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National Journal of R esearch in Ayurved Science Nov-open
(A peer-reviewed 2020
access| Indexed
Volume 08ofthAyurved
e-journal | Issue:
2013) ISSN: 2320-7329

Review on Tambulasava – A fermented Ayurvedic formulation

Baban Rathod1, Sachin Sheth2, Vishakha Vivek Sonawane*3,

Professor1, Assistant Professor2, P.G. Scholar3,

Dept. of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,

APM’s Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding author: email id:

Abstract: Sandhana Kalpana, a biomedical acharyas developed it with great

fermentation process is an important dosage combination of physical and chemical
form of Ayurveda, in practice since ages. engineering. It plays an important role in
Asava-Arishtas are the main products of making these preparations more superior
Sandhana kalpana. The self generated from pharmaceutical as well as therapeutic
alcohol generated during Sandhan Kalpana point of view.
acts as a solvent for extraction of active Asavas and Arishtas, the main products of
principles from the raw drugs and also acts Sandhana Kalpana are quite popular in the
as preservative. Tambulasava is one of the community of Ayurvedic physicians. Though
unique and unexplored fermented these two terms are interblended in the
preparation mentioned in Gadanigraha. The classics, but they are having separate origin
present study mainly deals with the from two different basic Kalpanas i.e.
Pharmaceutical preparation of Tambulasava Swaras aand Kwatha and hence they cannot
and its indications in detail. be considered as synonyms. Asava-arishtas
are unique contribution of Ayurveda and a
Keywords: Tambulasava, Gadanigraha, novel dosage form. They are cost-effective,
Sandhana Kalpana, Asava. economical with great advantages like long
INTRODUCTION: shelf life, palatability, effective in smaller
doses and further they require less quantity
Sandhana Kalpana is a complex of drug, less equipment and even less man
biotechnological process based on power for their preparation. Hence, a
phenomenon of fermentation.Ancient successful invention to conquer all the short

1 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329

comings of five basic kalpanas. theoretical edifice of Ayurveda and
Many types of Sandhana kalpas are concentrates mainly on different
mentioned in the ancient Samhitas, many formulations, their preparations and
kalpas have similiar names but their method indications. Gada Nigraha, a noteworthy and
of preparation differs from each other. important medieval Ayurvedic work of
Tambulasava is a different and unique Shodala is composed in two distinct parts
combination mentioned in the text and contains about 10,054 (2,700+7,354)
Gadanigraha. This is the only asava that verses. The first part is a collection of
contains Tambula leaves as its main content. formulae arranged according to the
Tambulasava is the important formulation of several types Of pharmaceutical
Gadanigraha. Its indications are Arsharoga, preparations and the second one is a
Kaphodbhava Roga, Rasayana, comprehensive text dealing with both
Ashmariroga. It contains 6-12% of self- Nidana and Chikitsa, arranged as per the
generated alchohol. This medicine is Astangas (8 major divisions) of Ayurveda.
deepana, pachana in nature, and is also
indicated in Kaphodbhava rogas. In this text Part 1, a total of 60 Asava-
Arishtas (fermented drugs) are mentioned in
the chapter Asavadhikar. Different
Aim and Objectives:
1. To study the Pharmaceutical pharmacodynamic actions of drugs are
preparation and indications of Tambulsava elaborated, wherein the therapeutic potential
from Gadanigraha. of Sandhana kalpana is also
2. Pharmaceutical Preparation of mentioned.Among them Tambulasava is one
Tambulsava. of the formulation mentioned.


Tambulasava is a formulation mentioned
only in Gadanigraha. It has no other
Pathbhedas. It is mentioned in Arsha Collection, Identification and
Rogadhikaara of Gadanigraha Prayog Authentication of raw materials:
Raw materials were collected from local
Gadanigraha: market.

GadaNigraha is one of the ancient text of Identification and Authentication of raw

Ayurveda written by Acharya Shodhala in materials was done from certified lab.
12th century. It presents most of the

Table 1.1 showing ingredients of Tambulasava [2]:

2 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329

Sr. No. Name Latin Name Part Used Quantity
(mentioned in text)

1 Dhataki Woodfordia Flower 7 Pala


2 Pugaphala Areca nut Fruit 10 Pala

3 Khadir Acacia catechu Bark 10 Pala

4 Tambul (cultivar Piper betle Linn. Leaves 1100 leaves


5 Kankol Piper cubeba Fruit 2 Pala

6 Pippali Piper nigrum Fruit 2 Pala

7 Haritaki Terminalia chebula Fruit 1 Pala

8 Bibhitak Terminalia bellerica Fruit 1 Pala

9 Amalaki Emblica officinalis Fruit 1 Pala

10 Jatifal Myrstica Fragrans Fruit 1 Pala

11 Ela Eletterica cardamon Fruit 1 Pala

12 Lavang Sygium aromaticum Pushpakalika 1 Pala

(bud of flower)

13 Nagkeshar Messua ferrea Stigma 1 Pala

14 Madhu(Honey) _ _ 100 Pala

15 Jal (Water) _ _ 1 Drona + 150 Pala

16 Gud (Jaggery) _ _ 300 Pala

Method of Preparation: yavakuta choorna/coarse powder with

pounding machine and were put into the
(A) PREPARATION OF DRAVA tinned vessel.
DRAVYA 2. Madhu was added to the above
1. Tambula Patra was cut into small mixture followed by water.
pieces, the rest of the raw materials were 3. The water used in the preparation
individually reduced (size reduction) into was previously boiled and cooled and was of
3 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329
potable quality. (E) Sthanvimarsha (Placing of
4. Later Dhataki flower of good quality sandhanpatra):
free from stalks and leaves was added on the 1. The porcelean jar was then kept in
top of the contents in the vessel at the end dhanyarashi where the temperature is more
and mixed again with all the contents than the room temparature to carry out the
thoroughly for three consecutive days. process of fermentation.
(B) Mixing Of Madhur Dravya (Puran 2. At the time of placing, care was
Guda): taken to keep the entire portion of vessel up
1. After stirring for three consecutive to neck inserted/ buried inside the husk of
days Puran Guda was added, thoroughly dhanya .The husk prevents the sandhana
mixed and stirred well to dissolve the entire patra from getting affected by the
sugar content. fluctuations in the outside temperature.
2. It took 20 minutes to dissolve completely. 3. Thus, controlled and uniform
3. Later it was filtered and measured. temperature was maintained which could
4. The entire liquid was allowed for some have facilitated the inside contents of the pot
time to cool down. to undergo proper fermentation.
5. All the contents were mixed thoroughly TESTS FOR CONFIRMATION OF
using stirrer. This liquid is called as wort. FERMENTATION PROCESS:
The confirmation of fermentation process
(C) TRANSFORMATION OF was done by following tests as per classics:
WORT: 1. Gandha, Varna, Rasa Utpatti
1. The above prepared liquid was 2. Sound Test: When heard from
carefully transferred into the clean, dry outside the fermentation container, no
fumigated Porcelian Jar. hissing sound was heard that confirms the
2. Care was taken to prevent wastage due completion of fermentation.
to spillage during transfer of the contents in 3. Burning Candle test: A candle was
to the pot. lit and taken nearer to sandhana patra, the
3. The mixture was poured up to 3/4th part candle continued to burn. This was because
of pot, leaving 1/4th part empty no carbon dioxide was produced, and hence
confirms the completion of fermentation.


PATRA Physicochemical parameter test for Asava
1. The Porelean Jar was closed with a (Tambulasava):
lid. Then sandhi bandhana was done with 1. Determination of pH
mud- layered cloth. 2. Determination of viscosity
2. Hot water was used during 3. Determination of specific gravity
plastering so as to prevent contamination 4. Determination of total solid content
during mouth-sealing with mud. 5. Determination of alcohol content
6. Determination of reducing sugars
7. Determination of non- reducing

4 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329

sugars A very high dose of 50 ml or more, may
8. Determination of total phenolic result in the stomach irritation.
Indications: Dosage :

1. Arsharoga Adults - 10 - 20ml once or twice daily,

2. Kaphodbhava Roga advised after food with equal quantity of
3. Rasayana water.
4. Bala, Varna, Shukra janana
5. Ashmariroga Kids – In lower dosage in children above 5
years of age it can be given.
Probable Mode of Action :
The main ingredient of Tambulasava is Pregnancy and Lactation -
Tambula leaves, which is katu, tikta,
During pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid
kashaya rasaatmak, Ushna veeratmak and
this medicine or take it only under
has Agneedepak properties [3]. The other
medical supervision. During lactation
ingredients such as, Pippali is deepneya and
period, it can be taken in lower doses.
vrushya[4], Nagakeshar is Aampachak[5];
Kankol is Agni deepaka and anulomaka[6]; Fermentation Process (Modern view) [9] :
Lavanga shows Deepan, Pachak, Ruchya,
Agni vardhayti & Anna pachyati Fermentation is a chemical change induced
[7] in a complex organic compound by the
properties ; Ela is Udan & Samaan vayu
anulomaka[8]; Pugaphala is indicated in action of an enzyme (zymase), where the
Udaradhama whereas Triphala shows substance is split into more simple
deepaka, pachaka & Anulomana properties. compounds. It is the incomplete oxidation of
The contents Tambula, Kankola, Jatiphala, sugar into ethanol and carbon dioxide in the
Lavanga, Ela & Pugaphala have Sugandhi absence of oxygen, brought about by the
properties due to which they are Ruchya to enzymes invertase and zymase secreted by
the Rasanendriya. the yeast cells.The sugars are hydrolysed
According to Acharya Vagbhata, into simple compounds (Glucose, Fructose,
Agnimandya is the main cause behind etc.) by the enzyme Invertase. Then Zymase
Arsharoga, he further stated that Arsha, acts on this to produce alcoholic
Atisaara & Grahani diseases are causes of fermentation.
each other. Thus without Agnimandya, the
Samprapti of Arsha cannot occur, and as Step-I : C12H22O11+H2O C6H12O6
majority of ingredients of the formulation + C6H12O6
Tambulasava, shows Agni deepaka &
Sugar waterglucosefructose
Pachaka properties, It is indicated in Arsha
Step-II : C6 H12 O6 Zymase 2 C2 H5
OH + 2 CO2
Fructose Ethanol

5 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329

carbon dioxide occurring toxic components in plants.
In respect to the oxygen supply, two types of Higher extraction rate due to cell rupture,
fermentation are mainly recognized. active transport, and enzymatic action:
 Aerobic Fermentation. Fermentation actively ruptures the cells of
 Anaerobic Fermentation. an herb, exposing it openly to the menstrum
Aerobic Fermentation and microorganisms have enzymes that
In which the dissimulation of the substrate is break down cell walls to further assist in the
accomplished by absorption of oxygen, leaching process. Fermentation action also
which acts as hydrogen acceptor. E.g. Acetic creates an active transport system that moves
acid Fermentation. the dissolved constituents from the herbs.
Anaerobic Fermentation
In which atmospheric oxygen does not take
part but other substances such as aldehyde,
pyruvic acid serve as acceptors of hydrogen. Tambulasava is indicated in Arsharoga,
Yeast, certain bacteria and some molds are Kaphodbhava rogas and has Rasayana
capable of fermentation. properties. It has Agnideepaka and
E.g.: Alcoholic fermentation agnipachaka properties thus can be used in
BENEFITS OF FERMENTED HERBAL all Agnimandyajanya diseases. It contains
PREPARATIONS 10-12% self generated alchohol. It is
mentioned in Arsharogadhikar in
Gadanigraha. There are no other references
1. Removal of sugars : Fermentation
of this formulation mentioned in other
procedure renders most of the undesirable
classics. It is the only medicinal formulation
sugars, makes the product more bio-
of Tambula leaves and can prove as
powerful medicine among other asavas as all
2. Alcohol gradient: The fermentation
contents used in preparation have high
procedure extracts a wider range of active
therapeutic properties.
ingredients from the herb than any extraction
method since the menstrum undergoes a Conclusion:
gradient of rising alcohol levels.
3. Removal of heavy metals and Tambulasava is a medicinal fermented
pesticides by yeast: Yeast cell walls formulation where microbes initiate alchohol
naturally bind heavy metals and pesticide formulation that helps in extraction of active
residues and therefore act as a natural principles and thereby increases the
cleansing system. For this reason, properly bioavailability of the ingredients. In theses
fermented herbal extracts can contain less dosage forms, multiple ingredients are used
toxic chemicals than regular herbals. having therapeutic values and are
4. Conversion of toxins into transformed to liquid form that is safe,
pharmaceutical agents: Not only does potent and palatable. The microbial
fermentation remove contaminants, it can transformation that takes place durng the
also lower the toxicity of some of the

6 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329

process potentiates the drug and also Vaisya. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit
preserves the formulation. Bhavan; 2007 Haritkyadi varga, page no. 15
5. Bhavmishra, Bhavprakash, edited with
Thus, it can be concluded that Tambulasava the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, by Shri
is one of the important and unexplored Brahma Shankar Mishra and Shri Rupalaji
formulation that possess great therapeutic Vaisya. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit
properties due to the self-generated alchohol Bhavan; 2007, Karpuradi varga, page no.
by fermentation. 230
References: 6. Bhavmishra, Bhavprakash, edited with
the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, by Shri
1. Gadanigraha of Vaidya Shodhala with Brahma Shankar Mishra and Shri Rupalaji
the Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Shri Vaisya. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit
Indradeva Tripathi edited by Shri Ganga Bhavan; 2007, karpuradi varga, page no.
Sahaya Pandeya, Chaukhamba Sanskrit 258.
series office Varanasi-I, 1968, Part 1 7. Bhavmishra, Bhavprakash, edited with
(Prayog Khanda-Asavadhikar) Page no 392 the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, by Shri
2. Dravyaguna Vijnana textbook by Prof. Brahma Shankar Mishra and Shri Rupalaji
Priyavat Sharma published by Chaukhamba Vaisya. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit
Bharati Academy, Varanasi, India. Bhavan; 2007, Karpuradi varga, page no.
3. Bhavmishra, Bhavprakash, edited with 219
the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, by Shri 8. Bhavmishra, Bhavprakash, edited with
Brahma Shankar Mishra and Shri Rupalaji the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, by Shri
Vaisya. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit Brahma Shankar Mishra and Shri Rupalaji
Bhavan; 2007, Guduchyadi varga, page no. Vaisya. Varanasi: Chowkhambha Sanskrit
272 Bhavan; 2007, Karpuradi varga, page no.
4. Bhavmishra, Bhavprakash, edited with 219
the Vidyotini Hindi Commentary, by Shri 9.
Brahma Shankar Mishra and Shri Rupalaji n

Conflict of Interest: Non Source of funding: Nil

Cite this article:
"Review on Tambulasava – A fermented Ayurvedic formulation."
Baban Rathod, Sachin Sheth, Vishakha Vivek Sonawane
Ayurlog: National Journal of Research in Ayurved Science- 2020; (8) (6):01- 07

7 | Nov- 2020 | Vol. 08th | Issue: 6th E- ISSN: 2320-7329

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