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B.E. Semester III (CE)

Database Management System

Database System Architecture

1. Explain detailed 3-level architecture of database system with diagram.

2. What is DBA? What are the main function/duties of DBA?
3. Explain various database users and administrator.
4. Define Instance and Schema.
5. Define DA and DBA.
6. What are the advantages and disadvantage of database over flat file system?
7. Explain database language.

Data Model

1. Explain Entity Relationship Model with Example.

2. Explain Aggregation in ER Model
3. Explain Weak entity and Strong Entity set .
4. Explain Specialization and Generalization.
5. Explain Mapping Cardinality.
6. Draw ER Diagram

Relational Model

1. Explain Relational Algebra. Selection, Projection, Union, Difference.

2. Explain Join – Natural join, Full Join , Left Outer join , Right Outer join.
3. What Functional Dependency? Explain with Armstrong’s axioms.
4. Explain Normalization Form. (1NF,2NF,3NF, BCNF)
5. What is Lossy and Non Loss Decomposition?
6. Relational Algebra Example.

Storage Strategies
1. Explain Indices with example
2. Explain B trees with example.
3. Explain Hashing.


1. Explain Concurrency Control.

2. Explain ACID Property in Transaction.
3. Explain Serializability of Scheduling.
4. What is Two Phase locking Protocol.
5. Define Transaction. Draw and explain state diagram of Transaction.
6. What is recovery? Discuss immediate database modification methods with
7. What is Time stamp Protocol?


1. Explain Authentication and Authorization.

2. Explain MAC and DAC .
3. Explain SQL Injection.


4. Explain WHERE, GROUP BY and HAVING clause in select query with suitable
5. What is stored procedure? What is stored function? What is the difference?
6. Explain join operation. What are the different types of joins.
7. Explain any four aggregate operations in SQL
8. Write a database trigger when update or delete operation is performed on table old
value is stored in another table.
9. Explain following operation of relational algebra with example:
.Rename,Natural join,Select, Cross join
What is cursor? Explain any four cursor attributes.
Explain following terms:
a. Rollback b. Commit

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