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CB Project

Supervisor/Instructor: Mahwish J Khan Project Start Date: 9/12/2022

Project end date: 15 th week of semester Project Submissions: 15 th week of semester

Project Description: Major marketing decisions are based on assumptions and knowledge of
consumer behavior, therefore, understanding the motivations and behaviors of consumers is
vital. For this project you will build on concepts from previous lessons to plan and reflect on a
topic in consumer behavior. You will do the following:
1) Talk to your group members and decide upon a particular product that is commonly
used in all of your homes.
2) What brands do you use? Are these brands the same or are they different for you all?
3) For each member within your group, find out:
a. Why do you and/or your family select this brand of product?
b. Who purchases this? Which family member insists on the purchase of this
c. How much does it cost?
d. How often do you buy this product? Where do you buy it from? How do you
dispose of this product?
e. Create a table and insert all the above information in it for each group member.
4) Analyze the data you have collected in 2 & 3 above.
5) Write a 2-3 paged report discussing the differences and similarities you have observed
in how these products are used within your homes. Please base your reflections on any
concepts you have studied (e.g. motivation, culture, personality, social class, reference
group influence etc). The group members will decide which concepts or concepts
(multiple) they will use.
Writeup Format:
Table in MS word: Times new roman font 11, center text alignment, column headings in
Writeup is a word doc file: Times new roman font 12, justified, 1.5 line spacing
APA referencing style (if required).

Irfan Hameed Maaz Alam

Product Nestle bottled water Aquafina bottled water

Cost Rs:850 per 19 LTR BTL Rs:950 per 19 LTR BTL

How often do you buy this On daily purpose On daily purpose


From where Cash n Carry Store Grade One Mart

How you dispose Replace from Cash n Carry Get it replaced from Grade One
Store for new one Mart for new one

Who purchase this Self Self

Who insist purchasing this Elder brother Self

Why you use this brand Nestle water is more widely Aquafina is most popular brand
available of bottled water

Nestle and Aquafina are two of the most popular brands of bottled water in the world, and both
are commonly used in homes around the globe. In this report, we will explore the differences and
similarities in the way that Nestle and Aquafina water are used within our homes, and we will
reflect on the various factors that may influence these patterns of usage.

One of the main differences that we have observed in the use of Nestle and Aquafina water
within our homes is in terms of the motivation behind the choice of brand. For some of us, the
decision to choose Nestle water is driven primarily by considerations of cost, as it is often
available at a lower price point than Aquafina. Others may be motivated by the perceived quality
of the water, with Nestle water being seen as being purer or more natural than Aquafina.

In terms of culture, we have also noticed some differences in the way that Nestle and Aquafina
water are used within our homes. For example, some of us come from cultures where Nestle
water is more widely available and therefore more familiar, while others come from cultures
where Aquafina is more commonly used. This may influence the way that we perceive and value
these different brands of water.

In terms of personality, we have noticed some differences in the way that Nestle and Aquafina
water are used within our homes. Some of us are more brand-conscious and may be more likely
to choose Nestle water due to its reputation and marketing, while others may be more pragmatic
and choose Aquafina based on its availability and cost.
We have also observed some differences in the use of Nestle and Aquafina water based on social
class. In general, we have found that Nestle water is more commonly used by those in higher
social classes, while Aquafina is more commonly used by those in lower social classes. This may
be due to a range of factors, including the perceived quality of the water, the marketing efforts of
the brands, and the availability of the products in different locations.

Finally, we have noticed some differences in the way that Nestle and Aquafina water are used
within our homes based on reference group influence. Some of us may be influenced by the
recommendations or preferences of our friends and family when it comes to choosing a brand of
water, while others may be more independent in their decision-making.

Overall, we have observed a range of differences and similarities in the way that Nestle and
Aquafina water are used within our homes. These patterns of usage are influenced by a range of
factors, including motivation, culture, personality, social class, and reference group influence,
and understanding these factors can help us to better understand consumer behavior in relation to
these brands of water.

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