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Answer the following questions: (3 items x 10 points)

1) Before deciding on a massive outsourcing initiative, what are the consideration/s in defining the
baseline for service delivery should have been carefully examined by Dell?
 Before deciding on a massive outsourcing initiative Dell must have considered the risks
and opportunities. It has been said in the given activity that outsourcing pc
manufacturing allows Dell to focus on strategic core competencies, including supply
chain design, new product and services development, suppliers, and customer
relationship management. However, they should separate their other supply chain
because it invite new competitors to the industry and undermine the pricing power and
profitability. As a result, Dell must evaluate Risks and Opportunities carefully and
regulate if the factors because it creates neither a positive or negative impact to the
delivery of their services.
2) How can Dell minimize the risks brought by outsourcing based on the attributes of service
 Dell can minimize the risks brought by outsourcing based on the attributes of service
provision by Priority and Costs. Their company must have a plan on how the risks and
opportunities will be a part of insourcing. They should also perform a risk assessment so
that if ever there are problems occurred, appropriate or right actions will be taken right
3) What are the options for service delivery should Dell inject to the company strategy in order to
eliminate outsourcing risks?
 The options for service delivery that Dell should inject in their company strategy in order
to eliminate outsourcing risks are business unit, managing agent and total facility
management. In business unit, since their company is based in Round Rock, Texas and
also owns factories in other countries such as China, Malaysia, India, and Brazil there
might be a risk associated in their supply chain management. Dell’s strategy might suffer
if their transportation is being disrupted like road accident, traffic, etc. In managing
agent, they should be also the who’s responsible for appointing specialist to act as their
organization’s primary professional counsel on facility management. Lastly is total facility
management, in order for them to provide a good service, they should incorporate a
single company who’s responsible in providing a good and quality services and general
management of the facility.

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