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Note : nnti delete la note ni hehe, saya minta maaf sebb saya tatahu pasal jerawat pasir tpi

sekrg dh tahu…>w<, yang kedua saya minta maaf juga sebb mcm memaksa call dgn awk,
saya sebenarnya nk luangkan masa hehehe Cuma tak bertempat pula maaf ya )>3<)..
Btw saya cintakan awk sayang …
p/s :- saya harap lps awk baca awak dh gak moody ye hehehe
p/s :- harap betul la saya buat hehehe love you so much sayang muah <3
p/s :- kerje awak kt muka surat dua hehe
Nine Tenses.

1. Present
i. Present
ii. present perfect
iii. present continuous
2. Past
i. past
ii. past perfect
iii. past continuous
3. future
I. future
ii. future perfect
iii. future continuous

1. present : I handle every situation wisely

2. present perfect : We have arrived in Kelantan

3. present continuous : I am sitting here until launch


1. past : I finished work, time to playing some games

2. past perfect : By the time the police arrived, they had killed two people

3. past continuous : My brother wasn’t watching a movie for two months


1. future : Ikhwan, will you watch Avatar 2 movie on Sunday?

2. future perfect : Khairul will have eaten the food at noon

3. future continuous : She will be doing her assignment before 12 o’clock

Type Of Tenses


1. present :

Keshi music video

The word “don’t” is a present tense

2. present perfect :

Quote from internet

The word “ So Far” is a present perfect

3. present continuous :

Ed Sheeran music video

The word “running” is present continuous


1. past :

Quotes from New West

The word “Those Eyes” is a past tense

2. past perfect :
From the Britannica dictionary

The word of “had played” is past perfect

3. past continuous :

Quotes from Charlize Theron

The word “have been working” is past continuous tenst


1. future :
Everclear music video

The word “I will” is a future tense

2. future perfect :

A forum : Ludwig

The word “will/ you have join” is future perfect

3. future continuous :

Quotes from Bertolt brecht

The word “will there also be singing” is future continuous

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