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Medicine ition ghd _ Envivon mental ledicine. _ st a : Z _ 0 FF ,Tx _oF _Wernicke -korsakof? syndyome , ® Pellagea. _ _ ze _#7F ® Nit. Bl2_ deficiency. _@_Nit © deficiency (scurvy). a @ 4 * © vit-D deficiency CRickets): Costeomalacia) _ © faventsal_Nutvition . 4 W_ obesity ©. its Mx. ee 444% © Heat stroke including» elf ,Mx_. __ ®_ Near _drowring . a @__balanced diek trr¢@_shechar's _syndyome Oi Enumexate dg for he ® Aceomegaly t 1: ____ @ _ Thyroid functions tests @ Ts taxget values m= _ © Non- pregnant. Adult _@ ist trimester —_____ © r3_tvi ester @_axd_trimester pregnancy 38 ters @ _Hyfextnyroidsm | thyrotoxicosis Ete clF. Mate Ex @_cle tx, Mx of graves diseqse. © what advice _ with You_give pif _she Planning Fe pelosobinayys © cause, ff, Mx _0F Hypothyroidism © __ myxoedema.. ya z. ~t# @ _cushing syndsome If, Dx. tte @) Addison's disease ~—_@_Pheochvomocytoma. . including cle. ; = pt an © digbetes metitys SE 7 Ny piss : “WK diovetes_meitus > classification, EtioPathogenesis, ]E De _Cincluding apa guideline), Ma. Mi Scanned with CamScanner wee oo YEE ® oiabetic ketoacidosis: ineluding Ebx//C/F,Dx/MK , Fax ZB _Hyferosmolay Hyferalycemic. state» precieitating factor, YE fe Si et @ att. bin on . —@D_bypoaicerig. f @D _somosyi_@ Daw _Phenomenows — ®_oiaveric_Retinorathy. : —_@_siscass Tytes of diabetic ewvofathye. @D_festational_diabetes_Meititus. © __outt criteria = Foe__diagnosis _of gestational: diabetec: #** @ Metabolic _syndvome. @ infections diseases — ®_covrv-1s_Pheumosia @ its Ma, @_Pyvexia_ of unknown oxigin. Cevo) lope BD _Enumerate._ctinical_tyfe of Fevew . uniter t Characteristic of eath,. yt pera bios AT ¥x GD cayses of fever with Rach © fever with bradycardia, _ © __ Neurological complications of diPtheria s — TEE @ © Tetanus. bee pipet tng @ @ cle, mx__of Enteric fever @ Fx, Ce also! @__Pmebie colitis. @ _ Metronidezol @ __lertospixosis. _ $2 D__Hexfes zpstew — causative oxganicm OF, Tx, Mow, AEF @ dengue > dassification Lex, Ie, Dx) May @)_pengue shocks _syrdrome MAY. xe Commory_fungal_ infection, © Enumerate fungal —_Afection: Hobos oe ifiyitteplo BD _ovars life cele of Lfalcitarum, malavig. WE @ Ete cee, Dx of malaria. @___ Mx _v€ vivax malaviq. 44 @ Ma of _falcifasam — malaria, 1 ( _@ Mx of severe Falei param talaxiq. ad Scanned with CamScanner wh cy 8 who At @_ THM x oF ceveroral_ maaria, GB _ chlwropin_, = ~ Seesis © indyding Dx Etiofathodenesis, 4x, . _@__Evymexote “component: of sres, BD __ Newer rk vival_dwugs. —— @ _Briek about Practice of universal Precaution . 5 OQ HAW fection and Als © waite about Acute HIV infection Wao classification oF Arps, Mx of Hiv/mas. © | Ystis Tivovecct ___@ _Frothylaxis for opportunistic infection in tiv ih ____ @ _ Post exposure Prophylaxis (rep). © Resrivgtory system © grades © causes of clubbing. @® Pulmorany Function test. yma, i —__< Enymevate basic investigation jn ResPiratory disease , © Bronchial Asthma ——>. lt o Ta. __ @_ Tx of status Asthmaticus. 1 © _ devine Etiorathoaeneds Mx of corn. @®_Dx_jt4% _oF Emphysema. : oll #KKGD) [Fy Cm , Antituberculay d¥4gs in Pulmonary Tubevailosis._ —__ D_aigf- sw WH © Rifampicin induced _Hepatotorteityy —#KK @_ ors Regimes —__ ) How tuberculosis affect cNs » —#e GD _Byonchiectads._ —__ © _Lung_abscess - ~—_ @_Pleuval_eeeusiony 4) —~___@®_ Fheumo thowar _ — xt ~—_ @_Friofatwogenesis, cle, Dr, Mox_of Bacterial _Preyooni ~~ __ B_ Je _ aw of community Acspuixed Pneunsowa. —_£ S[t DR Co, Mm of Win influenza 9 SD) __ Frey mocorhosis a. Vung, pitta yet vce iptv | 4 Scanned with CamScanner Kore we @D_Etn AE, Ma of Aeake ResPiratory failuxe: 2 @) 9% )Mx of ARDS. - ra @®D Wgemoerysis © maudiny causes of Haemortysis.— @ causes of heute onset chortmess. of very. ® chest pain . bey Min Eriofatho genesis. cif, Et_tntex pretation Cx, Mav_of Acute nr, | Cf, Mx of Nob-sT= Elevatol ME: © _ ves of) Aseivins — @_causes oF secondary ttyrertendiony. 4 @ _caciuen_croyne|_blockers. ee -GD_Enumerate medical disowdexs im, Peywangp +¥KF @) Enumerate golins major and minor criteria fox _ Preuke Rheumatic Fevex- @ dx of ARP. ye | © define Rheumatic Heart disease. write notes ee CE, Ex px, MX of Mitvals stenosis. | | _@_couses of Acute titra} Regurgitation, *EE 1 of PRC Aovtic_Regusgitation): 9X_of infective endocarditis. a4) @)_ Etioparho genesis, /F/Ix ,Mx of congestive Heart Fajluse. —, BD _ vasodialatexs! tn congestive. Heart failure, | GD Ex ct Mx of _Refvactory cavdign fal @)_Mx_of_psvT, ee ove gisulusewint 4 | kee GD cacdiomeraly. aed panes) | GD _Mx_o& Complete Heat Bock, | GD __qnoric congenital _Heavt disease. , GD _Fevicardial effusion. — the 34 een yy » + Enumerate ty caiticall yp il. © ____Gaulses) Mx of caxdiogthit’ shocks, +# @__ Brio Pathogenesis O Mx of septic shocky. @__falmonary toxomboembdism a Scanned with CamScanner @ Digoxin uses ©_ side efhects . ® Tron deficiency Anemia. Also Enumerate causes _ WD Megaloriqatic anemia, causes, ff /Mx- ®D Nicwoestic anemia. ae ee B® _Hemaytic. Anemia, tneuding causes © De , DB _ sickle _cett_Nnemiq.. — ®_Thaassemia, oid @® _Aflastic Anemia’ Eb, Raiborhysioloay yc *x* @)__ Pancytofenia . 2 — BD _ chronic _riyelvid_leuker wa Hie apy) — B __Aeneralized ymehadenoratey- ——_ @)_ThrombocytoPer . __ GS _HemoPhilia _nduding its Ma. keeKx @ DIC. _#* GD indication of good evanetucion, @ Transfusion Reactions. —_ @_Enumevates_corgulation # Cayses_ of spleghdmegaly. __© Rheumatoleat @ connective isse disodevs sexx @ Rheumatoid _fribeitis, induding f/f ® = a treet @ Akane BD eee spond +t @ Jour Ma D_DMARDS | _ en SE, TH, Mx__of chronic _diayrheq. +d FAKED _eprdemicloat err,’ /#, Tx, Mx of! Peptic vicey’ disease. ~_GB_Enymerare drug used in Peptic lees. disease © Drugs fox Hy eylosi__infection, ) Pseudomembyanws colitis . a Scanned with CamScanner wy CIE Tx of ivsitable bowel syndrome . Ebx Types, YE, Mx_ of Abdominal tuberculosis -_ xx+ @ describe rep. © Also indude Mx of Uleestive. Clits, Hefatobiliany system, sott iizeh oo xFe @ cassify DI of saundice. ait 4 @ fay, Mx oF heute viral _ Hepatitis. *F Me oR chronic _HEP.8 intectiow . @ PEP in needle Stick weet in HBsh_ © Patient _ ® discuss Evalution Mx of Hepatic failuve. 1 ¥*F G@ _Nonalcobchic fatrt lives _ojsease. 4 FHORK GD causes, JE, Cx ,Mxe_of cievhosis of Mes __¥# GD causes cif , Cx ,Mr of Povtal Hypertension, . _#KKK¥ GD cases, Pathogenesis, D/D, Ma of Ascites. GE sway (serum, Ascives atbymin gradient). oi @ indication of faracentasis, - @_sPontaneots Bacterial. peritonitis, © _Dx,Mx oF \ives_ Nescess, ® fancreas ~@ ot ,rn, Ma of Rete fancveatitis.. __@_2otiinges “ethison syndrome ! - HERE eS causes, DID, >) In Mx of Hematurig . erry GD _cayses, SE, Dn, Ma of ARE(Acvte geral Failyre) ONE lf, Dx, Mx of Acute glomexulonepnsitis . _ xx¥ GD Cayses, Etiofathodenesis, Mx of NePhyotic syhdvome . *«K _detinition, causes, YF, Mx of (CRE *FckD) chronic Renal failuse G@)__vTI_+ causative organism, ta, @ __feval__RePlacement thevary . ie @_ Dialtsis._Atso- includes | thdicediou/ conplscation, Hemodialysis _ @_ veenia wits “s Scanned with CamScanner~ «§ BEM Fee © Mx oF “putes Kalemiq. G@ causes of Metabdic Acidosis. i 8) vertigo, a a @_Names——> Abnoemal, smal types. of pois. 1 GS _APhasias—> Enumerate varios tyPes. __## GD _wrugs used iw Peothslanis treatment_of i Bo G Migraine -_ ____ GB duster Headache including» Bows wae pee GD _ Risk factor, PathoPhysioloat , Mx of ischemic ic styoke., GD. diFF-_bhw_tyromboembsis @ Hemovalragic stroke a eKER k (ED classify ,clf of each tyPe , Mx of epilersyr- GD _fetit mal_erilersy . wame args used for its tx. GD SF pmax of tonic-clonic_seizaves @®_febrile seizures. _ a ote _ @ cases of meningitis © Dx, Mx of Acute _rmebingitis. xxx @_ cst changes © Mx of suberculas Meningitis @D AIE~_bIW tubercolax © bacterial meningitis, SIE) DA, Mx_ofguliian bane spc) ()_Mx_of _myast xan fin, <[f, Mx_of fartinsor's disease, - BD _Hovnes's__sydrome ._ tan ip eS inal_Newalgiqn tak (Bell's Palsy. _ _ oe ~~ BD_ Fnumevate signs of Raised rer i ae @ toxicoone ot enala _ le, aK of “oggno Phos Phoxs. “Poisoning, tee @_e[t/mx of shake bite © inceding te sf —~44* @) scorpion bite. Scanned with CamScanner | pe M-8 | gar Cia @_ Methanol Peisorings GD_Alawiniue Phosshide poisoning. jndude 4x ot celfhos isn __ @ Psychiotey ee _ ~— @® Adding _dwlusionj Enumerate Hees. =~ + ® indication. of Ect Lelectvo convulsive thewsef) FFF QD! sch zophveriq , @ Also. inciude._ faranoid PAE IF Mx, Dong _aced_in_ tx GD Rifolaxr disorder at | FPP ee © favie, schizofnyenia. of _dePressiow . racks . __*F 2F @® dative 4. Ha, tied eH define delirium © aenertig. FFG keingetter disease, 2 of Down Secs say way *F% GO Fenetic Counselling Qi) __APPlication of genetic. sainering. in anedicine . " @y Hyressensitivity Reaction, _® Uéticaxia — _Qy)_Angivnewsotic edema ; wer causes, Ox, Mx of Scanned with CamScanner . wre” od eh 447 Normal Ageing | normal Ageing Procecc ___ GD_Maior disease manifestation in elderly. __ @®_Ainical_nssessement of frail elderly, — B_cave_ of teroiinatty i) tatient _____ PD. Ave matoogt Venereolodt _ard _\ePro st - #1 © define miqcule, tate, Pustule ,Sallq . ® how to = ___ditterentiate ‘Vesicle’ ® ‘bulla’ pith one example —__ @ Psoriasis GD contact devmatitis, KK GD Doug keaction CTEN Exythroderma), — —** GED_Mx_of Toxic eridevena\_ngcralysis (ren) syndvome. G@zB)_Aene . _ _— —F# GD agecitication © wno wegine fox Tx ot leprosy” —_** GD \eprowntous _teprosy © _lerva_geaction. Scabies.@ including Cle, Te. Enymevate fara siti nifestation, of ski, _____ BD_DID_ oF _Erythema_rodesumy. BD aisordexs oF nails. 7 @ cinical Pharmacol By. @ Emergencies i medical tractice - —_[ Fos move Information you Can Watch. Fog mt my youtube |-Channe) > - oo ~~ ofessional medical Guxy — ~~ _ _ _ a Me | Scanned with CamScanner

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