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1. Some powers exclusively reside in the federal government.

The Federal Government has the power to;

 Administer higher education

 Establishing & administering:
 national defense
 public security force as well as
 a federal police force (Art.52/6 of FDRE Constitution)
 Administering the national bank,
 Print & borrow money,
 Mint coins,
 Regulate foreign exchange & money in circulation(Art.52/7 of FDRE Consttion)
 Formulating & implementing foreign policy,
 Negotiating & ratifying international agreements(Art.52/8 of FDRE Constitution)

Some other powers reside in the regional states.

Some of the exclusive powers of the regional states are:-

 In charge of local administration

 Managing regional education,
 Managing health bureau and
 Managing the police force within their respective territories.
 Mobilize regional resource and
 Introduce regional constitution

There are areas in which both the governments exercise concurrent power (area where the
two governments exercise power at the same time).

For example, manipulating

 The collection of revenue and tax.

 Uphold values of constitution
 Respect human and democratic power
 Social sectors like education, health, labor, culture & information, civil
service, etc
 Planning
 Transport & communication
 Internal security
 Agriculture
 Industry
 Trade, tourism & etc
Residual power: refers to all powers out of the jurisdiction of the federal, which are
explicitly stated in a constitution & usually granted to the regional gov’ts( Art. 52/1 of FDRE

2. The FDRE Constitution has the following basic principles:

 The sovereignty of the people;
 The supremacy of the Constitution;
 The respect of human and democratic rights;
 The separation of state and religion;
 Conduct and accountability of the government.
3. Some of the attributes of sovereignty are:-
 Absoluteness
 Universality/all comprehensiveness
 Inalienability
 Permanence/ perpetuity

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