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Jessa Mae Ballon HRDM III-B

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True

1. Why do employers need to offer benefits and services?

By providing benefits, you show to your staff that you appreciate and recognize their
demands. Offering a benefits package that includes health insurance shows your
concern for your employees’ wellbeing since removing health insurance might be a risky
choice. Offering benefits to your staff members is important because it demonstrates
your commitment to both their present and future well-being. A competitive benefits
package for employees can help in recruiting and keeping talent. You may set your
company with the exception of rivals by offering benefits.
Employee benefits are designed to give employees more financial security and, as a
result, boost employee retention throughout the company. It is therefore a part of
reward management. Employee attitudes toward their jobs will increase with a
competitive benefits package. These benefits will be valued by employees, who will then
value their jobs more. Employees who have a good attitude boost the mood of the
business and put in productive effort to keep their jobs. Because employee benefits
offer a better experience and assist boost their job satisfaction, employees are starting
to place greater importance on these advantages than on salaries. In order to draw in
the best candidates and increase staff productivity, firms must provide services. Offering
incentives can therefore entice a talented worker to contribute to the company’s or
business’ success.

2. At the point of negotiating salary and benefits, what questions would you ask your
prospective employer concerning benefits? Describe the benefit package you would try
to negotiate for yourself if you are applying as a manager?

In negotiations of salary and benefits always know your worth and don’t be afraid to
ask. When negotiating compensation and benefits for a position I’m looking for, I’d like
to know if this company provides health insurance. Because health insurance is the most
crucial benefit, as we all know, we desire it when it comes to benefits. I believe that as
someone applying for a position of manager, I deserve this kind of benefits when I’m
doing my job because being a manager is not an easy job, so I have the right to demand
on what benefits I would have. For example, if I were to be hired as a manager, I would
like to have better benefits like life insurance, medical insurance, and retirement plan.

3. You are the HR consultant to a small business with about 50 employees. Develop a list of
other benefits you believe it should offer, along with your reasons for suggesting them.

If given the chance, I’d like to offer these benefits if I were the HR consultant.

 Flexible works hours – flexible work hours is one of the top priorities tor today’s
job seekers in terms of benefits.
 Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance- Employers who help employees feel
secure by offering health insurance.
 Retirement benefits- Offering retirement plan can strengthen your employer
brand and increase the number of applicants.

4. Putting yourself in the role of the employee either in your present job or the next you
anticipate having, identify the benefits that are most important to you and how you
think you can attain them.

Medical insurance and life insurance are the two benefits that I consider to be the most
significant since, as we all know, they are the ones that every employee should have. I
can get them by accepting the company benefits and working hard for the business. In
my opinion, if you work hard for a business, you’ll get the benefits you deserve.

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