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2, 17-26, June 1998

Japanese Geotechnical Society



DoNGQING Wui), BENGT B. BRoMsii) and VICTOR CHoAiii)

The paper presents the results from a series of tests in Shanghai, PRC on laterally loaded single piles in a medium
stiff clay. The diameter of the piles varied from 0.09 m to 0.60 m. The piles were instrumented with strain gauges to de-
termine the moment distribution along the piles and the lateral deflections.
The test results from the static load tests have been analyzed assuming that the load-displacement relationship of
the soil is hyperbolic. The assumed p-y curves could be related to the stress-strain curves as determined by triaxial
tests. Numerical values on the coefficients, Rr, A, k and e50 used in the analysis of the test results are discussed in the
paper. However, a reduced shear strength had to be used when the clay is overconsolidated.

Key words: clays, cohesive soil, lateral resistance, load tests, offshore structures, piles, p-y curves, static loading
(IGC: E4)

bank of the Huangpu River, consists of yellow to grey

INTRODUCTION stiff fissured overconsolidated clay down to about 4 m
Offshore structures, such as drilling and production depth and of stratified stiff silty clay as shown in Fig. 3.
platforms, are subjected to high horizontal loads caused The ground water level was located above the bottom of
by wave and wind forces. Large-diameter steel pipe piles the 2.0 m deep trenches where the tests were carried out.
are normally utilized to resist the resulting high lateral The shear strength of the clay was determined in the
loads. laboratory by anisotropically consolidated undrained
A large number of lateral load tests on single in-
strumented steel pipe piles have been carried out in both
cohesive and cohesionless soils (Reese et al., 1974, 1975a,
1975b, 1986) and methods have been developed to
predict the lateral deflection and ultimate lateral
resistance of both single piles and pile groups using p-y
The main purpose of this investigation was to improve
presently used design methods usingp-y curves for lateral-
ly loaded piles.
The lateral resistance of single steel pipe piles with
0.09 m to 0.6 m diameter driven into a medium stiff clay
with an average undrained shear strength of 40 kPa has
been investigated at a site located 40 km southwest of
Shanghai, PRC as shown in Fig. 1. The location of the in-
vestigated 3.0 to 14.0 m long test piles which were in-
stalled in October, 1984 is shown in Fig. 2. Table 1 shows
a list of test piles.

The soil at the test site, which is located on the left Fig. 1. Location of test site

i) Former Research Scholar, School of Civil and Structural Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798.
ii) Professor, ditto.
iii) Professor, ditto.
Manuscript was received for review on September 5, 1994.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before January 1, 1999 to the Japanese Geotechnical Society, Sugayama Bldg., 4F,
Kanda Awaji-cho, 2-23, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0063, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.


This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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18 WU ET AL.

0 Pile test Table 1. Lateral load tests with single piles

Field vane test
~ Borehole Distance from
Pile Pile Pile the loading Type of
Test diameter length stiffness point to the
(m) (m) (MNm2 ) loading
ground surface

1 0.16 4.6 1.830 1.17 static

2 0.09 3.0 0.187 0.30 cyclic

II 0
6 5 4 3 2
0 0 0 0 3 0.09 3.0 0.195 0.28 static
0 0
I ooo
II .;:~0 ·o:·.a:·o o ·o
4 0.09 3.0 0.182 0.28 static
g7 ~8 :9 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
(19) (20) (21)

5 0.09 3.0 0.196 0.28 static

-$-BHl -$-sH2
6 0.09 3.0 0.216 0.29 cyclic
Road 204 To city
10 0.16 4.4 1.860 0.53 cyclic

Fig. 2. Location of test piles, borings and field vane tests 12 0.16 4.2 1.860 0.53 static

13 0.20 6.0 5.62 0.29 static

14 0.30 12.5 27.9 0.37 cyclic

triaxial tests, ACU-tests and by undrained triaxial tests
(UU-tests) as shown in Fig. 3. The strength and deforma- 15 0.60 14.0 153.3 0.37 static
tion properties have also been evaluated in the field by 16 0.60 14.0 153.3 0.40 static
vane, pressuremeter, and cone penetration tests (CPT).
17 0.50 14.0 97.9 0.72 static
The field vane tests were carried out after the completion
of the pile load tests. The shear strength, when the soil is 18 0.20 12.0 5.61 0.38 static
normally consolidated corresponds to a cui P~o-ratio of 19 0.60 14.0 153.3 1.88 cyclic
0.25, as shown in Fig. 3.
20 0.60 14.0 153.3 1.93 cyclic
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the shear strength of the
clay varied between the boreholes and that the measured 21 0.50 14.0 97.9 1.82 cyclic
shear strengths had a tendency to decrease with increas- It should be noted that the piles were sufficiently long to behave as
ing depth. It should be noted that the clay is normally infinitely long piles. The bottom of the test piles was protected by a steel
consolidated or slightly overconsolidated 5 m below the plate to prevent soil and water from entering the pile during the driving.
bottom of the test trenches and that the shear strength as The piles were tested about two months after the installation and thus
determined by the triaxial ACU -tests was slightly higher after the reconsolidation of the disturbed soft clay around the piles.

Depth,m Soil Description, Water content. %,

2 Yellow-grey clay
J ob+- +-
• +- +- I +
4--------- • +- + o
_+_ _j+
I+: + +-
+ + \
+1 +o \
a + ++ 0 "
+ * I+ + Assumed shear strength
0 0
Clayey silt with
some fine sand

11 + + ++

12--------- ++ +
13 a • g + +
Clayey silt + 0

15 -----

16 c 0 ,= 0.25 0 0
Silty clay vO

I 11 liquid liai t
Water content
Vane tests
Triaxial tests (ACU-tests)
Plastic li1it Triaxial tests (UU-tests)

Fig. 3. Composite soil profile

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than that determined by the field vane tests as could be ex- and that
pected. It has therefore been assumed in the following P-2
analysis that the average undrained shear strength of the P-1 =RJ. (6)
clay is 40 kPa down to 5 m depth and 25 kPa between 5
and 10m as shown in Fig. 3. The clay is assumed to be The coefficient R1 is a constant for most soils. However,
normally consolidated or slightly overconsolidated below the coefficient P (8 to 12) is a function of the shear
a depth of 10m. strength.
The water content, the liquid and the plastic limits of
the stiff clay are also shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen that
the water content near the bottom of the trenches is close PILE LOAD TESTS
to the plastic limit which suggests that the soil is overcon- The diameter of the investigated steel pipe piles ranged
solidated due to desiccation. The average unit weight of from 0.09 m to 0.60 m as mentioned above. The wall
the stiff clay was determined to 17 kN I m 3. thickness was 4 mm to 10 mm depending on the pile di-
The samples at the triaxial tests (ACU-tests) were ameter.
reconsolidated anisotropically to simulate the in-situ The moment distribution in the piles was measured
stress conditions. The lateral confining pressure cor- with strain gauges attached to the inside surface of the
responded to the estimated in-situ lateral effective stress piles. Four gauges were attached to the piles at each level.
(K0 a~) 55% to 60% of the estimated vertical effective The spacing of the strain gauges was varied depending on
stress (Ko=0.55 to 0.60). the diameter of the piles and the distance to the ground
surface. The spacing of the strain gauges was reduced in
the part of the piles close to the ground surface.
STRESS-STRAIN RELATIONSHIP OF TRIAXIAL The strain gauges of each pile were carefully calibrated
TESTS using weights which were attached to the piles. The stiff-
It was observed in the triaxial tests (ACU- and UU- ness of each pile as determined from the deflections of
tests) that the shape of the stress-strain relationship could the loaded piles is shown in Table 1. The pile stiffness
be approximated by a hyperbola as proposed by Duncan (Eplp) varied from 0.182 MNm2 to 153.3 MNm2 • The vari-
and Chang (1970) ation was thus large.
e The lateral deflections of the loaded piles were meas-
(ai-a3)=--b- (1) ured at the bottom of the test trench, at the level of the ap-
a+ e plied load and about 1.0 m above the load level. The cor-
where (a1- a3) is the deviator stress, a and b are con- responding angular rotation ((}) was determined from the
stants and e is the axial strain. In this equation the initial measured lateral deflections of the pile.
modulus of elasticity of the soil (Ei) corresponds to 1I a The lateral load was applied by a hydraulic jack in ten
and the ultimate strength (a I - a3)11R1 to 1 I b where increments. The distance of the applied load (e0 ) above
R1= (a I - a3)JI (a1- a3)utt· At half the failure strength, the bottom of the trench was 0.28 m to 1.93 m depending
0.5(ai- a3)J on the pile diameter. The load was kept constant for 10
to 60 minutes at each load increment depending on the
0.5(ai- a3)J 1
eso (2) load level (Table 2) as recommended by ASTM (D3966-
Ei 1-0.5Rf 81).
The strain eso at half the failure strength of the investi- The moment distributions in Piles 1, 3 and 17 with
gated soil samples varied between relatively narrow
limits, 0.0143 and 0.0170 (1.4% to 1. 7%). It should be Table 2. Loading conditions
noted that eso=0.015 corresponds to Ei= 59(a I - a 3 )1 as-
Applied Time at each
suming that R1 =0.875. Equation (2) can be rewritten as Load lateral load load increment
increment (minutes)
(a I - a3) el eso
(3) 1 0.2 10min
(ai-a3)J P P-2 e
P-1 P-1 eso 2 0.4 10min

where 3 0.5 15 min

4 0.6 15 min
P=ewol eso (4) 5 0.7 20min
(a1- a3)J 6 0.8 20min

and ewo is the strain at the deviator stress (a1- a 3 )1 at 7 0.85 20min
failure. 8 0.90 25min
It should be noted that
9 0.95 25 min
P (a1- a3)J 10 1.00 60min
P-1 Eieso

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20 WU ET AL.

Moment, kNm Moment, kNm Moment, kNm

10 20 30 40 0

0.5 3

1.0 6

1.5 9

2.0 5 12

Depth, m Depth , m Depth, m

a • D=O. 09 m (Test 3) b. D=O.l6 m (Test 1) c. D=O. 50 m (Test 17)

Fig. 4. Measured moment distribution

y/yso P/Pu y/yso

P7Pu P/Pu
2.0 40

12 1.5 32



0 j2· 4 6 8 10 12 14 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
y/yso y/yso y/yso
1.0 y/yso

a. 0=0.16 m (Testl,l0and12) c. D=0.20 m (Test 13 and 18)

P/Pu P/Pu
P/Pu P/Pu



0 10.0 20.0 6 2 4 6 810121416 0 4 8 12 16 A>

0 5.0 10.0
y/yso y/yso
y/y so

b . D =0 . 0 9 rn (Test 3, 4 and 5) d. D=O.SO m (Test 17)

Fig. 5. Experimental p-y curves

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0.16 m, 0.09 m and 0.50 m diameter respectively are

shown in Fig. 4. It can be seen from this figure that the
maximum bending moment increased with increasing ap- 1400
plied load and that the location of the maximum bending z 1200
moment moved downward when the lateral load was in-
creased. 0.
Q) 1000
The shape of the p-y curves as determined by the pile u
load tests was hyperbolic. The following equation was c::
.w 800
found to fit the test results Cl)
P YIYso Q) 600
(7) 0::
PI pl-2
Pu f3 1 _
+ f3 Y / Yso
1 _
·rl 400

where /3 is equal to Ywo! Yso= (2- Rr)/ (1- Rr) and Yso
and y 100 are the lateral displacements of the pile at 0.5Pu
and P u, respectively. P u is the ultimate lateral resistance
of the soil. 0 5 10 15 4)
The results from the tests with the 0.09 m, 0.16 m,
0.20 m and 0.50 m diameter piles are shown in Fig. 5 (Wu Deflection y, mm
et al., 1991). a. 0=0.61 m

The average values for f3 and /3 have been evaluated

from triaxial and pile load tests, respectively. It was z
found that /3=/3 =9 for the tests carried out in
Shanghai, China in a medium stiff clay. A value of
/3 = 11 was obtained by Reese et al. (1975a) from lateral
1 Q)
load tests with piles in stiff clay (Fig. 6). It can be seen c::
from this figure that the shape of the p-y curves is approx- Cl)
imately hyperbolic. It should be noted, however, that an Cl) 100
average value of /3=/3 =9 corresponds to R 1 =0.875. At 0::
f3 = 11 the coefficient R1=0.90.
Lateral load tests in soft clay by Matlock (1970) which 0
were carried out in a soft normally consolidated clay with 0 5 10 15 20
an average undrained shear strength (cu) of 14.2 kPa indi-
cated a value for /3 of 8. Deflection y, mm
The coefficients f3 and f3 have thus a tendency to in-
b. 0=0.15 m
crease with increasing shear strength from 8 for soft
clays, 9 for medium stiff clays and to 11 to 12 for stiff Fig. 6. Experimental p-y cnrves in two piles tested by Reese et al.
clays. The shape of the stress-strain relationship in triaxi-
al tests (UU- and ACU-test) with clay as well as the p-y
curves from lateral load tests in soft to stiff clays have
also a tendency to be hyperbolic. tic range. McClelland and Focht (1956) indicate that the
The present investigation indicates that the lateral stress-strain relationship as determined by triaxial tests
resistance of the piles does not decrease when the deflec- (UU- or ACU-tests) and the p-y curves from the pile load
tion is large (y > Ywo) and that in stiff to hard clay when tests are related through the coefficient A.
the clay is highly overconsolidated the lateral resistance
Yso=AesoD (8)
might decrease when deflection exceeds Ywo as pointed
out by Reese et al. (1975b). However, the reduction of where D is the diameter of the pile and A is a coefficient
the lateral resistance is usually not large and can general- equal to 2.5 for soft clay (Matlock, 1970) and 1.0 for stiff
ly be neglected. clay (Reese et al., 1975a, 1975b).
The relationship between the p-y curves from pile load
tests and the stress-strain curves from triaxial tests can be
COEFFICIENTS A AND k derived as follows.
The triaxial tests (ACU-tests) and the lateral load tests Vesic (1961) has found that the coefficient of subgrade
indicate that the shape of the stress-strain relationships reaction k is related to the equivalent modulus of elastici-
from the triaxial tests and the p-y curves from the lateral ty (Es) and Poisson's ratio (vs) of the soil and the stiffness
load tests are similar within both the elastic and the plas- of the pile (Eplp)

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Coefficient, A

where Dis the pile diameter. Since lp=D 4 / 12 for a pile Normally consolidated
with a square cross-section, EP is about 30,000 MPa for clays (OCR= 1.0)
precast concrete piles and Es is approximately equal to 4 )
about 1OOOcu when the clay is overconsolidated. Then
0.34 -/C: Es 6 Over consolidated
clays (OCR> 5.0)
k D · (1- v;) . (10)

For a heavily overconsolidated clay with cu= 100 kPa

k=0.49 D(1- v;) . (11) 12

Depth/Diameter, x/D
For a normally consolidated clay with cu= 10 kPa and
Es=250cu then k=0.37Es/ D(1-v;). Fig. 7. The variation of the coefficient A with the depth
This equation is simplified to k=0.49Es/ D at v=0.5.
Since k=P/ (yD) and Es=(ai- a3)/ e then for a normal-
ly consolidated clay
to an average value on A for the full depth.
P (a1- a3) Stevens and Audibert (1980) have found that A =8.9/
-=0.49 D . (12)
yD e /D where Dis the diameter in inches. At D=20 in (0.5
m) the coefficient A= 1.99 which compares well with the
At P=0.5Pu and (ai-a3)=0.5(ai-a3)J then
value that has been estimated at the ground surface piles
0.5Pu 0.5(ai -a3)J when the clay is overconsolidated.
--=0.49 . (13) The initial slope of the p-y curve (ki) can then be eval-
YsoD esoD
uated since the shape of the two curves is similar.
Since Pu=NpcuD and (ai-a3)t=2cu
0.5Npcu 0.4 ~ kiD= A Ei.
9 (14)
Yso esoD
Since the coefficient A= Np for a normally consolidated
and clay and A =0.77 Np for an overconsolidated clay then
0.5Np ki=0.5Ed D and 0.65Ed D respectively.
Yso=-- esoD~NpesoD. (15)
For a normally consolidated clay A is thus approximately DEFORMATION tso
equal to NP. The axial deformation eso of a clay sample at half the
For an heavily overconsolidated clay failure strength 0.5(ai- a3)1 depends mainly on the over-
0.5Np consolidation ratio. It is suggested that eso= 1.0% to 2%,
Yso=-- esoD=0.77NpesoD. (16) 0.5% and 0.25% when the clay is normally consolidated
(OCR= 1.0), slightly overconsolidated (OCR= 2 to 5),
A is thus equal to 0. 77 Np when the clay is heavily over- and heavily overconsolidated (OCR> 5) respectively.
consolidated. These values correspond to an Es/ Cu-ratio of 50 to 400.
It is expected that the bearing capacity factor (Np) will Reese et al. (1975b) have proposed that eso=0.7%, 0.5%
vary with depth. At the ground surface Np is 2 to 3 while and 0.4% for a heavily overconsolidated clay when the
at a depth of 4D to 5D the bearing capacity factor Np is 9 shear strength is 50 to 100 kPa, 100 to 200 kPa, and 200
to 11 (Matlock, 1970; Reese et al., 1975b). The corre- to 400 kPa respectively. These values agree closely with
sponding variation of the coefficient A with depth is those proposed above.
shown in Fig. 7 since A =Np for a normally consolidated The deformation properties of stiff to hard clays
clay and A =0.77 Np for a heavily overconsolidated clay. should preferably be investigated in the field by pres-
It can be seen from Fig. 7 that A =2.5 at the ground suremeter tests. It should be noted that the pressuremeter
surface for a normally consolidated clay. This coefficient modulus as determined at reloading of the clay should be
is expected to increase .linearly with increasing depth used in the analysis due to the disturbance of the soil dur-
from 2.5 to 10 when the depth increases from 0 to 5D ing the drilling of the boreholes.
where D is the pile diameter. For an overconsolidated
clay the coefficient A is expected to increase from 1. 9 at
the ground surface to 7.7 at a depth of 5D. It is interest- UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH cu
ing to note that A =2.5 has been recommended by the The most difficult part in the analysis of laterally
American Petroleum Institute (1989) which corresponds loaded piles is the evaluation of the average undrained

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shear strength of medium to stiff clays since it is affected 30%. Test results thus indicate that the undrained shear
by cracks and fissures in the clay and thus by the size of strength had to be reduced when the clay is overconsoli-
the investigated samples. Therefore the shear strength of dated. The following reductions are proposed in Table 3.
a clay at a given test site should preferably be determined
by several different test methods.
Penetration and, pressuremeter tests (Baguelin et al., ULTIMATE LATERAL RESISTANCE
1978; Briaud et al., 1982) have been used to evaluate the Since the shape of the stress-strain curves from the
shear strength and the deformation properties of both co- triaxial tests (UU-, CU- and ACU-tests) is similar to the
hesive and cohesionless soils. However, the disturbance p-y curves at pile load tests then
caused by the drilling of the boreholes for the pres- PIPu ((JI-a3)1(at-a3)J
suremeter tests can significantly affect the results. This dis- (19)
turbance is reduced if a selfboring pressuremeter is used. Y I Yso el eso
It should be noted that the lateral resistance of both sin- However, the ultimate lateral resistance of a cohesive soil
gle piles and of pile groups is mainly affected by the is related to the shear strength of the clay Cu = 1I
strength and deformation properties of the soil close to 2[a 1 - a 3]1 through the bearing capacity factor Np
the ground surface down to a depth that corresponds to
Np(at- a3)JD
about five to ten pile diameters depending on the shear Pu • (20)
strength of the soil (Matlock, 1970; Reese et al., 1975b). 2
The lateral resistance of laterally loaded piles is also It should be noted that the bearing capacity factor Np will
affected by the pile type (displacement, small displace- increase with increasing depth. A wedge analysis has
ment or non-displacement piles) and by the change of the been used e.g. by Reese (1975b) to evaluate Np taking
deformation properties of the soil that takes place during into account the shear resistance of the soil along the
and after the installation of the piles due to reconsolida- sides of the wedge. The coefficient Np is estimated to be 2
tion of the soil. to 3 at the ground surface and 9 to 11 at a depth of 4D to
The ultimate resistance of a laterally loaded pile is 5D.
generally calculated from the equation


where Np is a bearing capacity factor and Cu is the un- The following procedure is proposed to obtain p-y
drained shear strength as evaluated by undrained triaxial curves:
or direct shear tests, unconfined compression or by field • Determine the coefficient P from triaxial tests (UU-,
vane tests. The estimated lateral resistance will be too CU- or ACU-test). If results from triaxial tests are not
high in stiff fissured clays when the shear strength is eval- available use P=8 for soft clay, {J=9 for medium stiff
uated by field vane tests or by cone penetration tests due clay and {J= 11 to 12 for stiff clay.
to cracks and fissures in the soil. • Calculate Yso=AesoD, where A =Np for normally con-
Marsland (1971) found from in-situ plate load tests car- solidated clays and A= 0. 77 Np for heavily overconsoli-
ried out at the bottom of boreholes using a 0.865 m di- dated clays (Fig. 7). The coefficient Np is assumed to in-
ameter plate that the back-calculated undrained shear crease linearly with depth from 2 to 3 at the ground
strength is about 25% of that determined by field vane surface to 9 to 11 at a depth of 4D to 5D.
tests. The average shear strength as determined by triaxi- • Evaluate Pu=0.5NpD(at-a3)J where (at-a3)J=2cu.
al tests (UU-tests) had to be reduced by about 30% to cor- The undrained shear strength is affected by the testing
respond to the measured bearing capacity of the soil. method and the overconsolidation ratio as indicated in
Marsland (1974) also found that the shear strength as Table 3.
determined by cone penetration tests had to be reduced • Determine the p-y relationship assuming that {J' ={J
by about 50% to correspond to the bearing capacity of
large diameter plate load tests while the shear strength (7)
from pressuremeter tests had to be reduced by about Pu fJ' fJ' -2 •
fJ, _ 1 + fJ, _ 1 Y I Yso

Table 3. Proposed reduction of the undrained shear strength Cu

Triaxial Cone
Overconsolidation tests Field vane penetration
ratio, OCR UU-tests tests tests
The calculated moment distribution and the deflection
at the ground surface for the laterally loaded piles in the
1-2 o. 0 0 present investigation (Shanghai, PRC) have been com-
2-8 15% 50% 25% pared with the observed moment distribution and the ob-
>8 30% 75% 50%
served deflection. The moment distribution and deflec-
tion at the ground surface have also been investigated for
The proposed reduction is large for field vane and cone penetration the piles tested at Austin, Sabine Pass and at Manor in
tests when the clay is overconsolidated. USA.

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24 WU ET AL.

Shanghai, PRC analysis. The coefficient A has been assumed to increase

The shear strength of the stiff clay as determined by the linearly with depth from 2.2 at the ground surface to 8.8
field vane tests varied within the site as can be seen in Fig. at 5D. The strain at half the ultimate strength (e 50 ) has
3. The clay is overconsolidated at the surface down to been assumed to be 0.25% which corresponds to that of a
about 8 m depth. An average undrained shear strength heavily overconsolidated clay.
(cu) of 40 kPa has therefore been used in the following It can be seen from Fig. 8 that the agreement between
the measured and the calcula~ed moment distributions
for the pile with 0.16 m diameter is very satisfactory. In
Moment, kNm general the predicted bending moment in the lower part
of the pile is somewhat too high. The maximum bending
moment and the lateral deflection for the piles with 0.09
m, 0.16 m, 0.20 m and 0.50 m diameter {Tests 3, 1, 13
and 17 respectively) are shown in Figs. 9(a) to 9(d). The
agreement between calculated and measured values is
very satisfactory.
It should be noted that eso is affected by the disturbance
caused by the sampling. A relatively low value on eso
(0.25%) has therefore been assumed since the clay is over-
consolidated at the ground surface due to desiccation. If
a value on eso= 1.5% is chosen instead of e50 =0.25%
then the difference between the computed and measured
deflections at the ground surface is about 60%. The corre-
sponding difference between computed and measured
c 1easured maximum bending moments is much smaller (Wang et
co~puted al., 1991).

Depth, m Austin and Sabine Pass, USA

Matlock (1970) has investigated the lateral resistance
Fig. 8. Comparison between measured and computed moment curves of a 0.324 m diameter steel pipe pile with a length of 12.8
on 0.16-m diameter pile (Test 1) mat Austin and at Sabine Pass in Texas, USA. The in-

Load, kN Load, kN
60 Load, kN Load, kN
25 25

/~ /
20 20
w /"


10 10 20

o 1easured o 1easured
5 / ....,H 5 - coaputed - cotputed
- coaputed - co~puted
0+---~20----~40----~60 0+-~10--~20---3~0.~0
0 "io ~0
Maximum moment, kNm Deflection, mm
Maximum moment, kNm Deflection, mm

a. 0=0.16 m (Test 1) c. D=O. 20 m (Test 13)

Load, kN Load, kN Load, kN Load, kN

8 8 200

6 150 150

4 4 100 100

2 o ~easured
50 50
c 1easured c 1easured
- coaputed - COipUted - cotputed

20 40------w
Maximum moment, kNm Deflection, mm Maximum moment, kNm Deflection, mm

b. D=O. 09 m (Test 3) d. 0=0.50 m (Test 17)

Fig. 9. Comparisons between measured and computed maximum moments and deflections for the Shanghai tests

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strumented pile was driven into a medium stiff or a soft

clay with an average undrained shear strength obtained CONCLUSIONS
from UU- and ACU-tests of about 40 kPa and 15 kPa, re- 1. A series of lateral load tests with instrumented single
spectively close to the ground surface. piles have been carried out in Shanghai, PRC. The di-
A comparison between measured and calculated distri- ameter of the piles varied from 0.09 m to 0.60 m.
bution of the maximum bending moments is shown in 2. The hyberbolic shape of the stress-strain curves from
Figs. 10(a) and 10(b). It has been assumed in the calcula- the triaxial tests (UU-, ACU-tests) and of the p-y
tions that e50 is 1.0% and 2.0% for the medium stiff clay curves from the lateral load tests has been used to es-
and for the soft clay, respectively. The shear strength at timate the lateral deflections and the moment distri-
the Austin site has been reduced by 25% from 40 kPa to bution in the laterally loaded piles.
30 kPa since the clay is overconsolidated at the ground 3. The results from the laboratory triaxial tests and the
surface. Also for these tests the agreement between meas- field load tests could be related through a coefficient
ured and calculated bending moments is satisfactory. A, which was found to be independent of the pile di-
ameter. This coefficient increased linearly from the
Manor, USA ground surface down to a depth of 4D to 5D. Below
The lateral resistance of a 15.3 m long steel pipe with this critical depth A was constant. The value on the
0.61 m diameter has been investigated by Reese et al. coefficient A was reduced approximately by 20% to
(1975a; 1975b). The measured undrained shear strength 25% when the clay was overconsolidated.
of the clay (UU-tests) increased with increasing depth 4. It should be noted that the hyperbolic stress-strain
from about 100 kPa at the ground surface to about 300 relationship of the soil could be characterized by the
kPa at 3.7 m depth. strain eso at half the failure load and by the failure
The measured and the calculated maximum moments strength of the soil (at- 0'3)1 as determined by triaxi-
and deflections are shown in Fig. 11. It has been assumed al tests (UU- and ACU-tests).
in the calculations that e50 =0.5% and that the shear 5. A reduced shear strength had to be used in the calcu-
strength is 50 kPa at the ground surface and 100 kPa at lations when the clay is overconsolidated. The reduc-
3.0 m depth (5D). The difference between measured and tion increased with increasing overconsolidation ra-
calculated bending moments and deflections is small. tio of the soil.

Load, kN Load, kN
The Authors are grateful to Assoc. Prof. Wong
'"r Huichu of Hohai University, Nanjing, PRC who was the

sol/ project manager and to State Institute of Seaship Stan-


dards in Shanghai, PRC for releasing the data.

20 c 1easured
- coaputed - co1puted
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