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128/324, Parameters affecting the condition of lubricating ofl (fig. 3) In principle a working separator will after a certain time remove an amount of contamination material per hour which is equal to the amount of contamination material produced by the engine during the same period. This means that the system (engine, oil and separator) are in equilibrium at a certain level of lube oil contamination called Psy usually measured as pentane insolubles. In a large lube oil system the equilibrium will appear after a longer period than in a small system, as shown in fig. 3, but the level at which equilibrium appears will be the same because the system oil can be considered ony as a cartier of the comtamination material. P {Pentene insolubles) Fig. 3 L 32 1 28B1-02 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL, 26/82 A v2832A | page 4 (4) IN28/S2A ~ 162 - 9510E. STX Engine 128/324 (Cleaning and flushing of the lubricating oil system If the lubricating oil system is new or has been emptied owing to repairs, thorough cleaning of pipes, coolers and oil sump should be carried out prior to filing up the system. Cleaning alone, however, cannot remove the small abrasive particles which will invariably enter the system when it has been opened. Fer engines with closed, internal lubricating oii system (auxliary and stationary engines) the pressure drop across the tub oil fiter should be closely watched during starting~up, and the fiter elements must be replaced, ifnecessary. For propulsion engines, which are connected to a separate ‘ub oil cooler located elsewhere in the ship and to a Separate tub oil pump, the engine system should be flushed while bypassing the bearings. This applies also if ‘work has been carried out on the ‘ub cil system outside the engine. During the flushing the lubricating ol is heated to normal working temperature by means of the preheater of the purifier and is circulated at fll capacity by the lubricating oil pump. The lubricating oil must pass through the lubricating oil fiter which must on no account have a mesh width greater than 0.05 mm, preferably not more than 0.03 mm. To have a current check on the increasing purity of the oil during the flushing, itis practical to fia “test bag" of 0.05 mm filter gauze, for insiance 500 mm long and 200 mm diameter, at the end of a 1-inch plastic hose connected to a stub on the underside of a horizontal length of the main lubricating oll pipe between the lubricating oil pump and the main filter. The “bag” is suspended in the crankcase i and is examined at intervals of, for instance, 2 hours for retained particles, following which it is cleaned out and replaced, which can be done without interrupting the circulation of oil The oil flow through the "test bag” should be sufficient to keep the "bag" half filled with oil. The purity of oil obtained can be considered adequate when, in the course of two hours, no solid particles have been accumulated - on condition that the oil has been heated to working temperature and thet itis crculated at full capacity of the lubricating oil pump. Hf, for local reason, the temperature necessary for flushing the oil is not attainable by means of the preheater of the lubricating oil purifier, the flushing can be done with a special flushing cil If a lubricating oll system is put into operation without being completely clean there is a risk that abrasive particles will be carried by the oll into the bearings and be impregnated in the bearing metal. This would increase the roughness of the bearing journals and the risk of damage to the bearings. This risk is further increased ifthe lubricating oil fiters are not completely intact. DETERIORATION OF OIL Oil seldom loses its ability to lubricate, Le. to form a fricion-decreasing oil film, but it might become corrosive to the stee! journals of the bearings in such a way that the surface of these journals becomes too rough and Wipes the bearing surface L28132A | 128B2-01 | Alpha MAINTENANCE LUBRICATING OIL V2832A | Page 1 (4) IN28/32A — 164 - 9703E STX Engine 28/328 In that case not only the bearings must be renewed but the journals must be polished. Corrosiveness of the lubricating oil is due to either far advanced oxidation of the oil itself (TAN) or to the presence of inorganic acids (SAN). In both cases the presence of water will multiply the effect, especially an influx of sea water as the chloride ions act as an inorganic acid Oxidation of oils ‘Anormal service temperature the rate of oxidation is insignificant, but the following factors will accelerate the process: High temperature ‘The temperature level will be generally raised if the coolers are not effective. High temperature will also arise in electrical preheaters, if circulation is not continued § minutes after the heating has been cut out or if the heater is only partly filled with oi Catalytic action Oxidization of the oil will be considerably accelerated if catalytic particles are present in the oil. Wear particles of copper are expecially obnoxious, but also ferrous articles and rust are active. Further the lacquer - and varishlike oxidation products of the oil itself have an accelerating effect. Continuous ;cleaning of the oil is therefore important to keep the sludge content low, Mixing of oil types should only be made if approved by the oil supplier. Signs of deterioration If circulating oil of inferior quality is used and the oxidative influence becomes grave, prompt action is necessary, as the last stages in deterioration might develop surprisingly quickly, i. within one or two weeks. Even if this seldom happens its therefore prudent to be acquainted with the signs of deterioration. These may be some or all of the following: Sludge precipitation in purifier multiplies, ‘Smell of oil becomes acrid or pungent. Machined surfaces in crankcase become coffee-brown by thin layer of lacquer. Paint in crankcase peels off or blisters. Excessive carbon is formed in piston cooling chamber. In a grave case of cl deterioration the system should be cleaned thoroughly and new oil filed into it. L26/32A | 128B2-01 A [pha MAINTENANCE LUBRICATING OIL i v28/32A | page 2 (4) IN28/32A ~ 164 - 9703E STX Engine stx WATER WASHING 128/324, ‘Water washing of HD-olls must not take place. WATER IN THE OIL IF the TAN is low, minor increase in freshwater content ofthe oil is not immediately detrimental while the engine is running. Naturally it should be brought down again as quickly as possible (below 0.2% water content, which is permissible). Ifthe engine is stopped while corrosion conditions are unsatisfactory, it should be turned litle over 1/2 revolution (to stop in different positions) once every hour while oil circulation and purifying at elevated preheating temperature are continued to remove water. Water in the oil may be noted by dew formation on the Sight glasses of the purifier, or milky appearance, and ascertained by immersing a piece of glass or a soldering iron heated to 200-300°C in an oil sample. If hissing, water is present. if water in a large quantity has entered the oil system, it may be profitable to such up sedimented water from the bottom of the sump. Taste the water for salt. I saity, an oil sample should be analysed immediately for chloride ions. Questions concerning purification of HD-oils which are contaminated with water should be decided in cooperatin with the supplier. CHECK ON OIL CONDITION ‘As described in the foregoing sections “Signs of deterioration” and "Water in the oil", the surveillance of oil condition on board consists in keeping check on alterations in separated sludge amount, apperance and smell of the oll, and dew on sight glasses. Testing of acidity (TAN) made regularly on board is a valuable correlation to the periodic analyses of samples sent ashore, but should not replace these analyses. If, however, TAN rises quickly and immediate information is desirable, an analysis on board will be a good help. As crew members are not chemists, test kits consisting of sealed bottles to be thrown away after use are most handy and least erratic. The bottles contain a metered amount of ready-made indicating fiqui il samples should be sent ashore for analysis at least every three months. ‘The samples should be taken from a test cock on a main pipe through which the oil circulates, while the engine is running. Al L 28/32A 1 2882-01 1ANCE LUBRICATING OIL. = lpha MAINTENANC! V 28132 A Page 3 (4) IN28/32A — 164 9703E STX Engine six Analysis of oil ‘Analysis may be caned out in the laboratories of the oil companies. It is normal service for these to remark upon the condition of the oil based upon the result of the analysis. L28/324 A report on a used-oll analysis usually gives the following characteristics: 41) Specific aravity: Usually 0,9-0.98 gr/ Mainly used for identification ofthe ol. 2) Flash point: Lowest temperature at which the oil gives off combustible vapour. Gives an idea of contamination with fuel ol 3) Viscosity: Viscosity rises by oxidation, or by contamination with heavy fuel cil or water. Decrease in the viscosity may be due to dilution by diesel oi 4) Total acid number (TAN): This is the total content of organic and inorganic acids in the oll. Organic (or vveak) acids are due to oxidation. 5) Strong_acid number (SAN): This is the amount of inorganic (or strong) acids in the oit.{t is usually Sulphuric acid from the combustion chamber or chlorine from sea water (ought to be stated). SAN makes the oll corrosive, especially if water is present. 6) Alkalinity: (Total base number, TBN): Gives remaining alkalinity. 7) Water: Permissible up to 0.2%. Dangerous if TAN and SAN are high. ‘Sea water has a higher corrosive effect on bearings and journals than fresh water. 8) Conradson carbon: Residue from incomplete combustion of fuel or cracked lubricating oil. 9) Precipitation number: The amount of insoluble ingredients in the cil. Equal parts of the oll sample is diluted by benzene (CyHe) and normal pentane (CsHx2). As oxidized oil (lacquer and varnishlike components) is only soluble in benzene, the difference in precipation number is indicative of the degree of oxidation ofthe oil 40) Ash content: Some additives leave ash, which may be used to indicate the amount of additives. It further consists of wear particles, sand and rust. v28/32A | Page 4 (4) L 28/32 A 1 2882-01 | Alpha MAINTENANCE LUBRICATING OIL ———_— IN28/32A — 164 ~ 9703E STX Engine six Cleaning and flushing of the lubricating oil system 128/324, Before start of a new installed engine or after repair the lubricating oil system has to be cleaned. The oil pan is thoroughly cleaned and the extemal pipes and lub oil cooler have to be flushed because manual cleaning will not remove all small abrasive particles. The oil is heated to normal working temperature by means of the purifier. If itis not possible to heat the oil a special flushing oll can be used. The inlet pipe to the lub. oil filter on the engine has to be removed and a house is connected to the crank casing with a "test bag” of 0.05 mm filter gauze at the end of the house (see fig ?). The oil is circulated at full capacity by mears of the stand-by pump. After about 2 hours flushing the "test bag" is checked to see if there are any impurities. f so the "test bag” has to be changed and the flusing is continued Until the oil is clean, 28/32 | 1 28B2-03 Alpha MAINTENANCE LuBRicaTiNG oi | & 28! ———} v2892A | page 1 (3) IN28/32A — 164 ~ 9703E STX Engine six Oxidation of oils 128/324, At normal operating temperatures the oxidation of oil is insignificant. Signs of deterioration If bad quality system oil is used and the oxidation develops rapidly it is necessary to take immediate action as the last stages of deterioration can develop surprisingly quickly, ie. in the course of 1 to 2 weeks. Even though advisable to be familiar with the signs of beginning deterioration. this seldom happens These may be some or all of the following} Significant increases in sludge precipitation in separator. The oll smelis acrid or pungent, Machined surfaces in the engine become coffee-brown from a thin layer of lacquer. The paint in the crankcase blisters or peels off. Excessive sludge deposits in the intetior of the engine, In case of extensive oil deterioration the whole circulation system must be thoroughly cleaned and new oil filed into it 1 2882-03 28/32 A Alpha MAINTENANCE LUBRICATING OIL | \) 55/5 4 Page 2 (3) IN28/32A ~ 165 - 9703 STX Engine 128/324, ‘An analysis report for an oil at present in use usually gives the following information: 41) Specific gravity: Normally 0.9-0.93 g/cms, Mainly used for identification of the oll 2) Flash point: Lowest temperature at which the oil gives off combustible va-pour. Gan be used to judge possible contamination with fuel oil. Limit rate: > 185°C. 3) Viscosity: The viscosity rises with oxidation or contamination with heavy fuel. Decreased viscosity can be due to dilution by diesel oil Limit rate: + one viscosity grade, 4) Total acid number TAN: This indicates the total content of organic and in-organic acids in the oil . Organic (or weak) acids are due to oxidation. 5) Strong acid number (SAN) : Measure for inorganic (or strong) acids in the oil. These are either sulphuric ‘acid from the combustion chamber or chlorine from the sea water (should be stated). These acids make the ll corrosive, especially if water is also present. Limit rate: < 0.015 mg KOH/g. 6) The alkaline content (TBN) : Indicates remaining alkalinity Limit rate: > 50% ref. to fresh oll- TEN %. 7) Water: Permissible up to 0.2%, Dangerous if TAN and SAN are high. Sea water has a stronger corrosive effect on bearings and journals than fresh water. 8) Conradson Carbon: Residue from incomplete combustion of fuel or cracked lubricating oll. 9) Total contamination: Content of insoluble ingredients in the oll . Equal parts of oil samples are diluted with benzene (csHe) and normal pentane (CsH12). As oxidized oil (lacquer and varnish-lke components) are only soluble in benzene, the difference between the precipitations number indicates the degree of oxidation of the oil. Limit rate: < 1.5% (weight) in general. Depends on actual dispersancy level and viscosity rise. 10) Ash content: Some additives leave ash, which can be used to indicate the amount of additives. The ash also consists of wear particles, sand and rust. L 28/32 A 1 2882-03 Alpha MAINTENANCE OF LUBRICATING OIL v2832A | page 3(3) IN28/32A — 166 ~ 9703E STX Engine six 128/324 The oil list inserted may be used as a guide in selecting oil types for Alpha engines. The oils included in the list have all given saisfactory service results. List of Lubricating oils On rear side of the list is a guide for choice of a lubricating oil suitable for the type of fuel to be used. If a lubricating oil with too high TBN is selected, hard deposits may occur on the pistons leading to polishing of the cylinder liners, increased tub oil consumption and contamination of the oil Alpha MAINTENANCE LUBRICATING OIL L 28/32 A V 28/32A 1 2883-01 Page 4 (1) IN28/32A — 164 - 9703E STX Engine six List of lubricating oils 28/320 The oil list inserted is to be used as a guide in selecting oil types for MAN B&W Alpha 4-stroke engines and CPP systems. The oils included in the lst have all been approved after satisfactory service results. In the guarantee period only cil types approved by MAN B&W Alpha are allowed unless written accept has been given, (On rear side of the list is a guide for choice of a lubricating oil suitable for the type of fuel to be used. I @ lubricating oil with too high TBN is selected, hard deposits may occur on the pistons leading to wear of the flame ring Opposite if TEN is too low, this can give corrosion damage on vital parts of the engine. In case of operating on gas oil with extreme low content of sulphur (< 0.05%), Alpha Diesel should be consulted. 1 2883-02 L 28/32 A Alpha CHOICE OF LUBRICATING OIL ‘P V 28/32 A Page 1 (1) IN28/32A ~ 168 - 9510E STX Engine six 128/324, Three-way cock ® incircuit filters in circuit in Right filter circuit Left filter closed closed Left filter Both Right Filter ‘The following procedure to be etrictly followed. Emptying of filter: 4, The 3-way cock is turned so that the oilfiow is by- passed the section to be cleaned, 2. Vent screw in the top cover to be loosened 4, Remove drain piug in the drain pipe at bottom flange and drain off oil. Replacement: 6. Filter top-cover is dismantled 6. Take out filter basket (centre element) without damaging the filter gauze. Upmost paper car- tridge to be removed first. 7. Remove the filter cartridges and throw away as they are not cleanable. Cleaning: 8. Filter basket to be thoroughly and cautiously cleaned if necessary with cleaning fuid. Make sure not to damage the filter gauze. Alpha LUBRICATING OIL FILTER L2g/s2A | 128C1-02 P REPLACEMENT OF FILTER CARTRIDGES | 12V28/32A| page 4 (2) IN2B/32A — 169 -9510E STX Engine L28/32A 9. Clean the inside of filter housing for oil and dirt Lint-free rags to be used. Cleaning must not _be carried out by flushing. Outlet te ‘ain bearings. ps Assembly: a. Check condition of gaskets and sealing rings and replace if necessary. b. New fiter cartridges (7) are fitted. Upmost cartridge to be ‘tied after the filter basket is positioned, Check that gaskets on cartridges are in position. DO not forget spacer rings between cartridges. Filter basket (6) (centre element) is fitted. Check that filter gauze is not damaged. d. Top Cover (5) to be fitted. Check function of valves by pressing springs together. Vent screw (2) not to be tightened yet. fe. Drain plug (4), is refit. f Turn 3-way cock (1), into operation position 9. When filter is air-vented with stand-by lub oil pump running tighten vent screw (2) in top cover. h. Filter is now ready for operation, Check that no leakages are visible. Check that pressure drop across filter is correct. Alph L2832A | 128C1-02 (pia LUBRICATING OIL FILTER eee | 12V28/32A | Page 2(2) IN28/32A ~ 170 ~ 9510E STX Engine 28/320 mou tok Alpha LUBRICATING OIL MAGNETIC FILTER 28/324, Plate No 1 2810-01 Plate - 54 — STX Engine L28/32A sn CC. a n a2 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL MAGNETIC FILTER 28/324 | Plate No 1 2810-03 v28/32A Plate - 54- STX Engine six L232 DaTe: 96.07.15 | pRooINeNT | PLATE NO LUB, OIL PREFILTER L28/32A 1 2810-03 rem WEIGHT 7” PART DESCRIPTION NEIGH O OIL PREFILTER (MAGNETIC INSERT) 1 GASKET 2 FLANGE 3 HEXAGON BOLT 4 HEXAGON NUT 5 MAGNET FILTER FOR LUBRICATING OIL at GASKET FOR FILTER COVER A2 O-RING FOR 4" MAGNETIC FIL. INSERT SPRING STX Engine 128/320 Ey 4, 4 i z 12 hth 1 hh / 2 E SL : Olinet cal b pI 1 Outiet a a : B o Z 7 5 a 5 i 1223/30 | Plate No Alpha MAGNET FILTER FOR LUB OIL 1 2810-04 V28/32A, Plate ~ L26/32A 1997-12-02 STX Engine stx 2/320 DATE: 97.12.02 PROD INENT PLATE NO. LUB. OIL PREFILTER (28/324 1 2810-04 ire WEIGHT No PART DESCRIPTION Hine o MAGNET FILTER FOR LUBRICATING OIL 1 HEXAGON BOLT 2 HEXAGON NUT 3 SEALING RING 4 SEALING RING STX Engine 128/320. Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PUMP L28/32A Plate No 1 2812-01 Plate - 55 ~ STX Engine six 28/320 DaTE: 95.10.13 | pRoDINENT | PLATENO LUB, OIL PREFILTER L28/32A, 1: 2812-01 (TEM WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION veictr 1 HOUSING FOR LUBRICATING OIL PUMP 2 LINER 3 GEAR WHEEL FOR LUB. OIL PUMP 4 GEAR WGEEL, LUB. OIL PUMP, SHORT SHAFT 5 END COVER, LUB, OIL PUMP 7 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 8 CYLINDRICAL PIN, 9 PLUG SCREW 10 GASKET 1 PINION FOR LUBRICATING OIL PUMP 12 KEY 3 SFI F-LOCKING HFXAGON NUT AS LUBRICATING OIL PUMP, COMPLETE Ato HEXAGON SCREW Ana CYLINDRICAL FIN STX Engine 128/324 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PUMP. L28/32A Plate No 1 2812-02 Plate - 55 - 9312 STX Engine six 128/328 LUB. OIL PUMP PROD INENT 28/328 PLATE NO 1 2812-02 PART DESCRIPTION WEIGHT KILOS HOUSING FOR LUBRICATING OIL PUMP LINER GEAR WHEEL FOR LUB, OIL PUMP. GEAR WGEEL, LUB. OIL PUMP, SHORT SHAFT END COVER, LUB. OIL PUMP HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW CYLINDRICAL PIN PLUG SCREW GASKET PINION FOR LUBRICATING OIL PUMP KEY ‘SELF-LOCKING HEXAGON NUT LUBRICATING OIL PUMP, COMPLETE HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW STX Engine 128/320 AAA SSSSR At ~~} 4 t em S: 5 Be | Lagig2q | Plate No Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PRESSURE REGULATOR |, 1 2814-01 Plate ~ 56 - STX Engine six L28/32A 93.1220 | PROD INENT PLATE NO LuB. oll PUMP 1281320 12814-01 ITEM WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION KILOS EI PRESSURE GOVERNOR HOUSING E2 SPRING 3 | CULINDRICAL PIN 4 VALVE SEAT. E5 VALVE CONE E6 | SLIDE VALVE FOR PRESSURE GOVERNOR e7 GUIDE EB LOCK NUT E9 SPRING 10 | ADJUSTING SCREW En CAP NUT E12 | HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW £13 | PLUNGER E14 | BARREL STX Engine L28/328 2) [aia 2 SRaeRe se *Not spare part 128/324 Plate No 1 2816-01 LUBRICATING OIL FILTER Alpha Plate ~ 57 — STX Engine six L2B/32A DATE: 94.11.08 | pRODINENT PLATE NO LUBRICATING OL FILTER L2e/32A 1 2816-01 ITEM WEIGHT No PART DESCRIPTION papal AG LUBRICATING OIL FILTER: AS WASHER AS HEXAGON BOLT Al WASTE OIL TRY FOR LUBR. OIL FILTER AQ HEXAGON SCREW cl FILTER STRAINER Ge INTERMEDIATE RING rer} FILTER CARTRIDGE, LUB.OIL cs SCREW PLUG cs. SPRING cr VALVE CONE ce GASKET cio SEALING RING cn SEALING RING C12 SEALING RING C13 GASKET C15 PLUG SCREW 17 SPRING DISC C18 ‘SPRING WASHER C20 HEXAGON NUT cat HEXAGON NUT C23 FILTER COVER C25 DRAINING OFF COVER C26 HOUSING car STUD C28 ‘SPRING PIN C29 STUD 30 cock PLUG C31 STJD D1 VENT SCREW be GASKET 03 SPRING D4 GUIDE Ds SEALING RING Ds DISC SPRING 07 SPRING bs GUIDE Do SCREW p10 VENT SCREW FOR LUBR. OIL FILTER bn BUSHING Di2 SPRING DI3 PLATE (NOT SPARE PART) 1 COVER (NOT SPARE PART) EA HOLDER FOR WASTE OIL TRAY ES HOLDER FOR WASTE OIL TRAY e1 SELF-LOCKING HEXAGON NUT STX Engine L28/32A Alpha LUBRICATING OIL FILTER L28/32A Plate No 1 2816-02 Plate ~ 87.1 — STX Engine 128/324 DATE: 94.11.21 PROD INENT PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL FILTER L28i324 12816-02 ITEM WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION KILOS 1 LUBRICATING OIL FILTER 2 VENTING SCREW 3 GASKET FOR VENTING SCREW 4 HEXAGON NUT 5 WASHER a SPING FOR FINN-FILTER 9 ALUMINIUM SEAL FOR LUB. OIL FILTER " PLUG SCREW 13 SEALING RING 14 O-RING 20 FILTER BASKET. 2 FILTER BASKET. 22 FILTER CARTRIDGE, LUB. OIL 28 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 29 WASHER 3 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 32 WASHER 35 O-RING 39 WASHER 40 HEXAGON BOLT 44 O-RING 45 HEXAGON NUT 46 WASHER STX Engine 128/324 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL COOLER 128/32A Plate No 1 2818-01 V28/32A Plate ~ 58 - STX Engine six 12/328 DATE: 92.10.08 | PROD INENT PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL COOLER Lot ed vem WEIGHT Hr PART DESCRIPTION KILOS 1 cock 2 GASKET 3 HEXAGON NUT 4 STUD 5 END COVER 6 GASKET 7 SEALING RING 8 INTERMEDIATE PIECE FOR COOLER 9 COOLER SHELL, 22M2 10 GASKET 1 HEXAGON HEAD PLUG SCREW 2 GASKET 13 sTUD 4 GASKET 15 INTERMEDIATE PIECE 16 IRON ANODE W GASKET 18 PLUG SCREW FOR ANODE 19 END COVER FOR COOLER 20 COOLER INSERT, 22 M2 2 sTuD Al COOLER, 22 M2 Re GASKET A FLANGE MM HEXAGON SCREW AS GASKET AS HEXAGON SCREW al FLANGE WITH CONICAL PIPE RB HEXAGON SCREW a9 FLANGE WITH CONICAL PIPE Ato GASKET STX Engine 128/320 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL THERMOSTATE 128/32a | Plate No 1 2820-01 V28/32A Plate - 59 - 9404 STX Engine six 128/328 DATE: 96.09.11 PROD INENT PLATE NO LUBRICATING THERMOSTATIC VALVE Lars2a 1.2820.01 rem WEIGHT NO. PART DESCRIPTION raed © | LUBOIL THERMOSTATIC VAL.3", S4DEG. 1 THERMOSTATIV VALVE EXCL. ITEM 2,3,485 2 FLANGE 3 | GASKET 4 | HEXAGON BOLT 5 | HEXAGON NUT 10 | HEXAGON BOLT 20 | GASKET, THERMOSTATIC VALVE, 2.5" & 3° 30 | THERMOSTAT ELEM. L.OIL 54 DEG.C 40 | O-RING 50 | SUPPORTING RING 60 | SPRING WASHER 70 | HEXAGON NUT STX Engine 128/320 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL THERMOSTATE WITH MANUAL OVERRIDE L2g/32a | Plate No 1 2820-02 V28/32A Plate ~ 60 - 9404 STX Engine stx 28/320 DATE: 96.09.11 | PROD INENT PLATE NO LUBRICATING THERMOSTATIC VALVE L2sis2a 1 2820-02 eM WEIGHT Ko PART DESCRIPTION Ha 0 | LUBOIL THERMOSTATIC VAL.3", 54DEG 1 ‘THERMOSTATIV VALVE EXCL. ITEM 2,3,485 2 FLANGE 3 GASKET 4 HEXAGON BOLT 5 HEXAGON NUT 10 HEXAGON BOLT 20 | GASKET, THERMOSTATIC VALVE, 2.5° & 3" 30 | THERMOSTAT ELEM. LOIL 54 DEG.C, MAN. 40 | O-RING 50 | SUPPORTING RING 60 | SPRING WASHER 70 | HEXAGON NUT STX Engine 28/320 6L28/32A. Plate No Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 1 2824-01 Page 1(2) Plate — 61 — STX Engine 28/324 8128/32 | Plate No Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 1 2824.02 Page 1(2) Plate - 62 — STX Engine 28/320 Plate No Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 9L.28/32a | 1 2824-03 Plate. LIV28/32A - 105 - 8902E STX Engine stx 2/328 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPE SL28/32A 1 2824-03 em WEIGHT No. PART DESCRIPTION Tice 2 COVER FOR Ol SEPARATOR B HEXAGON SCREW ir GASKET FOR OIL SEPARATOR 6 INSERT FOR OIL SEPARATOR 60 FLANGE FOR LUB OIL DISTR PIPE 70 SEALING RING 80 HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 2000 FLANGE 2001 GASKET 2003 HEXAGON SCREW 2004 HEXAGON NUT 2005, SUCTION PIPE 2006 GASKET 2007 HEXAGON SCREW 2008 GASKET 2009 THERMOMETER POCKET WITH SCREW 2010 THERMOWETER 0-100C/32-212F 2030 GASKET 2031 HEXAGON SCREW 2032 PRESSURE IPE FROM LUB. OIL PUMP 2033, GASKET 2061 HEXAGON SCREW 2082 LUBR. OIL BY-PASS PIPE, CLOCKWISE 2083, GASKET 2086 GASKET 2074 FLANGE 2075 GASKET 2077 HEXAGON SCREW 2094 INTERMEDIATE FLANGE 2096 HEXAGON SOCKET HEADK CAP SCREW 2120 GASKET 2123 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER 2150 GASKET 2151 HEXAGON SCREW 2152 HEXAGON NUT 2153, LUB. OIL DISTRIBUTING PIPE 828/328 2154 GASKET 2155 STUD 2156 HEXAGON NUT 2330 BANJO COUPLING WITH THROTTLE DISC 2331 PIPE 2332 EQUAL ELBOW COUPLING 2333 PIPE, 2334 STRAIGHT MALE STUD COUPLING 2360 HEXAGON SCREW 2361 GASKET FOR TURBOCHARGER 2362 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER 2363, RUBBER CONNECTION 2390 GASKET 2391 HEXAGON SCREW STX Engine 28/328 Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES “Plate No 6L28/32A | 1 2824-04 '6L/2832A PLT ~ 12-9002 STX Engine six L2gi32h PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 128/324 1 2824-04 rem WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION aes 60 FLANGE FOR LOB OUL DISTR PIPE 70 SEALING RING 80 HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 1000 GASKET 1001 HEXAGON BOLT 1002 HEXAGON NUT 4003 SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OlL PUMP 1004 GASKET 1005, HEXAGON SCREW 1008 GASKET 1009 THERMOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 1010 THERMOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1030 GASKET 1031 HEXAGON SCREW 1032 PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB. Ol PUMP 1064 HEXAGON SCREW 1062 LUB. O. BY-PASS PIPE L28/32A CLOCKW 1063, GASKET 1072 FLANGE 1073, GASKET 4075 HEXAGON SCREW 1094 FLANGE 1096 HEXAGON SCREW 1120 GASKET 1123 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER 4150 GASKET 1151 HEXAGON SCREW 1482 HEXAGON NUT 1453 LUB. OIL. DISTRIBUTING PIPE 8L28/32A 1154 GASKET 1155 STUD 1156 HEXAGON NUT 1330 BANJO COUPLING 1331 PIPE 1332 UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 HEXAGON SCREW 1361 GASKET FOR TURBOCHARGER 1962 LIBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER 1363, RUBBER CONNECTION 1390 GASKET 1391 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME 1395 GASKET 1396 OIL EXTRACTOR L28/32A 1397 HEXAGON SCREW 1398, RUBBER MUFF. 276 1399 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM STX Engine 28/328 Alpha | LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 128/324 Plate No 12824-05 6L/2832A.PLT — 12 - 9009 STX Engine six 2/328 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 20/32 1 2824-05 mem WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION tape 60 FLANGE FOR LOB OUL DISTR PIPE 70 SEALING RING 80 HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 1000 GASKET 1001 HEXAGON BOLT 1002 HEXAGON NUT 1003 SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. Ol PUMP 4004 GASKET 4005 HEXAGON SCREW 1008 GASKET 4009 | THERMOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 1010 | THERMOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1030 GASKET 4031 HEXAGON SCREW 1032 PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB. OIL PUMP. 1081 HEXAGON SCREW 1062 | UB, OIL. BY-PASS PIPE, ANTICLOCKW. 1063 | GASKET 1072 FLANGE 1073, GASKET 1075 HEXAGON SCREW 1094 FLANGE 1096 HEXAGON SCREW 4120 GASKET 1123 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER 1150 GASKET 4154 HEXAGON SCREW 1182 HEXAGON NUT 1153 LUBRICATING OIL DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1154 GASKET 1155 STUD 1156 HEXAGON NUT 1330 BANJO COUPLING 41331 PIPE 1332 UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 HEXAGON SCREW 1361 GASKET FOR TURBOCHARGER 1362 LIBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER 1363 RUBBER CONNECTION 1390 GASKET 1391 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 19392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME 1395 GASKET 1396 OIL EXTRACTOR L28/32A 1397 HEXAGON SCREW 1398 RUBBER MUFF, 276 1309 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM STX Engine 128/328, Plate No Alpha | LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 9128/324 | 1.2824-06 6L/2832A PLT - 12 9002 STX Engine sx 28/328 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES pL zens2A 1 2824-06 mem WEIGHT Ne PART DESCRIPTION fae 60 FLANGE FOR LOB OUL DISTR PIPE 70 | SEALING RING 80 | HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 1000 | GASKET 41001 HEXAGON BOLT 1002 | HEXAGON NUT 1003 SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP 1003 SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP 1004 GASKET 4005 HEXAGON SCREW 1008 GASKET 1009 | THERNOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 1010 | THERVOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1030.1 | HEXAGON SCREW 1030.2 | GASKET 1031.1 | HEXAGON SCREW 103112 | GASKET 1032 PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB, OlL PUMP 1032 PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB. OlL PUMP. 1061 HEXAGON SCREW 1062.1 | LUB. OIL BY-PASS PIPE, ANTICLOCKW. 10622 | LUB. OIL BY-PASS PIPE ANTICLOCKW. 1062'3 | LUB. OIL BY-PASS PIPE CLOCKW. 1062.4 | LUB. O. BY-PASS PIPE L28/32A CLOCKW 1063 GASKET 1072 FLANGE 1073 GASKET 1075 HEXAGON SCREW 1094 FLANGE 1096, HEXAGON SCREW 1120 GASKET 1123 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER 1150 GASKET 1151 HEXAGON SCREW 1482 HEXAGON NUT 1153 LUB. OL. DISTRIBUTING PIPE 9128/324 1154 GASKET 1155 STUD 1156 HEXAGON NUT 1330 BANJO COUPLING 4331 PIPE 1332 UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 HEXAGON SCREW 1361 GASKET FOR TURBOCHARGER 19362 LIBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER 1363 RUBBER CONNECTION 1390 GASKET 1991 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME 1395 GASKET. 1396 OIL EXTRACTOR L28/328 4397 HEXAGON SCREW 1398 RUBBER MUFF, 976 1399 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM STX Engine 128/324, Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 28/324, Plate No 1 2824-07 Plate-61-— STX Engine six L26/32A PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 828/328 1 2624-07 ITEM WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION KILOS 60 FLANGE FOR LOB OUL DISTR PIPE 70 SEALING RING 80 HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 1000 GASKET 1001 HEXAGON SCREW 1002 LOCKING PLATE WITH TAB AND WING 1003 T-PIECE FOR LUB. OIL SUCTION PIPE 1003 T-PIECE FOR LUB. OIL SUCTION PIPE 1004 GASKET 1005 FLANGE 1008 HEXAGON BOLT 1007 HEXAGON NUT 1009 GASKET 1010 HEXAGON BOLT 1011 HEXAGON NUT 1012.1 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP CLOC 10122 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP ANTI 1013 GASKET 1014 HEXAGON SCREW 1030 HEXAGON SCREW 1031 GASKET 1032 PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB. OIL PUMP. 1033 GASKET 1034 HEXAGON SCREW 1060 GASKET 1061 HEXAGON SCREW 1062.1 | LUB, Oll BY-PASS PIPE ANTICLOCKW. 1062.2 | LUB, OIL BY-PASS PIPE CLOCKW. 1071 FLANGE, 1072 GASKET 1074 HEXAGON SCREW 1120 GASKET 1123 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER 1330 BANJO COUPLING 1331 PIPE 1332 UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 HEXAGON SCREW. 1361 GASKET FOR TLRBOCHARGER 1362 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER 1363 RUBBER CONNECTION 1390, GASKET 1391 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME 1305, GASKET 1396 OIL EXTRACTOR L28/32A, 1397 HEXAGON SCREW. 1308 RUBBER MUFF, 76 1309 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM 2150 GASKET 2151 HEXAGON SCREW 2152 HEXAGON NUT 2153 LUB. OIL, DISTRIBUTING PIPE 8L28/32A 2154 GASKET 2155 STUD 2156 HEXAGON NUT STX Engine 128/324, Plate No Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 6L28/32A | 1 2624-08 612832A.PLT - 12-9101 STX Engine six 128/324 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 6L28/32A 1.2624-08 ITEM WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION KILOS 1000 GASKET 1001 HEXAGON BOLT 1002 HEXAGON NUT 1003.1 ‘SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB, OIL PUMP 1003.2 ‘SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP 1004 GASKET 1005 HEXAGON SCREW 1008 GASKET 1009 THERMOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 1010 ‘THERMOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1030 GASKET 1031 HEXAGON SCREW 1032 PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB. OIL PUMP 1061 HEXAGON SCREW 1062 LUB. OIL BY-PASS PIPE, ANTICLOCKW. 1062 LUB. O. BY-PASS PIPE L28/32A CLOCKW 1063 GASKET 1072 FLANGE 1073 GASKET 1075 HEXAGON SCREW 1094 FLANGE 1096 HEXAGON SCREW 1120 GASKET 1121 HEXAGON SCREW 1121 HEXAGON SCREW 1123 LUB OIL PIPE FROM FILTER TO ENGINE 1150 GASKET 1181 HEXAGON SCREW 1152 HEXAGON NUT 1153 LUB. OIL DISTR. PIPE 6L28/32A TC.F. 1154 GASKET 1155 sTUD 1156 HEXAGON NUT 1187 GASKET 1158 FLANGE F LUB. OIL DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1330 THROTTLEFREE BANJO COUPLING 1331 LUB OIL PIPE TO TC. FORE 1332 UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 LUB OIL DRAIN PIPE ON TC. FORE 1361 FLEXIBLE PIPE-CONNECTION 1362 LUB OIL DRAIN PIPE FROM TC. FORE 1363 GASKET 1364 sTUD 1365 HEXAGON NUT 1300 GASKET 1304 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME L28/32A 1395 GASKET 1396 OIL SEPARATOR 1397 HEXAGON SCREW 1398 RUBBER MUFF, 276 1399. HOSE CLIP WITH WORM. STX Engine 128/324, Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 128/324, Plate No 1 2824-09 6L2832A PLT ~ 12-9112 STX Engine six 128/324, DATE: 91.11.21 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L2erszA 1 2624-08 ITEM WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION KILOS 60 FLANGE FOR LOB OUL DISTR PIPE 70 ‘SEALING RING 80 HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 1000 GASKET 1004 SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. 0, TRANSFER P 1002 HEXAGON SCREW 1003 GASKET 1005 FLANGE 1006 HEXAGON BOLT 1007 HEXAGON NUT 1008 GASKET 1009 THERMOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 1010 THERMOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1040 LUB. OIL PIPE FROM PUMP. 1041 GASKET 1042 HEXAGON SCREW 1043 FLANGE 1045, HEXAGON BOLT 1046, HEXAGON NUT 1094 FLANGE 1096 HEXAGON SCREW 1120 GASKET 1123 LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER TO DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1150 GASKET 1151 HEXAGON SCREW 1152 HEXAGON NUT 1153 LUBRICATING OIL DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1154 GASKET 1155 STUD 1156 HEXAGON NUT 1330 BANJO COUPLING 1331 PIPE 1332 UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 HEXAGON SCREW 1361 GASKET FOR TURBOCHARGER 1362 LIBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER 1363 RUBBER CONNECTION 1390 GASKET 1391 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME 1395 GASKET 1396 OIL EXTRACTOR L28/32A, 1397 HEXAGON SCREW 1308 RUBBER MUFF, 276 1309 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM 1420 GASKET 1421 HEXAGON SCREW 1422 LOCKING PLATE WITH TAB AND WING 1423, T-PIECE FOR LUB. O. TRANS. P. SUCT. 1424 GASKET 1425, FLANGE 1426 HEXAGON BOLT STX Engine six L.28/32A DATE: 81.11.21 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L2eis2a 1 2824-09 rem WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION Klos +427__| HEXAGON NUT 1429 | GASKET 1430 | HEXAGON BOLT 4431 | HEXAGON NUT 1432 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP 1433 | GASKET 1434 | HEXAGON SCREW 1450 | GASKET 1451 | DISCHARGE PIPE FROM LUB.O. TR. PUMP 1452 | HEXAGON SCREW 1453 | GASKET 4455 | FLANGE 1456 | HEXAGON BOLT 1457 | HEXAGON NUT STX Engine 128/328, Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L28/32A Plate No 1 2824-10 ‘612832A PLT - 12 - 9202 STX Engine 128/328, Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L28/32A Plate No 1 2824-11 6L.2832A.PLT ~ 12,1 ~ 9202 STX Engine six L28/32A DATE: 96.08.15 | PRODINENT | PLATENO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L28/32A 1 2824-11 ITEM WeicHT re PART DESCRIPTION NEIGH 60 | FLANGE FOR LOB OUL DISTR PIPE 70 | SEALING RING 80 HEXAGON SOCKET LOW HEAD CAP SCREW 1000 GASKET 1001 | HEXAGON BOLT 1002 | HEXAGON NUT 1003 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OlL PUMP 1003 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OlL PUMP 1004 GASKET 1005, HEXAGON SCREW 400s | GASKET 4009 | THERNOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 4010 | THERMOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1030 | GASKET 1031 HEXAGON SCREW 4032 | PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB. OIL. PUMP 1061 | HEXAGON SCREW 1062.1 LUB. OIL BY-PASS PIPE, ANTICLOCKW. 1062.2 LUB. O. BY-PASS PIPE L28/32A CLOCKW 1063 | GASKET 1072 FLANGE 1073 | GASKET 1075 | HEXAGON SCREW toa | GASKET 1096 HEXAGON BOLT 1120 | GASKET 1123 | LUBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM FILTER TO DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1150 GASKET 1151 | HEXAGON BOLT 1152 HEXAGON NUT 4153 | LUBRICATING OIL DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1184 | GASKET 1155 STUD 1156 | HEXAGON NUT 4330 | BANJOCOUPLING 1331 | PIPE 4332 | UNIONW. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360 HEXAGON SCREW 1361 GASKET FOR TURBOCHARGER 1362 | LIBRICATING OIL PIPE FROM TURBOCHARGER, 1363 RUBBER CONNECTION 3300 | GASKET 4391 | HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 | VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME 1395, GASKET 1396 OIL EXTRACTOR L28/32A 1397, HEXAGON SCREW 1398 RUBBER MUFF, 276 1399 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM m1 | cap T2 THERMOMETER PIPE 0-100C/32-212F 14 SEALING RING STX Engine six L28/32A DATE: 96.08.15 PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L2sis2a 1 2824-11 ITEM WEIGHT - PART DESCRIPTION Moe 15 RUBBER RING 16 WASHER 7 NUT 18 THERMOMETER STEM BULB STX Engine 128/324, Alpha LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 128/324, Plate No 1 2824-12 6L2832A PLT ~ 12.2 - 9202 STX Engine sti L28/32A_ DATE: 96.0902 | PRODINENT | PLATENO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES L28/328 1 2824-12 TEM WEIGHT NO. PART DESCRIPTION KILOS 1000 GASKET 1001 HEXAGON BOLT 1002 HEXAGON NUT 4003 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP. 1003 | SUCTION PIPE FOR LUB. OIL PUMP 1004 | GASKET 1005 | HEXAGON SCREW 1008 | GASKET j009 | THERMOMETER POCKET WITH SCEW 4010 | THERMOMETER 0-100C/32-212F 1030 GASKET 1031 | HEXAGON SCREW 4032 | PRESSURE PIPE FROM LUB, OIL PUMP 1061 | HEXAGON SCREW. 1062 LUB. OIL BY-PASS PIPE, ANTICLOCKW. 1062 | LUB.O. BY-PASS PIPE L28/32A CLOCKW 1063 | GASKET 1072 | FLANGE 1073 GASKET 1075 HEXAGON SCREW 3004 | GASKET 1096 | HEXAGON oLT 1120 GASKET 1121 HEXAGON SCREW +121 | HEXAGON SCREW 4123 | LUB OIL PIPE FROM FILTER TO ENGINE 1150 GASKET 1151 HEXAGON SCREW 4162 | HEXAGON NUT 1163 LUB. OIL DISTR. PIPE 6L28/32A TC.F. 1154 GASKET ‘155 | sTuD +186 | HEXAGON NUT 1187 | GASKET 1158 FLANGE F LUB. OIL DISTRIBUTING PIPE 1330 BANJO COUPLING 1331 | LUBOIL PIPE TO TC. FORE 4332 | UNION W. THROTTLE NOZZLE 1360, LUB OIL DRAIN PIPE ON TC. FORE 1361 FLEXIBLE PIPE-CONNECTION 1362 LUB OIL DRAIN PIPE FROM TC. FORE. 1363. | GASKET 1364 | sTuD 4365 | HEXAGON NUT 1300 | GAskeT 1391 HEXAGON SOCKET HEAD CAP SCREW 1392 VENTING PIPE FROM FRAME L28/32A_ 1395 | GASKET 1396 OIL SEPARATOR: 1397 HEXAGON SCREW 1398 | RUBBER MUFF, 076 1399 HOSE CLIP WITH WORM Ti_|_ cap STX Engine sx 128/324 DATE: 96.09.02 | PROD INENT PLATE NO LUBRICATING OIL PIPES 628/328 1224-42 em WEIGHT NO PART DESCRIPTION ates T2 THERMOMETER PIPE 0-100C/32-212F T4 | SEALING RINS 75 | RUBBER RING Te | WASHER W7 NUT 78 | THERMOMETER STEM BULB STX Engine 28/324 1 30. Fresh water system STX Engine

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