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Emerging Concepts in the Physiological Basis of Dystonia

Angelo Quartarone, MD,1,2,3,4* and Mark Hallett, MD5

Department of Neurosciences, Psychiatry, and Anaesthesiological Science, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Department of Physiology, Pharmacology, and Neuroscience, Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education,
City University of New York (CUNY), New York, NY, USA
Department of Neurology, Division of Movement Disorders, New York University, New York, New York, USA
Istituto Di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCSS) Centro “Bonino Pulejo,”, Messina, Italy
Human Motor Control Section, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA

ABSTRACT: Work over the past 2 decades has during motor learning this abnormal plasticity may lead
led to substantial changes in our understanding of dysto- to an abnormal sensorimotor integration, leading to con-
nia pathophysiology. Three general abnormalities appear solidation of abnormal motor engrams. If so, then remov-
to underlie the pathophysiological substrate. The first is a ing this abnormal plasticity might have little immediate
loss of inhibition. This makes sense considering that it effect on dystonic movements because bad motor mem-
may be responsible for the excess of movement and for ories have already been ‘‘learned’’ and are difficult to
the overflow phenomena seen in dystonia. A second ab- erase. These considerations might explain the delayed
normality is sensory dysfunction which is related to the clinical effects of deep brain stimulation (DBS) in patients
mild sensory complaints in patients with focal dystonias with generalized dystonia. Current lines of research will
and may be responsible for some of the motor dysfunc- be discussed from a network perspective. V C 2013
tion. Third, evidence from animal models of dystonia as Movement Disorder Society
well as from patients with primary dystonia has revealed
significant alterations of synaptic plasticity characterized
by a disruption of homeostatic plasticity, with a prevailing K e y W o r d s : dystonia; sensory-motor plasticity; ba-
facilitation of synaptic potentiation, together with the loss sal ganglia; transcranial magnetic stimulation
of synaptic inhibitory processes. We speculate that

There have been great strides in the pathophysiology patients and the sensory system can drive the motor sys-
of dystonia in the last 2 decades. Three general abnor- tem. Third, there is a derangement of plasticity in dysto-
malities appear to underlie the physiological substrate of nia. In particular, robust evidence from experimental
dystonia. All 3 are persuasive and may relate to each and clinical work supports the hypothesis that dystonia
other. One abnormality is loss of inhibition.1 The lack of may be considered a disorder linked to the disruption of
inhibition makes sense considering that it may be respon- homeostatic plasticity, with a prevailing facilitation of
sible for the excess of movement and for the overflow synaptic potentiation, together with the loss of synaptic
phenomena seen in dystonia. A second abnormality is inhibitory processes.2,3 However, despite these findings,
sensory dysfunction. There are mild sensory findings in an important gap remains in the translation of these
insights into an understanding of the fundamental
------------------------------------------------------------ changes in higher-order motor control that underlie dys-
*Correspondence to: Dr. Angelo Quartarone, Department of Neuro- tonic symptoms, especially at a network and system
sciences, Psychiatry & Anaesthesiological Science, University of Messina,
Via Consolare Valeria 1, Messina 98125, Italy; level. Therefore, we discuss the current lines of research in dystonia with an integrative perspective.
Relevant conflicts of interest/financial disclosures: Full financial
disclosures and author roles may be found in the Acknowledgments
section online. Loss of Inhibition and Excess of
Received: 12 December 2012; Revised: 30 April 2013; Movement
Accepted: 2 May 2013

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( A characteristic clinical feature of dystonia is the
DOI: 10.1002/mds.25532 excess of movement. This has been demonstrated with

958 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


electromyographic (EMG) recordings that have shown

abnormally long bursts of EMG activity, co-contrac-
tion of antagonist muscles, and an overflow of activity
into muscles not involved in the task.4 Alterations of
inhibitory circuits have been reported at the spinal
cord, brainstem, and cortex.5 Transcranial magnetic
stimulation (TMS) allows the study of different inhibi-
tory circuits at the cortical level.6 Many of these are
impaired in dystonia and the abnormal intracortical
inhibition may be found in both hemispheres despite
unilateral symptoms and even in asymptomatic body
parts.7–12 The alterations are nonspecific in that they
have also been observed in various other neurological
conditions and even in psychogenic dystonia.12,13 For
this reason, there does not appear to be a direct link
between reduced intracortical inhibition and dysto-
nia.14 It is also fair to note that physiological abnor-
malities in asymptomatic body parts could indicate
that they are compensatory changes to prevent dysto-
nia; however, this seems unlikely since the abnormal-
ities are generally the same as those in the FIG. 1. Surround inhibition during motor imagery. Changes in mean
symptomatic body parts and are in the direction to motor evoked potential (MEP) size during motor imagery on the right
lead to motor dysfunction. side of healthy controls and on the affected side of patients. TMS was
always given to the motor cortex contralateral to the imagined task.
How can a nonspecific deficit of inhibitory intracort- MEP size during motor imagery (MI) compared with rest condition
ical circuits translate into the typical dystonic unfo- recorded from different target muscles of the right upper limb after
cused muscular activation? It is likely that when a stimulation of the left hemisphere in controls (A) and patients with writ-
er’s cramp (B). The bar chart illustrates the mean peak-to-peak ampli-
specific voluntary movement is generated, the brain tude (mV) of MEPs recorded at rest (open columns) and during MI
has to suppress other possible movements. In this (black columns). Each error bar equals standard error of the mean
way, the motor cortex can produce a more accurate (SEM). MI elicited an attenuated and less focal increase in MEP ampli-
tude in patients than in controls. FDI, first dorsal interosseus; APB, ab-
movement, just as surround inhibition in sensory sys- ductor pollicis brevis; ADM, abductor digiti minimi; ECR, extensor
tems allows a more exact perception.15 There is good carpi radialis; BIC, biceps. *P <.05. (from Quartarone A, Bagnato S,
evidence for surround inhibition, within the sensory- Rizzo V, et al.21)
motor cortex, in human movement,16,17 although it
cannot be demonstrated in every normal subject.18
Surround inhibition is reduced in focal hand dystonia
and this may contribute to the difficulty in focusing direct and indirect pathways so that the direct path-
motor command and to overflow phenomena.17,19,20 way is relatively overactive (or that the indirect path-
An alteration of surround inhibition can also be dem- way is relatively underactive).23 The postulated
onstrated when dystonic patients imagine abduction of imbalance should lead to excessive movement and, in
the index finger21 (Fig. 1). particular, a loss of surround inhibition. The cerebel-
Considerable work has been done trying to deter- lum may play a role given its influence on cortical
mine the mechanism of surround inhibition. The nor- excitability.24–26 Transcranial magnetic stimulation of
mal mechanisms are not yet determined, but there are the cerebellum decreases cortical excitability in normal
derangements in focal hand dystonia, including short humans, an effect that is lost in patients with dysto-
intracortical inhibition.22 nia,27 but it does not appear to play a role in surround
inhibition.28 At present there is no conclusive evidence
linking the loss of inhibition to a specific dysfunction
Loss of Inhibition: Neuroanatomical within basal ganglia or cerebellar network. The failure
Correlates of short-interval cortical inhibition (SICI) in focal
hand dystonia suggests that there might well be a cort-
The loss of inhibition has been traditionally inter- ical abnormality of intracortical inhibitory neurons.
preted in the context of presumed basal ganglia dys- There was a suggestion of a loss of GABA in the sen-
function. One hypothesis about basal ganglia sorimotor cortex demonstrated with magnetic reso-
organization is that the direct pathway helps com- nance spectroscopy,29 but this was not confirmed later
mand the desired movement, while the indirect path- in a subsequent study.30 Another study, however,
way inhibits unwanted movements.15 A number of showed a loss of flumazenil binding in the sensorimo-
investigators have felt that there is an imbalance in the tor cortex, keeping the idea plausible.31

Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013 959


Sensory Abnormalities responsiveness in classical conditioning tasks. Their

activity appears to be unrelated to movements while
Another major theme in the pathophysiology of dys- they discharge phasically in response to sensory stim-
tonia is a defect in sensory or perceptual function or uli, serving as a cue for reward delivery and consump-
in “sensorimotor integration.” Although dystonia is tion.47 Moreover, thalamic projections to the striatum
generally regarded as a pure32 motor disorder, it is engage cholinergic interneurons to modulate cortico-
commonly preceded by sensory symptoms. Ill-defined striatal inputs, thereby supporting their fundamental
bodily feelings (discomfort, pain, or kinesthetic sensa- role in filtering excitatory afferents.48 Cholinergic dys-
tions) are frequently reported weeks or months before function must be important in dystonia, considering
dystonia develops33 and pain can be a component of that partially effective therapies for the disorder are
cervical dystonia. There are also mild sensory deficits. anticholinergic drugs.49 On the other hand, the cere-
Patients with focal dystonia have difficulty in discrimi- bellum also exerts powerful influences over the soma-
nating sensory stimuli in both spatial and temporal tosensory system. For instance, alterations of cortical
domains.34 Importantly, these abnormalities are pres- excitability after repetitive somatosensory stimulation
ent in unaffected body parts such as the unaffected are mediated by the cerebellum.50,51 Unlike the basal
hand in patients with focal hand dystonia. For ganglia, which receive sensory information indirectly,
instance it has been reported that somatosensory tem- the cerebellum is the direct recipient of sensory input
poral discrimination threshold (STDT) is abnormal in from the spinal cord. In this way the cerebellum may
all the different forms of primary focal dystonias in all affect the somatosensory threshold in the cortex, also
3 body regions (eye, hand, and neck), regardless of the playing a role in both temporal and spatial
distribution and severity of motor symptoms.35 These discrimination.52,53
sensory abnormalities, particularly of temporal dis- There is also evidence for an abnormality directly in
crimination,36 have also been documented in some rel- the sensory cortex. Studies using the somatosensory-
atives of patients with inherited generalized evoked potential recovery curve show that there is a ab-
dystonia.37 These alterations may be related to a normality of short-latency intracortical inhibitory mech-
deranged somatotopic representation in the sensory anisms similar to those in the motor system.32
cortex as revealed by neurophysiological and neuroi- In addition, studies in patients with task-specific dys-
maging studies.36,38–42 tonia using somatosensory-evoked potentials and mag-
In addition, sensory inputs may modulate dystonic netoencephalography have revealed a dramatic
symptoms. A well recognized clinical sign in dystonia disorganization of the normal homuncular finger repre-
is the sensory trick, particularly in cervical dystonia, sentations of both hands in the primary sensory cortex.
where the symptoms may improve upon touching the The abnormal cortical finger representations, which
cheek. Tonic vibration of a limb may induce a wor- may well arise from a lack of surround inhibition,
sening of hand dystonia whereas anesthetic block may appear to be an endophenotypic trait of dystonia.39,42
relieve it.43
Sensorimotor integration, which refers to how the
sensory system interacts with the motor system, is also Maladaptive Plasticity in Dystonia
abnormal in dystonia.44 For example, sensory modula-
tion in response to movement, so-called sensory gat- Maladaptive plasticity appears to be an important
ing, is abnormal in focal hand dystonia. feature for the pathogenesis of dystonia.2,3,54 The task
specificity in focal dystonia suggests a breakdown in
the circuits involved in the encoding of motor memo-
Sensory Abnormalities: ries, which produces abnormal motor engrams. This
Neuroanatomical Correlates can also explain the patterned muscular activation,
which is typical of dystonia. An important clinical fea-
The basal ganglia may play a role in sensory and ture is that hand dystonia is typically triggered by pe-
perceptual defects. Given the influence of striatum riod of intensive training of a particular movement.2,55
over basal ganglia output (via the internal globus pal- In a monkey model of dystonia, overtraining in a
lidus (GPi)/subthalamic nucleus (STN)) to thalamus specific hand movement induced the appearance of a
and back to motor cortical areas, the basal ganglia motor hand impairment similar to problems experi-
have been attributed a role in sensory gating, filtering enced by patients with focal hand dystonia.56 The
out what sensory information is “passed” to the somatosensory cortex of these animals was less well
motor system.45,46 In this respect, the role played by organized than that of healthy monkeys, with larger
cholinergic interneurons cannot be neglected. receptive fields and overlapping representations of the
Although they account for 2% or less of the neuronal individual digits. Therefore, it can be postulated that
striatal population, these interneurons have extensive overtraining itself may induce a change in the connec-
dendritic arbors and are unique for their tivity in the sensory and motor cortices, leading to

960 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


FIG. 2. Paired associative stimulation. Effect of associative stimulation (PAS) on the size of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) of the right APB and FDI
muscle in 10 patients with writer’s cramp (A) and 10 healthy controls (B). The bar chart illustrates the mean peak-to-peak amplitude (mV) of MEPs
recorded at rest before (open columns) and after associative stimulation (shaded columns). Each error bar equals standard error of the mean (SEM).
Representative examples of MEPs evoked in the right APB and FDI muscles are given for each group below each bar chart. Each trace represents
an average of 5 consecutive MEPs. Associative stimulation led to an increase in MEPs size in patients and controls. However, the facilitatory effect
was significantly stronger in patients. (from Quartarone A, Bagnato S, Rizzo V, et al.59)

inappropriate association between sensory input and paired associative stimulation (PAS). Using PAS, it has
motor outputs, which in turn would cause errors in been demonstrated that both long-term potentiation
selecting muscles used in voluntary movement.57 How- (LTP)-like and long-term depression (LTD)-like facilita-
ever, this experiment showed only that severe over- tory and inhibitory effects on TMS-evoked motor
training could lead to abnormal reorganization of the evoked potentials (MEPs) recorded from the target mus-
sensorimotor cortex and dystonia. It does not give cle, are enhanced in patients with writer’s cramp.59,62
clues as to why in humans only some subjects develop An important feature of PAS-induced associative
dystonia after excessive training whereas others are plasticity in healthy controls is input specificity as PAS
completely healthy. It seems likely that subtle abnor- after effects are largely confined to the cortical target
malities of plasticity may render some individuals sus- representation receiving a dual congruent input.65
ceptible to dystonia if plastic changes are pushed to Instead, in patients with writer’s cramp, PAS tends to
their extreme by frequent repetition. This suggests a 2- also change cortical excitability of nearby muscle rep-
factor hypothesis: use-dependent environmental factors resentations (Fig. 2).59,62,63,66 This loss of spatial spec-
such as repetitive training, and abnormal mechanisms ificity appears to be a relevant finding and could be
of plasticity within sensorimotor loops.2,58–60 related to the abnormalities of neuronal inhibition pre-
There is considerable evidence suggesting that both viously identified both in the motor and somatosen-
the motor and sensory cortex in primary dystonia sory system in dystonic patients.66 These data suggest
exhibits an exaggerated responsiveness to TMS condi- a failure of GABAergic mechanisms that are recruited
tioning protocols.59,61–64 A well-established approach during LTP-LTD–like phenomena within sensory and
to test plasticity in humans in a noninvasive way is motor cortices, and it may be speculated that this

Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013 961


phenomenon could underlie the loss of spatial specific- an essential requirement to maintain overall synaptic
ity of PAS-induced after effects.54 This abnormal plas- weight in neuronal networks within a useful dynamic
ticity is not confined to the neural circuits affected by range.2,70 Theoretically, the positive-feedback nature
dystonia but is generalized across the entire sensori- of LTP may potentially trigger an uncontrolled
motor system, representing an endophenotypic trait of increase in synaptic effectiveness, which can empower
dystonia.63 Further evidence of abnormal plasticity of and destabilize neural circuits. Evidence in experimen-
sensorimotor circuits is that cortical excitability, tal models suggests that this can be prevented by mak-
probed by the somatosensory-evoked response P27, ing the amount of LTP dependent on the level of
was enhanced by PAS more in focal hand dystonia activity in the postsynaptic neuron: the greater the
than in healthy subjects.61 ongoing activity, the less effective are processes lead-
The alterations of plasticity are not only at the corti- ing to LTP, while processes leading to LTD are
cal level but may also be found at the brainstem level. enhanced. Conversely, the lower the activity of the
An excess of plasticity can also be found within the postsynaptic neurons, the more effective are processes
blink reflex circuits in patients with blepharospasm.67 that lead to LTP. This is recognized as homeostatic
This finding was not confirmed by a subsequent study, plasticity and is formalized in the model described by
perhaps due to some methodological differences.68 Bienenstock et al.71 in 1982. Enhanced plasticity in
Another paradigm that can induce plasticity in human dystonia might well be the result of a disruption of
cortex, is theta burst stimulation (TBS). A loss of TBS homeostatic plasticity within sensorimotor circuits. It
after effects has been demonstrated in non-manifesting is possible to study homeostatic mechanisms by using
DYT1 gene carriers and this may protect them from a combined protocol where transcranial direct current
developing dystonia.64 On the other hand, there is stimulation (tDCS) primes the response of the motor
impaired motor learning in nonmanifesting carriers in cortex to a subsequent period of repetitive TMS
behavioral studies.69 The presence of abnormal motor (rTMS).72 In healthy controls preconditioning of the
learning even in unaffected carriers strongly suggests primary motor cortex with 10 minutes of anodal stim-
that abnormal plasticity is an important endopheno- ulation can potentate the inhibitory aftereffects of 1-
typic trait that might predispose to the subsequent de- Hz rTMS whereas 10 minutes of cathodal stimulation
velopment of dystonia.69 changes the effect to facilitation. In patients with focal
hand dystonia the response to 1-Hz rTMS was unaf-
fected by preconditioning with tDCS. Specifically, 1-
Abnormal Plasticity in Dystonia: Hz rTMS failed to counteract the increase in cortical
Disruption of Synaptic Homeostasis excitability induced by anodal tDCS73 (Fig. 3).
The extent to which deficient homeostatic metaplas-
What drives cortical and brainstem plasticity beyond ticity also applies to the behavioral level of practice-
its physiological boundaries? Homeostatic plasticity is dependent plasticity induced by repetitive and highly

FIG. 3. Homeostatic plasticity. A: Illustrates the mean amplitude of MEPs after 2 types of conditioning in healthy controls. There was a “facilitatory”
response to anodal tDCS preconditioning, which was reversed by a subsequent period of 1-Hz rTMS. Conversely, “inhibitory” preconditioning with
cathodal tDCS resulted in an opposite after effect of 1-Hz rTMS, which led to an increase in corticospinal excitability. B: Plots the changes in corti-
cospinal excitability in writer’s cramp patients after the 2 types of conditioning. Patients showed an abnormal responsiveness to tDCS and rTMS. (1)
Only anodal tDCS produced a normal facilitatory effect on corticospinal excitability, whereas “inhibitory” cathodal tDCS had no aftereffect on corti-
cospinal excitability. (2) Regardless of the type of preconditioning, rTMS had no consistent effect on corticospinal excitability. In particular, although
anodal tDCS produced a “normal” facilitatory response, subsequent 1-Hz rTMS did not reverse the increase in excitability produced by anodal pre-
conditioning. MEP amplitudes are given as a percentage of the MEP size at baseline. Each error bar equals standard error of the mean (SEM). (from
Quartarone A, Rizzo V, Bagnato S, et al.73).

962 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


stereotyped finger movements has also been addressed. but might have little immediate effect on dystonic
In healthy subjects, priming with an excitability- movements because bad motor memories have already
enhancing TMS protocol downregulates practice-de- been ‘‘learned’’ and take time to be reshaped.
pendent plasticity, whereas preconditioning with an Finally, there is also evidence suggesting that there
excitability-depressing protocol upregulates it.74 In may be functional and structural changes in the cere-
patients with focal hand dystonia the homeostatic bellum of patients with adult-onset primary focal dys-
modulation was deficient and the magnitude of this tonia.87,88 The cerebellum may be involved in
deficiency correlated with clinical severity of the focal abnormalities of sensorimotor integration in dystonia.
hand dystonia.74 Patients with focal dystonia show abnormalities of the
classic eye-blink conditioning paradigm, which
depends on the cerebellum.89 How can we distinguish
Abnormal Plasticity: cause from consequences in physiological studies?
Neuroanatomical Correlates Many of the physiological findings appear to be an
underlying cause, or etiological factor, of dystonia
There are indirect data suggesting abnormal plastic- rather than a consequence or a compensation. This is
ity within basal ganglia circuits in dystonia. There is because they can be seen in asymptomatic body parts,
excessive oscillatory activity between 3 and 10 Hz in such as in the unaffected arm in a patient with focal
the local field potentials of the pallidum in patients hand dystonia or in an arm of a patient with cervical
with primary dystonia.75,76 The magnitude of the pal- dystonia. Some abnormalities, such as in temporal dis-
lidal oscillatory activity has been correlated with crimination, have been identified in fully normal indi-
involuntary dystonic muscle activity.77 Excessive syn- viduals who might be gene carriers. Only very few
chrony of neuronal firing within the basal ganglia thal- have been only associated with dystonia. One such
amus and cortex could interfere with correct example is long afferent inhibition (LAI), which is
spatiotemporal processing of sensory input and motor reduced in patients with writer’s cramp but only on
output required for normal voluntary movement. The the symptomatic side during muscle activation, sug-
abnormal oscillatory activity and excessive neuronal gesting a tight relationship with overflow of muscle
synchrony could also be the substrate of aberrant syn- activity that characterizes this condition.90 Concerning
aptic plasticity within the basal ganglia and cortex. plasticity abnormalities, it could be hypothesized that
Such a possibility seems likely given that an increase the enhanced facilitation after LTP-like PAS observed
of neuronal oscillations may facilitate cortical in patients with focal hand dystonia is determined by
plasticity.78 the abnormal dystonic posture. In this case, the
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) to the GPi can be a enhanced PAS aftereffects may be simply due to an ac-
very powerful treatment for dystonia79,80 and recent tivity-dependent lateral shift of the synaptic modifica-
long-term results demonstrate that benefits are main- tion threshold between enhancing and suppression
tained after more than 10 years.81 It is possible that conditions. According to the homeostatic rule, the
DBS alleviates dystonic symptoms by desynchronizing abnormal hand posture would reduce the efficacy of
the excessive synchronized pallidal activity, thus LTD-like PAS to induce LTD changes. However, this
restoring a normal plasticity within the sensorimotor was not the case in focal hand dystonia where PAS-
loop. An intriguing point is that in contrast to the induced LTD was also enhanced.62 Additionally, PAS
almost immediate effects of DBS on the majority of abnormalities can be detected in patients with cranio-
symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, it may take several cervical dystonia in the unaffected hands.63 Moreover,
months to achieve maximum clinical benefit in PLTP-like PAS was normal in patients with psycho-
patients with dystonia.80,82–84 The gradual clinical genic dystonia, even in the presence of a fixed dystonic
improvement is paralleled by a similar normalization posture.13 These findings support the notion that the
of several electrophysiological measures of motor inhi- abnormal plasticity is also a primary intrinsic abnor-
bition in the brain and spinal cord.82,85,86 The slowly mality, which can predispose to the development of
progressive nature of changes in clinical status, to- dystonic movements.
gether with the electrophysiological effects, suggests
that a process of progressive plasticity and neural reor-
ganization accompanies the long-term effects of globus
pallidus DBS. The changes of PAS LTP-like synaptic
Pathophysiology of Dystonia:
plasticity after DBS surgery follows an interesting Putting Neurophysiological
course. After surgery, the plasticity reduces well below Abnormalities in a Network
normal and then gradually increases toward normal
levels at 6 months. If the enhanced plasticity causes In the past there has been a tendency to ascribe be-
inappropriate association between sensorimotor inputs havioral deficits in patients with movement disorders
and outputs, then removing excess plasticity is good, to pathological deficits in a single node of the motor

Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013 963


pathways. However, more recent work at the systems time course in keeping with progressive aberrant plas-
level has focused on how healthy nodes of the brain at ticity across the different nodes. The current challenge
a distance from the primary pathology react to the is to determine whether the alterations across different
damage. Such plastic reorganization in central nervous nodes (spinal cord, somatosensory, basal ganglia, cere-
system (CNS) pathways can either compensate or bellum, cortical) are causative, compensatory, or
exacerbate the primary deficit. In this perspective, de- epiphenomenal.
spite the traditional pathophysiological models indicat-
ing the basal ganglia as a key structure in the How Does Understanding the
pathophysiology of dystonia, it is becoming clear that
many other brain regions can contribute, including
Physiology Help Us to Think About
cerebral cortex, cerebellum, thalamus, and brainstem. New Treatments?
In keeping with this idea, dystonia may result from a
Reshaping the Disordered Sensory
single-node dysfunction, from an involvement of mul-
Somatotopy in Focal Dystonias
tiple nodes, or from aberrant communication among
the nodes.91,92 The delay between a lesion and the Focal hand dystonia is difficult to treat pharmaco-
emergence of secondary dystonia suggests the possibil- logically or with injections of botulinum toxin, and an
ity of a progressive maladaptive plasticity in remote alternative form of treatment is clearly needed. The
nodes. Similarly, the delayed effects of DBS are in identification of risk factors along with putative mech-
keeping with a massive rearrangement within multiple anisms has prompted the design of novel therapeutic
nodes of the motor loop.93,94 Finally, dystonia may strategies guided by physiological findings. Since repet-
arise from abnormal communications among nodes. itive use of the hand is a crucial factor in triggering
Dystonias secondary to thalamic lesions are a good and producing focal hand dystonia, training the hand
example, considering that the thalamus is a region back to normal is an available option. Sensorimotor
where pallidal and cerebellar afferents may communi- retuning is where the healthy fingers are restrained
cate before reaching the cortex.95 Abnormal communi- using splints while the affected fingers are engaged in
cation between nodes has been documented with intensive sequential movements. This approach led to
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and an improvement in dystonic symptoms as well as a
electroencephalography (EEG). Resting state fMRI, reshaping of the disordered sensory somatotopy.98
for example, shows reduced connectivity between the Braille reading, another method of sensory training,
parietal and dorsal premotor area.96 EEG has been has been shown to improve spatial discrimination as
recently used to investigate functional connectivity at well as symptoms in focal dystonia.99 Motor training
rest and during a finger-tapping task in patients with in the form of retraining individuated finger move-
focal hand dystonia. Using mutual information, which ments led to a mild improvement in handwriting in
is a statistical approach looking at linear and nonlin- patients with writer’s cramp.100,101 However, none of
ear coupling in the various EEG bands, there was a the treatments reported have led to sustained long-
significant reduction of beta-band connectivity within term benefit. Since there is impairment in the homeo-
the sensorimotor area in patients with focal hand dys- static regulation of practice-dependent plasticity, treat-
tonia. Overall, graph theoretical analysis showed ment protocols that try to retrain movements through
decreased efficiency of the beta-band network.97 DBS intensive practice potentially bear the risk of overload-
studies report increased oscillatory activity in the fre- ing the system, perpetuating a vicious cycle of run-
quency range of 3 to 20 Hz.75 These data indicate an away abnormal plasticity.2 If loss of inhibition is
abnormal brain coupling within the motor loop, responsible for the excess of movement in dystonia,
which could underlie the abnormal sensorimotor plas- then boosting up inhibition might be helpful. rTMS
ticity. This network model with alterations in single delivered over M1 at slow rates (between 0.2 and 1
and or multiple nodes could explain and reconcile the Hz) can induce an increase in inhibition. As a result,
different lines of research in the pathophysiology of rTMS has been a potential candidate to reduce this
dystonia: abnormal sensorimotor integration, loss of abnormal cortical excitability. A study delivering 1-Hz
inhibition, and aberrant plasticity. Indeed, the model rTMS over M1 showed a restoration of intracortical
that emerges is one in which misprocessing of sensory inhibition in dystonic patients associated with a mild
feedback coupled with an abnormal excitability within improvement in motor performance.102 The premotor
inhibitory motor circuits at different level (spinal cord, cortex is another possible target for neurostimulation
brainstem, cerebellum, basal ganglia, and cortex) may since rTMS at 1 Hz can improve the deficit of recipro-
result in a progressive abnormal plasticity in local and cal inhibition in dystonia.11 Stimulation of the premo-
distant nodes, culminating in an overt dystonia. This tor cortex but not M1 significantly improved the
model could also explain the typical clinical course of handwriting in the patient group, which lasted up to a
primary dystonia with onset in one body part and sub- few hours in most patients.46 This improvement was
sequent gradual spread to adjacent body regions, a not seen in patients receiving sham stimulation.

964 Movement Disorders, Vol. 28, No. 7, 2013


Unfortunately, these promising results have not yet led possible with prolonged interventions to reverse the
to a subsequent multiple-session study in focal hand abnormalities. DBS certainly is an indication that this
dystonia. tDCS is another possible approach to treat can be done, and perhaps noninvasive methods could
patients with dystonia. A randomized, double-blind, also be useful in the near future.
sham-controlled study investigated the efficacy of cath-
odal stimulation of the contralateral motor cortex in 3 References
sessions distributed in 1 week. Cathodal tDCS had no
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