Assignment 1 - CIVL 3092

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Yusuf Osman (101281040)

Intro to Environmental Engineering Technology – Civil 3092

Due Date: Wednesday January 18, 2023

CIVL 3092 - Assignment 1 – Hydrology

You must clearly show all work for your calculations and the unit conversion. Be sure to
highlight your final answer – circle it, underline it, whatever. Be sure to include the
formula and units for your answer. Failure to follow these directions will result in a loss
of marks. Your solutions should be typed and submitted to the blackboard in a pdf

1. A total of 700 mm of rain fell on a 50-ha watershed in a 10-h period. Compute the
average rainfall intensity in mm/h and the total volume of rain (m3) that fell on the

Volume = Depth × Area

700mm × 1m / 1000mm = 0.7 m
1 ha = 10,000 m^2
50 ha × 10,000 m^2 / 1 ha = 500,000 m^2
Volume = 0.7 m × 500,000 m^2 = 350,000 m^3
Intensity = 700mm / 10hr = 70 mm/hr

2. A total of 1 in. of rain fell on a 96-ac area in 30 min. Compute the average rainfall
intensity in inches per hour (in/hr) and the total volume of rain that fell (ft3). 1 ac is
equivalent to 43,560 ft2

Volume = Depth × Area

1in × 1ft / 12in = (1 / 12) ft
96 acre × 43,560 ft^2 / 1 acre = 4,181,760 ft^2
Volume = (1/12) ft × 4,181,760 ft^2 = 348,480 ft^3
Intensity = (1 in / 30min) × (60min /1 hr) = 2 in/hr
3. Using the rainfall curves in Figure 3-6, determine the expected rainfall intensity in both
mm/h and in/hr for :

I. A 5-year storm of 10-min duration,

100 mm/h and 4 in/hr

II. A 10-year storm of 1.5-h duration,

45 mm/hr and 1.8 in/hr

III. A 100-year storm of 2-h duration.

50 mm/hr and 2 in/hr

4. A storm of 30-min duration causes 75 mm of rainfall. Compute the average rainfall

intensity in mm/hr. Then using the rainfall curves in Figure 3-6, estimate the probability
of observing a similar storm in the next year.

Intensity = (75 min / 30 min) × (60 min / 1 hr) = 150 mm/h

100-year storm
N = 100
P = 1 / 100
P = 0.01 = 1%

5. What is the probability of a 25-year storm being equaled or exceeded in any given year?

N = 25 years
P = 1 / 25
P = 0.04 = 4%

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