagdo de componentes como corpo de injet de combustivel, alojamentos empregacos em galerias de combustivel, 0s aos rapids utllzados em sistema de injegdo de combustivel (agulha de bico injetor, anéis de ressalto e roletes) e ligas de niquel aplicadas em eletrodos de velas. (© Centro de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento da Villares Metals esté apto a desenvolver outros agos e ligas especials para tender as necessiciades de resisténcia mecdnica e de corrosdo para cada aplicagéo automotiva, 0 OTT AY Ay Cee tn rte iee DATO RL Cr cae lee ee cee se (eee eee oes oe ee Cer ry Perera feat ior ene) eee ery ear an ae Ta01¢I>up 10.63.49 | 61.00 up io 80.00 | soorete 10760 | rorsiupm se | isorypreara eat Rmpae CD Ped Ea eta) 0% artclerance | 49% of rorerance | 402 of tolerance | 50% ot tolerance | 90% of tolerance | sax of tolerance Ear ea Coral ete eee eee ee came) eed ca ed 2arnin ea core sunita Pe aera Ge ee i Rua Alfredo Dumont Villares, 155, CEP: 13178-902 » Sumaré - $P - Brasil Fone: 55 (19) 3303-8181 + Fax: 65 (19) 3303-8696 QOVILLARES METALS wwwwilaresmetai.comibr —metals@villaresmetals com br Dezernex0 2910

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