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To the Parent(s) / Guardian(s) of students of International Primary School Almere

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

International Primary School Almere requests a school fee contribution per student. The purpose of this contribution is
to pay for a number of facilities which are not compensated by the Dutch government. These facilities include reducing
the number of students per group, second language teaching, offering additional learning support, additional staff
members and resources.

The school’s viability depends on this financial contribution in order to create a learning focused school where your child
is able to thrive in a learning rich environment.

By signing the accompanying agreement you confirm to proceed with payments and accept the terms and conditions
stated in the attached regulations.

We kindly request you to fill in and sign the attached agreement and turn it in to our School Business Manager along with
applicable admission forms.

Admission will only be possible if this form is signed and returned.

Kind regards,

Erin Wilson

Head of School

Article 1 - General
By signing the School Fee Agreement, the signatory (parent or guardian) undertakes to pay school fee for their child(ren)
registered at International Primary School Almere. Parents/guardians may apply to their employer with a request to pay
the amount due. The school fee contribution will be agreed on by the School Council once a year. The School Council
has a vote regarding the amount, level and use of the school fee contribution.

International Primary School Almere is a partially-subsidized Dutch International School. As the subsidies received from
the Dutch government for the school represent only a part of the costs needed to operate the school, the school charges
a school fee. This helps to ensure quality international education.

Article 2 - Terms

This agreement is entered for the duration of one school year to commence on August 1, up to and including July 31 of
the year thereafter. If registering a student during a school year, the school fee as mentioned on our website will be
applicable for the rest of the applicable school year.

For students with any type of educational or behavioral difficulty, parents will need to provide complete documentation of
their child’s academic history, psychological/educational evaluations, and details of extra academic/specialist support
they have had or are currently receiving. Parents will also grant permission for the school to contact previous schools or
professionals involved with the child in order to provide details relevant to the child’s education and wellbeing. Once the
application information is complete, the Admissions Team will evaluate the application and decide if the school can
accommodate the student.

Failure to disclose information to the school relating to a child’s existing learning or behavioral difficulties may jeopardize
your child’s placement.

As a formality, Dutch law obligates us to investigate before a child is enrolled if International Primary School Almere is
the best suitable placement. In the case that there is limited information / documentation available (school reports etc.),
it means that we are unable to do this to a suitable degree.

This concludes that the first six weeks of your child’s attendance in our school will be an investigative period to ascertain
that our school provides the best placement for your child. If this period does not give us enough clarity, our school can
extend this period with four weeks. If this extra time is needed we will inform you about this via e-mail.

If should be determined that International Primary School Almere is not the best suitable placement for your child, it could
mean that your child would need to change schools; a consequence could be that the student needs to enroll in the Dutch
Educational System.

If our school cannot meet the academic, social/emotional or physical needs of your child, we will work in cooperation
with ‘Passend Onderwijs’ to recommend a transfer to an establishment that we believe can better accommodate the
student’s needs.
Article 3 – Payment Obligation

The agreement shall enter into force after signing, as mentioned in Article 1. Payment obligation is applicable in so far
as the signatory as mentioned in Article 1 has, by entering into this agreement, declared his/her wish to lay claim to the
facilities provided for herein.

School fees must be paid in advance. There are two options:

A. Payment in full
B. Payment in instalments

Your choice must be indicated on the ‘Method of Payment’ form (page 5).

Unless we receive a signed School Fee Agreement form by 9 May 2022 and corresponding payment by 1 June 2022,
your child’s placement cannot be guaranteed for the following school year.


Failure to pay fees will result in legal proceedings against the debtor. Certificates, transcripts etc. from the school will be
withheld and participation in lessons will no longer be possible until debts are cleared. Any non-payment of fees will be
placed in the hands of an official debt collector and all costs charged to the parent/guardian. Failure to pay fees from the
previous academic year/years will result in an automatic refusal of a school place for subsequent years.


Our International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is NL55 INGB 0008569174

Beneficiary name of the bank account is:

Int. Primary School Almere (ASG)
A. Roland Holststraat 58
The Netherlands

The name and address of the bank is:

ING Bank N.V.
Foreign Operations
PO Box 1800
1000 BV Amsterdam
The Netherlands


Please state: Full name of your child(ren)

Please note: When you make an international bank (wire) transfer you can choose who pays the transfer charges. The
OUR instruction allows that you pay all transfer charges. We require all international transfers to International Primary
School Almere to be made with the OUR instruction.

Option A Option B
Payment in full Payment in instalments
Enlisting in

August, September 4120 4248 (8 instalments)

October 3777 3906 (7 instalments)
November 3433 3561 (6 instalments)
December 3090 3218 (5 instalments)
January 2747 2874 (4 instalments)
February 2403 2532 (4 instalments)
March 2060 2187 (3 instalments)
April 1717 1844 (2 instalments)
May, June 1373

Article 4 – Withdrawals / Refunds

Admission to our school is with the expectation that your child completes the given school year. If a child must leave
during the school year, four weeks’ notice should be given in writing. You can use the Exit Form for withdrawal and inform
the School Business Manager personally via email or visiting.

Financial consequences

In the event of withdrawal you usually do not owe the full school fee; however, withdrawal is not free of charges. Once
your child has started at our school, International Primary School Almere will be counting on his or her presence.
Moreover, International Primary School Almere incurs costs long before the start of the academic year to be able to
offer students the educational programme.

Withdrawal after the start of the academic year ( 1 August)

In the event of withdrawal after 1 August, International Primary School Almere will charge 25% of the school fee and
you will also pay an amount in proportion to the duration of the period of time until the final day of the school year with a
maximum of 100% of the school fee. The amount you will have to pay will be calculated using the following formula:

I. (number of commenced months prior to the final day / 12 months) x school fee (Option A or B as chosen)

II. 25% x school fee (Option A or B as chosen)

School Fee Agreement 2022-2023

This is to declare that the undersigned, __________________________ (name of parent or guardian), has taken notice
of the ‘School Fee Regulations’ and accepts them to be part of this agreement.

The undersigned agrees to the payment of the school fee contribution regarding the admission of the child/children below:

1. ___________________________________________________________________ (name of student)

2. ___________________________________________________________________ (name of student)

3. ___________________________________________________________________ (name of student)

Payment Options

Please tick one of the following payment options:

 Option A: I will pay in full.

 Option B: I will pay in instalments.

The invoice needs to be addressed to my employer:

Name company : __________________________________________________

Street name / House number : __________________________________________________

Postcode / City : __________________________________________________


By signing below you are agreeing that you have read, and will abide by, the articles of agreement and that all
information given in this form is true and correct. The agreement shall be signed and returned to the School Business
Manager. The school fee contribution is payable on or before the date specified in the invoice.

Signed in ________________________________________ (city) on ________________________ (date)

Signature of Parent / Guardian ___________________________________________________________

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