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Conservation of Plants and

Lecture # 1
Class VIII
After the completion of chapter, you
will know the following things

Understand the concept of biodiversity

Cause of deforestation and its impact
Understand the concept of wildlife and its
Forest resources
 Introduction
 Biodiversity
 Deforestation
 Wildlife
 Biosphere Reserve
 Project Tiger
 Migration
 Forest resources
Importance of forest resources
 Forest is one of the most useful renewable resources.
 They are our national wealth.
 In India about 23% of country’s total area consists of
forest land.
 It is home plants, animals and microbes.
 The number and type of plants and animal found in
forest depend on soil and climatic condition.
 The existence of diverse variety (or variety & variability)
of plants and animal and other living organisms is known
as biodiversity or biological diversity.
 Tropical region of earth is known as Mega biodiversity.
Uses of biodiversity
 Food
 Drugs and medicines. Quinines used for treatment of
malaria obtained from Chincona officinalis. All
antibiotics are derived from microbes.
 Cultural and aesthetic value : Eco-tourism
 Religious value : tulsi, peepal, banyan, cow, elephant
are worshipped
Threat to biodiversity
 Destruction of habitat
 Population explosion
 Industrialisation and urbanisation
 Pollution of soil, air and water
 Mining activities
 Construction of dams, roads and railways
 Indiscriminate killings of animals
 Introduction of exotic/foreign species : eg. Water
hycinth clogs rivers, lakes
 The clearing or cutting of forest and using the land for
other purpose is called deforestation.
 Procuring land for agriculture use
 Procuring timbers for building houses, roads, railways.
 Procuring land for setting up industries and mining
 Using wood as fuel and for making furniture
 To obtain forest products like food, rubber, honey, resins
 Natural causes : Forest fire and Severe drought
 Consequences of deforestation
 Increases the temperature and pollution level
Increase in carbon dioxide into atmosphere traps sunlight
reflected by the earth’s surface and result in an increase
in temperature levels on the earth. The phenomenon is
known as Green house effect. This increase in the
temperature levels results into global warming.
 Floods
 Desertification
 Drought
 Reducing water table

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