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Complete the sentences with a suitable modal and modal perfect below and the correct
form of the verbs in brackets.

have to • needn’t • must have • shouldn’t have • should have • might • can’t have • mustn’t •
might have

1. You …………………………… (worry). I’ll help you.

2. John hasn’t arrived yet. He …………………………… (miss) the bus.

3. My bike needs new tyres, so I …………………………… (walk) to school this week.

4. I didn’t know the lesson was cancelled. You …………………………… (tell) me.

5. You …………………………… (make) so much food. Nobody was hungry.

6. Don’t give up yet. You …………………………… (win) the prize next time.

7. He …………………………… (forget) his camera again! I reminded him twice this morning.

8. That mountain is dangerous. You …………………………… (try) to climb it.

2. Complete the mini-dialogues with a modal or modal perfect and the verbs in brackets. There
may be more than one correct answer.

I Nan: I 1. ……………………… (not reach) my clothes on the top shelf.

2. ……………………… you ……………………… (help) me?

Sue: Sorry. I’m busy right now. You 3. ……………………… (try) standing on a chair.

II Kieran: I didn’t know that our neighbours were moving. You 4. ……………………… (tell) me.

Maggie: Why? What difference does it make?

Kieran: I 5. ……………………… (say) goodbye to them.

III Sally: 6. ……………………… I ……………………… (get) you something to drink while you’re waiting?

Brian: No, thanks. I’m waiting for Jill to come. She 7. ……………………… (be) here any minute.

5. Rewrite the sentences using a suitable modal or modal perfect. Do not change the original
meaning of the sentences. There may be more than one correct answer.

1. It’s not a good idea for Hal to play football so soon after his accident.

Hal ......................................................................................................................................... .

2. I’m sure I heard her playing the piano yesterday.

She ........................................................................................................................................ .
3. It’s possible that her plane has landed.

Her plane ............................................................................................................................... .

4. We decided to walk instead of taking the car.

We ......................................................................................................................................... .

5. Smoking is prohibited in this building.

You ........................................................................................................................................ .

6. It’s not necessary to arrive early.

You ........................................................................................................................................ .

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