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NEXUS OPS – Rule’s Summary

Goal – Score 12 VPs before any other player. III – Explore

(10 - short or 14 - long) - If unit ends movement on a space with a face down Exploration
tile, flip it face up.
1) SETUP - Follow tile instructions.
- Choose army - Note: mine markers are never moved from where they have
- Place Monolith in the centre been discovered.
- Shuffle the 6 single-hex tiles and place them around the
monolith . Do the same with the double-hex tiles IV – Fight
- Shuffle the decks: Secret Mission, Energize and Mission. Put - Conduct one round of battle in each contested space where
them near the playing area you have units
- Put 1 exploration token face down on each of the 18 hexes - If there are multiple battles, you choose the sequence.
surrounding the monolith - Battle order: from right to left (reference sheet). All units to the
- Take dice, mines and rubium tokens and place near the board right attack first and then the others, sequentially. (E.g – All
st Rubium Dragons attack first, then all Lava Leapers and so on).
- 1 player starts with 8 rubium. Each player to the left receives
st nd - Once each unit has attacked battle in that space ends for this
3 more than the previous player. (E.g in a 4p game: 1 (8), 2
rd th turn (even if there still are standing units in that space).
(11), 3 (14), 4 (17)
- Attacks of identical units are done simultaneously as well as
2) How to Play (Game Phases) results. (Even if unit has been destroyed).
- i) Deploy - The defending player decides which unit to take down in the
- ii) Move case opponent has attacked successfully. (A attacks and hits B. B
- iii) Explore decides which unit to loose).
- iv) Fight - When there is more than on opponent on the space, you
- v) Income choose one to be the opponent for that battle. If by it’s end s/he
- vi) Draw has no more units there, you win the battle (even though the
space is still contested).
I – Deploy - Timing: the current player always makes decisions first (such as
- Pay the cost (rubium) depicted on the reference card relative casualties and Energize battle card).
to the unit you want to produce. o Results: a) Attacker wins if all defending units are eliminated.
- Place new newly bought unit on any of the 3 places of your The attacker wins even if all attacking units are also destroyed
home base. (unofficial FAQ rule). Attacker may play one red secret mission
- You can produce even if an enemy piece is standing on your card and any number of white secret mission cards if the mission
base. objective was achieved during battle. Take and play 1 Mission
- Production is limited by the number of units available. Once an card whenever you win a battle as long as you don’t play a Secret
unit is destroyed, it returns to the pool (available – of course it Mission card for winning that battle. Defender draws one
will have to be purchased again). Energize Card. b) Defender wins if all attacking units are
- This is the only phase you can play start-of-turn Energize eliminated. Nothing else happens. c) The battle is a draw and
cards! nothing happens if both players still have units after one round of
combat. (Clarifications by Philip Migas).
II – Move
- Move each of your unit one hex during this phase. V – Income
- If the unit has the ability to move more than 1 space (report to - For each space you control with a mine, gain rubium equal to
card to see special movements), it cannot move through spaces what is depicted on the mine (requires Human, Fungoid, or
with enemy units. Crystalline on it).
- If unit moves into a space that contains an enemy unit, it must
stop there. VI – Draw
- Reference card depict movement restrictions (unit may not - Draw 1 Secret Mission card and keep it secret. If it meets
enter certain spaces) requirements already, play it immediately.
- If at the end of the movement, a player notices a movement - Draw 2 Energize cards if you are in control of the Monolith.
restriction transgression, unit is to be returned to home base.
- Retreat: If you start a movement in a contested space (with an CARDS
- At anytime you can discard Secret Mission cards and Energize
enemy unit on it), you can only retreat to an friendly or an empty
cards to gain 1 rubium for each discarded card.
territory. (You cannot retreat to one battle to another).
- Energize Battle cards: can be played by anyone (even if not
- At the end of this phase you may use Rubium Dragon special
involved in battle). Attacker goes first, then defender, then
clockwise from defender).
o Attack is targeted in an adjacent space. Must announce it. Roll
- You may only play mission cards on your turn.
a die. 4+ = success. Choose one unit from that space to remove
- For each battle you win, you can play only one card with the
from the board.
victory point value listed in red.
o Special attack is not a battle!!! Thus, you cannot score points
for a “win a battle” card, neither does the player who lost a unit
draw an energize card.

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