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Anthony Porter II

December 20, 2022

EAD 510

Dr. Lisa Schlabra

Clinical Field Experience A: Program Leader Interview

While conducting my interview of Dr. Allen there were several questioned that I asked him as it

pertained to the budget, and he had some interesting answers for me that made really think about the

way that I wanted to be involved in dealing with the budget of the programming at my future school.

I asked him what programming that he was involved in when it came to making the budget, he told me

that he was involved in all of them, he stated that “Knowing the needs and want of the clubs made him

a great leader and that helps him determine how much funding each program will receive, he said the

one things that will stand true about the allocations of funds are that numbers don’t lie. I asked him

about when the funds are dispersed are their certain things that must have approval before those funds

are spent, he stated that any purchase that was made over five hundred dollars had to be approved by

the principal, the club had to submit in writing what they were making the purchase and how it would

be used by the club. I asked him about fundraising and if that takes away from the monies allocated? Dr.

Allen said that he tries not to take funds away from programming that really do a great job fundraising

because fundraising numbers are not always accurate and sometimes, they are up and down, but for

those programs that exceed the monies that are allocated to them he has taken back some funds and

allocated them elsewhere. I asked how the budget with the programs aligned with the school's vision;

Dr Allen stated that all programs that receive funding must do three things be about the students, have

a mentoring and educational component, and service the community. The programs help ensure the
students success because the focus of the programs are the students, their education, the growing as

students, and them growing as people. I asked Dr. Allen about the reconciliation process and who was

involved in the process each month and according to him all the leaders of the groups, himself and the

school's treasurer because they are the ones who sign the checks.

Reviewing the survey with Dr. Allen was quite comical because some of the answers that I received were

not the ones that I was expecting but I did enjoy asking him the questions. I asked what happened to the

broken equipment from the groups, he said that the equipment that is broken must be turned in before

buying new materials to see if it can be fixed or zeroed out. I asked him how many trips the programs

plan on taking and he said that trips must first be approved by him so at this point there are only three

trips planned. All programs that are run by the school must use school transportation when travelling

locally but anything that is out of the county must be done with private transportation. Dr. Allen said

that all volunteers must be approved by the school district and the state before they are even allowed to

step foot on a campus.

As a future educator I will take everything that I have learned and will learn and use it in my practices,

the one thing that I will for a fact is the honesty piece that I am learning from Dr. Allen, no matter how

bad it may seem everyone deserves to know the truth.

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