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Conservation of Plants and

Lecture # 4
Class VIII
Difference between
National Park Wildlife sanctuaries
It reserves flora, fauna, historic It preserves birds, animals, insects,
objects, landscape etc. reptiles etc.
It is highly restricted and people There is relatively less restriction
cannot access it without and generally permission is not
permission required
Boundaries are fixed Boundaries are not fixed
Human activity is not allowed at all Human activity is allowed upto
some limit

Biosphere reserve is larger area having both national park

and wildlife sanctuaries mainly done for preservation of
biodiversity and to maintain the balance on earth.
Red Data Book
 Vulnerable species : - The species which are likely to
become endangered if the circumstances that are
threatening its survival are not addressed & if
reproduction do not improve. Eg. African elephant,
nilgiri langur, giant panda
 Endangered species : - It is population of plants and
animal that are in danger of becoming extinct in near
future. Eg. Tiger, Blue whale, Asiatic lion (Animal) and
pitcher plant, orchids, nilgiri lilly (plant)
 Extinct species : - The species that have already
disappeared from earth. Cause of extinction is due to
both natural & human activities. Eg. Passanger pigeon,
dodo, woolly mammoth.
Red Data Book
 Rare species : - They are group of organisms that very
uncommon, scarce or infrequently encountered. Eg.
Himalayan brown bear, fennec fox, Hornbill
Categories in IUCN Red list
 Extinct Extinct in wild
 Critically endangered Endangered
 Vulnerable Least Threatened
 Least Concern Data Deficient
 Not evaluated
 Migration is regular periodic movement of population of
animals in large number away from their native place to
another and back to their place of origin. Eg. Humming
bird, Tuna fish, African elephant.
 Organism move in search of suitable temporary shelter
food and water.
 It also provides suitable place for reproduction, which
may be not available in their native place
 Siberian crane endemic to siberia travel a long distance
to India in winter to escape cold & unfavourable
conditions of siberia. They see more daylight than any
other creatures on the planet.
Forest Resources
 Forest are of one of the largest plant formations, densely
packed with tall and big trees.
 There are different type of forest based on climatic
conditions in which they are found.
 Three main forest types are:
1. Tropical rain forest
2. Temperate deciduous forests
3. Coniferous forests
Forest Resources
Tropical Rain Forest
 These occur in tropical region
 Temperature and intensity of sunlight is high
 Soil is rich in humus
Temperate Deciduous Forest
 It occur in areas of moderate climatic conditions.
 Winter lasts upto 4 – 6 months
 Temperature ranges from 20oC to 30oC
 These forest shed there leaves in autumn and new
foliage grows in spring.
 Soil is brown & rich in nutrients
Forest Resources

Tropical Rainforest Temperate deciduous forest

Coniferous forest
Forest Resources
Coniferous forest
 Also known as taiga or boreal forest
 Climatic conditions are cold
 Long & harsh winter for more than 6 months
 Temperature below 0oC.
 Soil is poor in nutrient and acidic in nature.
Importance of forest
 Preservation of water cycle
 Plant release huge amount of water by transpiration
 It is necessary for precipitation (Rain)
Forest Resources
 Role in increase in level of underground water table.
 Forest maintain temperature by photosynthesis and
Uses of forest
 Main source of oxygen
 It provide food & shelter to animals and also to the tribal
people living in jungle.
 Used for making furniture and medicines.
 Also provides wood for making paper & other products
such as gum, wax, rubber and honey.
 Important role in food chain
Steps to conserve Forest
 Movement like chipko movement was launched in 1973
by Chandi Prasad Bhatt and Sundarlal Bahuguna to
conserve forest and afforestation drive in Gharhwal in
himalayas of Uttarakhand
1. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
2. Recycling of paper :- It is process of using old paper
products and turning them into new usable products. It
uses 60% less energy than manufacturing from new
 Paper makes upto 40% of our waste
Steps to conserve Forest
 Afforestation :- Plantation of trees on large scale on a
land that has been without forest from much longer.
 Reforestation :- Plantation of trees on large scale on
land that had recent tree cover that has been cut over
a period of time.

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