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ue Velammal Bodhi Campus, Kolapakkam, Chennai - 128 (A CBSE - IIT/NEET Integrated Senior Sec. School) CLASS: VI -EOGRAPHY: CHAPTI SOCIAL SCIENCE INDIA: PHYSICA! A’ L.CONCEPT MAP, Draw a concept map on three parallel ranges of the Himalayas THREE PARALLEL RANGES OF THE HIMALAYAS. HIMADRI HIMACHAL It is the northern most range of Himalayas Its average height is 6000m above the sea level. Itlies below theHimadri. Its average height is 1500-3000 m. SHIWALIKS It is the outermost range of Himalayas Its average height és 1550 m. It is famous for its high peaks like Mt. Everest, Nanda Devi At is famous for hill stations like Mussoorie and Shimla. Al ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN BRIEF, Name the three ranges of the Himalayas. The three ranges of Himalayas are: » Himadri It is famous for its longitudinal valleys called duns like Kangra and Kashmir Valley > Himachal > Shiwaliks 2, What makes the Northern Plains so fertile? Ans: > The Northern Plains are formed by the deposition of alluvium from three river systemsof the Satluj, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. » This alluvium makes the Northern Plains extremely fertile. 3. Which activity led to the formation of the Deccan Plateau? Ans: > Volcanic Eruption led to the formation of the Deccan Plateau. 4. Write prominent characteristics of the Western Coastal Plain. Ans: The Western Coastal Plain has: > Rocky cliffs and an indented coastline. > No large rivers. > Beautiful backwaters and lagoons, ¢.g., the ones that Kerala is famous for. 5. What are coral polyps? Ans: > Polyps are tiny sea organisms. > When they die, their skeletal remains accumulate on theseabed to form corals, which may eventually get built up into islands. ILHOT: 1. What do you think is the importance of having a variety of physical divisions for a country? Ans: > The wide range of physical features makes the country a total geographical study. > There is a lot of importance of physical features in India because we require water, minerals, forest, sea ports which are found on the physical features > They help us in various means. For eg-plateaus help in extracting minerals. Mountains help to form rivers. IV. MAP ACTIVITY, On an outline map of India, locate each of the following. 1, The Western Coastal Plain and the Eastern Coastal Plain 2. The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats 3. ‘The Greater Himalayas and the Outer Himalayas

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