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Anthony M Porter II

January 17, 2023

EAD 510

Lisa Schlabra

Clinical Field Experience B: Schoolwide Budgetary Needs

 Developmental timeframe: Data is collected every year from the schools in the district based on
the different surveys that they send out to the parents, students, teachers, and other support
staff. The data collected normally comes back from the students, teachers, and support staff.
The parent's data is the hardest data to collect because they do not always send it back. The
data that is collected helps the schools district and the state decide how they are going to
allocate funds within that district especially those title one funds that go to help schools with
 Stakeholders involved in the process: The school district, the principals, the state, teachers,

students, parents, and the community that the school is in.

 How were needs identified: The needs are identified based off the surveys and how the data is


 Process of defense and modification: The budget is revised every year based upon the number

of students programs and success that the school has.

 District technology requirements and their effects on the budget process: Palm Beach County

Schools District makes sure that there was a laptop for every student in the school, they also

took the older computers and the phased them out, they assessed all the computers that were

broken and those that can be fixed to have extra laptops on hand. Textbooks are also something

that the district looks at and whether they are buying paperback books or regular textbooks

because of the cost.

Part two: The survey was administered to the staff and other stakeholders on campus, created on survey

monkey last week. The information received from the survey was positive and informative. It gave me

and my mentor quite a bit to think about.

Part 3: Schoolwide Budgetary Needs Assessment Summary and Reflection

Jeaga Middle school is a school in Palm Beach County where the population of the school is Hispanic,

and Haitian. The number of students that attend the school is 987. The school is listed as a Title One

school where most of the students come from low-income areas of West Palm Beach. The school is

currently operating as a C school, the school was a D, but the school overall learning gains brought the

grade up.The biggest program that we have at Jeaga Middle School is our ESE department Which covers

a wide range of things and accommodations for the students that we are servicing.

I conducted a survey with the permission of principal Dr. Anthony Allen, a Needs assessment survey

given to ten random teachers and staff at the school. The survey was going to give me the opportunity

to see what the staff needed and what the staff thought could be changed to make the school better.

The questions on the survey varied but gave those who were taking it a chance to truly express their

opinions and to remain nameless. After the survey, I and Dr. Allen sat down to discuss the survey's

findings to see if he also had similar thoughts and if the things the teachers expressed could be put in

next year's budget. To my surprise some of the things that the teachers had suggested were budget

items that were going to be reviewed and see if they could be allocated into the budget.

After discussing the survey Dr. Allen and I went over the budget expenditures for the year, the one

expenditure that he said was the most expensive was the budget of the staff on campus. When we were

discussing the overall numbers the only thing that he was comfortable with me putting in here was his

overall salary which is 118, 000 dollars a year. He informed me that the teachers were all on a sliding

scale, so their salaries varied. The second largest expenditure on the campus went to the technology he
informed me that when they purchase new equipment the school spends roughly 1 million on all the

equipment that the school buys, buying the equipment in bulk saves the school a large amount of

money which is why it is done that way.

Dr Allen showed me the revenue that the school makes, when asking him about the revenue he

informed me that the revenue that was counted by the school is revenue that does not have to be

dispersed back to a particular program. Jeaga has two festivals that both generate a great amount of

money. Both festivals generated close to $20,000 last year and this year he is expecting more because

the school has more students. The school also takes a college tour every year that generates a small

amount of income for the school but not like the fall festival.

The one thing that was learned from the survey was that the teachers all felt that morale at the school

was high, and they all felt that Dr. Allen listened to their concerns and made sure that he was present

for them. The teacher felt that we were able to meet the students’ needs when it came. The teachers

also felt that more funds should be allocated to helping most of the students speak a foreign language.

The one thing that caught me off guard was the fact that the teachers felt that we needed more

qualified teachers at the school. They understand that since COVID there has been a teacher shortage,

but they feel that the students are being late down by not receiving the proper schooling.

Based off the data collected there are several things that I would suggest that take place at Jeaga middle

School next year, The first thing that I would suggest is that the school invest in more support facilitation

for the students that really need it, sometime giving he students the sense of knowing that there is more

than one teacher could make a world of difference of hat student passing or failing. I also feel that the

school should invest in Saturday tutorial, the students that truly need the extra push would be the ones

that are recommended to Saturday tutorial by the teachers so they can continue their education and

become a more productive student.

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