Chapter 5 Assignment - Culminating Intro

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MDM4U- ASSIGNMENT CHAPTER 5 NAME:_______________________


The culminating activity for the Statistics portion of the course will focus on completing a two-
variable statistical analysis on a topic of your choosing. You may work individually on this, or in
groups of up to 4 people. The groups do not have to be the same as for the probability activity,
but can be if you’d like.

Feel free to select any topic that interests you, as long as you can complete the required work.
As we work through the Statistics chapters (Chapters 5, 6, 7 and 8), we will add more and more
steps to complete the culminating activity. As such, try to complete each step in a timely manner
to avoid having to crunch and complete everything in one day.

This assignment is due on Friday, December 9 by 11:59 PM. Please submit in the
Assignment section of the Brightspace by this time.

Answer the following questions as a starting point for the culminating activity.

1. What question would you like to investigate?

Example: What is the relationship between the amount of vegetables eaten a day, and
the number of times people get sick in a month?

The Correlation between How many hours of sleep students get vs their height.

2. How will you gather information about your topic for the investigation? Name the
type of data that this would produce (primary vs secondary data)
Will you do surveys, experiments, polls, simulations, etc.? Will you do research on your
topic in a database such as Statistics Canada?

We will ask 5 students of different heights and the range of how many hours of sleep they get
at night we did a survey

3. What type of sampling will you use?

Only complete this question if you require a survey to gather your data.
MDM4U- ASSIGNMENT CHAPTER 5 NAME:_______________________

4. Will you do an observational or experimental study? Why?

Only complete this question if you require an experiment to gather your data.

For the research question "What is the correlation between the number of hours of sleep students
get and their height?", an observational study would be more appropriate. An observational study
is a type of study in which the researcher observes and measures the variables of interest in a
natural setting, without manipulating or controlling any of the variables. In this case, the
researcher would observe and measure the number of hours of sleep that students get and their
height, and then analyze the data to determine if there is a correlation between the two variables.

5. What do you think would be a good way to organize and present your data?
Justify your choice.
Example: bar graph, scatter plot, pie chart, etc. You do NOT need to create a graph at
this point; just talk about why you think a graph type would be appropriate. You can use
more than one type of graph as well. Your choice may change as you complete later
steps, that’s okay too!

A scatter plot would be a good way to organize and present the data on the correlation
between how many hours of sleep students get and their height. A scatter plot is a type of
visualization that plots individual data points on a graph, with the x-axis representing one
variable (in this case, hours of sleep) and the y-axis representing the other variable
(height). Scatter plots are useful for visualizing the relationship between two continuous
variables and can help show if there is a positive, negative or no correlation between the
variables. In this case, it could show if there is a positive correlation between the number
of hours of sleep and height, a negative correlation or no correlation.

6.What are possible sources of bias in your study? What are some things you could do
to try and minimize bias?
List off any potential biases you think may occur. Of course, this may change down the
line and that is okay.

There are several possible sources of bias in a study on the correlation between
how many hours of sleep students get and their height, such as:

● Selection bias: This can occur if the sample of students is not

representative of the population of interest, for example if the sample is
MDM4U- ASSIGNMENT CHAPTER 5 NAME:_______________________

only drawn from one school or if only certain students are included in the

● .Self-reported bias: The data on hours of sleep and height are self-reported
by the students, which may lead to inaccuracies or biases in the data. For
example, students may overestimate or underestimate their hours of sleep
or their height.

● Measurement error: The measurement of hours of sleep and height may

not be accurate, leading to inaccuracies in the data.

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