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Sequence of Play

A. Purchase new units
i. Secret Mission and Energize cards may be used as money (each card = 1 rubium)
B. Play start-of-turn Energize cards
A. Each unit can move one space
B. Exceptions:
i. Humans can't enter Magma Pools or the Monolith
ii. Fungoids can't enter the Monolith
iii. Crystallines can't enter the Monolith
iv. Rock Striders can move two spaces if one of them is Rock Plains
v. Lava Leapers can move two spaces if they start on a Magma Pool
a) They can bypass enemy units with this move
vi. Rubium Dragons can move to any space on the board if they start on the Monolith
a) They can bypass enemy units with this move
C. A unit that starts in a contested space cannot move to a different contested space
D. When all movement is complete any Rubium Dragon not in a contested space may
breathe plasma
E. You may play Secret Missions that apply (for controlling terrain types, etc)
A. Reveal any exploration tiles
B. Place mines or units discovered
C. Remove the exploration tile
A. Note special abilities:
i. Fungoid: Bonus in Liquifungus Forests; Penalty in Crystal Spires
ii. Crystalline: Bonus in Crystal Spires; Penalty in Liquifungus Forests
iii. Lava Leaper: Bonus in Magma Pool; Pick target on a roll of 5+
B. Play Energize cards before or after the die roll as stated on the card
C. If you win a battle on your turn draw & play a Mission card unless you play a Secret
Mission card
D. Take an Energize card if you lose a battle on someone else's turn
A. Gain rubium from mines under your control
i. The mine space must contain a Human, Fungoid or Crystalline
ii. Don't forget the mines in the home base
A. Draw 1 Secret Mission card
i. If applicable it may be played immediately
B. Draw 2 Energize cards if you control the Monolith

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