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Tutorial-6 (15-09-2022)

Problem 1

Problem 2
Problem 3

A) The viscous oil in the figure below, is set into steady motion by a
concentric inner cylinder moving axially at velocity U inside a fixed outer
cylinder. Assuming constant pressure and density and a purely axial fluid
motion, solve for the fluid velocity distribution Vz(r). What are the proper
boundary conditions?

B) Modify part (A) so that the outer cylinder also moves to the left at
constant speed V. Find the velocity distribution Vz(r). For what ratio of
V/U will the wall shear stress be the same at both cylinder surfaces?

A researcher is interested in how fish propel themselves through water by oscillating
their fins. The researcher considers a class of geometrically similar fish and observes
that the thrust F which a fish generates depends on the length L of the fish, the density
 of the water, the speed V with which it moves through the water and the frequency
 with which it oscillates its tail. In a set of experiments, the researcher measures the
thrust developed by a baby marlin (Lm=0.1 m) as it moves at a speed of Vm= 0.1 m/s,
by observing its acceleration when the fish increases its tail oscillation frequency ,
finding that
Fm = 2.5x10-3  + 4x10-5 2
where  is the frequency in rad/s.
(a). Using dimensional analysis, define a dimensionless thrust and determine the
dimensionless variables on which it depends.
(b). Using the empirical relation between Fm and m, derive an expression for the
thrust Fp as a function of Vp, Lp and p, for all the fish which are geometrically similar
to marlin.
(c). From the result of part(b), calculate the thrust of an adult marlin for which Lp =
0.2m, Vp=0.2 m/s and p=5 m/s.

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