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ahi F Past continuous (I was doing) el Study this example situation: Yesterday Karen and Joe played tennis. They started at AW o'clock and finished at 11.30. So, at 10.30 they were playing tennis. they were playing = they were in the middle of playing, they had not finished was/were + -ing is the past continuous: he/she/it was playing doing we/youjthey were working etc. Iwas doing something=1wasin the middle of doingit ata certain time, The action or situation started before this time, buthad not finished: | started doing Iwas doing I finished doing + an + | past past row © Thistime last year! was tiving in Hong Kong, © Whatwere you doing at 10 olock lastnight? ©. |waved to Helen, but she wasn’t looking, a Compare |was di 1g (past continuous) and | did (past simple: Iwas doing (= in the midcle of a9 action) | did (= complete action) Wewere walking homewhen| met O Wewalked home after the party last Dan. {in the middle of walking home} night. (-all the way, compietely) ©) Kate was watching TV when we ©) Kate watched TVa lot when she was ill artived. last year You can say that something happened (past simple) in the middle of something else (past continuous}: Matt phoned while we were having dinner. © Itwas raining when | got up — saw you in the parkyesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book © Thurt my back while | was working in the garden: But we use the past simple to say that one thing happened after another: © was walking along the road when | saw Dan, So | stopped, and we talked fora while. Compare: © When Keren arrived, we were having When Karen arrived, we had dinner. dinner. (-wehad already started before (- Karen arrived, and then we had she artived) dinner} Some verbs (for example, know anc want} are not normally usec in continuous forms (is +-ing, was +-ing etc). See Unit 4A fora list of these verbs. ©. We were good friends. We knew each other well. (notwe were knowing) Iwas enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (notwas wanting) 12 id) U Unity Exercises ) [TEI] complete the sentences. Choose from: waslooking -waswearing —_wasn’tlistening—_weren’t looking was snowing wasworking —_were sitting were you going 1 Today Helen is wearing a skirt. Yesterday she 2 ‘What did he say?” ‘Idon'tknow. | : 5 We atthe back ofthe theatre. We couldn't hear very well 4 This time last year Steve ona farm, 5 They dide’tsee me. They in my direction. © The weather was bad. Itwas very cold and it 7 8 wi I saw you in your car. Where | saw Kate a few minutes ago. She (2) which goes with which? -foryou. 1 When I gotto the cafe ‘when she was living in Rome. 1 2 Wefell asleep b shewasworkingin aclothesshop. | 2 3 Amy learnt Italian © when | was driving home. 3 4 Tom didn’t come out with us but nobody was watching it. 4 5 The car began to make astrange noise | | ¢ while we were watching 2 film. 5 6 The Twas on {my friends were waitingforme- 6 7 When I first met Jessica because he wasn't feeling well 7 [TEI put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. | _5avs__ (see) Sue in town yesterday, but _ (cycle) home yesterday she {not/see} me. when aman. step) out into the (look) the otherway. | road in front of me. {(g0) quite fast, butuckily (managel to stop in time, {not/hit) him, [ERY] Pur the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. (wait) forme when | ..azived.. (arrive) (you / do) at this time yesterday? ‘i was asleep’ {you / go} outlast night?” ‘No, | was too tired! _- (you / drive) when the accident Sam (ake) 2 picture of me while | Wewere in avery difficult position. We. (éo} nothing. 7 Ihaven’t seen Alan for ages. When Ilast (ry) to find ajob, et (walk) along the street when suddenly | something behind me. Somebody .. (start) to run. (happen)? ._ {not / look} {not / know) what to do, so we {see) him, he (follow) me. Iwas scared and! © When Iwas young, |. (change) my mind. 20 Last night. Fortunately it (want) to bea pilot, Later! . (drop) a plate when | .. {not / break). (do) the washing up. # Additional exercise 1 (page 302) 13

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