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Introduction to physics 

This introduction to physics is for anyone with a desire to learn physics.

You are a student in high school and you need  a solid introduction to help you tackle the
jargon you hear from your teacher.

You are in college and you feel like you are falling behind. Get back on tract here before it is
too late 

You are just curious about physics. You have never learned physics before and you need
some good guidelines to get started without the exorbitant cost of taking a course.

Just like mathematics, it is hard to separate physics from  the world we are living in. 

A little history

Everything started with the study of natural philosophy.

Natural philosophy used to be the study of unanswered questions about nature.

As more and more answers are found, natural philosophy became science. 

The physical sciences deal with nonliving things and branch into areas such as
physics, geology, astronomy, and chemistry.

Introduction to physics or rocket science


We will of course study physics here and introduce the most important topics to include

Mechanics :  linear motion, Newton's laws, circular motion, etc.

Properties of matter : liquid , solid, or gas

Electricity and magnetism : electric current, circuits, tec.

What you get on my site is an introduction. You will not be ready to put together a rocket.
However, I will help you understand all the subtleties that will prepare you for more
challenging courses in physics.

No serious study can be done without a good understanding of mathematics.

We will not try to cloud physics with math, but math will help understand physics.  

Keep in mind that the better you understand math, the more comfortable you could be
with physics.

The better you understand physics, the more well rounded you could be with other
branches of sciences. 

        The scientific method

1. Identify a problem
2. Make an educated guess about the answer. This is called hypothesis.
3. Perform experiments to test your hypothesis
4. Formulate a general rule

When the last step in the scientific method is tested over and over again and it is still not
contracted, it is then known as a law or principle.

Sometimes, scientists find new evidence that contradicts a law or principle. In this case, the
previously accepted lay or principle must be rejected until another one is found. 
The introduction to physics you get in this site will explain laws and principles that are
accepted as of today.

Physics is a progressive science as scientists change their mind all the time, so don't be
shock when a change is made.  it is a good thing when they change their minds and find a
better solution to explain our physical world. 

Units of Speed
Learn what the units of speed are. Learn also how to convert a unit to another such
as miles per hour to kilometer per hour

Adding Vectors
adding vectors using arrows is what you will learn here

Trigonometric Identities
A list of the basic trigonometric identities with some good illustrations.

Definition of Speed
A definition of speed is given with crystal clear explanations and examples

Definition of Velocity
A definition of velocity is given with crystal clear explanations and examples. Velocity
versus speed is also explained.

Definition of Acceleration
A definition of acceleration is given with crystal clear explanations and examples.
The difference between speed and acceleration is also explained.

Free Fall Equations

Find here the free fall equations and an explanations of where these equations came

Graph of Speed
Learn to read the graph of speed versus time

Definition of Inertia
A definition of inertia along with great discoveries by famous mathematicians and
physicians such as Galileo and Newton

Newton's Second Law

Newton's second law of motion is explained here in plain English. Learn how to
derive the formula F = m x a

Third Law of Newton

Explanations and examples of the third law of newton. Learn about action and

How to Calculate Momentum

This lesson will show you how to calculate the momentum of moving objects

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