The Effects of Social Media To The Academic Performance of Senior High School Students of Immaculate Conception Academy During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Presented by:

lya Shaniece Antonio

Kristian Aguilar

Chloe Shazny Cabuyaon

Kwenzle Angelo Orata

Kate Marianne Ramirez

Bensen Barroga Ugot

Submitted to:

MS. Jessa Mae Rielly B. Arzaga

Practical Research II Adviser

September 2022


Background of the study

Mobile applications are a significant part of our lives, especially the applications that

help solve particular problems at certain stages of our lives or those that are the very object

of our work. In the field of education, mobile applications have been integrated in the

teaching of lessons or in the transmission of information. Various applications on the market

have been largely adopted for the information transmission from the educational

environment. TikTok is one of these applications, and in this study we aim to analyze the

advantages and disadvantages of using this application in the educational environment.

The Addiction to the usage of Social Media, specifically tiktok has extremely

increased in recent times especially when Covid 19 pandemic happens. The perils of its

effects on the academic performance of the over-involved students are disturbing. Academic

performance which is depicted by the grades of students is a great concern student that

spends excessive time on tiktok become dependent on it and it is believed that their academic

performance diminishes proportionately. It is perceived that school grades will suffer when

spending too much time on tiktok as valuable study time is lost. These therefore necessitate

the study of the effect of tiktok on the academic performance of Senior High school in

Immaculate Conception Academy.

Purpose of the Study

This study will uncover the effects of Tiktok in the academic performance of senior

high school students of Immaculate conception academy. Furthermore, this quantitative

research study will investigate how much of the senior high school students in Immaculate
Conception Academy uses this application. The researchers hope to discover both the

positive and negative effects of using Tiktok so that individuals can recognize how it may

affect them specifically in terms of academic performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study focuses on the effects of Tiktok and aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of Tiktok on the academic performance of senior high school


2. What makes Tiktok compelling to the senior high school students of Immaculate


3. What percentage of the senior high school students of Immaculate Conception

Academy use Tiktok?

Significance of the Study

The Coronavirus Pandemic has taken the world by surprise, causing the entire world

and its people to behave differently, from public places to academic institutions. Because of

the pandemic, people were confined to their homes and kept everyone at a safe distance,

allowing students to use tiktok as their primary source of news and entertainment.

The findings of this study will contribute to the advantage of people not only the senior high

school students of Immaculate Conception Academy but to everyone. Through this study,

people will be able to know the various effects of tiktok to the academic performances of the

senior high school students during the pandemic. The information gathered in this study will

serve as a guide to people who are having trouble in their academic performances, and to

tiktok. Parents can also profit from this research in a way that this will serve as a warning or

notice to how tiktok could affect their children.

Scope and Delimitation

The goal of this research is to know the effects of tiktok to the Academic performance

of Senior High School students of Immaculate Conception Academy. This study also

considers how many students were using tiktok.

Furthermore, this research will cover the advantages and disadvantages of tiktok to the

students. It will also evaluate facts that would gather from the Senior High School students,

through a survey questionnaire. The researchers will gather needed respondents from

different sections in Senior High School students. The students will be chosen from various

sections of the Senior High School Students in order to avoid having the same answer.

Only the Senior High School Students of Immaculate Conception Academy of the school

year 2022-2023 will be chosen to participate in the study because they are the one who can

justify and give their perspective.

Definition of Terms

Mobile Application

Applications that help address specific difficulties at different phases of our life or

that are the very purpose of our work are an important part of our lives. It is also utilized in

the education field for lesson teaching or dissemination of information.


It is one of the applications that is being adopted that are being used in transmiting

information from the educational environment. The researcher also aims to analyze the

advantages and disadvantages of using this application in the educational environment, in this


The extremely increased of the usage of social media in the society today, particularly

when the COVID-19 occurs.

Academic Performances

The grades of the students that are being depicted in too much using social media like

networking like TikTok. And in concern for the students.



This chapter comprises the foreign literature, foreign studies, local literature, local

studies, and conceptual framework of this study. The information contained in this chapter

was gathered from various websites and books that are related to our study. 


Since launching a couple of years ago, TikTok has become one of the most popular

social media apps. Allowing users to post short videos, during the worldwide lockdowns this

year, the app became the perfect distraction for young people. Alongside fun dance

challenges and comedic sketches, there are many interesting and educational videos on the

app. Due to time limitations, TikTok creators edit their videos to make the most out of 65

seconds they have. Thanks to his concise format, TikTok vines are irresistible for youngsters

and, at the same time, they allow teachers to provide short and clear chunks of information

which is much easier to remember and understand. Plus, a video format makes it much more

engaging for students than a traditional textbook to study.

Tiktok on the academic performance of students

According to Butler(2021), majority of TikTok users are currently studying be that in

high school or university. This makes TikTok a somewhat undeniable potential tool for

enhancing education. Many of the apps users have perfected the art of making their videos go

viral, which is enough of an incentive for students who can simultaneously become more

creative with their ways of learning. Although TikTok is meant for socializing, it also

presents itself as a great tool for creating engaging educative content.

 TikTok keeps classes engaged and connected

With the challenges around the world this year, and many students studying from

home, TikTok and other social media sites have allowed teachers and students to remain

connected. Having a physical connection with teachers is essential for accountability and

promoting engagement among students. Without feeling like their teacher is still present, it’s

easy for students to disconnect from their studies. Some teachers have turned to social media

for lessons, challenges and assignments for their students. By adapting to the technology

students love to use in their free time, teachers find their engagement levels with work are

higher. While TikTok and other similar social media sites can be a huge distraction when

used at inappropriate times, they are a great educational resource. By keeping lesson plans

relevant to our current world, teachers are more likely to engage their students and keep them

interested in education. With the challenges we are currently facing, and many students still

learning at home, TikTok and related sites are a fun way to still feel connected to your

classmates. Next time you’re on the app, take a look at some of the fun challenges that

encourage growth and learning in an interactive manner.

Improved attention for better academic performance

A large percentage of TikTok users are teens and, according to a study, they tend to

spend about an hour a day on the platform. With its short video content, the app is the perfect

tool to use when looking to keep someone watching several videos within a short time.

Keeping that in mind, a teacher can use video creations tools to create short, customised

lessons for their classroom and post them on TikTok for students to watch later on. Compared

to sitting in a classroom for forty minutes, TikTok videos can help captivate a student’s

attention and thus improve their performance.

Effects of Tiktok

According to Rahmawati, Anwar (2022), their research concluded that the students

have a positive attitude toward using TikTok to learn English. The affective, behavioral, and

cognitive aspects of attitudes were used to classify the data. The majority of the students had

good attitudes regarding these three components. According to the interview, most students

agreed that the TikTok application might make English learning more enjoyable. They also

agree that the TikTok app will help them improve their English skills. Similarly, they agree

that the might be many benefits they get after learning English through TikTok, such as

TikTok can help learn spoken English.

Since TikTok is an application related to video production, it allows the students to

practice their speaking skills. This fact has been supported by authors such as Guo et al.

(2014) and Szpunar et al. (2013) who have found that home and classroom-based tasks

including storytelling, reporting, role plays, simulations, among others, have given positive

results implementing this tool. Furthermore, by producing their own videos, or by making

them in pairs or groups, said application enables the learners to develop their skills

individually and collectively.

In addition to this, the studies carried out by Mathew and Alidmat (2013) suggested

that by implementing TikTok, the learners have the opportunity to expand their knowledge by

watching recorded content, including English learning videos. This is possible because on

TikTok there are numerous English learning channels that are easily accessed through

hashtags, including #englishlearning, #englishlearningtips, #englishspeakingpractice, and

many more. Of course, the content varies from narratives to short lectures, and covers several

English skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

TikTok makes you binge-watch

Since launching a couple of years ago, TikTok has become one of the most popular

social media apps. Allowing users to post short videos, during the worldwide lockdown this

year, the app became the perfect distraction for young people. Alongside fun dance

challenges and comedic sketches, there are many interesting and educational videos on the

app. Due to time limitations, TikTok creators edit their videos to make the most out of 65

seconds they have. Thanks to his concise format, TikTok vines are irresistible for youngsters

and, at the same time, they allow teachers to provide short and clear chunks of information

which is much easier to remember and understand. Plus, a video format makes it much more

engaging for students than a traditional textbook to study.

Conceptual Framework
The researcher's conceptual framework is depicted above and is made up of three

components: input, process, and output. The researcher's formulation of the issue that this

study seeks to address serves as the input. It includes a concise description of the primary

problem to be solved and the state that needs to be improved. On the other hand, the process

includes everything the researchers conducted prior to, during, and after the data gathering

procedure. It outlines the methodical procedure the researchers will use to collect data and

evaluate measurements. The main component of the output is the main subject and title of

this study, which is the effects of tiktok on the academic performance of Immaculate

Conception Academy senior high school students.



This chapter comprises the research design and the methodology that will be utilized in

the conduct of this study. It explains the steps that will be carried out in gathering data

regarding the effects of tiktok on the academic performance of the senior high school students

of Immaculate Conception Academy. This section also includes the sampling strategy,

research instrumentation, population of the study, research subjects, as well as the statistical

tools that will be employed in processing the data. This section shows how the researchers

will come to the necessary data for this study, and how these data will be analyzed,

interpreted, and presented in the easiest way possible.

Research Design

This study will utilize the descriptive method of Quantitative research to determine the

effects of tiktok on the academic performance of the senior high school students of

Immaculate Conception Academy during the COVID-19 pandemic. It will see the impacts,

and the advantages and disadvantages of social media, as well as the percentage of senior

high school students of immaculate Conception who use social media. This descriptive

research will use a quantitative method to assess the feedback from the respondents.

Locale of the Study

This study will be conducted at Immaculate Conception Academy, Barangay 1-S Valdez,

City of Batac, 2906, Province of Ilocos Norte. The researchers selected Immaculate

Conception Academy as a locale of this study since they employed online classes as their

learning modality during the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing the students’ exposure to social

media applications, specifically Tiktok.

Population and Sample of the Study

In the conduct of this study, the researchers will utilize purposive sampling as their

sampling strategy. The researchers will select senior high students of Immaculate Conception

Academy who use tiktok. Participants will be selected on purpose to gather accurate and

reliable data. Both the school administrator and the participants will receive a letter from the

researchers requesting for their approval. Participants in this study will be encouraged to

share their individual experiences and backgrounds.

Research Instrumentation

In terms of instrumentation, printed survey questionnaires will be distributed to the

deliberately selected participants. All questions will be concerned with the effects of tiktok to

the academic performance of senior high school students of Immaculate Conception


The first section of the questionnaire will consist of the respondent’s social

demographic information, such as their name, age, gender, section and grade level.

In the second section, respondents will be asked to check the circle or table that best

represents their responses. It will consist of a total of 10 statements wherein they will rate

each item from a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being “strongly disagree” and 5 being“strongly


Data Gathering Procedure

A letter will be sent out to both the school administrator and the participants for their

approval. Once approved, a survey will be carried out. Printed questionnaires will be handed

out to all the purposely selected participants which they will be encouraged to to answer all

the items in the questionnaire as honestly as possible in order for the researchers to create an

accurate evaluation of the data. After gathering the data, the researchers will discuss and

analyze the questionnaires. Lastly, the researchers will prepare for the interpretation of data.
Statistical Treatment Data

To interpret the data effectively, the researchers will make use of the following

statistical treatment.

1. Percentage

The frequency of each response will be determined on the number of the

respondents who will check in the particular item. The demographic profile of

respondents will be determined using the formula of the percentage.

2. ‌Weighted Mean

The mean is the most often used in central tendency calculation since it is

prone to fewer errors. The weighted mean will be computed to get the average or

central value of the responses in every statement.

(x ₁ ∗5)+( x ₂∗ 4)+( x ₃ ∗3)+(x ₄∗ 2)+( x ₅ ∗1)

Formula: WM=

Where: WM is the weighted mean

x ₁ is the number of respondents in strongly agree

x ₂ is the number of respondents in agree

x ₃ is the number of respondents in neutral

x ₄ is the number of respondents in disagree

x ₅ is the number of respondents in strongly disagree

N is the total number of respondents

3. Likert Scale

The weighted mean of every statement will be interpreted using the 5-point Likert

Scale system.
Likert-Scale Likert-Scale Interval Likert-Scale Description

5 4.50-5 Strongly Agree

4 3.50-4.49 Agree

3 2.50-3.49 Neutral

2 1.50-2.49 Disagree

1 1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree

TABLE 1: 5-Point Likert Scale

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