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Telecom Policies

Ahmad Hassaan
Student Name


Registration Number



Sir Adnan Fida

Instructor’s Name
1.1 What is the procedure for redressal of consumer grievances related to telecom services in Pakistan?


The Consumer Protection Act clearly outlines and highlights the roles and responsibilities of the regulator
and the telecom operator regarding complaint redressal. The methodology that is defined in the act is given

Obligations on the Consumers End:

1- Consumers shall first file their complaints with their respective companies.

2- In case the consumer feels that their complaint has not been properly addressed and redressed, the
consumer in that case may register their complaint with the competent authority.

3- The complainant shall address their complaint to the Consumer Protection Directorate (CPD) of the

4- The complainant shall provide a brief statement of facts along with the relief sought by the

Obligations on the Companies End:

1- The operator shall maintain a 24/7 round-the-clock mechanism not limited to fax, email, webpage,
or telephone for the redressal/filing of the complaint.

2- The operator shall redress the complainant’s issue within 3 working days of the filing of the

3- The operator shall set up an escalation path to be followed by the complainant in case the
complainant is not satisfied by the operator’s response.

4- Operator shall communicate the status report of the complaint to the regulator and the complainant
within the specified time limit.

Obligations on the Regulators End:

1- CPD will acknowledge the complainant within 3 working days and allocate a unique complainant
number to the complainant.

2- CPD or concerned Zonal Office of the PTA shall forward the complaint to the operator for effective
resolution and prompt a reply as the case may.
3- The CPD or the concerned zonal office shall examine the reply given by the operator against the
complaint and accordingly issue directives/orders regarding the complaint. In turn, disposing of the

4- In the case that the operator has filed no reply against the complaint within the given deadline, the
CPD or the concerned zonal office may call both aggrieved parties for a hearing and shall pass an
order that is binding on both parties.

5- In the event that a systemic deficiency is revealed, the operator shall take steps to rectify the

6- The regulator may on its own initiate action against the operator in the case that it feels that the
operator’s action adversely affects the interests of the complainant and the consumers as a whole.

1.2 Find out a prevailing customer related problem in the telecom sector of Pakistan. Draft a complaint to
operator and PTA against the problem with proper reference to the violations done in accordance with consumer
protection act 2009




Consumer protection Directorate,
PTA Headquarters,
Sector F-5/1,

Copy To:
Director Regulatory Affairs,
ZONG Head Office,
Chak Shahzad,

Subject: Complaint of Malpractice regarding Reactivation of Packages

1- Reference is made to the following sub/sections of SRO 300(I)/2009 dated 31st March 2009:
a- Part 3, Regulation 10(1), sub-regulation (4)
b- Part 4, Regulation 14(1),14(2),15(1),15(2)
2- It is to inform the worthy body that abovementioned SRO was passed by parliament highlighted and
laid down the foundation for consumer rights whilst also outlining the boundaries for the normal day
to day operation of the telecom operators.

3- However, countless observations were made that the telecom operators have violated the following
sub-regulation of the SRO. As per Part 3, Regulation 10(1), Sub-Regulation (4),

“That in any event, not to pre-activate any tariff on Consumer, optional in nature, without the consent of
that consumer”

The following instance is provided for reference:

If a consumer activates a package of any monetary value, and during that time the consumer runs out of
credit. After the duration of the package if the consumer has enough credit amounting to the initial value of
the package, the package is then reactivated the very next day, without the consent of the consumer. Due to
which the consumer feels anguish as they lose credit plus the requisite tax amounting to the package.

4- It is felt that the consumer consent must be taken in accord when any matter relating to monetary
transactions are being taken place. However, the consumer consent is being flaunted.

5- In this regard, it requested that the regulator i.e., your worthy office issue directives regarding the
cease of such practices. By doing so, not only consumer rights are being protected but the legitimacy
and the stake of the regulator is also being preserved.

6- Necessary documents and section references have been attached with this document.

Looking forward to your reply.

Dated: 10th Nov 2022

Ahmad Hassaan
Tel No:

Docs Attached herewith include:

- Service Agreement
- Letter of correspondence between consumer and operator


Director Regulatory Affairs,
ZONG Headquarters,
Chak Shahzad,

Subject: Complaint of Malpractice regarding Reactivation of Packages

1- Reference is made to the following sub/sections of SRO 300(I)/2009 dated 31st March 2009:
c- Part 3, Regulation 10(1), sub-regulation (4)

2- It is brought to your office’s worthy attention that there are serious discrepancies in the process of
reactivation of packages.

3- The following instance is provided for reference

If a consumer activates a package of any monetary value, and during that time the consumer runs out of
credit. After the duration of the package if the consumer has enough credit amounting to the initial value of
the package, the package is then reactivated the very next day, without the consent of the consumer. Due to
which the consumer feels anguish as they lose credit plus the requisite tax amounting to the package.
4- It is to remind the worthy your office that the above practice does not fall in line with the SRO
released by the government on 29th March 2009.

5- The following practice collides with Part 3, Regulation 10(1), Sub-Regulation (4) of the above-
mentioned SRO. The following regulation is given below:

“That in any event, not to pre-activate any tariff on Consumer, optional in nature, without the consent of
that consumer”

6- The following practice is being in violation of the SRO. In lieu of the above, it is requested that the
following practice be stopped immediately.

7- Looking forward to your immediate reply.

Dated: 10th Nov 2022

Ahmad Hassaan
Tel No:

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